Asia: East and PacificBiggest adjustment for Thais coming to U.S.
I was born and raised in Thailand, lived here most of my life, and the food was definitely the biggest thing I missed when living in America. But once we found a few good Thai restaurants and a couple of Asian supermarkets, I felt a million times better. It was also important for me to be around other Thai people sometimes. We went to the local Songkran festival, which was really comforting, and the ladies at Thai restaurants were always more than happy to chat with me.

What I found hard to adjust to was how matter-of-fact Americans are. As a Thai you're raised to be very polite, very soft-spoken, and to always worry about what you say so it does not offend anyone. So I found it hard at first to speak my mind. There's also the whole "kreng jai" factor, which made me hesitate to really ask for help, in case I burdened anyone with problems. So culturally I had a lot of adjusting to do.

And spoons! No one offers spoons in America! Used to make me crazy. smile.gif
stardustedFemaleThailand2008-06-20 00:43:00
ChinaInternet at home
Great idea.

I wish we had done something like that when we were seperated.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2008-05-31 21:12:00
ChinaPink 'R' we
I'm cracking up over the bathroom break notations. She sounds a lot like me there.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2008-12-01 11:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
I am new on this website.

I met my boyfriend two years ago and after two years of long-distance relationship, we are ready to marry each other. We haven't started sending the forms for a K-1, because right now we are still looking for the different options we have (which are K-1 or J-1 + waiver since I found a company over there that wants to hire me), we want to make sure which option is the best. In both cases, we will have to make a decision very soon so... the process will be started in a few weeks.

Anyway... I just want to say that it is good to know that there are many people in the same situation as us smile.gif

I hope to read from all of you soon!
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2007-12-05 07:18:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Rassurez-moi, y'a que les annonces pour bosser pour l'Etat qui demandent ca ? Ou tous les employeurs demandent a verifier les diplomes avec equivalences US faites par un organisme ??
Moi qui ait emporte que mes diplomes avoir moi (j'avais pas encore celui du Master a l'epoque).. si j'avais su, j'aurais fait ca plus tot. :unsure:

En quatre ans ici, je n'ai jamais eu a fournir une preuve de mes diplomes. Ca ne veut pas forcement dire que seulement les annonces pour bosser pour l'Etat demandent ca, mais en tout cas, pour postuler pour des entreprises privees, ca ne m'est jamais arrive.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2012-09-02 08:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Nous, on avait fait la publication des bans avant de se marier, et franchement, compare a la tonne de paperasse pour l'immigration, c'etait rien du tout. Je ne sais pas si ca a vraiment accelere la transcription de mariage ou pas (je ne sais meme plus combien de temps ca a pris), mais etant donne la simplicite, je conseillerais de le faire si vous le pouvez. Je crois qu'on avait envoye les papiers juste quelques semaines avant le mariage.
Mais je ne pense pas que ca pose des problemes de ne pas le faire.

Et en ce qui concerne la conversation sur la nationalite, et les impots, d'il y a quelques pages, je suis d'accord avec EasternDE. C'est vrai que les taux de mariage sont eleves, et bien sur je pense a cette possibilite de temps en temps, quand je reflechis a la nationalite... mais je ne vais pas tout baser sur des statistiques de divorce, quand tout va bien dans mon couple. Donc, meme si c'est une possibilite, ce n'est pas ca qui va decider si je prends la nationalite ou pas. Et comme toi, si on avait pu attendre plus longtemps avant de se marier, on aurait attendu aussi. C'est vrai qu'on est un peu forces, si on veut pouvoir passer du temps ensemble.
Pour les impots, d'accord avec toi aussi, c'est la galere de remplir les declarations ici ! Evidemment dans les situations simples, il y a juste deux formulaires a remplir. Des que quelqu'un est self-employed, ou recoit quoi que ce soit du gouvernement, ca complique drolement. Dans notre cas, j'ai recu un heritage l'annee derniere, et on a garde l'argent en France. Resultat : deux nouveaux formulaires a remplir, pas pour payer les taxes dessus, mais pour qu'ils soient au courant qu'on a de l'argent a l'etranger. Un des formulaires est pour l'IRS, l'autre pour le Treasury (je ne sais meme plus le nom). Sans passer par un comptable, ca a ete galere juste pour trouver quels formulaires on avait besoin. Ca ne m'etonne pas que tant de gens payent quelqu'un (ou le logiciel) pour faire leurs taxes.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2012-04-07 13:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
C'est vrai, je n'avais pas pense au fait que ca ne change rien pour les taxes puisque mon mari devra continuer a les faire de toute facon.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2012-03-16 10:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Non, tant qu'on a pas d'enfant c'est non. :x
Une fois que t'as la nationalité américaine, t'es taxé sur tes revenus internationaux à vie.
Donc ben non quoi... ^^

Tiens, je commence justement a penser a la nationalite. Je ne sais pas trop quoi faire. Comme toi, j'ai pas specialement envie de devoir remplir les fiches d'impots toute ma vie, si on retourne vivre en France (on compte revenir dans quelques annees). En meme temps, si on a des enfants, j'aimerais avoir la meme nationalite qu'eux. Et meme si on revient vivre en France, si on decide de revenir aux USA plus tard j'ai pas envie de devoir me retaper un an de paperasse... Bref, des pour et des contre. Je ne sais vraiment pas quoi faire.
Ceux qui veulent la nationalite, pour quelles raisons la voulez-vous ? Et ceux qui ne la veulent pas, quels sont vos arguments ?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2012-03-15 20:16:00
ChinaQixi Festival
If your girl is in any of the major cities, they know about me. There are lots of advertisements running in Chongqing and Shanghai that I have seen. Candle for Love has a discount through a supplier: http://candleforlove...showtopic=11002

The prices are exceptional and it does work. It is hard to beat these prices..and what better way to surprise your sweetheart than flowers....of course you will probably be told it is a "waste of money." smile.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-08-20 22:28:00
ChinaCertified Translator in Chongqing?
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Sep 6 2009, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Sep 5 2009, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The post office?

What I meant to post is this:

Most of the documents needed can be obtained from one of China's Notarial Offices (Gong Zheng Chu). All Chinese documentation to be used abroad is processed through the notary offices and issued in the form of notarial certificates. Notarial offices are located in all major Chinese cities and in rural county seats

The documents required are the GongZhengShu ???

Sample application for documents (your province or hukou may vary):

A discussion of the huji (or hukou ??) system can be found at Hukou System. Chinese residents should go to their hukou for all notarial documents (birth, divorce, and/or single certificate, and police records). For the police record, one obtained at the hukou will cover all of China.

A notarial document will be in the standard white notarial booklet, have an official red seal, an English translation, and an attestation to the true translation.

Note that police records and single certificates are valid for one year from the date of notarization. Others are valid indefinitely.

Marriage certification for I-130 or K-3 must be in the same format.

If ANY document is unobtainable, you should submit a statement of WHY it is unobtainable, and what effort you made to obtain it.

Much more here:

Excellent! Thank you for the reply..I owe you guys a beer on this lovely Labor Day weekend. By the time this process is finished, I will probably owe a lot of beers to my new friends on VJ! haha...
garfield529MaleChina2009-09-06 18:37:00
ChinaCertified Translator in Chongqing?
Hello Everyone,
Just planing ahead..but does anyone know of a certified translator or service in Chongqing. My fiancee is from Beibei district and works in the city center near Jiefangbei. She will need to have her documents translated and we thought it would be good to at least find the service when the time arrives. Thanks for help in advance.
garfield529MaleChina2009-09-05 16:23:00
ChinaFlights back from GUZ

QUOTE (Azzudiin @ Sep 2 2009, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Your SO does not have to fly immediately after interview, most likely a more sensible plan would be, you plan regular RT to Guz for the interview. Once SO gets pink they return home and prepares to leave for US in 4-6 weeks roughly.
If SO lives a long way away from GUZ and they are packing for going to America, thats a ton of luggage to be hauling around when you really do not have the big fat VISA in hand.

Me and my SO plan is pretty much, I go to GUZ with her, I fly home, she flys back home (Chongqing). I return in 2 months empty handed (no luggage) except for a few changes of clothes. We fly back to America together so I can go through POE with her and also she gets to bring along 2 extra bags of stuff on my ticket.
I know we all want to be together as fast as possible, but take some time and think it through, what happens as another poster above stated if they get pink, but you get the black hole 2 week wait on VISA? what about blue slip for additional documentation? Or worse yet the dreaded white.
You have waited a long time, another month or 2 to make preparations without flying by the seat of the pants (no pun intended) will make a lot less stress on your SO, and they are going to have a ton of that anyway with interview, saying goodbye to family and friends, entering a vastly different culture etc etc.

Summation of this longer then intended post: Don't rush

Thanks for the perspective. I agree that it may be best to not expect her to return to the US with me. At the same time, I don't have the flexibility to make trips as often. Maybe I will have to choose between being at the interview and being with her on the "long haul" flight to the US. We have time....patience.... star_smile.gif By the way, my girl is also from Chongqing, so if you want to message me offline her information it maybe helpful for the girls to have contacts. I was hoping to find one or two girls she could have contact with in case help is needed.
garfield529MaleChina2009-09-03 21:28:00
ChinaFlights back from GUZ
I have read several users mention that there are travel agents who will help you get cheap flights back home? I am referring to the agents at the consulate. Are these flights for your fiancee, or both? Are guys (I assume most of us are guys for China) just buying one way flights for the interview and then waiting on the return flight...or do users hedge their visa-bet and buy their fiancee's ticket in advance. I am far from this point, but I am really curious. Thanks! good.gif

Edited by garfield529, 31 August 2009 - 11:07 PM.

garfield529MaleChina2009-08-31 23:06:00
ChinaJust a Curious Question Regarding NOA2
QUOTE (Lancelotte25 @ Sep 26 2009, 07:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (garfield529 @ Sep 26 2009, 03:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading the post today that VSC has been really pushing through some approvals in less than two months. That is great for those applying to that center. My question has to do with what I have noticed very often with applicants from the Philippines. Why do their approval times seem so much faster than for China? I notice this for all stages...or am I just biased? Just a curious question..... whistling.gif

I hope you already cleared things up with the answer of HelloWorld.
Just be patient. You will get there. star_smile.gif

Thanks for the replies, I had my assumptions of numbers due to only one consulate processing everyone, but it even seems that they get through the NVC stage faster as well. I will be reason to get upset, the time can be well spent making sure all arrangements are ready for her arrival and that the paperwork is perfect and ready to go for the embassy. Thanks guys! good.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-09-26 08:27:00
ChinaJust a Curious Question Regarding NOA2
I was reading the post today that VSC has been really pushing through some approvals in less than two months. That is great for those applying to that center. My question has to do with what I have noticed very often with applicants from the Philippines. Why do their approval times seem so much faster than for China? I notice this for all stages...or am I just biased? Just a curious question..... whistling.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-09-25 19:58:00
ChinaNational Day - 10/1 in China - How to watch it?
I don't know where everyone's wives or fiancees live, but mine is in Chongqing. They have really cleaned the streets and put out the decorations! They claim 11 million potted plants in Chongqing have been posted around the city. Thanks for the information about coverage of the national day, it will be an interesting perspective to watch.



garfield529MaleChina2009-09-28 23:32:00
ChinaNational Day - 10/1 in China - How to watch it?
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Sep 28 2009, 12:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (justashooter @ Sep 27 2009, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it's called putting things into perspective

No, it's called shoving your repuglican junk into this forum after boasting about degrading Chinese women all over VJ. Get lost. If you can't accept folks being different from you then maybe try or You are way off topic so please leave us alone. I want to know how to get National Day coverage on the web, not your (especially your) political diatribe.


Oooo...oooo.....I can't wait until November when we get to celebrate OUR national holiday...symbolizing the initial phase of the mass eradication of multiple groups of endogenous peoples inhabiting OUR "amber waves of grain." Mmm....turkey.. biggrin.gif

Does anyone have any plans to return to China soon? If so, I REALLY recommend flying on Asian Airlines. The flights are typically cheaper (especially the red eyes) and the food is much better and the attendants are easier on the eyes. wink.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-09-28 08:17:00
ChinaForms for Packet 3
QUOTE (Darnell @ Oct 3 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you get the forms from following the web navigation links, yer getting the current versions .

If you found them on google, you have a chance of finding the older versions - recently 'those pages' were still published, but absolutely NOT LINKED from any web page navigation.

Good Luck !

Thank you so much! kicking.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-10-03 16:21:00
ChinaForms for Packet 3
Hi guys,
Maybe I am jumping the gun here because I filed on September 3 for K1, but I am going to see my fiancee in early November and wanted to get ahead if possible. What I want to do is download the current P3 forms from the consulate website and work with her to get them ready and take them in November. Does anyone know if the current forms posted on the website are still good and not being replaced soon? I thought I saw a post recently about the forms being old or maybe having mistakes. Thanks for any help you can provide. good.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-10-03 13:50:00 that magic or just plain luck?
Wow..some couple got their K1 approved in just over a month! Does anyone know why this happens? Just luck? I kinda don't want mine approved so fast, I need time to have the home arranged and things in place before she comes, but it wouldn't be terrible if that happened. Maybe he will get hung up at NVC or the embassy...but it is still very cool to see that. And we jumped almost ten spots on Igor's List in one day...but we also had not moved for several days. I think I will just have to chill and not think about this so much! biggrin.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-10-03 16:47:00
ChinaAnyone listen to
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Oct 20 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"Broadcaster Comments
Mandarin Radio plays modern music of Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong & China. The language is mostly Mandarin Chinese. If you have not heard Chinese Pop, it's simultaneously cutting-edge and retro. Sometimes it's like lounge acts on steroids, other times it has an innocence and vulnerability that Western rock is too scared to show. And if you don't speak Chinese, you can enjoy schmaltzy love ballads without the pain of understanding the disturbingly dysfunctional lyrics.

Plays Tracks Like

Buy Mizi - Ai Ni Hao Ma - Ping Di Xie Nu Sheng
Buy S.H.E. - Wo Ai Ni (I Love You) - Encore
Buy Tizzy Bac - Xie Mao Fu Ren Madame! - Wo Xiang Ni Hui Bian Cheng Zhe Yang Du Shi Wo Hai De"

I listen to it every day on the computer while I work.

I have listened to it a few times, you can also find a lot of good videos on YouTube. And since China is known for piracy, there is a lot of "free" music from Chinese sites...not that I recommend this. devil.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-10-20 21:52:00
ChinaMedical Exam
I am curious to hear from anyone whose fiancee has gone through the medical exam portion of the visa process. My fiancee is a little shy and is very curious about exactly what happens. If anyone could fill me in, including all the specifics, about what happens I would greatly appreciate your information.
garfield529MaleChina2009-10-29 00:07:00
ChinaGuangzhou interview process & timing
QUOTE (garfield529 @ Nov 26 2009, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Eric & Jin @ Nov 26 2009, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

On average, after approval, she should receive her visa in about 2 days but this is not always the case and can not be counted on. The passport/visa can be mailed to any address within Guangdong province and also to the following 9 cities which are outside of Guangdong province: Beijing, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Changle, Nanjing, Wenzhou, Tianjin, Shenyang and Changchun. The visa mailing option was expanded to include these 9 additonal cities last month:

Good Luck!!

Wow, thanks for this information!!! I think I will still take pushbrk's advice and have her arrive two days early, but then she can get the medical out of the way and have a full day to mentally relax. She is very confident, she works for an English language teaching company, but we have both read too many stories of people being denied because of issues with the interview communication. The other information about the additional cities is actually great!! I have a cousin who lives in Shanghai (Fiancee is in Chongqing), so if it is not available within two days she can give them the address in Shanghai? Let me know what you know and I will also read the full detail of the email. Happy Turkey Day! good.gif

Oh...oh...I see. They say an average of three days...and that the visa can be mailed to the recepients home address, so the cousin in Shanghai is out. Okay, then we will just have to sit tight in Guangzhou. haha, the only reason I am posting this is so that pushbrk won't yell at me for not reading all the details. I prefer to smile when he does it to others headbonk.gif

garfield529MaleChina2009-11-26 20:34:00
ChinaGuangzhou interview process & timing
QUOTE (Eric & Jin @ Nov 26 2009, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If your fiancee plans on getting her medical exam while she is in Guangzhou then one thing that she can do to save time is to use one of the clinics which offers expedited results. My wife and I used the Guangzhou United Family Clinic which offers same day results as part of their standard service - we were out of the clininc with results in hand in about 3 hours. The cost of the medical exam here is 800rmb which includes the same day service.

On average, after approval, she should receive her visa in about 2 days but this is not always the case and can not be counted on. The passport/visa can be mailed to any address within Guangdong province and also to the following 9 cities which are outside of Guangdong province: Beijing, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Changle, Nanjing, Wenzhou, Tianjin, Shenyang and Changchun. The visa mailing option was expanded to include these 9 additonal cities last month:

Good Luck!!

Wow, thanks for this information!!! I think I will still take pushbrk's advice and have her arrive two days early, but then she can get the medical out of the way and have a full day to mentally relax. She is very confident, she works for an English language teaching company, but we have both read too many stories of people being denied because of issues with the interview communication. The other information about the additional cities is actually great!! I have a cousin who lives in Shanghai (Fiancee is in Chongqing), so if it is not available within two days she can give them the address in Shanghai? Let me know what you know and I will also read the full detail of the email. Happy Turkey Day! good.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-11-26 20:31:00
ChinaGuangzhou interview process & timing
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Nov 25 2009, 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would arrive two full business days prior to the interview unless the medical is already done. Then, unless she lives in Guangdong province (or something has changed recently) they won't mail to her home. She'll need to wait at least two days and pick it up at a post office near the Consulate. See the China regional forum for recommended lodging.

pushbrk, I greatly appreciate the insight. I have the webpage for the guy who lives has the apartment in the consulate building and for that price it looks really great. We will contact him when we establish an interview date. smile.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-11-26 20:27:00
ChinaGuangzhou interview process & timing
Hello all,

I have been reading around, but have not found exactly what I am looking for, so I will just ask this fresh. We are still a while from the interview point of the journey, but my fiancee works at a job that gives little time off and thus the reason for the question. When she goes into Guangzhou how much time does she need prior to the interview for completing the medical exam portion? And then when (being optimistic) she is granted the visa, how long does it take to receive? I have heard many get it the next day, but if it will take longer can she request it be mailed to her? I will have to plan airline tickets for her and her parents to go (I will be unable to go back during the expected time frame so I am having her parents go along) down and back. Thanks for any insights that you folks have... Please, no guesses, I prefer those with experience of this part of the journey. Happy Thanksgiving all!!!
garfield529MaleChina2009-11-25 19:38:00
ChinaChinese Airport Screening
Hello all,
I am returning to China next month and was curious if anyone has been recently and what they are doing in terms of quarantine for flu? When I was there in June they were really locking anyone down, but I have heard some stories that they are more relaxed. Any input would be appreciated. good.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-10-13 11:26:00
ChinaOff Topic, but still very cool for the China forum
If you haven't seen this guy, he is very talented and creative with his use of painting and perspective.

garfield529MaleChina2009-12-10 14:52:00
Chinaforced abortion in 9th month
QUOTE (Cortr @ Dec 15 2009, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It would be if it were true and not teabagger propaganda.

The forced abortions are a reality, not propaganda. The government will also (or at least, would at one time) force sterilization surgery on women who are 'over quota.'

But.. this has little, if anything, to do with sponsoring a Chinese citizen to come to America on a visa, and is in general very distasteful to talk about. Horrible things happen all over the world, everyday. Can we keep it on topic?

You know I was almost going to agree 100% with you Cortr..but then I thought more about this. I know that this was posted so that Justashooter and Endoftheroad can have their usually #######-for-tat, albeit entertaining, but I see an underlying need for these kinds of posts. My fiancee is university educated with a degree in traditional medicine and she interned at a hospital and told me that she say the clinic where girls used abortion as birth control. Many Chinese do not have a problem with this, because culturally many don't consider the child alive "until" he/she is born. This is not the case for Justashooter's MIL and not the case for my fiancee. I think what we need to take from this is that we are marrying into the life of a person who will have many underlying differences on certain views. Our cultural norms won't be so norm for them and vice versa. So I think it is important to at least examine the positives and the negatives about China in a constructive way. My fiancee is 30, and I know that she is influenced for life by her culture and will always have China as her frame of reference for her future experiences. Just my thoughts. good.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-12-17 01:09:00
Chinaforced abortion in 9th month
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Dec 13 2009, 09:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (enraptured @ Dec 13 2009, 03:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
besides their animal abuse crimes which are horrific, from their general disregard of human rights, to their tainted cheap and ####### products, yes china sucks and it has potential to become a scary presence in this world.

Yeah, like Syria has ANY room to talk. Thanks for the state supported terrorism against the USA. headbonk.gif

oops8rh.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-12-13 23:23:00
ChinaZhu Zhu Pets Proven Safe
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Dec 8 2009, 07:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Seems someone has it out for Chinese toys, maybe NATIONALISTIC FERVOR? Tsk tsk.

Haha...I thought all toys are Chinese... but seriously, it is good that we have groups that test these materials. In some countries so many people are hurt because of lack of testing and oversight. I am not a fan of big government, but I do believe that someone has to have protection of the consumer in mind. innocent.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-12-08 10:14:00
QUOTE (justashooter @ Dec 1 2009, 10:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Dec 1 2009, 07:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (justashooter @ Nov 30 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
perhaps china should be feeding it's poor, before BANKROLLING THE USA.

Fixed it for you. headbonk.gif Sit back and despise the Chinese all you want, they are your boss and don't think you are not expendable.

i am sensing some hostility from you, little yellow friend.
perhaps projecting your rage at your own perceived enslavement is cathartic, but we are not amused.
i don't despise chinese, but i do laugh at you.

I think you two need to sit down with Obama and have a beer....that should solve everything laughing.gif
garfield529MaleChina2009-12-01 11:58:00
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Nov 29 2009, 05:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you agree with this stance by China?

ya know, being responsible?
for people?
unlike America conservatives?

I think that it would be great for all governments to be responsible in terms of pollution, energy consumption, and the welfare of their people. However, how can China do that and maintain its' current growth? Unless some alien technology was uncovered to replace fossil fuels, I think we will see much of the same and many more Chinese dying in mines. My fiancee is Chinese, I think the culture is incredible, but I also see a lot of problems with the thinking of those in power that will create roadblocks. Maybe they are starting to come to the realization that they are in the position to surpass the US economically (thankfully not militarily..yet) and need some types of reform. That is my we just have to wait for the "teabaggers" to chime in wink.gif

garfield529MaleChina2009-11-29 10:53:00
ChinaIs it more difficult to get a multi-entry visa than single visa?

thanks guys.

sorry but i forgot to mention: she is not planning to stay with me here in China. Does that change any of your opinions?

Thanks again!

Even if she is not going to stay, the cost for multi-entry is the same price as single. That is what I did, not sure if I would return a second trip, but I did and then I didn't have to worry about paying again. No reason not to get the multi-entry. :thumbs:
garfield529MaleChina2010-01-11 00:45:00
ChinaVaccination Question

Vaccinations are optional for the visa but required to adjust status. I would take the records she has and get the vaccination in China, as it will probably be less expensive. Otherwise, you'll need to get them after arrival and show the records to a Civil Surgeon in the US.

Thanks Pushbrk!
garfield529MaleChina2010-01-17 14:08:00
ChinaVaccination Question
WE are getting ready to return our P3 packet and I have been reviewing the P4 information on the embassy website. I am uncertain about one aspect of the medical portion, if someone can help clarify. For vaccinations, does she take her vaccination record to the medical interview and THEY take care of qualify her information, OR will she go to a separate location for this? Seems simple, but just want to ask her since some members who actively post have just gone through the process. Thanks!! :thumbs:
garfield529MaleChina2010-01-17 12:16:00
ChinaVisa Fee Tactical Move, or Waste of Time?

Did you do this? http://www.visajourn...GUZ_P3_Shortcut

Shaves off about 2 weeks to 3 weeks of 'waiting time' .

Which might be useful, ah ?

No, we didn't...since we she has issues with taking off time from work the next month or we didn't want the interview in February. Besides, we got the P3 in just over a week after mailing so I don't think we lost too much time, but the shortcut is a great idea. We are sending the P3 back tomorrow, so I guess we will interview sometime in March..probably after the fee increase. :blink: So, I guess we just need a little more money... :whistle:

Edited by garfield529, 19 January 2010 - 02:57 PM.

garfield529MaleChina2010-01-19 14:56:00
ChinaVisa Fee Tactical Move, or Waste of Time?
So, I have read the information regarding the likely fee increase that will kick-in next month. My question is: since we have our P3 from Guangzhou..can she go and pay the NIV fee now to get under the radar of the fee increase, even though our interview will probably occur after the increase?? It seems that since we have the P3 and it lists the NIV receipt as one of the required documents, then we should be okay. Advice please... :thumbs:
garfield529MaleChina2010-01-18 00:30:00
ChinaCITIC Bank information
Thanks Darnell,
I assumed that she would just need an official document with the GUZ casenumber, but I wanted to hear from someone who has gone through this. It is interesting that they do not specify anywhere that I can find the actual process.

I really don't want the visa fee to increase, but if it does I prefer to have it happen before we pay, then not have to pay the difference on interview less thing for her to worry about. Thanks again! :star:

she'll need something official with the GUZ casenumber on it (GUZ casenumbers are usually issued @ NVC )

She SHOULD get a pack of stuff in the P3 - one thing is a letter that has her GUZ number on it.

GUZ Packet Contents lists are here - http://guangzhou.use...and_packets.htm

garfield529MaleChina2010-02-03 16:29:00
ChinaCITIC Bank information
Okay, I know from the P3 instructions that Yi has to go to the local CITIC bank branch to pay the visa fee. We are planning to wait until after March 1st, since that is when this price increase seems to go into effect. My question is this: what does she need to take to the bank to pay the fee? NVC letter with GUZ# or Thanks guys. :thumbs:
garfield529MaleChina2010-02-03 10:59:00