Middle East and North AfricaPlans for the 4th Holiday?
We trekked downtown to our big Fair St. Louis parade. 3.5 hours later, I was burnt to a crisp and ready to go home.

Andre had to work so I entertained myself cleaning the house, burning some bar-b-que for dinner, and scrapbooking. It was a nice relaxing kind of day in the end.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-05 09:29:00
Scrapbooking and card making while working a full-time and a part-time job. I had to channel my energies elsewhere.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-05 09:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are your SO's favorite American TV shows
Andre loves:

Antiques Roadshow
Fresh Prince of Belair
Full House
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-10 13:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaFirst day Home Alone!!!!
Oh, I remember the first day......Andre travelled down the street and sat under a neighbor's tree until the neighbor came out and asked if he could help him with something.....the calls.....dinner waiting......

Enjoy it. Soon enough, he'll be regulated into your life more and it won't be as cute as those first few days.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-16 14:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat were your SO's first thoughts of the US?
When can we go back to the Mall?
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-16 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaWedding Pics
Just beautiful. Congrats.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-16 11:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....

And speaking of jealousy....have you experienced any jealousy from your SO's fellow countrymen or women? LOL!

Oh, absolutely. And, I can understand Patois, so I did know what they were saying about me.

And, not only in Jamaica; but, here in the U.S. as well.

Sad, really. Why can't we all just get along?
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-10 09:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaI really Miss You
That is beautiful.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-08-09 07:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaLong distance relationship jealousy

I so agree with Doodle and PW. It takes two people to make a relationship work and only one to tear it apart. I don't think I would want a man who I couldn't be just a little jealous of, but not to the point of wondering if I really mattered to him. What would be the point of the relationship in the first place if you were constantly in fear of losing him to another woman?

I agree with the above folks. I put it this way, "If you can do any better, good luck, and don't let the door hit you in the ### on the way out." :blink:

I have come to realize that Moroccan men (this is what mine says) believe that jealousy means you love somebody. He does get jealous, but so far, I have done all right. He never does anything (yet) to make me jealous. However, it all came home to me yesterday when I met my new single beautiful blonde new neighbor that Hamid will be exposed to when he moves here. :crying: I actually stopped and worried about that--really pitiful. BUT I do worry about women chasing him here in the USA, but what can you do? And the difference in our ages worries me some, but not him. He worries that I will find an older guy and dump him--lol. We just have to go on blind faith. He tells me if he wanted somebody else, he could find her there in Marrakech with all those half-naked tourists and other women. :wacko:

So what can you do???? Not a damned thing, just know that if something happens and you become single again, you WILL survive that. I thought my life was over when my hubby of 22 years came home and announced he wasnt happy, then filed for a divorce 2 weeks later. BUT I am now happier than I ever was...point is, keep going, things will work out. My mom's best advice: "Not one door closes that another one doesn't open." If you had told me a few years ago that I would be going to Morocco to see a younger fiance, I would have thought you were crazy. Just goes to show you, be open, anything can happen....and usually does!!! :P

Before Andre came here, I had these "haters", for lack of a better word, tell me he was using me, had girlfriends all over the place, just wanted a green card, etc. They told me just to wait. I knew they were wrong then. Andre has been here over a year now, and they ARE/were wrong.

Don't let those thoughts creep into your psyche unless he does or says something to make you think them. And, if he does, now is the time to work that stuff out. If you have doubts now, they will only get worse. Talk it out!
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-09 14:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaLong distance relationship jealousy
I was mostly jealous of him going out with his friends and family parties and stuff that I wanted to go to also. Never did I think he would cheat on me or anything like that. Once we sat down and chatted about what was going on, he said he felt the same way when I described my life here without him.

We did our best to dispel each other's fears.

Today, it's almost comical to look back at it all (fondly?) and laugh about it.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-09 13:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoing to the Dentist
Your pictures today are absolutely killing me. Too funny.

Andre had never been to a dentist in Jamaica. And, regardless of the cost, I wouldn't have trusted any dentist he could've seen. Once he was covered under my dental, he had 3 wisdom teeth pulled, 2 cavities filled, and a good cleaning.

He goes back for another cleaning at the end of this month and he says if they suggest anything else, he will "chop up the dentist with his machette."
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-08-14 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Casablanca 8/15 refused!!!!
Oh, I'm so sorry. I don't know the answer to your questions, though. Just wanted to tell you I feel for you.

Ironically, my SO was asked almost the identical questions yours was asked. Gave me chills to read your description too. So eerily identical.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-08-15 15:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Muslim
You guys are absolutely cracking me up on this thread today.

If it is any consolation to you, I have heard most of these, in a slightly different version, directed at me through "well meaning" people about my relationship with a Jamaican. People are such idiots!!!!
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-09-05 12:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Muslim

I am just so thankful to have been introduced to this site and hear all of your experiences it really helps has actually eased up alot since I came back from my month's stay in Jordan. Guess they realized that I came back safe and sound so what else could they say. My mom has been supportive the entire time as long as he treats me well--but, just as long as he is good to me and my little doesn't matter to me what anyone thinks!

Thanks for the laughs, I enjoyed this thread :)

Stereotyping is not confined to Muslims only. I married a Jamaican and, oh the stories I could tell................Ignorant people are everywhere. As long as you love them and are secure in your relationships........ nationalities, religions, colors, whatever, do not matter.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-03-30 10:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!

well... at this point... I will say Fraud is NOT in my mind.. And I know many cases that THAT might be the issue.. but the man is honsetly tramatised by leaving his mother.. and truely did not care to move here - and with that being said, I know that is ALOT of his stress

At this point I DO think we both love each other... BUT.. love isnt everything. IF the american-way is more than he can handle.. american style wife and kids... well.. I dont know.

I think alot of MENA men get this golden Idea of america from the TV.. and they think they can handle it all.. they can deal with the American wife... Move here.. Open a busniess.. and live the "American Dream" - BUT once they are Knee deep in the mix... they never really understood what it all entails

Honestly.. I never hid my sassiness.. and my "italian temper/ volume" has Always been present.. He knew my kids were overwhelming (yes DID come with me to Egypt.. and he got a taste of what they were like...

AND had several SEVERAL talks about how it is NOT easy.. waltzing into america and gettin this AMAZING job.. (his friends have these Glory Story's coming into the country 10+ years ago.. It's just NOT the same anymore ) Especially with the Bush ADmin.. and the terror/ immigration crack down.. And dont kill me for saying it.. BUT people would hire spanish/ mexican work ANYDAY over an arab with how things are going in the US

I'm just so sorry. My hubby is a mama's boy too....or was, him being the oldest of 2 boys and the family provider. In our case, his mom has done things to bury herself.

Patience for both of you. Have you sat down and told him all this?
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-08-02 13:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
Even a year later, Jomo has problems getting it.

It all comes with time......Until then, patience dear.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-07-24 11:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaCrockpot Recipes
I love my crockpot too.

Main thing I cook in it is chili.....some beans, some meat, some spices, some cut up veggies like tomatoes and onions. I can't be more specific cause I just throw in whatever I feel like most times.

I've made beef stew in it.

My husband cooks oxtail and goat in it.....makes it really tender when he is ready to spice it up.

Oh, and when I make big batches of mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving or Christmas, I like to keep them in there and keep them warm.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-09-13 12:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaMena Divorce
QUOTE (tammy sue kay @ Sep 13 2007, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can't say what is going to happen, because I don't know at this point. I believe that everything happens for a reason, tho somtimes that reason is not so obvious. Maybe it was never meant to have been, and this relationship was sent to me to open my eyes about myself, and about others. Before I met my husband, I was clueless about the ME and it's people. I was one of those people that knew it existed, but to point it out on a map, no. My trail of thought followed popular belief about the ME, everything there was crude and old, the people less than murderous heathens. I was such a fool.
Because of this journey, I have seen the beauty of Jordan, and of it's people. I have stood in Petra, awed at it's timelessness and beauty. I have stood on the streets of an ancient city that has seen so much progress and growth, yet retain it's integrity. I have seen the love and closeness that the families there have for each other. I have learned that to be Muslim, does not mean that you are a bad person, or that you hate America and all it stands for. I have made friends I may never have met in this life. And I have loved a man again, with all my heart and unconditionally. I had thought never to feel that emotion again, my heart was frozen and with him it thawed again. Without him, I may never have had any of this, so I do not regret one moment.
I still love my husband. I am still in love with my husband. I don't know if that will ever change, but sometimes, you get off track. I don't know if it can be repaired, or if either of us will even want to try.
For those of you still going thru this journey, I wish speed upon the consulates. Time and distance are not a friend in the visa journey. May all of you be blessed with the richness that each of us deserve, love, and patience.
May God Bless your lives, and smile Gently upon you.
Your VJ Friend, Tammy

I don't know you or anything about your story. I had to just say your words here touched me deeply. I wish you the best of luck in whatever your future holds.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-09-14 10:03:00
Middle East and North Africawhat is your opinion??
QUOTE (deemabrouk @ Sep 12 2007, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
for anyone who knows my situation...

I have been floating around with the idea of having someone arabic speaking call my husbands family in egypt and tell them whats up...

they know we are having issues BUT they dont really know what is going on...

Should I call them and tell them everything?

Ramadan is starting...... but things are sinking quicker than I can think..

OR would this just be Gasoline on the fire???

I don't know anything about you or your situation; but I do know if my husband found out I had a 3rd party "spreading news" about us in any way, shape or form, to his family, he would be livid.

I also have a friend who, while having problems with her Jamaican husband, called and spoke to his mother. They are close and talk about just about everything. After he found out she told his mother their business, he was very angry.

Men tend to want to tell their family things on their own schedule and with their spin on it.
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-09-12 14:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecond time around
QUOTE (Ahmed & Sue @ Sep 27 2007, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello All,

My 22 year old son always tells me I am living a "fairytale". What else can you call it? Well, fairytales have happy endings, don't they? As long as it is my fairytale, I might as well ask that this marriage lasts my lifetime so I don't have to even think about going through hell and back again.

But I have some questions for all of you. When you started your relationships, did you have any idea what the cultural differences would be like? Do you think after a lifetime of upbringing, it would be easy to discard learned ways (this goes for both of you)? Are you both willing to compromise? Did you ask alot of questions to understand what is expected of an Egyptian spouse? After asking, did you discuss the issues you had that were brought up? Did you explain what your expectations of him/her are? Did you ask what differences your loved one expected to see when he/she came here and then discuss them? Have the two of you discussed religion, sex and politics? ( This is a big one.) I know you are probably thinking I am looney tunes right now, and I am. AP does that to you. However, it has also given Ahmed amd I alot of time to talk about life and figure out what our strengths and weaknesses are.

Would I do it again? Well, I never thought I would do it this time. Go figure........


These are great questions for all of us on every single regional thread on this board.

I'm not MENA; but I can tell you if my marriage doesn't survive, I will run and run fast the next time I hear a Jamaican accent anywhere in my vacinity!
*JG*FemaleJamaica2007-09-28 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
yeah I check our ranking on Igor's list everyday! We're 157 right now and I hope we'll be at most 145 at the end of the week (though as I know that might not be true, my more realistic expectation is 150).
Looking at the estimation timeline is a bad idea though. it is almost never cheers me up.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-11 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
People who filed in 2007 at VSC and are still not approved must be upset when they read such things.
We haven't been waiting for so long, it probably is a lot harder for them.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-10 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Missouri is colder than France in the winter and a lot hotter in the summer! lol

A February filer?! huh.gif sad.gif They are lucky. And we are... still waiting sad.gif
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-10 13:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
I guess we're luckier in France than you in the Midwest (though I would have liked one day of snow). It's almost spring, I'm sure the sun will come back from its winter sleep. Bryan told me they had a few warm days in Missouri around 2 weeks ago. Like 20°C (sorry... 70 degrees in Fahrenheit) on a weekend and the next day it snowed. Did you have the same type of strange weather in Chicago?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-10 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
mmm... no... finally the sun disappeared again.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-10 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
It seems that it just stopped raining. and it is a little sunny too. though it's still cold and windy.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-10 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
There is this page: http://cse.ssl.berke...du/igor/vjdata/, in case you wouldn't have found it yet. (it's only based on members from VisaJourney though)
Other than that... there isn't any information available.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-10 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Mar 10 2008, 04:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope everyone had a good weekend and was able to get their minds off of this for a bit. I am praying for a strong CSC showing this week, after three rather mediocre ones in a row. Stay Strong!

I would even say two rather mediocre weeks and then (for the last one) a really bad one! Yeah, let's hope this week will be better!
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-10 03:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
the question about the pants isn't hard to answer: just say "No". or if it really makes the woman look fat, say "No, but I prefer the other one there" laughing.gif
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-08 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
I agree! Even the most loving and patient spouse would not be the right teacher for driving! Especially at the very beginning. It would be so stressful! I'd be stressed and afraid to do anything wrong if he had to teach me something like this. And that would make both him and me upset! lol
Though if she insists on it, then that proves that she trusts you a lot and that she thinks you will do a good job.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-08 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
What are you studying for? Are you in college? What's your major?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-08 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Anyone here today? How are you doing this weekend?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-08 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
public transport here is very useful. I love the fact that I don't need a car. I have had a driver licence for almost 6 years but I hardly drive once a month (when I visit my parents). It's going to be strange to have to get a car and use it all the time when I get to the US!
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-08 04:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
True, our trains are usually comfortable. Though they are not always on time (half of the time when I have to take a train it's late), but from what I heard, it's still a lot better than most of the countries...
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-07 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
ouch... sounds like in France: train ticket prices increase almost every year. they always find a way to make us pay more. sad.gif Try not to focus on the price of your ticket and enjoy your weekend wink.gif
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-07 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
Not exactly. A better way to say it would be: just because we're at CSC at that very moment (when they are late on everything because of the amount of petitions that have been sent previously), our processing time is longer than it should. but as you said, 6 months is an average which means there are shorter and longer processing times. I'm hoping for a 8 month process. Not 11.
but yes I agree, sometimes it sucks.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-07 11:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
no-one knows, it depends how fast they go. but if they continue at the same speed, yes, you might get it in May.
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-07 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
yes they are working on September and October (especially October, from what I've seen).
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-07 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
I agree: your daughter is absolutely beautiful!
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-07 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers at the CSC - How are you doing?
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Mar 7 2008, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So confusing. wacko.gif

From hanging out in the UK forum, it seems that at the medical they only offer you tetanus/MMR vaccinations - all you need for the initial entry into the US. But from what others have said Human papillonomavirus will be required (for women my age) at AOS. If different country's embassies are all saying different things then I wonder how we're supposed to know what will be required and what not?!

And that would be good to know it as soon as possible, since the papillomavirus vaccine is quite long to get (I believe there are 3 shots: 1st shot the 1st month, 2nd shot one month later and 3rd shot 6 months later)!

QUOTE (BlakeandOlha @ Mar 7 2008, 04:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One thing to remember about the medical's you take is that when it comes to the adjustment of status (looking way down the road) you need to have a medical that is less than one year old. So getting it done and out of the way too early, may require another one in the states depending on how long this process goes on. Have fun with your parents!!

Yes true, it's probably better to wait at least for NOA2.
Anything special planned for this weekend Blake?
Cecile and BryanFemaleFrance2008-03-07 10:34:00