IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - November 2013

I maintain the case complete interview list and stay on top of all happenings if I can. The December interviews started October 28th and ended November 7th. Someone called for India and they said they are done.


Yes calling NVC they can tell you if a embassy is fiull for the coming month.


Most of the embassies when they schedule they are done. Some of the less frequent ones they get assigned soon as a Case Complete like a Iceland and other smaller places with lesss Visa traffic.


Take a look see at December thread. We started this Case Complete Interview thread September 2012. It's hamdy so when people ask what is the waiting timer from case complete to interview you now have a place to go and see.




Thanks for the info.  I'll add that link to my favorites and try to follow along.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-19 15:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - November 2013

Your petition will not be sent to India until you receive an interview date. The December window for India is closed but January should start up end of this month. So depending where you are in queue who knows.


How do you know the interview dates are already full for a specific country for a specific month?  Was that one of the links on the first two posts that I missed or is that something you have to ask the NVC about?  Thanks.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-19 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

I called NVC today and they said my case is complete and now just waiting on interview appointment.   I'll believe it when I see it, but that's what they told me.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-27 22:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

 Thanks for your responce,are you doing EP?I hear that will make things a little Faster,I don't know,but the waiting is just CRAZY!!!


Unfortunately, no.  My wife is from the Philippines and they don't allow EP yet.  Yes, the waiting is very long.  And USCIS taking 8-9 months instead of 3-5 months (CR-1) definitely didn't get us started on a good note.  I know there are also still a lot of people that have same PD as my wife's case, or even earlier, that are still waiting on USCIS.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-14 17:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

 Is this Accurate?..3-4 Months? Oh My..this is CRAZY!..I hope it's not that long of a Process.


They tell you 1-2 months back when you submit I-130 and find out about the process.  They don't tell you about the extra dead time spent waiting while packages sit in stacks; or cases and supporting documents sitting in the mail room for months at a time, before they're touched.  So yes, at least 3-4 months.  I was approved I-130 in November, and it's been over two months already, and my docs are just sitting at NVC in the mail room.  Will probably be 2-3 months before my wife's here (after approval, we still have to wait for package to be sent to embassy, then wait for an appointment, then hope everything goes well there).  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-14 16:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014




Nice!  You need an "auto-response" like USCIS has, so that when people ask certain questions, your profile automatically just posts this.  OR, you could have it 'auto-respond' twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening.  LOL.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-14 09:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014


My husband and I got approved on Dec 31 at TSC and we still have not been transferred to NVC yet.  We called once and they said it has been taking four to six weeks, but that I should call them every week just to check. 

Hi, was just approved last night. PD 3/22/13, transfer to TSC 11/15/13. Anybody know about how long it's been taking texas to transfer cases to NVC after noa2?

In same boat as lot of people here


from TSC approved Dec 13

email shipped to NVC Jan 7

called Jan 10 no packet received at NVC yet

waiting for NVC to receive packet - ?

IIN issued from NVC- ?


Mine took 2.5 weeks from CSC to NVC, another 2 weeks to get fees generated, sent packages about 1.5 - 2.5 weeks later after all the fees approved/cleared bank.  


Hi all, my wife in the US called NVC several times last week to try to get our case number and received a 'busy' signal instead of getting through to the automated answer service. Anyone had the same or knows why this is?


I sometimes get busy signal (just means someone probably is calling at the exact same moment as you.  Many times I've hung up and gotten someone immediately after that, sometimes after hanging up and trying again 5 times lol.  



Is it, really?..


LOL, no, not at all (worse than USCIS, that is).  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-13 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

I know I've seen some posts about taxes, but it was a while ago and I don't feel like searching back through.  I called H&R Block (for advice on taxes), and they said I need to file single, then "ammend my return" after my wife gets her green card and gets here.  But I just wanted to see if any other people have done that or whether they filed married instead, etc.  We got married in the Philippines, not in America, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-02-04 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

My case just got approved this morning.. !!!!




Are you a US Citizen or perm res, and are you living in USA or abroad?  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-13 12:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2013 I-130 Filers

Hi, March filer here.  Has anyone from Feb filers that were transferred to the California Service Center been approved?  That's where mine apparently is, and I've only seen March filers approved from Nebraska Service Center.  Thanks.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-08 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 Interviews


i am asking everyone this question because some of them are not puting an exact dates of when they sent their packages only the dates of paying the fees and without stating if they received a checklist or not so we can understand the process that much better and some of them are not filling their timelines that much clear to understand...i am hoping that everyone would put a signature and explain his\her journey through the NVC so anyone who is going through this would come and see how much time it took each one that is the reason why i ask smile.png i am keeping myself updated by where exactly the NVC reached into the process...i hope everyone would fill out their timeline for the VJ users to look at and count the time frame for each case and each step.


Ya, I try to fill out in my signature EVERY step in the process, when I called someone, when I learned ANYTHING about my case.  It's very helpful to see all the interim steps.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-12-20 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 Interviews

For anyone that has chat logs on Facebook or Skype, is there an easy way to download that information to take to embassy interview?  Or better ideas on how to share that information with embassy for interview?

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-12-05 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 Interviews

For those of you that bring photos to the embassy interview of you and your spouse together, how many photos would you typically take?  And if they're digital, what's the best way to present those?  Most of my photos are digital and so I could just print them out on paper as color copies, but didn't know if that was a good idea, or if there are better ideas out there for that.  Any better ideas?  Thanks!  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-12-05 12:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary 2014 Interviews

My wife completed her interview at the Paris embassy today, and the CO told her that she is approved. good.gif


The interview went well and was relatively quick (2 hours total).  Thanks again to so many of you for all of your help with this process!


Was she asked any non-standard questions (not listed on the 'expected/typical interview questions' lists that are provided)?  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-12-03 10:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

So I haven't called much since case complete, but received email today about interview. Its scheduled for March 24th. I know we should be excited but its after our March 15th anniversary date..... was really hoping to be together by then. But at least we are on to the last step.

I feel your pain.  Our anniversary was Feb 3, so we're already going to miss that.  But whenever you are reunited again, it will make up for it, that's what we're assuming at least.  Just knowing we'll be together soon is good enough for us, we think :-)

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-30 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

I was calling NVC when my wife told me that NVC sent us the IL via email, it's for March 26th.

I updated the list for mine and JWD531.

Congrats everyone and good luck!


Cool, thanks!


Congrats and good luck to everyone else as well!! 

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-29 19:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Since I saw you people saying you were calling to the NVC and getting the interview date, I did it too hehe I couldn't wait!!! And weeell I got my interview scheduled for March 28 at 7:15 am, that's what the lady on the phone told me.

I can't lie I was expecting an earlier date but who cares, finally we have a date!!!


I did the same thing!!!  I just called after getting home from work, got an interview date for my wife for March 10th!  WOOHOO!!!!  FINALLY THIS IS ALMOST OVER!!!

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-29 19:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Hey guys CASE COMPLETE AT NVC on 23rd JAN anyone can take a guess if the interview will be scheduled for march or  possibility in FEB?

According to the NVC rep. They are required to send you the P4 letter/email 1 month before the interview. So if you haven't recieved a P4 letter or expedite then I would rule Feb out.


I made my daily call to NVC today, and they verified again that my complete date was 1/27/14 (dwheels, you can add me to your list).  They also said that they weren't able to schedule an interview for me in February.  So not sure if that means that they tried, or just that Feb is full.  Either way, I expected Feb was full anyway.  I asked if I could expect March and she said "I'm not sure," so no confirmation there.  But hopefully if they "tried to schedule for Feb," that means that they'll try to schedule again and actually get an interview date soon, but I'm not getting my hopes up.  That also somewhat makes me think that they're already done scheduling for now, and will have to wait until they get a new list of open dates from the embassy.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-29 09:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

I called NVC today and they said my case is complete and now just waiting on interview appointment.   I'll believe it when I see it, but that's what they told me.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-27 22:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 Interviews

Do y'all ever get bored waiting?
For me in past 10 months.. It's been studying what is coming ahead, reading, getting documents, translations, getting extra documents, copies, writing emails to everyone, calling, and checking status. I even put together everything from I-130 to now just in case everything gets lost in the mail (even all originals) and sent to my wife. I even sent extra stuff that I didn't feel like I provided strong enough evidence. Now just sitting back and feel helpless. No point in calling NVC (waiting for interview and P4). No point in writing political officials (Nothing is wrong and I'm in processing times). No point in calling the embassy (they don't have case yet). Out of all this time, I have nothing to do or can do. I am itching to call the embassy but need to wait.......
I guess it just upsets me I'm going to miss our first anniversary together and there is nothing I can do on anything. Just sit and wait...

Bored is an understatement.  I'm in the same boat, have everything lined up just in case, and my wife has all of that stuff also, we got double the originals/copies they asked for just in case.  I'm still waiting on case complete but it should be coming shortly.  I'm about two weeks behind your timeline while at NVC.  I too will miss my first anniversary together (next weekend).  But we'll be making up for it for sure and just celebrating it together later.  (we'll be skyping all day the day of though).  



Funny how the wait for interview date then the endless wait for the actual  Interview seems the most nerve racking. Because its all out of your control.


You will get the fun if you choose to follow your petition to the embassy. I did that all the way to Ben Obi signing for it. hehe. I miss calling NVC 3 and 4 times a day i had good times and always learned good stuff that I help people with now.


Just hang on you will get to witness the joy and euphoria and pain of interview scheduling next week. When that first "I got a date xx/xx/xx" is announced its crazy fun.

I'm actually looking forward to THAT wait.  I don't think ANY of these first parts have truly been in my control.  I've been apprehensive since day one due to the vagueness of the entire process.  So many different requirements from each country, dealing with customer service reps, professional services, and those who have experienced the process - which seems to change so often, even the "professionals" can't always seem to keep up.  At least once I get the interview date I can REALLY start preparing for my wife's arrival.  

And ya, witnessing the perseverance of everyone else in this 'community' has helped keep me strong as well.  I love reading everyone else's comments, and sometimes it's just nice knowing I'm not the only person going through all this - because surely no one that ISN'T experiencing any of this really has no idea what we're all going through.  


You are so right! I and my housband are waiting for this moment 9 years ... sad.png I waited until he took the green card then the passport .... Then all this procces and now we are waiting for interview. When I took the email P4 after a 10 weeks of waiting ( after case complet at NVC) I was with him and we did cry together we were at one party .... ?? I couldend' stop crying was ..... I can't explain my selfe what feeling was. Now I am afraid because is somthing that we don't know ,but all I know is if you love someone more than yourselfe you can do some things that was impossible to possible. ? I wish all the best for you all!

This last year of waiting has tested my patience, and I can't even begin to imagine how it would feel waiting 9 years.  Godspeed with the rest of your process.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-01-26 09:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews

Just as an update, my wife arrived here Saturday the 22nd.  All is well with my world now :-).  Good luck to everyone else still waiting.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-03-26 10:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2014 Interviews

CEAC website finally changed from AP to "Issued" on Monday, the 17th (at the end of the day).  But the visa is still at the embassy (Manila).  So now we're just waiting for 2GO to pick it up and deliver it.  Hope it doesn't stay stuck in a stack of other visas at the embassy for much longer, not sure why it's still there...  Oh well...

JWD531MalePhilippines2014-03-19 09:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

JUST GOT MY APPROVAL TEXT!!!!!  I stopped breathing, heart started pounding, verified email and online status change.  Jumped up and down, yelled, screamed, cried, laughed!!  So glad the wait is over, and onto the next step of waiting.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!  


Godspeed for more approvals for everyone else!!!  


(my timeline and signature is updated with my info - I did that before posting so y'all wouldn't yell at me LOL!)

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-18 23:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

To all those talking about sending out e-mails today, I just had a thought that the e-mails we send may never be seen by some as they may be delivered to the spam folder.

That's why people recommended sending a fax instead of an email. At least that way, they'll be forced to look at it. Or they'll run out of paper...

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-18 20:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Hi There, I am looking for some assistance. After months of waiting I have received RFE today. 


Forms /Omissions


Omitted Items: Complete the items circled in red on the attached copy of the petition. If any items does not apply, write "N/A"



Guess what? 


They forgot to send me copy of my petition which is submitted.


Should I call to them? 

Write a letter to them?


Any advice...




There is probably a topic on visajourney specific to RFE, so I'd recommend that you search for that as well, but I would DEFINITELY call them ASAP and either find out the info, find out why the document wasn't attached, and/or have them re-send the forms.

Edited by JWD531, 18 November 2013 - 07:23 PM.

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-18 19:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

or possibly, they didn't process those petitions at that time.  so they didn't include them. All the petitions were sent out to ease the backlog. Its not the norm for all service centers to process I-130's.  It was the same thing when they were sending them to the local offices.  They never listed I-130's there either.  Just a thought.   


Right, even in the link below complaining about processing times, it shows about 7,000 cases transferred to CA, but only about 50-100 to NE/TX, so it might just be too insignificant number of cases (only relative to the number at the other locations) for them to spend 1-3 months crunching the numbers.



JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-18 17:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC


That is what I was thinking -


"soon could also mean next month" - maybe there is a timewarp inside of the NBC??? - or it simply does not exist in there so there is no pressing concern to get anything done wink.png


Apparently it takes them 1-3 months to simply create/update an Excel spreadsheet.  I could probably take their data and make something useful of it in about 10 minutes, but then again I don't work for the USCIS.  I'm too overqualified for that :-)  


Field Office Processing Dates for California Service Center as of: September 30, 2013

CSC Processing Dates Sept but this is Nov 18

so as in sept they are working on Feb 12 13 case 


so is that mean CSC is working on March case now??????



That would be my guess, but again that's just a guess.  Only God knows.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-18 16:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Where is Texas and Nebraska????? This is crazy





I won't be surprise if this was a mistake and they will update it back to October for all the service centers. 


My "best guess" is that either CA was just the first service center to get updated numbers, so the others will be updated within a day or two (albeit still 1.5 months old - Sep 30 data and Nov 30 is only a week or so away).  And they'll probably update in alphabetical order, so NBC, then NSC, TSC, VSC...  But like I said, that's just a guess.  I'm sure they'll show different numbers soon.  Soon could also mean next month.  OR if no cases were transferred to TX or NE before 30 Sept, then obviously there's no data for September in that set of numbers.  So the data isn't missing, it's just that there were no cases at those service centers then.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-18 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I didn't want to quote my last post in order to save space, but I calculated 465 total cases (200 with case numbers higher than mine and 263 with case numbers lower than mine - that's just when I got tired of typing in case numbers lol).  62% are still awaiting approval, and 15% have been approved.  The remaining 21% are in another status (RFE, address change, initial approval no transfer, re-affirmed/already approved case, etc).  And that's just cases around 18 March (my PD), so like I said it may or may not be useful for others, but just wanted to get some sort of larger sample size of cases for people to see what "progress" is being made.


There's a link to the file.  The "last three" column isn't the last three, that's just how I started the column originally.  Also, most of the 'another status' cases as mentioned are above are in red - until towards the end when I forgot to change them.  


Also, here's another good read.  Nothing we don't already know, but still..


JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-17 14:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I didn't want to quote my last post in order to save space, but I calculated 465 total cases (200 with case numbers higher than mine and 263 with case numbers lower than mine - that's just when I got tired of typing in case numbers lol).  62% are still awaiting approval, and 15% have been approved.  The remaining 21% are in another status (RFE, address change, initial approval no transfer, re-affirmed/already approved case, etc).  And that's just cases around 18 March (my PD), so like I said it may or may not be useful for others, but just wanted to get some sort of larger sample size of cases for people to see what "progress" is being made.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-17 13:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I'm not sure if this will upload or not, since I got an error the first time, but it seems to show it's attached now.  I spent a few hours this morning making a spreadsheet around my case number (about 200 case numbers higher and lower than mine).  You can see PD date for cases that are still in initial review and haven/t been transferred, approval dates for those that have been approved, and some other random info like if there was RFE or address change, the dates for those are included there as well.  The 'y' in the transfer column means that the case says "has been transferred and is being processed."  If the entire row of data is blank then those are cases that were not I-130 applications.  I left those in just for spreadsheet integrity when entering the data originally.  But you can ignore them. 


This spreadsheet may or may not be helpful to anyone, but it was nice for me to at least see that there are approvals kind of all over the place.  Some were approved much earlier, so those are probably expedites or extenuating circumstances other than a typical approval, or they were just lucky.  But for those near my date, the number of non-approved transfers seems to be getting smaller.  


**Just edited this post:**

I couldn't upload that file.  Can someone tell me how to upload a google shared file like the other spreadsheet going around for members on the site?  Thanks.  Gracias.  Danke.  Salamat.  

Edited by JWD531, 17 November 2013 - 01:17 PM.

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-17 13:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Ok then.above all this prayer is what im doing.


Ako din po.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-17 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Wow congrats.10days from the date of transfered,hope mine will be approve


Just FYI, 2 weeks was the standard when cases JUST STARTED getting transferred, and that was mainly for USC living abroad.  The rest I've seen approved have are anywhere from 2-4 weeks, and many people transferred over two weeks ago haven't been approved yet.  I'd use 3-4 weeks as a better barometer (to not get your hopes TOO high, but a bit more reasonable expectation) instead of 2 weeks.  Plus holiday delays may have caused that so we'll see.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-17 12:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

TSC :(

I'm pretty sure there was one end of February transfer that was approved at TSC so don't get too sad. And just remember, the hundreds or so of people on this forum are just a small percentage of the thousands of people that have packages. So while the numbers on here may be a good representation of how cases are moving, it's still a pretty small sample size of all the cases being processed. So there's still reason to expect an approval this month or shortly after.

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-17 10:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

I got four transfer notices like this: to "another office", to "local office", to "another office", to "service center".  The fourth notice, "service center" has no date.  All the other ones said either Oct 31 or Nov 1.  I got an email saying "service center" on Nov 5, but with no date.  But I assume it was actually transferred to the service center on Oct 31 and they just messed up the notifications before?  I guess I'm just hoping...ClockWatch2.gif

The way I look at it, based on how everything is working is October 31 it was put in a stack to move, November 1 it was mailed, and arrived at service center on November 5. And will be processed starting with that date, based on everyone else's comments.

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-17 10:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Is it for sure the new form is the DS-261?
I read the Affidavit of Support was updated in June. So, I have to redo that one!! Maybe i should wait to get an answer from USCIS first, so as not to jinx it. smile.png


I'm using a third party visa site, so I entered all the info back in March for that, so it 'pre-fills' all the data into the form so I don't have to worry about filling out any forms again on my computer or in ink.  I too though am just waiting to hear news before I do anything else.  I too don't want to jinx it, then have to wait and then get some other new form lol.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-15 15:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

seems like you are right down the street from me.... do you already have your NVC stuff ready to go?

Yep. Had it ready 5 months ago. Longest wait was for my wife's police record from Korea when she was there. Got everything else lined up and ready to submit as soon as we get initial approval. That and of course my wife will fill out the DS-260 online also, so that's the only thing we can't have already filled out.

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-15 15:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC


My wedding anniversary is Feb 5th. I don't think my wife will be here by that time, but on a good note I am visiting her in India from Jan 31st to Feb 17. It will be over 11 months since I have seen her.


Ya, I'll probably celebrate our first a month early.  I'm going for Christmas/New Years to visit.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-15 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC


Yeah when we started this we planned to be done before the holidays. I'm assuming we all have about 2.5 weeks of holiday delays to look forward to on top of a slow process. 


Ya, being ex-military, I NEVER tried to push any paperwork for signatures for approval during the holidays because I was afraid it would be lost.  So many take vacations and at different times, staggered for "minimal coverage" so it always seemed less than half of the staff would be working at one time.  I just hope my wife is here before our first wedding anniversary on Feb 3rd, but that now even seems a bit of a stretch...  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-15 11:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

This is the 3rd email I received on my transfer:

The I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.


Is it wishful thinking that the line I made blue means anything? The previous 2 transfer emails I received said they were "transferred for further processing". 


Not wishful thinking at all.  I think everyone that got that email means they're working on approving your form, or at least it's in the stack of "make a decision on these asap."  The only wishful thinking is that the timeline for a decision is soon.  The soonest I've seen is about 2 weeks (typically for USC living abroad), but 4 weeks seems a bit more normal.  Plus throw in a few one-day holidays that seem to slow down the government a week or so.  The government doing ANYTHING during 'holiday season' is frustrating.  As more and more get transferred though, I'm sure the 'make a decision on these cases" stack of cases is just getting larger.  But I don't think expecting a decision within a month of that date is too much to hope for.  

JWD531MalePhilippines2013-11-15 10:39:00