IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam
QUOTE (ski4evr @ Aug 4 2009, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sherri and Matt @ Aug 4 2009, 07:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's really odd. Why does having her menses preclude her from having immunizations? One has nothing to do with the other. Is it a cultural thing? I'm just asking out of curiosity as I have not heard of this before, and I am a nurse at a pediatric office where I give shots all day long, including to teenagers currently menstruating.

I believe it must be from blood loss which means loss off some of the strength of the shots. When I got my immunizations to travel to the Philippines they said I should not donate blood to the blood bank for that reason. I donate all the time and I give a pint of blood whenever I can. With the Menses is it possible to lose a pint? I don't believe so but I have to plead male ignorance innocent.gif

I spoke to my wife and the menses has noting to do about the shots but they could not do the physical exam. The shots they were planning on doing the next day so they told her to just come back in a week and get the physical and shots in a week.
ski4evrMalePhilippines2009-08-05 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam
QUOTE (Sherri and Matt @ Aug 4 2009, 07:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's really odd. Why does having her menses preclude her from having immunizations? One has nothing to do with the other. Is it a cultural thing? I'm just asking out of curiosity as I have not heard of this before, and I am a nurse at a pediatric office where I give shots all day long, including to teenagers currently menstruating.

I believe it must be from blood loss which means loss off some of the strength of the shots. When I got my immunizations to travel to the Philippines they said I should not donate blood to the blood bank for that reason. I donate all the time and I give a pint of blood whenever I can. With the Menses is it possible to lose a pint? I don't believe so but I have to plead male ignorance innocent.gif

Edited by ski4evr, 05 August 2009 - 12:44 AM.

ski4evrMalePhilippines2009-08-05 00:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmedical exam
Just for everyone's information regarding my wife's experience with the examination. This may be common knowledge for most but not really for this male. On the morning my wife went to Manila for her exam she got her monthly "mens" cycle. LOL so she could only do an exam and not the immunization shots. She will go back next week for them. It was not bad planning but beyond our control. I am glad we went to the medical exam early (8/3 for an interview date of 9/4) to avoid any of these unforseen problems blush.gif
ski4evrMalePhilippines2009-08-04 08:40:00
CanadaMoving Stuff
The application for the fiancé visa has been sent and after the interview (aproval etc) and such we are planning on getting married in the US, applying for AOS and AP right away, then going back to Canada to get Jim’s stuff. My fiancé s son is not coming to the states and will still be living at the house until he goes to school next September in Calgary. My house is pretty small and in truth we would like to wait and move thing after we find a bigger house and just move things one time. So my question would this be a problem waiting, going back to CA and then move stuff? It definitely would make life a lot easier.
seeleFemaleCanada2006-12-14 14:19:00
CanadaE-mail Recieved today from CRIS
I'm so amazed...I got the email and they tell you it's in the mail so of corse I keep checking the mail and checking the mail and finally I got it yesterday...the 7th, post marked the 5th.... and they tell you in the email to follow the There are no directions just what will happen next. Weird...I hate the hurry up and wait game, I'm not very good at it...

Thanks again everyone...Marg
seeleFemaleCanada2007-03-08 17:05:00
CanadaE-mail Recieved today from CRIS
Are you sure you don't want Canadian Tire Bucks, Jim has an ashtry full of them...
seeleFemaleCanada2007-03-07 13:57:00
CanadaE-mail Recieved today from CRIS
Well we are on our way one hurdle down a few more to go….
I just received an e-mail this morning that our Visa was approved and that they mailed the notice out on the 28th of February. Our case was touched a couple of times last week which of course got me excited. Then when I got to work this morning I checked my mail and there were 3 e-mails, my heart jumped, thinking they might be requesting more information. But all three were identical; your petition for Fiancé (E) has been approved and mailed.
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all here at visa journey, I might not post a lot but I spend a lot of time reading and the information provided here priceless.
seeleFemaleCanada2007-03-01 14:06:00
CanadaInterview & Medical
OK the medical and the visa interview have been scheduled in Vancouver for the 23rd and 24th of May, woo hoo :thumbs: we are on our way, or at least Jim is. Jim made lodging arrangements at the YWCA, downtown, inexpensive and they have parking, since he will be driving from Nelson to Vancouver. The bad part is he will be traveling alone because of scheduling I won’t be able to go, boo hoo. :( All and all after the initial waiting game things seem to move on rather quickly. We should have the visa in plenty of time before the wedding; we then will be working on the AOS.
Again thanks for all the great post and question asked and answered..
seeleFemaleCanada2007-05-01 18:42:00
CanadaVancouver Bound
OK here is the News...
Woo Hoo Jim called Just before I went to lunch about 11:30 am and he will pick up his Visa at 2:30 pm he said it took all of 5 minutes and he was done.
He said there was 4 people there and he was the only one who was good to go. One guy had a foreign birth certificate and it was translated but the translation was not certified. One gal didn't have anything translated, she brought along a translation book...
Jim was more then prepaired so more is better..they did ask for pictures and how and when and how often we get to see each other..

I'm so excited!!!!! :dance:

I didn't think this day would ever come but now it's here and we are on our way, now the Wedding in 44 or is 43 days...
July 7th, 2007 or as I like to refer to it as 07/07/07...

Thanks again everyone for all the help, this site has been a blessing, I read I listened and now we are good to go...
Again Thanks...Margaret
seeleFemaleCanada2007-05-24 16:27:00
CanadaVancouver Bound
Thanks everyone...
I talked to Jim last night and he said the medical was a breeze, first group in and first person out...
His interview appoint was for 10 am today, so I'm thinking good thoughts and waiting for him to call.
FYI to all to cut down on cost he stayed at the YWCA, downtown, they have parking and he took a cab for the medical, less then 5 bucks for the cab. With the price of gas saving money is a plus. He did meet a women at the medical that is going to marry a man form Oregon and they are going to move to Spokane WA, for his new job. Small world, we will be living in Spokane after we get hitched.
I'll let everyone know how the interview went...

I'm sure everything went fine and I told him not to be a glass is half empty type of guy...

Thanks again for all the support..
seeleFemaleCanada2007-05-24 13:01:00
CanadaVancouver Bound
Jim, my fiancé, left for Vancouver early this morning, he has his medical tomorrow and then his interview on Thursday. He’s loaded with enough paperwork and back-up paperwork to fill a file cabinet and then some. I know he has checked, double-checked and checked again everything on the list. I know I gave him more then enough material backup for the affidavit of support. What was it I read more is better.
I was up early thinking about him and his long drive and wishing I could have gone with him. But alas I have to work and with our wedding just around the corner there was just no way I could take time off. Everything is going so fast when it seem like just a year ago we were waiting and waiting, wow where has the time gone…
This whole process is just amazing, with all the forms, documentation and backups needed, not to mention the expense, and that's just the fiancé Visa…lol Right after the wedding it will be the AOS, travel documents and work permits…crazy.
What a wonderful man I have to sacrifice so much for the two of us. He’s the one packing up his stuff, moving away from family and friends and leaving the country of his birth the country that he loves. I will always be grateful; humbled by his unconditional love. Never in my life every believe...Jim I love you!
seeleFemaleCanada2007-05-22 18:05:00
CanadaWhy did you choose the US?
Great Question!

When we first got involved I envisioned that I would be the one moving to Canada. I even started searching the Net on what I would need and how easy it would be to get a job, all the fun stuff. But then Jim said he would move to the US, easier for him to move then me I suppose. He is retired from the Canadian Navy and much more mobile then I am and besides I have a good job here and I think he like the idea of a working wife…lol.

After we get married and he moves here I do have enough honey do's that he will be looking for a job real

seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-01 13:53:00
CanadaApplication for Employment

Just remember that in order to get some state benefits.. namely a Driver License, an EAD may be required before they will issue one... An EAD is used for more than just Employment.

Interesting...I did not know that...I will check...Thanks for the heads up..
seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-07 10:07:00
CanadaApplication for Employment
Our plans are to file the AOS and the AP right away, literally right after we get married, the following Monday we will go to the Court House and get our Marriage certified and then off goes the AOS and the AP. :dance:
Jim’s son will be staying in Canada so we would like to be able to travel back and forth, while the AOS is being processed. It’s only a 3 hours drive between Nelson and Spokane and truth-be-told we still will need to pack up Jim’s stuff. As far as the EAD we will wait, we don’t need it right away.
seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-06 18:44:00
CanadaApplication for Employment

What did he do in the navy? I was int he Cdn Navy for 10 yrs, prior to remustering to the Air Force. Been down in the USa now for just over 2 yrs just going to school, and officiating hockey.

He was an Engineer and yes he has all the stories…lol
I have a friend here in the US that is also retired from the US Navy and I told him when they meet, they couldn’t talk about the women they dated…(I’m sure they dated the same women), they sure enough drank in the same taverns and can describe the place right down to the table cloths.
seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-01 17:17:00
CanadaApplication for Employment

Please remember that if you are filing for AOS after July 30th 2007 then the cost of the EAD is included in the AOS fee.... along with AP... so you will not be saving any money...


Wow I looked at the new fees..
I'm sure glad we got our stuff done when we did. We are getting married the 7th of July and will be submitting our AOS very shortly after that.
Here's the link:

Jim is retired from the Canadian Navy and has his pension so there is no need for him to work (we are lucky there) and we will have my we are good to go!

Thanks for the replies they have been very very helpful.
seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-01 15:29:00
CanadaApplication for Employment
Greetings Everyone…
First let me say Jim got his K-1 Visa last week. When he got home he scanned it and e-mailed me the picture. My heart gave a jump at the wording “TO MARRY UNITED STATES CITIZEN” followed by my name.

We couldn’t have done this without all the information on this site. 99.9% of our questions were answered and the process, although at times seemed daunting it truly went without a hitch, no problems.

“Going to the chapel, going to get married”

Now as the wedding date approaches I need a few clarifications on the Application for employment. If Jim is not planning on working right away do we still need to file the I-765 form or can we just wait for the Adjustment of Status to be approved? My thinking is if we don’t need to it while file it and save that $$.

Thanks All

seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-01 13:30:00
CanadaInterview Scheduled!

Yeah, medicals in Vancouver are only done on Wednesdays.

We actually read it right hear on visajourney, to schedule your interview for Thursday and call the doc for a Wednesday appointment and that's what we did..Everyone was quite accommodating.
seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-07 10:14:00
CanadaInterview Scheduled!
I believe the medical was fowarded on and after his interview at the Cosulate he was told to come back at two pm to pick up his Visa, he had that day no waiting and no mailing

Edited by seele, 06 June 2007 - 06:50 PM.

seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-06 18:49:00
CanadaInterview Scheduled!
My fiancé had is interview and medical both in Vancouver which appears to be the norm. To save travel time and money he scheduled his Interview for by e-mail and then scheduled the medical for the day before. I believe that medicals in Vancouver are done on Wednesday only, but I could be wrong and he had his interview on Thursday. He drove to Vancouver from Nelson and stayed at the YWCA right downtown. Too Easy :thumbs:
seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-06 18:18:00
CanadaFiling AOS & AP
Jim's medical was done when he interviewed for his K-1 in june and yes I already have the paperwork done and ready to go, it will however takes us a bit longer then say 6 seconds..we are going to file the Monday after the wedding....
Thanks again...
seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-21 14:51:00
CanadaFiling AOS & AP
Hello Everyone,
Well as time draws near and we will soon be married I was wonder how soon after we get married can we file the adjustment of status and the advanced parole papers. I know that reading here in the instructions for getting a Social Security card we should wait at least two weeks after entry into the US so that the info will be in the system. And as the sponsor (US citizen) when filing out the affidavit of support can I use my married name? I'm hoping to get my Social Security changed right away and use my married name, as these documents will be filed after we are married. I hope this is not too
Thanks for all the help, we both feel very fortunate in finding Visa Journey every ones help, has been an asset to our process. :thumbs:

Edited by seele, 21 June 2007 - 12:49 PM.

seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-21 12:48:00
CanadaFiling in Person
Thanks for your help, I did read the instructions and I was just hoping that we could drop it off and have it stamped recieved and then move on to the AP. I was pretty sure the USCIS person I talked to was right but boy o boy...she wasn't very nice.
So the advice I'm getting here is to mail the Adjustment of Status and then after recieving the "recieved letter" we can go to the local office and file an emergency Advanced Parole...correct?

seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-27 17:44:00
CanadaFiling in Person
I just got off the phone with USCIS after pressing buttons and listening to different menus etc. The gal I talked to was of no help and quite frankly rude. I’ve been trying to make an appointment with the local USCIS office in Spokane through the INFOPASS to no avail. I would like to make an appointment for July so we can hand deliver the Adjustment of Status and the Advanced Parole. The women on the phone said we couldn’t file in person and we would have to mail these documents. I do know that the officers at the local office can't approve the AOS, but I do know someone who had their AP approved at the Spokane Office. I know the directions say to sent them off to…but I was under the impression that we could hand deliver them and get them marked as received, and then ask for an emergency AP. So I’m asking for some advice and direction….again..

seeleFemaleCanada2007-06-27 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNAO1 Received
Thanks....I'm getting more and more excited everyday. We have in some ways put the horse before the cart..and have already set a wedding date...07/07/07..So if things go according to plan... :unsure: and average timelines we should be ok...Cross your fingers..

Edited by seele, 15 December 2006 - 04:44 PM.

seeleFemaleCanada2006-12-15 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNAO1 Received
I live in Washington and followed the directions on which service center to mail my Fiance' petition, so I mailed to the Nebraska Service Center. I checked on-line and the marks on the back of the cancelled check was for deposit to the California Service Center and when I got my NAO1 it was from the California Service Center. So I double checked the instructions and it said to mail Washington applications to the Nebraska Service Center, so can someone tell me why now it is at the California Service Center.
PS I even checked the USCIS sit and that's where they say it's at too...
I just find it odd...
Thanks, Margaret
seeleFemaleCanada2006-12-15 12:57:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about K3 visa
My wife is from the Philippines and i am trying to bring her here. I was living with her there for the past year or so and we have a little daughter as well (6 months) I don't have a job here and i never worked in the states, neither have a filled for taxes. Is that going to be a problem?

Here are my questions...

1. Do i need a income tax return? (my sister is going to be my joint sponser)
2. even with a joint sponser is my lack of income going to be a problem?
3. My wife lived in Amman Jordan for 2 years after she was 16. does she need a police clearance thing for there as well? if so how do we go about getting this? If we don't have any police clearance from Jordan will this be a problem?

thanks for your help everyone.
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-20 21:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJoint sponser help
Hey all,

I have a joint sponsor as my income is far below what is should be. I am wondering what exactly she will need to do? what paperwork will she need to have ready? also what does it mean for her legally? will she be forced to give me money if i where to ask it of her? if something happened to me would she be responsible?

thanks again.
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-21 21:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K3 I-130
OK thanks.
Yes my name is on the BC and the country is the Philippines, i have been on there website and it doesn't say much about how long the process takes, it does say there is an interview involved.
thanks for your help you all.
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-23 23:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K3 I-130
So say if i decide to get her the passport what would i put on the i-130 forum when it says to list all children of your spouse?

does anyone have any info on the whole passport/registering birth process? does it take a long time? will it be hard?
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-23 18:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about K3 I-130
One more question...

along with My wife who i will be filing the I-130 for there is also our daughter (6 months) because she is my daughter do i need to file a separate I-130 or can i just include her on my wifes?

thanks for the help.
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-23 03:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of a Bonifide Marriage
I will be including my our daughters BC as Evidence of a Bonifide Marriage. do i just stick this in the package with everything else? is there some kind of other forum to fill out? would it be smart to label it somehow so they know why i am in sticking it in there?
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-24 20:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
QUOTE (beckypua @ Sep 25 2007, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paul Ficca @ Sep 25 2007, 05:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am kinda worried about what was said about the manila embassy? is this true? my wife is a philippino and i will be using a joint sponser to bring her here.

This is a recent response to an email to USEM.
Looks like it's a "####### shoot" now.

This is in reply to your inquiry regarding co-sponsorships in K3
nonimmigrant visa cases.

Petitioners in K nonimmigrant visa cases are generally expected to
establish the adequacy of their own financial resources to ensure that
an alien, after admission into the United States, will not become
primarily dependent on the U.S. Government for subsistence. While our
immigration law does not disallow using a joint sponsor when the
petitioner cannot meet the minimum income requirement, co-sponsorships
in nonimmigrant visa cases are not legally bound to address the
financial needs of the applicant. The simple submission of Form I-134
by a co-sponsor is, therefore, not always sufficiently credible to
overcome the public charge provisions of Section 212(a)(4) of the INA.
In assessing the credibility of co-sponsorships, we look at the totality
of circumstances.

For information about financial sponsorship guidelines, you may visit
the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website at

Immigrant Visa Correspondence Unit
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy, Manila
1201 Roxas Boulevard
Manila, Philippines

Telephone: (632) 528-6300
Fax: (632) 338-4129

so does that mean that i can use a "joint sponser" but not a "co sponser" for a K3?
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-25 22:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
I am kinda worried about what was said about the manila embassy? is this true? my wife is a philippino and i will be using a joint sponser to bring her here.
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-25 10:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresspending some time in the Philippines during the IR wait.
i am wanting to go live with my wife for a little while in the Philippines , we are planning on doing the IR with my sister as a joint/co sponsor. i am wanting to stay for around 6 months as i tourist. will this affect my US domicile? will this hurt me in anyway when it comes time for the interview?

Edited by Paul Ficca, 07 December 2007 - 01:37 PM.

Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-12-07 13:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresswitching from K3 to IR
Hello everyone, this might be a dumb question but here goes, I mailed my I-130 over a month ago and still no word mad.gif anyway in the cover letter i wrote that the petition is for a K3 visa, but now we are wanted to go the IR visa route what do i do? is it as simple as not filing the I-129f after NOA1? or is there something else i have to do? will the I-130 be processed as a IR visa petition?
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-12-07 13:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR1 price
can someone tell me what other fee's apply for the IR1 visa other then the 355$ for the I-130? is there another fee after that? what does the whole thing cost?
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-09-25 22:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIC reports NVC is up to date??
Yeah i called USCIS this morning and the lady said that my I-130 was forwarded to California... looks like we are in for a long wait.
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-12-12 15:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIC reports NVC is up to date??
sorry i meant NSC (Nebraska Service Center) not NVC.
Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-12-12 10:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIC reports NVC is up to date??

according to the USCIS NSC is current on all forums, i mailed my 1-130 on oct 25th and still nothing. whats going on?

Edited by Paul Ficca, 12 December 2007 - 10:35 AM.

Paul FiccaMalePhilippines2007-12-12 10:32:00