CanadaWhen to pay green card fees

You only need to pay the fee before you send in your AOS package once you are married.  Don't waste your money until you are ready to begin that process.  Green card fees have nothing to do with POE.
Worry about your I-94.  If you are flying it will be done on-line and you may have to go to a deferred location.  If you are driving make sure you get the white paper copy.

Umm, that's not accurate advice. For CR/IR1 applicants, AOS fee is separate from the Green Card fee. Once the Consulate approves the application and the temporary is processed, you can log in and pay the Green Card fee. However, you can also wait until you receive the bill after you POE, as the temporary is good for 1 year. You won't get your actual Green Card until this fee is paid.

CM11MaleCanada2013-10-02 23:04:00
CanadaSSN application taking forever!
I POE'd on Sept 18 and during the IR-1 application, I checked to apply for SSN automatically. By mid-Oct, still no SSN so I went in on Oct 17 and applied for one. 7 weeks later and apparently, Homeland Security is still verifying!!! It's ridiculous...anyone else experiencing this? I've checked the status about 10 times now with my local SSN office, but they can't do anything until Homeland Security verifies that my green card is legit.
CM11MaleCanada2013-12-04 13:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS 156 Questions
In DS156 Questions #30. Additional Visa Issuances

and #31. Additional Visa Refusals

Does this include visa issuance and refusals of other countries that you have applied for visa before(ex. tourist visa)?
Do I have to list all countries that has issued or denied me a visa?
fil01MalePhilippines2008-10-23 10:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-130 approved; what happens next (split topic and merged)

I am very sorry for jumping into this post but i am pretty new here and i don't really know how to use this page. My wife and i are getting so frustrated about this NVC thing regarding our (i130), the case number was given to us two weeks ago and since then they told us that they have sent us emails about the next process and instructions but my wife and i never received any email from them. We have called several times and they kept telling us that the email will be re-send or sent and that we should follow the instructions on the next process but we still didn't get anything. I called them again yesterday and a lady that i spoke with told me that it takes 3-5 days for us to get the email, i was so surprised cos since my wife has been calling them, nobody ever told her such. She called them again tonight and the person she spoke with said the email has been re-sent now and that she should have it by now. This is very annoying and its like playing games cos they have both my wife and i contact email and we still didn't get anything. Can i please get some comprehensive explanations on whats going on or has any had this kind of related issues with them and put me through please. Thanks so much

First off, have you confirmed that the email address they have for your case is correct? Are you sure it's not being sent to you?

If they gave you the invoice number along with the case number you can log into CEAC and begin with filling out the DS-261 which is a choice of agent. All the instructions for the NVC are online if you do a quick Google search. Check out the September 2014 NVC filers thread for more specific info.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 02:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CEAC Website = N/A

I've submitted everything to the NVC, including both document packets, all payments and all online forms. On the CEAC website, most things have updated to reflect that. However, the section for both supporting documents still says N/A. 
Additionally, I haven't heard anything via email or hard copy letters suggesting they have officially received my mailed in packets, although my tracking number indicates it was received at the beginning of August. Is this normal? Should I call? Does anyone know what that N/A means?
Thanks in advance!

The CEAC is often buggy. Just like the USCIS site where you can check your i-130 status. A friend of mine had submitted everything as well and the NVC confirmed with her over the phone. But on the website it would show incomplete or N/A. Definitely give them a call if you're worried. I never recieved noticed they got our AOS and IV packages. But I sent them with signature confirmation so I knew they had them.

Best of luck on the rest of your journey!

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEarly birthday present for my husband!

What a great birthday present. :thumbs:

Yes! It was so unexpected since we had just looked at the August interview schedule and weren't on it.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-07 23:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEarly birthday present for my husband!

Yesterday we got word my husband finally got his interview on September 1, 2014 in Cairo, Egypt for his visa. We are beyond ecstatic but also a bit nervous! He's getting his medical exam next week and we are practicing the interview questions as much as we can.


Our case was complete at the NVC on March 13, 2014 so we waited just under 5 months for an interview date. Priority date is April 23, 2013.


Here's to hoping for a smooth interview and no AP. We shall see! :joy:

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 07 August 2014 - 09:44 PM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-07 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI WAS PUT ON AP AFTER INTERVIEW
My husband is in AP too, but in Egypt. I hope yours will go quickly!! Best wishes.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...

Elizabeth - 
You're much farther along the process than I am. I'm just at the RFE stage and 'language' definitely came up in the huge list of Evidence they needed. I sent them my husband's school certificates showing he studied in English. God willing that will be enough and we get our approval soon. 
Stay strong sister. You're an inspiration to all of us! I'm making some prayers for you and your hubby. You're so close to the finish line. God Willing you'll be there soon.
~ Sofi

Thanks so much for your kind words. We also got an RFE but it was for my husband's birth certificate. I remember when were just starting and the time has flown by. Today the embassy called him and asked for his passport so he went right away and sent it. We are crossing our fingers that means the AP will be short.

You guys will make it I'm sure. If you ever need help please feel free to send me a message. We will send some prayers your way as well!

I find comfort in this...
It always seems impossible until it's done.
? Nelson Mandella

Oh, love that!

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-10 14:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...

It breaks my heart to hear you that you're going through this. And I really hate that you had put the disclaimer in that you don't need any negative comments but it is true with this site. Sometimes people get on and say stop your whining oh we're all going through the same thing. Blah blah blah. But is not why we're here. We're here for support we're here for information not to be criticised or admonished.
I am very sorry that you're going through this I will say a prayer for you. I pray things get approved quickly

Thank you for your prayers. We all have to stick together.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 02:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...

I don't think you should feel the K 1 would have been easier from what I have seen related to Egypt. Your case has been difficult but in the end you will have what you worked and waited for. You are making an investment in the future of two people that will forever change those lives.
If it helps I will tell you my own case took a very long, difficult 408 days but here I am and now a U S citizen with a good life. It was worth every painful minute. I hope the same for you.
For the few that may have seemed to abuse you there are many more that truly understand and want you to succeed.

One thing we really liked about the CR1 is he could get a job fairly quickly. Waiting the 90 days with a K1 would drive my husband crazy. Work is really important to him.

I think we're at about 700 days now. But 408 is definitely long too. It's way longer than it should be. Thanks for your words of support.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 23:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...

Hang in there. Sadly is not fair process and the waiting time sucks. Just have faith and try to keep yourself busy. Once he get the visa you will forget all of that waiting time. I was under AP for 14 months, 2 and after being in the USA I don't even feel or think that it took me that long to get the via.

Ask your family members and friends to send some eemails to the embassy explaining to them how much you guys live each other.... that might help.

As I used to say that the USA embassy in Egypt is just a clean version of hell.

Good luck

Under what circumstances do they do a second interview?

With the emails, I just don't want to do anything to compromise our case in any way. I want to throw more evidence at them but I don't want to do too much.

You had a very long journey, props to staying strong. Agreed on the Cairo embassy being a clean version of hell.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 23:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...

You will go through, like everyone else does. You will get your husband home. Stay strong sister. Sounds like you have enough evidence of a genuine marriage, may be embassy in Egypt is really tough! But the thing is if it's a genuine marriage, and your sounds like it, your husband will have his visa.

I have no tough love for you, only compassion. Do you have a support system at home? I hope at least you have some family nearby. Clinical depression is no joke.

On the plus side, your husband's AP is not for security check(I think), but for processing of more evidence of genuine marriage. It should not take too long. Again, stay strong, it's easier said than done. But most of us here have been through various types of setbacks during our own immigration process and have lived to tell the tale.

The embassy in Egypt is known to be tough. Although, most of the time it's just lengthy AP, not flat out denials.

I do have family close to me. But I moved fairly recently so all my close friends are in Utah or a 5 hour drive from where I live now. Thankfully, my husband is a pro at calming me down when I'm having an episode, it's just more efficient when he can be there right beside me through it.

As far as we know it is only for evidence of our marriage. Not any security checks or whatnot.

I really appreciate your words of support.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 02:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...

I think you have a good heart, and things will work out for you, but no one knows how long it will take, just hang in there, and be strong, "as you have no idea the feeling" what it is to get on an airplane, traveling to the USA, with your loved one.,.,..,.,,IT is a great feeling!
Was there any chance you could have done a K-1 visa..,.,.,.,SO much easier, and quicker.,.,.,...,.,???

Looking back we probably should have just done the K1. We didn't realize how much easier it was. When we got married we hadn't done a ton of research into the different ways to go about getting him here. I've had the K1 rubbed in my face a few times now because of our timeline and case in general. I've been told none of this would be happening had we just done the K1. But, I wouldn't change the decision to get married. Even with the distance, the past two years have been the best of my life. I'm proud to call him my husband.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-07 01:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...

Call your Senator for help.

Unfortunately senators and congressmen can only inquire about your case. They have no authority with the AP process.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDiscouraged. Will it ever end...
A huge thanks to everyone for giving me some faith back into this forum and this thread only being words of support and sympathy/empathy. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 22:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiled December 2012
I completely feel your pain. I too called USCIS and they told me, we got your petition - now you gotta wait. How long, I asked. Don't know, they answered.

When while my wife and kids are waiting for me in Japan. Frustrating doesn't describe what we are feeling!

Oki_SurfNot Telling02013-10-27 13:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCongtratulations for such a brave and strong crowd doeing so well.
I would definately say there Are peaks and valleys as far as what to expect through the whole process, but concentrate on the peaks and hope the valleys are few and far between. Impossible enough to imagine many of these government workers enjoy their jobs and do everything they can to unite families quickly. My hats off to these individuals, and a big good job for those that muddle through the process the whole time with a big smile knowing life is just months away from being very very good. All our spouces and fiances are incredibly wonderful people in their own right and do much in the process to really help. Overall if you post on this site, you deserve the best most expeditous handling of the case and if buck into any control freaks saying not good, pat self on back because at this very point, there are guidelines but in a sense, each case slightly breaks new ground, and we all deserve the best of compliments. This site is composed of the crowd most willing to succeed with all heart and integrity! Good Job folks!
Casey Jones (newbie in amazement of my fellow peers)!
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2006-11-26 00:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally a touch!
I've been extremely lazy! I will get my timeline done today I think! Anyway, after months CSC finally touched my K3 paperwork since it arrived there from Chicago. Last touch was Nov. 18th. My I130 hasn't been touched since it arrived in California from Nebraska on Sept. 20!! CSC is waking up maybe.
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2007-01-25 15:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Sent to another Office?
They've been touching the I129f all week and what do you know, they've approved the I130 which they have not even touched! It feels good to see results! Now come on, approve that 130!!! Wow, 9/06 to 1/30/07, long time coming on the 130. :dance:
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2007-01-31 00:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Sent to another Office?
Got another touch today 1/28/07, a Sunday of course! Another message saying transferred, but impossible, just another friendly touch, c'mon with the NOA2 already!!!! Pendleton, did you get another touch? We've been in the same ship this far, hopefully you got the aproval already!
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2007-01-29 01:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Sent to another Office?
It worried me so I called customer service. I thought in the message head that it had been sent to another office. The man, very nice, said that it was taking too long and now put in an expedite on it, although still a couple months from processing date on USCIS website. He said it wasn't suppose to leave Missouri and that it was probably going back there (this I find hard to believe even coming from him). I looked at USCIS online site and had the same message from the transfer notice, therefor, I deduced that it was just a touch. I have never really had my cases touched, but when they have, always the previous message with nothing new. This is my recollection, any advice on what happens with a touch and e-mail messages would be appreciated, since they dont touch mine very often. Yes, both ours had this on 1/25/07!
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2007-01-27 00:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Sent to another Office?
Same thing with me yesterday, it's just a repeat of the last message automatically since there is nothing new to report, you have auto e-mail, so no new changes, just a welcomed touch! I'm a day ahead of you!!! Hope you're done very soon!!!!
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2007-01-26 17:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!
After a week of many touches, a climax (no pun intended). I've updated my immigration timeline and added my signature. California Circus Center has finally sent an e-mail stated that the I-129F is APPROVED! :dance: :dance: :dance: It has been a long time coming, but now onto NVC and embassy in Bangkok! Maybe she can touch US soil in April. Now that the I-130 and I-129F have both been approved, do we just run with the 129? Do you pay for the $380 for the I-130 IV bill, or just do AOS once in US? I've been fixated on the application approval process and K-3 route for so long, I've been neglecting my CR-1 research. I'll read more, but a quick snipet on the CR-1 route would be greatly appreciated. To all you in the confines of the CSC and VSC, I hope you follow with quick NOA2's.
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2007-02-01 15:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 General Guide and Info
I have received both NOA1's for I130 and I129f. How do I know when they have been "touched?"
CaseyThidaNot TellingThailand2006-10-29 00:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNo response to N400 aplication

That is frustrating. But what confuses me is that when I went to infopass, the officer told me that all those background checks and everything related is there. There was even a note on my file saying to send me the interview letter. Is it possible that they decided to stop me suddenly? Or the case is simply being overlooked?!!  I do not know that...

sfotoNot TellingIran2013-08-24 15:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNo response to N400 aplication


Seems like you are an Iranian . Its a silent and unspoken strategy that blessing Citizenship to certain countries should go to big bosses . I am not saying its in your case but if so even calling Obama does not help . But sure calling your congressman can shake things up. Good luck


True, I am iranian. But I was living in US for past five years, totally ethical and responsible. This does not give consent to discreminate against me. Has this happened to others too? I truely hope this not the case, otherwise it would be completely disappointing.

Thanks for the tip for talking to congressman. Apparently, this is my las option, and I hope it could be helpful...

sfotoNot TellingIran2013-08-22 10:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNo response to N400 aplication

Usually the interview is scheduled for 5 weeks after the letter is sent out. If they told you your letter was sent out 2 and a half months ago that means your interview date was most likely over a month ago. Could the letter have been lost in the mail?

Someone recently missed their biometrics appointment because the letter never came to them. They called USCIS and were told it was sent out and they had missed the appointment several weeks before. They had one rescheduled but it has delayed their processing for well over a month.

It is very strange that the officer only told you what they did and left it at that. They would be the best persons to direct you in the next steps to take. I would try to see if I could get another interview scheduled or ask them to check if another has been scheduled already since they probably have you in the system as a no show for the first appointment if indeed a letter was sent out.


The case was set for notice of interview. But the letter has never been sent. Even the officer had no idea why! He filed a complaint on my behalf. But he had no idea why the USCIS stopped sending me that letter. The problem is that the letter was never issued... :(

I have no idea what to do. He told me wait for two more weeks and then see what happens. But I dont think anything happens after two weeks.

sfotoNot TellingIran2013-08-21 18:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNo response to N400 aplication

Is there any possibility that USCIS has forgotten my case?

sfotoNot TellingIran2013-08-21 18:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNo response to N400 aplication

I have applied for N400 on April 2013. I received my FP notice 3 weeks later, and it was done. After almost 4 months, my case status is still "initial review". The average waiting time of my district is 5 months!


I went to InfoPass on Aug. 21st, and the officer told me that I have been assigned to receive a notice for interview on June 11th (two months ago), but it has never happened. He also mentioned that the FBI and Background checks are all there, and I am cleared. But, even he did not know why my case has been stopped.


I am totally frustrated and have no idea what to do. Any suggestions?



sfotoNot TellingIran2013-08-21 18:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVideo pictures
QUOTE (boo boo @ Jan 30 2009, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for sharing, you and your wife look very happy together and look very sweet together.

Thanks BooBoo, I've got pictures of us crying too but I thought they might look funny if you didn't know what they were about (The Propose)
WaldoMalePeru2009-01-30 20:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVideo pictures
WaldoMalePeru2009-01-30 14:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVideo pictures
WaldoMalePeru2009-01-30 14:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Flying with maiden/married names
Y&D is correct. Just book your reservation under your maiden name instead of your married name and you will not have any problems. Bring your Marriage certificate along with your Green Card for when you return!

Edited by Waldo, 02 January 2009 - 08:37 PM.

WaldoMalePeru2009-01-02 20:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Flying with maiden/married names
QUOTE (AUBGER @ Jan 2 2009, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys,
I am stressing out in regards to traveling to my home-country of Moldova. Buying a ticket and flying to Romania (taking a train to Moldova afterwards) would save my husband, I and my in-laws more than 1/2 of the price. I have my green card in my married name, my passport in my maiden name and I need a visa for Romania when I fly in.
I am scared they are going to give me a hard time at the airport in terms of allowing me to go into the country just because I have two names.
Are my fears reasonable?
Thank you,

I'm an airline employee. What kind of ID do you have? If you are traveling international you WILL need a passport. You can either A) Use the name as it appears on your passport or cool.gif Use your current name with government documented letter of "Change" or marriage certificate.
WaldoMalePeru2009-01-02 20:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOSupport ?
Alright. On the LingChe NVC Shortcut on VjWiki under "At NVC / The Guide to Flying through NVC" is says "If you didn’t get all the paperwork required for AOS and IV, NOW is the time. Especially PCC (Police Clearance Certificate), Birth Certificates and Tax info, as well as any other info needed for I-864. " I assumed I had to do both forms.

WaldoMalePeru2009-03-29 11:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)AOSupport ?
In the field I-3 it asks name of spouse and children. Should I put my wife's name and information in the name field? the example form does not have the information listed but it is written as though they are not married.

sorry here is the link to the form
WaldoMalePeru2009-03-28 21:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I-864 employment letter sample
Is the employment letter only if your on a yearly salary? What if you are hourly? Averaging the four years will lower me below the Poverty guidelines for that job.
WaldoMalePeru2009-03-29 12:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Quick ? on Tax info
Thanks. It all makes sense, I'm going to go without seeings how the transcripts are a lot less confusing then sorting through the mess of W-2's.
WaldoMalePeru2009-04-03 22:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Quick ? on Tax info
I know that year 2 and 3 are optional for the I-864. If I send the transcripts only will this be sufficient or do they want all or nothing? W-2 are packed in the basement and we are remodeling so it's a huge inconvenience to pull them out.
WaldoMalePeru2009-04-03 13:54:00