Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT

Elizabeth, I hope you won't leave the forum. This is an excellent place to learn information that will be important as you go on this journey. I totally see why you are not happy. Sometimes people on this board can seem a bit harsh and make assumptions based on the limited information they get from posts. I don't think anyone has bad intentions and I am sure everyone's heart is in the right place. But just like I don't know you - they don't know you either. And you are the one who knows your husband and knows your marriage and knows your situation.

I personally have had a few times when I asked some specific questions about getting married in Morocco. And I got great useful answers. It has been very valuable for me. I also had people cautioning me against getting married. I don't think they meant any harm and I just assume they want to give the wisdom of their experiences. Now since I don't have any doubts or any intention of calling off my marriage - I simply say thank you and then I read the answers that help me with my questions. And I am grateful to get those answers. So I do hope you will stay. The people on this forum have a wealth of information to share. So when sometimes hurtful things are said I just assume it is said in the spirit of wanting to help and give good advice. I try not to take offense. It can be a little hurtful but the benefits of the information you get usually outweighs the downside of having your relationship publicly questioned and picked apart.

Hope you stay here and continue to be a part of this forum. I wish you and everyone here only the very best.

I'm not saying I will leave the forum but this post really hurt me. There were some helpful things and I understand people don't want someone to get used but I felt personally attacked even if it wasn't meant in that way. I have appreciated all the help I have gotten so far with other topics and the people I have continued to speak with. I guess I wasn't expecting all the negative views. But I see why the concerns were raised. Ahmed and I will just have to work extra hard to prove our sincerity.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-16 23:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT
I understand the concerns of people on this forum. But, in the end, you are making judgements on a minute amount of information about who I am, the relationship I have with my best friend, and my husband for that matter.

I wasn't asking for your opinions on whether or not my marriage was fradulent, yet you pretty much all took that route anyways.

Only I can judge my marriage in the end and the decisions we made together. As for diving into a culture I know nothing about, that's not true. I have lived with middle eastern people and learned many aspects of the culture and my husband and I talked about the conflicts we may face in our marriage because of cultural differences.

As for the person who I said I am too young to make a decision like this. Bullshit. You don't know my character or the things I have dealt with in my life. I'm not going to sit here and give you my whole life story to justify my decision at 18.

My husband is an accountant. He works for a construction company in downtown Cairo. I was the first one to bring up marriage. From the beginning, my best friend and her husband made it clear to Ahmed that they were simply going to introduce us and it was up to both of us on whether or not there was something there. I was the one who initiated conversations about marriage and him coming to the US. He was open to the idea because that's what I wanted. He still tells me he is nervous to come to the US because of how different it is and he will be leaving his whole life behind. He wants to be here because I'm here and he wants me to be able to finish school. We have talked about living in Egypt many times and don't feel that is right for us.

So, to all of you, I take your recommendations with a grain of salt. I know this is going to be hard. But I have my faith and trust in my husband. He has not given me reason to ever doubt his intentions and my friend is not doing this to help her husband. But again, I'm not going to give you my life story and entire relationship history with my friend.

You all have the right to believe what you want or feel what you want. I don't know if I will come back to this post. I think I've read enough.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-16 22:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT

Lol i did not reply to any topics in the last 3 years but your case looks very good....first visit marriage isn't an issue at all and your ages difference is absolutely acceptable....they don't have time to read chat logs and it means nothing to them but pictures together and with his family, gifts, and phone bills show international calls and numbers may be helpful. The only thing I can think of now is the financial support. You should read about it and make sure you meet the requirements then after the interview get ready for an extended portion of time called the hell AP or Adminstration processing before he gets his visa. Good luck

Thank you for your reply. Would pictures of gifts be enough? He had a drawing of me done in Egypt and a photo clock made with a picture of us. I could also take a picture of my rings he bought me.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-16 05:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT
Hellow fellow VJers :)

I want to know about how to deal with possible red flags the USCIS might see with the i-130 application for my husband.

Here is briefly how me met & when we got married:
My husband, Ahmed, and I were introduced by my best friend of 5 years and her husband who is Ahmed's first cousin. We began contact over Facebook and Skype in early September 2012. My family has been in support of our relationship from the beginning and his family also approves. In November he applied for a tourist Visa so he could come visit my family but was denied. We already knew we wanted to get married then and decided I would come to Egypt in December and we would get married. I spent 3 weeks in Egypt with him and his family and we Skyped with my family every other day so they could finally see us together. We married on Christmas. I returned back to the US on January 1, 2013.

The possible red flags:
- 8 year age difference --> I am almost 19, he is 27
- religious difference --> I am Christian, he is Muslim (we have discussed this quite a bit and it is not an issue for us, I am very open to Islam and have considered converting)
- marrying on first visit (our finances do not permit me to travel to Egypt often as I am a full-time student and the money my husband makes in Egypt is not the best when exchanged to US dollars, I am going to try my best to visit during the summer)

Do these need to be addressed? If so, how? I know Egypt is considered a hard embassy by many on this forum and I am trying to be as prepared as possible.

The evidence I am planning to include with the i-130 is:
- photos of us alone and with friends and family in Egypt
- my passport showing entry and departure stamp for Egypt & my plane ticket
- sworn affidavits by my parents and hopefully the friend who introduced us
- Some chat logs (I have to sift through over 900 pages...)
- Screenshots of us Skyping together

Thank you!
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-16 02:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaWaiting for interview at Cairo
Congrats on the interview!

My congressman's assistant has been helping me and said cases can still be at the NVC while waiting to be scheduled for an interview but that seems wrong to me.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-07-17 11:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaWaiting for interview at Cairo
Yes we are married, probably should have clarified that, sorry. I'm not sure if the waiting times are different. I'm assuming they are? I have no idea. It just feels like it's never going to happen.

My emails are very straightforward and have all the info they need. Case number, names, birth dates. I'm sending it to the IV section of the embassy.

On CEAC it stills shows at NVC for our case. I've been told it is only sent to the embassy once an interview is scheduled but have also heard opposite. Not sure which is right these days.

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 17 July 2014 - 02:45 AM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-07-17 02:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaWaiting for interview at Cairo
Hello all,

I haven't been on the site in a long time but need some insight on how long Cairo is taking to schedule interviews. Our case was complete at the NVC on March 13, 2014. So we've been waiting just over 4 months now. I checked the schedule for July and we are still not on it. The embassy won't respond to my emails, even if they did they probably can't even tell me anything useful.

I know a lady who was doing K1 and their case was complete just two weeks before ours and had an end of May interview and her fiancé got his visa that next week. I'm starting to get really frustrated with this whole process. We started April of 2013.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-07-17 01:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband wants a translator for Cairo interview

That's right .The second question that they might ask him if he would say i want my interview in Arabic is so how do you guys communicate ?! If he does great with you as you said he will do great with them as well .
Good luck and my best wishes for you .

So maybe have a translator as a backup?

Really his English is not fantastic and he has been working on it a lot. We still sometimes use a translator app as a backup.

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 08 August 2014 - 12:22 AM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-08 00:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband wants a translator for Cairo interview
I think I would rather him be comfortable and answer the questions correctly than try to impress them with his English. I think it would go way smoother with a translator or he might even get a bilingual CO. Most of the employees spoke Arabic when we went to the embassy to get approval for our marriage.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-07 23:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband wants a translator for Cairo interview

My husband speaks English fairly well. I am on the fence of whether or not he could get through the interview no problem. I think his anxiety might get the best of him if he has to do it in full English. He does great with me, but I know other people will make him nervous. Is it a terrible plan for him to request a translator? I see the emabssy making that out to mean we can't communicate and therefore can't have a good marriage.


We are both really stressed about this decision and would appreciate some suggestions.

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 07 August 2014 - 09:52 PM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-07 21:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview in Cairo!!!!

Congrats on the interview date and the best of Luck

Thank you!

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-07 23:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview in Cairo!!!!

Finally got word for my husband's interview date! Our file was complete at the NVC March 13, 2014 and just got our interview date for September 1, 2014 at 7:30am! We are both ecstatic but also nervous about what's ahead. We are praying for a good outcome :)

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-07 21:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaIR-1/CR-1 Visa for Egyptian spouse--start to finish
I married my husband Christmas 2012 in Egypt. We filed for his visa the middle of April 2013. We got an expedite for the i-130 which kept us at standard processing times for USCIS even with an RFE. Our case was complete at the NVC on March 13, 2014 after receiving a checklist which added 60 days. We waited just under 5 months for an interview date. Scheduled for September 1st.

It is a long, grueling process but read as much as you can. Being aware of the next steps and terminology used is extremely helpful. Triple check everything to try and avoid delays.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-25 03:48:00
Middle East and North Africamoving up your interview date Morocco ppl
The only way I know to get a quick interview date is to file an expedite request with the NVC. Although, most often those are denied since the embassy makes the decision. We got an expedite with USCIS then were denied another once the embassy got to make the decision. If you have legitimate reasons to request an expedite, look into it. If not, just gotta wait.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-25 04:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenials in Cairo

Hi Elizabeth,
I can only speak to the fact that in the MENA region - AP -administrative processing takes much longer than for couples going through the visa process in Europe or Latin America.  AP is when they finally get Homeland Security involved as USCIS has been absorbed under that umbrella so to speak to do the background checks on the individuals who have been interviewed.
From talking to couples both here on the visa journey website and the visa journey Facebook group - depending on the security situation in the given country, if that country is home to groups deemed terrorist organization, if that country is unofficially on the Homeland Security black list for visas based on terrorism threat assessment - AP can go from a month to years.
I suggest you contact once AP goes over a month - your congressional representative, CAIR - Council on American Islamic Relations and the ACLU for further legal advice and aid for your case.  Your congressional representative can request further information and put pressure on the Consulate, State Dept and Homeland Security to hurry the background check up.  CAIR can advise you on your rights and lawyers that can help and ACLU could perhaps take your case for free.
I wish you and your husband the best of luck!
Ally & Omar

Yes the dreaded AP! As far as I've seen that's much more common than total denial. But many people I've met through this process had almost a year of AP. I'm hoping and praying that if we do get AP it will not be one of those lengthy cases. I've been working closely with a congressman's office since our i-130 so I will definitely be contacting them if we get AP.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-25 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenials in Cairo
My husband has his interview on September 1st in Cairo. I'm starting to get anxious and have been wondering if there is any info on the statistics of outright denial at the Cairo embassy. Searching through visa journey I haven't found any recent ones for Cairo. Some background on our case specifically: been to Egypt 3 times each time for a month, total family approval on both sides, 8 year age gap (I am younger), applied for a tourist visa prior to getting married to try and meet in the US first, we will be married two years on Christmas.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-25 03:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaCairo Embassy Interview Waiting Times
Fiancé visas are not my speciality in regards to knowledge of wait times, but for my husband's interview we waited just under 5 months. Scheduled for September 1st.

Someone I know whose case was complete only a few weeks before ours doing a fiancé visa had an interview the end of May. Generally speaking, fiancé visas get scheduled faster.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-25 03:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca Interview Date Change.
Does your case qualify for expedite criteria? Other than someone cancelling and you getting their spot, expedite is really the only way to get a faster date. Although waiting just a couple months isn't bad in my opinion. We waited 5 months for Cairo to schedule my husband's. It's tomorrow night and our case was complete in March. Total case time is 18 months so far.

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 31 August 2014 - 04:57 AM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 04:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy honey will be here.......
Congrats!! My hubby's interview is tomorrow night my time. Crossing our fingers!
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-08-31 04:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1 visa Casablanca denied

Hi everyone I hope someone can give give me an idea what's going on.
I had my Interview in April 4th the consular put me in Administrative processing ( no document needed) after 40 days they contacted me for a second interview they took my passport. I waited another 40 days they called and asked me to come to the embassy so i did then they gave me back my passport and told me that my case will be returned to the USCIS for a review ( i was in shock). then she gave me a white paper.
Dear bla bla bla 
Further action in your case has been suspended under section 221(g) of the United States immigration and nationality act (INA) of 1952. We are returning your petition to the department of home land security's United States citizen and immigration service (USCIS). If USCIS determines that the information we are providing constitutes a sufficient foundation for initiating revocation proceedings, you will be sent a notice of intent to revoke that includes a statement of the facts and evidence and you will have the opportunity to respond. you may wish to consult the USCIS website for more information on how to contact the USCIS office nearest the petitioner's residence in the U.S
What do i do? what's the nest step? 
Should i hire a lawyer? 
How long does this review take? 
Any help will be much appreciated 

Very sorry this happened to you. I'm not an expert in the denial area but this is definitely the time a lawyer can get involved. I would also recommend writing your state representatives in the federal government. My congressman's office has been a great resource for our case from the beginning which is now in AP.

Many threads I have read on denial also try to include more details about their specific case and why you would be denied. For example, non bona fide marriage, criminal record, national security concerns. If you have any insight I'm sure others will be able to offer better advice.

I hope all will go well with the review. Stay strong.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 23:01:00
Middle East and North Africacairo interview...AP, sort of.

USCIS initially checks to see if the docs are correct. The embassy serves as the gatekeeper for the issuance of the visa because the circumstances vary from country to country. In Egypt there is a history of visa fraud that becomes part of the checks that are imposed to try to limit the volume of fraud. This is an unfortunate part of the journey that in this case has made it very difficult to endure.
The O P in this case has done well to survive this so far and must continue to stay strong until this is finally over. It is a true test of wills That everyone considering obtaining a visa from Egypt should review because it happens to many cases there.

Spot on. Cairo is a tough embassy. I'd say 95% of everyone I've met and become friends with doing this process in Cairo has gone through AP that was 6 months or longer. While the rate of denial seems low, AP is pretty much a given. We waited 5 months for an interview and are over 700 days into the process. Giving up is not an option. We made it this far, we can handle another 6 months if we have to. Our case officially updated to say AP today on CEAC.

Should also note, for the other poster, I see that you are going through Cairo. Front-load your paperwork. Send as much good evidence that you have. In our case we didn't have a lot when we filed the i-130 and had to keep adding more.

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 08 September 2014 - 10:49 PM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 22:47:00
Middle East and North Africacairo interview...AP, sort of.

I'm sorry for these difficulties. Didn't you have to send in evidence of bona fide marriage with your I-130 (the initial petition with DHS)? And the embassy said it still wasn't enough? DHS and state should coordinate their activities more. It doesn't make sense for DHS to approve petitions and then the embassy tells people it's not enough info.

Yes, we sent evidence with the i-130 and then at the NVC stage since I went to see him while the i-130 was processing.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 20:01:00
Middle East and North Africacairo interview...AP, sort of.

Sorry to hear about the tough interview. As I recall, your case had some huge red flags, what with the way you were introduced, short courtship, and language barrier. With that said, it's positive that you at least have another chance to provide additional evidence. I think it would have been wiser to only submit what they requested, however. I hope the chats demonstrate a strong ability to communicate with each other, compatibility, and future goals and so forth. At the end of the day, Cairo appears to approve far more couples than they deny, and that is in your favor. Good luck!

Yes, we had all those red flags. But I've seen much worse go through the Cairo embassy and get approved. We are both trying to stay hopeful but have plans for me to move to Egypt if our case is denied. In the chats I included some disagreements, talking about our plans in the future for kids and such, and discussions about dealing with our cultural differences. I think I put good variety. From talking with my husband the consulate seemed to have the biggest issue with our language barrier. Which I get, but any issue that has come up because of it, we always talk it out and find out where the misunderstanding occurred. Maybe he shouldn't have sent the photos but there's nothing we can do now. It's in God's hands now.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-06 05:04:00
Middle East and North Africacairo interview...AP, sort of.

Send in as much evidences as you can and don't worry you won't be in lengthy AP, I saw many cases like yours and they went well in last.

That's good to know. He wouldn't take the photos from our most recent time together so my husband sent those as well with the 50 pages of chats.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-01 14:34:00
Middle East and North Africacairo interview...AP, sort of.

From what I have see you can expect to go into A P for an undetermined amount of time. If that doesn't happen and they simply look over these chat logs you should fee lucky.

Yeah I'll be absolutely shocked if they don't put us in AP.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-01 12:11:00
Middle East and North Africacairo interview...AP, sort of.

They are trying to establish a bonifide  on going relationship

Yes I know. Although we had plenty of photos and Skype screenshots. I had also been there in June for a month. With two other trips as well.

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 01 September 2014 - 11:07 AM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-01 11:06:00
Middle East and North Africacairo interview...AP, sort of.
My husband had his interview today. I haven't gotten all the details from him yet but it overall did not go well. The CO accused him of lying, harassed him, and made fun of his English abilities. He had some chat logs from Facebook with him that the CO took at the end and gave my husband a paper back. It said we had to provide more evidence before a decision was made. The CO wanted 50 pages of chat logs from us.

So, I went through over 50,000 messages and narrowed it down to a 54 page word document that spans our two year relationship. My husband went to the Aramex office and sent it all to the embassy about 30 minutes ago. I'm not really sure what to expect now. As I get more details I will add them here and write a review.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-01 10:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaBest way to get in contact with Cairo embassy?

I recommend contacting your Senator, the embassy always responds to them in a timely fashion. That's what I did when I needed information or updates during our prolonged AP. Good luck!

They finally emailed me but all it sad was "your case is pending recieving the passport." they definitely didn't answer my question. My husband didn't leave his passport and they haven't requested it. But I do have a congressmans office who has been helping us and they also contacted them.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-09 13:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaBest way to get in contact with Cairo embassy?

I always had a response through email.Mostly was not personal until they made a decision to approve then it became more personal.I emailed the embassey every other day :D I was calling DOS too every other day.

Haha you were definitely determined. I probably need to bug them more. But I found out the congressman who has been helping me already made an inquiry for us. So I'll wait to see what they tell her.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 20:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaBest way to get in contact with Cairo embassy?
Not once has the Cairo embassy responded to my emails, recently and in the past. I'd like to find out if they have received the documents requested for my husband's AP. I've read calling them is usually a bust. Any suggestions?
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 09:20:00
Middle East and North Africafamily guest visa to Algeria

Just curious how long it took to get a visa to Algeria. I have sent in all the documents 2 weeks ago. Hopefully I'll hear something soon.

What type of visa specifically have you applied for? That can greatly affect what the timeline could be.

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 08 September 2014 - 10:03 AM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2014-09-08 10:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 vs K3
The K3 is pretty much obsolete these days since it will be processed at basically the same rate as an i-130 would for a CR-1. In the past the i-130 took much longer to process so K3 visas made sense. But, with a K3 you are not receiving an immigrant visa, therefore you would have to adjust your status in the future to became a permanent resident. That means even more fees and forms.

With the CR-1 you are getting a green card. You will be a lawful permanent resident when you enter the US. Since you will be married less than 2 years there are conditions placed on the immigrant visa you must remove eventually by filing the proper forms.

I thought the K3 was a great way to be able to be with my husband in the US while we waited for the i-130. But then I learned the processing times are the same so it is good to go with the CR-1 so my husband will not have to adjust his status in the future.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-14 07:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe lovely i-130 and evidence of a bona fide marriage

I'm not sure how necessary it is, but I did include some evidence with mine such as: joint bank account papers, 6 photos, flight records, a couple samples of our skype logs, wedding catering bill, etc. I just made sure that I had copies of everything I sent in, in case we need it later. And I didn't send in anything that I wouldn't want to lose. My advice would be to send in a few things, as it can't really hurt, just don't make it too bulky or unorganized (900 pages of conversation would be way too much in my opinion). I have read about some other people on here who got their petition approved with minimal evidence though. Good luck!

It's just frustrating because we don't have any documentation of joint bank accounts or anything like that. That's why I thought the MoneyGram receipt would at least show there has been financial exchange. I think I am over thinking the whole process...I just don't want to get denied, which I think everyone on here can relate to.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-11 19:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe lovely i-130 and evidence of a bona fide marriage

I am new to this forum. My husband and I were married on Christmas in Cairo, Egypt. I've been getting over some illnesses and am finally getting around to the i-130. I'm trying to figure out what evidence of a bona fide marriage I should actually include with the i-130. A lawyer I spoke to told me to only send our marriage certificate, the passport photos, and my birth certificate. He said all they are looking for is proof a marriage took place and that I should keep all my other evidence to give to my husband in a packet when he will eventually have his interview. But, then another lawyer told me to send other evidence. It seems like there is no clear information on what to include, so what did you all include?

Evidence I have considered:
- photos of us (and his family) in Egypt together
- Visa page of my passport with entry and departure stamp for Egypt
- plane ticket to Egypt
- MoneyGram receipt from when he sent me $500
- screenshots of us Skyping together
- our Facebook conversations (I have over 900 pages of conversation between us)
- a Christmas card my friend sent me that mentions Ahmed and I and my trip to Egypt
- affidavits from my family (although with such a recent marriage I don't know how much weight these would have, I've thought about sending those with him to the interview)

Unfortunately we don't have actual Skype records because we use Skype through Facebook and that doesn't leave a record.

Any help is appreciated :)
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-11 18:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAddress immigrant will be living (once in USA)

They need to know where to send the greencard

Can I change that address if need be?
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-13 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAddress immigrant will be living (once in USA)
Hello fellow VJers,

I have been filling out the i-130 for my husband who lives in Egypt and I don't know what to put for the address he will be living once he gets the Visa.

Here's my situation:

I have been living in my parents' home in Washington while it is on short sale but it will be sold soon and I currently don't know where I will be living next. Right now I am in Utah with my parents because I came down with a virus and needed constant care. I might move back in with my best friend, whose husband is my husband's first cousin for a little bit when I go back to Washington but I'm not sure. So what address should I use for myself and where he will be living? Will it be a problem if the addresses are different?
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-13 22:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSworn affidavits, their format, and a few questions

I am going to have my mom and dad do sworn affidavits to send with the i-130 for my husband. I have found a few templates on this site and Google, but I am wondering if they are always supposed to be so simple. I was planning on having my parents write a bit more about their knowledge of the relationship and them seeing my husband and I together over Skype many many times throughout the 3 weeks I was in Egypt. Although my parents have not met my husband in person they love getting to talk with him via Skype.

My best friend of 5 years is who introduced Ahmed and me, would it be smart to include an affidavit from her? I want to get the i-130 sent out pretty soon and she is in Seattle right now and I'm in Utah. If I have her notarize it, it would take a few more days in the mail. Obviously if it is important I will wait for it.

I was looking at the wiki page on affidavits for reference: http://www.visajourn...x.php/Affidavit
I noticed there is also one that I can do. Is this recommended? Would the details of the marriage need to be explained in great detail or fairly simple terms?

Thanks for the help :)

Edited by ElizabethDarwish, 16 February 2013 - 01:21 AM.

DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-16 01:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow many video chat logs to include? And how to include them?
I'm having the same problems. I have like 17,000 messages between my hubby and I. I was putting them into MS Word, but now that seems like a bad idea...
I have read about people just putting when the chat ended and started each day.
DarwishAEFemaleEgypt2013-02-20 01:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 I-130 Filers

I still haven't had anything change on mine since May when I got my noa1... I am starting to worry.


Same here (May 16th) mine hasn?t been transferred or anything. The stress level is going thru the roof. Haven?t been able to sleep for 2 weeks now. Had a horrible Thanksgiving - and now Christmas is right around the corner and I have to spend it without my wife and kids. It really is criminal to keep families separated like this.

Oki_SurfNot Telling02013-12-05 13:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 I-130 Filers

May filler here and still waiting!  This is such BS, I wish USCIS would get their ###### together!

Oki_SurfNot Telling02013-11-04 13:09:00