K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescopy of the entire I-129f package
Will be biggest problem if your case gets lost. How would you replace it?

Also alot of the info is needed on other forms and its alot faster if you have it readily available.

Also it would be best if you could take a copy of every thing with you to the interview in case some thing was miss placed and they dont have what they need.

If you dont have it, you dont have it, I dont think there is alot to worry about mostly the copies are for back ups as an exact replacement of what you would need if it was lost.
conquestMalePeru2009-04-17 12:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference will matter for K1 Visa
Im with Brian and Isa,

Save every thing if you went to a restaurant save the recipt air line tickets boarding passes phone bills emails. Save every thing. If you send gifts save the postal recipts. Take lots of pictures together I hope you did that.

I think that if you are in the relationship you belive you are then It would be safer ( more sure) if you were married. The age issue doesnt seem to be the problem. My wife and I are 15 years apart.What you really need to do is show that you have a on going relationship.

If you do decide to get marreid there are a few of us from peru that can help with that process although a few hoops to jump through and takes a little time its not all that complicated. I got marreid in Arequipa Peru last september. THe hardest part is making sure you do all the things that are required

Edited by conquest, 14 January 2009 - 12:43 PM.

conquestMalePeru2009-01-14 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
My wife is also going to Dr Nora Lori, she asked more than oneces and they said the nexted day. I cant move it out I will lose my airline tickets. She has her interview today so I guess I will find out. The DR will get a butt chewin if that is the case on the report.
conquestMalePeru2009-05-06 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
My wife goes for her medical exam on thursday her interview is on the following tuesday. You say the exam reports take a week to get back? she was told that she can have them the next day. If it takes a week then its going to be all messed up for us there goes $1500 + in airline tickets.
conquestMalePeru2009-05-04 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa
When is your interview? What questions do you have? why do you think you need a lawyer?

conquestMalePeru2009-04-29 07:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReason for Rejection ?
I sent copies of western union also. She is my wife and I want her to have what she needs. She has never asked but I send her $300 a month just because. She has her interview this tuesday but up to this point all has been approved with out RFE,s so I have not seen any problems from it.
conquestMalePeru2009-05-09 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdoes this make sense?
I didnt have to get a certificate of being single (I got married in Peru). You shouldnt have to do that if you have a divorce decree. they ask Other wise if you dont have a divorce decree. If you need one you can make your own and have it notarized. Basically a statement that says "I -------- so and so am single and free to marry. You might think about doing it in spanish though if you make your own as then you will need it translated if in english.

I dont know about the birth certificate 30 day thing as I had to apply for a new one asnd mine was less than 30 days old.

You cant just send them your birth certificate though. It has to be a legalized copy. Meaning that it has to have a certificate of authentication attached to it. Which contains the a letter with the state seal on it. Call your state records department and they will tell you what you need. Generally its for doing international contracts and such. I would suggest that you purchase 2 maybe 3 copies of your birth certificate. I had to pay 50 for the first and 30 for the extras each and I think it was $80 to have it leagalized by the state.. You will need one to take to the Peruvian consolate to have it stamped for your marraige licence and then you will have to send that to peru for the licence, you wont see that one again.
you will also need one to send in for the immigration forms . They take time to get so if one gets lost you might be out of luck for awhile.

Dont delay what you need to do as some of the forms and steps take time to complete. IF you wait till the last minute you might not beable to get what you need in time. It took some 20 days to get my birth certificate but then maybe your state is different.

Edited by conquest, 25 June 2009 - 10:54 AM.

conquestMalePeru2009-06-25 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdoes this make sense?
You need to go to the municipalidad where you are getting married and get a list of the requierements as each has different requirements in Peru. The US citizen will have to go to a Peruvian consolate and get your passport legalized in peru ( I think that is what it is called) any way you have to get you birthcertificate and divorce decree ( if you have one) also fixed with a stamp from peru. It cost $$ but I cant remember how much . I think it was $80

You also need a to sign a form stating that you can sign contracts in peru. you will have to get that in Peru.( I have more infor regarding this if you are interested)

You dont say where in the USA you are from but if you are not close to a Peruvian consolate you will have to send those items to a peruvian consolate though the mail. Make sure you stay on them and that your paper work doesnt sit on the desk at the peruvian consolate.

The USC will have to get a medical exam and a blood test done in peru before you can get married. Also you have to put an anouncement in the news paper at least 5 or 8 days before you get married. I believe that also you will have to get a legal address in preu before you can get married.

I am not real sure about some of the stuff because my wife did a good amount of it as she lived in Peru.

You will need to be in Peru at least a week in advance to get every thing done IE... medical tests and form filling.

All the documents from the USC will have to be translated to spanish IE... birth certificate and divorce decree if it applies. none of it is real difficult you just have to follow the steps. It does take a little bit of time so you will need to plan ahead
conquestMalePeru2009-06-23 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen can we return to her home country?
Its going to be awhile before she can leave the country
conquestMalePeru2009-06-15 13:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvideo
If you think you really need photos there are people that can pull still photos off o video. Just a thought. Paper evidence is better than photos though.
conquestMalePeru2009-08-04 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A
You can down load the form from the internet in Peru or scan and email. Have her sign 2 or 3 of them in case it gets messed up when you are filling them out. Have her send you the blank G-325A forms that are signed. You would be able to save a couple of weeks on the paper work if you do it that way.

That is the way we did ours

Edited by conquest, 06 August 2009 - 04:37 AM.

conquestMalePeru2009-08-06 04:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1
You can type all the Info for the DS-230 on line and then print it out. (its supposed to be typed in caps) THen what we did is scan it and emailed to my wife in peru. She then printed it out and then signed it and mailed it back to me.
conquestMalePeru2009-08-10 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport-sized photos
They want to beable to see thier eyes that is why no glasses
conquestMalePeru2009-08-31 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting Congress
Complain all you want but it will fall on deaf ears.

You dont think others have complained? I complained every week. Now its your turn has any thing changed for you and your petition process?

When your only choice is to vote some one out( yeah right what crock of BS) that is how change works then you are stuck with that.

The only change that will ever happen in our country is change by the numbers of people revolting. Face it the arent enough peopple revolting and for imigration purposes there just arent enough people in the system to warrant change. The amercian people dont stick together enough to warrant change. There are just too many people that are spineless or lazy or complacent to make things happen. ( especially in immigration)

I dont like to be negative. I wish you all the luck in the world but there are people on VJ that complain to thier congressman every freaking day and it is any more that a flea bite on the #### of the american govenment.
conquestMalePeru2009-09-21 05:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 meeting requirement and divorce proceedings
I met my wife in april and divorce was final in july of the same year. It took me a year and a half of divorce battles to finalize it. The question was never even brought up. You just need to be eligible to marry when the papers are filled
conquestMalePeru2009-12-09 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried to us citizen with convictions
It is of my understanding that if you file for a K1 then he will come under scrutiny for his past record but if you marry and file for a CR1 they wont even come into question.

No where at any time was I asked about any criminal past when my wife and I filed for a a CR1.
You could come to the USA marry but then you would need to og back to your country and wait out the papers. In the long run a CR1 is cheaper and takes the same amount of time any way.
conquestMalePeru2009-10-07 13:55:00
USCIS Service CentersWrite your comment Please
The reason its like this ( the long wait) is becasue every one and their fricken dog wants to come to the USA and they will do just about any thing to get here.Not saying any thing bad about poland but no one wants to go there. No wants to be in half the countries on this stupid ball we call earth. ITs the way it is you want to be here permantantly play by the rules you dont want to be here stay home

conquestMalePeru2009-02-02 18:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBringing Pets from South America to USA
you will need a vetrinarians note to get your cat through customs all animals have to do that. There will be some kind of form that will need to be filled out.

Check out this site

Edited by conquest, 15 January 2009 - 10:34 PM.

conquestMalePeru2009-01-15 22:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEmbassy Documents Never Received
Good luck tomorow
conquestMalePeru2009-04-01 11:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaEmbassy Documents Never Received
Perhaps you should call the embassy and or NVC and see what they have to say about that. If you need tham and they dont show up you are going to have to work it out with them. You dont want this whole thing to be for naught
conquestMalePeru2009-03-30 09:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLAN to Peru Memorial Weekend BARGAIN PRICE
Yeah can you belive that? and I paid I think $1200 last christmas time . I am heading to Peru in a couple of weeks
conquestMalePeru2009-04-23 17:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-1 visa . anyone from peru going through this proces
I have not found any thing that was really specific to Peru. Like was stated check and double check every thing. Make copines of every thing. As for the police reports you have to get them in Lima and it takes a few days. You dont have to have the police reports translated as was told to me by the Immigration officer during the interview.
conquestMalePeru2009-06-01 11:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaK-1 visa . anyone from peru going through this proces
What help do you need? We were a CR-1 visa but maybe we can help with some thing
conquestMalePeru2009-05-31 10:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americamy mama wants to come for my wedding
A visa is usually issued for 3 months but can be extended to 6 months.

I heard recently that peru lightened up on the requierements for the tourist visa in Peru. You have to be able to prove that you have a reason to return. IE you own a house have kids there have a good job........ Last I heard also is that you have to have $5000 in the bank to show that you can support your self while in the USA. I guess they figure that is how much it takes to live for 3 months
conquestMalePeru2009-06-25 11:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaBest airlines to fly to Peru
Go to you can get pretty good prices there and usually can choose the air line you like. They are a high trafic user of LANPERU and can usually get good prices.

I have used Delta, Continental, Lan Peru and american air lines. Lan peru has been the best but cost a little more. I did not like continental at all, the flight I took had long lay overs. I took American air lines and never again. They lost my luggage for 8 days and I would have never gotten it back if I didnt kick fight screem yell and use every profanity in the book on them and they had it all along but wouldnt do any thing about it.

One thing you need to know about delta is that their fares include the peru airport tax where as the others I have taken do not so that is a $30 savings off the top.
conquestMalePeru2009-08-12 12:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCustoms in Peru
As far as I understand it you can stay in peru for 180 days then you hve to leave the country and then return. Depending on where you will be at some go to ecuador some go to bolivia or chile. You can return the same day and ten te process starts all over again. THe other ting you can do is stay in the country at which time you will have to pay a fine of $1 perday for each day overstaed or $365 a year.

You could also get a rentista visa and make it completely legal. Over staying in peru isnt like overstaying here in the USA. IF you want to learn more about it go to and become a member of that site.

MAny people there are USC's that live there and know all about living in peru and what to do about customs and imigration
conquestMalePeru2009-09-10 13:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCost aproximado de el examen medico (Peru)
Mi esposa fue a Dr Nora Lari las vacunas costo $162 y examen fue $150 . Esto fue en mayo 2088
conquestMalePeru2009-11-18 16:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaRenting a beach house near Lima in March
Go to and join expatperu. There are many americans there that are living there that can give you info on a good place to stay.
conquestMalePeru2010-02-09 08:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State) there a way to use adobe to fill in form?
Lars go to the VJ guide in there is a from for the DS-3032. Cut and paste it into your wifes email address your (hers)own info then email it from her email address. You have to put her NVC# , the benficieries name and her birthdate all on the sending subject line or they wont accpt it. That would be the spot where you put in adresses and the subject of the email

Note that it has to be recieved from the beneficieries email adress not the petitioneres

I tried several time to email from the government site olnly to find out 2 weeks later that it never went through. Finally that is how I did it.

Email it to :

I will also include in this post the DS3032 form maybe you can cut and paste from here


Attachment# 3 – DS-3032 Email Format

Subject: <NVC Case#, Beneficiary’s Full Name and Date of Birth>


NVC Case#: #####
USCIS Receipt#: #####
Petitioner's Name: #####
Petitioner's Date of Birth: #####
Beneficiary's Name: #####
Beneficiary's Date of Birth: #####

Re: Declaration of the Choice of Address and Agent for Immigration Visa applicant

To whom it may concern:

My name is <Beneficiary’s full name> and my visa case# is <NVC Case#>. Per the DS-3032 (Choice of Address and Agent for Immigrant Visa Applicants), I would like to appoint my spouse as my agent of choice to receive all future correspondence from the U.S. Department of State. My spouse’s contact information is provided below:

Name: <Petitioner’s Full name>
Address: <Petitioner’s U.S Address>
Phone: <Petitioner’s best contact number>
Email: <Petitioner’s email address>

All the mails from the U.S. Department of State concerning my immigrant visa application should be sent to the address above.

If you have any questions or concerns on the above matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at <Beneficiary’s phone number> or at the address specified below.

<Beneficiary’s Full name>
<Beneficiary’s Address>
<Beneficiary’s Phone number>
<Beneficiary’s Email address>

Edited by conquest, 09 April 2009 - 05:13 PM.

conquestMalePeru2009-04-09 17:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfile I 129 along with I30 or not?
I spoke with a uscis agent and was told that any thing can be experdited all you have to do is ask for it and it is free. In the case of the I-129 you have to pay for it but for a I-130 there is no fee.I think if I thought there was even a hint of being able to qualify for It I would ask.

Also some of you were talking about filing the I-129f and I-130 would cost more money but a new policy states that if you file a I-130 you can file the I-129f for free. I have already waited a month I am not sure at this point its worth filing the I-129f If I now would have to wait for it to catch up with my I-130 so question would be is it still worth doing?
My wife wouldnt have the work issue as she is my business partner. What ever we make we split any way so that doesnt really matter it all falls under me. It would be nice though if she could drive.

Edited by conquest, 04 December 2008 - 11:10 AM.

conquestMalePeru2008-12-04 11:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfile I 129 along with I30 or not?
I am not sure about the expedite thing here is what I know about it. On the I29 F you can pay to have it expedited. Maybe, if the think they want to.

The I-130 can also be expedited maybe , if they think the want to,you just have to send a letter or call them which I did both. My wife is my business partner and our business is suffering from her absence.

To quilify for a expedite you must fall under the crieteria to have it done so.If you pay or not if you dont meet the qualifications they wont expedite.
conquestMalePeru2008-11-30 13:31:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfile I 129 along with I30 or not?
I filed the form I-130 and recieved the first NOA. I have not filed a I-129 form as the local imigration office said the are both taking the same amount of time (about 6 months) and that I dont really need to that it wont make a difference. My question is should I file any way or am I just waisting my time?

Edited by conquest, 30 November 2008 - 05:19 AM.

conquestMalePeru2008-11-30 05:16:00