CanadaBooking my medical in Toronto.
Email is definitely the way to go. I emailed with a couple of dates that would work for my appointment and they emailed back same day or next morning with the booking. Easy peasy. Try the email.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-16 15:42:00
CanadaTravel to Canada to get Police Certificate
The police check in Canada is Canada-wide, so you wouldn't need one from each city he has lived in -- just 1 covering all of Canada.

This is the information that I have, sent by Montreal in my appointment confirmation email:

Residents of Canada may obtain a certificate of no conviction issued by any Canadian police service so long as it notes that Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) or the national criminal records repository was searched using the applicant's name and date of birth. The applicant should ensure that the search includes all names previously used, including maiden names, prior married names, or names used before Canadian naturalization. If a namecheck by a police agency reveals a conviction record, that agency may refer the applicant to the RCMP for a "Certified Criminal Record Check", which lists the applicant's criminal history, indicating the section of the Canadian Criminal Code under which the applicant was charged, the disposition of the case, and the penalty imposed (if any). Obtaining a Certified Criminal Records Check requires submission of fingerprints. For obtaining police certificates from around the world, please visit http://travel.state....fees_3272.html.
** It is not necessary to obtain police certificates from the United States.

CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-20 00:48:00
CanadaTravel to Canada to get Police Certificate
Hopefully someone who knows for sure will chime in, but I'm going to say I don't think it would work that way. When I was getting my certificate at my local station, there was a woman from out of town who wanted to get her certificate there that day. They told her they couldn't do it for her and she would have to go to the police station in the city where she lives. So, based on that, I'm guessing no.
(weird though... since they are searching the database for all of Canada, it shouldn't matter where you live or which station you goes to...)
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-18 17:20:00
CanadaQuestion About Vaccinations
I'm "older" too (geesh, I hate saying that!). My family no longer has my immunization records from when I was I child, and they are too far back for my family doctor or the public health unit to have records any longer.

I printed the immunization requirements from the civil surgeon's web site and took it to my doctor. He gave me a requisition to have blood work done to determine immunity for measles, mumps and rubella. Then I got a tetanus shot and a flu shot and my doctor gave me a new yellow immunization card showing proof of those. For my medical appointment, I just took the paperwork from that blood test as proof that I had immunity plus the card showing the new shots. The only other thing they asked was if I had chicken pox as a child, and they accept a verbal statement for that one (usually).
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-20 00:57:00
CanadaMedical in Toronto at Dr. Seidans
Eli -- ahhh, so we missed the first entry by only about 5 minutes or so. Bummer. Oh well, it still was pretty smooth, even with waiting til 7:30 to be let in. Fingers crossed that you can get the proof you need easily.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-18 12:37:00
CanadaMedical in Toronto at Dr. Seidans
As far as I know, I was first there. We went up as soon as the outer doors opened at 7:30. Exam and x-rays were done and we were getting back in the car at 9 am.

Bummer about your chickenpox vaccine, Eli. I wonder what the problem was? I didn't have proof either, but the doctor just asked if I had had it as a child, I said yes, and that was that.

I was insanely nervous about the medical, but everyone there was really nice. Not a terrible experience at all.

We arrived about 7:05 and waited at the front doors of the building for a few minutes. Then the security guard came and suggested that we go down the street a few steps to the mall and wait indoors, at the mall entrance to the office building. It was much warmer there (and felt a bit safer to not be on the street, being just me with 2 small kids and a wad of cash in my purse...). The mall entrance opened at 7:30, the same as the main doors to the street.

Also, for those driving, there is a small lot on Selby St (take Bloor, go right Sherbourne, then the next street to the right). It cost $3.50/half hour or $14 max. It's just behind Dr. Seiden's office but I didn't find a way through -- we just walked around the block. But the back door of the x-ray place takes you right out to that parking lot. Easy, easy parking, and not terribly expensive. I was expecting to park on the street, as I thought I read here that there was street parking "right there", but if there was, I didn't see it.

So... my results are being couriered. How will I know if there is a problem and I didn't pass? Will the package just not show up on Friday? Or will they call me, or should I call them?
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-17 22:01:00
CanadaInterview Today
My interview was Tuesday and I was asked for the I-134, which is the same as they told me when I emailed to ask about it 2 months ago.

Congrats to the recent approvals!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-25 22:01:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
Awesome. Thanks for the info!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-28 11:16:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
I'm so glad to hear you got your marriage cert. sooner! I'll be getting married in CA too and planned to file AOS straight away. I was getting worried too, when you said 6-8 weeks. Thank goodness it's not so long!

So, hijacking the thread a bit.... is the DS-2035 something you receive at some point in the process? (ie at POE or something). Granted, my medical isn't approved yet, but I understand that it's a "do not open" package anyway. Where/when do you get the vaccination sheet from?

CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-28 09:01:00
CanadaAnyone else interview wed? montreal
You will be fine. I had my interview this morning, with my kids, and it was fine. I was stressed last night -- crazy! But just have all the documentation you need and you'll be ok. I had everything neatly organized in the order they stated in the checklist, but it was asked for all willy-nilly, which was a bit of a pain. Just make sure you have your appointment letter and passport ready when you go in the door, and keep them in hand until you get off the elevator. Good luck!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-04-24 19:27:00
CanadaFreaking out!!!
It was the secretary who called me -- Erlene I believe is her name? If you call and leave a message in the morning, I'm sure she'll get back to you quickly. She's been really lovely and helpful each time I've had to call.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-08 20:37:00
CanadaFreaking out!!!
Hrm, I had a call from them the day after my exam. In my case, they wanted to know if I had a previous chest x-ray they could compare with.

Hopefully it will be something very simple to resolve. By your timeline, your interview isn't until July? You've got lots of time to get whatever it is sorted out. Try not to worry!!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-08 19:38:00
Yay!! Congratulations!! Wishing you all the best!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-07 16:55:00
Canadagetting passport back from MTL before the visa
My kids and I had our interview in Montreal a couple of weeks ago. There was a problem with my medical which I thought would be resolved rather quickly, so when the interviewer in MTL said the visas were approved and suggested we leave our passports there until the medical was sorted, I said ok. So, now it looks like it's going to be a couple of months before the medical is sorted. :(

Since my kids will be out of school for the summer and I am no longer working, we'd like to go and spend a few weeks with my fiance while we're waiting -- which means I need to get our passports back.

I know that it can be done. I've seen the posts here about sending the email and *how* it's done. I just want to make sure that I'm not setting myself up for more trouble by doing it.

Is it as simple as requesting the passports back, and then sending them in again when I send the medical documentation? Will there be a fee for the extra transit of the passports? Is it all done through Loomis, just as it would be if I was getting the passport with the visa in it?
My fiance was concerned that we would have to re-do the interview or something, but I'm 99% certain that's not the case... unless someone here wants to correct me on that.

I would greatly appreciate any hints, tips or extra information that anyone who has been there, done that can provide.

CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-11 08:55:00
CanadaInterview at Canadian Embassy
If you are interviewing in Montreal and haven't even got your NOA2 yet, I really don't think you need to worry about interviewing in June or July. You still have a ways to go in the process. NOA2 to interview, in Montreal, seems to average about 4 months. (If you're interviewing in Vancouver, feel free to ignore all of my answer above).

If you NEED to travel back in forth in August/September without activating the K1, you should probably just consider stalling on booking your interview until October, so you are ready to go in November.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-15 12:53:00
CanadaCustody Documents for Montreal Interview
If you have time before your interview, you might try emailing Montreal for a definitive answer, but I can tell you how it went for me.

I had my separation agreement outlining general custody arrangements, and I had a notarized Statutory Declaration that my ex signed, stating that he gave consent for the kids to immigrate with me. At the interview, I had to give them the original of both of those documents. They kept the original statutory declaration for the file. I gave them a copy of my separation agreement (not notarized/certified, just a photocopy), and they kept that copy and gave me back the original of the sep. agreement.

If it were me, I would certainly feel better prepared having the original to show them plus a copy for them to keep.

Hope that helps.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-21 17:03:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
Good morning!

I'm leaving for the airport in an hour to pick up my love, who is flying in for a glorious 2-week vacation with me and the kidlets! Can you see my grin from there?

We've never spent more than 2-1/2 weeks together at a stretch and I know it's going to be tough on all of us to move across the continent and be insta-family, but I cannot wait to be with him full time!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2011-08-20 05:49:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
Another (very!) newbie chiming in to say... I'd be into chit chat too. While I've been cruising around the forum, I've stumbled across some chatty/community threads here and I was thinking that I can't wait to be around long enough to feel like a part of the group here too. Sad to hear that apparently those chatty/community threads seem to be a thing of the past.

Here's hoping for a Canadian community resurrection! :thumbs:
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2011-08-18 21:49:00
CanadaDIsability question CPP
A recent thread on CPP disability.

There's a link in there to another forum with some good information. Hope it helps.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-30 12:17:00
CanadaWhat do you like best about Tim Hortons?
I rarely have anything to eat at Timmie's so I can't comment on the food. I do drink their coffee though (Medium double-double, thank you). I don't really know if it's the coffee so much as what it represents for me. Anytime we head out on a family road-trip, Timmie's is the first stop. Anytime me and my brother or sister want to get together and talk, we meet at Timmie's for coffee. It's wrapped up in sooooo many memories for me.
Yeah, probably too much information and not what you were looking for, but anyway... the coffee is good. :)
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-03-27 08:07:00
CanadaHow long does this take
Go to the top of the Canada forum and see the "Canada Immigration & K1 Guide for Montreal" thread. Or use this link to it.

You're at step 3, DOS (Department of State). All the information you need is right there -- the phone number, what to ask, and what to do next.

The Montreal Guide is fantastic. Use it. Make it your best friend. It will give you all you require to get through this process.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-06-07 10:42:00
CanadaHow long does this take
What are you waiting on, exactly? (hard to say, since you don't have a timeline filled out).

If you're waiting to receive the P3 letter, many people never get it. Mine arrived a few weeks *after* the P4 letter did.
Check out the pinned topic that is the guide for K1s in Montreal. Use the information there to call DOS and find out if P3 has been sent. If it has, whether you've received it or not, you are ready to move forward.

If you've called DOS already but you're still waiting, be patient a little longer. Mine took 20 days -- I think 3 weeks to a month is about average lately, so it should be soon.

Hope that helps.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-06-07 09:32:00
CanadaNot to be Paranoid, BUT...
Keep waiting and be patient. It's all you can do. Calling will get you a canned answer and won't help. All you will do is frustrate yourself at this point. If you check the K1 forum, there's a whole bunch of others who filed their I-129 at the same time as you, all still waiting too.

Good luck!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-06-08 20:59:00
This thread is full of awesome information. Very helpful for Montreal Montreal guide

But to answer your question, from the above-mentioned post:

5. Sending Packet 3
How you send P3 is up to you. It can be done for free via DHL, but many have found it faster to just use an xpresspost mailer from Canada Post and eat the cost themselves. If you are sending it via xpresspost, it goes to the following address:
ATTN: Immigrant Visa Unit
315 Place d'Youville Suite 500
Montreal Quebec
H2Y 0A4
Make sure to again write your MTL case # on the mailer itself.
(You could also just send it regular mail, but it’s usually better for peace of mind to get a tracking number, which means XPpesspost.)

CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-08-06 19:18:00
Canada221g waiting in montreal
Oooh, 3 weeks. This is good news! I sent in my documents last week, so I've been watching this thread, hoping you would update.

Fingers crossed that all is well with the visa when you get your passport back. I'm sure it will be.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-08-10 09:33:00
CanadaWe're FINALLY home!!
Yay! Congratulations!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-08-15 15:16:00
CanadaHELP! Should I postpone my interview? I want to visit without activating my K-1 Visa!
This may be covered in one of the linked threads above (sorry, didn't read them), but if you're going to delay your interview, you should delay the medical too. It has a 6-month expiry, so if you get it done now, you have to be sure that you will be able to POE before 6 months is up, or get a new medical done later.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-08-18 12:15:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
I recently finished Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. Hated every moment of it -- the story line, the writing style... all of it.

Onto a nonfiction selection now, Who Says Elephants Can't Dance, by Louis V Gerstner. It's about "guiding an enterprise through change", but I'm hoping to glean some tips on making the transition for my wee family to the US.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2011-10-20 12:49:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?
Cambridge ON, heading to the San Francisco Bay area, CA.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-09 20:36:00
Canadawahh... just venting
The senator's web site had a document to download, fill in, and send in to her office, specifically for dealing with immigration issues, so that's why we went with her (California, if that helps).

I'll look into the congressperson's info too, though. Thanks for your input.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-09-08 21:02:00
Canadawahh... just venting
We worked together last night to fill out a form/write a letter to his senator. It will be faxed off today. Fingers crossed. I've seen so many mixed reviews -- some people get quick results from congress involvement and others say there's nothing that can be done once its at the consulate stage.

We'll see. Thanks for the advice and nudges in the right direction.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-09-08 10:03:00
Canadawahh... just venting
I could cry, or cheerfully throttle whoever is sitting on my file in Montreal right now.

I had my medical and interview back in April. There was an issue with an underlying medical condition and they made me do the sputum test to rule out TB. I had my interview the week after the medical, and was approved pending medical clearance. 2 months later, the sputum test is done and (no surprise) was all clear. Dr. Seiden sent my medical results to Montreal and I sent in our passports (for me and my kiddos). They were logged as received on Aug 3rd and there has been nada since then. The medical is only valid for 6 months after the exam, so in another 5 weeks it will expire and, if we haven't got our passports and crossed into the US by then, we will have to haul ourselves back to Toronto and fork out costs for another medical x3... and then wait again.

Damn. I was supposed to be married by now. We were hoping to be settled in June. Then we were hoping early September. My options are steadily decreasing... now I'm wondering if we'll get there by Christmas, or at all.

This sucks. How hard is it to stamp the darn passports already?

I know lots of people have had lots of delays to contend with too. I guess I just needed to vent to people who get it. The waiting (and the waiting with Montreal, in particular) without any access to any answers or information is just so brutal. Thanks for listening.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-09-07 18:48:00
CanadaGot NOA2 and already have my Montreal case # but didn't get package
Read the Montreal Guide -- it will help you with the next steps of the journey.

Longer answer: Start working on it, and call DOS and find out if packet 3 has been sent to you yet. As soon as they say it has been sent to you, you can send it in. Don't wait for it to be delivered to you. Sometimes it never shows up. All the info you need is online.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-09-19 09:10:00
CanadaHow long will MTL take to review after additional docs are submitted
I made one of my regular, twice-weekly calls to DOS yesterday and heard that my visa was issued yesterday (6 weeks+3 days after receipt of the documentation and passports). I don't know if the contact with the senator's office helped, or if it was the email I sent to Montreal myself, or if it would have happened on that timing anyway.

Now fingers crossed for speedy delivery!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-09-18 17:01:00
CanadaHow long will MTL take to review after additional docs are submitted
Today is 6 weeks since my documents/passports were delivered in MTL. Friday will be 6 weeks since they were logged as received (according to DOS). Nothing yet. :(
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-09-12 09:33:00
CanadaHow long will MTL take to review after additional docs are submitted
Another VJ'er just reported a couple of days ago that his/her visa was issued and passport returned 3 weeks after submitting documents.
I'm currently at 10 days since MTL received mine but no movement on it yet. Hoping 3 weeks is the magic number for me too.

As for expediting... I have no idea. Good luck to you.

Edited to add: I don't think there is any way to estimate how long it will take. Some take a long time, some not. I just look at 3 weeks as a very recent example and hope for the best.

Edited by CAdreamer, 13 August 2012 - 05:35 PM.

CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-08-13 17:32:00
CanadaPolice Certfiicate
Sounds just like mine -- except mine took even less than 10 minutes, I think. No worries!
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-09-21 20:11:00
CanadaFormat of pictures for evidence of meeting, and for ongoing relationship
For the I-129F, the only photos I put in plastic bags were the passport-style photos required for the forms. For evidence of relationship, I printed about four photos in 4x6 size and stapled them on 8-1/2 by 11 sheets of paper (2 photos per sheet). Then beside or below each photo, I wrote just a brief description of where/when the photo was taken and who the people in the photo were. I also included a photocopy of a couple of boarding passes. That was it.

For my interview, I had a few more copies of boarding passes and I think 2 additional photos, but they didn't ask to see any of it.
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2012-05-05 11:35:00
CanadaReview - Medical - Dr. Seiden - Toronto
I'm so glad it went smoothly for you! Fingers crossed for more good news in just a few more weeks! :)
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2013-01-07 19:52:00
CanadaInterview in Montreal January 22, 2013
CAdreamerFemaleCanada2013-01-22 19:11:00