CanadaCar Insurance
Sorry if this has been covered, but I can't find it when I do a search ...

When I drive my car to NJ, do I stay on my Canadian car insurance until I register my car and get SSN, etc.? Do our Canadian insurance companies cover us if we're no longer living here, during the transition?
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-06-14 17:55:00
CanadaAfter I drive into the US on my K1

Thanks for all the info. All the detail is very helpful.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-06-23 09:34:00
CanadaAfter I drive into the US on my K1

I just hired a moving company. They've asked for a copy of my passport and my visa, which I will be sending to them. I mentioned to them that I had to fax back something after I went over the border (my stuff is following separately with the moving company). Does anyone know what exactly am I faxing back to them? They didn't seem to be aware of it ... is it specific to a K1?

Also, the movers will have a copy of the customs form 3299. Do I have to have a copy of it as well? I'll have my computer stuff, printer, clothes, and various other things.

Thanks for any info!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-06-21 12:41:00
CanadaMay I have your attention, please!
Congrats Ontarkie! Must feel great to being moving forward.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-06-23 09:40:00
CanadaNeed some advice on moving back to canada
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jun 25 2008, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thinking from your head is logical. Thinking from your heart is rational. Life, the way I see it, has to have a balance of both but your head ALWAYS has to be in every decision you make. For example. my heart wants me to go back to Canada, however, my logical brain is telling me that I have to compromise and that to move back and lose status would be irrational.

The way I think of it is that your heart/soul should know your greatest desires and your mind is an extremely capable part of you that should carry out what your heart desires -- the mind should serve the heart, not the other way around. If you lead with your heart, you are leading from love; if you lead from the mind/ego, you are leading with fear.

Don't ask me for too many examples from my own life, because I'm still figuring it out!

I may be in the minority but I kinda like NJ (it's a good thing because I'm moving there in 3 weeks! Yikes!). What I like about it is all the parks and places to go to run and walk. And we're an hour and a bit from the ocean! Now, my experience is South Jersey and a little bit of Central (south of The Oranges). I have been to Newark and I wouldn't want to live there. So, thetreble, I hear where you're coming from sister. I NEED green and places to walk, so I would be very unhappy where that isn't possible.

Drivers in NJ are crazy. When they get upset with me, I just pretend they're saying, "Welcome to NJ" and I wave back and smile and say "Thanks!" Or, in a private Canadian joke just with me, I say "Sorry!" (because that's what we Canadians say) and smile and wave. It messes them up. And if that doesn't work, I salute them with the Jersey State bird!!! In the English to NJ language dictionary, that one comes up a lot! smile.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-06-25 15:11:00
CanadaGetting ready to move to the US
Also, you might want to add or explore:

- health insurance - how are you going to bridge the gap between your provincial health insurance and getting on your spouse's insurance? Will your current company insure you for an extra couple of weeks; do you need travel insurance (they all seem to want you to have your residence be in Canada, so though people have done this, it makes me a little nervous); or do you need short-term immigrant insurance?

- car insurance - do you need to get on your future spouse's insurance before you go over the border?

- car ownership + emissions letters from manufacturer

- if you have a pet, letters and/or immunization info

- if you have a pet, your pet's favourite foods, in case you can't find it in the U.S. right away

- list of all the contents of what you're moving (which your movers will do if you've hired movers)

- how will you transfer money if you need to do so later (e.g. custom house)
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-02 21:05:00
CanadaGetting ready to move to the US
Wow. wow. wow! What a great list. I was looking for something like this as my move is coming up too! Thank you so much! And here I thought I was almost done ... I have more to do than I thought! blink.gif

Regarding Canada Post, I'm gonna do a change of address ($185 to the US, yikes!), plus I'm going to change some credit card and bank stuff to my sister's address until I have things set up in the U.S. Also, I read somewhere that it's better to cancel your credit cards slowly, rather than all at once. It affects your credit rating or something, not that it will really matter ... So, if you have a few cards, that's something to take into consideration.

I'm also going to get some pre-paid ExpressPost envelopes and give them to my sister so every once in awhile she can drop an envelope in the mail for me, without too much inconvenience for her.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-02 20:51:00
CanadaWhat NOT to say to a USA border Agent!
One time I was driving across the Peace Bridge on my way to see a Bruce Springsteen concert at Giants Stadium.

Border Dude: Where are you going?
Me: NJ
Border Dude: For what purpose?
Me: I'm going to see Bruce Springsteen.
Border Dude: (eyes get big) Does he know you're coming?
Me: Um .... I don't think so (picturing myself in the crowd at Giants Stadium with 50k other people)

I guess he thought he'd caught a stalker, but I clarified I was going to a concert. I tried not to laugh because I didn't want him to feel too foolish and thus punish me.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-11 16:39:00
CanadaInterview Reschedule
I'm glad it worked out for you!

Regarding the refused part, when I was at my interview I asked if they could delay putting the visa into my passport because I wanted to travel to the U.S. for my parents 50th wedding anniversary prior to activating my visa and I was worried that they would make me activate my visa on that trip.

He told me he could do that but it would result in a soft refusal. When I wanted the visa, I would have to send them my passport to have the visa inserted.

I didn't like the sounds of any type of refusale, so I elected to get the visa and take my chances at the border, which worked out fine.

Anyway, he said I was approved, but if there's a delay they need to categorize it as a refusal. So, I guess that's a long way of saying that I don't really think you have anything to worry about. smile.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-20 18:12:00
CanadaInterview Reschedule
I tried to reschedule my K1 interview in Montreal this past March. They told me the process was that they would cancel my interview, then I would go to the end of the line and begin the process of rescheduling my interview again. I decided to keep my original interview because I didn't want to get outside the process, nor did I want to gamble that my interview would be in another 6 months (which is what they told me the waiting period was at the time).

Also, when I requested to have my interview moved, they emailed me back explaining this (a week later). So, they didn't cancel it right off the bat ... they explained the situation to me and asked if I still wanted to cancel. I posed my requested cancellation as a question, rather than outright requesting an cancellation... not sure how you handled it. I can appreciate that it's hard to know what to do if you don't hear back from them before your interview date.

Perhaps you could go to your interview, show that you have your medical booked explaining that you had to cancel your original one, and they could conditionally approve you pending the receipt of your medical. Not sure if that would work. I don't have experience doing this, so I can't say that it would work or not, but if it was me I would do that rather than try to reschedule, given what they told me.

I hope this helps. smile.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-11 16:13:00
Welcome to NJ!!! I'm two whole days ahead of you! yes.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-20 18:14:00
CanadaPOE Report
Hi Everyone!

Hey Sprailenes, once I get settled maybe we could go for a coffee. I know there are a bunch of new New Jersians so maybe we could oragnize something once everyone is settled in.

And yes, we did drive through Pennsylvania/Philly, rather than north Jersey. I reluctantly drove down the Schuylkill because the exit to the 276 was closed. It was no problem early in the morning, but I try to avoid it as much as possible. The other weird thing about this area is that everyone calls roads by certain names but there are no signs that call them such. It's probably because they can't spell it! Ha Ha. Very confusing! wacko.gif

Regarding my fiance coming into immigration at the border, I assume if you're in the same car that it's not a problem. It was because we had two cars.

Rae and Scott, I didn't get the temp EAD. I didn't really ask for it as I'm not planning to try to work right away - I'm taking the rest of the summer off. He told me I could go and get it once I got to my destination, but I'm pretty sure that's not true.

Asbury is doing well. Spending a little bit too much time under the bed for my liking, but he's getting used to his new digs!

Sure is hot here!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-20 17:48:00
CanadaPOE Report

First of all, I'd like to say how impressed I am with everyone who has done this. Having gone through the process so far, it's quite the journey. I'm also amazed by the people who move within days of getting their visas. It took me four months to get my act together. That included some personal stuff I had to take care of plus selling my home, plus packing all that emotional baggage so it was a busy four months.

We drove from Toronto on Thursday July 17th. It was also the day that the movers came to get my stuff. I thought they'd be a lot faster. If I had a do-over, I would have planned it so that the movers came the day before my closing and moving. They were slow, so we got a late start, arriving exhausted at the Peace Bridge at 10:00 p.m.

I had my own car, which I was importing and my fiance was in his car behind me. We thought they would let him come in with me or at least wait. But, no! They told him he'd have to move along down the road and wait for me on the shoulder of the road, even though he had a whole bunch of my stuff. They "permitted" us to speak for a moment but were then shooing him along. Luckily, we had booked a motel just outside of Buffalo, so he went there and waited. And waited.

Off I went to Door #1. Note to self ... don't activate K1 at 10pm at night. I waited for 1.5 hours for them to get to me. One guy had been there since 7:30 because they lost his passport and wouldn't call him. When I got there the little parking lot was full. When I left, there were about 3 cars left, including mine. Wah. Arrived at Peace Bridge at 10:00 pm, pulled out at about 12:15 am.

The actual processing of the visa was, thankfully, uneventful. He was a youngish guy and was extremely friendly and nice. He printed off something that told him what to do because he really didn't have any idea. The first step in the instructions were: confirm that the person in front of you is the person in the picture in the file. He looks at picture. He looks at me. He looks at picture. He looks at me. Check. He was joking and it was kinda funny. Address. Check. Print visa. Check. Then we were done. He told me something about going to an office to get my work authorization and some other stuff that I knew was wrong. I nodded mmm hmmm mmm hmmm, thinking if not for Visa Journey I'd be so confused (well, even more confused than I normally am). The whole process took about 20 minutes.

My I94 is underwhelming. I could have printed that document on my own printer. Shouldn't it say what it is on it somewhere? I hope I have the correct document stapled into my passport.

He didn't ask me any other questions at all. Nothing about my cat or my belongings. I asked about imorting my car. Over to Door #2. No one there, but i waited for a few minutes for someone to help me. Out comes the instruction manual as they're not really sure how to do it. But, it was the filling out of a few forms, showing them my EPA letter. Check. Nothing complicated. However, thanks to Visa Journey I knew to ask about it; otherwise, I'd never have known. The guy in there said, "So, you're marrying an American, huh. Upgrading?" LOL.

So, all of that was fine. It was just the drive ahead of us now, which was way too eventful. I was happy that my very nervous cat was fine with the drive and the hotel room. btw, about my cat, he had to wait in my car for me. while I was getting my visa. I should have asked my fiancee to take him, but didn't think of that until I saw the full waiting room. I cracked the windows and it was night so it was fine. If it was during the day when it was really hot, I don't know what I would have done. A woman I spoke to in the waiting room said they made her leave her dog in the car on a hot day, even though she really pushed them to let her take him with her. She was only gone about 20 minutes and the dog had puked from the heat. Not good. I guess it's ok if you have two people - one to check and one to stay in the waiting room. We thought we had 2 people ... It turned out fine because it was night and cooler, but it could have been a disaster if we'd been there earlier.

The next day we get to about 2 hours from home in NJ and my fiance's car starts making a really bad noise. We had to stop. It's Friday night with nothing open. Hotels are all full. Way too much driving around with poor Asbury my cat. We didn't need this!

We finally found a hotel that didn't take pets, so there was much maneouvering to sneak him in. And then, after being so good the night before, he got really agitated and started meowing around 3:00 a.m. Finally at 5:00, we gave up. I got up and packed him up and headed for home. My fiance had to stay behind and get his car fixed for a lovely $1300. I'm sitting here waiting for him. It's too bad because we pictured arriving at his place together.

Anyway, Asbury is under the bed resting. He is eating and drinking, and I hope he relaxes. He loves his sleep so I hope he's catching up on it.

I'm sitting waiting for my fiance to arrive as he's stuck in traffic. I think he'll be a little cranky when he gets here, but it's ok. The beer is cold. It's a beautiful albeit hot, hot, hot summer afternoon. And we're finally done this part of the journey.

Thanks to everyone for all your help along the way ... for answering all my newbie-type questions so patiently. A two week "rest" and then AOS begins!

The next new resident of New Jersey is Laura, I think. Can't wait to read her report!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-19 12:57:00
CanadaMedical and immunization questions redux
I was in the same situation, not having any immunization records. I decided to get the titres. It was easy ... went to my family doctor. Of course, she didn't know what the requirements were for U.S. Immigration, but I had brought a print-out of the requirements for my age group (I think I got them from the Seiden site).

She wrote up a request for the blood lab and they took the blood. The results were sent back to her and they called me and said I was good for everything. I picked up the results which I couldn't really understand, but I brought them to the medical and everything was fine. I did need to get a tetanus shot at the medical for $40.

The titres took about a month to get results, but that was over Christmas, so you could probably get it faster.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-03-25 13:20:00
CanadaPlease pray for Baby Declan
I'm sending prayers and love to Baby Declan and his family.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-08 14:41:00
Canadai know i will get an answer here :)
Separate from the K1 application, I have also heard (maybe read on these forums) that if you have a DUI in the U.S. that it can be hard to get over the border into Canada. There was some post on here awhile back about a guy who had 2 DUIs 20 years ago and they just recently denied him entry into Canada, until he filed some sort of waiver or application. Not sure of the specifics, but you might want to check that out at some point.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-20 17:55:00
CanadaNew Jersey (the dirty jerzzzz)
I'm in South Jersey, near Philly. Add me to the list of those who would love to meet up!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-30 10:03:00
CanadaPacket 3 received
QUOTE (Pandora01 @ Jul 29 2008, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In the checklist, they say to arrange for a medical examination by one of the panel physicians but on the page with the information for the medical exam, they say to give the date of the immigrant visa appointment when calling to book the medical. If I book the medical right now, how can I give them the date of my interview since I won't know it until the Consulate has processed my file? Also, they say to bring (amongst others) the appointment letter. If I book my appointment right now, how can I know that I'll have received the appointment letter at the time of my medical exam? What if the appointment day comes and I haven't received the appointment letter? This is driving me nuts....!!!

When I booked my medical they didn't need any information, but they did want to see the letter when I went for my medical. Right now, I think you just have to guess when you book your medical based on others timelines and then move it if you have to. I moved mine once and it was no problem. Or you can just wait for your letter (packet 4). You just want to make sure you have it before your interview. When I booked they only needed a couple of weeks notice.

On the DS-156K PDF file I found, #22 "When do you intend to arrive in the US?" My answer would be "when the visa is approved" but how do you write that in a date field? Is it ok to just leave the field blank?

I put in my best guess. Didn't seem to really matter.

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-30 14:42:00
CanadaCommitment Decisions...
We were together long distance for a couple of years. Talked on the phone every day for at least an hour .. more often it was at least 2 hours. Visited as often as we could, about every six weeks. Vacationed together.

There just seemed to come a time when we had to decide, either we're doing this or we're not. The long distance thing was getting old. I was at a fork in the road in my life. And it just felt so right. I couldn't imagine deciding not to do this because it was hard or because I was afraid (and it has been hard and we have had moments when we have been afraid). Those weren't good enough reasons for me not to pursue this deep and profound love.

So, we got engaged and then we filed for the K1. We haven't rushed into this and we're older than most here. I guess we didn't rush because we wanted to be as sure as we could before making this big commitment. And for me that paid off because, in my heart I don't have any doubts that I have found a good man and that we're right for each other and meant to be together. No doubts at all. I know we'll have our moments as we adjust to living together (I wish we could have lived together before all this transition) and we know it won't all be a bed of roses, but I know we are able find a way back to each other even when times are tough.

I would say to move at the pace that feels right to you. Don't let anyone else tell you that you should be going faster or slower.

Let your heart guide you, not your head! Oh, and get your astrological natal chart done! It gives you a nice framework for your life and helps you make decisions. Mine said this relationship was different from past relationships and that it was meant to last. It also said that I was meant to move! There. I've just ruined all my credibility! tongue.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-05 19:20:00
CanadaPicking up Visa
Congratulations!!! Glad everything worked out. Don't know the answer to your question as I went through Montreal.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-05 19:23:00
CanadaMy Montreal Review
Congrats Laura and Nick! Loved your review. Everything looked eerily familiar (except when I was there we were crawling over 6 foot snowbanks).

Would love to see your other pictures.

I'm half-packed too. Moving has been so far away for so long and now it's so close. I'm excited and a little anxious, at the same time!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-06-23 09:38:00
CanadaWe got a kitty!!
Awww. He's so cute. Congrats! You're all so lucky to have found each other. He sounds like he's the perfect fit. Yay!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-09 16:15:00
CanadaPOE Officiers
I got raked over the coals once for saying "friend" instead of "boyfriend".

On my part, it felt innocent in that we were "dating" , but I didn't really consider him my boyfriend at the time. But when the border dude realized I was visiting a guy (which I wasn't really trying to hide), he was pissed and he told me off. I thought he was going to deny me. But then he said, let's start over. And he started right at the beginning with the questions. When he got to "Who are you visiting?", I responded on cue, "my boyfriend". I felt like a little kid being reprimanded by my Dad.

Of course, I got the same guy the next couple of times through Pearson. What are the chances of that? I made sure I said 'my boyfriend"! That guy plain scared me.

I would say, just tell the truth. There's no point in lying. I don't think it gets you much and the downside isn't worth it. My $0.02!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-05 18:43:00
CanadaSSN in New Jersey
Received a letter from the SSN office today saying I should have my card in 2 weeks. 5 weeks from when I applied. Not bad! Yay!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-27 17:34:00
CanadaSSN in New Jersey
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Aug 22 2008, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gypsyangel @ Aug 5 2008, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I went to file my SSN applicaton in NJ today. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I wasn't in the system, even though I entered the U.S. almost 3 weeks ago. I know I don't want them to file manually as that'll take forever, but when I told her I'd just come back in a couple of days, she wasn't having any of that. She said that made no sense and blah, blah, blah. I don't know what the heck she did. So, I'm not sure if I'll get my SSN in a week like everyone else or if I'm outside the process now. She told me it could take a week, two weeks, two months. There's no telling. Wah. I keep tellling myself I can't worry about it, but I probably will.

I waited 8 months and I still wasn't in the system.

Yikes. That's terrible. What did you do to get into the system?
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-22 18:21:00
CanadaSSN in New Jersey
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Aug 22 2008, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Make sure you get it as soon as you can after you arrive - the longer you wait the more hassles you encounter and time runs out 2 weeks before your I-94 date.

What happens if you've applied for it and it just doesn't arrive? Is there anything you can do? I feel like I can't do much of anything until I get it. The crazy woman at the SS office told me to call back in a month if I didn't have it. I applied 2.5 weeks after arriving and I've been waiting about 2.5 weeks since I applied.

I'm trying not to, but I'm obsessing over this. sad.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-22 18:18:00
CanadaSSN in New Jersey
I went to file my SSN applicaton in NJ today. It didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I wasn't in the system, even though I entered the U.S. almost 3 weeks ago. I know I don't want them to file manually as that'll take forever, but when I told her I'd just come back in a couple of days, she wasn't having any of that. She said that made no sense and blah, blah, blah. I don't know what the heck she did. So, I'm not sure if I'll get my SSN in a week like everyone else or if I'm outside the process now. She told me it could take a week, two weeks, two months. There's no telling. Wah. I keep tellling myself I can't worry about it, but I probably will.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-05 18:49:00
CanadaI'm back!
Wow! Great pictures! You guys look like such sweet couple. Congrats!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-08 08:47:00 I add ds 156 "k" to pkg to montreal????
If I remember correctly, you bring the 156k with you to the interview and sign it in front of the interviewer. You send the 156 document, but not the 156k.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-08 08:43:00
CanadaCalling my K1 NJ friends
Isn't there a doctor you can mail your vaccine sheet to and they will transfer it to the "correct form" for about $20. I remember Spiritalright looking for the name of the doctor, maybe she can tell you. I was just thinking of taking my chances and using the vaccine sheet I received from my medical in Canada. I think people have had success doing that, though you might get an RFE.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-08-27 10:31:00
CanadaPersonal good news!
Congrats! That's great news! biggrin.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-08 08:45:00
CanadaTarget Visa / Macy's Card / Etc.
Thanks for the info guys! Maybe I'll try going into the Target rather than on the phone.

More good news about Target, I was in one the other day and they were renovating and they added a Starbucks! Target and Starbucks together ... I'm in heaven. innocent.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-10 09:08:00
CanadaTarget Visa / Macy's Card / Etc.
While still living in Canada, upon the advice of a few people here (thank you!), I got some U.S. credit cards (eg. Target Visa, Macy's, Pier 1) using my Canadian info. Now I'd like to transfer these cards to my U.S. info so I can start building credit here.

As I begin to do this, I have a couple of questions .... Did your credit limit stay the same when they transferred it? I'm asking this because I'm just beginning and have no credit rating in the U.S. I have a Target visa with a limit of a couple of thousand. It would be a pain if they reduced it to $500 or something low. Should I transfer them all at once or is there a benefit to doing a couple of cards and waiting a bit? Is it a fairly striaghtforward thing to request or do they give you a hard time?

I'm wondering what others experiences have been with this. Does anyone have any info they'd like to share?

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-08 08:41:00
Canadavaccination records
I found this web site helpful to figure out what vaccinations are needed:

You don't have to book with that particular doctor, but the summary of info is helpful.

I didn't have any vaccination records either. I went to my family doctor and brought the list of things required per the above web site and she ordered an titres test based on what was required for my age. The titres was just a blood test. Results took about 3 to 4 weeks (it was over Christmas). My doctor told me I was fine for everything. I picked up the results from my doctor and I brought those results to my medical, and it was all good. I had to have a tetanus shot at the medical ($40), but everything else tested ok.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-07-30 14:52:00
Canadapolice certificate
I went to Toronto Police Services (TPS) (aka the police station) at College and Yonge (very short walk from the subway). I brought a form which I downloaded from their web site (or they have them there). They're set up to do this so it's really easy. In fact, there's a line with a velvet rope like in a bank and you get in line with everyone else who is requesting things like this.


You have to go in person as it outlines on the site and bring the fee and the ID they need. I received mine in the mail in about a week.

I didn't need fingerprints. I think it's more complicated if you need fingerprints.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-10 09:01:00
CanadaMedical insurance
I couldn't get on my hubby's plan until I received my SSN and after that it still takes about 6 weeks to get insured. I got immigrant health insurance from It's basically just emergency insurance and was around $200 for 2 months. I found it by googling and searching around on VJ. You can be insured from a date you select and print something off to prove you're insured and then they mail a card to your U.S. address. I don't know how good it is, but at least I have something.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-10 08:52:00
CanadaLive Views of Canada Coast to Coast-
I can't believe that looking at the Don Valley Parkway / Bloor Ramp just made me homesick. LOL. And the Gardiner Expressway / Spadina Ramp ... well, that just put me over the edge. crying.gif

PS. Kathryn, I went to Queen's in Kingston too. It was many moons ago, but what a beautiful city.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-09-26 11:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionBad Timing? Passport Needed - Christmas Travel
This is a much more convoluted idea, but if you're desperate ... you could go to Canada with your Canadian passport, have your new U.S. passport delivered to a U.S. address and have someone Fedex your new passport to you in Canada.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2011-12-01 13:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2012 FILERS
Updating my status ... Had interview and oath ceremony yesterday ... USC!

Appointment was at 12:30; was called in at 12:45. All in all, it took less than half an hour. I went into the IO's office, stood and swore an oath that I was telling the truth. He needed my green card, my driver's licence, asked me my SS number. He went through almost all the questions on my application; we did the english tests, and then the civics test.

What do we call the first ten amendments to the constitution?
We elect a President for how many years?
Who is the speaker of the House of Representatives now?
Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?
When was the declaration of independence signed?
Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States?

With my application, the only proof of a relationship that I submitted were tax transcripts. For the interview, I brought a lot more stuff (like bank statements, utility bills, photos), but he said my file was already way too thick for a straightforward case and assured me that he did not need anymore paper in my file. :) And then it was done. I was very happy to see the words "Approved" in big red letters in my file.

I was told I could come back for the oath ceremony at 3:15 or I could scedule it for another day. I decided to come back. He gave me a letter that would get me back into the building if I chose to leave. I went home for lunch and came back for the ceremony. There were about 30 people there from all over the world (I was the only Canadian). I couldn't help but wonder what everyone's stories were.

They were very organized, but several minutes were consumed by adminstrative stuff (giving them your green card, verifying the info on the naturalization certificate). Ceremony was fairly short, some videos (one from the President), the oath (I got choked up thinking about what a journey this has been). It was a little surreal. It took about an hour. I had told my husband to not worry about taking the day off work to do this, but at the last minute I really wanted him there, so I texted him and he came and I was so happy he was there. I didn't know how I was going to feel about this, but I have to say that I got quite emotional and now I feel so happy and relieved.

In my experience, with USCIS, everyone I came across (during K1, POE, AOS, ROC, N400, Oath) was so professional, respectful, knowledgable, friendly. I had three interviews along the way and they were all good experiences, despite my nervousness. I still come across cranky border guards, but that's another topic. Maybe they can now stop fingerprinting me and taking my picture. Maybe.

Thank you to everyone on Visajourney for their questions and answers during the past six years. Thank you for sharing all your experiences and wisdom. This would definitely not have been such a smooth (notice I didn't say 'easy') process without the generousity and knowledge of many people here.

Now, I just have to get my passport, update my driver's licence, go to Social Security and then I think I'm done. With immigration stuff hanging over my life for the past several years, it's hard to believe that my journey (and that's exactly what it feels like) has come to an end. It's a happy ending.

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6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

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N-400: February 2012Applicants

USCISDallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox

05/11/12.|06/15/12.|--/--/--.|New York,NY......|
LLbeans......|02/06/12.|02/13/12.|02/10/12.|03/29/12.|04/14/12.|05/16/12.|05/30/12.|Philadelphia,PA..|EB: 03/23/12
05/11/12.|06/13/12.|--/--/--.|New York,NY......|
jolofman.....|02/06/12.|02/??/12.|02/15/12.|03/28/12.|04/09/12.|05/02/12.|05/21/12.|San Antonio,TX...|
Gypsyangel...|02/08/12.|02/15/12.|02/14/12.|03/22/12.|04/09/12.|05/16/12.|05/16/12.|Mount Laurel,NJ..| USC!
Jkage........|02/09/12.|02/14/12.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|05/03/12.|05/03/12.|Dallas, TX.......| USC!
GiGi0908.....|02/13/12.|02/17/12.|02/21/12.|03/13/12.|04/30/12.|06/04/12.|--/--/--.|New York,NY......|
interesting..|02/13/12.|02/??/12.|02/16/12.|03/20/12.|04/20/12.|05/29/12.|--/--/--.|Washington DC....|
greenteanyc..|02/15/12.|02/24/12.|02/24/12.|03/14/12.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Long Island,NY...|
J*C*H*2007...|02/21/12.|02/28/12.|02/24/12.|03/13/12.|03/22/12.|05/03/12.|--/--/--.|San Antonio,TX...|
KPC..........|02/21/12.|02/29/12.|02/27/12.|03/22/12.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York,NY......|
melanctha....|02/24/12.|03/01/12.|02/27/12.|03/14/12.|03/23/12.|05/04/12.|--/--/--.|San Antonio, TX..|

USCIS PHOENIX, Arizona Lockbox
BILV..............|02/06/12.|02/14/12.|02/15/12.|03/06/12.|04/27/12.|06/04/12.|--/--/--.|Las Vegas,NV.....|
Derek &Yun........|02/13/12.|02/17/12.|02/21/12.|03/12/12.|04/26/12.|06/05/12.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles,CA...|
H&B...............|02/15/12.|02/21/12.|02/20/12.|03/12/12.|04/23/12.|05/22/12.|--/--/--.|Indianapolis,IN..|EB: 02/27/12
pacificleye.......|02/19/12.|02/24/12.|02/23/12.|03/22/12.|04/04/12.|05/09/12.|05/09/12.|Denver,Co........|EB: 03/09/12 USC!
latteberry .......|02/21/12.|../../...|../../...|04/03/12 |04/12/12.|05/15/12.|05/15/12.|Seattle,WA.......|
ManuFred..........|02/22/12.|02/27/12.|02/23/12.|03/15/12.|03/28/12.|05/02/12.|--/--/--.|Tucson,AZ........|EB: 03/06/12
pineappleprincess.|02/28/12.|03/06/12.|03/03/12.|03/28/12.|04/09/12.|05/17/12.|--/--/--.|San Diego, CA....|

USCIS LINCOLN,Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328 or 319 of INA)


GypsyangelFemaleCanada2012-05-17 08:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 February 2012 FILERS
Updating for interview date. Didn't receive notification of being placed in line. Didn't receive email or text, even though I'm signed up for them. I did, however, receive the yellow letter. Happy to be moving forward!

2. Please make sure you areusing Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" onthe most recent/updated posting version of thislist.
4. Remove the "QuoteCoding" at the top and bottom of the list.
5. Always use [Courier New]Font and font size [2]
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!

**For more detailed instructions with screen-shots "

N-400: February 2012Applicants

USCISDallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox


LLbeans......|02/06/12.|02/13/12.|02/10/12.|03/29/12.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Philadelphia,PA..|EB: 03/23/12
melanctha....|02/24/12.|03/01/12.|02/27/12.|03/14/12.|03/23/12.|05/04/12.|--/--/--.|SanAntonio, TX..|

USCIS PHOENIX,Arizona Lockbox
Derek &Yun........|02/13/12.|02/17/12.|02/21/12.|03/12/12.|../../...|../../...|--/--/--.|LosAngeles,CA...|
pacificleye.......|02/19/12.|02/24/12.|02/23/12.|03/22/12.|05/09/12.|../../...|--/--/--.|Denver,Co........|EB: 03/09/12
latteberry .......|02/21/12.|../../...|../../...|04/03/12 |04/12/12.|05/15/12.|--/--/--.|Seattle,WA.......|
ManuFred..........|02/22/12.|02/27/12.|02/23/12.|03/15/12.|03/28/12.|05/02/12.|--/--/--.|Tucson,AZ........|EB: 03/06/12
pineappleprincess.|02/28/12.|03/06/12.|03/03/12.|03/28/12.|../../...|../../...|--/--/--.|SanDiego, CA....|

USCIS LINCOLN,Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328 or 319 of INA)


GypsyangelFemaleCanada2012-04-15 14:52:00