QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 13 2009, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- Before you leave Canada do two things at least (like now) - apply for a Canadian American Express Card and apply for a JCPenney card - the Penney's card is easy to get. Neither of these will help your U.S. credit rating yet - however as soon as you move you can change your Penney's card over to your SSN from you SIN and that's a good start. With American Express you will be able to do the global transfer and get a U.S. card as soon as you move or just before (remember to call them with your SSN when you get it).

I would also recommend getting a Target Visa card using your Canadian SIN before you move and then transferring it to your US SSN. It's a Visa card you can use anywhere, rather than just a department store card. At least when you're in the U.S. you'll have a US dollar credit card.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-03-13 13:57:00
CanadaMarriage in Canada
QUOTE (mstangie @ Mar 17 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why when you marry in Canada you dont take the last name of your spouse?

Some people do. Some people don't. It's your choice (unless you live in Quebec!). This is based on no research but it seems like younger women are more likely to take their husband's names than us middle-aged women! I couldn't imagine changing my name and I don't really have any friends who have changed their name.

From my experience, it seems that it's a given that you will change your name in the U.S. In Canada it's not unusual to keep your original name.

Also, it's my understanding that people in Quebec are less likely to get married as well. I worked with a bunch of women from Montreal who all had kids and lived with their men, but there was really no thought of getting married. Kinda cool.

I know ... I've kinda digressed from the thread a bit ....

Edited by Gypsyangel, 17 March 2009 - 05:05 PM.

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-03-17 17:01:00
CanadaDS-230 - List Trips to the US
I just stated "numerous" on the form. It didn't come up at the interview.

Of course, in my paranoia, just before the interview I did my best effort at a complete lifetime list. It was kinda silly to do it, but I was covering all my angles.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-02-03 11:06:00
QUOTE (poprocks @ Mar 25 2009, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (J&K @ Mar 25 2009, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thetreble @ Mar 25 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (J&K @ Mar 24 2009, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So, CALL THEM! Don't let them bully you

I don't think Target is bullying poprocks because they were unsure of the process. I didn't even know it was possible to get a US credit card without being a resident, so I'm not surprised they might not.

Just give them the info they are requesting. If you are denied, you're denied. There is nothing you can do about it.

And yes, applying for too many credit cards at once can lower your credit score and make you look suspicious, so just be careful.

I wasn't implying that Target was bulling poprocks. I was just saying Don't let them bully you. When I had to call the person I was talking to didn't seem to know what she was talking about or how to deal with my situation. She basically wanted to get me off the phone. I refused to give in and asked for a supervisor, who was able to tell me information that the initial customer service rep couldn't.

Don't give in just because they don't know how to help you. Do what you need to do to get the information you need, and if it means you find out you were denied, then so be it.

If you apply for 2-3 cards, they aren't going to think anything of it. I've seen and heard of people going on credit app sprees where they apply for 5 - 10 cards in a day! Sure it hurt them, but eventually scores will go back up. And plus, the three you are looking at are going to be looking at your Canadian credit report...just don't apply for anything new up in Canada. And when you move down here, get your SSN and transfer the accounts to your US credit reports, you'll have no US Inquiries and 3 good Tradelines to start you on your credit building smile.gif

Ok, called Target.... the DIMWIT who set up my app didn't know what she was doing! She messed it up... it flagged my Canadian SIN with an American address and never even made it to processing! The good thing is, that it doesn't affect me, and I just have to go back in and do it again! They said to ask for a manager and they also have a technical call line that the store can call for help.... soooo back to square one! When I go down next month, i'll try again for Target and Macy's...

Sorry you're having trouble. I agree with your conclusion. Try it again. I was in NJ and had no problems applying in-store when I was living in Canada. They could input my SIN and everything right there. Also, at Macy's it was the sales rep that suggested I apply. I was checking out and she suggested I get a Macy's card and I said, "Nah, I'm Canadian so it probably wouldn't work" and she said it was no problem as long as I had my passport and SIN with me. Same thing at Victoria's Secret. They all gave me temporary credit cards to use while I waited for my cc to arrive in the mail.

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-03-25 16:13:00
I used Seven Corners because it was specifically immigrant insurance in the U.S. I checked out Canadian insurance and they all seemed to be just for travellers insurance, not for if you moved to the U.S. I just couldn't get comfortable with using Canadian insurance which is why I went with Seven Corners. However, many others have used CAA or something like it and it's worked out.

I didn't have to make a claim with Seven Corners, but I did have peace of mind that I had something.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-13 15:53:00
CanadaHas anyone gone home for a visit with their pets in tow?
QUOTE (thetreble @ Apr 14 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[b]The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently relaxed rules for travelers entering the U.S. with pet foods that contain ruminant meat or meat by-products from Canada. This includes pet foods made from cattle, bison, deer, elk, caribou, moose or camels. Pet food containing meat from those animals are now allowed entry in the U.S.

Camels? Really? Who knew? Are there Canadian camels?
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-14 15:49:00
CanadaLess Harassment When Crossing By Land or Air???
I have also been both harrassed and treated very well while crossing the border. My experience is that land is easier than by air, but I've never travelled by bus over the border, which sounds kinda painful. I too have gotten very nervous, but always brought mounds of paperwork, was always honest and respectful, even when they were rude.

The good news is that once you get through all this process and get your green card, it becomes easy. I teared up a bit when one time the U.S. border dude, said "welcome back". After all the tense border crossings, this was wonderful.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-15 21:18:00
CanadaNOA2 Approved
Yay! That's a very exciting time. Congrats!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-19 17:33:00
CanadaWhat do you do?
QUOTE (thetreble @ Apr 20 2009, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow you travel from south jersey to toronto every week? thats crazy.

Yeah, it is. But the money is good (except for the Canadian/US exchange) and I like/know/trust the people. It's a four month contract and it's only 2/3 days a week in Toronto. It'll probably move down to travelling once a month after that. I figured I could do it in the short haul, but I wouldn't want to do it as an ongoing lifestyle. I always feel like I'm rushing and not getting much done.

I'm thinking of it as a bridge while I get my act together down here. It also takes the $$$ pressure off in this economy.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-20 08:15:00
CanadaWhat do you do?
I worked in marketing in the communications industry. In fact, I'm still doing that a bit as I'm on contract with a Canadian company doing some consulting for them. We're launching a low-cost cell phone company something like Metro PCS or Cricket in the U.S. It's about time Canadians were able to pay less for their cell phone bills.

We did an analysis, and although it's hard to compare the U.S. and Canada .... we figured that Canadians are paying at least 30% more for the same thing Americans pay for, just because there's not enough competition.

Anyway, in my past I did work for the dreaded Rogers and also for Bell. But I have seen the light! biggrin.gif

I'm trying to get a new career going here, but I'm still figuring out what that is. The consulting gig is fun and it pays the bills. Plus it pays for my travel to Toronto once per week so I can visit my sister. And, oh yeah, work. smile.gif Helps with the homesickness, but the travel can be tiring.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-19 17:31:00
CanadaQuestion about Canadian license :)
QUOTE (thetreble @ Apr 20 2009, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also think while saying "read the rules on your state's DMV website" is the way to go, I went to the DMV and they told me they would not give me a license until I got a green card. I don't know. NJ is funny because they have their 6 point ID verification you have to meet, unlike a lot of other states. But I find different DMV workers tell you didn't things.

It took me writing that damn test 3 times to get over 40. The first two times I scored exactly 37. I finally read the book after that. Even though I never went a day in NJ without my car (I drove around for the first year with my Ontario plated car and driver's license)

Yeah, I don't know why they don't just say on the web site that you need a green card. I found the 6 point thing misleading. Also, when they gave me my NJ licence, she gave me back my Canadian licence. She called some higher authority to confirm that that's what she was supposed to do.

Laura, it'll be interesting to see if you can get it with your EAD. it's worth trying. It might be one of those things where it depends who you ask. When I asked they were adament that it had to be the green card. And I tried three different offices!

Insurance can also be an issue. My husband's insurance company insured me initially, but after 60 days (back in September) they said they need my NJ licence to insure me. I managed to put them off until April, and i feel relieved that they finally have it and I won't get cut off.

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-20 08:08:00
CanadaQuestion about Canadian license :)
Hi Laura,

I don't really know the answer to your question about the graduated licence situation; however, I did want to mention that if you feel your green card arrival is imminent, you might want to wait and apply for your licence with your green card, instead of your EAD. That's because your licence will expire when your EAD expires, which is a year I think, but the green card is two years, so the licence would expire in two years. Less hassle down the road.

Anyway, if you haven't been driving all this time, you might want to just go ahead and get the licence, rather than wait for your green card.

I just got my NJ licence a couple of weeks ago. Once I had my green card it was pretty easy. I've been to the darn MVC too many times with various documentation and been turned away, so I didn't even try with my EAD. I thought you needed your green card (even though it doesn't say that anywhere on their web site or in their brochures).

With regard to the written test, I saw some good advice elsewhere on VJ. The test is computerized. They give you 50 questions and you need to get 40 correct. If you don't know the answer to something "skip" it and answer the ones you know. It'll circle back to the skipped ones, and you can keep answering the ones you're most likely to get correct. I think it gives you a better chance if you can minimize the ones you get wrong as you go along. Study the guide!

Good luck figuring out the graduated licence thing! I would suggest going there informed with your own comparison of the Ontario and NJ graduated licence programs. I wonder how informed they are about it. The more knowledgable you are, the better of you'll be. I almost had someone tell me I had to do the road test, but in the end I convinced her that I didn't.

I've been driving on my Canadian licence since I moved here. I think I would have gone insane if I couldn't have driven.

Good luck!

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-19 17:22:00
CanadaPOE...What is needed?
When I moved I used a moving company. I had to give a copy of my passport and visa to the moving company, and they needed to go over the border after me. Advice on VJ was that once I was over the border than I should fax a copy of my I-94 to the moving company so they could show it when they crossed the border. My moving company (one of the big ones ... I'm blanking) didn't really know about this, but I did it anyway. You may want to confirm what your moving company needs to cross with your belongings. Or insist on taking a copy of the I-94 like I did.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-23 11:16:00
CanadaWhat to say in interview re: employment
I'm the Canadian citizen and they asked me what I was going to do when I moved to the U.S. So it's a valid question. I also agree with Krikit. You can get a business set up. They just don't want you generating income while you're not authorized.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-28 12:33:00
CanadaChanging your last name; thoughts?
I hear you on everything you said. It's a huge change. For me, the beginning (before AOS) was the hardest. You lose your credit rating, have a hard time opening a bank account. Some people can't drive. You don't have your support system close at hand and you can't travel. You're dependent upon your spouse because things are foreign. You don't have status so you don't really live anywhere. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. The good news is that it's much better now that I can work again and have begun to establish my own credit rating, etc.

I didn't change my name. I'm always amazed that so many people do. It's my name, why would I change it? With respect to the kids, I know of several women whose kids' middle names are their last names. That way both of your names are on, for example, your kids passport so there is no confusion. Also, then the kid doesn't have to deal with a confusing hypenation. You can use the name when it's convenient because it's right there and there isn't the confusion of not having your name at all.

Go with your gut on the name thing. What's right is different for everyone. In the U.S. I think you will be in the minority if you keep your name, but if it's important to you, you should do what feels right.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-05-01 11:03:00
CanadaStarting a Business

Awhile back (in the past year maybe), there was a thread about starting a new business in the U.S. If I'm not mistaken Spiritalright had figured some stuff out about first steps. I've been searching and coming up empty-handed. I'm pretty sure it was in the Canada section. Anyone remember it or have it bookmarked?


Edited by Gypsyangel, 04 May 2009 - 08:42 PM.

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-05-04 20:41:00
CanadaFilling in DS230 w/trips to US
I simply put "numerous" on the form. Then before the interview, I got paranoid about it so on a separate sheet of paper I listed as many trips as I could remember in case they asked. I was never asked.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-05-07 08:49:00
CanadaGetting Married within 90 days
...but it's better to file within the 90 day window to stay in status ... though I know you can file outside the 90 days and not have any problems ...
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-05-18 18:29:00
CanadaTravel to the US without activating Visa

Here's a thread from about a year ago with different people's experiences (including my successful crossing). It, like so many other things, is a gray area and it depends on the border dude you get. The bottom line is that some people have been successful. If you really want to go, you can give it a try, as long as you can handle being turned back if it doesn't work out.


GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-05-18 18:22:00
CanadaHouse Sitters
Check with your local vet. They usually have good "pet" contacts in the community. I found a great bonded cat sitter that way. Sometimes they don't let people advertise unless they've already checked them out.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-05-24 10:40:00
CanadaTaxes - the year you moved to the U.S.
I have always done my taxes myself ... with a pencil and eraser in the old days and with tax software more recently. For 2008, I used an accountant (I moved in July). The Canadian stuff wasn't too complicated, but the U.S. stuff seemed complicated and I wanted to do it right. I might use an accountant again next year and once I get the hang of it, do it myself.

For peace of mind, it was worth it to me.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-06-09 16:24:00
I agree with Amanda. It must be sooooo hard when you have kids.

Thanks for all your thoughtful responses. I'd like to also say, that homesickness is just a part of it. There are lots of other great parts. We're moving into our new nouse on Friday (moving = helpsmilie.gif ; new house = biggrin.gif ) I guess, for me, it's the little sneaky homesickness things that have surprised me.

I still feel excited about being here with my guy. I enjoy exploring, but I don't enjoy getting lost and not finding what I'm looking for. I enjoy meeting new people, but I miss the ones I know and love. I'm excited about beginning again work-wise ... and I'm a little nervous too.

All in all, the good far outweighs the bad. It's an interesting time of feeling "everything". And I've only been here 3 months!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-11-03 18:49:00
I've been doing pretty good with the homesick thing, but every once in awhile a weird thing will pop up. Like last Sunday around 10:30 p.m. I was driving home , and I noticed that the Shell station on the corner was closed. I felt my lower lip tremble just a little and found myself thinking, "the Shell station down the street in Toronto was open 24/7 and it was always busy. crying.gif I miss my old Shell station."

Intellectually it's silly, but the feelings were real! Anyone else find themselves doing this? I find I can't say this sort of thing out loud because it sounds a little koo koo. blink.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-11-01 14:44:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
I always thought turkey was a standard thing for Christmas dinner, but no one in these here parts has turkey for dinner on Christmas. Is it a Canadian thing to have turkey at Christmas? I'm a little out of the loop on the turkey thing because I'm a vegetarian ... I didn't miss turkey ...I was just wondering.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2008-12-28 13:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 6 2009, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, the little black and white kitten who was Lucy's baby last summer is a mother now herself. I 'thought' she was pregnant and then last Thursday thought she might be showing signs of labour, but she is so tiny and didn't have a big belly or anything like that. She showed up as regular on Friday and seemed unchanged so I honestly began to wonder if she was having a false pregnancy. Today when I am going by the side yard I heard this loud mewing. I tracked it down to the Indian Laurel bush and there behind on the ground was a several days old solid black healthy looking single kitten! Mother came running at that stage but wouldn't approach until I backed away at which stage she darted into the bushes.

It is really kind of exposed to the weather there so I went to the store and bought one of those inexpensive styrofoam coolers and some baby blankets at the good will and put them by where the kitten was. Momma Star wasn't happy with that and then moved the kitten to another bush out front where they are now, even though it is threatening rain. It is under the pear tree, under the bushes so perhaps a little bit better coverage than at the side of the house but not much. Every time she leaves the kitten it starts to squall, but she is letting me pet her still and eating. I am hoping this kitten makes it. I have moved the 'kitten box' to the front under the table and hopefully she will discover that it is a good place to keep babies. I hope so - now I get to worry about the well-being of this little kitten too. I don't think Joe is going to be pleased with this development!

I also took the former tomcat in for his distemper booster today and to be dewormed. As the vet says, he is healthy enough - he just doesn't look it! I am hoping he will now start to put on weight and get back into condition so I can find him a home too.


I am always in awe of all the things you do for those cats. Forget "cat lady" ... You're an amazing, inspiring woman!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-05-07 08:55:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Thanks MrsCat! smile.gif
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-02-24 13:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
I received something very nice in the mail this morning .... my green card!!! Yay!!! That was a lot of work, worry, money, upheaval for a little card that's not even green. Though they did provide a nice little envelope to keep it safe as a little bonus.

Thanks to everyone for their help and advice in this process. It's been harder than I ever thought it would be. Now I feel like I can relax a little and get on with my life.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-02-24 13:10:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Feb 23 2009, 08:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wait... if she's pregnant.. what happens to the kitties when she gets spayed? unsure.gif

When they're in that cycle of getting pregnant and having kittens, it's almost impossible to catch them between pregnancies. I admire everything you're doing for this cat Kathryn. She's so lucky to have found you!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-02-24 13:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 12 2009, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations! Did you have the half bald guy???

No, but I saw him. He came into the waiting room and called someone else's name while we were waiting. We both said, "whew, we're glad we didn't get him." We got a young guy who was really nice. Did you get the half bald guy?
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-02-12 11:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux

I had my AOS interview this morning in NJ. Approved!!!! Yay. Easy interview. I was clearly overprepared with my 3 folders of evidence. smile.gif I'm very happy to be through this part of the process and I look forward to being USCIS-free for the next year and a half or so.

Thanks to everyone for posting stories and helping out!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-02-12 09:55:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes Refund Timeline
I sent mine on April 30 and received the assessment notice in early June. No refund for me. sad.gif Also, I have been getting the GST refund and there was no mention of that, so I'm sure I'll hear from them at some point asking for their money back. I wish they would ask me for it sooner, rather than later.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-06-19 23:06:00
QUOTE (metals95 @ Jul 3 2009, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jul 2 2009, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I bet he was on an EB1 green card for aliens of exceptional ability, he is one of about 1200 Major leage baseball players in the world after all. There are many other categories of green cards out there, Employment based, Diversity Lottery, or Refugee to name a few.

That's probably a factor. I had a friend in Toronto who was an actor. Her husband was moving to California on a work visa and she got an exceptional ability visa within about six weeks of applying. And she's not famous or anything. smile.gif Like with Feist, it seems if you're famous and unique and rich, then immigration and citizenship can be pretty easy.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-07-04 11:36:00
CanadaSSN Woes
The same thing happened to me (manual processing) and I ended up receiving it in a little over 2 weeks. Hope it works out for you too!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-06-22 16:06:00
CanadaLife on the 'Other Side'
I had the same problems with my driver's licence in NJ (I've complained about it many times here! crying.gif ). They wouldn't give me my driver's licence until I got my green card. In the meantime I drove on my Canadian licence and kept holding off the insurance company. They gave me many extensions, but thankfully I got my GC and licence before they cut me off. It was very close!

I still haven't changed my Ontario plates. Oops. That will happen when I get back from vacation (leaving tomorrow!)

The whole DL thing is very frustrating. Good luck with all that. It'll all work out!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-07-15 08:32:00
QUOTE (poprocks @ Jul 9 2009, 10:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm happy to hear you guys had success!

I'll check my mail for my SSN when I get back. I got a certified copy of my marriage license yesterday, so I'm going to file my AOS when I get back from vaca smile.gif

I'm still using my Canadian credit card, but just changed my address to my US address with them.

I also got car insr with Geico until I register my car.

I have the two cards I got (macys and JCP) and my hubby has given me two of his credit cards..that works lol!

I'm gonna prep my AOS package and then run it by you guys before I send it in smile.gif

Is there a difference between a marriage licence and a marriage certificate? Maybe it depends on which state you're in. In NJ, I thought we got a licence so we could get married, but then the marrying officiant gave us a marriage certificate. It was the marriage certificate that we filed. We also had to wait for the marriage certificate to be sent to us which only took about a week, but others have had a harder time getting it quickly. I could be confused, but just thought I'd mention it Poprocks. Can anyone clarify?

Edit: Oops, i Just realized you got married earlier this week, so you probably have the correct document.

Edited by Gypsyangel, 10 July 2009 - 09:26 AM.

GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-07-10 09:25:00
It's tough to figure out why some people get interviews and others don't. I had an interview and I filed before the 90 days were up. My case was straightforward and the interview ended up being pretty easy. Ten minutes tops. Maybe it's just random. It actually worked out for me in that generally (this past winter) those with interviews were getting approved faster than those who were transferred to CSC (Jill is an exception ... hers was super fast!).

Also, although it wasn't required, I sent in proof of a relationship with my AOS application ... bank statement, some pictures, car insurance, home purchase. At the interview he barely asked us for any proof because he'd already seen it in my application. Sending it in didn't help me avoid an interview, but it made my interview speedy! I think the home purchase clinched it.

I didn't send a certified copy of my marriage certificate, but I brought the certified copy to the interview. He didn't even look ask for it. It took about a week to receive our marriage certificate, but that's definitely something to check out. I've heard people waiting for months because someone went on vacation or something. Also, in NJ you need to get a marriage licence from your town first. That took a couple of days as well. Both of you need to go in person along with a witness that knows the NJ resident. It says you need an SSN, but you don't. Just bring your passport. This is for NJ ... don't know about other states.

For vaccinations, I did what Jill did ... attached a copy of the vaccination worksheet. I didn't bother with the 693. But as Jill said, it seems random as to whether this works or not. As someone else said, if you don't mind having your application delayed about 2 weeks if you get an RFE, you might want to take a risk. If you're in a hurry, don't take the risk and get the 693 done by Dr. Arnold.

As Kathryn said, you don't necessarily have to file before the 90 days is up, but personally I would recommend filing for AOS as soon as is reasonably possible. It's a weird time, being in limbo. You don't live in Canada anymore, but you don't officially live in the U.S. You can't travel home without AP. You can't work. I loved having the time off work (I don't get bored not working!), but at a certain point you want to join society again! I guess everyone is different, but it's nice to have the choices that having a green card brings.

Good luck everyone!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-04-27 23:11:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Checklist - is THAT all?
QUOTE (Hugglebuggles @ Jun 24 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Humm, this is a very interesting question. Has anyone not sent a certified copy and recieved an RFE? The instructions seem to indicate you don't need one, but the guides on VJ seem to indicate otherwise...

I sent a copy of my marriage certificate and brought the certified copy to the interview. It never came up. So, sending a copy for me was fine.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-06-24 12:16:00
CanadaWe Did It!!!! About to file AOS....Question...
I found the whole AOS filing to be a big pain. Congrats on filing it so quickly. It took me about 2 months to get it done. Well, one month and three weeks of procrastinating and one week to actually do it. It's not so much that it's hard, but it's confusing and there's so much darn paper!

I think NOAs come pretty fast as do biometrics. The thing you wait for is approval. Make sure you head over to the AOS case status forum and see how timelines are going for other people who filed in July. I found that to be really helpful.

You're on your way! Yay!
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-07-15 08:39:00
CanadaUrgent! Do I need visa for Canada?I
I've travelled across the border a number of times. I've always had my passport and my GC, so I can't help you with the "just GC" question. They are so sticky at the border, I would think they would give you hard time if you didn't have a passport. But who knows? It seems odd that a citizen needs a passport, but a permanent resident doesn't.

Also, regarding the fingerprinting, when I just had AP, they fingerprinted me and took pictures every time I went through, but since I've had my green card, I don't think they've finger printed me at all. I've gone through Pearson a number of times and I just went through Philadelphia.
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-08-03 08:44:00
CanadaBanking and Building credit in the US
QUOTE (poprocks @ Sep 1 2009, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any American account or credit card you apply for prior to moving to the US, will not start assisting your credit or record until it is transferred onto your SSN may help you with leverage with that specific company, but not on your credit is tracked by your SSN...

My only advise is to appy for 3-4 credit cards peior to your move....get them based on your canadian credit, SIN and canadian address....once you move, you can change them to your SSN and new married name...and within 3 months of moving you can have 3-4 credit cards smile.gif

Great advice to apply for cards prior to your move. It sure makes things easier. Also, I just found out that it may help to get them as soon as you can on your Canadian SIN. Here is what I just experienced ... I signed up for Myfico to understand my score better (I've been here about a year). One of the things that helps your score is how long your credit history is. To my surprise they have my Target Visa recorded from the first day I signed up on my Cdn SIN, which was a about 2 years before I moved.

Also, I couldn't transfer my Target Visa to my SSN until I had my NJ driver's licence, which I couldn't get until I had my green card. Even though I moved last July, I didn't get my driver's licence until April 2009. So instead of having a credit history starting this April, I have about 3 years. They say the average is 19 years, so it may not affect the score much. But, hey, every little bit helps! btw, I don't know how much they look at the Canadian history, but at least they have a record of me.

btw, my credit score is a little over 700. Nothing to brag about, but it's a good start. They say it's low because of lack of history and because how much I put on my card is too high for the limit that I have (even though I pay it off every month). I guess I need to apply for some more credit cards to bring my score up!

Also, I find credit cards a little confusing here. In Canada I just made sure I had a Visa, Mastercard (from one of the banks), plus an American Express. Then I acquired some store credit cards over time. Here, you get credit card offers from out of the blue from god-knows-who. It just felt more straightforward in Canada in that I knew who I was getting credit from.

This game is a little frustrating, given the credit I had in Canada, but what can you do?
GypsyangelFemaleCanada2009-09-01 09:42:00