US Citizenship General DiscussionOath Ceremony Appointment Letter

Question to those who got their oath appointment letter already: What did your online status say before you got the letter? Did it update and tell you that a letter of appointment was sent? I'm always checking my online status to see if it has been updated.

Mine did. My timeline is in my signature. I don't think this happens for everyone though.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-08 11:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow do you prove new citizenship?

Certificate of Citizenship is what you get at the oath, but it's pretty big and you cannot carry it with you all the time :no:

I do not carry a passport card with me. Just saying "I am a US citizen" is enough. Well, just in case, I have a scanned version, a PDF, of my certificate on my smartphone.

Yep, there is no law requiring that you must carry proof of citizenship. I was worried about this too (even though I am white, British and therefore unlikely to be "profiled"), but you just state you are a US citizen. I don't think they are legally allowed to make you "prove" it, though some law enforcement officers might try and make out like they have the right to ask you and pressure you.

I would get a US passport, since as we started this journey as immigrants we are likely to want to visit friends and family in other countries so we will need something for that. You also need to take your naturalization certificate with you to update social security, so they can change your status to US Citizen, but I think that SS and the Department of State are the only people you will really need to prove your citizenship to. Possibly the DMV depending on your state.

If you really feel the need to carry some kind of proof (even though you are not required to do so), then I would either get a US passport card when applying for your passport or make a colour copy of your naturalization certificate and fold it up and carry in your wallet/purse? Personally I've decided just to carry my state ID.

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 22 May 2012 - 12:04 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 12:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAny benefit to early biometrics?

Does getting the biometrics speed anything up? from everything I read they still go by priority date when scheduling and there does not seem to be any increase in processing time by doing early biometrics.

Any thoughts? Does it speed the process along? :help: :huh:

In the January 2012 Filers thread I had the same biometrics date as another filer who filed one day before me, we live clear across the country from each other. They went and did early biometrics. I did not. We had interviews on the same day and ended up with our oath ceremonies being one day apart from each other (I was one day before, but really oath ceremony date just really depends on where you live, whether they offer same day oath, etc).

In my opinion it does not make any difference at all to your processing. I'd only really recommend attempting it if you can't make your appointed date for whatever reason.

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 22 May 2012 - 12:17 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-22 12:16:00
US Citizenship General Discussionanyone here who had their interview in SAN BERNARDINO REALTO?

Thank you so much. HuffyTheSlayer!!

No problem, sdee11. Hope your hubby gets his oath letter soon. The LA ceremony is HUGE and takes a long time to get everyone seated, but it's a nice experience, too. Fingers crossed your husband gets one of the June ceremonies (there are 2, one in the morning, one in the afternoon).

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-25 00:47:00
US Citizenship General Discussionanyone here who had their interview in SAN BERNARDINO REALTO?

Good day everyone;)
My husband passed his interview yesterday (May 22, 2012)
So, how may days, weeks will he wait for the letter of schedule on his Oath of Allegiance?
Kindly post your answer on my profile or send me message so i could read it once ;)

Thank you ;)

I was interviewed at San Bernardino. Here's my timeline:

03/19/2012: Naturalization Interview - Passed!
03/27/2012: Oath Ceremony Letter mailed
03/30/2012: Oath Ceremony Letter Received
04/17/2012: Oath Ceremony - US Citizen!

So just under a month before my ceremony. All the San Bernardino applicants go to the big oath ceremonies in Los Angeles. Here's the schedule for Los Angeles: http://www.cacd.usco...ns-and-schedule

I would hazard a guess that your husband will probably be invited to the June 27th ceremony. He will probably get his letter within 2 weeks.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-23 23:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSan Bernardino Interview

Good Day ;)
Has anyone here had there interview for naturalization recently at San Bernardino?
It's been 2 weeks now and my husband hasn't receive any letter of appointment for his oath taking schedule
Who can we contact regarding this matter? USCIS?

thank you :)

sdee11, I had my interview on San Bernardino in March. Here's my timeline below:

02/02/2012: Biometrics Appointment
02/06/2012: In line for Interview Scheduling
02/08/2012: Scheduled for Interview. Notice Received
03/19/2012: Naturalization Interview - Passed!

The only people you can contact is the USCIS and even if you get to speak to a Tier 2 officer I think they would tell you to wait and that this is within their timeline. Have you been checking your status online at the USCis website?

I'd like to know as well!! I will be having my interview there soon I hope.

EspoMan, see my timeline for interview above and best of luck!

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 08 June 2012 - 10:52 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-08 22:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport Question - How long to receive your CoN back?
Got it back today guys, thanks for your reassurances! :thumbs:

It was a little worse for wear though. It was in a USPS Certified Mail thin cardboard envelope that was bent by our mail person to fit in the mailbox. :unsure: Even worse though was at some point SOMEONE STAPLED my CoN (I assume to my application). So now there are 2 holes in the corner. *shrug* At least I got it back, I guess. I was concerned because I had no copy. I submitted my passport application and CoN together at my Oath Ceremony. All I had were some cellphone photos I took of it before I submitted it so that I would at least know the number and all the information on it.

I will be scanning it first thing in the morning (scanner is in our child's room).

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-20 01:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport Question - How long to receive your CoN back?

Don't worry you will receive your certificate in separate mailing. give it another week or 2. got mine 3 weeks after I received my US passport. hope this will lessen your anxiety. lol, have a good one.

Thanks, Lawren. I appreciate it. It does make me feel a little better about things. :)

When I received my US passport last June 2011, my certificate of citizenship came in the same envelope with my passport. I am not sure it was because I used a service company that expedited my passport or not.

If you expedited, then maybe. I am guessing things are probably different/quicker that way.

It took 2 to 3 weeks in my case to get the certificate back. I would wait for one more week and then call them if you do not receive it by then.

Thanks, nwctzn. It is reassuring to hear the same kind of wait time from 2 other people. :thumbs:

I got my passport stuff in this order

1. Passport
2. Cert of Naturalization - received 2 days after I got my passport
3. Passport Card - received 4 days after I got my passport

Wow, that was quick, Pandawars. I wonder if they're punishing me for not spending the little extra for a PP card. :whistle::rofl:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-16 11:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport Question - How long to receive your CoN back?
Hi Everyone,

I received my US passport back 2 weeks ago on Thursday, but I am still waiting to receive my Naturalization certificate back. Is this kind of wait time normal? I will be calling the department of state tomorrow to enquire if they still have and/or recently mailed my certificate. But am I worrying over nothing? With what I read here on VJ I am worried that perhaps it got lost or stolen in the mail system and don't want to leave it too long in case there's a chance to track it down.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-16 00:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplying for a US Passport after the Oath Ceremony
Not sure, but I think the Los Angeles oath ceremony is the only place I've heard of that accepts passport applications at the ceremony. They set up a small USPS-run station behind the stage for people to file their applications.

Did anyone else have a USPS station at their oath ceremony outside of L.A.?

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-23 12:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Nice Rosie and USA82 :)
update from my side:
Mom passed and got Oath date. All our NBC journey is almost over.

Dad and I already applied for passport at USPS locations.

Yay! A HUGE congratulations to your Mom! You must be so proud of her :thumbs:. I am always so in awe of people who naturalize without English being their first language. I take my hat off to you all. I don't think that I could do it myself. And a big congrats to everyone else who finally got their oath dates and were finally able to naturalize! To those who are still waiting hang on in there, the end is almost in sight!

We have some big news here. We have moved... to England! Yep, we missed having a visa journey so much, we started another one soon after I naturalized. :rofl: I think we must be crazy, but c'est le vive! :whistle:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-12 15:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS
Checking in to see how my fellow January filers are doing. Very busy right now, but wanted to stop by.

my visa journey is finally over today .... no more uscis yay :thumbs: !!!

Yay, congrats Last Stand!

And congrats to everyone else on the progress towards ending their VJ!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-28 12:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Oath on the 26th in Brooklyn @ Cadman Plaza!

Congrats, notscenenough!

It's probably in your mailbox already cause I got mine today! Go check! lol. We'll probably be in the same ceremony on June 27th at the convention center. :yes:


Hahaha... You were so right! Came home from work and there was the letter waiting for me... I got June 27th LACC woohoo!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo! :dance: Congrats scriber & Raul y Karla!

Got my oath letter today in mail. June 27th @ 12.30pm @ LACC

And another LA VJer! How cool is that?

CONGRATS!!!! See you there :)

I think you guys should meet up at or after the ceremony and take some pics for us! How fun to have so many VJers naturalizing at the same ceremony. :D

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-08 23:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS
I finally got that precious little bit of paper back that I kissed goodbye to back on April 17. Today I opened my mailbox and found that my naturalization certificate had returned back to me. So I am finally all done. US passport & CoN are now safely in my hands. :thumbs: So happy to have it all finished.

I will be sticking around to see the rest of the January filers through. You guys are great and have so much patience. If you are sill waiting, hang on in there. I know there's not much we can do to help how you feel, but we're here for you are hoping things go smoothly and quickly for the last stretch of your visajourney!

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 20 May 2012 - 02:06 AM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-20 02:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Houston, TX oath ceremony today: 1646 new citizens from 114 countries.


Yay! :dance: :dance: :dance: Congrats, Nich-Nick!

So had my interview yesterday. Only waited 10 minutes past my interview time. Went fairly smoothly, I mentioned I had a 13 week old and she spent most of the time talking about her kids and parenting style. Only waited 10 minutes past my interview time.
Only hiccup was on my selective service registration. I had to go back and drop off a statement saying that I was over 26 when I entered the US and therefore did not sign up for selective service. I saw the same officer this morning when I dropped it off. It was a good thing too as she forgot to give me back my drivers licence when I left yesterday. She said I should receive my oath either in June or July. I already got an email saying the have received my additional evidence. So it is finally over. Thank goodness. Good luck to everyone else.

Civics questions:
1. How many Senators are there?
2. When was the constitution written?
3. What ocean is on the East Coast?
4. Name one state that boarders Canada?
5. What does Freedom of Religion mean?

English test:
Read: Where is the White House.

The White House is in Washington, D.C.

:thumbs:Great job, calibound. And congrats on the little one! Enjoy, they grow so fast.

Updating the list...

Rylee and I got Naturalized yesterday! We are now a USC :dance: :dance: :dance:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-20 02:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS
Lots of action for us January Filers since I last checked in!

we received the oath ceremony schedule letter today! My wife is scheduled to be at the US courthouse in Indianapolis at 9am on Thursday, May 24th. :dance:

Woohoo! Congrats, bayojona. Almost done! :thumbs:

Looks like it's gonna be a race between us.. no sign of any IL for me either.. Posted Image

Aww, I hope you hear something soon Rosie! Have you checked other threads to see what wait time tends to be for the San Diego office?

We got the oath ceremony letter yesterday. It will be in Jacksonville on 06/08 at 7.30!
Lot of driving for my husband and I can't go with him. Kids are already off school by then and we are in Orlando until the weekend. Any other weekend, but no complaints at least he will be done!


Sucks that the timing isn't a little better for you guys, but at least you will finally be finished with the USCIS! :dance:

Finally got my IL and interview is on June 18th.

Yayayay! They took their good sweet time with that, USA82. I hope it will be quick for you from here on out.

well seem like in NYC things do move forward.
got a message that on may 14 they lined me up for my oath (oath letter I guess at this point should be compiled).
suppose to reach me this/next week with some formal news about the scheduled date.

my TRIP tmeline for all those new yorkers that are wondering about where they taxes are spent at Federal Plaza:
applied 26th of january
did fingerprints on 8th of feb (walk-in as the letter was stating 15th as the fingerprint date)
interview 3rd of May (got a congratulation form after a pleasant interview experience)
hope that by the 4 months milestone, will have all sorted out.

:thumbs: That actually looks like a pretty quick timeline for NYC.

Reporting from LA . Had my interview . It went pretty smooth. Had a waiting time of an hour and then was called in. The IO was very nice and took the oath to tell the truth in the interview process.
we started with the english test and then the civics and history test. Came out with flying colors in both :D
Went thru my paperwork, and asked me questions from my application. The only topic we talked a bit more was about my work history where I was before where i am working now. also address wise where I am residing now and where I was before.

That was it. All done in 10 mins. At the end she said congratulations and handed me the paper and told me I will be getting a mail for oath in 3-4 months ::::::

Woohoo! I think you'll probably be taking your oath in June, the LA oath ceremonies are HUGE! But it's worth it. It's pretty impressive to see that many people all in one place.

UPDATE: Oath ceremony done.

:dance: :dance: :dance: Congratulations on becoming a USC, waithatter! What a relief, huh?

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-16 11:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Did my oath ceremony in Boston today, right in Faneuil Hall, the birthplace of the Revolution. It took about 3 hours all in, we all got US flags to wave. The judge called out everyone's country, amazing to hear where people were from. We did the pledge and then got our certificates. I had mine in my hand for 30 minutes and went right to the post office to apply for my passport. Thanks to the VJ community , you guys have been a great resource for my immigration questions. Good luck for those still waiting!! :)

Wow, how cool, Fuzzymiss! Congrats on becoming a USC!

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 12:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

So finally got an email for interview scheduled and should expect to see IL in 14 days. Expecting it to be sometime between June 7th and 12th.

:dance: Woohoo! Glad that they finally got to your file. Not sure if your call helped or not, but maybe it did because it may have forced someone to actually look at your file.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-10 15:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Aight, well I finally got through the USCIS phone lines and spoke to the officer.. Who told me I could come by right now and bring the selective service stuff. After a 20 min drive to Manhattan and another 20minutes of looking for a parking spot, and 30 minutes of waiting in line to get into the building, I handed him the stuff and it looks like it's done now. The wait for oath date begins again.

:thumbs: Glad you got it sorted. Even if it was a headache to get to the building.

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 09 May 2012 - 11:28 AM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-09 11:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

I am still waiting for my IL. It seems like I am going to be the last one on this forum...

:( Hoping that you get good news by the end of this week, USA82. Are you signed up for email updates from your online status? I hear the Hartford office is going through some changes right now, which I am guessing is what is affecting your application. You might want to call the USCIS to check your case soon.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-08 16:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Hehe, I was wondering who could possibly call me at 7AM. Sure enough it's our dear friend, USCIS :)

Better than a telemarketing call. :thumbs:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-07 12:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Still no signs of oath letter here.. :(

I'm sorry, that sucks.

Well, just checked my voicemail and there's a message from my IO from friday that he forgot to ask me about my selective service and I need to call him back.. I had the card with me at interview, but he didn't ask for it. I guess this will take a little longer then. Oh well, no big deal.

Well, I guess that's why you haven't got an oath letter yet. That REALLY sucks that the IO missed that, thus delaying your application. I guess that is why they are all reviewed by a supervisor, though. I hope that you can get in touch with the IO again and get things sorted quickly so that you can get back on track again.

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 07 May 2012 - 11:30 AM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-07 11:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Hey Guys,

Got my oath letter today, it will be on May 17, 2012. Good Luck everyone.

Yay! Congratulations. Almost there, Nelly!

Hi everyone,

So I had my interview last Thursday and this was my experience:

The appointment was scheduled for 1:15 pm and my name was called at around 4 pm. The interview lasted about 10 minutes, the IO wasn't necessarily nice or friendly, just direct to the point. I was asked the following questions:

- What does the president's cabinet do?
- What did the declaration of independence do?
- If both the president and the vice president can no longer serve, who becomes president?
- Name one branch or part of the government
- How many justices are on the supreme court?
- we elect a US senator for how many years?

She went over my N400 application asking some questions, like my address, my husband's name, when was the last trip taken outside of the US and also questions in the last part of the form where you answer 'yes' or 'no'. She also asked if I had filed taxes but didn't request any of the documents I brought. I was given the Naturalization interview results sheet where it says I passed and was recommended for approval. I had my middle name changed so I wont have an oath ceremony at the citizenship center, but at a district courthouse (judicial oath ceremony) since those are scheduled different I don't know exactly when I'll be able to take the oath, but I hope it doesn't take too long. Now to wait for the oath letter.

Good luck to those pending for interview and congratulations to those who's journey is finally over! :)

Wow Derpina, and I thought I waited a long time for my interview! You are VERY patient! Still, at least you were recommended for approval so that worst is over. Now you just need to sit tight for that oath date. :thumbs:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-06 11:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Ah OK! Thanks! Hope u get your CoN soon! Not having it right now makes me anxious again.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-04 16:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Yay! That was fast! Did you apply at the post office? I applied yesterday and I hope its as fast as yours.

Pepper, because our ceremony in Los Angeles was so huge (and possibly because they have one of the passport agencies in LA??) they had set up with the USPS to accept passport applications after the ceremony was completed. So I got my CoN, signed it and then lined up, handed in my form and paid my money. I held my CoN for less than 20 minutes, I think.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-04 14:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

we received the email yesterday and the online status was updated accordingly. one step closer :thumbs:
Oath Ceremony

On May 3, 2012, we placed your application in the oath scheduling queue. We will send a notice when the ceremony is scheduled. If you move prior to the scheduled ceremony, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

congrats to the latest US citizens!!

Yay! Congrats, cwaf! Hope you receive your letter in the mail soon!

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-04 11:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Well......the journey is complete :D

Yesterday my wife became a full fledged US citizen!

Today we went & applied for her US passport & it should be here next week.

Thanks to all for the help & posts I have read here that helped me help her.

Starting years agor with a tourist visa to two year card, ten year card and now this.
The journey is long & at times hard,expensive and frustrating but, ahhhhhhh done now.

Good luck to all still working towards the end. Hang in there it does eventually end well.

Thanks Again !!!

Congrats to you!!!

And congrats to you and your wife! Glad your are finally finished! :dance: :dance: :dance:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-03 20:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS
:dance: Just got my passport in the mail today. Now I am waiting for my CoN to be returned to me and I am done. But ultimately, I have my proof of USC now so I am a happy bunny. :star:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-03 19:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Also, I don't think you'll end up waiting as long as 3 months to get your oath ceremony. It seems to be something standard that they say.

Good to hear!!

There's not much data on the VJ timelines for Kansas City, but it looks time the standard wait time is around 2 months from interview to oath. http://www.visajourn.....2C10,11&cfl=0

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-03 14:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

I just completed my interview and was approved to be recommended to be naturalized (if that's the correct wording)!

The interview was at the Kansas City, MO office, and took about 20 minutes. I entered the office, took an oath, sat down, wrote the sentence "New York was the first Capitol", read: "The President of the United States is Barack Obama", and answered: What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?, What did the Declaration of Independence do?, Who is in charge of the executive branch? , If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President?, There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them., What is one reason colonists came to America?. She then quizzed me on every line of my N-400 application (I almost forgot the middle two numbers of my SSN (!)). The question that asks how many times you've traveled outside of the US in the last five years, and "how many days have you spent outside of the US" had to be changed because I applied through the three year marriage option and answered the question as it read.

The IO joked around a little with side stories about her visits to the area I grew up in, and she had a large smile when she was explaining that I was approved to be recommended and should expect a letter regarding my oath ceremony in 2-3 months. I was happy, but 2-3 months is a long time!

Yay! Congratulations! :thumbs: :dance:

So... I think I'm almost done with the USCIS. I'm just awaiting approval from the recommendation (is this right, or is that just something that they have to say as approved interviewees are not citizens until oath?) and for the details about the oath ceremony!

ALMOST DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-03 12:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

I had my interview at Houston on 4/26/12. Arrived 7:30, interview begun at 7:45. She gave me a hard time because I still had my Florida License instead of Texas and because I took this year's Turbo Tax copy instead of a "certified IRA Taxes copy" which I never did. At the end she was ok but didn't feel that she liked me. She asked me 1. when was the constitution written, 2. which is the ocean of the "pacific coast" jaja she changed to which was the ocean of the east cost 3. age of enlisting for military 4. explain religion freedom, ... dont remember the rest. Then she said I was approved and asked me to wait back on the waiting room because they were going to give me the notice for oath. 30 min later notice informing oath on 5/16/12 at 7 am!

Congratulations, Miguel. How funny that your IO made that mistake regarding the pacific ocean and west coast! Still, glad things went well. Even if you felt that she didn't like you as a person.

does anybody know how long is the ceremony? Some forums said 2-4 hrs. I will be taking it in Houston. Thank you.

Not sure, Miguel. It all depends on how many people will be there and how that office does things. Maybe you can use the VJ timelines and see if there are any reviews? Or use the search function to see if you can find any recent posts about the Houston oath ceremony to get a better idea?

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-02 13:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Good luck to Mary'n'Ev, Manias, Derpina ... going to interview this week.

Good luck guys! We'll be waiting to hear how it all goes.

Congrats to everyone!! We are all moving right along...

I am just updating my husband's oath date. We got May 9. I was hoping for May 30, the next choice from the San Francisco USCIS office. My mother and brother wanted to come, and the earlier date means my brother can't come and my mother had to buy a quick ticket. Oh well. My family is so excited and my mother is making this into a whole celebration, staying the night before and after in a fancy hotel, etc etc. I am so annoyed that USCIS doesn't do the ceremony in San Francisco any more, they moved it over to a theater in Oakland. I wanted to walk over in the morning... oh well again. Such problems, hahaha

I will report back with details. There will be 1100-1300 people at the ceremony! I wonder about the logistics of this....

Congrats, SerenityNOW. :thumbs: Great news that you have a date. You can always do a big family celebration a little later in the month and have a small celebration with your Mom on May 9th.

There were 4,439!!! people at mine. It was QUITE the sight. But also a very nice ceremony and they seemed to be pretty well organised. But then again, they do do this once a month with similar numbers each time, so they have a pretty good system going.

And so it ends! :D
On Friday I was Naturalized in Philly, which finally ends my process with the USCIS. From filing to ceremony only took 3 months and 10 days I believe, very quick. The most painful part of the whole process was the very beginning when I had to return to England and my wife was in the USA, this was the spouse petition to come to America. That paperwork process took months, almost a year. However, I'm finally here and am an American. Perseverance is the key, which is extremely tough at times. My process started in 2007, and now I'm finally done. Thanks to all over that time for helping out and chatting on VJ with me; it helps a lot. Good luck to all going through the process.

Nice and quick there, Cornishman :thumbs:. Glad it was pretty painless. I am pretty impatient. So waiting is always quite agonising for me. But you're right, the most painful part is being apart after you've already decided that you want to spend the rest of your lives together. But hey, you're done now!

I've decided this smiley sums up what it feels like to be done with the USCIS:
Posted Image

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-30 12:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Passport Application update!

So, I applied for my US after my passport yesterday afternoon after my oath (in the morning). I scheduled for a 2pm appointment at the Dallas Passport Agency located downtown Dallas, at Earle Cabell Federal Building. I got there at about 2.05pm give or take, checked-in at the appointment window then I was given a number and asked to sit down until it is called. I had my application filled out online then just printed it out. By the way, I took my passport photos at CVS (instant photos took me like 5 minutes) where I was charged like $8 coz for signing up for a CVS discount card! I was like sweet! The cost is normally $10

I had my letter from my employer stating that I needed my passport ASAP for work and also a copy of my international travel dates for this weekend for work as well. I had my original CoN and driver's license and copies of each. I was called to another window where the lady went through my paperwork and asked me when I would be traveling and I said this weekend and that took her by surprise! Hehe? Anyways, she told me to come pick it up tomorrow (which is today) and so I did! :dance:

To sum it all, I got my passport in less than 24hrs and I didn't have to part with my CoN

:D so that was good. It all cost me a total of $195 ($135+$60 expedite fee)

So now I am officially done with USCIS/passport journey as far as I am concerned! :D :dance:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-28 01:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Thanks Huffy! Haha... Gotcha didn't I? Well, I was outta town for a while for business and there was no way of getting to my oath letter once mailed to me so I called USCIS as soon as I got the text and email that I was scheduled for oath and they were kind enough (after pleading my case as to why I needed to find out over the phone versus the mail) to gimme the info over the phone before getting the letter. And well... I thought I would surprise y'all with the news!! :lol: Now you know who you can trust with your "secrets"! <------------:lol:

Yeah, I thought of keeping it in my wallet but.... well I just can't afford to loose it... God forbid something happened! :no: It's half as precious as the GC to me! It almost fills the "void" of the card! :P

Yeah I wish I was going out to celebrate tonight! But.. I'm exhausted! I've been literally running around all day.... I'll tell y'all what happened later. Promise y'all won't laugh at me! :D I'll celebrate somewhere outta town... maybe Vegas with some friends or I might just combine the celebration with my birthday coming up next week!!! Yay!!

Joint birthday celebration sounds like a great plan. :thumbs:

Oath ceremony in Irving, TX.

My oath was scheduled for April 26, 2012 at 0830hours in Irving, TX at the USCIS facility. (Just to clarify something, my interview was on 04/10/12 at 1.45pm so I couldn't do same day oath. It seems like they have 2.. the 8.30 am and the 1.30ish pm. I all depends on when your interview is scheduled. -that's my guess. For one to get the same day interview and oath everything has to be done by 11am so that you can get the oath done by the after. This is usually 'awarded' to those coming from far off places so they don't have to go there twice. But, if you're like me... a few miles from USCIS, chances are you'll get the afternoon slot for the interview leaving you with the morning slot for the oath. I hope I didn't confuse any of our Dallas Vjers/readers/lurkers. I get folks inquiring about the above so I thought I would post for the sake of those who still have questions about it.)

I was blessed enough to find out about my oath date over the phone by calling USCIS once I got a status update over email and text on 04/12/12. I was going out of town for business the next day and I wouldn't
have gotten to my oath letter info in time for me to be able make arrangements to attend the oath ceremony. So kudos for USCIS agents for helping me out there!! :thumbs:

:ot2: I got there by 8am and walked up to the building by 8.15am. It was crowded outside and there was a long line through security. I went through security and headed to the oath ceremony area and once the officer checked my oath letter, I was let in to the hall.

Several other folks were already seated. By the time I sat down it was about 8.25am. We were instructed to turn off all cell phones. Once everyone was seated (the applicants that is) the IO started the check-in process at about 8.30am after introducing himself and going over the process of check-in in details.

During check-in we were supposed to line up with our oath letter filled out and signed and present any USCIS issued documents (including travel documents) for me that was my GC. I was in the first row so we went up first to check-in. I had answered yes to the question have you traveled outside the US after the interview so the IO asked me where I went to and for how long. He documented my answers on the form then I was asked to head over to this table on the side that had 2 other lady IO's collecting the forms and the GC's. I said goodbye to my precious GC :crying: as I wiped off virtually tears then one of the ladies gave me the Naturalization Ceremony program 'brochure' with the Oath of Allegiance, Pledge of Allegiance, Star Spangled Banner and the program outlined in it. It also had my seat assignment. Now, they had reserved seats for those taking the oath. All those seats had envelopes with numbers and other goodies in them (paperwork stuff/booklets and more info about being a USC and other stuff).

I took my assigned seat and waited for everyone else to do the same. I sat a seat away from this nice gentleman from Australia and we started chatting then a lady from India sat between us and she was nice too. This was on the 2nd row from the front. We were done checking in by 9.30am (approx) and that's about when the ceremony started. Guests and family members were then allowed to join us in the room but sat further back from us.

The rest was not necessarily done in the order in which I am writing. After the IO introductions and welcome speech we stood up for the National Anthem "Star Spangled Banner". Reading the lyrics to the anthem made me quite teary eyed as I flashed back through my journey and everything I faced while at it! I kept taking deep sighs as we were asked to sit down… releasing all that stress and tension through this process. All I could say was thank you Jesus!

Then we watched an "Introduction of Candidates" video which for some reason got me all emotional and I was busy fighting tears. Oh before I forget we were asked to stand up once one's former country was called. Of course I stood up for Kenya and realized there were other 2 people from there as well. A lady and a guy!! That got me all excited.

Fast forward.....

We finally stood up for the Oath of Allegiance. Right before we took the oath guests and family members were asked to come forward if they wish to to take pics as we took our oath. We raised our right hand and ladies and gentlemen it was official! :dance: Once we were done the IO congratulated us on becoming USC's!!! Yay! I am proud to say that I became a USC at 9.45am CT at Irving, TX. I weighed xx lbs and xx inches in length! :dance: :dance: :dance:

It was and still is a happy moment for me and everyone else in that room today!! There were a total of 96 people sworn in from 36 different countries. We watched a message from the President and for some reason I was touched by it! I think I was just emotional. :lol: Another video of "God Bless The USA" song followed and of course I was teary-eyed! :P

The IO had some closing remarks and congratulatory message then we stood up and faced the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance. We were handed out our Certificates of Naturalization while we were in our seats. I liked that they gave us a neat lil' "folder" to store our CON in since we can't laminate them. I'm also glad the IO stated that the certificates are never to be laminated coz doing so makes it null and void! So one will need to get a replacement if that happened and you know that costs more $ and our precious time back into the waiting game! :angry: Yeah… I know!! So, it's good that they advised us about that.

The ceremony was concluded by around 10am and we were allowed to take pics at the podium with the flags and the statue of liberty! Since both the lady from India and I had no one attending the ceremony with us we figured we'd just take pics of each other and call it a day… and we did! I had fun… I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you guys once again for all your help!!!

FYI- I applied based on 6+ years and the whole process took me 3 months 1 week and 4 days from the time I mailed in my N400 application (including the days my packet got lost coz someone (ahem... me) put down the wrong zip code for USCIS! :bonk: ) to getting sworn in today!! :)
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! (Thank you Jesus!! Xx) :dance:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-27 02:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

But I almost lost it when I saw the hubby crying:( We talked about it later and he joked that it was because he was finally off the hook from the I-864 LMAO.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-26 17:34:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

***** SCREEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM******** Whooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FINALLY A USC!!!

Updating myself and changing my font color!!! Sweet!!! Thank you Jesus!!!! :dance: :dance: (I'll post my experience later. I'm kinda exhausted right now and overwhelmed! :)) I am so proud to be an American!!! Thank you all for helping me make this dream come true! Thanks to my family, for all their prayers, support and encouragement through this (difficult and challenging immigration) journey for me! Thank you all VJ'ers and all my friends out there for you help and support! Couldn't have done it without you. Xxxxx Oh... I almost forgot... thank you USCIS for working diligently on my file/case! :thumbs: :)

Aaah~~~ It surely feels so gooooood changing the font color to red! :rofl: Yes, it was a strange feeling leaving my GC behind at USCIS. I kinda feel "naked" without it! :D I saved the jacket for it as a souvenir! :lol: Hmmm... kinda toying with the idea of framing it! :lol:

For those still waiting, hang in there!! Y'all are almost done! We are here to cheer you on and support you! :D ("Hwaiting!")
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-26 17:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS
Also hoping we'll hear good news from Miguel123 and Notscenenough today as well. Best of luck with your interviews! :thumbs:

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-26 12:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Is officially a US Citizen! Yesterday(4/25) I had my interview and took my oath yay! I couldn't ask for a nicer IO ! She made the interview very easy for me. I choked up when she asked me to read the Oath of Allegiance whew! It was an emotion-filled day for sure! I was sworn in with 57 people from 35 countries. Now I can finally say Adieu USCIS lol. I have an appointment on Tuesday for passport application but that's another story.

Updating RED!! Woohooooo!!!!

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-26 12:16:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

Status updated to 'we placed your application in the oath scheduling que'

fingers crossed !

Yay! Hope it's a short wait for you, to go from placed in queue to getting scheduled.

congrats to everyone who cleared their interview. i have still some time i guess since i have Newark, NJ processing our case. did anyone get an interview notice from newark. We applied on Jan 26th 2012.

andy, I don't think we have any NJ filers in the January thread. Maybe try looking through a few previous months threads (December 2011, November 2011, October 2011, etc.). If there are any NJ filiers there, it should at least give you somewhat of a idea what processing times are like in your local office.

Status update --- we placed your application in the oath scheduling que :-)

:dance: Congrats, jk0926. Almost there...

Officially a USC! I was sworn in with 133 people representing 42 countries. It was a quick ceremony and our friends and families were allowed in the courtroom with us. Very proud to be an American after having been in the US for 22/25 years of my life. Momentous. :)

Thank you all for your support in this journey! Off to the passport office after I update below... :)

Wow! That's a long time, DAndy. Congratuations to you. :dance::dance::dance: It seems so funny to me that we all are getting these bits of paper to show we're USCs and then we immediately turn around and send them away from us :rofl:. But I guess that is the nature of being a naturalized citizen is that we are much more likely to need/want to travel than the average USC.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-24 16:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 JANUARY 2012 FILERS

my dad passed his test, mom didnt .. on the speech part. she said while the IO was going through her application and on those YES/NO parts she answered one wrong. Then the IO asked again, she answered right then. IO said she is weak in english speech and needs to be tested again. She was given the white paper with speech part checked on retest. :oops:

That's mixed new then. :unsure: Great that your Dad passed, but sad that your Mom didn't. But like Blessed said, she was probably just a bit nervous. I hope she gets a date for a second interview soon.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-24 14:09:00