United KingdomCost Of Medical Increased
I think it used to be about 180 or something. I forget what I paid.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-20 12:31:00
United KingdomHappy and Sad day
Happy anniversary, Lisa. I hope you have a speedy K1 Journey :thumbs:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-20 12:30:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
I usually make sausage rolls for my relatives now. :) They love them. Especially my husband, his sister and his brother-in-law. I use the recipe from this thread: http://www.visajourn...l=sausage rolls

Thanks for the recipe, Sukie. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-14 03:12:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
Ooh, a fry up. Mmmm. At least you can kind of emulate that. Although I did use a homepride sauce the other week to make a nice Korma. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 15:36:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
I miss Fish and Chips, too. I think Mark and I's first meal together was Fish and Chips down in Brighton. :D

Hee, I work in an office with another Brit and an American who spent their teens in Australia. So we talk about British foods a lot.

I think Fish and Chips will be the first thing I eat when I go back to the UK and I'll also have to get a good curry at some point, too. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-13 14:48:00
United KingdomPancake Day
British pancakes are more like crepe's, not thick and fluffy like buttermilk pancakes.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-24 21:59:00
United KingdomPancake Day
Mmm, pancakes. We ate at IHOP last night and had some buttermilk pancakes (which I find way to dry and stodgy). But we made British pancakes later on and had some with sugar and lemon juice. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-21 22:35:00
United KingdomGood fish and chips near LA?
Thanks for the recs! :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-05 14:32:00
United KingdomGood fish and chips near LA?
It was a recommendation. There was a lot of food as I recall. But it was all good food! If it weren't for the fact that the next day we were driving back to Utah in the middle of summer, we'd have taken the food back with us.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-26 00:08:00
United KingdomGood fish and chips near LA?
Trastevere. the Italian restuarant on 3rd Street Promenade. Hee, I remember the portions were so big I didn't even get through half of my meal
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-25 16:38:00
United KingdomGood fish and chips near LA?
Thanks for the recommendations, Robin. We'll be heading to Santa Monica, because that's where Mark proposed to me. But we're going to eat where we did that day. But maybe we'll be able to head to Santa Monica again. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-24 21:58:00
United KingdomGood fish and chips near LA?
Hey guys,

Mark and I are heading down to a city called Chino near LA in California in a few weeks to see how we like it (his company have offered him a job in their HQ there), and my big question is, does anyone know of some good, authentic British chippy's near there? I figured I might as well try and get some good fish and chips when we're down there. :) They have a fish and chips shop in the city, so we'll check that place out. But I'd love to go somewhere with good British style chips, if anyone knows anywhere.

Also if you have any other recommendations of food places to check out while we're in the area, please post them. :) We're currently in Salt Lake City, so we'll also be getting us some In N Out burger while we're down there, since there are none here.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-23 21:09:00
United KingdomWhat's the ratio? Do we have more women or men coming from the UK?
Do I get to vote again in a few years when we move to the UK. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 13:26:00
United KingdomWhat's the ratio? Do we have more women or men coming from the UK?
I'm female and moved to the US to be with my husband. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 00:11:00
United KingdomCongrats to all of us
Speaking of curries... I picked up some Patak's Tikka Massala paste when I was in Santa Monica and I made an awesome curry last night. I let it marniate overnight (and then all day) the day before. My hubby and sis-in-law loved it, too. So I'll definately be making it again soon.

I'm also going to try my hand at some fresh pasta. We got a pasta making attachment for out Kitchen Aid from Mark's dad for our birthdays (it was my birthday last week and Mark's in September :lol:). I miss spagetti carbonara, so maybe I'll make that...
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 20:12:00
United KingdomUltimate scrifice
I agree with you, Dr Iha. Black pudding is blergh.

But that's just all the more for you though, right Dawn?
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-28 22:50:00
United KingdomUltimate scrifice
I also made a sacrifice yesterday when buying Easter Eggs from my British Store.

I brought some Irish bacon. I just cooked it a little while ago and finished my bacon sandwich. As part of my sacrifice to you all, I want you all to know it was delicious.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-25 15:34:00
United KingdomUltimate scrifice
We all appreciate you making this sacrifice, Tony.

Have a good Easter in the UK. :)

*stares longingly at her Dairy Milk Buttons Easter Egg*
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-24 17:42:00
United KingdomAnyone else got a FOUR DAY WEEKEND? :D

Enjoy your 4 day Easter weekend, because you won't get it once you arrive in the USA!

:no: Nope you sure wont!

I'm working in the US, and I get a 4 day weekend. Woot for working in a small company where almost everyone is religious! :D
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 19:10:00
United KingdomPosession of cannabis on police record
My advice would be: 1) Hire an immigration attorney and 2) Seriously consider moving your fiancee over to live with you in the UK.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-20 12:39:00
United KingdomMmmmm...biscuits!
Mmm, last night I had beans on toast! For the first time in a year and a half. I never thought beans on toast would taste so good. :) So glad I got some beans yesterday.

Tomorrow night we're making a curry with the curry sauce we got. :thumbs:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-22 21:08:00
United KingdomMmmmm...biscuits!
Literally today, I came across a little corner (well, okay a little shelf section) of new British goodies! Galaxy chocolate bars! 4 different teas! Biscuits, hobnobs, plain, plain chocolate and milk chocolate. Richtea biscuits. Plus a few others. Squash. Baked beans, heinz tomato soup, heinz leek and potato soup. Brown sauce. Homepride curry sauce, plus a few other homepride sauces. Branston Pickle. Rice Pudding! And some more besides.

I can't tell you how excited I was to see it. The funniest thing about it all? I'm moving to California soon, therefore this is a little late in coming. However, funnier still, is that I met SanDan, another VJ member and her hubby in the same store (when less than an hour ago before I was talking about how I needed to call her and arrange to meet up with her soon), and SHE was the one who directed me towards the new British shelf section! So she was also thinking about me just barely before we saw her. :) So funny how the world works sometimes! :)

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 21 April 2007 - 08:36 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-21 20:34:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
Just checking in to see how everone's doing. It seems like everyone's flying through London. :)

It's nice to see so many approveds on the list.

Good luck tomorrow Crash and Cari! :)

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 01 May 2006 - 10:43 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-01 22:43:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
:) Congrats on the approval, and congratulations to Scotty who FINALLY gets to be together with Saxony.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-09 13:59:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
I sent my forms off in the regular mail, and they arrived fine. :) If that's any help.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-30 23:55:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
YAY! Congratulations, Weebeansy. About time! :dance:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-28 14:04:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
1) What is the Roman numeral for 500? D
2) What is ascorbic acid commonly known as? Vitamin C
3) What type of fruit is a Bergamot? A citrus fruit
4) Cartomancy is fortune-telling using what? Cards
5) What is the name of our nearest galaxy? Hmm. The Milky Way?

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 15 March 2007 - 11:08 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 23:08:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
Hee, well I got myself a 1.75 litre bottle of Baileys for $18 in a CA CostCo last week. So I'm all set for a while. :P Never really tried Pimm's before.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 20:01:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
I'm just glad I'm in CA with all this pub-talk going on. I can actually walk into a supermarket and get a bottle of wine, some decent alcopops and spirits here! No such luck in UT. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 18:28:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
LOL. Good work, Lisa.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 18:12:00
United KingdomThe Visa Journey UK Pub Quiz Thread!
I was gonna answer, but elm got them all already. :-p Ah well. *settles down with an Archers & Coke and a pack of crisps*

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 08 March 2007 - 01:53 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 13:52:00
USCIS Service CentersFees for I 94 expired
this makes a little more sense.

If they are filing to adjust status based on marriage they do not need a new I-94.

They need to file a I-485 to adjust.

If they want to travel outside of the US they should file the I-131, and if the immigrant wants to work its the I-765.

No additional fees. just the filing fees and biometrics.

If they want the lawyer to review the forms, of course they pay for that.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-02-21 11:51:00
USCIS Service CentersFees for I 94 expired

If I were them, I would be looking for a new lawyer. Sounds like this lawyer is not too familiar with immigration issues.

That's what I was going to say.. :)

let me guess, pay the lawyer and he will pay the fees for you.

i concur with the above
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-02-21 10:41:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center

Well, I have already contacted my elected representatives and let them know about the problem of the difference of processing times between the two centers. I wasn't asking for any action on their part for me, (yet) I just wanted them to know that I wasn't happy with the way USCIS was handling things...

Same here. Still no response, and I sent it to both Senators and my State Rep almost two weeks ago. Waiting for the 2 week mark then making a follow up contact by phone. No sense in this. It really is ridiculous, and if we don't complain, no one else is going to.

Two weeks is hardly any time for them to get a response. But i would recommend contacting them to ensure that the letters did go out. I call one of my Senators office two months later and thet stll had not sent a letter. I raised hell, they apologized and now keep me updated.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-04-23 09:26:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center
Thanks to TimsDaisy this thread is going in the right direction.

A petition will not help you, this is not high school. A petition is only as good as the lawmakers behind the petition.

What it will take is the education the general public on why immigration needs reform. It will take each of those people getting off their tails and contacting their senator and congressional reps to initiate and enact change.

It takes people getting involved in the political process and realizing that each individual really makes a difference.

There are many ways to get involved, just do something

Edited by John & Annie, 20 April 2007 - 05:21 PM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-04-20 17:20:00
USCIS Service Centersno processing times for family based AOS?

Why does the CSC processing times website never show the times for the I-485 for family based applications??? :unsure:

Just being curious!!?

I was told by USCIS that you even though your case is at CSC, you should use the local office for your area.

It was a total line, but that is what they said
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-21 16:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver for overstayed K-1

That still does not answer the question.

is the spouse "legally present" in the US

Apparently only until the I-94 expires. At that date plus 180 days, illegal presence begins to accrue. This normally wouldn't impact anyone because AOS is normally filed in a timely fashion. Even if it wasn't, overstay is forgiven via marriage to a USC.

I was out of status for a week or so, my I-94 had expired and I did not have my receipt. Technically deportable. The AOS receipt got me back into status and I subsequently adjusted.

Yeah, I did some research.

we were misinformed by a immigration officer
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-02-22 19:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver for overstayed K-1
That still does not answer the question.

is the spouse "legally present" in the US
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-02-22 12:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver for overstayed K-1

I was under the impression and was told by a USCIS immigration officer that a person entering on a K1 visa, once married was lawfully present in the United States.

There have been cases here on VJ that people have waited over two years to file for AOS and not had to file a wavier. How could this be?

She is still married to the USC?

Those people stayed married to the original petitioner and eventually filed for AOS. She did not stay married, did not file AOS, did not leave (yet) and another USC is going to petition for her. That visa will be denied due to her illegal presence and at THAT point she will need a waiver to overcome it.

I understand these are two different situations.

My question is, if you have married within the 90 days, are you legally present in the US?

Obviously if you file for adjustment you are in a pending status. I am talking about if you do not file.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-02-22 10:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)waiver for overstayed K-1

Not too far from Russia, actually. Why did you assume that btw?
The circumstances required that I stayed, for a while I was hoping things would get better with the marriage, I wasn't planning on leaving when I got married after all!
What information should I include in the waiver that would be compelling? Did anybody have experience with waivers in Warsaw, Poland?

Check the 601 forum on

The USC has to write a letter detailing extreme hardship if your visa is denied and he has to relocate to Poland permanently. The letter and the waiver are not filed until your visa is denied at the interview. Then it's a matter of waiting - don't know how long it takes in Poland but I would expect a minimum of 6 months.

I would go with, should be others going through Warsaw there, or who have been.

Country guess, just the use of language, struck me as being East European, not sure exactly why.

This is a good reason to not delay the AOS filing. The fact of the matter is, any time after the 90 days and before the AOS is filed are days out of status (overstay). It's not generally a problem because the overstay is forgiven along with an AOS approval. I think it is a great disservice to the foreign spouse to delay the AOS. If anything precludes the filing of the AOS, the foreign spouse can find themselves in a very unfavorable position. For instance, if the USC dies before the filing, the foreign spouse will have to leave the U.S. Accidents happen every day. The filing of the AOS should be an absolute priority.

The adjudication of the AoS is the important thing, but obviously the sooner you file the sooner it can be adjuducated.

Does not seem the isssue here as the marriage feel apart early on.

Here is the law on overstays

(i) In general.-Any alien (other than an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence) who-

(I) was unlawfully present in the United States for a period of more than 180 days but less than 1 year, voluntarily departed the United States (whether or not pursuant to section 244(e) ) prior to the commencement of proceedings under section 235)(1) or section 240 , and again seeks admission within 3 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal, or

(II) has been unlawfully present in the United States for one year or more, and who again seeks admission within 10 years of the date of such alien's departure or removal from the United States, is inadmissible.

(ii) Construction of unlawful presence.-For purposes of this paragraph, an alien is deemed to be unlawfully present in the United States if the alien is present in the United States after the expiration of the period of stay authorized by the Attorney General or is present in the United States without being admitted or paroled.

It doesnt matter which country, which embassy this law applies to everyone.

If the AOS was not filed, once you go over the 6 month point you will be classed as ineligible for admission.

Under certain circumstance you can apply for a waiver (family related visas are one of them) however the person filing the petition must prove Extreme hardship on their part (your husband, fiancee, mother, father who ever filed petition) if they had to move overseas to be with you. This is not easy to do!!!!!

Also one of the questions asked of you will be "Have you ever been the benificary of an approved fiancee/marriage visa before" You will have to answer yes and then you are going to have to explain why you are doing it again.

One other thing, just filing for the original AOS does not give you leave to remain in the country indefinitly. The original AOS is only good for 2 years, at that time you must still be married to the original petitioner to be granted permenant status. If you have divorced and remarried in the meantime you have to file an AOS all over again and could end up having difficulties with that.

My advice (I am not a lawyer and you need to get one to be sure of this) leave the country as soon as possible. The sooner the better. If you are already over the 6 month point, leave prior to the 1 year overstay point. When your new hubby/fiancee applies you will be required to file a waiver and that is when the country you are a resident of comes into play. Each embassy handles waivers differently and has different time frames and waiver issues. Timelines vary and change over the course of the year. If you do engage an attorney talk to more than one, many immigration attorneys will take your money and not do alot for you. There are good one and bad ones, make sure you retain one that has good reputation.

Have you checked this out.

I was under the impression and was told by a USCIS immigration officer that a person entering on a K1 visa, once married was lawfully present in the United States.

There have been cases here on VJ that people have waited over two years to file for AOS and not had to file a wavier. How could this be?

She is still married to the USC?
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-02-21 19:57:00