United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
We just went out to get our mail today and found a letter from the USCIS for my AOS interview! :) Our interview is going to be on September 5th, my dad's birthday. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-16 11:49:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Glad to hear everything is going well, Alison, and that planning the wedding isn't being too stressful for you. :) I'm sure we'll all be thinking of you on the big day. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-05 10:35:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I'm sorry that you're being so held up, Rebecca. You were approved on my birthday, which was some time back. I hope you hear some good news soon!

*crosses her fingers for you*
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-03 15:14:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yeah, I knew that in advance, since SanDan lives close to me and she told me the picture on her EAD was the one she had taken then. Part of the reason I was relieved to find out it was an okay picture. :)

Glad to hear that Andrew now has his. Happy job hunting. :thumbs:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-28 13:50:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Okay, so I had my biometrics an hour and a half or so ago, and as promised, I'm going to post about my experience here. It's a cut and paste from the AOS forum, so apologies if any of you have read it before.

We turned up at 7:40 to find the carpark near empty, so took a little drive around the area nearby and returned a couple of minutes to 8am. After a short wait with about 5 other couples we were let inside and I was first in, being closest to the door that was opened first.

When inside I showed the guy at the desk my appointment letter, my passport and marriage certificate to show the name change. Then he handed me a form and told me to take it to the guy at the adjacent desk. So I filled it out and took it over to the desk and I was person 2 of the day, how someone beat me to filling out the forms, I don't know. tongue.gif

Anyhow, I was then passed over to a woman nearby who was at a computer thingy and she typed my details in, checking with me that they were all correct, before telling me that the liquid she was going to spray on my fingers was water, and then she started to scan my fingers altogether first, then thumbs, then each finger individually (took quite a while since they kept turning out too dark, or weren't big enough). She kept telling me to relax my fingers, but that's kind of difficult to do when they then go and twist and turn your finger to get a full picture of your fingerprints!

After the 10 or so minutes of me getting my fingers scanned I then stood by a white screen and she took my picture, it didn't actually look too bad for an ID picture. Then she gave me a little comment card to fill out, while she called what I assume is the supervisor, over, and he wrote something on my NOA. Then she handed that, along with my ID back and told me to keep hold of my receipt as proof I'd had my biometrics done (I assume by )receipt, she means the stamp and stuff I had written on my NOA.

Then we were out the door and done by 8:30, so it all went pretty quickly and smoothly. And I learned that apparently I have difficult fingerprints. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-23 10:31:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks, Stacy. Glad to hear it all went smoothly for you. :thumbs:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-22 00:03:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks, Kiki. I'll let you know how it goes. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-19 18:13:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Huffy they took forever to cash our checks as well. We had our NOA's b4 they even cashed the checks! So hopefully everything will move along quickly for you guys as well!


Thanks for your kind words, Stacy. I had some good news waiting in the mailbox for me today, NOA for my biometics appointment for a weeks time, at 8am! Still at least we're in the city we'll just have to be up early.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-17 00:22:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
That's great news, Stacy. :) I hope I hear something more soon, I sent my packet off only a few days after yours.

They did take forever and a day to cash my cheques though. So I think you and Paul are going to shoot way ahead of me. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 18:10:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
That would be fun, Scotty. :) 9pm in what time zone? I'm planning on watching England this Saturday, although it will be weird doing it at 7am in the morning! (I'm on Mountain Time) Guess I'll have to get used to having breakfast while watching the footie. :P

Oh, and I got my NOA1's for AOS and EAD today. :D

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 08 June 2006 - 11:09 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-08 23:09:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yeah, I know the feeling, I won't be able to get a DL until I get my EAD, unfortunately. But I do sometimes use the buses and tram to get downtown. Also, our cheques were cashed yesterday evening. So we should get our NOA1 soon, which is uplifting. :)

Also, Sanna and I are going to hang out next week, which I'm really looking forward to. :) So things are looking up a bit already.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-08 14:59:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Unfortunately my appartment complex is mostly inhabited by hispanic families with kids who have no respect for the property (we live in the ground floor apartment and they just chuck loads of rubbish down the the bottom of the stairwell) and they've also signed for packages for us in the past and kept them, claiming not to have recieved anything.

We are getting new neighbours in the apartment that's opposite to us on the ground floor though, who seem nice. They knocked and introduced themselves to us the other week, but I'd imagine they both work.

I guess I can't complain too much, though. Before she got her a job (which I'm really pleased for her about :)) SanDan and I used to hang out a lot, which was really fun. Maybe I should try and get the Utahns together again for get together. I also have my husbands parrot who is really cute and has really blossomed since I got here and spent time with him. He says he never used to be very good with strangers before I came over, now new people who come over can pick him up (although he still sometimes tries to bite them). So at least I've done some good.

We're also going over to dinner with some friends for dinner tonight which will be fun, I had their daughter be my flower girl. She adored me from the moment she met me and declared me "Harry Potter's sister". :lol:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-07 09:50:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
So I'm just wondering how are other people coping with the change of lifestyle here in the US?

I actually thought I was doing pretty well up until recently when I started to feel a bit depressed about how little interaction I get with other people now-a-days. How is everyone else coping with not really having their own friends to have fun with over here? I don't even really get any of my friends IMing me anymore because of the time differences. :unsure:

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 06 June 2006 - 12:05 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-06 12:04:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
It certainly seems like it. :)

I can't wait for my AOS stuff be over. But it's only just beginning.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-29 12:39:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Not sure, but it sounds like good news. I would think that would mean that they're getting ready to approve/interview you. Might want to take it to the AOS forum for a wider range of opinions. But I would say good. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-28 14:17:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
It really does feel good to have it over with. I couldn't sleep the night we tried to send it but were a little too late. But had no trouble yesterday. So I guess it was a huge weight off my mind. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-26 21:47:00
United KingdomMedical in Scotland

No luck finding the panel doctors in Scotland via google or this site!

I have just received packet 3 and since I am currently living in Canada, got the names of the doctors here, but my daughter who is in Scotland at uni will need to get her medical done in Scotland. Does anyone have the names of the approved panel doctors in Scotland?

Thanks very much for your help.


My wife had to travel to Manchester or Birmingham from Glasgow to have her physical done. I think there was someone in Edinburgh, but we neededthe appointment sooner. I do not think it matters which Dr. Does it as long as they are approved and you submit the sealed packet at the Point of Entry

Edited by John & Annie, 21 September 2006 - 04:53 PM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-21 16:52:00
United KingdomWhich AOS for London!

Hello all,
Just found out our K3 has now been sent from NVC to London Embassy.. I know my hubby ( who is petitioner) has to fill out an AOS for the interview ( well I thnk he does anyway) Just wondered which form it is so we can have things prepared in advance.. Getting mail to and from CA is taking its time at the mo!

Cheers very much!! :)

This is what we had to fill out:

G-325A (x2)

It seems as though alot of people have had problemss with the supporting documents (us included). He might want to try and get the certified copys from the IRS and see if that makes any difference.

Oh, and if you want to work and travel:

I-765 - employment authorization
I-131 - Advanced Parole

PS. you can find Irn bru here if you kow where to look.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-24 11:42:00
United KingdomWill my Stereo work

It's not that big.

As the AMP / CD Deck are seperate I was going to put it in a suitcase with the speakers and bring it over on the plane!

We are planning on getting married in Vegas at the end of January. It appears to be a popular destination and a lot of friends and family want to come over for it.

I'm planning on buying a lot of cheap suitcases and giving everyone a spare case to bring over filled with my stuff. As you are allowed to bring 2 cases with you and everyone will only need one case.

A couple points to think on:

1.Electronics do not travel well in suitcases
2.The electronics might look like something else, which could really be a detriment to passing the immigration officer

If you must bring them, I would recomend Fedex, DHL or one of those. Proprerly packed of course, with a bill of lading.

As a thought, if you sell them there, you would probably pay about half as much here. Things are typically dollar to pound and you could make our quite well.

Annies family did the same with suitcases and brought alot over, but I would not recoemnd large electronics.



Edited by John & Annie, 21 September 2006 - 10:16 AM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-21 10:15:00
United Kingdom18th October interview anyone

Hey Munchkins!

We won't be there of course, but I'll be thinking about you that day!

GOOD LUCK! :dance:

Hi all, we are new to the VJ, and we will fill out our timeline soon

I have a couple of recomendations for you. When Annie went for her interview at the embassy in London I told her to make friends with the guards, at least have a civilized conversation if you can. as a result, they were very kind to her. She got there very early, was having a conversation with them, people would walk up and ask questions rudely, only to be sent away. They told her that his is common and as a result of her being nice, she was first in the queue(you will have to get used to saying line instead of Queue). While she was in the chairs at the Embassy one of the guys yelled at her to have a great day and good luck. Everyone else there looked at her cause they could not understand why he was being nice. We still have contact with one of them to this day.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-21 10:02:00
United KingdomPOE paperwork
We still have the Xray. Just in case.

I agree, make sure you get the I-94. They actually stapled that into Annies Passport. Our POE was Dublin, which I thought was wierd. It did make things easier though.

You can ust that to prove legality, but it is only good for 90 days.

Try to get your AOS paperwork in right away.

Good Luck, and we are a five hour drive down the coast.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-25 12:59:00
United KingdomGoing home tomorrow :-)
[quote name='globetrotter' date='Sep 26 2006, 06:36 AM' post='470348']
Hello Maggie and welcome to NC ! Sounds like you are already settling in, which is great :) We have a NC VJ meet-up group, generally attracting people in the Raleigh area. We would be happy to have you both join us when we have our next gathering. Watch this space !

Meantime, best wishes for your new life in the USA and for your forthcoming wedding. Neil & Eva.

Yeay - let me know.....we'll be there!

Took 1 and a half hours from disembarking, going through immigration and security and getting to the gate for my next flight. Security was real quick... probably 1 to 1.15 was the time spent on immigration ... mind you I did manage to end up LAST in the queue (line for you americans). If you want to be faster remember to reserve a seat near the front of the plane ;-) I had 5 hours between flights so was not worried.

PS passed the drivers test so now have a NC license less than a week after entering he country..not bad! They accepted my K1 and made the license valid only for the length oftime the K1 is valid... I will have o renew it in Feb next year.


If you get AOS and/or EAD approved, you can have that restriction removed from your license
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-26 10:03:00
United Kingdommoving costs
just confirm when the boat is leaving. my info might not work for you, Annie's stuff came to California via the Panama Canal. Your might go to the East coast (more frequent Boats)

Oh yeah, we also had to pay the "import inspection fees" they were not paid by the shipping company.

confirm all details.

Edited by John & Annie, 25 September 2006 - 01:47 PM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-25 13:45:00
United Kingdommoving costs

You may want to add time to Whites. It is 6 weeks after the boat leaves, no telling when that is.

We waited 12 weeks to get Annies stuff.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-25 12:53:00
United KingdomThe final countdown

Well I have my interview on Monday and I am getting a bit nervous. I still havent received all the neccessary paperwork from my lawyers, though they insist that it is on its way. I am moving out of my house in one week (staying with friend and away with work), I have flights booked for the 12th October and my work is letting me go on unpaid leave in the hope that I find a position with them in america, therefore no need to resign just yet.

Boxes were picked up yesterday, going to a car boot sale on Saturday and been to the dump more times than I can remember. Spending money hand over fist and booked up our wedding in Las Vegas, we are having a small wedding in Vegas and then sometime next year we will have a blessing service where we will invite all our family over.

My POE is going to be Boston, anyone had any experiance with flying into there, any hope of getting the temp EAD (I suspect not, but I am going to ask anywhere).

Cant wait to get there and take a break


Good Luck on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!

No idea about the Boston and EAD.

We are told that the I-94 will suffice as a Temp EAD, not really sure if its true. Annie has not needed to work, so this is not an issue.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-27 17:46:00
United KingdomJust had a sudden craving

I would kill for one right now.
Especially the curry flavoured one.

We have quite a few shoppes around that sell all things UK. I have to stock up on curly whirlies for my wife
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-29 10:04:00
United KingdomInterview finished!

:dance: I'm just so excited and don't know any details yet, except for the important one that we were approved!!!!

Congrats, and wlecome to America
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-02 12:41:00
United KingdomUK wedding etiquette

I'm so mad he feels like he has to buy a suit, not hire one. He says a hired one never fits well enough. That's throwing away 600 quid for 2 suits!!!


Make it the best mans gift.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-09-29 16:04:00
United KingdomMission accomplished
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-02 12:43:00
United Kingdomvisa approved :) is the cheapest way to book them. otherwise we love Virgin Atlantic
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-06 14:14:00
United KingdomQuestion: Shipping from the UK, freight forwarders ...


How is everyone doing? In anticipation of my fiancee joining me in the US, we are looking forward and trying to plan ahead. I would like to know if you have any expereinces of having bulk shipping done from the Uk to the US? Either you or your fiance/fiancee? or any one else. I 'm looking for your experiences with the shipping process, as well as references/shippers/freight forwarders, do's and don'ts, contact information, etc....!

Thanks all. And all the best.

I took about 12 weeks in all from Glasgow to Los Angeles. Once the stuff was in London, it waitied for a ship going to the pacific coast. Plus we had to pay for the inspection fees here in the states, which were left out of the contract in the UK, about $80.00.

I would not really recomend our carrier, I was not very happy.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-09 10:40:00
United KingdomWhat to bring to the embassy with us?
You must have the vaccination record for AOS, infact make sure it is the I-693.

Edited by John & Annie, 13 October 2006 - 09:38 AM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-13 09:36:00
United KingdomINTERVIEW!!! 24th October
I know that I called the embassy alot, I always started with the fact that I am a USC. that usually got there attention.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-17 13:23:00
United KingdomInterview date set!!! OMGGGGGGGGG
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-25 14:32:00
United KingdomLeaving tomorrow
if ya need directions to the local shoppe that has items that you are used to, give a PM. We needed to stock up on fairy washing up liquid
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-26 09:23:00
United KingdomBeen doing alot of thinking.....
Annie did some looking into this for us and she found out the the Child can be a duel citizen until they are 18. not really sure what happens at 18, but that is what she said.

She is considering the duel citizenship thing as well. When and if we have children, I like the idea of them being able to live and wok in both. Plus the fact that there is the ability to work anywhere in the EU.

Oh and, once we have been married two years i can get a stamp in my passport for the right to leave and remain in the UK. I would comfirm all of this with the a Consulaur officer.

Edited by John & Annie, 25 October 2006 - 02:39 PM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-25 14:38:00
United KingdomCheap fare London/St.Louis
I ahve found Virgin to be the best. Book directly via their website. Join the club if your goign to go back and forth acouple times. Its worth it.

Edited by John & Annie, 30 October 2006 - 04:01 PM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-30 16:01:00
United KingdomWedding Dresses On Planes
Virgin is our first choice as well. I have never had a bad expirience with them.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-11-01 10:39:00
United KingdomAny London interviews for Nov or Dec yet?
I called the Embassy as a US Citizen to help expitdite the process and Annie contacted her MP, who called the charge d' affairs as the US Embassy. We got the interview when we needed it.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-10-31 11:18:00
United KingdomName change and UK passport

Having been through this, We can shed some light. The K1 Visa is not irrelivent, that is proof that you entered the country legally with the intent to stay.

Secondly, I would highly recomend you check all of the info given to you.

Now, when we called the British Embassy in Washington DC to inquire about the new passport we hade to fill out the form and sent it with Annie's original passport and the original Marriage Certificate and money. About a week later we got all of the sent documents back and Annies new Passport, her old one was voided. It was relatively painless.

In the interim, to prove legitimacy Annie carrys copies of her passport. If we got pulled over i would rather have to go to court and prove it then have her bag stolen and lose it.

Please feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2006-11-07 10:26:00