United KingdomTraveling in the UK - Advice for Americans
QUOTE (Leney @ Sep 10 2007, 09:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Niagaenola @ Sep 9 2007, 06:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WHAT A LOAD OF #######......



That was the exact same reaction of my hubby tongue.gif Though I had a chuckle, I can just see a Hawaiin Shirt 50 something American tourist with a fanny pack and jesus sandles taking it for gospel ;P

Before I ever met my hubby, and I was planning a trip to Scotland, an English friend of mine sent me to this web site:

I was so terrified of Glasgow before I ever got there, it wasn't funny tongue.gif Strangely, the site didn't disappoint lol

ah yes the wee Glasow NED.

When Annie gets really upset at someone, I can tell cause she uses ned-speak at them.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-09-10 15:03:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

OMG, you mean he's got it? Already?! Wow!! ? I was actually going to post (seeing this thread just reminded me of it, was kinda coming on here to suggest it...) and say maybe you could beg them to keep you in mind should any last-minute cancellations free up any interview slots... am guessing that might be what you did. Anyway - CONGRATS, I think, if I'm reading this right! :)

Yep - that part was no typo! :)

We actually enlisted the aid of a congressman - not really thinking much would come of it but thinking, what the heck, worst that happens is we keep the same date. We explained our mailing schedules and how we didn't put down dates for travel and a wedding (the biggest mistake, most likely!). Full disclosure, I have a friend who works in the congressman's office BUT he isn't the person who does immigration work (in fact, he works in a completely different office) and there was no special string pulling or favoritism. If there was some special pull there I'd have tried to work that angle when we were stuck in 100+ day NOA2 land!! (I also know from my time working for the government that the fastest track to unemployment is to try to pull some crazy sh*t for your friends. Not a good idea, despite what movies and tv shows make you think). At any rate, all that was done was I sent a letter to the congressman explaining where we were in the process and asking if he could help us possibly change the interview date. I'm not sure exactly what the congressman's office did in terms of interacting with the Embassy, but I think they send an email or something. Our jaws dropped when not only did they change the date, but they changed it from August 21 to July 6, which, when we found out, was about a week and a bit away.

There was then a scramble to get everything in order. I used DHL (much cheaper than UPS, if anyone needs shipping service! And faster, highly recommended!) to get him some of the last documents for the I-134. He drove into London last night and stayed at a friend's house and then parked up somewhere near to the Embassy this morning. He'll provide me with a full review of the experience after he gets home and to a computer.

I'm exhausted in a good way this morning, but it will be hard to focus at work!

Oh my god..... HOW exciting is that?!?! I think I would be about to spontaneously combust from excitement right about now. Congratulations to you both!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

We enlisted the same type of help. It worked for us as well.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-06 11:47:00
United KingdomUnited Kingdom Interview Thread 2007

Can people reporting new interview dates also mention what information they provided for "travel" and "wedding" dates on the form? Just curious if we can guess (as much as we guess using any other data collected here) what effect that really has on scheduling.

Hey! Congratulations on your date. Why do I sort of feel guilty that we sent them on the same day?

Anyway, I put my real date for the wedding on my checklist and I also put a polite letter saying what a dumbasss I was for booking the wedding (copyright VisaJourney) and could they possibly possibly give me an early July date. I sincerely believe this helped, but it is really open to abuse if true. Hopefully people will only panic when necessary - but I would say that wouldnt I!?

Well done again.


We made the same mistake and scheduled everything before we had that Visa in hand.

Through a lot of phone calls and Annie's MSP calling the Consulate Liaison, we managed to get our interview changed and made the flight.

Good Luck all.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-27 09:42:00
United KingdomFiance' is Nigerian but lives in UK
QUOTE (stevi1123 @ Oct 19 2007, 07:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, I am new to visajourney and would like to thank you in advance for help on this question. I am an American citizen, who met my fiance' online almost a year ago. He is a Nigerian man who has lived in the UK (London) for 16 years. He left Nigeria to attend university in UK.

I have gone to visit him this year and will go again in January. We will become officially engaged when I go then. Our question is "Do we file the K1 Fiance visa from the standpoint of him being Nigerian, and thus apply via the Nigerian embassy. Or do we apply from the standpoint of him being a British Nigerian, and apply via the London embassy. This is so confusing to me. He is still in London on student/employee visa (excuse me if I am not using the vocab correctly).

Please help me. I have researched many places on the www and cannot find an answer to this question.

That is a really good question, you may need to do this through Nigeria. I would call the State department and find out. You finance would interview at the US Embassy, but i thought it was in his country of origin.

I would love to know the answer to the question. Please keep us apprised
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-10-19 09:54:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
Kins, my thoughts to you is not something that you can bring with you. But to have fish and chips before you go. You'll miss them once you're here. I can't wait for my next UK visit so I can have some! :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 14:13:00
United KingdomChecking in
Welcome home, HA! I'm sorry it couldn't have been under nicer circumstances. But I wish you all the best here and much joy in renewing old bonds and friendships. May this new stage of your life treat you well.

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 02 July 2007 - 10:24 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 22:23:00
United KingdomTim's Big Day At The Embassy
I didn't see any celebs, elm. If that makes you feel any better. :-p

Congrats to Tim and Daisy. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-09 15:58:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course
I have a 49g bar of British Dairy Milk here and it says 27.8g of sugar.

The remains of the galaxy bar I have in the fridge says 56.4 g for 100g of chocolate.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-16 15:45:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

Remember everyone, a Scotsman is for life! Not just for Christmas!

Love that pic! :lol:

I know, isn't it cute? It's TOTALLY the kind of thing my dog would do, except she's a Jack Russell. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 17:21:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband
Remember everyone, a Scotsman is for life! Not just for Christmas!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-26 16:06:00
United KingdomChristmas Pudding
My Mum brought me one over last year when she and my sister were over for Thanksgiving and had no troubles. She also brought us mini-fruitcakes from M&S. :D
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-16 23:33:00
United KingdomKrispy Kreme in UK
*shakes her fist*

Darnnit. I used to work at Gatwick airport and now I've gone they get Krispy Kreme donuts. Oh well, at least I don't have to spend a whole shift staring at it. Because I'm 99% sure I know where it's located and I know I'd be able to see it if I worked in a particular branch.

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 13 August 2007 - 05:30 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-13 17:30:00
United KingdomRoll Call!
QUOTE (devilette @ Nov 5 2007, 03:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HuffyTheSlayer @ Nov 4 2007, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm still alive, if anyone remembers me. We moved from SLC to Southern California a few months ago. So I've been pretty busy adjusting to that. It's near impossible to find work that pays half-decently here.


where in SoCal are you? Robinklake & I are in LALA....we could have drinkies!

Devilette, we're pretty close. We're living out in Chino, which the little notch of San Bernadino county, with Orange, LA and Riverside county all bordering on it. smile.gif

I'd love to meet up with you guys! smile.gif
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-07 01:30:00
United KingdomRoll Call!
I'm still alive, if anyone remembers me. We moved from SLC to Southern California a few months ago. So I've been pretty busy adjusting to that. It's near impossible to find work that pays half-decently here.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-04 18:00:00
United KingdomChristmas in the UK or US
We're fortunate enough to be heading over to the UK on the 24th, arriving Christmas Day. We come back on New Years Day. So not as long a visit as we'd like. But we found a great price on tickets and I didn't have a steady job at the time. I still can't wait to go over. It will be the first time I've been back in almost 2 years. smile.gif
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-15 03:24:00
United KingdomTesco's Fresh and Easy Stores
So I found out on Friday night when we were driving home from IKEA (Yay! We finally have a dining room table!), that there was a Fresh and Easy store about 5 miles from my house. So we decided to head off to check it out today. I have to say, I'm pretty disappointed that they didn't even bother to do anything for the ex-pats that they know will be checking out these stores. The only teas they had were Lipton (yuck!) and their own Fresh and Easy "English Breakfast Tea", which doesn't sound any better. I didn't see any Brit imports at all.

It stuck me as a cross between Sainsbury's and Trader Joe's. But I'm pretty disappointed. Yes, the meat, produce and ready meals looked pretty good. But it was way too over-priced. Anyhow, just thought I would chime in with my opinions of them. Pretty much a let-down, sadly.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-09 04:31:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks for the support, guys.

It took me about 2 and a half months to get my first job out here. But that was only because I was too stubborn to go to a staffing agency for the first 2 or so months. But then I gave in and joined one. The one I went to in Salt Lake got me a job after a week of being with them, so I guess I was spoiled by that. But it was a pretty fun job, mostly because the CMO was from Manchester. So we'd go off for lunch at least once a week to have a chat about the UK. I miss the job, but even if I was back in Salt Lake, that job wouldn't be there, since the company has pretty much caved in on itself due to lack of funding, asides from the CEO I was one of the last employee's let go (although technically I left, since I knew we'd be moving down here).

I'm trying not to let things get me down too much, but yesterday got me pretty frustrated. Walking to a different staffing agency and getting blisters on my feet and it being 95 degree heat in the humidity down here does not a happy Huffy make. However, we got reimbursed for a lot of the money we spent to move down here yesterday. So that does help quite a bit in lifting some of the burden off me for the meantime.

Oh well, back to the job-hunting I suppose.

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 20 July 2007 - 12:28 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-20 12:27:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
It's more like they don't want to work at all. I'm actually thinking about calling tomorrow to make an appointment to speak to the branch manager. But I don't know what good it will do really, since my account manager is apparently the assistant manager. It just makes me sad that I really want to get a job. But they don't seem to care about helping me with that. It seems to be all about who you know here and what connections you have and my husband I pretty much have zero.

Oh well. Hopefully something will turn up soon though, right? *crosses fingers*
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-19 21:21:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I'm doing okay. We moved down to Southern California last month. Which I would be loving if I could just find a job. Apparently I'm unemployable and the staffing agencies here don't give to f's about finding you work.

*sigh* I'll be doing better once I have a job and know that I can be saving for a Christmas in the UK.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-18 22:16:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
*pokes the thread*

Anyone still alive in here?
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-17 03:00:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Hey guys! I'm having a fun week relaxing in the sun in California with my hubby. When we left Utah there was still snow on the ground. So this is a very welcome change. We're out here for us to check out the area, as his company want us to move out here. It all depends on how much they'll offer as a wage. So... we'll see. But we're crossing our fingers for good news.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-08 13:31:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Tell me about it! I also play the MMO game City of Heroes/Villains. So busy these days. Hehe.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-21 22:36:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Hehe, sorry. I got a dog & a job just before Christmas, then a Nintendo Wii just after Christmas, which has meant that I don't have as much time to cruse the boards now as I did before. :)

Hope everyone's well! :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-17 01:13:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Hi, we got the crappy approval subject to FBI check yesterday morning, why the f-ck do they get you into the interview raise your hopes then smack you in the face with this statement.

Regards :angry: Scotty

:( I'm sorry, Scotty. I hope 2007 turns out to be a much better year USCIS-wise than last year was. :thumbs:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-01 05:58:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congratulations, Josie! :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-28 00:21:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks, Stacy. I had a good Thanksgiving, my Mum and sister came over for two weeks so they got to spend some time with me. Which was fun.

I'm glad to see everyone is doing well. :thumbs: I just had chicken korma, which I made with homepride korma sauce. The lady at my British food store gave it to me for free, along with some Milka Chocolate. :D I love my British food store. They rock.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-12-14 01:42:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Hi everyone, just to let all you who know of my journey, our interview is 28th Dec. It has taken it's time coming but hey whats new with my journey ;)

Regards Scotty

No kidding! Sorry it's taken so long for you, Scotty. But glad to see that it's all finally coming to an end. :dance: Let us know how the interview went.

And congrats to you, also Sammy. :)

Edited by HuffyTheSlayer, 16 November 2006 - 06:38 PM.

HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-16 18:38:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
That's good news, Rebecca. It's always a relief to know that medical insurance is available should it be needed. :)

I'm still trying to find a job, to no avail. It's pretty disheartening not to be offer anything but telesales jobs, when you have a degree. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-29 02:34:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yay! My greencard arrived today. :) Nice to finally have some proper US ID, although I never did see my EAD. Ah well.

:) Just glad to have it. How is everyone else doing?
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-19 02:06:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yay! Congrats, Kiki! I'm still waiting for mine to turn up in the mail.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-14 22:15:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
That sounds like fun. :)

I'd love to be able to fly back, but until I start working we won't really have the money to afford it. But my mum and sister are coming over for Thanksgiving in November, so that should be fun. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-13 17:30:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congrats, wolf. :) Although, like me, I imagine your probably not likely to see the EAD before your interview. I got told at the interview that it was approved, but I'd never get a card since the GC negates the need for it. I had my interview on day 93. So really, I should have gotten the EAD a few weeks before that, but ah well.

Hope the papers for AP will reach you soon! Will you be visitintg the UK when you get them? Or is it a just in case, measure?
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-12 09:13:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yay, Kiki! I got that email the day after my email. So you should be getting the card soon. :)

Thanks, Marie. We're glad we're over and done with. And congrats to you, Purple! Glad to see so many people getting done with AOS, finally. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-12 02:05:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
If you didn't send the vacinnation form, then I'm betting that's what the RFE is for. I didn't have an RFE, so I can't really tell you how long it will be that you'll hear from them after you return it. I got my NOAs about 3 weeks after I sent off the packet. Then recieved my biometrics about 2 weeks after that. Then after my biometrics were done I got a notice for my interview about a month later (with the interview being just under 2 months later).

But it really can vary depending which state your in and your case.

Fingers crossed you'll hear something soon, Sammy!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-07 09:58:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congrats on the new job, Kiki!

And Marie, I'm really sorry that you're in the pending AOS limbo right now. I hope you get some good news, soon!

And welcome to the waiting club, sammy. :)

I have some good news to contribute to the thread, also. We had our AOS interview this morning and we were approved with no qualms. We did however throw away $200 on the EAD that never materialised. Oh well. I just can't stop smiling that we got approved today. :) We were only in the interview for about 10-15 minutes. Our officer only wanted to see a few pieces of paperwork, a few items that proved we were together, and he actually seemed to recognise me from one of the stores I shop in on occassion. It seems that we live in the same area. So that was pretty cool.

So now were done with immigration until 2008. Woohoo!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-05 14:14:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Congrats, Purple!

Unfortunately, Scotty, I don't think there's too much you can do about the EAD until it reaches 90 days from your receipt. If it reaches that I believe you can make an InfoPass appointment and get a stamp in your passport for it. But I guess it doesn't harm to make an appointment if you've been waiting quite a while.

Not much has changed here, still not heard anything about the EAD and I'm about to start getting things together for the AOS interview next month.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-02 23:09:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

It is *so* hot here.

Not made better by being in an un-airconditioned office with no openable windows. All I have to look forward to is a slow hour and a half train ride home on a packed commuter train (also un-airconditioned) in the beating sun. Then it would be home to my similarly un-airconditioned second floor flat. There's just no escape. I'm melting!

Welcome to the UK. ;)

I didn't think I'd be saying this this summer. But I'm pretty glad I'm in Utah! Since it's just as hot back in the UK, but here I have my husband and A/C. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-18 08:55:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks, Estella. :)

Yeah, it's really hot here, too. It's 102 degrees fahrenheit here. My factor 30 goes everywhere with me right now. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-17 18:03:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks, Stacy. You sent your AOS off about the same time as us, so hopefully you and Paul will hear something soon. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-16 13:33:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
We just went out to get our mail today and found a letter from the USCIS for my AOS interview! :) Our interview is going to be on September 5th, my dad's birthday. :P
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-16 11:49:00