United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
I have one for a good laugh.

Before we were married I was visiting Annie's Family in Scotland (the best accent, fife with a tinge of Glaswegian) and I was trying to be cute and was telling them about a minor work contract, it can out as a "I have a small jobby", suddenly everyones eyes were like saucers and they broke out laughing. It took them awhile, but I understood the joke shortly thereafter.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-03-14 19:07:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

I got a wee smidge more than tipsy with Al Gore last year at a dinner in Amsterdam... I had some very silly photos of us in our cups taken on my mobile, but then some to$$er stole the phone. :angry:

I'd like to meet Al Gore having just watched An Inconvenient Truth, but I would be worried about falling asleep during one of his very-careful explanations...

You mean one of his very careful fabrications

Sorry about that, but the baseline report they used for that movie is extremely flawed. It is based on the "Hockey Stick Theory" which completely omitted the middle age warming period and the subsequent mini ice age.

So the fabrications may not be his, but he believes the information is accurate and it is not.

Edited by John & Annie, 08 June 2007 - 11:02 AM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-08 10:57:00
United KingdomWe bought flags today
I remember learning about this when I was in boot camp. We will not talk about how long ago that was.

From what I remember the law is that no flag is supposed to bigger or above the American Flag, but flying a solitary one from another nation is no problem.

My guess is that there might of been a local flag ordinance prohibiting other nations flags.

If you look at any courthouse or city hall in CA, the California and City Flags are flown slightly below the American Flag. In boot camp they specifically said that another nations flag can fly even with ours, but not above.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-12 09:29:00
United Kingdomafter interview
We got ours the next day in Scotland, I have heard up to seven days
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-12 09:31:00
United KingdomTravel querry
Having transferred flights at both airports I think JFK is a lot easier. Get through immigration, take the train to right terminal and wait.

Heathrow is like a maze, up, down, and around with a bus ride in between.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-14 18:08:00
United KingdomFlying transatlantic with Zoom

How could air travel get any more 'no frills' than it already is?

Tight uncomfy seats, lumpy pillows, microscopic bags of snacks, atrocious meals - all while being herded like cattle by abrupt and unfriendly personnel.

I guess maybe someone decided to charge us less for being treated like #######?

You have obviously never flown Ryan Air !!!!!!!! No frills means no seat allocation (first boarded first grabbed) no meals, snacks nada nada ! Personally it always amazes the level of service on planes ......... all I want is a seat and to get from A to B as cheaply as possible. It amuses me that with train travel one accepts no personal service and standing for hours but somehow in a plane we want all the things put right Rebecca lists above - not I cheap cheap cheap please more money for duty free :dance:

oh how right you are !! Luckily I only ever flown from with Ryanair from London to Dublin so I could take the cattle herding, no drinks, squashed in seats for the 50 min short flight. God help those poor souls who venture further afield on Ryanair. Actually my husband and I are going to London to see my family in August and taking a short trip to Ireland to seem some relatives. I booked with Ryanair for 0.02 pence per return flight - what a bargain! However, there is an additional 20 pound for each flight in taxes, and they actually charge you extra for carrying luggage. We didnt want to check in bags so taking a small cabin bag and they are charging us an additional 5 pounds each for that luxury !!! Then they add an additional 5 pound booking fee so basically we could have flown BA and not been any worse off !!

I hate economy travelling transatlantic though. Its just a horrible experience. Luckily my job in London required me to travel extensively and my husband travels all the time so we have enough air miles to get us upper class points flights when we travel with Virgin. I pray we never run out of air miles. Its money though isnt it - I certainly wouldnt pay the business class fares from my own money so when the miles do eventually run out I will have to just grin and bear it.

You can get some pretty good Premium Economy fares from Virgin if you get the email updates. At this point we will not fly anything but Virgin across the pond. We are bring Annie's parents over from Ireland for Thanksgiving, but they do not want to transfer, so they get our second choice, Aer Lingus. Which I think has the best fares for economy.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-04-25 09:21:00
United KingdomGuess what? I'm getting a divorce.
I am dumbfounded by your news.

I can only wish you the best and hope that you can get fresh and clean restart back here in the US.

If there is anything we can do.... just let Annie and I know.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-21 09:41:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

I think my above comment is appropriate

Indeed, it would be a shame for a good rant to go to waste.

Thanks, it felt really good, even if it was a year late.

I still want his address
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-04-13 13:17:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
Oops!!!!, did not realize it was that old.

I think my above comment is appropriate
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-04-13 11:01:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

Well i can say that having a fiance refused entry based on nothing more than an immigration officer at Gatwick`s "feeling" is really ###### shitty and the attitude soem of you have makes me ashamed to be human nevermind being white or anything else.

That ticket cost me over £500 which is about 3 weeks wages on my current agency work(which i do while i wait on my visa). Not only can i not afford to pay that kind of money for flights but to then not see my love is simply not acceptable.

People in this thread have been saying they were right to check you out and detain you and stop you? Well who gave them the right? Was it the german queen? Or perhaps it was the prime minister who puts u.k. citizens at risk everyday by making children in place like Iraq and Afghanistan into angry orphans.

There should be no borders as borders are divisive. When people can not be with their loved ones they get angry. I don`t think an immigration official should tell me where i can go.

I looked into my legal side through a friend of a friend who is a barrister. She said that you don`t have right to appeal or anything because the visa waiver is exactly what it says. You sign it and waive your right to appeal any decision.

Finally i will state that naturally immigration is racist and of course it operates on stereotypes. I am sure that anybody given a job where they simply decide who to let in is going to be biased in some way. It is sadly a racist intolerent and poorly educated world and the lest tolerant and least educated seem to be in power.

oh p.s.
Those who say hey i was stopped and i am white totally miss the point i think. It is not just about skin colour. You might have had a rucksack for example. I guarantee that next time i go through gatwick i get picked for a random spot check. I do everytime so far i think. I am not black but i am young and i don`t wear a suit and i probably look like a terrorist to a small minded immigration official.

Please give me your address, I am going to bring everyone I can to you house, because you are obviously better off than other people and that is just unfair. So I am going to bring everyone I can to yours to eat you out of house and home. Oh and how dare you have furniture when people have to live in boxes, we are going to take your furniture. Please turn over you bank card and pin because....... I think you get the point.

Don't be ridiculous, if you really feel that strongly start a commune.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-04-13 10:50:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible
I say jsut show them for the bullies they are and they will stop getting the responses that feed them.

Then they will find another site that will allow them to roam and instigate.

In other words, lock the thread, but keep it visible for all to see just what kind if idiot they are
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-22 16:46:00
United KingdomChecking in

Just to add my belated welcome home. Bet you're glad you swapped the rain of Yorkshire for the rain of Texas. Good luck with the new car take it it will not be an SUV :whistle:

You're SUVs for me. :thumbs:

I want to add my 'welcome back' as well.

A question, What if he mans up and comes over to leave his mama behind?

I'll give him a chance, but he only gets one. I value myself too much to put myself through this repeatedly. I'm also not putting my life on hold waiting for him to sh!t or get off the pot.

understood, just wanted to put it out there. He needs to really man up and live his life with you.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-03 15:56:00
United KingdomChecking in
I want to add my 'welcome back' as well.

A question, What if he mans up and comes over to leave his mama behind?
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-03 11:24:00
United KingdomOk - silly girl question - what to wear!!!

on a slightly different tangent - be aware we are having some pretty wet weather right now! so you might want to get on the BBC weather website before deciding to pack in september?,, we might be lucky and have indian summer - but it sounds like you have have it nailed!- Hope you have a great time! where are you going to be based?

We will be mostly in Sheffield and Whitby with a couple days on either end in London. We will be there two weeks total. Sooooo looking forward to it!! :luv:

We are renewing our wedding vows at his Church in Sheffield while we are there, it will be on our one year anniversary. I would love to find a beautiful hat to wear. Having no idea how to get it home if I do, other than just to carry it.


Which Church in Sheffield, I know quite a few people at St Thomas.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-03 11:19:00
United KingdomTransferring funds to the U.S

My wife and I will be flying out at the end of the month so we've been going through the process of getting our everything together for leaving. Everytime we speak to our banks about the best way to transfer funds we get a different answer. The last one we got was "close your account and we'll give you a cheque which you can then give to your new bank in the U.S". I may be wrong but I think that would put us at the mercy of the fees charged and rates offered by the U.S bank without any flexibility. Does anyone know of the best way to transfer funds to the U.S?

There really is no definitive way. Anyway you look at it, the exchange rate is in your favor.

I would check with Thomas Cook or Lloyds. I know Lloyds has accounts in dollars and Thomas Cook has exchange branches here.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-05 16:27:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow, Teddy406!

I think IMDB lies - it also claims the governator is 6'1 - he is no taller than me and I'm 5'7. Either that, or men use a different ruler when measuring height.

Possibly. Altho Dolph Lundgren is most definitely 6'5" of hotness :whistle: - was he ever in an Arnold movie (to compare)?

Red Heat
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-06 14:21:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow, Teddy406!

It was surreal, if i wasnt in a absolute anxiety/ tired mode, I would have thought to say "No Mr. bond, I expect you to queue!"

Or you could have said something like "Wasn't Daniel Craig good in Casino Royale?".

Hell yeah! :D :D

He was hot hot hot! :lol: *mops brow* Phew!

It was surreal, if i wasnt in a absolute anxiety/ tired mode, I would have thought to say "No Mr. bond, I expect you to queue!"

Or you could have said something like "Wasn't Daniel Craig good in Casino Royale?".

Hell yeah! :D :D

I liked Pierce, he was a good Bond let down by the franchise getting progresively sillier and sillier untill Casino Royale.

Yup, he actually wasn't a bad Bond, but he would have been totally wrong for Casino Royale, far too crusty and I bet he wouldn't have looked as tasty coming out of the ocean in a pair of blue shorts. Not that I'm obsessed or anything. :blush:


Your as bad as my wife
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-06 14:03:00
United KingdomPassport Renewal: When?
When Annie changed her name from here in the US, there was no extension given. The same expiration date remained.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-13 09:06:00
United KingdomWhat if?

Why would the airline be a problem? He needs his green card to get back into America. I believe they are flying to England so he will need his passport to fly not his green card?

If you hold a one way or return ticket to the USA, the airline will ask for proof that you are allowed to remain in the USA. Usually at this point you would show them your Green Card or Visa. I have been asked this at Heathrow, Madrid Barajas and Milan Malpensa airport, it might vary depending on what airline you choose or the airport though.

Annie was asked for her AP when we checked in at Heathrow. Once they realized it was real, we went right through.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-13 15:19:00
United KingdomWhat if?
I used to take large church groups over to the UK.

We used to ask everyone to scan their documents and email them to us and to themselves. This way if something got lost we could easily print up a color copy as evidence.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-13 09:08:00
United Kingdom2 interviews...probably 2 offers.

Have you done a pro and cons list for each job. One may pay less, but is also might be a better job


The other offer hasn't come in yet so I can't do a side by side. I had planned to look at the whole picture...bennies, 401k, vacation, potential for growth, etc. The salary doesn't tell the whole story.

Exactly. Take salary out of the equation. look at the duties. location, proximity to family, hours, etc... then when the other offer comes in put those to the test, Pay, vacation, health benefits, 401K, etc...
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-19 09:25:00
United Kingdom2 interviews...probably 2 offers.
Have you done a pro and cons list for each job. One may pay less, but is also might be a better job

John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-19 09:21:00
United KingdomNewbie from Scotland!

Here is a link to the acronyms

Arbroath is north of you half way between Dundee and Aberdeen on the easy coast..... Coldstream is a beautiful place I have only been there once while I was on vacation in Berwick....


My wife went on a trip with her church to Arbroath (I have friends there as well, I like Arborath) from White Inch, Glasgow. The pastor decided to play a little trip by sticking smokies into everyones heater vents. You can imagine how bad the drive home was.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-27 09:36:00
United KingdomDual Citizenship....
Another thing to consider.

If you do have 'dual' citizenship. When you enter a country, if you encounter a problem, the country that you were admitted in on is that only Country that can help you.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-20 09:44:00
United KingdomCalling the US

My friend is with talk talk and she found out the other day that she can ring here (usa) for free for 70 mins at a time.

Annie's dad uses that, it works great
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-19 09:19:00
United KingdomArrived!
Welcome to America :dance: :dance: :dance:
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-23 16:38:00
United KingdomThe mysterious brown envelope
Yes, it is in a separate part.

Hw will have access to his passport w/ the visa inside
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-24 17:13:00
United KingdomTaking wedding dress over
This has been brought up several times, but as I remember, if you connect with the Flight attendants and tell them its your wedding dress. most of them ensure to take very good care of it.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-07-27 12:34:00
United KingdomPOE was piece of cake
Congrats and welcome to the US
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-01 09:23:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband


Where in Scotland are you from?

I'm from a wee village just off the M8 called Shotts, have you heard of it??

Where in Scotland are you from?


Driven through Shotts from Edinburgh to get to the ferry in Cairnryan.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-03 09:21:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

Where in Scotland are you from?
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-02 18:43:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

:lol: :lol: :lol: where's the haggis supper and bottle o Irn Bru???????

OMG I so want a Haggis Supper with a big pickled onion...


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww irn bru....never aquired the taste for it. but i sure miss chippys. i want a half battered pizza. and witherspoons....omgggggg witherspoonssssssssssssss

Look for some highland games near you, there usually have a vendor or two serving proper haggis (not tinned).

That just reminded me of a story. Annie had only been here a couple months and we went to some highland games in Ventura CA. Annie had a hard time with the pipe and drum bands with the palm trees in the background. Plus there was a total egit who thought her accent was made up, her response was said.....well....she went Glaswegian on him. Never saw a grown man back down so quickly.

How on earth could a true scottish accent sound made up!! .....i would have gone ballistic on his butt.....he would have backed down alright and i would have made him cry LMAO.....just one of my many traits....must be the scottish/irish blood mix huh? :lol: or just the family history of bad tempered gits!! hehe

Well then you are a true Scot. To add insult to injury, after this incident he tried to show his prowess by leaning over and asking her " Celtic or Rangers" . I think he is still licking his wounds, two years later.

God, do I love my wife

I woulda leaned over..... said.... "Celtic" (daft Celtic fan i am) stuck the head in him ...grinned and said....ok big man...what u gonna do about it then......hahahaha.

Thats just the way i am though,........ fight...ask questions later :lol:

Your not allowed to get together with my wife, you too would get into a lot of trouble
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-02 17:59:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

:lol: :lol: :lol: where's the haggis supper and bottle o Irn Bru???????

OMG I so want a Haggis Supper with a big pickled onion...


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww irn bru....never aquired the taste for it. but i sure miss chippys. i want a half battered pizza. and witherspoons....omgggggg witherspoonssssssssssssss

Look for some highland games near you, there usually have a vendor or two serving proper haggis (not tinned).

That just reminded me of a story. Annie had only been here a couple months and we went to some highland games in Ventura CA. Annie had a hard time with the pipe and drum bands with the palm trees in the background. Plus there was a total egit who thought her accent was made up, her response was said.....well....she went Glaswegian on him. Never saw a grown man back down so quickly.

How on earth could a true scottish accent sound made up!! .....i would have gone ballistic on his butt.....he would have backed down alright and i would have made him cry LMAO.....just one of my many traits....must be the scottish/irish blood mix huh? :lol: or just the family history of bad tempered gits!! hehe

Well then you are a true Scot. To add insult to injury, after this incident he tried to show his prowess by leaning over and asking her " Celtic or Rangers" . I think he is still licking his wounds, two years later.

God, do I love my wife
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-02 15:58:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

:lol: :lol: :lol: where's the haggis supper and bottle o Irn Bru???????

OMG I so want a Haggis Supper with a big pickled onion...


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww irn bru....never aquired the taste for it. but i sure miss chippys. i want a half battered pizza. and witherspoons....omgggggg witherspoonssssssssssssss

Look for some highland games near you, there usually have a vendor or two serving proper haggis (not tinned).

That just reminded me of a story. Annie had only been here a couple months and we went to some highland games in Ventura CA. Annie had a hard time with the pipe and drum bands with the palm trees in the background. Plus there was a total egit who thought her accent was made up, her response was said.....well....she went Glaswegian on him. Never saw a grown man back down so quickly.

Edited by John & Annie, 02 August 2007 - 09:30 AM.

John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-02 09:25:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-06-28 15:29:00
United KingdomWe did it!

You may not need to see a Civil Surgeon, your medical is under a year old.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-09 09:27:00
United KingdomVisa on the Brain
Annie and I did the same. Morning noon ans night.

btw: its the same when you go through Adjustment of Status after you get married.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-09 11:52:00
United KingdomTravelling to the US.........

I'll tell you what they really really don't like...... the UKC going through USC line :lol:

Very slapped wrist for that one..... :oops:

I went through the USC line at Portland with my wife when we came in using my visa.

At SFO and LAX I have also been allowed to use the USC line when my wife and I were just visiting. In fact the first time we went through SFO she went to the USC line and I went to the unwashed line. I was standing waiting when a rather large lady wearing immigration uniform and a gun grabbed me by the collar and loudly said "You're in the wrong god dam line" and marched me to were my wife was at a desk being processed.

LOL, nothing like the love of an immigration officer.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-10 13:36:00
United KingdomTravelling to the US.........

I'll tell you what they really really don't like...... the UKC going through USC line :lol:

Very slapped wrist for that one..... :oops:

I traveled with Annie and she accompanied me in the USC line with no problems
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-10 09:48:00
United KingdomCalling the Embassy

Don't know if this helps. It says the US number is for non-immigrant visa's but the UK number number they list is the one for Immigrant visas.

Consular Affairs: Visa Services
Operator Assisted Visa Information

Callers from within the United Kingdom should dial 09042-450100. Calls to this line are charged at £1.20/min from BT landlines; some mobile and network providers may charge more. In addition, callers from outside the U.K. and some mobile and network providers cannot access this number.

Callers from within the United States who wish to obtain information on, or schedule an appointment for a nonimmigrant visa interview, should dial 1-866-382-3589. Callers are charged a fixed rate of $16:00 for up to 7 minutes which is payable by credit card - Visa, MasterCard, American Express only. Please ensure that you have your credit card details available when making the call. You will not be charged for the call until payment has been taken. Please note that you will be required to provide the agent with a U.K. address when scheduling the appointment.


Things must of changed, I called the Embassy many times to try and get help and never had to call a premium number. I did not keep the number I used, but I think I went through the operator initially.
John & AnnieMaleScotland2007-08-14 09:48:00