United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
:) We just got back from the British food store here in Salt Lake, so I now have a proper Easter egg! Yay! And Monster Munch and Hula Hoops and all kinds of other goodies.

I love going to the British food store. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-12 21:34:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Cari, if you look above your last post, you'll see mine detailing my experience going through Newark. It was very simple and quick. So hopefully it will be painless for you and crash, too. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-31 13:13:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
My POE was Newark, I was with Mark as we went through, there was not really much of a line for visitors, so we got through very quickly. I was in the room where they open your envelope for 10-15 minutes tops while Mark waited a little way away with our luggage.

For almost everyone their K1 POE has been a piece of cake. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-30 18:59:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yay! Mark and I got our marriage licence today. So now we're pretty much all set for next week.

And my parents will be in Salt Lake tomorrow! :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-16 00:48:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks guys. I'll check them out. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-01 11:06:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I've had a look around, but it seems like this was eaten up by the old board. So I'll have to ask it again.

I need to make some phonecalls to the UK and was wondering what calling plan/card you guys use to call back to the UK. Thank very much. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 17:47:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
That's really weird that they split you up. By US law you are entitled to go through the visitors line if you want to. I guess they were just being a-holes that day.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-18 13:24:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

We arrived in Orlando yesterday. POE was easy as pie. We had to be split up into two different lines but I could watch through the glass in CUstoms while they went through his paperwork. I could actually see what he was doing with the paperwork where as my fiance was freaking cuz he couldn't see the paperwork. Anyway, everything went great except for the turbulence half way through the flight.

You can actually go through the same line. US Citizens are allowed through the Visitors line. My fiance waited with me in the visitors line. It was actually a lot, lot shorter than the citizens line.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 17:36:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yay! So glad you managed to get their safely, Marie and you're now with each other again. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-13 12:17:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
*crosses her fingers* Best of luck Marie, I hope you manage to pick up Adam safely. Don't rush, Adam would rather have you there inone piece, I'm certain.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-12 20:23:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Sounds pretty good then. I was going to go through my old work place, who have a private clients division to see if I could get a better rate with them. I'll have to email and see what they can do for me (I worked in foreign exchange),
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-10 14:54:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I hope he arrives safely, Estella.

On Wednesday we finally went and managed to get a joint bank account, so hopefully I'll be able to get my money transfered across soon. Which will be nice, I'll have access to moneyu from ATMs again, without getting charged extortionate fees everytime I withdraw cash.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-10 10:27:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
I think it also might be quiet because people miss that it's pinned at the top now. I know I wasa bit puzzled as to where the thread went before I spotted that it was now pinned.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-09 14:36:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Welcome to America, Alison. :) Glad that you're finally being reunited with your SO.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 16:31:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

Mostly they are curious about what he will do for a loving here, since the job market isn't the greatest.

:whistle: Nice freudian slip there. ;)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-31 00:11:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread

I have realized I am telling my pharmacist, my hair dresser and everyone under the sun that I'm getting married soon (I make myself want to barf) and the first thing they all say is "are you sure he just doesn't want a greencard?". I would think NYers would be more open-minded but I guess not!! After all this K1 and AOS hell I would think there are much easier ways for a brit to move to America!

Yes, because life is SO terrible and hard in the UK, where the currency is actually worth more than the dollar... :rolleyes: So of course he's marrying you just for that green card!!! It's just THAT much better in the US. ;)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-30 20:46:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
:)! That's fantastic news, Scotty, I hope you have a fantastic wedding day!

Kiki, I'll cross my fingers for you that your SSN will turn up soon. It was a total surprise for me to unlock our mailbox and to 1) see a letter addressed to me, and 2) see that it was from the Social Security Administration. I didn't think I'd see my SSN for a good few weeks yet. :)

Allison, I hope you can help your daughter understand that you won't be living in the UK anymore. But like everyone says, with AP it's not like you won't be able to visit her.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-30 17:38:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Thanks, guys. We're planning on opening a joint account soon, which will be cool. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 23:03:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Yay! So I got my first piece of mail here in the US today. And even more excitingly, it was my SSN! And looking at the date on the envelope it only took them a week to manually verify me. :) So happy. Now I can get things moving, finally. :dance:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-29 17:59:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Hee, this is weird. But I'm sure we'll all get used to it soon.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-01-28 13:58:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
Yep, I find a lot of things too sweet, too. But then again I don't really have much of a sweet tooth.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-07 10:48:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
I think I mentioned that Wal-Mart were carry Tetley's "British blend", just thought I'd let people know that I've seen it at Albertson's, too. In case they wanted some Tetley's, without the price.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-20 14:43:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
*sigh* Like a lot of good things, look like they don't have any stores in Utah. Still I guess we get our own places similar to that.

After all, we found Marmite and Aromat in a store called Dan's here.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-13 12:44:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
Mmm.... In N Out Burger. Don't have them here in Utah, sadly. But went to one when I was in California. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-07 16:33:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
Yeah, they can be a bit expensive. But if you're missing home and hankering after something, it can be just what you need to help you adjust better. It's just nice sometimes to have a touch of home, no matter what the cost.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 11:18:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
Just thought I'd let the Tea drinkers know that I found some Tetley in Wal-Mart today! Well, kind of. It's called Tetley - 'British Blend', so of course, we had to get some to try. It's not quite as good as the Tetley in the UK, but for $2 instead of $8 for 80 bags, it's pretty darn good. So I think I'll survive. ;)

Just thought I'd pass that on. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-05 02:12:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
Good job I brought a big jar over then. ;)

And thank goodness my family will send me stuff when I need it. They're going to have a big list of stuff to bring when they come over for my wedding. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-02 16:27:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
I'd also recommend checking out your local area for British food stores. There's a couple downtown here in Salt Lake City, and I've already been a couple of times. It's ran by a Brit, for Brits. Pretty cool. :) I got a Curly Wurly, Twirl and some Cheddars yesterday to snack on. I still have half a bar of Cadbury's, Tetley tea and chocolate digestives from my last visit.

The guy who runs it is really nice and will try and get hold of stuff he hasn't got that you really want.

But the online stores are good if you can't find food stores in your local area, for sure. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-02 15:18:00
United KingdomPassport Renewal Questions
Hi Everyone,

Hope your visa journey's are all going well! My passport is starting to get to the point where it needs to be renewed (can't believe it's almost 2010 already!), and I have a few questions.

How many people need to sign the form and back of photo? I have heard that only one person is required, but also that 2 people are required. Can anyone help me out with this?

Also, do they need to be a teacher, doc, etc? I have 2 British friends who work regular jobs (one in marketing, one that does admin work). Is it okay to use my friends? Or do I need to get it sent back to the UK to have a friend (or two) sign it (I have one with a medical degree and one with a law degree)? Obviously it would be much more convenient to have a British friend over here (or perhaps 2) sign it.

One last question concerns the photo size. Do I need to see if I can find somewhere which will take the phone with the UK photo size requirement or are US passport photo's okay?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help with these questions. Much appreciated!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-01 20:44:00
United KingdomLondon Medical
Thinking of you, Tigre!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-09-15 09:54:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Yep. California sure seems popular for us Brits. Must be all that reminessing about the seaside and actually being able to enjoy the sun! laughing.gif
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-03-10 21:54:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA

Alyson & Jeremy, Riverside County, California (I, Aly am from Bristol, UK)

And yay!! Another Riversider!!

Alyson, I live in Chino now, which is pretty close to Riverside. Just a short (but congested) freeway away. I live right by the 10.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-15 15:26:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Thanks, Anthony. Much appreciated. :thumbs:
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-08 00:12:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Anthony, my hubby Mark and I finally made it down to Southern CA, so I was wondering if you could change us from Salt Lake City, UT to Chino, CA that would be great. Thanks :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-02 22:45:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Well, my hubby and I are in the process of moving from UT out to Southern CA. We're out here right now for a month to look for an apartment. So I will let you know when we find somewhere and move in, londonspod. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-29 12:26:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA

:dance: :dance: WOOOHOOOOO just to let you all know that we leave the UK on the 16th Feb and will be in Jacksonville by 5.00 that day, if not before, depends on how quick we get through immigration. Going through Sanford, we are hoping it will not take long :dance: :dance:

So I guess we really will be "Brits in the UK"

Actually, you're already a Brit in the UK. :-p What you'll be is a Brit in the US.

Hehe, congrats!
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-02-09 19:51:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
YAY! Another Brit in Utah, and not too far away, also. :)
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-11-16 18:45:00
United KingdomInternational Wire Money Transfer
When I transferred money from thre UK to the US I used a company I used to work for, you have to jump through a few hoops with them it's best for you to set up an account before you move from the UK, as you have to fill out a bit of paperwork and they have to recieve the originals in person before they can transfer the money for you. But they do have a Florida office, if you're already in the US and want to transfer cash over from the UK.

While it may seem like a bit of work to get the account set up, it's due to anti-money laundering procedures and any place that you try and transfer £25K from will go through that with you.

Anyway, once the account is set up you can transfer money with a quick phone call and it goes through in a few days. The best thing about Moneycorp though, is that you'll get a really good exchange rate, so I think it's worth it, especially if you're transferring £25k.
HuffyTheSlayerFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-12 11:50:00
United KingdomConvictions
For the interview, do u need court records as well as police records for convictions in the UK, if its a non-drug related, non-sexual offense? (it was thefts, over 10 yrs ago).
Anyone here go through this?
PB&JAMFemaleEngland2009-03-24 04:38:00
United KingdomWot do i send bk in pack 3
How is the best way to send the packet? Manila folder ok? Should we include a cover letter?
PB&JAMFemaleEngland2009-03-26 02:23:00