United KingdomThis is where we start again

Hi all

I need some info on going back to scotland for a vacation... like how does it work at immigration in uk for my USC husband???? is it easy or do they give you a hard time.... can I go with him or do I have to go the normal UK passport holders route???

any help or information would be useful...


Hiya Kezzie
me & hubby just got back from UK, i went the UK passport holder line, he went non uk passport line, i just stood behind his desk & waited, he was through in no time at all, no problems!! :yes:
EuroFemale02006-05-07 13:55:00
United KingdomOur visa approved

Hi all...I haven't posted a lot lately. Too stressed out waiting for the interview. Anyway, we were approved at the London embassy on May 30th!

After trying to obtain the documents etc the interview itself was a "let down!" Not even asked one question at all! We stood there looking like dummies waiting to be "interviewed."

Now the fun part of trying to figure out an exit plan!

:lol: I know what you mean, isnt it an anti-climax :unsure:

Congratulations :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-06-03 12:08:00
United KingdomHubby's Interview
Congratulations :thumbs: :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-06-07 10:48:00
United KingdomPOE & Immigration Stuff

A great big "THANKS" for your replies......I'm transferring at Detroit, with 90mins in between. Huffy, what customs form are you talking about?

Well all i can tell you about Detroit is, My son & my friend came in last week POE Detroit, & it took them an hour from getting off the flight to walking through the doors, BUT they had about 3 international flights all being processed at the same time, so i would say 90 minutes is still good :thumbs:

But dont worry as even if you miss your connecting flight, they will put you on the next 1 no problem :yes:
EuroFemale02006-06-08 08:23:00
United KingdomPOE & Immigration Stuff

Hi Guys & Gals.............Can I please have your experieinces of transfer flights into the US travelling for the 1st time on K visa. How long did it take you to report in to immigration, was it an easy process. Did you miss you flight, or did you have bags of time???

When i came on my K3 my POE was Philly, they were slow about 30 minutes in secondary, they were busy though processing other "Brown envelopes"..........second time with CR1 visa POE was Chicago & it took 5 minutes, no problems at all with either, caught connecting flights & managed to transfer bags too :thumbs: :thumbs: :yes:
EuroFemale02006-06-07 11:47:00
United KingdomOur Interview is Tuesday
Congratulations :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-06-07 10:48:00
United Kingdomwhat checks are made
I think most of the checks are done from state side, But London wil require you to take a Police certificate with you to the interview, this is a security check of sorts :yes:
EuroFemale02006-06-10 07:51:00
United Kingdomnetflix...


you know...get to keep up with Big Brother and the Eurovision Song Contest...
:blush: :blush: :blush:


I can see how this can be an advantage Frances :huh:
EuroFemale02006-06-08 12:17:00
United KingdomHow early should I arrive?

oh wow - so even if your interview time says 10am, but you are, say #3 in line and inside waiting and get called to the window at, for example, 930am - you might get seen BEFORE your 10am appointment?

NO.........they have 2 lines outside, E.G first line for 9am appointments, second line for 10am appointments :yes:
EuroFemale02006-06-07 10:46:00
United KingdomTransporting our belongings to the US

I'm hoping to use them as well - Euro - did you get 'enough' boxes? Or did you need extra..or indeed did you order too MANY?
I was wondering what you do when one of those scenarios happens..
I got an online quote from them..and I know I need to call and talk to them but figured Id ask here too :)
Im just not sure Ive guessed the right amount of boxes correctly

I actualy got too many boxes, tea chest size, there a bit like the Tardis :huh: , 50 quid deposit for whatever amount you get them to send, i even got packaging for rugs,pictures etc, tons of tape, lol, BUT back to what you asked, when they collect your packing they just take away the unused boxes & stuff at the same time :thumbs: :yes:

Edited by euro, 17 June 2006 - 06:12 PM.

EuroFemale02006-06-17 18:10:00
United KingdomTransporting our belongings to the US

I have made quite a few calls to different companies about moving my things (everything apart from furniture). The best price i have found is from excess takes approx 8 weeks by sea and they do door to door..hope this helps

This is who i used too, there service is great, they will send you all packaging stuff, e.g bubble wrap , boxes, what ever you need, will then send DHL to pick the stuff up when ever your ready can be up to a month before you want it sending, just to get it out the way!!
I flew my stuff as it was only an extra 100quid more than the "by sea" option :thumbs:
Oh & the paper work is easy too :yes:
EuroFemale02006-06-17 16:03:00
United KingdomHow quickly can you usually get a London medical?

I have not slept since friday. :wacko:

:o GET TO BED!! put the telly on in there, works wonders at making ya fall asleep :thumbs:
Dont be worrying bout the interview, its easy peasy lemon squeazy :P
EuroFemale02006-06-18 17:16:00
United KingdomHow quickly can you usually get a London medical?

What details do i need before i can book a medical? I have been readign up and it said i should get details with packet 3 but i don`t recall getting anything about a medical from my wife. Or does it actually come with packet 4? Packet 4 is hopefully on the way.

I am kind of worrying about the whole medical thing and what passport pictures do i need and when?

I am not good at interview type situations. I feel so much pressure on me.

with a CR1 you dont get a pack 3.....all you will need to take is passport, passport pic, you will need your LND# to book it :thumbs:

Oh right.

That explains it all.


I am losing my mind at this stage(dont even say it)

p.s. anybody know the number i need to call? :D

Have a look at the pinned medical stuff that sanctifyer posted, might be a number there, if not ask in the London embassy threat :thumbs:

psssssst isnt it nearly your bed time in england :P
EuroFemale02006-06-18 16:38:00
United KingdomHow quickly can you usually get a London medical?

What details do i need before i can book a medical? I have been readign up and it said i should get details with packet 3 but i don`t recall getting anything about a medical from my wife. Or does it actually come with packet 4? Packet 4 is hopefully on the way.

I am kind of worrying about the whole medical thing and what passport pictures do i need and when?

I am not good at interview type situations. I feel so much pressure on me.

with a CR1 you dont get a pack 3.....all you will need to take is passport, passport pic, you will need your LND# to book it :thumbs:

Edited by euro, 18 June 2006 - 04:32 PM.

EuroFemale02006-06-18 16:30:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..

we have a local store that sells a few british items but they are SOOO pricey!

I will just keep having Chris' most send stuff from Yorkshire.
I have about 4 bottles of HP sauce, a few birds custards, and gravy granuels so I can make Yorkshire puds with gravy while he is here!

Still want to know about the cheap health insurence! :star: :star:

Cool. :o I want HP sauce too....................i'm a Yorkshire lass, & should beable to make Yorkshire puds, BUT the temps on the ovens here is hard to get used to, so out of the times i have made them , only twice did they turn out right :huh:
EuroFemale02006-06-05 09:13:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..

Just so everyone knows at least in the Midwest you can get UVA/UVB. Lina I know you're going to be just to the south of us in Ohio...Meijer store has a great brand of UVA/UVB sport sunscreen (i'm wearing right now after planting flowers all day) AND they have a british food section that carries all the necessities like beans and digestives. They also stock some great curry sauces. Check with your fiance if you're close to a Meijer, they have them in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana.

All the best!

:star: Joey

Uh huh Meijer has English stuff, but its expensive...................... :yes:

It is. But after living over there I've found that all of groceries here are more expensive than in the UK (fresh meat, produce, etc.) while our fast food is dead cheap in comparsion. It's sort of wrong when you think about it but it is what it is. The british section is expensive and the Tikka Masala sauce I buy there is like $4 a jar but I'll happily pay it, my fiance is giving up a lot more than just the food to come live with me after all...I'll whip up a bean and cheese jacket potato with a drifter bar for afters any time he wants. Luckily we have a great wine/imported food store here in Midland where I live that carries curly wurlies, drifters and a lot of other things he can't get anywhere else. Whew.

YES your right, it is expensive grocery shopping here, & now after Mark visited the UK & tasted Galaxy, we have to get that too :lol:
EuroFemale02006-06-04 17:19:00
United KingdomThe Big Move to the States..

Just so everyone knows at least in the Midwest you can get UVA/UVB. Lina I know you're going to be just to the south of us in Ohio...Meijer store has a great brand of UVA/UVB sport sunscreen (i'm wearing right now after planting flowers all day) AND they have a british food section that carries all the necessities like beans and digestives. They also stock some great curry sauces. Check with your fiance if you're close to a Meijer, they have them in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana.

All the best!

:star: Joey

Uh huh Meijer has English stuff, but its expensive...................... :yes:
EuroFemale02006-06-04 16:34:00
:lol: :lol: wooohooooooooo you GOT THE VISA YOU GOT THE VISA :P , Congratulations :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-06-21 11:29:00
United KingdomChicken Pox not available in the U.K. question

Firstly isn`t it cool that this disease is not available int he U.K.?

on a serious note though.

On mondya i am meeting with the community nurse at my local GP and she was very helpful and said she could sort out my Tetanus and said i should bring anything else i might need and she would see what she could do. I figure anythign she does will save me money. So it says on the vaccine chart that i need MMR and Chicken POX.

If Chicken Pox is unavailable int he U.K. then how do they expect us to get it? and what usually happens?

Is this a dumb question?


If you had Chicken pox as a child, chances are the nurse will know, as it will be on record, as mine was :thumbs: ....print out the list for the nurse to look at that way she will know what she needs to give you :thumbs:
I had tetanus/dip/MMR :yes: .then the nurse wrote all my vaccination history in a little booklet for me to take to the medical :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-06-24 10:25:00
United KingdomCheap flights?

Hi...would anyone know if any good/cheap travel agents or special fares from the UK to JFK???

Any info is appreciated !
Been hunting, and they are all INCREDIBLE as it is the height of the season :angry:


A little tip check the price for a return ticket they are quite often cheaper than a one way. Not exactly what you are suppose to do but just don't tell the airline you are not coming back.

If you get a return ticket make the return date a long time off, that way if you want to visit England you can use this half of the ticket :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-06-24 10:27:00
United KingdomCheap flights?

YEah cost of flights is the worst thing about getting a visa in summer. I usually just look on expedia but no doubt there are other places. I usually check all different dates etc until i find the cheapest.

I shop for flights the same way :yes:
and YES they are very expensive this time of year, its robbery :unsure:
EuroFemale02006-06-23 16:51:00
United KingdomWhos in the UK but actually not in the Capital London?

I am Neil...Yorkshireman (Bradford/Leeds), more recently of Preston,Lancashire (20 yrs) but now near Raleigh, North Carolina.

Small world!

In Huddersfield now. Going to NC, about an hour off Raleigh on June 23rd

oh i lived in Huddersfield twice, Longwood & Newsome :P
EuroFemale02006-06-18 16:34:00
United KingdomWhos in the UK but actually not in the Capital London?
I'm no longer in England , but was..........West Yorkshire, just outside Leeds :yes:
EuroFemale02006-06-16 13:10:00
United KingdomBA - British Airways

I'm really considering using BA when the visa gets through to return to Andy. I just would like to know peoples experiances with that airline. How was YOUR flights with BA?

I have used BA a few times, they get you to your destination, no frills, but then again, no frills with any "Economy" seat any more :thumbs:
BUT whoever you chose to fly with, I hope you have a good flight :thumbs: :yes:
EuroFemale02006-07-02 13:04:00
United KingdomU.S. citizen or Permanent Resident

I will be applying to become a citizen as soon as I can.... because once your are a citizen you no longer have to deal with USCIS.... and being from the UK I can still keep my British passport and have dual citizenship....


:thumbs: Me too
EuroFemale02006-07-10 12:01:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London
Fanstastic news, congratulations Yabasta & Bella.....................I hope you both have a great & happy life :thumbs: :yes:
EuroFemale02006-07-10 11:59:00
United KingdomReactions to you accent!
I tell them, NO i dont have an accent, tis YOU who has the accent :unsure:
EuroFemale02006-08-08 13:16:00
United KingdomReactions to you accent!

Does other peoples reactions to your British accent drive anyone else mad??!! I can't even buy anything in a store without people saying stupid things to me! Just this weekend I got...

1. (While giving me phone number to a shop assistant - why why oh why do you have to do that any time you buy anything)??
She repeated the number I had said in a silly voice and then said 'are you from London?' Before telling me the history of her family and their various visits to England. :whistle:

2. (While buying something else in a store).
The lady on the till said 'my brother is actually in Australia right now...' (hahaha! :devil: )

3. (A man fixing something in my house).
I'm sensing that's not a London accent is it? (Yes, you would be right in thinking that some British people do live outside our nations capital :angry: )!!

4. (A taxi driver)
He said 'Is that an Irish accent', then when I told him it was English he said 'I am English' in his American accent. So I said 'really? Where you born there or is your heritage English?' He said he his heritage was 15% English, 25% whatever etc... :huh: I think it is nice that Americans never forget their heritage but sometimes I think they should get over it and just say 'my great great grandfather was British' rather than say they are...

I guess I should lighten up - its a good conversation starter - but sometimes it really irks me!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: .I get the same kind of thing every day..............I was really impressed though when 1 man said to me, um thats not a London accent its a Yorkshire accent!!, i was like :o .....I said thats really good, and asked if he had been to Yorkshire for him to know, he had'nt even been to England :whistle: he was Goooooooood :P
EuroFemale02006-07-28 10:46:00
United KingdomGot the Visa
You wont need your X-Ray for anything now, as long as the Embassy saw your medical results thats all that matters!!..................Congratulations :dance:
EuroFemale02006-08-08 13:15:00
United KingdomSomething happened today

My husband had his interview on 9/11 and his medical the same day.

The interview was fine, they said they'd approve us pending a satisfactory medical.

At the medical the physician told my husband she'd need a letter about his depression.

We faxed the requested letter to the doctor on Friday of last week. We were told at that time that they would contact us if they required anything further, otherwise they would send his medical results to the embassy.

Today the embassy's courier service attempted to deliver a package. They were supposed to give us 24 hours notice but the phone number they had for us was incorrect. They can't redeliver until Friday.

Should we assume the worst or the best?

:help: :help: :help:

Sounds like they tried to deliver his passport back complete with VISA, & the brown envelope :P
EuroFemale02006-10-04 12:22:00
United KingdomStill waiting...
And also call the SMS company to change your delivery address, also ask them if they have picked up your passport yet!! :thumbs: ...........and good luck :yes:
EuroFemale02006-11-03 08:40:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)

Good Luck for tomorrow Lansbury and PJA002, sure you will do just fine :thumbs:

Amanda, you have been a busy little bee :o) the list looks good though

:blush: hahahaha thanks, it was driving me nuts, nothing was "inline"................ :lol: .............maybe that says summat about me :huh:
EuroFemale02006-11-03 08:33:00
USCIS Service CentersHow many wished they lived up north to apply through Vermont?
I live up north - north of Canada even - and still I had to go through California.

Oh well, some day the NOA2 will come...
Chemist_GeekMaleChina2006-12-13 20:56:00