US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy

I see in several timelines the actual date an applicants file is sent to Embassy. How do you find out when your file is sent/received? What is next?

The info on the NVC automated line is that our file closed this week. :dance: Do I need to wait on hearing from the Consulate regarding an interview date or does the NVC automated line get updated to let me know the file has left NVC?

Ive gotten used to keeping track of the journey via the excellent helpline and suddenly feel whaaaaaaaaaaaaare are we at now? LOL


with very best wishes, daisy :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yes the NVC line will tell you when the petition is sent to London , also your Husband will get a letter saying so too!!
Then to find anything out you can email London, but give em a week or so after they get the petition to actualy open it as until they open it they will tell you they didnt get it yet!! :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-04-08 09:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLONDON INTERVIEWS

Sorry did you say 4 to 6? I was getting depressed after reading like almost ayear on the timelines section. Is that out of date?

I sent my DS230 to my wife and it got lost it seems so the other day i sent it again. I think the whole error has put us a month behind but i wonder how long from sending that of fi can expect to get an interview?

Any ideas?

Also is it right to think the visa should be days after the interview rather than weeks or months?

Take a look at my timeline from DS-230 & I-684..this will give you a good idea!!

Just to add about K3.........My K3 took 112 days from mailing to Visa in hand..... :yes:
EuroFemale02006-04-02 19:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLONDON INTERVIEWS
I wont stake my life on this BUT...............when i and a few others from VJ were waiting for interview at London, we all put on our DS-156(is this the form i mean?) anyway the form that asks what date you will be traveling, and we all noticed that to put a date in this space realy makes a difference as to when & how quickly you get an interview date!! :yes:
EuroFemale02006-03-31 11:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Slowing Down?
I dont think there is a "slow down" this is a normal pattern for London!!......they seem to take 3 weeks from recieving petition from NVC to send out pack 3, then you can expect another 3 weeks from mailing back pack 3 to getting pack 4, some are faster some are slower, but everyone is free to email London to try find out where they are in the process, dont bother calling the number as its a call center in Scotland & costs a lot to phone!!
EuroFemale02006-04-03 10:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFYI for Scheduling Medical and Interview together in London

It was just because the medical was so close to the interview -- don't think it should be an issue for you or do you have to have another one?

Oh ok thanks, no i can use the medical i had for my K3!!
EuroFemale02006-04-13 13:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFYI for Scheduling Medical and Interview together in London

Since a lot of people have asked if it's possible to schedule the interview and medical together in London so they can take care of it in one trip I thought I'd share my experience:

1. We did this by initially scheduling the medical when we thought we might get the interview based on the timelines -- since the medical appointment we scheduled was early by about 2 weeks, we called and rescheduled to the day before the interview when we finally got the date. This didn't prove to be a problem, but there was only one slot available, so you might not get so lucky.

2. Allow more than week for your passport to be returned (it normally takes 2 days or less)-- we received his passport back exactly 8 working days after the interview. Since that was only 2 working days before he is due to leave, it made up nervous! I'd plan on 2 weeks, just to be safe.

Hopefully that will be useful to someone -- now that's one less worry on my mind and I jsut have to book a hotel room in Vegas and a chapel! (I have quite nerdily filled out all the AOS paperwork already -- actually I did it about a month ago)

Wow 8 days to get the passport back.......what was the reason for this, do you know???......I return to the UK for my CR1 interview its on a firday not sure about weekend delivery but then monday is bank holiday so i am hopeing they get thier ####### into gear as my flight back is friday :huh: well i could look at it in a positive way if my pasport dosent arrive in time, the postive being......I get to spend longer with my family :P
EuroFemale02006-04-13 11:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFiance Visa approved!
Good news , Congratulations :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-04-05 12:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWE HAVE A VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great news........................congratulations :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-04-06 10:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat to wear for interview

Hi all - Nigel has his interview tomorrow morning and is wondering if he needs to dress "smart" or not. I don't think he needs to be in a suit and tie but probably not in jeans and sneakers either. Any advice on this from those who have already interviewed?


I say Casual............everyone seems to go casual, i know i did & everyone i saw there did too, good luck for the interview :thumbs:
the person interviewing only see's you from the waist up anyway!! :P

Edited by euro, 17 April 2006 - 12:55 PM.

EuroFemale02006-04-17 12:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPack 3 - what is in it? How to speed up the process at the embassy?


We filed an I130 and I129F. Our main focus is on the I129F. I read that I will receive a "Pack 3" from the embassy. What is the "Pack 3", what documents will be required? And does anyone know an idea how to speed up the processing time at the embassy (in our case: Copenhagen, Denmark)?

Thank you,


The K3 visa packet consists of a biographic data form DS-230-I Part I, Form DS-156 (in duplicate), Form DS-2000 and a document checklist, form IV-15K , I-134!
You have to fill out the I-134 & provide supporting evidence so you could download this form fill it out , get it notorised & mail it to your other half in readiness, there isnt anything you can do to speed the K3 process up, it actualy goes pretty fast once approved!!
EuroFemale02006-04-17 11:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy - Vaccination Requirements

Can anyone tell me which out of the list of vaccinations are required - I know I have had polio & tetanus vaccines but not the mmr as they weren't given 50 odd years ago. But I do remember contracting german measles (rubella) as a child?

I would obviously want to get these done before my interview as I believe it costs quite a bit if the embassy's designated doctor does it.


You will also need to have the MMR & if your over 50 also the flu jab.these are best got from your GP, as the visa medical charges too much & its costly enough :P
also get yourself proof of vaccinations from your GP to take to your medical!! :yes:
EuroFemale02006-04-16 12:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPackage 3, should i of attached this?

omg i called the embassy they said i had to attach tthem, ive been sat here crying are you all sure that i take them to interview and not attache them to the package 3????? to the DS 156

I didnt send my pics with the forms,I took them to the interview, realy dont worry its fine i promise........... :yes:
EuroFemale02006-04-18 16:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionanyone have a copy of IV-15

I need a copy of the checklist... the embasy claims (after waiting 2 weeks for an email response) that they never got our checklist. I don't want to wait another 2 weeks for them to mail another packet 3... :( we returned packet 3 a month ago, this delay is such a disapointment. :( if anyone has a blank IV-15 form they could scan/email, I would really appreciate it. even a filled out one - I can doctor it in photoshop.


YOu can download it from the London Embassy website........i cant find the link though sorry!!
It looks a little bit different but as the same things on, I used the downloaded one!! :yes:

Edited by euro, 20 April 2006 - 01:34 PM.

EuroFemale02006-04-20 13:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon embassy reassessing I864-anyone experience this?

My hubby had an interview for the IR1 visa at the London Embassy, and was told that everything looked great, but NVC hadn't sent over the I864. :crying: The lady was great about it and gave us a letter requesting further information and the number for the courier so that we could send it back and they would take into account that information, and send us the visa :innocent: Hopefully. Has anyone had any experience with this? We're not sure how long the processing is going to take, we sent it two weeks ago. Can someone share their experience and maybe shed a little light and reassurance on this?

Not heard of NVC not sending stuff, but have heard of some one on VJ having an interview at London & London lost some of the copies from the interview & the person had to send them more copies!!......... :yes:
EuroFemale02006-04-21 11:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe Interview--What Will They Ask?
London is pretty relaxed, I had my K3 interview there & will be having my CR1 interview there on friday, for my K3 i wasnt asked anything at all, and the K1's that have interview there from VJ have also not had any big question & answers interviews either! :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-04-23 16:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Embassy Interview Date
In the UK The UKC will get the interview letter!!
EuroFemale02006-04-30 10:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJust checking ive got everything!
You can send photo's but most prefer to take them to the interview as i did!!

wait about 2 weeks after mailing your pack 3 then email the embassy to find out when your interview date is, you may have to email a few times, but most find this is the fastest way of finding out, before the actual pack 4 is recieved in the post :P
EuroFemale02006-05-07 13:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat to do with your case number...

I got my case number from the NVC. Not sure why I would need it. Has anyone ever phoned the embassy about their case and will the embassy even tell you the status???? :huh:

The case number is handy to have incase you email the embassy etc............. :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-05-08 10:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApplicant's Own Funds Provision

terri o'neale,

No idea, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was more than they require for a K1.


For a K3 visa, any idea what the London consular considers...

...personal funds sufficient to provide support for the applicant and dependent family members, or sufficient until suitable employment is located.

Maybe you could email them and ask??
EuroFemale02006-05-09 10:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInjections - anybody??

Ok we have had our Tetanus injection, which is the Tetanus, Diptheria and Polio combined. For our ages it also says the flu jab, but I thought that the flu one would only be available in the winter months over here, any one shed any light on this.

I would prefer to get the flu one done via my doctor (doesn't cost :lol: ) than wait till we go to Knightsbridge

I had tetanus/dip polio, MMR and she gave me 1 for luck :lol: .......but forgot which one but it wasnt required, (it wasnt flu i'm too young :whistle: , it was a big name that i prolly couldnt spell anyway :blush: )i think she just felt mean :whistle:


Edited by euro, 10 May 2006 - 11:59 AM.

EuroFemale02006-05-10 11:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionlondon visa delivery

cool :) any recommendations on being there to receive it? will they just put it thru the letterbox?

No you have to be there to sign for it & show ID!! interview was friday morning & i got my visa delievered at 9:30am the next morning, i did pay the extra 7pounds for delivery before 10am!!
you can have it delivered to any where as long as you will be there to sign for it!!
EuroFemale02006-05-10 08:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestion about the Interview

I'm curious - do they do the biometrics at the interview? Are there any other tests that they do during the actual interview?

They did at London, so my guess is YES!.........then again as you enter the country..........finger prints for every bloody thing!!....then for K1 you have to pay $70 for more finger prints........go figure :unsure:
EuroFemale02006-05-11 13:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTaking bag to London Embassy

And I kinda HAVE to take my keys or I wont be able to get back into my HOUSE aftr the interview :blink:
If you have to CHECK your keys with reception that should be ok - is it safe to leave them?

I have taken my keys in with me both times, first time i had to leave my mobile at the front desk, 2nd had to leave camera.......yeah itssafe to leave anything, the guy gives you a numbered clip thing to collect it on exit!!
EuroFemale02006-05-10 07:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTaking bag to London Embassy

I know you cant take keys are cell phones into the Embassy and I'm sure I saw this posted somewhere before but can you take a bag into the Embassy as in a document carrier? I've just looked on London's website and can't see any info anywhere :unsure:

Thanks all


We took a big over night bag in when i had my interview on the 28th, all we had to leave at the reception was our camera, we had to turn off our cell phones!!
EuroFemale02006-05-08 19:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow Long does it takes?

Hellow all. My case was approved on the May 1, 2006. I have called the NVC today, but they said that they have no history of the case yet. I would like to know that how long does it take for the NVC to recieve the case? PLEASE ADVICE......THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH...

Just keep calling, the time it takes varies, but untill they put it in thier system they wont know they have it yet!!
e.g i called 1 morning, no record of them having it, called later that day i got my NVC case# :yes:
EuroFemale02006-05-11 13:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDs -156 Electronic Version (London Embassy)
I used the electronic version, all it does is after you fill it out & click send or whatever it puts a barcode on & then you print it out :thumbs:.i would think it does save time as the form wont have to be manualy put into the system, the barcode will just be scanned in!!

Edited by euro, 11 May 2006 - 10:36 AM.

EuroFemale02006-05-11 10:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow Long Should It Take

Hello All

:help: My wife sent her Packet 3 to the Embassy which was signed for on May 5th But when she calls to check on it they say it's not on the system as of yet. Does anyone know how long it usually takes from the time the packet it received until it is put in the system?? :whistle:

Normaly around 3 weeks!!
EuroFemale02006-05-15 17:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEvidence of bonafide marriage
Lorelle that looks good, But you probably wont be asked for anything!!, but i suppose its better to be safe than sorry!
Good Luck :thumbs:
when do you arrive here after your interview??
EuroFemale02006-05-16 09:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK police certificate

Hi folks :)

Well, the good news is, I have an interview date!! June 28th!

The bad news is, I'm having a nightmare getting a police certificate.
I recieved a letter from immigrations stating that "United Kindom police certificates (referred to as a "statement from the National Identity Service regarding Prosecution/Conviction history") are now avaliable. The "statement" will serve to advise the American Embassy, London, whether or not any criminal conviction is held against you."

It states that you should apply at your local police station for this.

I went to my local police station, showed them this, was given a form, filled it in and sent it off with the £10 fee, but what I got back was a letter from the Data Protection Department of the police saying

"You recently sent or took an application form to a Police Station asking if there was any information held about you on Police computers in this Police Force. There is no information in the Convictions category of the Scottish Criminal Record Office Computer System which the Chief Officer is required to give you under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1988."

Is this what I need? or have I got the wrong thing all together?
I checked again at the police station, and this time was directed to phone Disclosure Scotland, but when I phoned them, they told me it was nothing to do with them...

Aargh, I'm being given the run around, and I only have 42 days to my interview.

Does anyone know if this is what I need, or if not, how do I get it?

Thanks in advance!

Does the letter have a blue line across the top & the bottom, if yes, then you have the right thing, it just means you have no criminal record!!
EuroFemale02006-05-17 11:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnybody have kids??

Does anyone know whether I need passports for my kids to take to the consulate interview or is just the long form birth certificate ok?

Thanks! :)

If they are getting a visa then they need passports at the interview!!
EuroFemale02006-05-18 17:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview 19th May
YAY....congratulations..........................uh huh 30 minutes was fast :thumbs: :yes:
EuroFemale02006-05-19 09:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview 19th May

Hi all

well the day hath nearly arrived !! tommorow is it at 10:00 am for my K3 interview.. and last minute nerves setting in despite all the preperation. wish me luck !! will post feedback once endured :-)



Good Luck John, its easy peasy lemon squeezy...........after it you will wonder why you worried :yes: :whistle:
EuroFemale02006-05-18 17:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGOT MY INTERVIEW DATE!!

Came in the mail this morning!!


So soon!! OMG!! i was expecting late June at the earliest!! But im so happy!!

All i got in packet 4 was the letter about my appointment and the payment slip .... am i missing anything?


Congratulations...........................YAY! :dance: ................& no nothing is missing, dont forget to pay the 60quid at the bank..............i payed mine at HSBC for free as i banked there!! :yes:
EuroFemale02006-05-19 12:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview tomorow!!!! Nervous , dont know what to expect!
Good Luck for the interview.........................London is relaxed, I have had 2 interviews there, one for my K3 then recently i returned for my CR1 interview, both were stress free experiences, neither interview involved any questions at all, it was just a matter of handing over documents, then swearing all was true, finerprints thats it!!
EuroFemale02006-05-16 12:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDancing all the way to the Interview!!!

As you will see from my timeline, Packet 3 was downloaded and posted to the London Embassy on 3 May. Yesterday we decided not to call until Friday, and then once a week thereafter. Today, 17th May :P I have been notified of my interview date via email! :dance: :dance: :dance: I am in complete shock! :joy: 30th May.

So you actually sent the pack 3 documents to london before you even recieved the pack from them?? can we do that?? wow congratulations - im gonna have to arrange something where I can have the medical and interview in the same week if not the same day I dont want to make 2 trips to lonosdn - it means I have to stay with my brother who is really not very happy with what I am doing :(

Our file was sent to NVC from nebraska on the 8th may should they have recieved it by now? my beloved hasnt got anything in the mail - should he call them to get the case number and when it is gonna be sent to london?

Lina (UKC)

I dowmloaded pack 3 & sent it as soon as i knew it had been sent out, the only difference between the pack they sent me & the papers i sent them was the check list!!.....but i did get it from the London embassy site, & it was ok!!

NVC will send the USC a letter saying when the case was sent to London also the case number!!, but you can call NVC to get the information......for K visa's you have to speak to an operator :thumbs:

Edited by euro, 21 May 2006 - 08:55 AM.

EuroFemale02006-05-21 08:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDancing all the way to the Interview!!!

Thank you all for your kind wishes, we've got the medical on friday, then I've got to steady my head for the was so fast, and so unexpected. :D

Yes, I called them regularly, and followed up with an email every time, just to remind them that they can feel free to book me into a cancellation.

Believe it or not, when we started this process we predicted 28 May, which wasn't bad going with the processing dates standing still and knocking us senseless!!.....................I still put 28 May down as my travel date (got to keep the faith) and I didn't want to be controlled by the (so called) slowdown at London.

For those of you who get worried when you get the standard 6-8 week standard email response, DON'T BELIEVE IT! :no: I got that email 2 days ago!

Keep pushing everyone, there is a light at the end of that tunnel. :dance:

Thats pretty normal speed for K3 & if you put a travel date down.....London are very good at trying to accomodate the date you say your traveling.............good Luck :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-05-18 17:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview questions

My husband has his interview in Stockholm, Sweden on Monday. I know that this can differ between consulates, but what type of questions do they ask for K-3?

I had my K3 & CR1 in London and wasnt asked a thing, nothing at all!!
EuroFemale02006-05-12 15:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo i need this?

Do i need the NOA1 and 2 at the interview, Thank you.

We cant get in touch with our lawyer and the interview is soon and he has the original! :)

Not needed, they will have all the original pack at your interview!! :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-05-23 11:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion concerning interview at embassy

What reason would the consular officer have for denying you the visa when you have your interview at the embassy?
Anyone had any problems?
Just curious after reading the family based visa denials topic.

Criminal record um, HIV,overstay...............dont worry, London is pretty relaxed :yes: .........if you have nothing to worry about, then dont worry :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-05-26 08:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date??? Will they give you a choice???

Hi All.

When the consulate sends out the packet they ask you for an interview date that would best suite you or do they decide when your interview will be??


NO, they schedule the interview at thier convienience(SP?) not yours!! :thumbs:
EuroFemale02006-05-26 10:37:00