United KingdomP85 Question

I'm still waiting on mine too.

I mailed mine from a BFPO here in Germany in October and this thread reminded me to give my tax office in the UK a call to chase it up. I called today and they had not received it :( So luckily I have taken a photocopy, they said I could re-copy the copy, re-sign it and send it again. GRRR! But thanks for the thread reminding me :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-04-30 06:29:00
United KingdomUpon Arrival at Gatwick
Actually, this is certainly true at Heathrow but I do not know about Gatwick, a spouse of a UKC CAN go through the 'short' line when travelling with their spouse. I actually stopped to ask the first time we travelled together, when there were five flights all arriving in Terminal 1 at once from non-EU places, and the long queue was loooooooong. The immigration officer told me that the policy is direct relatives (spouse, parent, child) may come through the queue with the UKC. Not six family members, mind you, as the people in front of us last time were trying :devil: - all except one got sent to the 'long' queue.

My husband has always come through the EU-citizens queue with me at Heathrow, they take both our passports together, his US and my UK one.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-02 04:34:00
Fantastic news, Tam! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Well on your way to joining the ranks of the Air Force Dependosaurs!

~Candace x
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-04 17:13:00
United KingdomDid anyone watch Eurovision?

Yeah uh... hell no.

I did hear that Britain came second last, with ireland dead last, with scoochs 'song' I'm surprised they werent executed there and then for crimes against humanity

ba ba da, ba ba da,
ba ba da, ba ba da,
Duty Free madane?
Yeah yeah yeah yeah.

The whole show is terrible, and its comical for anyone outside europe to watch.

Some were even more horribly terribly awful than Scooch, though I know it is really hard to believe! And it's pretty comical for most people inside europe to watch too! I don't know anyone who takes it even remotely seriously :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-13 10:33:00
United KingdomDid anyone watch Eurovision?
I watched it as a virtual guest at my sister's Eurovision party in England. My American husband and brother-in-law were just 'What the hell...' the whole way through... which is how it should be! :)

Luckily I have Sky TV here in Germany to be able to giggle at Terry's very non-PC comments. Lots of Jaeger and Red Bull and giggles, I loved it! :)

Wanted Ukraine to win for the pure Eurovision-ness of the band and the song (Rule #1: must have some inane counting (preferably in various languages) or repeated nonsensical words shouted every so often.)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-13 06:11:00
United KingdomOver the Moon
Congrats! :dance:
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-14 09:59:00
United KingdomMMR
Hey Tam,

As soon as you have your ID card you can do a walk-in at Immunizations on base and they will give you the MMR along with a print-out which the doctor will accept. Can't find my print-out right now but I *think* the MMR was the one they required 2 shots for, 4 weeks apart (due to unforeseen circumstances and my immunization office being closed for warrior training the day I was supposed to go back, I only had one and it was accepted by the German doctor, but I don't think it would be as easy to get away with in the US!) It definitely wasn't any longer than 4 weeks but it may have been a minimum of 4 weeks. If Jamal calls them they will confirm.

Have a safe trip home and a wonderful reunion! Email me your wedding pics :)

~Candace x
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-16 07:53:00
United KingdomUS Citizen Married to Spanish Working in UK
Rights to plonk aside, I understand what you are saying but the right to free movement of EU citizens within the EU, paperwork and red tape aside, and your entering the country on a tourist visa and expecting to circumvent said red tape are not quite the same thing. Usually there is a process that one must go through when wishing to reside long-term and work in another EU country. Here in Germany, for residency only it is a short visit to the Rathaus and a relatively painless process to get a work permit for an EU citizen.

Whether you are married to a UK citizen or an EU citizen, the fact you are not one yourself means that there are steps you should have gone through prior to arriving and expecting to 'notify someone' who would shake your hand, pat you on the back and direct you to the local hospital or social security office. I digress, but if it was as easy as you make out, why are our US citizen spouses often questioned on entry when we go back to visit family and not waved through by immigration officers waving a Union Jack in one hand and the Stars & Stripes in the other?

I think as HA said, you have put a few people's backs up here by being a little snotty and even underlining it (kind of like 'I don't want to sound mean, but.... [insert mean comment here.]) and also assuming you can come to the UK with no prior application when people here have waited months or even years to be with their spouse. I am sure your intention was not to bowl on in and hack people off and I hope you have found the advice you have been given in this thread useful.

Best wishes :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-18 13:21:00
United KingdomUS Citizen Married to Spanish Working in UK
Echoing HA and Mags, I'm afraid you are wrong. I am a UK citizen living in Germany, I was not allowed to just plonk myself down and become resident here, no matter who I am married to.

If I may ask, if your wife has just obtained US residency and is awaiting her greencard, how she can also have residency in the UK and why would you need to stay as long as you like if your wife is not allowed to set up residency elsewhere or be out of the US for extended periods?
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-17 12:42:00
United KingdomAn Odd Question
I am not really sure where to put this question. Not really 'Moving Here and Your New Life in America' because I actually haven't quite yet. And not really DCF specific either. I pondered and then thought I'd just plonk it here and see what happens.

I activated my CR-1 visa on 3rd January this year and I was lucky that my Green Card and SS# trotted along in due course. However, I am physically in Germany since the end of January, and will not be entering the US on a permanent basis until November-ish. Before someone screams at me (people screaming at me makes me cry, though usually more in real life than on the Internet) that I am a silly noob and I must not leave the US for more than five minutes or my residency status will be at risk, my husband is Active Duty US Military and we are domiciled in the US albeit just in spirit right now.

Of course, USCIS know this and we even gave them my husband's date of expected return from overseas when we applied, but is there some place I could just notify just to make me feel a teensy bit better about it? (I encountered a retarded immigration officer when I left the US, I guess I am worried I might get another one.) Perhaps I could just write a letter *somewhere* just to explain? Any awesome ideas, guys?


CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-22 08:56:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I am not even going to try and give advice, its useless.... you my friend, make us British people look like a load of idiots, shut up, get out or look at the big pic!


I think Lizzy was replying to the OP.

Oooh and congrats Lizzy!!! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-25 02:34:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I suppose you could say I've become as cynical and negative as the Brits I'm surrounded by. :devil:

that is a stereotype

and like most stereotypes (like the ones about americans) there's an element of truth to it - brits need to be cynical and negative - but it's hardly the way most people there really are.

Twas a joke, dear.

So it's okay for you to make jokes like that but it's unfair for you to be on the receiving end?

As with this discussion: one rule for HA, and another for the rest of us (especially the Brits.)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-22 11:04:00
United KingdomIn Less than 24 hours...
Awesome news! Best wishes for a happy reunion and a safe (!) car journey!!

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-26 09:23:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
I apologise to the OP that this is only very loosely related to your question, but does anyone know the equivalent for Full/Queen/King to Double/Queen (do we even have Queen beds in the UK?)/King - if for example I have a US Queen Bed and want to get some UK fitted sheets for it? I also have a UK King Duvet - same question in reverse.

If anyone can help me I'd be really grateful.

And thanks very much Mr or Ms Mint Aero a few posts back.. now I have a craving! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-23 13:15:00
United KingdomHoly crap
Awesome news HA, fingers crossed you get to complete as planned! :)

It's so stressful doing it all so quickly but the good thing about completing is you know you have to get your ####### out of there so by hook or by crook it gets done! I ended up throwing various items that didn't 'belong' in any of the boxes I had packed into my car at 4am the morning I moved - I ended up with a strange variety of items (facial sauna, such a good idea, used about one and a half times; various adaptor plugs for mobile phones I hadn't even owned for three years; 142 emery boards..) in the back of my car for about six months but I did get out in time!
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-03 17:34:00
United KingdomWe had the ceremony!
Lovely story and beautiful pics! Many congratulations :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-03 17:27:00
United KingdomWe exchanged!

I should add that I've left two messages in two days at Excess Baggage and have not received a call back.

Not at all CHUFFED. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Yikes! That is not impressive at all, especially given your tight timescale. I assume you've tried emailing them too?

Yep. I am LESS than impressed.

Really? I just phoned them up and got an answer every time...very odd.

HA, I don't know if this is the number you use, but I have 0800 652 1080 in my contacts and I never had a problem with them picking up the phone, I think their hours are around 7am to 10pm.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-05 10:01:00
United KingdomWhy did you choose the US?
This is a really interesting thread. I guess there are a lot of reasons for our choosing the US to start our life together; I am the more outgoing and sociable one of the two of us and although that means I cry buckets over missing my family and friends, I am probably also more adaptable than Chris. My work skills are more easily transferrable than his, and there is the huge issue of my having jumped off the UK property ladder a few years ago and the ladder having risen several feet in the meantime.

We do want to spend a year or two living together in the UK (although we have lived in Germany for two years, I would still like for us to experience living in the UK together) at some point, but whether that point will come once we have property/jobs/etc in the US, I am not sure.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-03 17:48:00
United KingdomInterview today... approved!
Congratulations! Best wishes for your journey home :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-07 16:58:00
United KingdomRegarding Child Maintanence Abroad

Firstly I have no experience of either having children nor maintaining them, but I hope the following may help. I don't know if you have tried this already, but I wonder if your husband could enlist the help of a Citizens Advice Bureau in the UK as an alternative in the first instance to a costly legal fee and the possible difficulties he might face in trying to get a consultation from a UK solicitor? They can help with matters like this, I have sought advice from them regarding some legal matters since I have been away, they are a free service and I have corresponded via email in the past. Their website is

If your husband has financial issues in the UK that he needs assistance with, there are several companies who offer free advice. Most are not used to clients living abroad but one that is is Myvesta ( (they also have offices in the US - and they may be able to help him organise his finances if he needs it.

Belated congratulations on your new baby, good luck and best wishes.

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-26 09:21:00
United KingdomWe have to fly to Texas
I hope you can find a suitable sailing and it's good to see someone has found availability for you on the dates you need.

If not though, is three weeks' accommodation in waiting for the next sailing too much to pay for as compared to your distress? I'm not scared of flying, but I am arachnophobic and I would do anything over sitting next to a spider for 10 hours :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-09 06:19:00
United KingdomWe have to fly to Texas
If your fear is bad enough that the medication and other solutions you have been offered aren't going to help, as cheeky^Wolf said there *is* a boat option. You can sail often from Southampton to New York or Florida and road trip the rest of the way? I know that both Royal Caribbean and P&O sail the routes, of course there's the Queen Mary too (if you fancy pushing the boat out, pardon the pun!) and I am sure other companies.

Although if you have time, getting some non-medicinal help with conquering your fear may be the best option.

Best wishes.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-08 17:09:00
United KingdomMy hair is wavy
I would really like to use this thread to urge anyone thinking of having their lovely hair cut, and in most cases more than 10", to donate it to charity to help children who aren't lucky enough to have any hair, wavy or straight, due to long-term medical hair loss.

One charity I know of that does this in the US is Locks of Love but I am sure there are more, and also in the UK.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-08 17:15:00
United KingdomOur new addition
Cuteness! I have two new-ish kittens, and my other cat is exactly the same. She has got better over the past month or so, but there is still a lot of hissing and pulling of angry faces!

We called the girls Mio and Mayu (we are nerds, it comes from a computer game :)) Cali is a cute name!

Attached File  catsinabox1.jpg   43.91KB   26 downloads
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-11 05:02:00
United KingdomI am...

Born in England, brought up in myself British.

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-05-25 16:47:00
United KingdomOMG Im a little happy bunny:)
Fantastic news Lina, all the best and here's hoping that visa arrives quickly! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-30 06:04:00
United KingdomAlso made it to the US
Welcome home! Fingers crossed those bags catch up with you before too long. :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-07-03 03:26:00
United KingdomAriived!!!
Congratulations! What a fantastic experience, must be a good omen for your new life home in the US!
Best wishes :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-30 12:12:00
United KingdomPolice Record

Mine was sent to the hampshire police who then sent it on to scotland yard

Hampshire police dealt with mine too, and they were fantastic (as I had to do most of the correspondence by email as I am living in Germany) - they take the application and send it on for you. It often does take the full forty days.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-23 12:47:00
United KingdomFriday whinge from the maven

Un peu squiffers has now turned into un peu hungover. Oof!

Resolve ftw! Hope you're feeling better soon :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-07-14 04:22:00
United KingdomUSC changing name while in the UK
Hi, it's not exactly the same situation actually the other way around as I am the UK citizen, but in order to get a new passport in my married name all I needed was the notarised copy of my marriage certificate from WA, and this copy I had signed in my maiden name. When we got married we signed two documents, one in the maiden name and the JP told me to sign the second in the name I wanted to go by. However, this second document is the certificate which we have in a frame, not the one I have used for any of my immigration stuff.

I did have a scoot around to see if I could find a thread I seem to remember where a wife had to get her name changed in court but my memory is fuzzy (and I promise it's not the wine!) and I can't find it.

Good luck! :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-07-14 16:04:00
United KingdomME, yet again, advance passenger information for flight
I am foraging in my brain to remember what advance passenger information I provided when we flew with BA in January (CR-1 visa.) I am almost positive I just gave them my UK passport information as I had prior to having my visa. And my husband confirms.

You're right, the IR-1 is not a green card so you definitely don't have that number yet.

Best wishes for a smooth journey!

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-07-22 07:54:00
United KingdomAny UK folks NOT applying for US citizenship?

ME! I am hopefully going to get my Visa soon and move to the State with my Husband and children and I have NO interest in becoming American. I am Bristish and want to stay that way. If I could have dual nationality like my children then I'd be happy to do that, but I don't want to give up my nationality

It's been mentioned many times on the forum and I think a couple of times in this thread; you do not have to renounce your British Nationality in order to become a US citizen.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-07-22 07:44:00
United KingdomPOE was piece of cake
Congratulations! Hope your wedding plans go as smoothly, best wishes :)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-08-01 17:48:00
United KingdomOff to see the IRS at the Embassy tomorrow...

If that was you behind me, I apolgise, but truly you are boring.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Maven, I have absolutely nothing constructive to add to your thread but I wanted to thank you for my first laugh out loud of today <3
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-08-07 08:29:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
I'm from Southampton but I've been in Germany for the past 2 years.
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-06-28 12:05:00
United Kingdom2006 tax return
Hi Sam,

I know you made that post yesterday and your papers were being picked up today but I just wanted to reassure you that they will understand about the earnings during deployments not being on the tax returns. I had the same situation but had no bother at all when it came to interview.

Best wishes,

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-09-18 07:03:00
United KingdomEastenders
So I watched it last night. Exciting stuff... but somewhat anti-climactic as I have no clue who it was being 'revealed' at the end.

I missed out a few months here and there.. have I missed something or is it someone we don't actually know?
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-09-22 08:37:00
United KingdomApproved
QUOTE (Mags @ Oct 1 2007, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (midicat @ Oct 1 2007, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I told him to tell them the circumstances that he is supposed to come over here the 16th of October, and he think the embassy lost it or something along those lines... I've heard before of someone having a similar issue and they got the 2nd one within days because they told a pity story. haha. his first one he thinks took about 2-3 weeks... but with all the postal strikes and stuff right now, who knows how long it could take.

I believe I have read of someone getting it faster through giving a "sob-story", although it does clearly state on part of the form that they cannot expedite or move anyone up the list.

Very odd.

What I recommend is sending in the application as normal, leaving it three weeks to make sure it is in the system and THEN phoning them and seeing where abouts in the "pile" it is. I am sure it was at that stage that someone managed to get it done quicker. Has to be a valid reason though otherwise everyone would be doing it... biggrin.gif

Might work, might not, might be worth a try though!

It might have been my police report you read about with the 'pity story' - although just to let people know I didn't just make it up! smile.gif

The situation was that mine had been delivered (within the 40 days) to our neighbour (I didn't know this at the time) and when I chased it up with Hampshire Police the awesome lady there was able to get another one sent out THAT DAY. Rather than making a new application, perhaps you could try the Police Force you originally applied to, explaining the situation, and ask if it is possible to order a duplicate of the original? Since you have already been processed I hope it might just be a case of someone pressing a button and then they could send it to you immediately!

Good luck!

CandaceFemaleEngland2007-10-02 04:08:00
United KingdomWedding Photos
Beautiful photos - you looked stunning! Belated congrats =)
CandaceFemaleEngland2007-10-10 07:03:00