US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Does anybody know if the I-864, affidavit of support, I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust status, I-131 Advanced Parole Travel Permission, and the I-765 application for employment authorization has to be notarized ?????
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-24 18:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Just to double check with you guys. I just got off the phone with a civil surgeon receptionist, she was telling me that i have to have the full medical examination done for alfredo and i was like no, im looking at the I-485 now, it says If you are a K-1 fiance or K-2 dependent who had a medical examination within the past year, as required for the nonimmigant fance visa, you only need to submit a vaccination supplement not the entre medical report. You may include the vaccination supplement with your form I-485 and she was like well, you need to bring that paper that says that, and his medical examination that he had, and i was like he got it done in mexico, they dont let him keep that, thats what was in the manilla folder he had to give up when he crossed the boarder. That stuff is already sent where it needs to be.

AM i right? should i stick to my guns? shes trying to charge me 300 for a whole new medical examination, and im like no, i just need the supplement, and shes like ok, well its gna be 100 then. but you need to bring all the paperwork that you have showing that he doesnt need the medical examination, and you need to translate the supplement, and bring the directions for the I-485, and i was like ok, fine, thanks... CLICK!!!

What do you guys think?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-18 16:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Does anybody know where i can find an example of a birth cerificate translation? Maybe on this site? I have been looking but i havnt found anything. If not, how did y'all translate yours, like just on another piece of paper translte every little thing? or what? I just want everything to be how its supposed to be.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-11 10:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
For the I-864, it says persons you are sponsering for this affidavit, 1, because of alfredo, but it say if i am currently married to put a 1 in another box, (indicating 2 different people that i am supporting, 1 for alfredo (the person i am sponsering) and also for alfredo as my husband, what do you guys thing or suggest?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-09 21:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Also, for the form I-131, what class is alfredo in? I was looking in the directions, but it doesnt really give me a choice, and im assuming i should just put down K-1, Fiance visa, any body have any suggestions?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-09 21:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
The I-485 also asks if alfredo as searched/inspected by an immigration officer, ...... do i put no? I dont know in what context they are looking for. Alfredo didnt have any problems, he wasnt frisked or searched at all, so i guess i would put a no, right?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-09 20:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I am currently filling out the I-485, it asks for alfredo's current status, i was going to put 'legal', anybody else have any suggetions or ideas what i should put if that isnt correct?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-09 20:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
So just to clear things up, i dont have to get his vaccinations translated, right? Matt said no, but albert said maybe i should call to make sure. Just wanted to make sure. Also, can somebody point me in the direction of a good example of a birth certificate transation, maybe on this site? Please? Thanks, ill prolly be back with more question.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-09 19:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks so much taby and albert. Also, Buggy, i would suggest that she bring her vaccination records, so she can get it transcribed. she will need to have it for the AOS process, or she will have to get all the shots over again.... EXPENSIVE!!!!! since she will probably not have insurance right away when she enters. Plus, regardless, its an uncessary expense if she has already had the shots.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-03 13:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hi everyone, i have some questions about the AOS process that i am hoping that you guys will be able to help me out with so my husband alfredo can get his green card.

On the form I-485, the instructions in USCIS say that i need to attack a copy of fiance pettion approval notice, is that the letter that i got in the mail that reads "Dear petitioner: The state department's natinal visa center has recently received an approved -129F petition filed on behalf of your fiance. THis letter is to lt you know that within a week the petition will be forwarded to the appropriate visa-issuing post where your visa interview will take place." And then it lists my husbands name, the INS receipt number, the case number, and where the case will be processed at. Is that the letter that they want a copy of? If not, can anybody give me a clue as to what they want????

It also said that i have to include a form of I-94, that is the page in alfredo's passport right? I just need to copy it?

And also, they want me to submit the vaccination supplement, that means that it needs to be transcribed right? Do i have to translate it, or is that what the surgion general does? I really dont know what transcribed means, but a woman told me that that was what i had to do with alfredo's vaccination records that he brought from mexico. Has anybody done this? What do they do/what do i have to do?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-02 22:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hi everyone, i have some questions about the AOS process that i am hoping that you guys will be able to help me out with so my husband alfredo can get his green card.

On the form I-485, the instructions in USCIS say that i need to attack a copy of fiance pettion approval notice, is that the letter that i got in the mail that reads "Dear petitioner: The state department's natinal visa center has recently received an approved -129F petition filed on behalf of your fiance. THis letter is to lt you know that within a week the petition will be forwarded to the appropriate visa-issuing post where your visa interview will take place." And then it lists my husbands name, the INS receipt number, the case number, and where the case will be processed at. Is that the letter that they want a copy of? If not, can anybody give me a clue as to what they want????

It also said that i have to include a form of I-94, that is the page in alfredo's passport right? I just need to copy it?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-02-02 21:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I put pics up on this site under the gallery if anyone wants to see them.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2009-01-09 12:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Alfredo just got of the phone with USCIS, and he talked to this girl and he explained everything. She then put him on the phone with i guess one of her bosses, and he explained everything to him, the guy said that the H2b visa is his permission to work. and that he shouldnt have any problems. If he has a 'problem' he just shows his h2b visa and he will be fine. So i am hoping everything will be fine. Alfredo is really excited that he can go back to working. He was feeling really bad that he couldnt 'provide', and that i was working every day, he was pouting and saying that he is the 1 that should be doing that. Now we both can :-D thanks for the help.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-22 14:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
i have a question for you, and its really important, i am thinking of calling USCIS and TRYING to get an answer out of them, although they are pains and always give me the 'i cant answer that' line,

Alfredo and i went to his job today, his landscaping job, and his boss says that (because his boss got alfredo another H2b visa EXTENSION, even though he knew we were doing the fiance visa) he says that alfredo is supposed to, and can legally, and in other words MUST work for him at that job. Alfredo is here on the fiance visa, but his job also got him an H2b visa EXTENSION, and his papers are current as far as the SS# and such, but i am afraid to let alfredo work and get caught, although i dont understand why he wouldnt be able to because he has VALID CURRENT info.

But here was the only part that scared me, (please tell me what you think about the situation, and alfredo working at his landscaping job before you consider this part that his boss told me).......... His boss said that he has until Jan. 5th to work for him (b/c that is when they reopen) and if he isnt back by then, he has until Jan.12th (b/c of the h2b visa, they let the men travel back to mexico to visit their families, and that is THEIR deadline, so that is why he gave us the second date) if alfredo is not back working with him Jan. 12th, his boss said that he legally has to report alfredo for not reporting to work, and that technically, he will be considered missing, and the gov. will be looking for him. I dont want alfredo to have problems with that either. I think with everything that his boss is saying, that it would be legal to work for him because alfredo is in the U.S on the fiance visa, but his work just extended the H2b visa, and he doesnt have to 'enter' on it inorder for it to be extended, they just give him an I-797 notice of action of the extension of the visa.

I am kind of caught between two problems. Let alfredo work with the extension of his visa, so he avoids problems with being reported by his boss for not showing up and making money during the fiance visa process on valid SS# and info............or..................Dont let him work, and have alfredo get reported by his boss for not showing up to work and pretty much be a MMIA, a (missing mexican in action) haha.

Please let me know what you think,... anybody.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-22 13:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks every1. I have a quick question. Usually, the fiance visa applicants, once they get here, cannot work until they get permision sent to them b/c they need a social security number and everything to be able to work. HOWEVER, alfredo has been here for the last 3 years on h2b visas, and he already has a legal, valid social security number, even though it is for work only, can he use that until we get the fiance permission to work?

Has anybody heard of a case like this or read anything about it? I have been looking but i cant find anything like this, and i dont want to do something that might jepardize our chance of AOS later on.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-21 14:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Hey guys, this is what they asked of alfredo, i will be posting alfredo's experience soon.

I know have the folder i gave alfredo to take with him to mexico. This is a list of all the stuff that was required.

1) Alfredo's invitation letter
2) My I-134, along with my moms and my step dads
3) DS-156 filled out, NOT SIGNED (2 copies)
4) DS-156K filled out, NOT SIGNED (2 copies)
5) DS-157 filled out, (2 copies)
6) CDJ-402 filled out, NOT SIGNED (2 copies)
7) Alfredo's passport pictures

8) Proof of relationship
consisting of 57 pictures, a used calling card, the original of a envelope alfredo sent me stuff in, my E-ticket, a copy of alfredo's truck insurance bill with his address on it (to establish he lives with my parents), 3 rent receipts (showing he lives with my parents), and a copy of my check that i used to help him pay for his insurance, a letter from his mother in mexico (saying that she has met me, and likes me, and that I'm a good woman, and thinks i would make a good wife for alfredo)
9) Alfredo's birth certificate, original AND copy
10) I-797C Notice of action (Original AND copy)
11) My intent to marry letter (2 copies)
12) Alfredo's passport
13) Alfredo's police report
14) Banomex receipt

Of all the stuff that was 'required', they only took (or wanted to see) the bolded and highlighted stuff. They didnt even want to see the rest of the stuff that we had, They DID look at our proof of relationship, which is something that in previous fiance cases i hadn't heard of, but they did with us.

Also, alfredo was number 5,110 just for the fiance visa section, b/c there are different sections in the new consulate where people applying for different visas have to go, well just from the fiance visa, there were that many people there, that might be why it took him 12 hours to actually get his visa.

They did not want to even look at alfredo's letters from his jobs here, saying that he has worked here, and how much money he makes , and they didnt want my parents I-134s even though i dont make enough money to support alfredo by myself, they didnt seem to care, they lookd at the paper and said it was fine.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-20 15:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I will have to see how much it costs to call, but i know its not alot because it charges the same in the U.S as it does in mexico, and if it costed too much, no1 would have them, and i know all the mexicans i know have 'go' phones, they are easy to keep up with, there is no contract, and you pay for what you use! i will ask alfredo, or even look online for you so you can decide if you want to buy them for your inlaws.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-19 17:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
alfredo has a 'go' phone, and it worked in mexico. It didnt charge extra to send or recieve text messages and calling didnt cost extra either. it costs the same here as it does there, plus, you can load money on the phone without physically having the phone with you, like when alfredo was in mexico, he needed more money on his phone, so i loaded $15 onto his phone, and they send you a free text message letting know your updated account balance. It worked in juarez, but also in alfredo's home town, which is like the center of mexico in the mountains.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-19 14:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks guys. Although everything seems fine now, i would NEVER do any of this again if i had a choice haha. Alfredo's flight has been delayed by like 3 hours, so he is sitting in san antonio texas, and was originally supposed to arrive home at 4:20, he is now going to be here by 7;20, that is unless they delay it even more. :undecided: but he is on his way home and that is the most important stuff. I cant wait to find out how everything went for him, i want to know the nitty gritty! and i will deff. let you guys know everything.

P.S caity, alfredo was here on an H2b visa, he has seen snow before, but i still cant deny that he always gets excited when it starts.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-19 12:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
ok guys here is the scoop....

I finally got a hold of alfredo at 10pm last night. 10 PM!!!!! after i heard that he was ok, both me and his brother started cursing at him, telling him how irresponcible he is for not turning his phone on, or not contacting anybody because everyone has been calling him. Mi cunado, mi suegra, my cundada, todos!!!!

Alfredo got there before 8am to be a little early, and they didnt let him out of the building until 12 hours later!!!!! 8PM IS WHEN THEY LET HIM OUT!!!

but after i bout pulled my hair out with worry, he said 'ya me la dieron' HE GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE IS ON A PLANE BACK HOME RIGHT NOW!!!! Although we are having crappy weather here and he should be delayed, i should be seeing him around 5:30, he hasnt told me any details yet about what happened, but i can tell you that im sure he has some interesting things to say, considering i have never heard of a fiance visa lasting 12 hours.

I will submit the details when i get a chance to sit down and talk to him.

caity, looks like our future hubbies are going to be seeing us today, wow. who woulda thunkit right? And alfredo and are going to shoot for Jan. 4th, wow, are dates are pretty close.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-19 09:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
yah, i know, i wasnt going to buy the ticket until i know he is approved, and i have to buy him his ticket around my work schedule so that i can go pick him up.

Can anybody answer my question about the boarder office??? if thats the name of it, and if thats where alfredo needs to turn in his packet of papers. Please? All i know is that alfredo has to turn those papers in at his point of entry so that he gets his I-94 stamped in his visa or w/e, im assuming that they are going to give him more information when they give him the packet. They cant just shove some papers at him, and not explain to him what he needs to do with them, right?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-18 14:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
today, when they approve him wink.gif , he will be given a packet of papers in a manilla folder that he cant open. He has to turn that in when he goes to cross the boarder so that he can get his I-94 stamped into his visa or w/e, i want to know what time they are open in the morning, and until what time at night.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-18 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
As far as i know, they are only an hour behind, but its making me mad that they take so long. I have work at 5:30 here, so if alfredo cant get ahold of me before then, then hes gna have to spend another day in juarez because im not going to be able to buy his plane ticket until i get home from work.

Does anybody know what time that office where alfredo has to turn in his Packet of papers that he gets (that contain the I-129, and all the other paperwork that we have sent in so far) opens in the morning? Just asking because if they are open 24-7 then i wont hesitate to buy him a ticket that leaves at like 7:15am, i just want to make sure that he has enough time to turn those papers in and get his I-94 and everything done so he doesnt miss his flight.

Im not going to buy him a plane ticket until i know he is approved.

Knowing alfredo hes going to completely forget to text or call me. Like yesterday, i texted him, and when he didnt send me anything for like 2 hrs, i called him, and he was like ohh i got ur text, and i was like WHY DIDNT YOU SEND ME ANYTHING BACK??? UR IN A DANGEROUS PART IN MEXICO, IM WORRIED AND WHEN YOU IGNORE ME, U MAKE ME WORRY MORE AND PISS ME OFF!!!! (but at the same time, if i ignore him, he gets mad!!! mad.gif ) Im just ranting because im mad, and nervous and anxious at the same time. I just want him to get approved so that i can yell at him in person, instead of over the phone. whistling.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-18 14:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
im def. getting the fidgets, i cant sit, im wondering around the house, i keep looking at the clock, ive already called him twice, and got his answering machine, which means hes not back to his aunts house yet.

DAMNNNIT, why cant they speed it up??? Im about losing it waiting on the news. The applicants usually get their results at 11:45-2pm, if they get in there at 8. So it is now 12:30 there, so im starting to get antsy and anxious. It sucks having to wait for these kind of answers.

How long do they usually take????!!!!! wacko.gif crying.gif blink.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-18 13:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I think both the new and the old are still open, although the old 1 is next to the old consulate, that is no longer open, so i doubt many people go to that one if it is still open. Alfredo went to the new clinic because it is right next to the new consulate, so it is more convenient.

Ok, so i talked to alfredo yesterday and he said that he went back for his results and he had them in hand. in a sobre he said, so all sounds well. He told me he would be going for his consular interview today, but that he wouldnt be taking his cell phone with him today because hes not allowed?

I think maybe they tried to tell him he couldnt have that, and maybe take it, or tell him he had to pay for a locker, or something so he wasnt going to take it today. So when he sends me a message today, either ill be back on the site crying, or ill be back on here, with a responce that will change my life forever.

Today is the day of truth. I reallllly hope he gets the visa. If he doesnt, i dont know what im going to do. crying.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-18 10:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I wish you and your wife the best! good.gif I hope alfredo gets approved tmrw!!!
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-17 14:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
OK, here is the scoop. Alfredo arrived in juarez, and called his aunt emilia, she went and picked him up, and insisted that he stay with her while he was in juarez. (free room and board, and its with family so you cant beat that right?)
They also said that they would drive him to and from all the appts. and anything that he needed to do while he was there.

Alfredo went to his appt. this morning, and sent me a text message at 6:20 am, their time and told me that he was in the line for his doctors appt. and by 8:30am their time, he was out and said that they told him to go pick up his results by 2pm.

He was all happy because he was like they said i could do my consular appt. today too as soon as they give me my results, and i was like NOOO u cant, for fiance visas it says on the invitation letter that it is an open appt. but that he has to go from 8-11am ANY working day. Just because it is an open appt. doesnt mean that there isnt a certain time that they do those visas.

Why would the nurse tell him that? I just want alfredo to do what it says he is supposed to do on the paperwork so he doesnt waste his time and so something bad doesnt happen.

The letter specicially says ' Please notice that from the date of the recept of this letter the beneficiary of the application has an open appointment at this office any working day from 8:00am to 10:00am, except for mexican and american holidays and immigrant visas; adninistrative days (last friday of each month)'

So maybe she just didnt know right? maybe she just didnt know specifically that he was doing a fiance visa, so she just told him that?
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-17 10:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I just talked to alfredo via txt message, he said his cell phone battery died, thats why i couldnt get ahold of him, (i called him like 5 times last night, and like 7 times today), i was starting to get worried, but he said he is fine, and that he should be in juarez by 4:30, his mom called me last night from mexico to ask what time alfredo should be arriving in juarez because she has family there, and she wants to give them a definate time so that maybe they can go pick alfredo up from the bus station and take him to the hotel, so we will see how that goes.

Alfredo also wants to know if im going to make the reservations for Holiday inn express Las misiones, but i told him that i wanted to make sure that he could find it first, because i dont want him to be lazy, and be like well, this hotel looks fine, and go to a different 1 and have me lose my money.

I told him that he should find holiday inn express las misiones, and just pay for it out of his pocket because he has enough money to do so. I can extend his reservation online if need be later. I really want him to go to the holiday inn express las misiones because they have free breakfast and a free shuttle and they are close to the new consulate.

I hate having to be at work when alfredo is actually arriving in juarez. It would be so much easier if i could just wait for him to text me and let me know that he found the hotel, i could jump on the computer, and make him a reservation as he is walking through the doors of the hotel, so that everything is ready and less expensive.

I told alfredo that because he is probably going to be getting to the hotel around 5pm today, if not later, he should just descansar y preparar for his doctors appt tmrw.

Im sooo nervous, i hope he arrives ok, and i cannot belive that he is finally having his doctors appt tmrw. I hope everything goes ok, and that he can get his results the same day, and that there are no delays because of the approaching holidays.

Everybody PLEASE wish us luck and pray helpsmilie.gif that we get approved and in and out of juarez ASAP so that i can unrap the best present ever this christmas whistling.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-16 13:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Ok guys, this is the newest news, hot off the press.... or cell phone, whichever u prefer

Alfredo was in a rush everytime i talked to him, i guess i would be too, but he went to the bank in his home town and got the money out and closed the count without any problems to my knowledge.

He also told me that he was going to take the bus from Toluca to Juarez, but that something happened??? and that he was going to have to try to make it to the 3 o'clock bus in mexico city.

I just got off the phone with him and he said that he was waiting at the bus station in mexico city waiting to get the 3 o'clock bus to juarez, so all sounds fine so far, besides the fact that we are a couple of days behind, i would rather be behind than have something worse happen.

With the way i see it, alfredo should be in juarez (from mexico city) in 18 hrs, so he should get there around 9 am tuesday morning, by the time he gets to the hotel and stuff, it will probably be too late to go to the medical appt., so he will just be getting situated and organized tmrw when he arrives in juarez, and i would expect his doctors appt. to go down on wednesday.

Will let you guys know of any changes or updates. I have to get ready for work and go to the store on the way to buy alfredo more minutes on his phone so we can keep in touch. (who woulda known that a pay as you go phone woulda worked in mexico without any crazy charges)
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-15 16:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks for your replys guys, it really helps. I thought that it would be fine to withdraw the money too, but i didnt want alfredo to take the $200+ dollar bus trip to juarez, and try to withdraw the money, and not be able to, and have to waste another 200 dollars to go back to his home town to do it. I will tell alfredo tmrw what every1 is saying, although, it will be sunday by then, and he will probably just tell me, that 1 more day wouldnt hurt just to be on the safe side and get the money out of the banamex in his home town. Ohh well haha we will see wacko.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-13 23:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Ok everybody, i need some experience and advice rush delivered!!!

So far, alfredo got just about everything done in his home town. He got the police report, and all the papers that he needs, soo he is ready to leave, EXCEPT the banks were closed yesterday because of the virgencita, so he couldnt withdraw his 1,000 dollars from the bank that he planned on using for juarez. His bank in mexico is a banamex, so i told him to just get on the next bus, so that he can get to juarez before the week starts, and take out his money there in juarez.

He thought it was a good idea, but he is going to be taking all of the money he has in the account out, AKA, closing the account, normally, in the U.S that would be fine, as long as you are using the same bank branch that you have your account with, but we dont want any complications and have alfredo have to go back to his home town to withdraw the money because he couldnt do it in juarez.

Has anybodys hubbies or jefas taken out money from their bank chain, but in a different pueblito? Were their any problems?

Our options are as follows to sum everything up.... 1) Stay in his home town until Monday, which is when he can get the money withdrawn and close his account, and get on the bus by 3 pm the same day, and arrive around 10 am tuesday (thus causing him to wait till wednesday to go to his doctors appt.) OR 2) Leave his town (as soon as you guys tell me that withdrawing the money wont be a problem), and be in juarez in time to have his doctors appt. this Monday.

Its not HORRIBLE if you guys recommend that alfredo waits in his home town, because i would rather be safe than sorry, but keep in mind that im trying to have mi flaquito home for the holidays. Who else is gonna keep his skinny butt warm? whistling.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-13 16:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Alfredo actually depending on when he gets to juarez, and how long the bus ride REALLY takes, he might have his doctors appt. this coming monday, and his consulate appt. this tuesday, but if not, everything will just be pushed back a day, not really that big of a deal. Alfredo is going to try to stay at the holiday inn express las misiones because it is really close to the consulate, and it has been reported that they have free breakfast and shuttle you to and from the consulate for free. I hope everything goes well for everyone, including myself good.gif , we need to keep eachother updated, and lively up the forum a bit. it definately has been very dead.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-12 11:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I took alfredo to the philly airport today so he could get everything done in time for his fiance visa appt. in juarez. It was SOOOOO hard just letting him go.

ALOT of mexican workers the alfredo and i know think that we are stupid for risking him not being able to come back if the fiance visa doesnt turn out well. And honestly i cried like a big baby the whole way home and stayed in bed for 4 hours after i dropped him off just hoping and wishing that everything goes ok.

Alfredo kept telling me ' just tell me you dont want me to go, and i wont', well the truth is, i didnt want him to go, but if he doesnt go, he wont get the visa... so were just gna have to risk it.

Last time i got a text message from him he was in Houston, Texas and he said it was snowing really hard. He said he would let me know when he got to his home town.

Ill be posting just about everything that happens with me and alfredo as far as the process before hand, during and after so hopefully it will help someone else out in the future.

to top it all off, when i finally got out of bed today, my 2 year old sister points towards me and alfredo's bedroom and says "Day do?" (its alfredo in baby lingo), i just about broke down again, she is already looking for him, and he has only been gone for 10 hrs. It sucks that all this had to happen on the same day that i have a final. Well off to study... if i can. crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-11 15:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
on the other forum im a part of they said that there is a new clinica right next to the new consulate, and also that the Holiday Inn Express is about a block away from the new consulate. (thats where alfredo is going to stay), so i think everything is nice and close and convenient.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-02 10:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
K, sounds good, thanks, i told alfredo to take the whole folder i prepared for him to the doctors appt. and to the consulate, that way if they ask for something, he can show it to them. Better safe than sorry. star_smile.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-01 12:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Thanks, yah, i told alfredo to not let the consulate keep his original birth certificate or mine. As for our fiances having interviews at the same time, who knows, maybe they will run into eachother down there, (not knowing who the other is), it could happen.

Im soooo glad the paperwork is done kicking.gif , but im sure im just getting started because AOS doesnt sound that easy either. wacko.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-12-01 08:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
OK GUYS THIS IS IT!!! This is my final ciudad juarez list of stuff i have in a folder with a billion pockets. Let me know if anything is missing.......

1) Alfredo's invitation letter
2) My I-134, along with my moms and my step dads
3) DS-156 filled out, NOT SIGNED (2 copies)
4) DS-156K filled out, NOT SIGNED (2 copies)
5) DS-157 filled out, (2 copies)
6) CDJ-402 filled out, NOT SIGNED (2 copies)
7) Alfredo's passport pictures
8) Proof of relationship consisting of 57 pictures, a used calling card, the original of a envelope alfredo sent me stuff in, my E-ticket, a copy of alfredo's truck insurance bill with his address on it (to establish he lives with my parents), 3 rent receipts (showing he lives with my parents), and a copy of my check that i used to help him pay for his insurance, a letter from his mother in mexico (saying that she has met me, and likes me, and that I'm a good woman, and thinks i would make a good wife for alfredo)
9) Alfredo's birth certificate, original AND copy
10) I-797C Notice of action (Original AND copy)
11) My intent to marry letter (2 copies)
12) Alfredo's passport
13) Alfredo's police report
14) Banomex receipt

Its come down to this, let me know if everything looks good. blush.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-11-30 17:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Buggy im sure everything will work out for you. Ciudad juarez didnt even bother sending alfredo his fiance packet and invitation letter, or anything, they sent it to me, TWICE, but thank got hes here on an h2b visa everything worked out. Im sure everything will be fine even if ciudad juarez does kinda do things backwards.
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-11-19 19:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Ok, thanks, i can make copies of 1 of the e-tickets i still have (the 1 where i spent 2 months in mexico), and try to take some more pics but its hard to take pics everywhere we go. I also have a copy of his truck title which is in my name, i think that might be able to prove relationship too as well as financial support. The thing is we didnt mail eachother anything except for that one time and as far as email, hes poor in mexico, he doesnt have a computer and he doesnt have an email, so we didnt do that. The main thing i did was call him ALL THE TIME. Do you think maybe a cell phone bill with his cell number on it would be ok?

Also, I spent 2 months in mexico over the summer and i was there last christmas too, i just included the pictures of me and him together, do you guys think i should include pics of mexico or of his family because i have a bunch of that stuff to, i just wasnt planning on including it because it didnt have US TOGETHER in the pictures. What do you think? unsure.gif
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-11-19 08:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
I gota quick question for all those who have already completed the ciudad juarez interview, I have approximately 31 pictures of me and alfredo, plus the original envelope that he sent me a letter in, and 1 of the billions of calling cards that i used to talk to him in mexico. I also have a copy of a check that i used to pay for alfredo's car insurance, and also a copy of his insurance bill that shows that he is living with my mom. What do you guys think about this proof of relationship? is it ok? or sufficient? or do i need more? If so, more of what specifically?

I spent 2 months in mexico over the summer and i was there last christmas too, i just included the pictures of me and him together, do you guys think i should include pics of mexico or anything ot prove that i was there? Alfredo is going to be going to mexico the 12th or 13th of december so im starting to stress and double check everything.

Let me know what you guys think!!! THANKS
GueraKristinaFemaleMexico2008-11-17 19:35:00