Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionthe 90 day notice might have been sent to previous address
QUOTE (Arazia @ Apr 10 2009, 12:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (venusfire503 @ Apr 10 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I heard that CSC doesn't send them, but we're going to send to VSC, which does. I just want to make sure there's no personal information in the letter (ss#, A#, whatever) that could cause problems if someone else got the letter.



I got a reminder notice from CSC.
So it's not just VSC sending them.

Well, what kind of information is in the reminder notice? Any kind of personal information that we wouldn't want total strangers to have?

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-10 11:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionthe 90 day notice might have been sent to previous address
QUOTE (Haole @ Apr 10 2009, 11:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (venusfire503 @ Apr 10 2009, 04:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was just reading that VSC sends a reminder about filing for removing conditions. We moved over a year ago, so it's past the time the post office will forward our mail. We also sent the change of address to immigration, but I think I remembered reading somewhere that sending the form doesn't always update all the records. We haven't received any notice that our 90 days window is starting soon. Not a problem, since we're already preparing to send everything. My only concern is, if there was a notice sent to our old address, is there any information in the notice that might cause a problem? I would hope there is no social security number or anything in there.... but now I'm wondering.

Is there a note on the envelope to return them to USCIS? Then again, if there's a substitute mailman that day, things don't always get returned (or forwarded, for that matter).

If anyone has received one of these notices, please tell me what kind of personal information is on them, other than the name and address.

Thank you!


I never got such a letter or know anyone that did. Just sent in the petition in the correct timeframe.

I heard that CSC doesn't send them, but we're going to send to VSC, which does. I just want to make sure there's no personal information in the letter (ss#, A#, whatever) that could cause problems if someone else got the letter.


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-10 10:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionthe 90 day notice might have been sent to previous address
I was just reading that VSC sends a reminder about filing for removing conditions. We moved over a year ago, so it's past the time the post office will forward our mail. We also sent the change of address to immigration, but I think I remembered reading somewhere that sending the form doesn't always update all the records. We haven't received any notice that our 90 days window is starting soon. Not a problem, since we're already preparing to send everything. My only concern is, if there was a notice sent to our old address, is there any information in the notice that might cause a problem? I would hope there is no social security number or anything in there.... but now I'm wondering.

Is there a note on the envelope to return them to USCIS? Then again, if there's a substitute mailman that day, things don't always get returned (or forwarded, for that matter).

If anyone has received one of these notices, please tell me what kind of personal information is on them, other than the name and address.

Thank you!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-10 09:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTax on MFS
QUOTE (Bituin @ Apr 13 2009, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Married filing separately should not be a problem and some people do that and they get approved.You should be fine. =)

I imagine they have the same address on their separate returns? That's probably the important thing.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-13 18:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhat does a divorce decree contain?
QUOTE (CResidentfl @ Apr 15 2009, 01:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been married for over one year but my marriage didn't go well because of my wife irresponsibility and disrespect. While I was working day and night she was cheating on me and the result - child that is not mine the biggest shock for me 10 months after we got married. We did DNA and the kid is not mine. I left her 5 months ago we didn't file our taxes together this year because we both didn't want. We did it last year and that's it. I am so stressed my green card expires in april 2010 and I want to divorce before it is time to file I751 it is not my fault I didn't wanna file my taxes with her cause anyway we don't live together anymore. I wanna show that this child is the reason for my divorce -the full truth and even if I had filed jointly with her it will look fake after our separation caused by this child. I have never seen a divorce decree and I don't know if it's gonna say who has the fault for that divorce. She is 100% guilty. I want to prove that I had no fault for the dissolution of this marriage before USCIS and the biggest evidence is this child. mad.gif Got a beautiful but stupid wife....

Do you have a copy of the DNA report that shows the child is not yours? I would think that could help prove that you didn't leave the marriage without cause, which (at least in my mind) would make it more believable that you "entered into the marriage in good faith". Either way, I can't imagine having that document would hurt your case.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-15 17:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751: VJ I-751 Vocubulary Game
I love this idea! Anything to make this seem a little faster and a little less drab...

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-15 14:53:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSex Offender Applying for K1
QUOTE (warpedbored @ Dec 16 2008, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I remember being 18 and having a 17 yr old girlfriend. I am not entirely without sympathy to your plight. On the other hand if the AWA prevents one child from being molested then I am in favor. A few years ago a man in New Hampshire named Harold Baird petitioned for a woman and her five year old daughter in China. Unknown to the woman the man was a convicted child molester. A few months after she arrived in the US she caught her husband molesting her daughter. He is back in prison now. Her and her daughter had a very rough time of it, living in womens shelters and having to pull herself up by her own boot straps. From just this one case I can see a need to prevent this from happening again. One can say "I'm not putting this woman in danger, she doesn't even have children". The couple could have children of their own later on. Child molesters have a high recidivism rate and are unlikely to be cured of their mental illness. Perhaps the law needs some tweaking but I still think it is better than no laws at all.

I still say there is a BIG difference between two young people having consensual sex and someone doing things to an unwilling person (ESPECIALLY an unwilling child; especially the larger the age difference, when the abuser has a position of authority over the victim, etc). I really think there should be separate categories for the two separate types of situations.

Just in case anyone is thinking I'm trying to defend myself, I was never on either end of an underage relationship.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-12-17 17:23:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSex Offender Applying for K1
QUOTE (cindishah @ Nov 15 2008, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats why they call it Jail Bait..where do we draw the line??

If you mean "under the age of consent" when you say "jail bait", then the answer varies by state. I googled it, and according to a chart ( dated 2001 (I believe near the time of the OP's offense) the ages ranged from 14 to 18 depending on where you live. To further complicate things, it sometimes depended on whether or not the parents consented. Oh, and also whether it was male/female, male/male, or female/female. What all of that means is, the line is drawn at different places for different people. The majority of states did not list 18 as the age of consent (only 15 did). If the OP had lived in any of the 28 states that listed age 16 or younger, he'd have been in the clear.

Also, my other point was, since Adam Walsh was not in effect at that time, the OP could not have known that his offense would, years later, possibly prevent him from petitioning for his fiancee to enter the country.

I know it's a little ridiculous as an example, but what if the laws changed so that anyone caught drinking underage would be prevented from petitioning for a fiance(e)/spouse? They could claim that underage drinkers are more likely to become violent drunks, and they want to protect people from that, too. (no, I was never caught, my love is already here, I don't drink now, and I'm not an alcoholic, in case anyone was thinking of asking)

I'm just saying that having laws change, but affecting people who broke them years before they were in effect, isn't really fair. I don't see a problem with USCIS making sure the fiancee is aware of the offense, so she can make her own informed decision (she's an adult). But keeping him from applying just like the rest of us is a different story.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-16 13:17:00
IMBRA Special TopicsSex Offender Applying for K1
QUOTE (SterlingGirl @ Oct 2 2008, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MrsRowe @ Aug 4 2008, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I understand that this may not be the most popular take but i have to say this. As a victim of sexual assault, i say denial of immigration benefits is absolutely fair. Each case should be handled carefully though and treated on a case by case basis. This might be a minor case to the person convicted of this problem but you should wonder if it is indeed minor to the other person. A 19 year old having sex with a 16 year old seems wrong to me. IF you do not see it as wrong, then maybe you are not rehabilitated. This may seem harsh to you but that is how i feel as a victim of sexual assault.

Thank you.

I sympathize with those who have been sexually harassed, molested, or assaulted. Unfortunately, I've had some of that myself in the past. However, I don't think it's fair to group CONSENSUAL sex in with crimes that are FORCED upon others (and not JUST minors). I don't think it's unusual for a 19 year old to think it's ok (morally AND legally) to have sex with a willing 16 year old (especially during an ongoing relationship). The laws are different in each state (and change over time), and I'm not sure the OP even knew he was breaking the law back then. No one knows ALL of the laws, and many have incorrect information due to mistaken "common knowledge". I understand why he doesn't think what happened years ago should affect his life now. Honestly, I know I did things at 18 - 20 that I thank God don't affect me now. I'm sure most of the people here can say the same. At my age now, it's easy to look back and think how stupid I was to drink when I was under 21. But I also remember that AT THAT TIME, it didn't seem like there was really anything wrong with it. Most 19 year olds are still, in some ways, children (hence the drinking laws - no offense to any 19 year olds reading this). We all mature over time. Had I been caught when I was young, I would have 'paid the price', learned my lesson, and then moved on with my life. The OP is concerned he might not get that luxury.

Maybe a 19 year old having sex with a 16 year old seems wrong to you, but from what I'm hearing, it's only illegal in certain states (and during certain time periods in history).

Also, remember that the Adam Walsh law was not in effect at the time he was 19. So it seems like retroactive punishment in this case.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-15 13:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaShould petitioner be at interview in Nicaragua?
I suggest posting in the regional forum so that more people from Nicuaragua will see it.

Good luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2012-01-03 20:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBeing real about marriage!!!
QUOTE (ogele @ Dec 23 2007, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here is a summary of my argument using an anecdote:dating online is equivalent to lending to a very very very very not so credit worthy borrower.However,in the midst of these scammers are a few decent fellows.Desirous to leave their home countries?Yes!Capable of actually falling in love with their foreign spouses?ABSOLUTELY!The risk you bear is in taking the chance of which “borrower” lands in your net,and what you do after that.I am sorry if I speak in parables,but this is how we African men put our truth out for consumption.The truth is,I want all of you with genuinely good hearts and intentions to find true happiness.No decent human deserves any less.Stay focused,enjoy the moment and yes, TRUST.
Finally,just like Besangin and others have noted,do not invest more than you are willing to lose in your relationship.But do not hold back that which is reasonable to make your dreams come true.Sorry,I have no formula here, as you alone can do that delicate balancing.I think that if many other African men would be willing to post here,the benefits would be immeasurable.Goodluck to each and everyone of you on their various journeys.

As a USC (married to a man from Africa), I prefer to think of online dating as more like lending to someone without a credit history, not so much someone "very very very very not so credit worthy". People gave me all kinds of scary things to think about before I even went over there, and I made sure to keep them all in the back of my mind. But I didn't expect anything bad based on what I knew of him, and I'm very happy to say that he's really wonderful.

I also want to address another thing you mentioned, and I am so happy you did. Most people seem to think that just because someone would like to leave their country, that they can't possibly actually love the person they meet from another country. I see nothing wrong with looking outside your country for a spouse, as long as you marry out of love. People here look for specific things all of the time. If you want a man with a good job, you're not going to hang out at the unemployment office! Not saying everyone is as obvious as that, but we all have our guidelines. Some people who criticize non-USC men and women for looking for USC spouses might want to remember that some USC men and women also purposely look outside this country for their spouses - and sometimes even pay to do so! I know friend of my father got what is referred to as a 'mail order bride'. And let's not forget how people within a country sometimes marry for the wrong reasons. I know the potential for fraud (at least theoretically) is higher when there's a difference in living standards between two countries, but it gets irritating when people assume that any USC (especially a woman) who marries someone from somewhere else - especially from a less affluent country - is automatically being duped and that the 'alien' (who came up with that?) is automatically a scammer. You should see the look of surprise when some people find out he has his 'green card' and hasn't left me.

By the way, just to mention - I wasn't looking for a relationship when I met my SO. I just wanted something to do when the kids were sleeping and my ex was out at night (I wasn't able to move out until after the divorce was finalized), so I talked with different people on the computer at night. He wasn't expecting to find someone either. But we found each other, and we're very happy.

We're just sick of people acting like we have to justify ourselves to them. And their attitudes speak even louder than their mouths.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-01-13 11:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)we can't find a co-sponsor

hi everyone we filed I-130 in march after being denied at the embassy in january 2010 and our I-130 took 195 days to get approved now we are stuck at NVC because we can't find a co-sponsor we asked all the people we know and nothing all of you know how bad it is to be in this situation and we got to a dead end any ideas please

I hope you can figure it out. I couldn't imagine being away from my husband! We're actually going through some financial issues ourselves right now, and it's difficult. Can you get a second job? Do you have any assets? I remember (vaguely) something about using assets to make up for a low income. I hope you're close to what you need...

As far as the guidelines go, it really depends on where you live. You know better than anyone else how comfortable (or not) you are right now. There are costs involved with having another person move in, of course. Also, make sure to do research now to help him find a job once he gets here. Some people find it difficult to find a job once they get here, but others get one after just a few months.

I wish the two of you the best of luck, and a speedy reunion.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-10-25 16:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSucessful Moroccan Fiance stories?
QUOTE (babyeshell @ Jul 19 2008, 05:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was just wondering if I could speak with someone who has completed the fiance visa process in Morocco. Or at least got their visa.

Sure - PM me (I check a few times a week usually).

I sent in the paperwork late Sept. 2006, he was here before the end of the year. I was super-####### when doing the paperwork, which I think really helped. I know it often takes longer than 3 months, but we got lucky.

He's had his 'green card' just over a year now, too. The whole visa/GC process is frustrating, and seems like it takes forever, but it can be done!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-07-29 21:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiondivorce decree
QUOTE (venusfire503 @ Jul 2 2009, 07:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I went to the courthouse, there was a certified copy available, and then what they called an "exemplified" copy. I was told that the exemplified copy is what is needed for immigration purposes. One difference between the two is that the exemplified copy has a gold sticker on it. The first time I ordered one from the court house, they accidently sent me the certified copy (I didn't know the difference when I received it in the mail), and I ended up getting an RFE and having the send in the exemplified one to USCIS later.

If you already sent in your packet with a certified copy, just go get the exemplified copy to send in with your RFE.

Best of luck!


Oops - BIG goof... I was thinking of the marriage certificate for the AOS, not the divorce decree for the visa...

Sorry for the confusion... blush.gif

venusfire (very embarrassed....and apologetic)
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-07-03 08:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiondivorce decree
When I went to the courthouse, there was a certified copy available, and then what they called an "exemplified" copy. I was told that the exemplified copy is what is needed for immigration purposes. One difference between the two is that the exemplified copy has a gold sticker on it. The first time I ordered one from the court house, they accidently sent me the certified copy (I didn't know the difference when I received it in the mail), and I ended up getting an RFE and having the send in the exemplified one to USCIS later.

If you already sent in your packet with a certified copy, just go get the exemplified copy to send in with your RFE.

Best of luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-07-02 06:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhat is Going on With Moroccan Embassy

I so have to stop reading so much.. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to being granted a visa from Morocco or denied from Morocco. I read of people having enough proof and being denied and the other stories of "smooth sailing".. Our interview is soon and I am getting so nervous.. I keep going over everything again and again.. We talk about possible questions he will be asked every night.. I did not know about the Financial Support papers,but I have all that together and will be emailing them to him and sending 3 day air so he has originals (thank you to all who helped with my previous question).. I know I make enough, I've been to Morocco several times, I make enough money, enclosed letters from my family and have gone over everything so much I'm confusing myself.. I pray for the strength from God to keep from going crazy.. Sorry for the babbling, but after 2 years of being together and going through the 9 months of pulling everything together, I guess I'm nervous.. Any advice on how I can calm down? P.S. Thanks for listening everyone!

Ma Vie,

Yeah, you're probably reading too much. I've done the same. Just do your best to relax, as difficult as that is. My best advice is just to 'practice' the interview with him. Ask him questions not just so he can easily recite the answers, but also to help him be less nervous about it. I know there seems to be no rhyme or reason to approvals and denials, but from what I've heard, their 'performance' is a big factor. Not performance as in acting/lying, but performance as in how they present themselves. It's kind of like a job interview, in a way. My SO was questioned for a very long time by a nasty woman who sounded unconvinced, but he ended up getting the visa, and I think it was because he kept his cool (with no 'attitude') and just kept answering her - even when she repeated questions over and over.

Best of luck to him - I hope it works for you!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-01-22 19:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Exam
QUOTE (matchbox @ Aug 21 2008, 02:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

My fiance was supposed to take her medical exam this week but she had a period earlier. She now is done with her period this week, but now she got sick. She wasn't feeling well that she was coughing and had phlegm with blood. She started to get worried so she went to doctor to have a blood, urine and sputum test to check if theres any problem. Doctor tellls her just to eat helty, drink mineral water, drink vitamin C, and just stay helty and she will be fine. She probably got sick this week because of the rain and the weather changing, but today she is feeling much better, but still worried about the medical exam. She planned to take the medical exam next week (Aug.25-Aug.29) because she wanted to take it 2 weeks before the interview which is Sept.15. Is it advisable to have her take the medical exam next week when she got sick this week but she is now better? I'm just worried, I just hope she passes and there would be no problem for her as she hasn't been feeling well many times lately.

"Lord, may you give her strength, keep her healthy, and guide her to this journey at ease"


From what I know, unless she's sick from something serious like TB or HIV, there shouldn't be a problem. The main things they look for are those, and STDs. Even with TB, I think as long as it gets treated, it won't prevent a visa from being issued. I found this, which might help ease your mind:;page=medical

Best of luck!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-08-21 22:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhy We Seperated

So how did it end? Did your wife get her visa?

Actually, after reading more posts, I came across one he posted somewhere else that day. He said it was approved, and the visa should arrive within 20 days. Congratulations to them!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2011-12-30 22:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhy We Seperated
from his signature, it appears the visa was approved.... let's hope so!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2011-12-30 22:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionContinuous Residency
Is there any way to get an actual hard/paper copy of the M-476? It drives me insane trying to read 65 pages on a computer screen! If not, I guess I will have to make sure I'm stocked up on paper and ink for my printer.....
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-01 12:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFiled N-400 and now marriage is heading south
QUOTE (YankeeDoodle @ Oct 8 2008, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess I can stop worrying abt this issue for now and should start posting on other forums where there is advise for dads who are denied of the kids by their evil spouses :-)

Thanks guys, this forum is really helpful to a lot of people. keep up the good work.


If you are being denied visitation, or you think the kids' mother is trying to turn them against you, you really DO want to do something about that right away. I just read a book called "Divorce Poison" by Dr. Richard A. Warshak. It's not very expensive to buy if you can't find a copy at your local library. There was very good information in there. Best of luck!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-10 21:49:00
US Citizenship General Discussionevidence for N-400
QUOTE (NickD @ Oct 3 2009, 08:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For marriage, instructions clearly state, the last three years for IRS tax returns. Preferably joint returns, but married filling separately with a common IRS address for both of you should suffice as well. We just brought in our latest jointly owned goodies like vehicles and a house, certainly can't bring in proof who legally owns the toaster, latest joint insurance, bank accounts, and utility bills all showing joint coverage and ownership. No problems for us. Also anything legal like a drivers' license showing we are living in the same home, property tax bills, loans. Must have both names on it with a common address. Stuff like that.

A jointly made baby is very good evidence.


Yeah, I get the tax things - all years we've been married. When you say "our latest jointly owned goodies", "latest joint insurance, bank accounts, and utility bills", do you mean just the time after sending the I-751, or should I go back to the beginning with all of that? That was my real question, which I wasn't very clear about...(it's one of those days) I mean, I guess it wouldn't hurt to send our mortgage information in again, but what about bills and statements and stuff?

Do I just need to start where I left off with the ROC?

Sigh... I would LOVE to have a jointly made baby as evidence.... sad.gif

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-03 21:14:00
US Citizenship General Discussionevidence for N-400
I was just wondering if we need to send in evidence (bank accounts, etc) dating back since we got married, or just since we sent for our ROC, or what. I figure I'll send in all tax transcripts since we got married. I just didn't know if I needed to keep the old 'evidence' or not. I didn't see it specified in the Guides.


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-03 18:04:00
US Citizenship General Discussionoath ceremony
Thank you so much for all the information! I know it will be a while (a year or so?), but I'm getting excited anyway. I can't imagine how I'd be if I were the one getting citizenship!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-08 19:52:00
US Citizenship General Discussionoath ceremony
I was just wondering what the oath ceremony is like. Is it kind of like a graduation ceremony where family members can be there and take pictures/video, or is it a private thing only for those taking the oath?

I know I'm kind of jumping the gun on this. I do that sometimes... blush.gif

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-07 21:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS Passport
QUOTE (illnevergetthis @ Oct 11 2009, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I applied for my passport in August. I also did an expedite and paid for overnight service. I mailed it off USPS on Saturday afternoon and had the new one in my mailbox the following Friday at 10am. So, I had mine in less than a week. I got my old passport back the following week.

If only immigration could work this fast! wacko.gif


Just wondering - you mean you got your 'foreign' passport back the following week, or were you renewing an American passport?

Also, is a valid 'foreign' passport needed to get an American one, or can it be expired, or is just the certificate of naturalization necessary (no passport at all)?

Just wondering.


Edited by venusfire503, 11 October 2009 - 05:49 PM.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-11 17:48:00
US Citizenship General Discussioneffect of name change on spouse/legal docs (2 questions)
Ok, I was just curious - I heard that name changes at the time of naturalization are 'free'. But what if the husband is the one being naturalized, and makes changes to his 'last' name? Does/can his wife need to change hers too (if she took his original 'last' name), and does that happen then, or does it need to be done separately? We're thinking of adding a hyphen to his name since people tend to drop part of his name - I don't know if adding a hyphen would require an actual legal "name change" or not.

The reason (kind of OT) for adding the hyphen: Let's say my husband's name is Abdel El Ephant. He's often called "Abdel Ephant" - which was more of a problem at first, when we didn't know to say "look under Ephant if you can't find it" (and since his name isn't actually El E___, it's El H___, they don't ever happen to 'accidently' see it). We've gotten junk mail addressed to Abdel El, Ephant El, and of course Abdel Ephant. If we spell it without the space, we get Elephant instead of ElEphant. So we thought maybe El-Ephant would help clear up the confusion. I know it's not a big deal in the scheme of things, but it's getting old, having to 'fix' this all of the time.

Also, he's thinking of adding an American middle name. He's already been putting "A. Jim El Ephant" on his resume, job applications, etc. We really think it helped him finally get his job (if not, it's a big coincidence that as soon as he started using Jim, he got a job after MANY months of not a single call).

My second question is, with the addition of a middle name and/or hyphen, is it necessary to modify all our legal documents? We have the normal bank accounts, mortgage, car title, his driver license, Will, etc. Or is it easier (but still legal) to just leave his name exactly as it is (Abdel El Ephant) legally, and just use the Abdel Jim El-Ephant version anyway?

It's just funny - I used to wonder why some people from other countries varied their name sometimes instead of just picking a version and sticking with it. And now I'm doing the same! I'm Jane El Ephant, Jane El-Ephant, or even Jane ElEphant.


Edited by venusfire503, 17 October 2009 - 10:22 AM.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-17 10:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow much evidence did you send in?
QUOTE (lissa04 @ Oct 12 2009, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was wondering how much evidence do I need to send in for this N 400? On my removal of conditions I must have sent 200+ pages from the time we were married. Do they want proof of the last 3 years of marriage or since we have been married? What have some of you sent in?

Thanks for your help,



I can't seem to get an answer to this. I read through the Guides, but the part that isn't very clear is in the part "Documents referring to you and your spouse". It mentions "tax returns, bank accounts, leases, mortgages, or birth certificates of children" (then has "or" followed by mention of IRS certified copies of tax returns or tax transcripts for three years). If someone choses THAT OPTION, how far back and how many statements are needed for the bank accounts and leases? For example, do I just send our current mortgage, or is it necessary to also include the lease for before our home purchase? Do we just need bank account statements spanning over the past year, or since he got here?


Tax returns, bank accounts, leases, mortgages, or birth certificates of children, or Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-certified copies of the income tax forms that you both filed for the past three years, or An IRS tax return transcript for the last three years.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-12 10:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOath
QUOTE (Italian_in_NYC @ Nov 10 2009, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The visa is not valid.
Actually it hasn't been valid since the day they accepted your I-485.
The law says you must use a US passport to enter the US.
And most countries have similar laws for their citizens, including dual citizens.

Hmmm.... I didn't know that dual citizens might be required to use their non US passports to enter their home countries. How can I find out which countries require it? I tried googling, but I'm not using the right search words - I'm getting all kinds of weird stuff....

Thank you!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-11-10 23:16:00
US Citizenship General Discussiondual citizenship
QUOTE (Just Bob @ Oct 18 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dangerous advise, my friend, as every country handles this differently. If a German citizen were to follow your advise, for example, he would lose his citizenship for good despite the fact that Germany now allows dual citizenship. The require all of their citizens to submit an application of dual citizenship BEFORE becoming citizen of another country or bust.

The issue hasn't been challenged yet, but one signature on an up-and-coming bill can change that in a heartbeat.

Just Bob,

This might sound stupid, but .... how do we find out what any particular country requires to keep citizenship when naturalizing here? I tried googling, and got this link: http://www.800citize...Citizenship.htm which says a German citizen would lose citizenship there when naturalizing here - no mention of anything that can be done to retain it. I thought maybe you'd have better information. I just want to double check to see if my husband will need to do anything next year.

Also, what bill (theoretical one, or actual one being considered, I mean), and what change would be made? Just curious. I know - I should be more aware of what is going on in the world... blush.gif


Edited by venusfire503, 18 October 2009 - 10:15 PM.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-18 22:14:00
US Citizenship General Discussionquestion 15 about "good moral character"
QUOTE (NickD @ Dec 13 2009, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like you are mixing in crimes you were arrested or caught for with crimes that may have been committed you were not arrested or caught for. Quite a difference, but if you were arrested for any crime, you must answer yes and explain it. Those crimes that a person wasn't caught and arrested for, let's just leave that in a gray area. Certainly jaywalking or speeding is not a crime, more of a traffic violation, but even at that, if the fine was below 500 bucks with no injuries, you do not have to report it.


This is a thread because of curiosity, not because of any crimes or arrests. I'm a USC anyway.

The part at the beginning of that section specifically mentions that you need to answer yes if records do or did exist. I guess question 15 is to cover anything you got away with, or some other situation (I dunno - someone who turned themselves in, but then pleaded out?). So I'm asking the question about things that didn't result in an arrest, especially anything that wasn't discovered in the first place. But I'm also curious what crimes would result in a denial if the person admitted to them.

This is really odd, but this question came from watching a TV show (I know, I know...). In it, a guy has to chose between lying and letting someone get away with something, or telling the truth. Telling the truth would result in losing his citizenship, because it (of course - this was TV) required admitting to a crime he committed but got away with - and didn't admit to on his N-400.

Now that I'm looking at it again, what if you DO admit to something, no matter how minor, but weren't arrested? It says if you answered "yes", to complete the table, but the table is all about being arrested.

I know - I really should get back to getting things done here....

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-12-13 16:48:00
US Citizenship General Discussionquestion 15 about "good moral character"
Thank you for participating in this. I wasn't sure if anyone would take me seriously enough to answer.

Now I'm wondering what types of crimes would prevent someone from getting approved, then. Unless they had some reason to suspect you for something more, I can't imagine things like jaywalking, speeding, etc would give them enough of a reason. Apparently windsurfing without a jacket isn't a problem, either! Things like spying, smuggling, etc and other things that are obvious enough to most people as being wrong could result in a denial. I wonder two things then.

1 - What happens with "in the middle" sort of things? In other words, how 'bad' does the crime have to be to make a difference? I can't imagine someone getting denied for something like running a red light. Something like murder would be a definite denial, I imagine. What about something like... shop lifting, for example?

2 - What happens if a person is denied for this, or some other reason? Do they stay here as a forever LPR, are they deported, or are they eligible to apply again in the future? I imagine the answers depend on the reason for denial.

Not sure that anyone would want to post answers from personal experience, but.. you never know. Or maybe someone knows about someone else's case. I'm just curious what happens. An example: I remember someone mentioning the SO getting caught shoplifting, and was successful for ROC. I wonder if citizenship would be a problem in that case, though.

Has anyone tried answering as lucyrich mentioned? I wonder how that worked.


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-12-13 15:14:00
US Citizenship General Discussionquestion 15 about "good moral character"
I know this question will seem silly or whatever, but I still need to know...

On the N-400 form, under "Good Moral Character", there is a question:

15. Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not arrested?

What exactly do they mean? What is an "offense"? I imagine MOST people would have to answer "yes" to that question, if we're being honest - speeding would probably be the most common reason. There are all kinds of weird laws that people might not know about and that aren't enforced. And some we do know about, don't care, and make jokes about (you know - those sex related ones that people say things like "ooooooooh - this is illegal in some states). Does USCIS really care about those? Really, where do they "draw the line"?

Also, I didn't see a place to explain if someone does check off "yes". I would hate for my husband to run into all kinds of problems for checking off "yes" because he's gone above the speed limit but didn't get caught, for example.

Also wondering - if someone DID "get away" with something, does admitting to it on this form ever result in the person getting "turned in"?

Just want to add that my husband hasn't done anything "bad", so it's not like I'm asking if there's a way to help him get away with breaking the law or anything. The main thing is that we're both a little paranoid-ish, and I just want some clarification. I guess it's possible that someone could have their citizenship revoked in the future if someone really had it in for them, using something like speeding that wasn't mentioned on the N-400.

I hope I'm making sense. I'm really tired right now.


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-12-11 23:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMust I go to Social Security Office to update my status after I become a US Citizen?

Agree, I did it each time my status changed.


Sorry for the stupid question, but what do you mean by each time your status changed? Does this need to be done at each stage (AOS and ROC)?

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-01-20 09:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview is very near

I have my interview for my citizenship next tuesday 02/02/2010. I am getting really nervous. I have been studying my questions but I am still nervous.

Try to relax. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Good luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-01-29 15:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDouble check documents

The following are the contents of the package:

1.Form G-1145 Application/Petition Acceptance
2.Form N-400
3.Attachment to add to line 6B Employment
4.Attachment to add to Line 8G prior marriages US spouse
5.Photocopy of Naturalization Card
6.(2 each) Passport style photographs
7.Check for $675.00 N400 filing fee + biometrics
8.Spouses US Birth Certificate
9.Photocopy of spouses US passport
10.Copy of Marriage License
11.Evidence of prior spousal marriage termination
12.Copies of 3 years federal income tax returns
13.Copies of mortgages and taxes for two joint owned properties purchased since the marriage
14.Documents regarding several joint bank accounts

I think 13 and 14 actually aren't necessary. Does anyone else know for sure? I would like to find out - don't want to send things I don't have to, but also don't want to leave things out and get RFE. Are those things needed for the interview? Oh wait - maybe they're just not necessary if you send tax transcripts...?

Anyway, as far as I can tell, it looks like a good list.

Best of luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-04-18 19:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionApplying for Citizenship

Thank you all for your help.
I do have more question: If my husband was married before and I have acquiered my residency thanks to him. Do i have to send his divorce papers?

Yes, you do. My husband has to send my divorce decree for the same reason.

Best of luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-04-19 12:46:00
US Citizenship General Discussionanother question on tax transcripts

You can get an account transcripts with the amended tax info. Call the IRS and tell them that you amended your tax return for that specific year and that the additional info aren't captured in the transcripts you received. This happened to me and I was able to get a new transcripts with the amended tax info. Best of luck

Oh yeah - I forgot about that. Also, if you call them on the phone, they can often fax it to you within a day or two. I got some of my transcripts that way. Beats checking the mail box every day!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-04-19 13:05:00
US Citizenship General Discussionanother question on tax transcripts


I have finally received my tax transcripts from the IRS. For one tax year we filed an amendment to the tax return, which is not reflected in the transcript.... Will this be a problem with USCIS? Should I just write a short explanation along with it or add the amended return on top?
I'm sure they will really only need to see that we filed jointly...
Also: did you send them the whole tax transcript or just the cover page which shows joint filing?



As far as I know, the main purpose for the transcripts is to prove that you filed jointly, as you said. I would recommend sending the entire transcript, though - not sure cover page will do it.... We'll send the entire thing. I'm not sure how I'd handle the amended return issue, though. Writing an explanation might be the best idea.

Best of luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-04-19 12:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionProof of Marital Union

We did bring along our wedding album with us when we had our AOS, really at that time, didn't have much more. But for my wifes' USC interview, just legal documents, that's really all they wanted to see. If her IO wanted to meet me, was in the waiting room. But she didn't want to meet me, just see my papers is all.


Which legal documents?

Sorry - I posted a topic about this before I saw this one....

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-04-19 13:07:00