Middle East and North AfricaDear Spouses of Moroccans
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Oct 1 2008, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the difference is that you also went through the civil aspects of the marriage in Morocco. Some people only have a ceremony and do not complete the legal process for visa processing reasons. In your case, your marriage is already registered, your husband would need only to register that he lives in the US with the Moroccan consulate here. Hope that helps wink.gif

Why is there a need to register with the Moroccan consulate here? My husband never did....
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-01 12:30:00
Middle East and North Africawhat's wrong with getting married during the first trip?
I think there was some confusion about whether people were recommending not getting married the first trip for personal reasons, or for immigration reasons. Those are two totally different things. No one has a right to tell you what to do with your life. I think some people were just trying to warn you that it is more likely that your petition will be denied if you get married the first time you meet in person. Casa is a tough sell, even when you do things the way they prefer them to be done. It sounds to me from what I've been reading on these forums that more people get delayed or denied than get outright approvals. I know when we were going through the process, my sweetie met sooooooo many people who got the 221g. It made us a little nervous, to tell you the truth! Anyway, I'm kind of glad we knew so little when we applied for the K1, because there are so many reasons we might not have gotten approved. We considered getting married first, but the K1 seemed easier. And it was fast for us, too - he was here within three months of the day I mailed the petition! I've heard getting married in Morocco is a long, complicated process, too. If you want to do it, just make sure for your own convenience/sanity to find out as much as possible ahead of time, and do whatever paperwork you can right away. You don't want any problems whatever way you decide to proceed. If you decide to get married first, be prepared for possibly more of a battle. I wish you luck that it won't be (either way), and your journey is easy.

As many have said, no matter which way you decide to go, make sure to gather as much proof of a valid relationship as possible. Make sure to double check all of your paperwork. Lack of proof and lack of sufficient income are probably the two biggest reasons for delays and denials no matter which route you take or which country you're dealing with.

Good luck!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-02 21:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
QUOTE (Hoomsfuturewife @ Nov 17 2008, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ZaidsMommy @ Nov 17 2008, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alot of the "you know your married to an arab" crack me up. Do some of your hubbys really take 3 showers a day?? lol...I guess after Sofyan being here now for 3 years he has become quite americanized.

Well I thought my man was taking showers 3 times a day. But when he'd come out of the bathroom after an hour with dry hair I realized he was showering only every other day but washing his ### with the toilet hose for 45 long friggin minutes each time he did his business.


Hey, if someone is only going to wash one part, that should be the one! laughing.gif

Yes, my husband sometimes has showered 3 times a day. Not as much now that he's here, but he definitely did while still in Morocco. He's becoming a little Americanized, too!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-17 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Nov 17 2008, 06:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Platypus,you are correct about some things but it is kind of unkind to come on a board u arent involved in and be critical and voyeuristic.Why laugh at vulnerability? last time I checked, being in love with ANYONE can make you stupid

Why laugh at vulnerability? I'm sure there's some reason - just like the kids you knew in grade school who would tease others to make themselves feel better had their 'reasons'. Luckily, most of them (obviously not all) outgrow it once they finish puberty.

On a personal note, I know I haven't really talked to you, but I've read some of your posts. I want you to know that I think about you, and hope things get better for you soon. I can't imagine going through what you have/are and being able to still get up in the morning. I just wanted you to know that one more person out there cares, for what it's worth.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-17 09:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
QUOTE (Sheherazade @ Nov 16 2008, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I knew from the second I saw the title of this thread it was going to turn into a disaster...

Plenty of those things Platy said are true of plenty of people (HEY a generalization! like the reason this whole thread was made in the first place... to list generalizations!).

I'm the one who started this thread, and I've already said the purpose of this was to make people laugh. I guess I didn't realize it was going to "turn into a disaster" because I hope for the best from people. Stupid me.

Have you done research to see how many people those 'generalizations' actually apply to? And even if some of them really DO apply (who gets to decide how many is "plenty"?), was there really a reason to be nasty and call the USCs in the MENA couples "stupid" for pronouncing something wrong - especially in such a hard to pronounce language like Arabic? No one is perfect when learning something new. I can't believe that especially someone married or engaged to someone from another country would criticize someone for their attempts at speaking a new language. Although, maybe Platy doesn't know any other languages other than English. Americans are called stupid because most only know English, but when they try to speak another language, they're still stupid?? I don't
think people who are trying to learn English are stupid or sound stupid. What's wrong with trying to learn a new language anyway?

Other than that one, none of those generalizations apply to me. And I don't care if they apply to others. Why should I?
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-16 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
QUOTE (Jenn! @ Nov 16 2008, 01:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please stop the bickering, thanks.

This whole thread was created so that people could make generalizations. Not all generalizations are good.

YES, please stop the bickering. One thing that would be helpful is for everyone to just ignore those who are trying to piss people off. You're just encouraging them.

This thread was created so that we could make each other laugh - about the generalizations.

I'd really prefer only the 'good' generalizations, so that we CAN laugh. I'd be willing to bet that most, if not all, have had more #######/tears/irritation, etc. than we'd like.

I was hoping to spread a little joy.

P.S. nothing against hanging in there - I know she's been through alot
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-16 20:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaYou know you're in a MENA relationship when....
I thought it would be fun to do one of those "you know you're....when...." kind of things. I'll start with a few

You know you're in a MENA relationship when..... have recipes you can't read

...your kids start saying bismillah
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-15 11:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs the romance gone?
I guess I'm weird... I actually was relieved about the not-celebrating-holidays/birthdays thing. We're both very hit and miss about it, and I even worried at times it might 'bite us' if he gets called for a ROC interview (I heard they sometimes ask what gifts you bought each other). We went so far as to 'assign' certain gifts to certain occasions after the fact (um... ok, if they ask, the GPS we bought in November last year was really a Christmas present). Even that sort of went by the wayside. I think if he gets interviewed, we'll just tell them we decided not to do gifts for celebrations, we just buy each other what we want when we can (I've always liked that philosophy, even before I met him).

As far as buying things in general - we get more starry eyed over thoughtful gestures than things that cost money anyway. For example, my ex is trying to take full custody of my kids. When I got in the car to go to see my lawyer one morning, I found a note from my husband (who had worked overnight) on the steering wheel, encouraging me and reminding me just to say "bismillah" and things like that. It made me very teary eyed, and I was so happy about it. I made sure to mention it to him as soon as possible (after I was home and he woke up).

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-15 11:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's driving me crazy
I was chillin' in the house with my mother in law who speaks no English girlwerewolf2xn.gif eb0dfafc.gif I love my MIL and the rest of my new family sooooooo much but in all honesty, after about 3 days of nothing but arabic and having to ask what EVERYTHING meant if I wanted to be included in a conversation... I was about to lose my mind! I would have jumped at the chance to just have a chat with ANYBODY in English. I can't imagine not being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel and knowing that THIS was IT until I could get a job, make a living, provide for my family, AND be able to afford plane tickets home! It almost made reading the English dictionary look appealing tongue_ss.gif innocent.gif

That makes sense. I do remember how much I relied on habibi for EVERYTHING when I was visiting him in Morocco. I didn't go anywhere without him, and couldn't do anything, really. While waiting outside for him during his visa interview, it was a challenge just to buy water and find a bathroom!

It makes sense now why, when we went to visit his family together after he got here, he did things like 'abandon' me in the kitchen when I wanted to cook with his family (in the past, he would hang out and translate). I don't think he was trying to be mean - more that he was following my lead about "pushing out of the nest". It must have been a relief for him in a way not to be the 'lost' one for a little while!

That trip definitely motivated me even more than before - I'm now learning the language at a much more serious pace (and he's more willing to teach me).
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-15 11:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's driving me crazy
QUOTE (AlHayatZween @ Nov 14 2008, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif
My husband doesn't ask any questions... he just does things...
like taking the sofa apart, just to see how it's put together??? blink.gif

I laughed so hard when I read this... so, I'm not the only one who has experienced things like that? My husband's saying is "either I'll fix it, or break it for good"!! laughing.gif

Oh, he asks questions, too - not as many now. It's more the timing, though (like when I'm trying to study, watch TV, sleep....
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-11-15 10:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat Normal Is Now
I'm glad someone else had the courage to say that they hate when people try to use God to rationalize the death of a child and "make it better". I had a miscarriage years ago, and wanted to punch people (as horrible as it sounds, it's true) when they said things like "it's God's will" - what can that do, other than maybe make the grieving have bad feelings towards God? I heard the excuse that "maybe there was something wrong with the baby - it's for the best". Again, I wanted to punch the person. I told people I trusted that I didn't care if the kid had three heads - I just wanted my baby! Seriously, the best thing I heard was from a neighbor - a kind of awkward guy who was kind of shy. He said "I don't know what to say". I wish I could let him know how strangely comforting that was to hear. I couldn't verbalize it at the time, and we lost contact (he ended up moving).

Oh, and for the people who say "God never gives us more than we can handle", a woman I met had a good response to that. If that were true, why is there so much drug/alcohol abuse, suicides, etc? Sometimes it's hard to get help from friends, family, or even from God. Yes, it's possible to be so low that you have to pick yourself up enough to even reach out to God. It's a scary place to be.

I know people are (at least in most cases) just trying to be helpful and/or just have no clue what to say. But that doesn't make it easier for us to hear.

It's horrible what you've been through, and it doesn't completely end. I hope and pray that you find peace somehow. God and friends, and even prescriptions can help. It does get easier with time - but you'll still get 'caught' sometimes even years later (as I did, when reading your post) and cry. It's been 9-1/2 years for me. People are thinking about you and praying for you. It's good that you reach out to them. I wasn't able to do that for a long time. It was 2 weeks before I would even answer the door or the phone. And it doesn't help when the father is 'absent' in any way. My ex didn't even react - said it wasn't really 'real' to him.

It's also good that you don't let people tell you what's 'normal'. What's normal for one person isn't what's normal for another. Keep going through the motions when you can, crawl into bed and cry when you need to. Remember that people do care.

Best wishes.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-12-10 14:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you getting your Mena Man for Valentine's Day???
QUOTE (Hey-wassapenin? @ Feb 9 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ahmed N Cheryl @ Feb 4 2009, 07:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone. I was just wondering what you all have decided to do for your Mena Man for Valentine's Day? I am having a hard time deciding. I am almost sure we will join the Arab Valentine Day Party in Atlanta but I still need a present. If you don't mind sharing I would love to know. yes.gif

Sending ROSES to my wife. all the way to Morocco:)

How can you send flowers to Morocco? We've wanted to send some to his mom, but couldn't find a company that delivers there....

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-02-12 22:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaOk, Honestly, What did my family do wrong?
Thinking of you..... don't know what else to say....

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-02-13 00:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the stupidest thing you have heard because your with a MENA SO ?
Oh, so many - that I "couldn't" bring him over because I have kids. When I asked what that had anything to do with it, the guy said "because he'll brainwash you and make you a suicide bomber".

My brother tried to reach someone in the military to get my passport flagged before my first trip, to keep me from leaving the country. I don't know if he could have done it, but I'm happy he couldn't reach the guy anyway... My brother loves him now, though. When I told my sisters I was going over, they acted like I had lost my mind. They also love him now. My dad sent me a link about some women who met a guy online and then killed him in a hotel room. He said something about how my SO and his friends were going to meet me at the airport, beat me up, take my money and credit cards, and leave me in a ditch to die. Although, that had more to do with the fact that we met online, I think.

My ex was the worst. He told me to make sure to keep my wallet, passport, etc where my SO couldn't find them when I was over there. He said he would steal my money, steal my identity, and just wanted a green card. He actually said "anyone can do anything for two years". I would've paid good money to get him on tape when my daughter told him that he had his 'green card'. Oh, the ex also said that all my SO did for years was sit on the internet, looking for a woman with children so he could molest them. Oh, he said once "how do you know he's really from Morocco?" and when I mentioned the phone number he said "how do you know he didn't go to Morocco just to get a cell phone?" No, I'm not making this up! He wanted to know how they could know I was ok, and I said I'd talk with the kids on IM every night. He said that I could be impersonated. I said to use the webcam, so then he said "how do I know he won't be standing behind you with a gun to your head?". So we had a phrase I had to use to let them know I was ok. And one I should use if I wasn't. huh.gif (I went along with it for the kids)

I still have people who think he's not white. Or at least "not really white". We joke and say he's "dark white". haha My son proudly calls him brown. Then again, my son gets really tan in the summer (despite sunscreen), and I affectionately call him my little brown boy.

I've had people ask if I was going to convert.

My husband gets worried that I don't usually eat pork, and don't drink, because he's afraid people will think he is controlling me or something. Poor guy.

I'm sure there are more, but I need to get the kids to bed...

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-02-17 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaIslam and birth control??
QUOTE (estadia @ Mar 23 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i think that anything that is not dangerous to u and is not taking the life of an unborn child is pretty much acceptable for birth least that is how i am understanding what i can find on the topic

I don't know what is acceptable in the Muslim religion about birth control, so I can't help you there. I can tell you what I've learned about birth control, though. Not many people know this, but the pill DOES prevent implantation by making the lining of the uterus thinner. That's why you'll hear women on the pill, and the pill commerical announcers, say they have "shorter, lighter periods". The 'regular' pill has that as a back up for when it doesn't prevent ovulation (so there's no way to really know each month if the woman didn't ovulate, or did and there was just no implantation). The 'mini pill' (commonly prescribed for breastfeeding mothers) works primarily by preventing implantation. Also, the IUD works by at least in part by preventing implantation. When it doesn't work, it can cause miscarriage. http://www.healthsqu...gwh/wh1ch20.htm

If you don't have an issue with preventing implantation of a fertilized egg, then those methods could work for you. If you are opposed to possibly preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg, then you should avoid those methods. I guess it just depends on what you determine an "unborn child" to be. Some people feel it's a life upon conception, some upon implantation, some later than that. That's something you need to decide with your SO.

How all that jives with religion is something you'll have to find out from someone else.

Best of luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-03-26 14:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on Amal's mama
QUOTE (amal @ Feb 24 2009, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
please leave in mena (as always) thanks!

She has colon cancer, cancer on her lungs, and in one of her legs as well. They said that the colon cancer is cureable and the chemo won't make her lose her hair or be very sick at all. The Chemo will also get rid of the cancer spots on her lungs and heal her leg while they're at it so in 3 months she's supposed to be pretty much back to normal. She's having a tough time breathing, still, but it's slowly getting better. Ensha'allah it will be a quick and easy recovery for her.
Thanks to everybody here for being a shoulder for me. I love u all!

rose.gif amal rose.gif

I hope everything turns out well. We'll be thinking of you even more than before.

All my best
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-03-01 00:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Spill the beans game
Maggie has a lot of friends!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-04 23:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Spill the beans game
I'm here off and on, and don't know if I can keep everything about everyone straight (I'm not that good at it anyway....), so sorry if I screw up here, but...

Terrie had a hard time trying to do Ramadan, but I admire her persistence with trying! (it sure isn't easy...)

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-03 22:17:00
Middle East and North Africagoing to Morocco with an extension letter
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Apr 11 2009, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know how often she posts here but Jenn!'s husband just came back with his exp. gc and letter with no issues through JFK.

Thanks for the info!

Oh, yeah, if I did talk him into trying it, it would definitely be through JFK. He came through PHL the first time. Never again, if we can help it.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-12 00:39:00
Middle East and North Africagoing to Morocco with an extension letter
My husband told me he won't chance traveling with just an expired 'green card' and an extension letter, so I guess it doesn't matter!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-11 08:57:00
Middle East and North Africagoing to Morocco with an extension letter
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Apr 6 2009, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband hasn't done it yet - but he will be travling in mid-May under the same pretenses. I will come back to fill in if we find anything out ahead of time.

Thank you - I would appreciate that!


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-07 23:20:00
Middle East and North Africagoing to Morocco with an extension letter
I saw in another area of Visa Journey that someone was wondering if anyone had gone to Morocco with their expired 'green card' and an extension letter while waiting for the Removal of Conditions. Since we'll soon be sending in for ROC, I was wondering the same thing. Has anyone done that, and if so, what happened? No problem, or big hassle?


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-05 22:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA,How old is your spouse?
When he got here (Dec. 2006), he was 27 and I was 38. I think he did a great job of adjusting. Trust me, it wasn't always easy, but then again he had SO much to adjust to! Not just being here, but my three (wonderful, but challenging) children, and an ex who's goal seems to be to make us miserable (we won't let him though). Also, I'm still dealing with the ex legally (my high priced lawyer screwed up on the PSA), and we're still trying to settle some things, AND the ex is trying for full custody.

In Morocco, he often helped his family, so I wasn't surprised that he started helping out as soon as he got here. It was kind of funny - the first time I went over there, he acted like a 'typical' guy - we'd go downstairs, eat, and then he'd have us leave. He didn't do anything. The second time I went, I insisted on helping to carry things to the kitchen when we were done, at least. Over time, we helped more and more. I found out that he wanted to just visit with me at first, and that's why he didn't help out. I wondered if it was a line, even when he first got here - I thought maybe he was trying to impress me. But he's been here quite a while, and probably does more housework than I do most of the time.

I often forget about our age difference. First of all, many people think I'm younger than he is. Second of all, we just 'click' - I don't notice a difference in our attitudes and stuff. Like some people mentioned in other posts, we also don't party or anything. We're very happy to hang out around the house together.

Oh, a funny little story. When I was going over for the second visit, my dad got upset (I guess he figured the first time was just an excuse to see a new country or whatever) and said "he's 26, what are you going to do? change his diaper or something?" The way my dad is, I knew it wasn't a good idea to say "he's actually 27", and "or something" haha

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-13 18:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaA strange (or not so strange) situation...
QUOTE (Leyla @ Apr 10 2009, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I was 19 I was told I have PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom. The reason I bring it up is... women with PCOS are less likely to get pregnant. I think the reason is because your monthly gift doesn't always arrive on time or sometimes not for a few months. I am afraid that I might not be able to have kids. The reason I posted this in MENA is because my MENA man really wants kids and the MENA area seems to put a lot of emphasis on family.

So since we have a lot of MENA mamas on this forum I wanted some advice. I was on birth control for two months (which keeps the gift coming regularly). I missed a few days in a row and couldn't catch up, so I stopped. Since then I've been waiting to get my gift so I can go back on BC but it hasn't come in almost 2 months. I guess I'm just worried, I don't know if this is "my normal" or if I am pregnant. I should probably take a pregnancy test, but I'm scared.

I don't even know why I posted this. I guess I just need support. I want to wait a little more time before I have a baby but I don't even know if I have the luxury of planning that. I pray that I can have kids. Does anyone else have this problem? or have some encouraging words?


Maybe I'm totally off here, but it sounds to me like maybe you're afraid of being pregnant now, but also afraid that you aren't (and can't ever be). I can understand that.

I agree with what others are saying - take a pregnancy test to know for sure. In the meantime, relax - it's very possible you're just back to your "normal".

As far as wanting to get pregnant in the future, I can understand that too. My ex pressured me into getting my "tubes tied". I gave in because he was such a &%)*%) when I got pregnant with our third, and I couldn't imagine going through that again (being told it was all my fault, having him become more distant, etc) and I never thought in a million years I'd end up divorced and remarried. I would love to have a baby with my sweetie, but am concerned it might not happen. The reversal is expensive, not always successful, and I'm getting older....

My sister has PCOS. She had a little trouble getting pregnant the first time, but then was surprised with the second! I don't know the success rate, but it probably helps to hear about success stories!

What ever happens, I wish you the best of luck. If you are pregnant, I hope it all works out. If you're not, I hope you can become pregnant if/when you would like to in the future!

Good luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-17 22:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhile waiting for ROC decision
QUOTE (AntandD @ Apr 16 2009, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Venusfire503,

I know what you mean about keeping stuff throughout this whole immigration process, just to "prove to the government" that we are "geunine" through paperwork. So until we are all "done" with this process (whether to citizenship or 10yr green card), we still have to "keep on saving things", in case they ask for it. Think of the USCIS as kind of like the IRS, as they can "audit" you whenever they want to, and if you don't have the paperwork that they want, you can end up in a lot of trouble because of it.

So yes, do keep on saving the paperwork that you have, regardless of when you sent in your I-751 package. And do keep on saving additional paperwork too, in case they do ask for such through an rfe or interview, and for the next stage of the immigration game (citizenship) as well. It's good to "think ahead" in these type of situations and "be prepared for anything and everything".

Funny, I'm a bit of a "packrat" myself too, and find myself saving paperwork, regardless of if it is for immigration or not. I guess this sort of worked out as a good thing, as it sure came in handy when I have to submit stuff for immigration too. I find that using big accordian-style plastic/paper folders (which you can get at any office supply store) helps in this organization, especially when I don't have a lot of room. As well, big plastic storage bins help (which you can get at any department store) with paperwork and other items in the house too.

Keep on gathering the paperwork and other information, as in the long run, it will be worth it!

Hope this helps. Good luck with the rest of your immigration journey too.

Ant (Still waiting for Baby, Still waiting for I-751...)


Good - I'm not the only one with the big plastic storage bins! (haha) I still have all the K-1 paperwork and everything. You should see my basement....

It's going to be really weird one day if/when we can finally stop thinking "oh, I should save this for USCIS" every time I see a picture, card in the mail, etc...

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-16 11:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhile waiting for ROC decision
No problem - once my question is answered (like it has been with this one), I don't care if the post gets "hijacked".

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-16 11:16:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhile waiting for ROC decision
QUOTE (Italian_in_NYC @ Apr 16 2009, 11:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (venusfire503 @ Apr 16 2009, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Italian_in_NYC @ Apr 16 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't go crazy.
Nowadays everything is retrievable.
Bank statements, credit card statements, etc etc. I don't even receive them by paper anymore. You can just go online and print them out.
The only things to be saved, regardless of any immigration process, are legal documents such as birth, marriage certificates, passports (duh) and so on.


True... however, I find it much easier to throw things into my "save for _____" folder than to try to go back and print everything out later (and I know myself - I won't remember to keep up with it every month). Some companies only keep the stuff online for a certain amount of time, and then you have to pay to get the older things retrieved and copied by them - and it takes time, too.

It's good to know that these things can be retrieved later if necessary, though.


Had you lived in a 400 sf-apartment in the city, you would definitely change your mind.... I don't know where to put my clothes, imagine several statements a month! biggrin.gif


That's probably true! I have a different situation, though - a house, but three kids. In other words, some storage room, but no time!


Also, I want to make sure to keep the things that can't be retrieved - letters, cards, drawings by the kids....

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-16 10:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhile waiting for ROC decision
QUOTE (Italian_in_NYC @ Apr 16 2009, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't go crazy.
Nowadays everything is retrievable.
Bank statements, credit card statements, etc etc. I don't even receive them by paper anymore. You can just go online and print them out.
The only things to be saved, regardless of any immigration process, are legal documents such as birth, marriage certificates, passports (duh) and so on.


True... however, I find it much easier to throw things into my "save for _____" folder than to try to go back and print everything out later (and I know myself - I won't remember to keep up with it every month). Some companies only keep the stuff online for a certain amount of time, and then you have to pay to get the older things retrieved and copied by them - and it takes time, too.

It's good to know that these things can be retrieved later if necessary, though.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-16 10:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhile waiting for ROC decision
QUOTE (NickD @ Apr 16 2009, 07:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For the AOS, background check, how you met, legal marriage, how many times you were married, but not much for your financial relationship as you can't develop one yet due to the APA. Those two years while under conditional, require a lot of proof that you are sharing all of your finances and possessions, definitely do a joint income tax return and even have babies. The key word is joint for the I-751, joint home or lease, vehicle ownership, insurance, bank accounts, and any other proof you are living at the same address with letters of affaidavits to that effect.

With USC when applying for the 3 year marriage privilage, it's like you never showed up to the USCIS before, everything for the AOS, the I-751, and new purchases, updated tax returns for that extra year, and proof you were living in this country. Have to prove you live here for all but six months in that three year period since becoming a LPR.


Thank you for the info. I figure I'd probably keep a bunch of that stuff anyway - I'm a 'packrat' at heart (it's genetic - haha). Then again, WHAT I keep depends on what I need to keep. Knowing that he'll need all of that for citizenship means keeping 'everything'.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-16 09:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhile waiting for ROC decision
We've been saving things like crazy people ever since we decided to file for the K-1. First to send for the visa, then AOS, and now ROC. I don't know if we need anything for citizenship or not, but heard that nothing is needed (other than a form and - of course - a check) for renewing the 10 year card.

Now, the question I have is, should couples continue to save things (financial and social) in case they get an RFE for the ROC? I was just thinking, ROC processing can take a year. If we get an RFE, will we need to send in proof of a valid marriage from after the date the ROC package was sent? I'm guessing the best thing to do is continue to save everything until the 10 year card is received, or maybe longer (for citizenship? - I have no idea - haven't looked that far ahead).

Does anyone know?



venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-15 22:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionQuestion?
QUOTE (Bobby_Umit @ Apr 16 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


Wow. I just wonder if anyone has been denied without any of those types of complications. I've never heard of it, though. There will always be those unusual cases, but I imagine as long as the couple is still together, or is divorced but shows that they did have a life together, then the worst that can happen is a delay (RFE, interview, just taking 'forever', etc).

At least that's what I hope!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-16 11:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751: "Ant's I-751 Mailbox checking obsession adventures..."
That's wonderful news! Congratulations! Hubby and I are very happy for you!!!!!!!!!!

Now... what am I going to read every day? haha

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-19 18:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751: "Ant's I-751 Mailbox checking obsession adventures..."
QUOTE (AntandD @ Apr 9 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today's Update:

Thursday April 9th
In-person post office check: 9:45 am- No Mail at all. Nothing. Nada. Ziltch.
USPS Mail, 3:00pm: No Mail at all, Again.

crying.gif ....(literally)...........

Ant (Still waiting for I-751, Still waiting for Baby...)

aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww.... I hope you were kidding/exaggerating about literally crying over this. sad.gif I'm sure you'll be approved, even if it does seem to take forever. They don't deny too many of these, do they? Especially when the couple is still together AND having a baby! Congratulations on that, by the way!

Best wishes with both.

venusfire (soon to join - sending paperwork later this month, inchallah)
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-10 11:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion2008 tax transcripts
Thank you to all for replying.

We'll go ahead and copy the 2008 tax return, W-2s, and post office receipts. We'll send that with the 2007 transcripts, all of our other information, and the required forms, check, etc. We'll also keep checking for the 2008 transcripts. I think since we waited to file last week, and also did not file electronically, it might take too long to justify waiting to send in our I-751 application. Yes, his card expires in July. I think even if we get the RFE, it will take less time to send in the transcripts then rather than wait for them to send in everything in the first place.

The fun begins..... (ok, continues, actually....)


P.S. Thank you for the links, too - reading them, as well as other posts, has given me more ideas of things to send. I think with USCIS, you can't be TOO prepared!

QUOTE (poochie @ Apr 21 2009, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This thread might also interest you.

http://www.visajourn...=tax transcript


I just have to thank you for the "bored" stick figure thing - my kids LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-21 19:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion2008 tax transcripts
Hi everyone.

Well, we sent our 2008 taxes last Tuesday (a day early), and were wondering if anyone has any idea how long it will take until the tax transcripts will be available? We are within our 90 day window (as of this week), and would really like to be able to send our packet soon. I was hoping to get taxes done earlier, but they took longer than I had expected (this is the first time I ever itemized, and it was more work than I had expected - I actually gave up and just filed with the info I had, knowing I'll later have to file an amended return). He called, and the tax transcripts are not available yet.

My husband wants to send everything with just the 2007 transcript, and a copy of the 2008 tax form we filed (we did it ourselves, so I don't know how we could prove we actually sent them, other than enclosing a copy of the post office receipt). We have the usual stuff ready now (joint accounts, bills, etc). Our strongest evidences are the paperwork for the house we bought together, the car title in both our names, and having each other listed as beneficiary on life insurance and retirement accounts. And the 2007 tax transcript, of course (but not 2006, since we weren't married then).

I'm sure there's a very good chance of getting RFE if we don't wait for the 2008 transcript. But we wonder if waiting for the transcripts will just delay us longer than the RFE itself (if we send without the 2008 transcripts, we'll keep trying until we get them, so they'd be ready for the RFE).

I think we should maybe wait just one more week, and then see if we can get the transcripts.

Any thoughts from anyone?

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-21 15:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAR 11 Question
Oh, also - we never received any NOA from the AR-11 that we did file.


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-29 12:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAR 11 Question
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Apr 29 2009, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The USC Spouse/Sponsor is required to complete an I-865 (Sponsor's Change of Address) within 30 days of moving (not an AR-11).

Doubt you can get copies of AR-11's filed electronically - they (USCIS) may have a record of this - you likely did get confirmation letters each time you moved though. Not sure you actually need them though.

Karin und Otto,

Oh no - I was supposed to file an I-865? We moved last year, and we filed the AR-11....

I wonder... now what?

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-29 12:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSending off I-751 tomorrow

I'm right there with you! I was hoping to send everything today (even stayed up until 6:30 this morning), but didn't get done until this evening. It's all ready, sitting on the kitchen table for first thing tomorrow.

Best of luck!


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-04-30 22:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751: In what order to assemble application?
QUOTE (j25 @ May 4 2009, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
In what order should we assemble application?

1. Cover letter w/ check attached
2. I-751 form filled out
3. All other atachment...

Should we tight them all with ACCO fasteners?

That seems about right. For the rest of my packet, I tried to put it in order of what seemed most important right after the form - things like the 'green card' front and back, then things like taxes, lease/deed, etc. I put the 'fun' stuff at the back - copies of letters, emails, etc from friends and families, photos of us together. I made sure to put tabbed pages (tabs on the bottom) at the beginning of each 'section', then made sure the list on the letter was in the same order as the sections. Yes, I used ACCO fasteners. You could use other things, but that's what is recommended. I figure it's just as easy as anything else - why not go with what is requested?

I used this link for more information:

Best of luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-05-04 20:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFinally sent I-751
QUOTE (uk2usa @ May 4 2009, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yippee!! I'm so happy.
Spent the whole weekend checking & re-checking all the info I had was correct.
Now just have to pray that all of it is ok.
It will get there tomorrow by 3pm.

Thanks to all you for your help.
I really appreciate it.

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif


Best of luck!

Oh - make sure to change your 'status' from AOS to ROC (I just realized that for myself).

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-05-04 20:03:00