Middle East and North Africaconverting - or not
QUOTE (doodlebugg @ Sep 25 2009, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry but this is way too civil!!! Usually these threads involve LOTS of popcorn. mad.gif


I'm also pleasantly surprised and relieved about that. Hey - we can have popcorn anyway... I've actually been on a popcorn kick lately, just without the drama.


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-25 10:19:00
Middle East and North Africaconverting - or not
QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Sep 25 2009, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im going to throw in my thoughts for a moment to you VenusFire. You can choose not to smoke, drink, curse, fast, pray, dress modest, ect... these things are not dependant on only being a muslim person. Im a christian and choose to live by those standards. GOD requires all of us to love Him and love and treat others as we would do ourselves.

Tamara, that is VERY true. The message just came through to me better from my husband than from anyone or anywhere else in the past. Not saying it's because he's Muslim. I grew up only knowing about Catholicism, and am happy I now get to see another viewpoint. I guess that's kind of my point - it's good for me to look outside of the little world I was born into. It can make things a little confusing at times, but I also feel that it teaches me alot. Just like when I was friends with people who are Jewish - I learned new things. Agreed with some, but not others - for example, I thought it made sense when the one guy explained how he was taught it's the right thing to do to feed his dog before sitting down to eat (seems logical AND practical), but I don't feel that it's necessary for me to keep separate sets of cooking equipment for meat and dairy (or that it's wrong to eat a cheeseburger). My husband was taught to fast during Ramadan, I was taught to semi-fast during Lent. My family didn't bother to say grace (although I know many if not most Christians do), but my husband says a prayer before eating, driving, etc - and that makes sense to me. So I'm taking what makes sense to me about Christianity, and what makes sense to me from Islam, and what makes sense to me from other places (life experiences, things I hear, etc) and NOT taking what doesn't make sense to me, and applying that to my life. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was saying that any one religion was "right" or "wrong" or "better".

Anyway, for whatever reason, my husband says things in a way that make sense to me. He's helped me in many ways, such as giving me confidence in myself. I'm sure part of it is his religion, part of it the way his parents taught/treated him, part his personality... all sorts of reasons. I'm just getting input and processing it all.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-25 10:17:00
Middle East and North Africaconverting - or not
QUOTE (ZaidsMommy @ Sep 25 2009, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have never thought about converting and hubby doesnt really care. I do not practice organized religion and like Jenn, if I did convert it would be a lie. I don't agree with many parts of Islam (hijab, inheritance, etc) and I dont like the cultural do's and dont's of Islamic people in the Middle East. I dont believe that it is right to convert unless you are 110% faithful to the religion.

Hubby is Muslim, but that only goes so far. He is probably the worst example of one, but that is fine by me. We both believe in God, and have faith that we will leave earth one day and find eachother in heaven and thats all that matters.


I love your post! Jenn and you both said it right - it would be a lie to convert without really feeling it. And you brought up something my husband and I discussed. If you're born into a religion, it's like you're "allowed" to follow it the way you want, but if you convert - which means "picking" the religion - then you kind of have to follow it very strictly. I guess that's why I am where I am. I do love parts of Islam, but know that I don't feel it 100%, so converting would be wrong for me. I guess I want to "have my cake and eat it too"?

My husband isn't overly strict with following his religion either, which is one thing I think makes our relationship much easier than some expect it to be - "some" being those who think people of different religions can't make it work. Um - not saying that religion ruins marriages! Just that both of us being the way we are has resulted in fewer adjustments in certain areas.

Kind of off the topic, but I've noticed that SO many people who give dire warnings about "inter-whatever" relationships are most often those not IN those types of relationships and therefore have NO idea what they're talking about.... (like certain relatives of mine who lectured my sisters endlessly about their black boyfriends - now husbands - about all these problems that the sisters and their children haven't encountered after all!)

Anyway, back to your post - I also really love what you said at the end about believing in God, and finding each other in heaven.

Maybe that's the reason I felt compelled to post this thread - hearing what people have to say about it helps me put my thoughts into words. Also, it seems I'm going through something right now that I can't describe very well (thinking alot - mental growth spurt? haha). Unfortunately for me, I really don't have anyone other than my husband that I feel comfortable talking with about this. It's kind of funny - I've heard that MENA forum women have the reputation of being argumentative and getting threads closed, but I don't see it. I really feel 'safer' discussing things here than with my offline friends and family members!

I thank all of you for that!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-25 10:00:00
Middle East and North Africaconverting - or not
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Sep 25 2009, 07:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey venusfire! I don't mind this question at all. We have a Muslim thread....some of the stories are in there including mine. I am at work and can't take the time that I would like to respond to you but you are welcome to find my story and possibly even the same questions you had over time.

BTW...I bumped the thread up so you could see it biggrin.gif You can always pm me with questions if you would like!

Aymsgirl, I saw the thread (I guess it was the right one), but it's like 163 pages or something.... I even tried just looking at your posts... couldn't find it. I read what you wrote here, though - it sounds like you really did your research!

Jenn!, I know what you mean. I don't see myself adopting any organized religion either.

I knew basically nothing about Islam before meeting my husband. I don't want to convert, and some might think I'm weird or hypocritical or whatever for following the lifestyle somewhat. Some might think I'm being "a follower" too. I wouldn't go back to where I was before I met him if something happened to him or us (God forbid), but I don't think I'd do things quite the same as I do now either. I look at it this way - I love my husband. I'm interested in who and what he is, and want to be close to him. I don't feel connected to any religion, but my husband has brought me closer to God, and that's a good thing. One thing I have in my mind is that I'm not so sure God demands that we follow some rules that certain religions use. I do believe in the Golden Rule, and the Commandments. I'm just not so sure about things like how we dress or what we eat. I do see the benefit in fasting, though - understanding what some people are going through, not focusing so much on eating (which is a big thing in the US - can't speak for the rest of the world, but really - I think many of us eat half the time because of habit or whatever), and also the idea of paying more attention to God and our minds instead of our stomachs. This is probably the 'worst' reason I have, but it's also in there a little - maybe there IS something to it, and I wouldn't want to not do something that maybe I'm supposed to do. It doesn't hurt to do it, and I'm a "better safe than sorry" kind of person... My husband has told me many times that I don't have to do what I don't want, and that I shouldn't do something (or not) just because he does (or doesn't). I agree. That's why I don't drink, but don't cover my head, for example. I love the idea of being more conservatively dressed, and not acting/talking provocatively - leaving sexual things just between the two of us where they really belong (really, does my sister need to know anything that happens here - or does anyone else for that matter?). I don't see anything wrong with kind of "trying out" something (even religion) now that I'm aware of it. Some aspects I tried out for a while and decided they didn't fit into who I am.

I'm sure many of you have had others try to talk you into/out of converting or not converting. I know I've read about some people being asked things like "are you going to start wearing that thing on your head?" because of being in a relationship with a Muslim man. I've been asked if I was going to convert, and just tell people I don't intend to (even though I sometimes feel like telling them it's none of their business).

There are some huge definite differences between being in a relationship with another USC of the same religion/background, and being in the relationship I am now! Some parts are difficult (dealing with USCIS, for one), but it's still a wonderful and amazing experience. Other than my children, nothing on earth means more to me than my husband.

venusfire (obviously having many thoughts flying around now...)
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-25 09:41:00
Middle East and North Africaconverting - or not
I know that there are many Muslim/non-Muslim relationships in MENA (like mine), and others that start out that way until (usually) the (non-Muslim) woman converts. Of course, there are also some that are Muslim/Muslim from the start - either both born into it, or conversion came before the relationship.

I know that there is the perception out there that people (again, mainly women) convert just because they marry a Muslim. While I'm sure that does happen (and I'm sure some of them regret it and/or abandon it, some don't think much about it, and others find it was actually a good choice for themselves after all), I'm also sure that many do it for very good, solid reasons that may or may not have anything to do with their SO.

I remember someone mentioning that she converted before meeting her SO, because she researched Islam after 9/11 (sorry if I'm not getting the details quite right) out of curiosity, and realized that it was right for her. I thought that was a beautiful story, and I'm happy I heard about it.

I'm very interested in hearing other stories, from anyone who would like to share. I hope I don't offend anyone by asking, and very sincerely hope that asking isn't an offense to the religion. I have good intentions. Yes, I want to hear some heart warming/inspriational stories, but I also think that maybe there are people out there who would like to share.

I was brought up Catholic, and my husband is Muslim. I've had people ask me about converting, but I honestly don't feel the urge to do it. I actually don't feel drawn to any specific religion, at least not right now. I don't attend religious services, but I do pray, thank God, talk about God to my children, we say grace... things like that. I do practice the Islamic lifestyle to an extent - I don't drink, I avoid pork/gelatin for the most part, do my best to be respectful of my husband and myself, fast during Ramadan... things like that. I feel better about myself, doing it. Some might wonder why I don't convert, then. My only answer, which I say with the utmost respect (and I apologize if it doesn't come across that way) is that I just don't agree with all aspects of Islam. I honestly don't agree with Catholocism either, which is why I haven't really practiced it for a long time. Some might consider me a bad person for "picking and choosing" certain aspects, but I really don't know if anyone adheres 100% to any religion. I KNOW I'm not perfect, but I'm doing my best. If others want to judge me, that's their issue, not mine.

Anyway, if anyone would like to tell about their conversion - or not converting - please do so. Feel free to tell why you did or didn't - what led you to your decision. For those who didn't, did you (like me) contemplate it at all? What was/were the deciding factor or factors? If you did convert, do you have any information you'd like to add - where, when, how you converted? For example, some might have done it very informally, maybe others had some type of ceremony? I'm just really curious - and this is something I've been thinking about quite a bit lately.

If I upset anyone, I am very sorry. I hope this can be a peaceful thread!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-25 00:02:00
Middle East and North Africafinding a job
QUOTE (Y's_habibitk @ Oct 7 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AlHayatZween @ Oct 7 2009, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Has anyone actually tried "Americanizing" their or their SO's name and found it to make a difference?

i'm just curious... i think about it sometimes myself.

I read a long time ago about a study where people used their "african american" given names and then used a "common" american name on resume's and I was amazed at the difference in the responses from companies. The Shaniqua's got 1-2 calls while the Sara's got up to 10 for the same exact resume sent to the very same companies. Unfortunately it's a fact of life in many places still sad.gif

I can attest to it - my husband looked for a looooooooooong time with no luck - not a single call or interview. Then he used his first initial, "American" middle name that he gave himself, and his last name on his resume, and finally got a call for a seasonal position, and was able to work a few months.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-07 21:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaRed Wine Vinegar
Hmmmm.... yeah, I noticed that whole 'vinegar' thing, too - that it's used in Morocco. My husband has learned about so many things that aren't allowed now that he's here (we've learned over time), and remembers them being available in Morocco - like 'gummy' candy. I guess no one there knows/realizes/is able to read the labels?

I've seen websites that say that many things are and are not allowed... some say gelatin is thought by some to be 'ok' since it's been so far removed from the animal that it doesn't really matter what animal has been used (I read this about Jewish dietary laws, which is why there's a K on Jell-O boxes - don't know if that's the reason, or if it's actually made with non-pig gelatin). I read somewhere that Skittles contain gelatin, and another place that they don't now. I read one place that there's something in cheese that makes it haram. One website said there's something in Doritos that's not allowed....

I stopped reading. It was all too confusing, and it seemed like either everything or nothing was ok to eat. What I do now is just avoid buying anything with pork, gelatin, or alcohol on the label (for my husband). At least in a name I recognize - I heard there are names that more or less disguise what we're eating. Kind of scary, if you think about it... (although the kids got a kick out of "cochineal extract" actually being dried, ground bugs - not used very often anymore, I think)

Not to start an argument, but if it's ok to have vinegar because it has changed its state, then why can't gelatin be 'ok' since the molecular bonds of the original substance have been broken down? I'm just curious (and maybe a little clueless? happy.gif )

Oh, and for what it's worth - I've actually used vinegar (or lemon juice) in place of alcohol in recipes.


Edited by venusfire503, 10 October 2009 - 11:15 AM.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-10 11:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
QUOTE (NArocks @ Oct 1 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Welcome TracyTN. Venus Congrats good.gif


Thank you! Hope yours comes quickly!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-10-01 10:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
I thought the envelope my husband brought in today was going to be RFE. I was SO happy to be wrong!!!!

VJName...............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved
Baunzerbrudi ........05/11/07..........05/19/07........06/14/07........--/--/-- (<TSC 02/22/08)
Peter&piper .........10/15/07..........10/23/07........03/11/08........--/--/--
Jodyangel ...........12/12/07..........12/23/07........--/--/--........--/--/--
Kingofdallas ........12/14/07..........01/11/08........02/14/08........--/--/--
Gaijin ..............12/17/07..........12/28/07........02/07/08........--/--/--
Erica&Terry..........12/20/07..........12/26/07........02/21/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)

Tjones298............01/10/08..........01/22/08........02/02/08........05/07/09 (<TSC)
Daisy16 .............02/05/08..........02/14/08........03/22/08........--/--/--
Maryces21............02/15/08..........04/15/08........03/26/08........04/22/08 (<TSC)
JndAmd...............02/18/08..........03/??/08........03/??/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
Rajthebam ...........03/03/08..........03/12/08........07/08/08........--/--/--
Tex'n'Brit ..........03/07/08..........04/03/08........04/17/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
MandR................03/14/08..........--/--/--........04/17/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
KingCan..............04/21/08..........05/29/08........06/17/08........05/06/09(<TSC and >VSC)(RFE 04/13/09)
PAUL.................05/12/08..........05/13/08........06/18/08........04/08/09 (<TSC)
Jenn!................05/30/08..........06/06/08........07/15/08........03/11/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Forever in Love......06/03/08..........06/10/08........07/15/08........04/16/09
Gerard...............06/05/06..........06/13/08........07/17/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Anyta Holland........06/??/08..........06/20/08........08/09/08........03/18/09 (>TSC and >CSC 02/11/09)
Wannabe_Texan........06/10/08..........06/17/08........07/22/08........03/18/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
S.vincent............06/11/08..........06/23/08........08/07/08........03/03/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Siddharth18..........06/11/08..........06/24/08........07/23/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/11/09)
Cheeky^Wolf..........06/17/08..........06/30/08........08/09/08........02/28/09 (>CSC 02/12/09)
Dara.................06/21/08..........--/--/--........07/31/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Canuck Carrie........06/30/08..........07/15/08........--/--/--........03/09/09
Steph1010............07/01/08..........07/10/08........08/12/08........05/04/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Charsiimogen.........07/05/08..........07/09/08........08/14/08........05/11/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
LastSurvivor.........07/07/08..........07/12/08........08/13/08........04/30/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Craig2006............07/09/08..........07/11/08........09/16/08........03/20/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Keltic/Tobester......07/11/08..........07/15/08........08/21/08........07/23/09 (>CSC 02/27/09)
Annie Pie............07/1?/08..........07/22/08........08/26/08........04/29/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Cartman08............07/16/08..........07/22/08........08/26/08........03/20/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Roi_aggie............07/21/08..........07/25/08........08/27/08........04/17/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
CherryXS.............07/21/08..........07/25/08........08/22/08........06/18/09 (>CSC 03/18/09)
Isleta521............07/24/08..........07/28/08........08/25/08........05/01/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Bahamas124...........07/24/08..........07/29/08........08/26/08........04/24/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Zauberblume..........07/26/08..........07/30/08........09/09/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 03/12/09)
Twellspeak...........07/28/08..........07/31/08........08/28/08........05/07/09 (>CSC 03/12/09)
Italian_in_NYC.......07/30/08..........08/06/08........08/26/08........04/23/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Birdlover2008........07/31/08..........08/05/08........09/11/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/02/09)
Triniwaiting.........07/31/08..........--/--/--........08/26/08........04/28/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Shakysgirl...........08/05/08..........08/08/08........09/10/08........04/??/09(>CSC 03/03/09)mail 04/08/09
Blessed N Favored....08/11/08..........08/15/08........09/13/08........05/29/09 (<TSC and >CSC 03/02/09)
Silver...............08/15/08..........08/19/08........10/01/08........03/31/09 (>CSC 03/02/09)
Gatorfan.............08/16/08..........09/05/08........10/02/08........06/01/09 (<TSC and >CSC 03/04/09)
AntandD..............08/18/08..........08/22/08........09/24/08........04/15/09 (>CSC 03/02/09)(Walk-In Bio)
Bilson4real..........08/19/08..........--/--/08........--/--/09........04/16/09 (>CSC 03/04/09)
Rebelheart...........08/20/08..........08/26/08........10/03/08........05/13/09 (<TSC and >CSC 03/11/09)
Ivancho1231..........08/25/08..........09/05/08........10/02/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
GinFar...............08/27/08..........09/04/08........10/04/08........05/27/09(>CSC 03/05/09)
KiminON..............08/27/08..........09/03/08........09/29/08........05/12/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Mandy2008............09/04/08..........09/11/08........10/04/08........05/07/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Sukimi...............09/20/08..........09/26/08........10/31/08........05/13/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Aidan80..............09/22/08..........--/--/--........11/25/08........05/27/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Lawrencetoland.......09/24/08..........09/30/08........11/28/08........07/15/09 (>CSC 03/05/09)
Milka................09/24/08..........10/01/08........11/05/08........04/24/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Antoniostar..........10/04/08..........10/15/08........11/28/08........05/12/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Frenchie.............10/06/08..........10/21/08........11/24/08........05/20/09 (>CSC 03/20/09)
Staphros.............10/07/08..........10/??/08........10/28/08........05/22/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Dorothy..............10/21/08..........11/01/08........12/02/08........04/22/09 (>CSC 03/23/09)
Girl37...............10/25/08..........10/31/08........12/06/08........04/22/09 (>CSC 03/23/09)
KRS..................11/01/08..........--/--/--........--/--/--........05/20/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Cooper ..............11/05/08..........--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--

Angela and Hicham....01/30/09..........02/07/09.......02/20/09........07/28/09
Mark UK..............02/16/09..........02/20/09........03/20/09........06/23/09
Summer 2007..........04/20/09..........05/05/09........05/29/09........09/11/09
ilovedram............06/05/09..........06/09/09........07/21/09........--/--/-- (bio. delayed, orig. date 07/08/09)
NArocks..............06/30/09..........07/02/09........08/06/09........--/--/-- Early Bio on 7/23/09
NEWBIE1..............07/07/09..........07/15/09........08/11/09........--/--/-- star_smile.gif

*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and
scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved
*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list*
**When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly** ***If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.**

Best of luck to all who are still waiting!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-30 14:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
I see that there are some approvals - congrats to all! I just wanted to make sure this thread wasn't forgotten - please update!

Thank you!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-21 22:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
Yikes - no news for more than a week? Has anyone heard anything - touch, REF, anything? I think I'd feel better if someone had some kind of news....

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-07 11:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
Congrats, Ken&Barbie! It's always good to see that someone got an approval!


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-08-30 10:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
VJName...............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved

Baunzerbrudi ........05/11/07..........05/19/07........06/14/07........--/--/-- (<TSC 02/22/08)
Peter&piper .........10/15/07..........10/23/07........03/11/08........--/--/--
Jodyangel ...........12/12/07..........12/23/07........--/--/--........--/--/--
Kingofdallas ........12/14/07..........01/11/08........02/14/08........--/--/--
Gaijin ..............12/17/07..........12/28/07........02/07/08........--/--/--
Erica&Terry..........12/20/07..........12/26/07........02/21/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)

Tjones298............01/10/08..........01/22/08........02/02/08........05/07/09 (<TSC)
Daisy16 .............02/05/08..........02/14/08........03/22/08........--/--/--
Maryces21............02/15/08..........04/15/08........03/26/08........04/22/08 (<TSC)
JndAmd...............02/18/08..........03/??/08........03/??/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
Rajthebam ...........03/03/08..........03/12/08........07/08/08........--/--/--
Tex'n'Brit ..........03/07/08..........04/03/08........04/17/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
MandR................03/14/08..........--/--/--........04/17/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
KingCan..............04/21/08..........05/29/08........06/17/08........05/06/09(<TSC and >VSC)(RFE 04/13/09)
PAUL.................05/12/08..........05/13/08........06/18/08........04/08/09 (<TSC)
Jenn!................05/30/08..........06/06/08........07/15/08........03/11/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Forever in Love......06/03/08..........06/10/08........07/15/08........04/16/09
Gerard...............06/05/06..........06/13/08........07/17/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Anyta Holland........06/??/08..........06/20/08........08/09/08........03/18/09 (>TSC and >CSC 02/11/09)
Wannabe_Texan........06/10/08..........06/17/08........07/22/08........03/18/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
S.vincent............06/11/08..........06/23/08........08/07/08........03/03/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Siddharth18..........06/11/08..........06/24/08........07/23/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/11/09)
Cheeky^Wolf..........06/17/08..........06/30/08........08/09/08........02/28/09 (>CSC 02/12/09)
Dara.................06/21/08..........--/--/--........07/31/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Canuck Carrie........06/30/08..........07/15/08........--/--/--........03/09/09
Steph1010............07/01/08..........07/10/08........08/12/08........05/04/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Charsiimogen.........07/05/08..........07/09/08........08/14/08........05/11/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
LastSurvivor.........07/07/08..........07/12/08........08/13/08........04/30/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Craig2006............07/09/08..........07/11/08........09/16/08........03/20/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Keltic/Tobester......07/11/08..........07/15/08........08/21/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/27/09)
Annie Pie............07/1?/08..........07/22/08........08/26/08........04/29/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Cartman08............07/16/08..........07/22/08........08/26/08........03/20/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Roi_aggie............07/21/08..........07/25/08........08/27/08........04/17/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
CherryXS.............07/21/08..........07/25/08........08/22/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/18/09)
Isleta521............07/24/08..........07/28/08........08/25/08........05/01/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Bahamas124...........07/24/08..........07/29/08........08/26/08........04/24/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Zauberblume..........07/26/08..........07/30/08........09/09/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 03/12/09)
Twellspeak...........07/28/08..........07/31/08........08/28/08........05/07/09 (>CSC 03/12/09)
Italian_in_NYC.......07/30/08..........08/06/08........08/26/08........04/23/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Birdlover2008........07/31/08..........08/05/08........09/11/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/02/09)
Triniwaiting.........07/31/08..........--/--/--........08/26/08........04/28/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Shakysgirl...........08/05/08..........08/08/08........09/10/08........04/??/09(>CSC 03/03/09)mail 04/08/09
Blessed N Favored....08/11/08..........08/15/08........09/13/08........--/--/-- (<TSC and >CSC 03/02/09)
Silver...............08/15/08..........08/19/08........10/01/08........03/31/09 (>CSC 03/02/09)
Gatorfan.............08/16/08..........09/05/08........10/02/08........--/--/-- (<TSC and >CSC 03/04/09)
AntandD..............08/18/08..........08/22/08........09/24/08........04/15/09 (>CSC 03/02/09)(Walk-In Bio)
Bilson4real..........08/19/08..........--/--/08........--/--/09........04/16/09 (>CSC 03/04/09)
Rebelheart...........08/20/08..........08/26/08........10/03/08........05/13/09 (<TSC and >CSC 03/11/09)
Ivancho1231..........08/25/08..........09/05/08........10/02/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
GinFar...............08/27/08..........09/04/08........10/04/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/05/09)
KiminON..............08/27/08..........09/03/08........09/29/08........05/12/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Mandy2008............09/04/08..........09/11/08........10/04/08........05/07/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Sukimi...............09/20/08..........09/26/08........10/31/08........05/13/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Aidan80..............09/22/08..........--/--/--........11/25/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Lawrencetoland.......09/24/08..........09/30/08........11/28/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/05/09)
Milka................09/24/08..........10/01/08........11/05/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Antoniostar..........10/04/08..........10/15/08........11/28/08........05/12/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Frenchie.............10/06/08..........10/21/08........11/24/08........05/20/09 (>CSC 03/20/09)
Staphros.............10/07/08..........10/??/08........10/28/08........05/22/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Dorothy..............10/21/08..........11/01/08........12/02/08........04/22/09 (>CSC 03/23/09)
Girl37...............10/25/08..........10/31/08........12/06/08........04/22/09 (>CSC 03/23/09)
KRS..................11/01/08..........--/--/--........--/--/--........05/20/09 (>CSC 03/10/09)
Cooper ..............11/05/08..........--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--


*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved
*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list*
**When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly** ***If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.**

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-06-22 22:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
Here we go. Good luck to all!

VJName...............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved

Baunzerbrudi ........05/11/07..........05/19/07........06/14/07........--/--/-- (<TSC 02/22/08)
Peter&piper .........10/15/07..........10/23/07........03/11/08........--/--/--
Jodyangel ...........12/12/07..........12/23/07........--/--/--........--/--/--
Kingofdallas ........12/14/07..........01/11/08........02/14/08........--/--/--
Gaijin ..............12/17/07..........12/28/07........02/07/08........--/--/--
Erica&Terry..........12/20/07..........12/26/07........02/21/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)

Tjones298............01/10/08..........01/22/08........02/02/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
Daisy16 .............02/05/08..........02/14/08........03/22/08........--/--/--
Maryces21............02/15/08..........04/15/08........03/26/08........04/22/08 (<TSC)
JndAmd...............02/18/08..........03/??/08........03/??/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
Rajthebam ...........03/03/08..........03/12/08........07/08/08........--/--/--
Tex'n'Brit ..........03/07/08..........04/03/08........04/17/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
MandR................03/14/08..........--/--/--........04/17/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
KingCan..............04/21/08..........05/29/08........06/17/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
PAUL.................05/12/08..........05/13/08........06/18/08........04/08/09 (<TSC)

Bdsmusa..............05/28/08..........--/--/--........06/04/08........04/20/09 good.gif
Jenn!................05/30/08..........06/06/08........07/15/08........03/11/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Forever in Love......06/03/08..........06/10/08........07/15/08........04/16/09
Gerard...............06/05/06..........06/13/08........07/17/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Anyta Holland........06/??/08..........06/20/08........08/09/08........03/18/09 (>TSC and >CSC 02/11/09)
Wannabe_Texan........06/10/08..........06/17/08........07/22/08........03/18/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
S.vincent............06/11/08..........06/23/08........08/07/08........03/03/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Siddharth18..........06/11/08..........06/24/08........07/23/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/11/09)
Cheeky^Wolf..........06/17/08..........06/30/08........08/09/08........02/28/09 (>CSC 02/12/09)
Dara.................06/21/08..........--/--/--........07/31/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 02/11/09)
Canuck Carrie........06/30/08..........07/15/08........--/--/--........03/09/09
Steph1010............07/01/08..........07/10/08........08/12/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/25/09)
Charsiimogen.........07/05/08..........07/09/08........08/14/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/25/09)
LastSurvivor.........07/07/08..........07/12/08........08/13/08........04/30/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Craig2006............07/09/08..........07/11/08........09/16/08........03/20/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Keltic/Tobester......07/11/08..........07/15/08........08/21/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/27/09)
Annie Pie............07/1?/08..........07/22/08........08/26/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/25/09)
Cartman08............07/16/08..........07/22/08........08/26/08........03/20/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Roi_aggie............07/21/08..........07/25/08........08/27/08........04/17/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
CherryXS.............07/21/08..........07/25/08........08/22/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/18/09)
Isleta521............07/24/08..........07/28/08........08/25/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/25/09)
Bahamas124...........07/24/08..........07/29/08........08/26/08........04/24/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Zauberblume..........07/26/08..........07/30/08........09/09/08........03/16/09 (>CSC 03/12/09)
Twellspeak...........07/28/08..........07/31/08........08/28/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/12/09)
Italian_in_NYC.......07/30/08..........08/06/08........08/26/08........04/23/09 (>CSC 02/25/09)
Birdlover2008........07/31/08..........08/05/08........09/11/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/02/09)
Triniwaiting.........07/31/08..........--/--/--........08/26/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 02/25/09)
Shakysgirl...........08/05/08..........08/08/08........09/10/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/03/09)
Blessed N Favored....08/11/08..........08/15/08........09/13/08........--/--/-- (<TSC and >CSC 03/02/09)
Silver...............08/15/08..........08/19/08........10/01/08........03/31/09 (>CSC 03/02/09)
Gatorfan.............08/16/08..........09/05/08........10/02/08........--/--/-- (<TSC and >CSC 03/04/09)
AntandD..............08/18/08..........08/22/08........09/24/08........04/15/09 (>CSC 03/02/09)(Walk-In Bio)
Rebelheart...........08/20/08..........08/26/08........10/03/08........--/--/-- (<TSC and >CSC 03/11/09)
Ivancho1231..........08/25/08..........09/05/08........10/02/08........--/--/-- (<TSC)
GinFar...............08/27/08..........09/04/08........10/04/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/05/09)
KiminON..............08/27/08..........09/03/08........09/29/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Mandy2008............09/04/08..........09/11/08........10/04/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Sukimi...............09/20/08..........09/26/08........10/31/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Aidan80..............09/22/08..........--/--/--........11/25/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Lawrencetoland.......09/24/08..........09/30/08........11/28/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/05/09)
Milka................09/24/08..........10/01/08........11/05/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Antoniostar..........10/04/08..........10/15/08........11/28/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Dorothy..............10/21/08..........11/01/08........12/02/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/23/09)
Girl37...............10/25/08..........10/31/08........12/06/08........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/23/09)
KRS..................11/01/08..........--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/-- (>CSC 03/10/09)
Cooper ..............11/05/08..........--/--/--........--/--/--........--/--/--


*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and
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* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved
*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list*
**When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly** ***If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.***

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-05-05 10:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionholiday cards
We put 2 envelopes on the copier at a time, and just sent those. They definitely don't care about the cards themselves, but the envelopes show the return addresses, postmarks, and your names and address on there. Some people don't think cards are important at all, saying they can be 'faked'. I figure it doesn't hurt to include envelopes (or copies of them), because it would be difficult (and expensive - not just postage, but gas/plane ticket money) to fake sending mail to yourselves from all over the country. And it also shows that you've told a bunch of people that you're married and living together.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-01-25 21:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCan early biometrics really speed up the I-751 process
My husband went in early for biometrics for citizenship, and it actually took more than a year for him to finish the process. He sent the paperwork in May 2010, biometrics done July 2010, oath ceremony July 2011. I don't think the delay had anything to do with biometrics, but getting them done early didn't seem to help him get the process finished sooner either!

But yes, if you can do them earlier and it's more convenient, then go for it. He did his earlier because it worked better for his schedule. Well, for the whole family's schedule!

best wishes for your journey!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2012-01-04 20:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 evidence
I also vote for pinning this! I wish I had known before sending my packet. One thing I kept hearing about was sending utilities and other things addressed to both of us. It was time consuming to dig all that stuff up out of the basement, and it turns out it was unnecessary!

I wonder if the papers I sent from my children to my husband (handmade birthday cards, for example - with plenty of "I love you"s) would help show their relationship with him. I half joke that if we get picked for an interview, all I need to do is take one of them with me - especially the youngest, who likes to crawl up onto his shoulders, sit there, and pick at his hair (or sit on his lap and pick at his hair - he's got long, thick, curly hair). I did send pictures of him with them, as well as ones of all five of us.

It never occurred to me to send copies of the kids' school contact cards with him listed, but I think I sent copies of medical bills with his name (as guarantor, with them listed as the patient) on them.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-28 14:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports25 year age difference....Older women marrying younger men
Well, I'm 'only' 11 years older than my husband.... heehee

The funniest thing was when my dad heard I was going for the second time. I guess he thought the first visit was just for curiosity. Anyway, he said "what are you going to do over there, change his diaper or something?" ^_^

My ex was the only one who said anything rude out loud to me.

This isn't about age, but I did have a friend who asked why I couldn't just find a nice American man to marry. I just said "well, you see how that worked out for me the first time" to shut her up - and it worked.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-02-27 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAugust 2008 Filers
QUOTE (Stinkerpotsam @ Feb 21 2009, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This info is prob in this nearly 400 post thread some place but I have not the time nor energy to look for it...

Can those who have gone through interview tell me if they keep the "portfolio" that you take in with you? Or do you get to take it back home? EG letters, photos, etc.

We got to keep ours. Still have them more than 2 years later, actually! I doubt they would really want any of that stuff. Still, we had mainly copies of things.

Best of luck!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-02-21 17:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG WE GOT IT WE GOT IT
That is so wonderful. Great news - congratulations! I hope the rest of the process is very short and smooth, and that you are together very very soon!


venusfire503FemaleMorocco2009-09-02 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswhy is my case taking so long!!!!! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!

I petitioned april 23, 2009! now its 2010 and still no interview date!! why is this!?!?!?!?!?!?!? is anybody else in my same miserable boat!?!?!?

I am impressed by all of us for dealing with this... our wait wasn't very long compared to many, and it still felt like FOREVER! I think partly because it ends up taking over your thoughts, your time, etc. I have nothing but sympathy for anyone going through the process. I totally understand your frustration, alejandrorit. We had more hassle with the process once he got here, but it was easier to deal with because we were together. I hope you (and all others who are waiting) get the visa soon!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2010-01-08 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow many would do it again
Well, I don't see my marriage ever ending - things are too good, and we figured out how to work out anything that comes up. We've been through things that would've ended a less solid relationship. Immigration wasn't the hardest thing we've dealt with.

I didn't plan to get involved with someone from another country back when we met. I actually wasn't planning to get into any sort of romantic relationship with anyone. If something really odd happened, and I found myself single again.... well, I guess in that unlikely scenario, I'd see what would happen. The process sucked, but it was really worth it. If someone asked me about it, I'd say it was worth doing it for the right person, but to be prepared for a challenge.

If some weird law passed or something, and he had to go back and we had to start all over, I wouldn't hesitate to go through it again to get him back here.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2012-01-02 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsALL HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!!!!!

Now you can add something new to your 'signature'! I always loved doing that (other than the RFEs).

Getting approved is wonderful!

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2012-01-05 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 VISA APPROVED!


P.S. and yes, you're right - VJ is SO much better than a lawyer !!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2012-01-02 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshow did you meet your loved one
A friend had sent me email to view her profile on MySpace. I was going through a divorce, and didn't really have anything else to do in the evenings once the kids went to sleep. I had to sign up to view her profile, and ended up fixing up my own profile page, and talking to people. A romantic relationship was the LAST thing on my mind! Honestly, most of the men I met were perverts, but there was this nice guy with really bad English. I figured it was safe enough - I mean, come on - he was the whole way in Morocco. I'd never even meet him in person.

Our five year wedding anniversary is coming up in a few weeks.


P.S. I knew I was in trouble one night when I went to a friend's party and realized I couldn't stop wondering if he'd still be online when I got home....
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2012-01-01 22:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow Do/Will You Eat at Home?
It depends on the time, place, company, meal.... I enjoy sharing a plate with him.

I have to tell a quick, funny story. We were at a lunch one day, and the person who brought lunch apparently didn't have enough plates. We were given separate plates for the main dish, but they asked if we'd mind sharing a salad plate (we were the only couple there). Apparently, they don't know about Moroccan culture!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-05-10 10:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrouble adjusting to life here
QUOTE (reeses16 @ May 10 2008, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It may be a difficult conversation to have, but let him know that its unlikely that he will be able to support you both with only a GED. I also think it critical to let him know that in America, most times both husbands and wives have to work to meet their financial needs. Make sure he knows that whatever money he does earn is important.

I've mentioned the thing about the GED to him. He seems reluctant to go to school, but I'm not completely sure why. I think it's several things. 1 - he doesn't like debt (I think it's religious/cultural), but I've explained to him the debt for education makes sense (I'm very strict about debt, too - only for education, a house, or a necessary car); 2 - I think he might feel nervous about going to school; 3 - he seems to think he can get a good job or run a business without a degree (which IS possible, but takes time and is not a guarantee).

I love one thing you said - it should be very helpful. I never thought to point out that in this country most people need two incomes to get by. Especially when kids are involved (I have three from my first marriage).

Thank you so much, everyone! It helps to know that someone out there cares. And the advice is valuable.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-05-10 11:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaTrouble adjusting to life here
It's so nice to have a place to go to hear about others in our situation. Especially when the posts change to good news. We only checked out the parts of VJ before that dealt with getting the visa and the 'green card'. That part went smoothly for us, even though it felt like it was taking forever at the time. I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to realize this is also a good place for advice and discussions about daily life.

My husband is a sweet and wonderful person. His English is very good, and conversation is not a problem for him. Like some of your SOs, he came here without a degree. Last year, he got his driver license, green card, and GED. He's been able to find a few hours work on craigslist doing websites and a few odd jobs. He's getting very discouraged, though. He's been here around 16 months, and has only made a few hundred dollars. He wants to get a good job and support me, but hasn't had any luck. (My financial situation is a blessing in one way, but hurts his pride, too)

Life here has been much easier in some ways than it was for him in Morocco, but much more difficult in other ways. He has trouble dealing with my ex (he can't stand the way the ex talks to/treats me, and the ####### that's still dragging through the courts is driving us crazy). Also, I don't have many friends for different reasons (that's what happens in a divorce and I didn't have many as a stay at home mom anyway), but he thinks it's all his fault. I'm sure some people are avoiding me because of their prejudice (not because of him, as he says; because of their flaws, in my opinion). I told him I don't need people like that in my life, but he still seems to feel bad about it. Some people don't treat him well because of his background (he's Arab, Muslim, foreign in general, whatever). He's from a small city where everyone knew and respected him. It's also much more calm and relaxed there.

I thought going back to visit his family would help, but many people treated him differently because he's living here now. Many people expect him to help them (share the wealth, I guess), but he's not working, and we can't save the whole world (even though we'd sincerely love to). Some were obviously jealous of him (it probably didn't help that we rented a car to travel around - most Moroccan don't have cars) and probably thought he was showing off (not his style). Even his siblings are acting differently toward him.

Things have been getting worse. It seems like there are more times that he's not talking to me than times that he is (he clams up when he's upset). When he gets over whatever is bothering him, everything is wonderful, just like it was before. But I don't know how long that will keep working. It already seems like it's not. This week hasn't been good. He hasn't talked since yesterday morning. I am (always have been) willing to do whatever I can to help him. I just don't know how to help now.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-05-10 10:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo does it really suck when they get here or what?
QUOTE (bridget @ Apr 7 2008, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok so things NOT to say and do:

you are in the doghouse
you are a donkey
throwing a shoe at the guy

others? whistling.gif

This one is kind of funny, kind of embarassing. He was really hungry, eating alot... I said something that was a reflex from childhood "you're a pig!" NOOOOOT the thing to say to a Muslim. Good thing he has a sense of humor......
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-05-10 14:27:00
Middle East and North Africavisitors visas for MENA family members
Ok, I know there are 'official' things to read about this, but I want to know the reality of it. How possible is it for MENA family members to get visitors visas? My husband has his 2 year card now, but plans to get citizenship in the future. Will it be easier then, or doesn't it matter? I'd love it if his parents could visit, especially since my ex won't agree to having me take my kids over there. They've seen each other on webcam, but it's not the same. Without their father's permission, I think I can't take them there until they are 16 or 18 (the oldest is 11, the youngest is 5).

His parents own a house, and his father works. I know he explained it to me somewhat before we filed the K1, so I know it has something to do with showing compelling reasons for them to go back after they visit....

My kids would really love to meet their step-grandparents. They'd also really love to go to Morocco, but that will probably have to wait.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-07-29 22:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaHabibi wants to travel to visit his sister
I was wondering the same thing about visiting other countries. I found a link:

that might help others who have similar questions.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-07-30 10:37:00
Middle East and North Africaspices in arabic
My sweetie isn't here right now, but what I've done in the past is good old google images. Another option is Ectaco or another translation website. The only caution is that when you put in an English word, it often gives you several translated words which may or may not give the right impression - although, I think that's more of a problem with less concrete things like "silly" and not so much something like "garlic". Another option is to take some spices with you in case you can't find them there. You might be able to just look and smell once you're there to figure it out.

I had mixed results when trying to make things in Morocco - some things we just couldn't find, like celery and broccoli. Other things were incredible there - better than here.

Best of luck - we had some interesting times trying to cook when he first got here. He wanted baking powder to make a cake, and it took several false starts before we figured out what he needed!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-08-21 16:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband had his first job interview today!
My husband said the reason he wears things over and over is that he did it when he was younger - it wasn't unusual for people there to wear a pair of jeans for a month. It makes sense - large families, and not the same convenient laundry facilities as we have here. Also, not as many items of clothing per person as we have here.

He does shower often (more than I do!), not that I mind when he doesn't. I love the way he smells (it's never overpowering anyway). He didn't take care of his teeth before we met, but I taught him during my first trip to see him. Now he and his family members all take care of their teeth. He said they just didn't know, and it's different there.

He's just the best!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-09-10 10:14:00
Middle East and North Africahummmph MENA men!!
Yeah, it took me a little while to get used my my husband's straight up comments. I think it's just a 'translation' kind of thing - different ways of talking. Anyway, it's nice in a way to not have to guess what a man really means! I keep in mind that he's not being rude, just not sugar coating things or putting them as gently as some others might. Also, he's really sweet to me in general, so I know he's not being a jerk to me. It's just his way of talking. Still, I have occasionally let him know (nicely) that sometimes he's a little TOO honest and blunt... I've definitely gotten more immune to it. And it's really nice to be able to be straight-forward with him too; although I make sure to preface my statements with something like "I'm not trying to be mean" or "I don't want to upset you" - and he's been doing the same for me.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-06 11:41:00
Middle East and North Africadv lottery
But isn't going the K-1/K-3/CR1 way a high-chance-of-success way to do it? I don't think it's 100%, but I'm sure it's much higher than 10%... Although, I see the sense of applying for DVL while waiting for another kind of visa, as long as it's allowed. Even more logical for people who have run into problems/delays with getting their visas. I imagine I might've done that at the time had I thought of it. It makes sense to do whatever possible to increase your chances of having a life together, especially if it saves you time and/or money! Plus, if I heard correctly, it makes the 'green card' process much easier in many ways.

OP, if you're in the middle of a visa process (or wherever you are in the whole process), I wish you (and everyone else) the best of luck for a low stress, short wait!
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-07 17:39:00
Middle East and North Africadv lottery
QUOTE (UNO... @ Oct 5 2008, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello MENAzz,
I was just wondering if any of you guys had contemplated your SO applying for it.
If so, why are you doing it and if not, why have you not considered it.
Just wanted some aspects.
Thank you for answering and God Bless.
UNO rose.gif

I just (faintly) remember looking into all kinds of things after we started talking to figure out how to meet him in person. He seemed like such a nice and interesting person, and I wanted to hang out with him a little instead of just talking on IM. At that point I didn't even have any notions of getting into a relationship. He had to explain to me why he couldn't get a visitor's visa from his country. I really knew NOTHING about immigration back then! At one point, I asked the guy who cut our grass how he got here, and he said DV Lottery. Well, the DV lottery is a ####### shoot, and I think he (the lawn guy) said something about certain conditions required for DV Lottery (like doing military service I think). I didn't even know at first that it wasn't a temporary way to visit the country. I even looked into trying to get him (my now-husband) some kind of work visa or something. For those of you who get irritated about people trying to circumvent the system, remember that I knew nothing about immigration at the time - had no idea those things were illegal and wrong.

I decided it would just be easier to go to Morocco to meet him, so I did.

Then we fell in love, and I was trying to figure out how we could be together. Again, still knowing next to nothing about immigration. I knew moving there wasn't an option (no way my ex would agree to the kids leaving the country - he won't even let me take them there to visit now). Somehow I got information (google?) about the fiance visa, and that seemed like a more sure (and 'right') thing than any other way. Looking back, I can't imagine trying anything else, except maybe K-3 or something like that.

Now I'm SO happy I stumbled across information about the K-1. He's been here for almost 2 years, and we're really happy together. During the process, it seemed so stressful, but it was really worth it. I guess there could be situations where hoping for the DV Lottery might make sense (lack of money, and tons of luck and patience), but I don't think it would be the ideal for most couples.
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-05 14:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaDear Spouses of Moroccans
Ok, I still have more questions about this. Can I get married in a mosque even though I'm not Muslim? Will there be a problem since we're already married and therefore can't get another marriage license? Also, my husband doesn't seem to think this is very important, but it sounds like it might be, in order for him to get his passport renewed (at the very least). I don't think he's concerned about getting dual citizenship for any children we will have - inchalla - together in the future (we're hoping). Other than the passport, is there any reason to worry about getting him registered?
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-07 17:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaDear Spouses of Moroccans
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Oct 6 2008, 11:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My advice,

Do the civil marriage. You can have a seperate religious ceremony at a mosque. This satisfies most governments that have the "must be witnessed by 2 Muslims" clause. You will have 2 certificates, one from the mosque and one from the State of (wherever you live). If you are already civilly married, you can go to the mosque and do the religious ceremony quick and easy. If you do not have children yet, do this now!! Once you have children it throws a curve in, becuase they consider the religious ceremony the "binding" ceremony. So for us our religious ceremony was 2 months after our actual wedding (in May). Our son was born in December. They actually counted the months (based on the Islamic ceremony) to see if we were married when he was conceived. (I said he was premie...). When we tried to register in Morocco they tried to tell us we had to get married "AGAIN" in morocco to file or go back to the states and do it. If we "re-married" in Morocco then we would have to petition the judge to prove our son was born when we were legally married.

Basically it's confusing as he**. If you're not Islamically married, setup a time with the imam, spend the 30 minutes and do the ceremony. It will save you loads of headaches!

ETA: I've spent countless hours in the Moroccan embassy and consulate here in DC sorting this business out!!!

Um... what if, like me, you're not Muslim but your Moroccan husband is?
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-06 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaDear Spouses of Moroccans
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Oct 1 2008, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, when your husbands Moroccan passport expires he will have needed to register with the consulate. Also if you have children and want them registered as Moroccan citizens he will need to be registered. Basically for any issues from Morocco that need to be done he will need to be registered in the US. We tried to register when we were in Morocco, our sons birth, and they told us because he lives in the US now they can't do it. Almost all countries do the same thing, so it's nothign unique to Morocco. It's fairly easy and cheap to do it, and helpful in the long run.

Ooooooooooooh. Didn't know that. I guess there's no 'deadline' of when he has to do it? He's been here just under 2 years. We haven't had any children together, at least not yet - but we're hoping (inchalla). His passport doesn't expire for a while, but it might before he can become a citizen. I will make sure to let him know about this.

venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-01 20:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaDear Spouses of Moroccans
QUOTE (MrsAmera @ Oct 1 2008, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the difference is that you also went through the civil aspects of the marriage in Morocco. Some people only have a ceremony and do not complete the legal process for visa processing reasons. In your case, your marriage is already registered, your husband would need only to register that he lives in the US with the Moroccan consulate here. Hope that helps wink.gif

Why is there a need to register with the Moroccan consulate here? My husband never did....
venusfire503FemaleMorocco2008-10-01 12:30:00