Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221g administrative processing after the U.S immigrant visa interview?

I completely agree. I think we should get together a petition to Hillary Clinton, who is ultimately responsible for this stage of the visa process, or at least in a position to rattle some cages. As far as I know, the acting assistant secretary of state, and head of the Bureau of Consular Affairs is Janice Jacobs, a poorly educated Bush appointee -- the key part of her resume, as far as I'm concerned is the following:

From 1994 to 1995 she attended the National War College at Ft. McNair in Washington D.C., where she received a Master’s in National Security Strategy.

Interesting that she managed to take a paid leave of absence to be with HER husband when they were separated by work. But clearly she can't extrapolate from this experience to us. Then again, she is, I assume, a Republican.

I'm going to see about starting a petition. Unfortunately, the one lobbying group that represents U.S. citizens whose spouses, etc., are stuck in the visa process, has run out of money -- it's and they've done very good work on getting FBI to speed up name checks, having hired former congressman Bruce Morrison and a former Hill staffer for Barbara Jordan to lobby on our behalf. But rather than try to salvage this organization, maybe there's another way.

Please contact me if you have any ideas.

Sorry, I don't have any ideas. My husband has been in AP for 10 months, and they won't tell us anything !
If you start a petition or if anyone comes up with anything, please do get in-touch with me, I'll do what ever I can !
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-11-19 06:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS phone number
Hmm.... I was not aware of a web site to check your AP. If that is so, whats the site? Also ... When calling DOS press 1 then 0, that way you wont have to go though the whole recording !

Good luck :)
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-08-26 09:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?


I have been waiting for 8 months now! I am a UKC married to a USC and filed in London which is even more amazing. Who would of thought that I would be waiting for 8 months while people from Pakistan and India would already have received their visa!

Now that the holiday season is in full swing I am not expecting to hear anything till the second week of January.

Amankular and everyone else, have you hired a lawyer that is looking into your case?

All the best

I had an attorney file for my husband visa, and I don't see where it helped any. Hopefully after the holidays you'll hear sumthing !
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-12-24 09:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?
11 months for us, still waiting !! :(
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-12-14 19:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?

Did you get good news Ally?

I have talked to several lawyers now in the US and it looks like we prob wont go down the mandamus suit for various reasons.
It looks like to might be leaning towards another attorney who will be chasing up our case on our behalf and using all his contacts to get this through!

7months in AP go to try something!

What did the attorneys tell you about mandamus ?
Hope the both of you will be together soon !
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-11-29 23:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?


I have been in AP for 7 months now since my inerview in London in April. I have contacted my lawyer and he is goign to look into it. I have been in touch with CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations) and unfortunately they have been unhelpful.

From talking to over 20 lawyers in immigration there seems to be nothing anyone can do except for waiting!
Surely there has to be something!

Hello again :)
I found the link that tells about WRIT OF MANDAMUS, you'll find it towards the end of the page. Hope this helps you out !
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-11-25 12:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?

I just hate the whole process with AP. It's not so much that we are in it, but that you can't get a straight answer. Seems no one can even tell me for sure WHERE the case is. With the embassy saying DOS has it and DOS saying the embassy has it.... :bonk: it just makes me want to scream!
I called DOS yesterday to see what I need to do about changing my phone number on record, and the rude operator says "we can't touch your case.... the embassy has it." I guess when I email the embassy they will again tell me that DOS has it! OMG! I know they are closed til Sunday at the embassy, but it will be interesting to see what they say!
And I know we can't wait a year for this to end. Even now we have started making plans and have a deadline in mind for when we will give up and I will move to Jordan.
It just makes me sick that when they tell you that you are in AP, they say it should end in 4-6 weeks. Then in my last email they told me 3 months (which is where we are now) and when my senator inquired, they said less than 5 months.
God help us all!

Ya I know !! At least they could give us sum kind of info. All they ever tell me "Still pending AP" !!
I found this, which tells about AP. http://www.usaimmigr...tiveReview.html
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-11-25 12:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?

Hey Ally!
I am visiting the US for Thanksgiving and I am here on the Visa Waiver Program. I had no problems at all. I have visited the US with my wife twicw while under AP. I have done exactly the same as you, I have emailed the embassey in London, called DoS in DC and chased up my inlaws Congressman. Still nothing! I hate it when they say "i'm sorry you are still in AP!" blah. Ally, where are you based?

I have been talking to various lawyers in the US and also my lawyer in London and I am seriously contimplating filing a Mandamus Suit. Has anyone does this before??

Any advice would be great.

Hello, Well... I don't know how long you've been in AP being you have not made a timeline, and your profile offers no info. As for Wit Mandamus, I've done alttle reading on it, and from what I understand it's for people that have been in AP for a very long time, like more than a year. You also have to go to court and they have to decide weather or not to give him a visa. Sorry that I don't know more than that. I'm sure sumone on here can give you more info.
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-11-25 10:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?

I am in West Virginia. I get so upset with all this. My grandfather was a politician... a state senator and I wish he was still at himself to advise me here.

Let me know if you decide to file that suit. To me it seems like discrimination based on a name. What BS!
Feel free to email me if you want at

I would say Happy Thanksgiving, but if you feel the same as me, it's not very happy being away from your hubby ! Anyhow ... Did you see what I had posted on what you said about being unfair based on name ? If not, I will say again. It's because Muhammad, Mohammed is such a popular name. When doing the security check, every time they get a hit on the name they have to investigate further to make sure it's not the same person. At least this is what has been told me, which makes sense.
I pray soon that you will get good news, please pray for us, it's been almost a year in AP ! :(
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-11-25 09:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)mandatory administrative processing?

OMG my husband's middle name is also Mohammed. Tuesday makes 13 weeks since our interview... 91 days tomorrow.
If all this is based on PART of a person's name... it is soooo unfair!

It's because Muhammad, Mohammed is such a popular name. When doing the security check, every time they get a hit on the name they have to investigate further to make sure it's not the same person. At least this is what has been told me, which makes sense.

I have emailed the embassy, called DOS, and had my congressman and senator inquire. Still nothing. The embassy told the senator's office 5 months or less. But they also told us 3 months average in an email earlier this month.
Of course, DOS tells me the embassy controls AP, and the embassy says the exact opposite... it's all up to DOS.
This is the most frustrating thing I have ever been through!

Were you able to get a visitor visa while on AP? I wondered about trying that for my husband to come see me for Christmas.

Edited by Muhammad n Maryam, 23 November 2010 - 09:46 AM.

Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-11-23 09:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

I am sorry you are going thru this. From what I have read, Pakistan must be really hard to get thru.

I see you are in South Dakota. My sister lives there... in Wessington Springs!

Awhhh cool ! I guess that's about 100 miles west of me,I'm in Mitchell. Famous Corn Palace !! lol Well ... Sorry to say it's not only Pakistan that it's hard to get though, it's most of the mena countries. Did you find out anything from DOS ? Only thing they'll ever tell me, is case still pending AP? :wacko:

Edited by Muhammad n Maryam, 26 August 2010 - 06:41 PM.

Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-08-26 18:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

I really hope the AP is fast. We sat at USCIS for 5 months while most went thru in 3 months. The only RFE we got was because I did not send the original marriage contract to NVC.
Then after the CO interviewed us, we faced separate interviews from DOS and homeland security. It was terrible! The 2nd CO took all Moh's brothers and sisters names and told us it was going back to Washington DC for AP. He said most AP was taking 4-6 weeks but I don't know if I put much faith in that. He told us our papers were perfect and no one ever asked to see any of the 30 pounds of evidence of our relationship I brought with me. They never even asked for extra pictures and I had a scrapbook prepared just for this!

After my husbands interview, they also asked for all his siblings names and b-days. That was in January we still are waiting.I hope they are correct on how long it will take for your AP !

Good luck !
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-08-26 12:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

I updated the tracker. I hope the AP is over quickly at least you were prepared for the AP. I think that makes it a lot easier. Find peace in that you are one step closer to the end of you visa journey. Good Luck

Thank you (F)
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-01-26 14:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Our best wishes to the both of you ! :star:
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-01-26 13:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

You can add us to the list

Muhammad n Maryam
Jan 7Th 2010

Best wishes to everyone ! (F)
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-01-25 21:56:00
USCIS Service CentersNSC: Graduates
I don't know if anyone is still around from the old NSC days, but I just got approved for my GC!!
dakotalimeyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-03 10:31:00
IMBRA Special Topics137 Days and waiting.....still......
I feel with you. My NOA Date is March 14th.
My senators office (John Thune) has helped us so much with the whole process, but even they cannot speed things up.
Stay strong! It will come soon. It just has to.
JaNa27FemaleGermany2006-07-31 17:16:00
Hi I am new here, but have been reading a lot before.
Great job you all.
I thought you would like have to my info as well.

NOA1 March 14th
transfered from NSC to CSC
RFE sent 6/23
RFE rec. 7/10
JaNa27FemaleGermany2006-07-29 03:02:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAttorney Frustrations...
QUOTE (Christi Wright @ Sep 29 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Man, I wished I had found this website prior to hiring an attorney. I wonder if anyone else has encountered the same frustrations I'm having now...?

When my husband and I decided to hire an attorney to help him emigrate to the US, we thought it was the most intelligent choice. We figured that everything would be submitted correctly, the forms would be perfect, all info would be right and since they do this every day, it would be a relatively simple process. In other words, hire someone else to deal with the headaches...

The problem is, it's the ATTORNEY that has been the headache. Most obvious is the fact that we were, I feel, duped into doing the K-3 rather than just going for the CR-1 - so we have to pay an extra fee once he gets here so that he can change his status to permanent resident.

Additionally, we paid the attorney 5 weeks ago - and provided all documentation that was asked for - every stitch of it...but the case still isn't filed!! I cannot even begin to tell you how pissed I am about this. In my mind, if I had just done this myself, my husband would be here 5 weeks faster...

And every time I send information, it either gets lost, or is otherwise unaccounted for. Three times now, she's asked me to send information I'VE ALREADY SENT!! She had me fill out the G325-A and overnight it to her, but failed to mention that my husband also has to fill one out - something we could have done easily while he was here in the States, but now he has to send it overnight from England!!

And the continuing instances of "oops, I forgot to tell you, I also need (fill in the blank)" - I swear if I get another one of those emails I'm going to pull my hair out. I'm guessing, that because she does this for a living, and actually works for an immigration FIRM that she's done this once or twice before? Why am I being asked for information that I could have sent to her originally 5 weeks ago? Incompetence is the only answer I can come up with.

I understand, it's not HER husband...but really, she's in the business of people's LIVES - and I feel like she's wasted 5 weeks of mine.

As it stands - hubby is sending the G-325A tomorrow morning - after we FINALLY received the firm's FED-EX account number, so that we're not responsible for the $$. Fed-Ex says it will be there by Thursday morning. If it's not filed by Friday, I'm sure I will SCREAM...

Just venting enormous amounts of frustration and anxiety.

Has anyone else had to deal with attorney's who just don't seem to know or care???

Hmm ... I wonder if we have the same attorney whistling.gif
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2009-11-21 10:26:00
USCIS Service CentersNVC - Immigrant Visa. Expected Time Frame?
QUOTE (Boiler @ Nov 30 2009, 12:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please read the guides, they will answer your questions and maybe a few you did not think of asking.

The big variable for you is AP/AR. I think a year is a good a guess as any.

Oh ... Also as for the police report , I believe it will be to much out dated by the time his interview comes up. So ... Maybe it would be best to wait a couple of months. We have yet to send in my husband police report, as he just got his the other month , so they said to bring it to the interview.
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2009-12-05 10:32:00
USCIS Service CentersNVC - Immigrant Visa. Expected Time Frame?
QUOTE (sarahg @ Nov 29 2009, 11:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Background/Completed Thus Far

06/23/09 - Married in Pakistan
06/01/09-8/01/09 - Gathered necessary forms and got certified copies (he kept originals to take to interview)
Approx 08/15/09 - USCIS petition for alien relative/got marriage recognized/paid $365 fee
Approx 10/15/09 - Affidvant of Support paperwork Form 864/paid $70 fee
Approx 11/15/09 - Paid $400 immigrant visa fee

A few questions before I submit immigrant visa....
1) I don't actually send originals, simply having certified copies and a photo copy is okay?

2) Police report that we got done in July 30, 2009 said good for 90 days. Will visa center make a big deal about police report expiration date? Had to wait until I paid fees, petition for immigrant through USCIS, AOS, etc. Do you think attaching a letter stating that we had a recent police report completed right before I left and thus thought we'd send visa application in within 90 days, also state that new recent updated police report can be submitted and taken to interview? Or do you think i shouldn't attach letter and just see if that's normal for police reports to be be expired or if it even matters? Or should I wait like 2-3 weeks to mail in visa application while I wait for husband to get new police report (I hate to think of waiting but also hate to think of having application sent back to me for this reason!)?

Also, I am curious if anyone has experience with the current time frame in Islamabad office for spouse/immigrant visas? From time of sending in visa application, how long before they call for interview and medical? Both done together same day? If visa application is submitted and received by NVC first week of December, I expect in how many months will I actually see my husband in America? (2-3-4? or does it depend?) Any details about this part of process would be much appreciated, especially from people dealing with Islamabad if that matters. Thank you!!

Salam ,
I don't know if it's me as I just got home from working all-nite , but your post is abit confusing unsure.gif Example ... Background/Completed Thus Far. If you have not filed yet how can background be completed , again maybe it's me.

Anyhow ... I guess what your wanting to know is how long the process will take. I'm also going though Islamabad. And I filed a year ago in Nov. And our case was completed with NVC early part of Nov. And on Tuesday we got our interview for Jan 7Th. So ... It took a year, but could have been sooner, but my attorney held me up by at least 3 months ! Also keep in mind that most males from there are put on AP.

I hope I gave you an answer to what you were asking.

Best wishes to the both of you !! rose.gif

Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2009-12-05 10:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)After 22 Long Months
YAHHHH :dance:

I'm so happy for the both of you !!! Many congrats (F)
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-02-05 16:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Regretting that I am a US CITIZEN!!
I'm so sorry for what has happened to you. And also I admire you for being brave in telling what has happened to you, as I'm sure this has been done to many people that have not shared their story.And I hope this will bring sum kind of comfort to you, in saying that, with time the pain will lessen. And you'll become a wiser and stronger person. I also pray that this will not leave bad feelings towards people from Egypt or any other foreign country. And mostly I pray you'll love again unconditionally as you did before. As I believe God has someone for you , he was just not the one. And also know this he is the loser as he lost you, and your much better than him, you have charter something he knows nothing about !
On judgment day he will have to answer to what he has done to you !
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs, Maryam Amin

"We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often
discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he
who never made a mistake never made a discovery"
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-07-23 10:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Admin Processing (what the heck)

Its true not everyone goes through AP but life isn't fair in my case we have hit every road block there is but that is my luck and I don't think every case is treated the same but why cry about my bad luck and someone elses good luck in general thats how life is. If every case was put on AP then our wait would turn into years is that what you want? I know the wait is hard but it will soon be over. Focus on the fact that you have 8 months of AP behind you so you now are on the short end of the visa journey. I have been going through this for 2 years and he is still not here but if your spouse gets here before mine I will be very happy for you not judging who gets here faster. Hold positive thoughts and get ready for your reunion. Have faith

Luck has nothing to do with getting AP or not getting AP. As for you been going though this for the past 2 years. I started our visa process November 08, so we are shy a few months of being 2 years. Thanks for your support and as always I will remain positive.
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-08-21 18:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Admin Processing (what the heck)

I understand everyones feelings but we have to support our system after all we do live 99% in safety thats why America is so great. Think of all the freedom and choices we have and thats why we choose to live here. AP sucks but it has to be done. I suffered greatly and still suffering at the rules and regulations of immigration but it is the only way my husband has to get over here to me and I choose not to go to him so there is nothing to do but wait. Have faith in our government we might not always understand or agree but as long as we live here we need to support it.

Hang in there if you have been in AP since january you will probably have your visa in about 2 months good luck

I'm sorry, but I disagree for the fact that not everyone goes though AP. There are a few males that went though the Islamabad embassy, and was not put on AP. I know one person personally that came to USA on a work sponsored visa after being here for 5 months he sent for his wife. And now they both have a 10 year green card. Mind you neither of them went though AP. Oh ... And also they both are from Pakistan. Now if AP is for our safety, how safe is that ? Also ... As far as I know all the problems US has been having, have been with people holding a student visa or a work related visa. How can sum people from the same country be put on AP and sum not. This is what I have a problem with. Sure I may have to deal with it , but I do not have to support it !!
I pray that your right , and he'll have his visa in a couple of months. InshaAllah soon you'll husband will be with you.
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-08-21 13:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Admin Processing (what the heck)
Hello, We have been in AP since January. I've e mailed the embassy numerous times, to only get a auto responds.
I call DOS weekly, they wont tell me anything. And I have called my local congressman, which was no help either !
Has anyone giving any thought to starting a petition ? I'm a member of a site care2 where you can start a petition, I'm not
much good at writing and wording. But if anyone is interested in starting one,I'll do all that I can to help.
Here's a link to the site .....
Sumthing has to be done !!
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-08-21 10:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)how i can get information about my case
Here is the number for DOS 202 663 1225 have your receipt number cuz they will ask you for it. I hope you have better luck with them, than me, all they will ever tell me is "pending AP"
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-09-18 08:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied
It's good to see ya back and I'm sorry to hear that your still waiting.It's been 8 months for us. and I have pretty much feel that my husband will be in AP for a year or 2, being that his name is Muhammad. So you have any plans of maybe going for a visit ?
Anyhow ... keep strong and I hope you will get sum encouraging news soon. (F)
Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2010-09-20 08:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Denied
QUOTE (daboyz @ Nov 19 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You need to find out why they denied the K-3 before you move forward with the CR-1 or more than likely they will deny the CR-1 as well.

It seems you over looked one of her previous post (oh yeah still cant get a response from the embassy stating why they came to this decision they never answer their phones - im going to call as soon as they open )

Give the lady some useful information !

Muhammad n MaryamFemalePakistan2009-11-20 00:10:00