Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGot some great news
Congratulations! and Congratulations! smile.gif
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-10-27 02:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionYou won't believe what 3 different lawyers Told me today
QUOTE (ana751 @ May 7 2009, 10:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You guys gave me lots of info. Some I already found and some I never saw. I will put a package together to send to those lawyers who obviously have no idea of all this information. Thank You Guys. This is very helpful.

I wish you the very best in your difficult & stressful situation.

I am curious, though, why you are adding to your stress level by trying to force some lawyers who are not representing you (i assume these were just consultations) to somehow 'agree' with your point of view? To what end will that help you? Lawyers csn be right, they can be wrong, but they do not decide what will be accepted. You mentioned in an earlier post in this thread that "Immigration has no grey area". I think most would say that, in fact, nearly everything about Immigration is a grey area.

Regarding getting a copy of the RFE, if you make an infopass appointment, they can send a request to the service center on your behalf asking them to resend a copy of the RFE letter.

If your wife is still willing to work with you and support your removal of conditions request, it seems to me that the most straight forward approach would be for the two of you to show up at your scheduled interview (if you receive one) and simply explain the truth: Marriage entered into for bonefide reasons, both you and your wife legimately lived in a married state for x period of time. AOS and then Removal of Conditions applications were filed in good faith. Difficulties arose after last filing which have progressed to the mutual conclusion that the marriage can not continue. Seperation occurred for the benefit of all parties. Currently still legally married and am here at the Lifting of Conditions interview with my seperated yet supportive wife.

Whatever path you choose, I wish you all the best and some peace of mind.

Warm Regards,

Edited by TinTin and Samby, 09 May 2009 - 03:04 PM.

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2009-05-09 15:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiondidn't notify change of address, didn't file i751 on time :(
Really nice to hear of such a wonerful, positive outcome. I'm happy for you and your wife, Rodrigo79.

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2009-10-27 15:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI changed my address....

It seems like every person who has moved since AOS has their ROC reminder sent to the AOS address. I think it's just something in whatever software generates the generates a letter to where the GC was sent. I don't think you need to change the address again with USCIS or make an infopass appointment or prove you sent the AR-11 when you file ROC. Just file with your current address. Your NOA and subsequent mail from USCIS will come to your current address as written on the ROC application. Ours did.

Only if you never notified USCIS at the time you moved should you do a change of address now.

+1 :thumbs:

Warm Regards,
TinTin & Samby
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2011-04-24 03:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow to check if your fingerprints are good
Ok. There is some misinformation in this thread that needs to be cleared up.

First. That FBI phone line will **NEVER** tell you if your fingerprints are "Good" or not. They will only CONFIRM if they received the fingerprints sent from the USCIS ASC and if they have sent a REPLY to the USCIS ASC. The content of their REPLY will NOT be disclosed. AGAIN - You do not know if the Reply was, for example, "Fingerprints received and read and no match found" or "Fingerprints received and are unreadable" or something else.

Second. Asking the ASC people who take the fingerprints if your fingerprints are OK is pretty useless. The machine they use will only allow them to "Save" off the captured fingerprints if the Machine determines that the fingerprints read meet certain criteria. The ASC personnel can not "override" this criteria. Therefore, if the Machine allows them to SAVE your fingerprints, then the ASC personnel will tell you that the fingerprints are "fine". If not, then the ASC personnel will have your fingerprints rescanned right there and then until the Machine accepts them. Unfortunately, as many people have experieienced, even if the Machine allows the fingerprints to be saved, this does not guarantee that the fingerprints are "good". Many people have been called back to the ASC on a subsequent date to have their fingerprints retaken, because the first set were not good. And some unlucky people have even had this second set of "Accepted" fingerprints be reported to them some weeks or months later as not being "fine". These folks have to go and collect Police Records from all municipalities where they have lived and submit them "RFE" style, in lieu of their fingerprints.
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2011-09-21 12:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAnyone STILL waiting since Feb?
Hi Exasperated. You aren't alone. We feel your pain too. We filed for ROC on March 10th. Had Biometrics on April 11. And have heard nothing since then. We also filed a service request at the 6 month time point and got the same response as you. "Your application is pending. Check back in 60 days." That sure was a BIG HELP! UGH!

According to VSC's Processing timeline, they are currently processing ROCs with a date of as far back as Feb 24, 2011. Of course we all know there are plenty of applications that have been proceessed through VSC with dates later than that all ready. So much for uscis's First Come, First Serve policy... :whistle: Well, anyway, we are happy for the others, but sad for us as we still keep waiting. I think the Service Request process has shown itself to be worthless, so we are not planning to do that again. For now we will continue to wait...until the VSC Processing Timeline shows a Date of April 12 or later. The day that happens, if we have not had some kind of communication...RFE, Interview or Approval, then I am going to call my Senator and House Representative's offices. Until then, we will we watch a process unfold that in any other Private Sector Company would result in mass personnell firings or Company closures for this level of performance.....

We wish you Good Luck and hope you will receive word very soon.

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2011-11-12 18:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioni desperately need help. please
You don';t have to stay in an abusive situation. Keep your self and your assets (money, etc) safe. HOWEVER, since you are a Filipino, think about whether it is best for YOU to initiate divorce procedings, rather than get her to do it. Remember, As a Filipino, you CAN file for divoirce in the USA, but such as divorce will NOT be recocgnized back in the Philippines. On the Other hand, if SHE files for the divorce against you, that you can get a divorce here in the USA AND the divorce will also be recognized back in the philippines. Just think smartly about your options and keep your self safe.

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2011-12-11 08:30:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRoC Interview
Congratulations. Glad to see good results for such a well prepared couple!

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2011-09-28 20:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionUnsuccessful biometric walk-in
I see nothing wrong with trying. If you ask, politely, and they say Yes, great! If you ask, politely, and they say No, then ok. No big deal to ask. The worst they can say is , "sorry, too busy, can't accomodate".
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-10-23 16:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStopped at Border Patrol and Question 7 on I-751

There are border check points all through the US in that area because of mexico. http://en.wikipedia....ior_Checkpoints

You are the only one confused about it.

OK. Thanks for...ummm..."unconfusing" me. :whistle:
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2011-09-21 12:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStopped at Border Patrol and Question 7 on I-751
OK. Am I the only one confused about this? OP states: "Last June i was on the road traveling with my wife from Texas to California. i had to pass by two Border Patrol check points in Texas and in New Mexico". Last time I had was in a Geography Class, a trip from Texas to California does not take you outside the USA. - hence no borders to cross... How can you have a "Border Patrol Check Point" when you are not crossing the Border? Sorry if the question is dumb, but I don't get it....

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2011-09-18 03:23:00
PhilippinesPhilippine Passport Renewal *IN* the Philippines - What happens to previous passport
Thanks Helen (vsmtqhdy) for your reply and info. With your experience and the other folks who shared, I am feeling more confident about my Q1 - the fact that the DFA in Manila *WILL* return the old passport. This is important to us because it has entry and exit immigration stamps that are essential evidence for us. I have previously heard that in Manila, sometimes the DFA officers will NOT return the old passport. This would not be good for us.

Regarding Q2 - ability to renew passport EARLY (before its actual expiration date). In your scenario, Helen, your purpose was not actually to renew, it was to file a a change of name, which results in a new passport being issued (and the expiration extended). This is not the same situation as we have. We simply ant to renew the passport to be able to increase the period of time until it will expire.

So, I'm still looking for anyone who has experience in renewing their Philippine passport (well) earlier than its expiration date (like 1.5 years before it expires). Thanks in advance to anyone who can share info on this point.

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-15 21:21:00
PhilippinesPhilippine Passport Renewal *IN* the Philippines - What happens to previous passport
Jazman0717 - Thanks for your reply. However, after living in the Philippines for a year and having dealt with many govt offices there, I can tell you from personal experience that "logical assumptions" dont enter into the picture in the Philippines. And unfortunately, from personal experience, I also can tell you that the processes that are used iin Phillipine consultates in foreign countries many times are quite different than those used in the home country. Heck, even from 1 office to the next, in country, the processes can be different. This is the reason that i am looking for someone who actually has done the scenario i describe, IN PERSON, IN THE PHILIPPINES. I do , however, appreciate you taking the time to reply and try to help. Thanks for that.

ronmay & Ed*Riza - Thanks for your replies. Have you folks PERSONALLY experiened this with the passport renewel being done IN PERSON, IN THE PHILIPPINES?

Can anyone comment on my Question #2, regarding passport renewel timeframe?

Thanks to all! :)

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-15 06:01:00
PhilippinesPhilippine Passport Renewal *IN* the Philippines - What happens to previous passport
Greetings to all!

I have 2 questions regarding Philippine Passport renewals. I would appreciate any feedback from people who have personal experience with this SPECIFIC situation IN THE PHILIPPINES. Thanks in advance! :)

Question #1: If a filipino citizen who already has a passport from the Phillipines goes in to get their passport renewed IN PERSON, IN THE PHILIPPINES, do they keep their old passport or do they have to surrender it? If they have to surrendor it, do they get it returned to them (even if marked "NO LONGER VALID" or something) when the new passport is issued?

Question #2: When renewing a Philippine passport IN PERSON, IN THE PHILIPPINES, is the filipino citizen allowed to do that at any time while their current passport is valid or are they only permitted to renew it within a certain period of time before their passport is set to expire.

Thanks so much for any personal experiences you can share regarding these questions!

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-14 23:20:00
PhilippinesFinace turned away by CFO
For us Americans, just remember the following:

Everything is harder in the Philippines.

Even the most logically obvious clerical error requires a PROCESS to get corrected in the Philippines.

Every interation of a given process in the Philippines will take on a defination of its own, depending on which person at which office on which day you inquire.

All Processes in the Philippines will require 4,248,254.5 photocopies of 2,735,248 Original Forms and Identifications.

By National decree, no Process in the Philippines is allowed to be completed in a single unt of work. Multiple visits are always required.

All that said, I would follow any process, make as many photocopies as are required and wait in any line as many times as needed to be with my sweetheart, Kristine!

Warm Regards,

Edited by Samby, 18 July 2007 - 02:37 AM.

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-18 02:36:00
PhilippinesHello All, need advice...or help
Hi Chad. Welcome to VJ.

The kind of Birth Certificate that she will need is issued by the NSO (National Statistics Office) in the Philipiines. If you ask your sweetheart if she has her "Authenticated Live Birth Certificate", she will almost certainly know that terminology. That is the Name of the Type of Birth Certificate that the NSO issues. They print this ("issue it") on 'colored' paper that is unique to their office, to help minimize the potential of forgeries. This type of paper is referred to as NSO Security paper.

There are other kinds of "Birth Certificates" in the Philippines, issued by other kinds of governmental and quasi governmental agencies such as local Civil Registry Offices, etc, (not to mention a plethora of Illegal Rackets that issue FAKE Birth Certificates. (As an aside, yout sweetheart is in Quezon City, which is the historical CAPTIAL of FORGED DOCUMENT PURVEYORS" in the Philippines!).

These other kinds of Birth Certificates are not acceptable for purposes of US immigration (and not much accepted any more for any purpose WITHIN the Philippines either, I might add) because of the rampant use of forged documents (many produced historically out of Quezon City :) )

So to recap, ask your sweetheart if she has her "Authenticated Live Birth Certificate from the NSO". If yes..good to go. If not, then have her go down to the NSO office in person and fill out an application to get one. I beleive the current cost is like 120 or 150 pesos (3 bucks, more or less) per issuance.

Warm Regards,

PS. Even if she has the right one now, you will want to go down to the NSO office at some point and get about 2-4 more issuances of these. It's an easy thing to do while she is there in manila (QC) and you will need more "official copies" for many different bridges that you will cross during this journey. Easy to do now and the cost is basically wala! (nothing).

P.S.S. If she doesn't have her NSO "Authenticated Live Brith Certificate" now, I would suggest she go down sooner rather than later to get a single copy in order to review it and make certain that a) it is on file with the NSO and B) there arent any errors. There are many cases of filipino citizens whose birth was never registered (they need to follow a process of "Late Registration" or who are registered but have a variety of errors on their Aithenticated Live Birth Certificate - some examples include: Officially registered first names of "Baby Girl" or "Baby Boy", Errors in the Spelling of both First and/or Last Names, Incorrect Gender Designation, etc. (These are not hypotheticals - I personally know many filipinos with each of these problems). Why is it good to know ASAP if such problems exist? Because FIXING these errors, even the most seemingly obvious clerical errors in the Philippines can be a multi-step, mult-organization, mult-governmental level, mult-month ordeal that will definately try your patience and prepare you for your K1 Journey. :D
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-18 01:29:00
Philippinesphilppines business opportunities ?

My wife, two boys and myself will be moving to the Philippines to retire. We are USA citizens and she is fillpina.
We will live both Manila and Bacolod (back and forth) majority of our time in Bacolod.

Question: If you had $20,000 usd to invest, what would you invest the miney in for the best return on the money.
I'm looking for a yearly return...not long term. For example, what % could I make on the money the first 12 months.

thanks for any suggestions, websites, opportunites.

God Bless,
USA looking forward to our arrival..

Recently lived and work in the Philippines (Ayala Alabang and Calamba City) If you start a business ,the $20,000 is just about enough to bribe all the officials that you will need to to start up, then you have nothing left. But your not starting a business.

If I were you, live in Bacolod, get a nice big house, open a Sari Sari store with the usual stuff and some unique things. Just be careful not to piss off the other locals near you that have a Sari Sari store, don't push them out of business, if you do, they may come at you with a bolo knife.......LOL Running a Sari Sari will keep your time occupied.

Samby Says=> MAY??? Make that Segurado! (for Certain!)

Leave your cash in the USA and mutual funds.

Samby Says=> Best Advise!!!

Seriously, $20K doesn't go very far anymore in the NCR (National Capital Region (Manila). In the province, its better. But if your goal is simply to get a short term return on your $20K, leave it in a some kind of US financial investment. If your goal is to spend that money to get something started, like a business that will provide both "something to do" every day and some "food on the table", then your more likely to find success in or around Bacolod.

Best of luck and Good Fortune to you and your family.

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-18 01:54:00
Philippinesplease help ... what are the cheap appartle

i arrived by plane!!!!!!!!!!going to manila ds tonight

Ok..I'm a bit confused..sorry.

What day and time and airline do you arrive at Manila Domestic Terminal (or if flying on PAL, the Manila PAL terminal)?

What day and time and airline do you depart from Manila for the USA?

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-18 06:48:00
Philippinesplease help ... what are the cheap appartle

HI everyone here>>>>>>>------>>>>>
my situition is like this my hubby purchased plane ticket in the i need to picked up the ticket @ Manila airport counter,then my flight schedule is too early!!!!
while my flight going to manila is middle of the night i am kind worried about that night time...
i dont have idea where should i stay while i am waiting for next flight going to the U.S..
please shared some information what are the some safe place to stay near to the airport for the short time !!!

Hi! Are you in Manila already or will you be traveling to Manila the day of your flight to the USA? If traveling into Manila the same day, how will you arrive - Bus? Domestic Air Plane? If you give this info, I may be able to make some suggestions for you. :)

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-18 02:01:00
PhilippinesWe have Med and Interview date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Terrific News! Good luck with the next steps!! :)

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-31 00:06:00

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-31 20:14:00

Lets analyze the original posters question.

Some one who has a lot of money, a business, a corporation, is a head neurosurgery at the hospital etc would have an attorney they could call. Some one who doesn't have an attorney most likely doesn't have the above items. A person that choses to ask on a free public forum instead of asking their attorney at the price of $475/hour, if they had an attorney, is spewing forth volumes of information about themselves. Also if said person gets hostile when someone calls them on it speaks volumes about themselves. Lastly I have been on this forum for over 7 months and not seen one single post, except this one, about pre-nups. So the original post is the exception to the rule not the rule. If I were either party I would seriously re-consider the marriage. The maturity level is not one that produces a healthy marriage.

I for one told my gal that everything I owned was half hers before I proposed. I know her and trust her that much.

Maybe we should forward this thread to his finance's inbox and see what she thinks?

mao' poh poh

My reaction to your post is this: I woudn't hire you as an analyst.

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-01 02:44:00


Yes... Very sensitive subject. But it's becoming more pertinent by the day. Many friends are imploring me to get one written, and I am so confused about what to do.

Guys - how did you handle this touchy area??

Pinays - What are your feelings on pre-nups?? You ok with them or find them insulting??


You are either very rich or very stupid. Please tell us which?

Lay off the insults, Epiphany. There is no call or excuse for your rude and attacking comment. Geez..the guy couldn't have been more honest and sensitive in the way he approached this delicate subject.

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-29 15:51:00
PhilippinesCFO counseling/registration/passport

There is no reason or requirement to provide 'immigration intent' when applying for a passport. Hence, my previous posting's point that there is no reason for CFO to create a dependancy on getting a passport issued.

Warm Regards,


Yes, but when you walk in with a new marriage certificate to a foreigner and ask to change your name, they sort of get the idea what's going on. ;)

Certainly :) But that would be a Passport change/renewel. You would have already had a passport before in this situation. :)

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-01 02:32:00
PhilippinesCFO counseling/registration/passport

If you are immigrating you HAVE to complete the CFO course before they will issue a passport, then after you receive your visa you have to go back and get the stamp.

There is no reason or requirement to provide 'immigration intent' when applying for a passport. Hence, my previous posting's point that there is no reason for CFO to create a dependancy on getting a passport issued.

Warm Regards,

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-31 07:00:00
PhilippinesCFO counseling/registration/passport
I think there is some confusion here. There are 2 seperate processes.


#2: ACQUIRING A CFO "RELEASE" Certificate ('stamp') in the Passport.

#1 has no dependancy on #2. As luvbugs4ever states, you should go to DFA and get your passport now. Don't wait for the CFO Course and/or completion certificate. People get passports all the time, not everyone getting a passport is doing so for or comtemplating a future use of that passport for emmigration purposes (hence - no CFO requirements)

#2 has a partial dependancy on #1. You can go take the CFO course and get your yellow completion ticket without having your Passport (though you will need ID, visa information, etc to take CFO course). Then if you don't already have your passport, you will of course need to acquire it. Whether you had it before the CFO course or got it after, you then follow the steps in getting the USA Visa put into your passport. At that point, you can go to the CFO and have your passport stamped with the CFO approval.

It's that final CFO stamp that is checked at the airport if you are leaving the country with emmigrantion intent. Remember, Many Filipinos depart the Phillipines without emmigrant intent or purposes. Of course, nothing related to CFO Certification applies in these cases.

Warm Regards,

Edited by Samby, 30 July 2007 - 11:38 PM.

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-30 23:36:00
PhilippinesMoney Transfer Options
Yikes!!! The dreaded bagoong!!!! :protest: Jut say NO! (heheheh)
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-02 20:23:00
PhilippinesMoney Transfer Options

Wells Fargo also has a remittance service. Once the funds are deposited into your account they are available for withdraw by the beneficiary almost immediately. The only fee is a $5 transfer fee per deposit.


Edit: Spelling

Thanks for sharing this info, larryandlizel. This is an excellent option indeed!

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-31 07:21:00
PhilippinesMoney Transfer Options
We use BPI ( I either go into a bpi office here in california in person or mail them a cashiers check/money order. They deposit it into my gal's bpi account and the funds are immediately available. Cost is onyl $8 USD per transaction. No fees on the other end for access/withdrawl.

Warm Regards,
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-29 16:48:00
Congrats and Good Luck!
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-03 15:15:00
Terrific! Terrific! Congratulations!!!! :dance: :dance:
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-03 04:11:00
Philippines4days to go before interview
Good Luck! You'll do Great!
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-05 19:36:00
PhilippinesInterview done but on AR
Keep celebrating those successes, Charlie!! Congrats to MJ and you for the successul interview. In no time at all, you two will be in each other's arms again!

CountryBoy...maybe in another thread, but I think many people would love to hear about some of those culture shock challenges you guys are going through. I know I have enjoyed and found helpful many of your posts describing things for you guys up through your AOS application. I would encourage you to share some of the culture shock challenges you guys are experiencing, if you would be willing. Thanks. :)
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-05 21:31:00
Philippinesyeyyyyyyyyyyyyy i got approval
Yah! Congratulations!!!!
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-12 23:03:00
PhilippinesWhat is Mailed to Embassy Prior to Med Ex & Interview?

The Police Clearance from a foreign country is required only if your fiancee has resided in a foreign country for MORE THAN 6 MONTHS. If she has not gone abroad and lived there for more than 6 months then she will only need an NBI clearance. Goodluck!!

Just a small point, but the actual requirement is to have a police clerance certificate from each Foreign (non Philippine) country where you have resided for 6 MONTHS OR MORE (not MORE THAN 6 MONTHS) since you were 14 years old. That 1 day difference can affect it did us. ugh!
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-12 22:41:00
PhilippinesMistake on NSO birth certificate
The process is such a pain in the neck and takes such a long time (4-6 months) to have changes made, even under the suppossedly simplified RA 9048 Clerrical Error Correction Act. IMO, its not worth it unless the information that is incorrect is specifically information about the Beneficiary - ie Name, Gender, Brith Date, etc. As you can see from the number of folks here who have had errors, ancilary information (for the the purposes of the US Immigration process) such as parents date of marriage, etc is not really of interest to them.
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-15 20:15:00
PhilippinesQuestions on Passport
For many of the same reasons you state, We chose to renew TinTin's passport early. It was easy and inexpensive while still in the Philippines and when the visa is issued, it will go in the new one and we wont have to worry about carrying 2 passports around in the future.
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-15 20:03:00
PhilippinesLeaving Wednesday for the Philippines

Just a few more days until I fly to Manila. The place is almost ready. New carpets on Monday. 20 years of closets and drawers clean out and ready for her to move in. Candles. Step-stool for the kitchen. I planted some geraniums in the back yard. New bedspread (pink!) from Simply Shabby Chic at Target. I'm almost good to go.

No questions. I'm just happy.

Plant a Malunggay tree and find out where you can buy bagoong if you want to make her happy when she gets there!
Also a place you can buy tilapia and bangus!
Have a good trip. Nice move you are going to pick her up!

Talapia..OK.. But Bagoong...JUST SAY NO!!!!! :protest: hehehe -Samby
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-07-20 19:58:00
PhilippinesPOE- JFK
Hi SkyBlue06,

You can enter the USA at any POE you choose, incuding JFK, if that is what you want. Once you have been processed by immigration and entered the country, you are free to travel where you want, including another flight to Portland, Oregon.

By the way, we are thinking of a plan similar to yours. My gal will be coming from Manila to Portland. While we arent really interested in the EAD at JFK for working purposes, I beleive it may make many other things go more smoothly during the inital weeks - month here in the USA: things such as Drivers License, SSN Card, etc.

Best Wishes! Maybe we will see you guys around Portland sometime in the future!

Edited by TinTin and Samby, 03 September 2007 - 08:59 PM.

TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-09-03 20:58:00
PhilippinesCheapest flights from US to Cebu?
Also, check fares from US to Singapore and US to Manila. then you can take a cheap local flight to cebu.
TinTin and SambyMalePhilippines2007-08-17 07:29:00