K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime Spent Together Before Deciding to Get Married?
6 weeks together physically.

But probably thousands of hours on the phone. 5 hours a day on week days and 14-15 hours on the weekends.

We are addicted to each other.
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-29 03:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravel to UK during Visa Process
QUOTE (cass_errol @ Apr 5 2009, 06:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am an American and my boyfriend is British. He has been to the US twice now, but I have never been to the UK. We are going to file our K1 paperwork in June, but I would like to travel to the UK in October. Since we will be filing to have him come to the United States, would I have any issue traveling to the UK?
I know that he can't come here during the Visa process, but since we are filing to have him come to the US, could they possibly deny me entry to the UK? I am going to go, either way, but I wanted to know if anyone had had an issue with this before.

Hi! Firstly....congrats on the imminent filing! Just to make clear on a couple of things for you.

As you can see I am british. I have been to see my fiance (the american) whilst our paperwork was being processed, and would like to assure you that your fiance CAN come and visit you. This question gets asked a lot on VJ "can I visit whilst I await approval" and the answer is.....yes.....but be ready to prove that you have ties to your home country (job, school, mortgage, tenancy agreement etc) or they could turn you away. As a UK long as you don't make it seem that your reason for visiting involves intent to immigrate, or arouse will be fine. will be absolutely fine visiting your boyfriend here. David has been to see me and experienced NO issues with immigration officers on entry...they are less strict here than they are when they let your boyfriend in to America the last two times.

The thing people here on VJ will tell you is to be truthful to the point of entry immigration control officers....BUT......that the minimum amount of truthful information is required and you never volunteer more information than that unless you have to.

For example: My reason for visiting the USA has always been...."on vacation". I have never said "to visit my fiance". The first is not a lie, I am on vacation from my job. The second response may arouse suspicion even though I have no intent to immigrate on that visit.

Good luck with the filing....


Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-05 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Hi peeps!

Ring still hasn't turned up sad.gif It's still stuck in customs....BOOOO! But, Dave has picked out our apartment and he is moving in at the end of the month....I am sooo excited about that!

As far as I know, packet three is on the way. I tracked a package out of NVC that must have been ours because of the arrived in london yesterday, so fingers crossed packet 3 next week! I'll send back the checklist asap so that we can get an interview date. Dave is sending me all of his docs on Monday so that should be with me soon!

I booked the medical early so that I could arrange time off nervous about it!

Just_Friend! You dont HAVE to do any more of the HPV shots. As long as you have the relevant vaccinations ticked for the K1 and you file for AOS before the second round of HPV is required, no one will question it.

I am a bit confused about my HPV. I will be 26 when I have my K1 medical but 27 when i file for AOS and therefore fall outside of the required timelines. From what I have gathered, the vaccinations are in fact required for AOS not the K1 medical, so I may not need to have it!

Congrats on the clean bill of health just friend! The interview beckons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-25 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Best of luck for the interview guys!!!

Cant wait to hear some positive results from you both. I am very excited for you!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-24 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Thank you.

Yes. It was a bad day yesterday. Dave was unemployed for 6 months, so whilst he desperately wanted to buy me a ring, he just couldnt afford to. So he started his job over a month ago, is earning excellent money and bought me one.

And it got stuck in customs. Looks like i'll have to pay a ton of VAT on it if customs have caught it. GRRRR. So I had a screaming crying crazy fit over it (yes my future husband is going to have t be very patient with me, I am a difficult woman) and tried to call NVC....ya know....cos if your having a crappy day, why not make it worse! I couldnt get through, so he called whilst we were on the phone last night commiserating about that dang ring, and they told us we were released. It could have been so much worse, and we were ready for the could have been upto 55 days in there. So stressful. I 26, that I am in posssion of an ulcer because of this process. We have fought more in the last 4 months than ever.

Your right JustFriend. If we can all deal with this, i'm sure we can deal with anything. This process has been ....exhausting. I'm ready to go home to Florida. To settle into my life. Get my kitten, be a housewife for a few months till the EAD shows up and then get into the pace of real life. I would only recommend this visa process to those who are willing to go to the ends of the earth to keep their relationship alive in the face of all this adversity.
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-23 03:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Oh jen/nick.

I cant believe those b*&^&*^ds at VSC still haven't approved you! There is just no good reason why you should be hanging around! Grrrr, I know its cold comfort, but the 6months is up soon, VSC are working to those targets, and generally speaking, once the 6 month mark has passed and you are able to communicate with them...they should be very responsive into looking into your case.

There are some things you can do now to expedite this process and prepare for a fight with VSC should you need to fight them.

Have you found out who your senator is? Contact their office, telling them that you know that there are people around you who filed at the same time and for quite a large period afterward, who have been approved. My case is a good example as I believe we filed at a similar time.

I dont know if you have or not, but it might be worth phoning VSC now. I know they will give you the spiel, but you never know. You might be lucky. They might be able to see something that you cant.

I'm so sorry sad.gif We have found the whole process stressful too. Because despite being approved over a month ago, we got stuck at NVC for administrative processing. It essentially has the effect that...because we have been held waiting there for so long, we might as well have only got approved 2 days ago. When they finally sent it to London. I was like you, exhausted. And sad, thinking....why US!

I'm thinking of you guys. I hope this nightmare ends for you soon.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-23 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (just_friend @ Apr 20 2009, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Posting the same txt twice because it's too long to explain again. sad.gif
A little update. It has gotten even worse. mad.gif The official letter our attorney sent us (the one from USCIS stating the change of the my last name) has my first name wrong. He is saying that this won't matter because the only thing that is important is the NOA2 and my first name is correct in it. I couldn't call the embassy because I was waiting for the letter so now I still don't know if we are good or not. My fiance called the National Customer Service Centre just to make sure the last name is corrected and they said they will send him a paper copy for confirmation. Seriously doubt it will get there on time for my interview.
And because this is not bad enough I also found mistakeS in the Affidavid of Support. It says my finace is living in Germany instead of USA (he is born there), and my name is spelled wrong in 2 places (not even the same mistake). My SO sent me another Affidavid today and hopefully in time for the interview. He has never been very carefull with documents and he just trusted too much the attorney to check the information and he just sent it to me. I was so upset with both of them. headbonk.gif I don't know if he is incompetent or his employees are but all in all they made mistakes (lots of them). I surely hope that everything will be ok but I am so nervous right now.
Wish us good luck.

moniaaa007, Ellie is right. All the consulates have different requirements. We don't have packet 4 and we can't book medical before knowing the interview date (the medical is good for only one month). Just call and ask them. It will do no harm. Wish you all the best and most of all speedy journey good.gif

Uuuuggghhhh, Lawyers are a waste of money! I hope you get your affadavit in time. I'm sure it will get to you. My fingers are crossed for you.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-20 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (moniaaa007 @ Apr 20 2009, 12:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my boyfriend sent back the cheklist form packet 3 to the consulate about a week ago and we're still not getting anything from them whistling.gif hmmm idk how long did it usually take u guys ? if any of u got the appointment for medical yet?? my boyfriend actually faxed them the papers so they got it the same day, but the thing is that we cant even call thea nd make sure if they got it, because it says not to contact them unless we change the adress.. :/ hmm

Have a look in the forum that deals with the polish embassy monia. Consistancy is not something the US govt likes to practice and the embassy's all vary. I know in London it can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 4 weeks before you recieve an interview date. ....but then after that time waiting for packet 4, the interview has been really soon (like 10 days) after.

If he doesnt hear anything in the next few days it might be worth him sending the faxed information through the post. Just to bombard them with the information, or.....fax them again.

As for the medical.....i rang and booked that already. Even though I am yet to recieve packet 3. I'm trying to be organised....hahahahahah.

Edited by Ellie-and-David, 20 April 2009 - 01:27 AM.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-20 01:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Apr 19 2009, 04:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
@ just_friend - call the embassy and advise them of the issue and ask them if this will affect anything or cause any delay..most likely not, but good luck!

@ Ellie - I cant believe you're still stuck in AP!!! Is there any way that you can find out what's causing the delay?? I hope you get out of there soon..My NOA2 expires in June and here I am still waiting for the affidavit and other documents from Rich. He's express mailed it last Friday so Im hoping to receive it sometime this week so I can overnight it to the consulate. I heard of alot of aussies been receiving their interview date within 10 days of the consulate receiving the packet 3 but then again, some have waited up to 3 weeks. Im really starting to get nervous by the fact that May is around the corner and Im still waiting on these docs!! mad.gif Oh well...gotta be patient I guess..

Doesn't having to be patient suck! I am soooo sick of it now! Dont worry about the NOA 2 expiring. Yes it has that 4 month validation on it but....should it get past the 4 months all rich needs to do is send you another intent of marriage letter that has been notarized, that will extend the validity of the NOA 2. They understand that the process takes an age to get through, so it is hardly suprising that NOA 2's are expiring left right and centre. I hope you are one of the lucky one's that gets a quick date. I am going to put a slightly earlier travel date on my checklist as apparently that is the date that the London embassy assign interview dates by.

As for the AP! Wellllllllll.....we are just unlucky. NVC have of recent been putting large numbers of people on AP and we are one of the unlucky ones. At the moment the average time at NVC is 50 days...we are on about we still have a little while to go. It's frustrating and worrying, I have my medical in a month, but if london dont have my case by then, I have no idea if they will accept the results of the medical. GRRRR.....fingers crossed our petition will be released soon. I'm tired of all of this visa crud now.
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-19 06:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Just Friend

Dont worry. If the attorney has proof of the issue and that he requested resolution, then the error is on their end and the likelihood of this causing problems for you is negligible. The situation would be different if the spelling of the name on the documentation was so very different from how it should be, but an extra o is not one of those situations that would cause an embassy worker to question whether you are who your NOA2 says you are.

Panic not!

I am so jealous that you have your interview so soon! I would love to be in a position to say that I was anywhere near that point, but sadly it looks like my administrative processing will go on for at least another 2-4 weeks sad.gif It's hard, I have given up my house, and am handing in my notice on my job without any guarantee's of getting the visa, but if I wait to much longer, I wont be able to go in July!

Mike and Miche - If you want to know when you left NVC my advice would be to call. Like just-friend says, give them a week to receive it, but do call. That tracking thread was next to useless because you can at no time guarantee that the package does contain your paperwork. NVC sent me a letter saying my petition was being sent to we are 30 days later and we are still stuck in NVC. The only sure fire way to track your progress in NVC is to call them. By the time my petition gets to London NVC will be sick of me calling smile.gif I'm hoping if i call enough they will release my petition just to stop me harassing them ;D
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-18 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (just_friend @ Apr 9 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so sorry to hear that Ellie. We wish you the best of luck to go out of it pretty soon. Just think of it this way: you have been already there for a few weeks. this mean that you're gonna be out of it soon. Keep the good faith and you will be with your sweetheart in no time

Awww thanks.

I was being all teary and crazy earlier about it. And then I thought......aggghhhh.....if we cant deal with this, what's the point in getting married at all.

I'm going in search of some chinese food and a glass of wine. I wish I was one of those people who didnt eat when they are stressed. smile.gif
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-09 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
I'm so upset sad.gif

London had not received our case yet and I got worried.

Turns out my fears were founded. We are under administrative processing even though they sent us a letter on the 19th saying that they were sending the petition to london.

I feel sooooo annoyed and sad right now. I hope this doesn't take months sad.gif

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-09 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Apr 7 2009, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Apr 7 2009, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
oh my! It's even more real when you have a ticket.....and yes of course...a little person too!!! We decided that I would leave on Sept 10th, get married on 19th....when you have dates it feels a little more real.

I looked yesterday, on the date i want to leave, there is a ticket for $455...I was so tempted to buy it but am holding off and trying to be cool about everything. In reality im a bundle of nerves.

I cant believe you'll have a two month old.....that's incredible. How time fly's.....

Definitely am getting a little nervous - only because my family wont be able to spend all that much time with the little man before we leave. Yes, I cant believe ill have a 2 month old by then...unbelievable how time flies! yes.gif

September is around the corner girl - soon you'll need to sort out what you're packing tongue.gif

That ticket price is great though...but im sure you'll be able to catch a good deal again...there seems to be several airfare sales this year!

Ack so much can change in just one day...We talked about it yesterday.....looks like it'll be mid July when i go over now.

Now I'm REALLLY SCARED! smile.gif

Do you know the sex of the baby??!!!

QUOTE (sephlijane @ Apr 7 2009, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone. Although this is my first post here, I've been reading for a few months now. I just wanted to report that I got my NOA2 on 4/4/09. The funny thing was I was at work and I get a call from my baby and I hear her crying...I thought something had happened or someone died. heh...well, something DID happen. I was so happy when I got the news biggrin.gif The long wait is finally over, but I kno I'm not out of the water yet. Itjust puts us that much closer to finally being with each other biggrin.gif Hang in there to those who haven't got their NOA2 yet. It's on its way....

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-07 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Apr 6 2009, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For me, I never got an actual letter through the post. I received an email with an attachment noting all the forms that needed to be downloaded from the US embassy website and the required documents. Once all of these are gathered, I have to forward onto the Consulate and request for an interview date.
I have everything except for the affidavit of support and tax stuff, the employment letter, paystubs, well as the letter of intent (just in case)...oh yeah and a copy of the NOA2 which I have somewhere in my inbox that I need to look for. My medical and police certificate has been completed so as soon as I get the rest of the documents needed, I'll get that interview date.

I know what you mean about getting scared laughing.gif I started feeling like that in Feb when I got my NOA2! I also bought my plane ticket as it was on sale...$1900 down from $2900 r/t. I fly out on Rich's bday which is Halloween (Oct 31) so now that I have an actual move date, its starting to make me nervous laughing.gif ...I think its due to the fact that I'll be bringing along a 2 month old by then...I think its easier if I was going solo ...

oh my! It's even more real when you have a ticket.....and yes of course...a little person too!!! We decided that I would leave on Sept 10th, get married on 19th....when you have dates it feels a little more real.

I looked yesterday, on the date i want to leave, there is a ticket for $455...I was so tempted to buy it but am holding off and trying to be cool about everything. In reality im a bundle of nerves.

I cant believe you'll have a two month old.....that's incredible. How time fly's.....
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-07 02:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Popo's Lady @ Apr 6 2009, 09:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Apr 6 2009, 04:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jeremy&SioTo @ Apr 5 2009, 01:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got my letter from the NVC. My petition has been forwarded to Hong Kong! Glad to see the NVC step come so fast. good.gif

Yay!!! Another step in the process is over! We recieved a letter dated 19th March that our petition was being forwarded but I havent recieved my packet 3 yet so I am calling this morning (£1.20 per minute aggghhhhhh my poor phone bill)to see if London have recieved it. I know im not giving them a lot of time to send the info out, but I'm just so excited! I'm going to wait to see if it comes this morning and if not, then call!

I want to get the ball rolling on booking the medical (I just want it out of the way) and we are desperate to send stuff back so that we can get an interview date and book Dave some flights over here to be with me for the interview.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeek, people keep asking me if I'm scared about immigrating. I wasnt whilst that NOA 2 was still in the pipe line....but I'm starting to get scared now....its all happening!

This may be a silly question but is the letter considered the NOA2 approval? I recieved my letter also and my fiance has already recieved his letter with istructions in it. No packet just a letter. How long is the I129F petition good for? The instructions stated to gather all information he will be needing and then contact them for an interview once he has all the paperwork. He sending for the London police report tomorrow and I think it takes 10 days. Once we have that he will get his medical and be ready to go.
Any insight on the process would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much

Hi sherri,

The london packet 3 is a letter listing the forms you are required to complete, some links to forms you can download and a checklist.

Here is the link to the page on the website...apparently the letter looks like this webpage does.


From my understanding, the NOA 2 is good for four months HOWEVER London will accept a resigned copy and updated letter of intent from the USC should your NOA 2 get older than 4 months.

I sent off for my police cert a little while ago and if you pay the normal rate, at present it takes 10 working days for it to get to you, some people on another thread have waited up to 3 weeks. I waited for 2 weeks. fill out the check list included in packet 3, send it back and then you will receive an interview date. Your fiance will need to take all of the evidence with him when he attends the interview. FYI: as your fiance is a uk filer you might want to favourite this thread http://www.visajourn...howtopic=177012

There are lots of people on that thread from the UK who are preparing for their interviews.

As for me.....apparently my case hasn't even been put onto the system yet! Even though it left NVC nearly 3 weeks ago. Grrrrrr!!!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-07 02:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Jeremy&SioTo @ Apr 5 2009, 01:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got my letter from the NVC. My petition has been forwarded to Hong Kong! Glad to see the NVC step come so fast. good.gif

Yay!!! Another step in the process is over! We recieved a letter dated 19th March that our petition was being forwarded but I havent recieved my packet 3 yet so I am calling this morning (£1.20 per minute aggghhhhhh my poor phone bill)to see if London have recieved it. I know im not giving them a lot of time to send the info out, but I'm just so excited! I'm going to wait to see if it comes this morning and if not, then call!

I want to get the ball rolling on booking the medical (I just want it out of the way) and we are desperate to send stuff back so that we can get an interview date and book Dave some flights over here to be with me for the interview.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeek, people keep asking me if I'm scared about immigrating. I wasnt whilst that NOA 2 was still in the pipe line....but I'm starting to get scared now....its all happening!
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-06 03:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Apr 1 2009, 06:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know alot of you guys are busy with the paperwork but hows everyone's wedding plans going??...we originally hired an attorney Dec 07 for the K1 who stuffed us around and we were planning to get married last year September 27th...then we ended up filing ourselves in July last year which USCIS had lost our petition so we had to refile again in November!!! ....we then had our big wedding set for April 25th 2010 but then I ended up getting pregnant then our whole plans had changed all together now, we just figured that we'd have a civil wedding and then have a main wedding when we're both financially settled. It wouldve been alot easier if we both werent coming from huge close knit families on opposite sides of the earth!
I was thinking of doing the civil wedding but not changing my surname until our big wedding....Im wondering if this will be ok and wont affect the AOS or anything??

Hmmmm....well no one can argue that you have the right to keep whattever name you want to, but i guess your 2 year greencard will not be a relection of your actual name once you do decide to change it.

That is the only problem I can think of. They wont deny you based on this, but you will probably have to have the name changed, and im not sure whether this would incur additional costs / and or time to you at a later date.
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-02 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Jenn and Nick @ Apr 1 2009, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We're planning to get married in Tampa... my hometown smile.gif I can't wait! I've already got my dress, etc... Come on VSC we need an approval!

Awww! We are getting married in Tampa too.

Just a courthouse for us for the legal ceremony....and then a ceremony on Honeymoon island for the real thing.

I saw a dress yesterday, but im trying to be good smile.gif

I hope you get your approval soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-02 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (SunTiger @ Mar 31 2009, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yesterday was the first day I could view our case online. Today at noon, I got an email saying our NOA2 approval had been sent....

Now there is a cause for celebration! Congratulations!!!!!!!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-31 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Mar 29 2009, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mike & Miche @ Mar 30 2009, 06:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (vol4life @ Mar 28 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey where is our approval? Wish VSC would learn to file in order
they are received. Government, go figure. Oh well, congrats to
all those approved.

Let's pray the rest of us get approved soon. I am getting
frustrated waiting for an email/letter. Not even able to check
online or call. Me and my love are always praying for an approval,
we really need His blessings. I leave all up to Him. I pray He'll
allow us to get that much closer to being together with an
approval soon.

I need to be able to hold my love again.

Good Luck Everyone!!
Another week another step closer to getting approval whistling.gif

I hear ya is a bit agonizing, albeit self-imposed. The CSC vs. VSC processing times are a bit frustrating as well. But, I will never take away from those who waited just as long (and in many cases longer) for their NOA2's and subsequent events to take place.

The way we look at day more of waiting is one day closer to it happening.

Keep the faith everyone who is in limbo. In it together.

good.gif thats right guys....dont forget that there are still some august filers who are still waiting for their NOA2....i hope you guys get yours sooner than later...keep us posted!

I know, when we got approved I felt so guilty for those in August Sept and Oct who were still waiting.

MzMo - do you have a date for your interview yet? I was getting all excited about sending back my packet 3 stuff when it arrives and then I realised I would have to reign my excitement in a are giving out dates really quickly and I dont really want to be interviewed until June!!! Dave's coming over for the interview and it may be a little bit soon to tell his new job...hey! Gimme 10 days off!!!
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-30 03:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers

And all that big talk about you winning the race kevin....all in vain.

I am so happy your a loser smile.gif Congratulations!!!!! Enjoy's nearly all over!!!!!!!!!

I also see that nearly all of the original participants in this thread have been approved which means that the newest members will be getting approved soon too.

Best of luck to those remaining in the race. I hope you are all losers.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-27 05:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (just_friend @ Mar 25 2009, 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG OMG OMG. WE ARE APRPOVED. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
I just received e-mail from CRIS that today 3/25 they sent the aproval. The status in USCIS is updated too. I am soooooooooooooooooo HAPPY. I cried, laughed, jumped. It is such a great feeling. I can't believe its finaly happening. I was just txting with Erik and the new e-mail poped up. I called him and we both cried and laughed. OMG.
Thank you all for the support. You were amazing. Good luck to everyone still waiting. Kevin&Leilei, Jen&Nick and all the others I KNOW you are next. Maybe even today.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about time too! Congratulations! I know lots of people are stuck in NVC, but Dave and I were in and out in a think positive!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-26 08:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Mar 24 2009, 09:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Mar 24 2009, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I dont want to jinx it but.....

Dave starts his new job this morning (fingers crossed all goes well for him) so we can now start sending back the packet 3 information sooner rather than later - we were worried about the affidavit of support ( we had a co-cponsor lined up) but now it seems a little easier.

MzMo - The police certificate requested i send a photo in with my application. I am not surprised I looked like a criminal...I always look like a criminal in photo's I am not allowed to smile in. I am just genetically gifted that way wink.gif I hope the medical goes smoothly!!!

Lucky Dave and his new job!! Richie has his NY state broker exam next April 1st - My day!! So im hoping he will pass with flying marks - i know he will yes.gif Then after he passes his exam he will sign the contract of employment with his job then he'll officially be on the payroll books...I just hope it speeds up we may not need a co-sponsor...

The instructions for my police certificate never mentioned a photo so fingers crossed that goes well...

As for my went rather smoothly. I bought along my vaccination records, my blood tests and confirmation of pregnancy and they actually reduced my bill from $310 down to $218!! They put in a waiver note for the chest xray and the other vaccinations that are contraindicted. I was given the bunch of paperwork in the sealed yellow envelope and they advised that when I get into the US I will need to get the TB skin test and the other vaccines completed for my im assuming the medical was a pass?? huh.gif

Sounds like a pass to me!!!!! Congratulations. And I hope everything goes smoothly for rich.....Dave had a great day yesterday...he was so bright and bushy tailed when I spoke to him last night. It's been hard....he was out of work 6 months!!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel now smile.gif and a visa to get smile.gif
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-25 03:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Kevin&Leilei @ Mar 23 2009, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well guys, I'm leaving for China tomorrow morning. I'm going to try to keep up with the race while I'm there, but don't count on timely updates. I might be too busy. innocent.gif

Hee hee.....have a blast Kevin....I really do hope you get your NOA 2 whilst you are out there. Getting it is amazing. Getting it with your future husband (wife in your case) was just a moment of leaping up and down, screaming and hugging.....we both cried a bit too. Maybe you'll be more reserved...I know our neighbours probably thought we were having a hundinger of a fight!

I dont want to jinx it but.....

Dave starts his new job this morning (fingers crossed all goes well for him) so we can now start sending back the packet 3 information sooner rather than later - we were worried about the affidavit of support ( we had a co-cponsor lined up) but now it seems a little easier.

MzMo - The police certificate requested i send a photo in with my application. I am not surprised I looked like a criminal...I always look like a criminal in photo's I am not allowed to smile in. I am just genetically gifted that way wink.gif I hope the medical goes smoothly!!!

Edited by Ellie-and-David, 24 March 2009 - 03:41 AM.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-24 03:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Kevin&Leilei @ Mar 23 2009, 04:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (moniaaa007 @ Mar 23 2009, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
just got the mail notice i got NOA2 yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! biggrin.gif can anyone tell me how to update the timeline couse ive been trying and i cant seem to find how :/ ugh

SO HAPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! biggrin.gif FINALLY biggrin.gif

Congratulations! smile.gif


Dave just surprised me by springing the NVC letter on me......we are on our way to London!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-23 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Mar 22 2009, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys has anyone had their medical yet? If so, how did eveyone go? I have mine on Wednesday...I really wanted to delay it until mid april (so I can stay here til end of Oct/early Nov) but i've almost got everything in order...just need the medical, police certificate which should arrive in about two weeks and the affidavit of support from Richie...

No we are way off booking the medical. I am trying to stall to have the interview around late June / July time time so that Dave can come over and be with me for it. This will hopefully give him time to get his affidavit stuff together for me. I got home yesterday from florida (sad.gif boooooooooo) and found my police certificate waiting for me (my goodness, those scanned photo's are NOT flattering....i look like a criminal!)

Apparently the doctors in Knightsbridge in London are a little snooty about booking medicals to far in advance...otherwise I would get it out of the way asap and consider it one less thing to have to do.

Could you delay sending all of your information back so that you can hang on for a little while longer? Or even request a later interview date for the visa so that it doesn't expire before you and the baby are ready to leave.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-23 03:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (together-forever @ Mar 20 2009, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ellie and David congrats to your NOA2! Looks like that did work out great for you, being with your sweetheart and receiving big news! I´m happy for you! Well we received our RFE last monday and it was really just about question nr. 2 part C, we got it done and sent it right back in! On sunday Michael is coming to see me for a week, he is off from college and right in time uscis had a nice surprise for us:

WE GOT APPROVED MARCH 19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awwww thanks! And congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt think that RFE would hold you up too long and I am so glad that USCIS approved you so quickly.

Sorry I've been MIA - been visiting my father in law to be and getting a very good idea of what david will be like in his 80's! I'm headed home tomorrow (booooooooooooo) but am excited to get on to NVC. We got back from the east coast today to find the hardcopy NOA 2 in the mail.

MzMo - so glad you had a great time in Hawaii. I cant believe it is snowing in NY at the moment....poor devils. We haven't had a day below 80 since I got here.....I really cant wait to come and live in the land of eternal sunshine (okay so I am skipping over the hurricanes and tropical thunder storms and living the dream hahahahahhaha) and be with Dave. We had a great time, I know i cant move here till Sept....but suddenly 6 months doesn't seems so long.

To you guys still waiting....well i just wish you all the best and hope you are approved soon. Cold comfort whilst those around you get approved, I know this....but us November filers have to stick together and I for one will still be here until everyone gets approved.

Much love to y'all (I'm getting my slang in) will check in when I get back to the UK (sad.gif) in a couple of days.

Edited by Ellie-and-David, 20 March 2009 - 03:08 PM.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-20 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (just_friend @ Mar 12 2009, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh by the way now it's spring break in Florida. Are you guys having fun smile.gif)) What a nice place to celebrate!!!!!! Both of my sister's in low (future ones) are now there and it's just a blast smile.gif

Cheers and one more time CONGRATULATIONS

Hahahahahha! Dave lives here and didn't even realise it was spring break! It wasn't till we went to Clearwater beach on Monday that it sank in......I think I'm happy that he doesn't know when spring break is! We are having a blast catching up with friends, watching movies and getting sunburnt. Leaving next week will be HARD....but easier now we know we are a couple of steps closer.

I love Florida....we had a tough choice to make, dave come to england or me come here......but eventually the sun won out.
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-13 09:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Damn it! I love to win! But this was one race i was happy to lose on.

Thanks for the congrats guys.....I guess I had better find out what I have to do next! smile.gif
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-13 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (tinichka @ Mar 12 2009, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ellie-and-David @ Mar 12 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys!

Sorry I haven't written...have been here visiting Dave. It's hot, we both have sun burn and we were feeling a little groggy.

Then Dave checked his email.....and we found this...


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC***********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On March 12, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status and Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.

We got our NOA 2.....

I just cried. He did to. It's total pure and utter wonderful luck we were together when we got approved.

Love to all.....wont be long till the whole of november is approved and we can all raise a glass together!


OMG, so many approvals today! Congratulations!! So happy for you two! smile.gif

Thank you! And congrats to you to! We just cant believe it! We are in total shock. Such unbelievable shock! And we just cant believe it happened when i am here!!!

We are going to head out to dinner to celebrate

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-12 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Hi guys!

Sorry I haven't written...have been here visiting Dave. It's hot, we both have sun burn and we were feeling a little groggy.

Then Dave checked his email.....and we found this...


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: EAC***********

Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status: Approval notice sent.

On March 12, 2009, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

*Current processing times can be found on the USCIS website at under Case Status and Processing Dates.
*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.

We got our NOA 2.....

I just cried. He did to. It's total pure and utter wonderful luck we were together when we got approved.

Love to all.....wont be long till the whole of november is approved and we can all raise a glass together!


Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-12 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
Hi peeps!

I'm off.....I'm going to grab some sleep and re-pack before i leave at some unworldly hour in the morning!

Will check in when i get to the US of A (if they let me in!!!)

Take care!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-06 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (together-forever @ Mar 5 2009, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you so much Ellie-and-David! I guess it´s about not answering part C question 2! When we became member of vj our petition was already sent in and we figured that we forgot about making a cross in the box cause we thought that question wouldn´t need to be answered if your not military living abroad, i know the mistake alot of other people have made before! Oh well if it´s just that it should be easy to fix it! I will keep you updated!

Ahhh!!! The dreaded Part C question 2!!!!!! I've seen a few people fall foul of that one!

I hope you find out what it is soon!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-05 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (together-forever @ Mar 5 2009, 08:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We just got touched again and finally our case says after a couple touches that a RFE is on it´s way to us :-( does anybody know what´s the difference between furter and initial evidence??? thank you guys for any response

Initial = something you have left out from your petition that should have been there when you first submitted the application.
Further = they would like to see evidence in addition to the information you have already sent. EG more photo's, proof of meeting...etc.

Dont be sad! It means they are working on your case. Most people are approved quite quickly after they re-submit the RFE'd info to USCIS. Just do exactly as they ask and you could be approved really soon!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-05 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (just_friend @ Mar 4 2009, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dalrin @ Mar 5 2009, 02:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lol i will join the race. Cant check Status online though. Praying its soon though

blink.gif blink.gif blink.gif Count me in. I guess we just have to invite Ellie and David smile.gif)

Thanks for the invite!!!!!! I feel I may be the winner....we did file pretty late. Sheeeeeeeeeeesh, now I think about it, i'll probably be the last left on the dang thread!

I'm leaving for the states at some ridiculous time in the morning on Saturday, but I trust kevin will be an excellent referee and ensure no one is calling up USCIS and begging for their NOA 2's to be delayed, just so they can beat me!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-05 03:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Mar 4 2009, 09:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Guys im leaving for the states tonight!!! Wish me luck to get thru the POE!!!! unsure.gif
I'll be back on when I get the the mean all those who are still waiting for their NOA2's - I hope you all get it really soon!!!!

Have a blast!!!!!!!!! Hope you get through alright!!! I'm pretty nervous about my POE on saturday!! eeeeeeeeeek!!!
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-05 02:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (together-forever @ Mar 3 2009, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are still here waiting :-(

Hey! But i see you are getting touched so that's really good! There were a couple of people who were touched on the oct thread who didnt get an update from USCIS but just received their NOA 2 in the post!

Really....given how many oct's are outstanding, we are lucky to be getting any approvals on the November thread at all!

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-03 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-03 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (Han & James @ Mar 2 2009, 03:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (clip_click lady @ Feb 28 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
congrats good.gif , we have the same approval date, feb 27, kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif lets dance to it.

Congratulations to all guys got approval in this month.

I am wondering that all of you had Novemeber K1 Filers, and got NOA2 in this month, but why processing time on VJ just be October...? unsure.gif Can anyone explain this?

Thank you very much

Ham & James

There doesnt appear to be an awful lot of rhyme and reason in the way that USCIS process cases. It is supposed to be on a first come first serve basis.....but mitigating staff factors seem to get in the way and for whattever reason, whilst a large majority of Oct filers appear to be outstanding, USCIS have started working on November batches.

I would sumise the following things that can influence igors list and processing outcomes.

1 - A number of people who initially signed up to Visa Journey and filed in a time line are now no longer active on the site. They may have recieved their NOA 2's and never come back to update their timelines. This makes Igor's list an innacurate reflection on actual processing times.

2 - Of the people left for October and still active, their petitions may require further scrutiny (such as additional name checks, where a common name is flagged on a database) and this would therefore impact on the processing time of their application

3 - There are a number of people from October who have been given RFE's. It make take time for USCIS to pair the returned information to the original application, therefore slowing the processing of these cases down.

4 - USCIS perhaps assign a particular batch to a processing officer. Like in any company or department, there are some individuals who work more efficiently than others.

5 - USCIS dont always store the batches properly, so whilst an October batch is waiting in the wings, an early november one has been pushed forward.

These are just my opinions based on observations I have made on the site and are by no means insight into the inner workings of USCIS. I do believe some people, are just lucky to have their applications processed quickly and others are not quite so fortunate.

Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-02 05:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember '08 K-1 Filers
QUOTE (MzMo1102 @ Mar 2 2009, 12:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got an email from the US Consulate here in Sydney advising that they've already received our package and giving instructions on downloading the packet 3 along with all other info....that was pretty quick..

Ellie - you are correct, it states that you must have the interview and visa issues within the 4 month validity date from receiving the NOA2....such a relief!!! At least I dont need to worry about leaving so soon. Now my plan is to move to the US around October or hopefully November..its a shame that our baby wont be able to spend its first Christmas here with my huge fam sad.gif ..oh well, that just mean that I'll be here next year August to celebrate a massive 1st birthday for the baby biggrin.gif

Cool, that's really good to know about the four month rule....we are going to need some time too. I suspect I will be approved whilst I am actually over there (I leave on Saturday for 2 weeks...)

Wow.....October / November!!!! Yeah, the missing out on spending time with the fam will be sad sad.gif you said there is a big first b'day celebration to have smile.gif

My parents have already invited themselves over to Florida for xmas next

I got a jump on all the packet 3 stuff and discovered that besides the police cert, I have most things covered. I have even managed to obtain my vaccination transcripts for the medical and they cover me from my date of birth to current day! I know im jumping the gun....but im trying to be prepared for once (doesnt happen very often!!!!!)
Ellie-and-DavidFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-02 03:36:00