K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf K-1 Visa Fiance does not marry within 90 days can she stay?

I posted a similar post a while back. Me and my wife are happily married but we have a friend who applied for a K-1 visa for his fiance. She came here 4 weeks ago on a K-1 visa. Her boyfirend has changed on her since she has been living here and believes he will not marry her. She is asking me and my wife if she can stay here after 90 days if they do not marry? I said I am not sure?
Some say she has to go back to her home country.

Does anyone know what or how she can stay without being married on a K-1 or is it possible to stay here without being married? Will she get in trouble or have problems and possibly have to go back if she does not get married and stays?

Just stopped by to say please tell her sorry for the situation she has to face, sorry that things did not turn out well for her....

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2011-01-09 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Address won't fit. Type or hand write?
i take it that you didnt really read the instruction that well huh:) if you need more space then you will need to type or handwriting it in an additional paper, dont forget to put the number of the questions, your name and the form (example: 1-485, etc)
maybe you want to take a look at the instruction again, good luck:)
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2009-08-14 20:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiled k1
All the best lucks to you!!!! :dance:
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2011-06-08 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjust getting started

Actually hiring an attorney will not give you any peace of mind, but just more headache.

Agree with that.

Good luck on your journey and yesss!!! you can do it yourself, it'll be exciting and would be the journey to remember :yes:

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2011-10-10 00:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K-1 with Previous Overstay

Thank you... you say you wrote an essay of sorts on your overstay... when you say you included "evidence" in this regard, what exactly do you mean?

The evidences just like when you file for K-1, Cr-1, etc. Most of my proofs was pictures. Say in the letter i wrote i worked while i was overstaying, i included the complete info about the place i work at, my employer's name, address, phone # and my pictures with them. That just one of the examples. Basically what i wrote in my letter, i accompany it with the proof, so they know i'm telling the truth.

My case was pretty tough, i work illegally in addition of that overstaying. I explained them all in my letter. How i met my then fiance, why i really needed that waiver, again, i wrote everything in there. And i'm almost 100% sure they read my entire letter :)

We didn't hire no attorney, it does seem hard but you can do it on your own.

Edited by summersurf, 15 July 2012 - 02:44 PM.

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2012-07-15 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K-1 with Previous Overstay
Does anyone happen to know how long an i-601 takes to process

:) I think it depends on the embassy you file it at..Mine was taking 7 months to be approved, some got approved quicker and some even longer.

Does anyone know if sending a 'letter of apology and explanation' of sorts with the i-608 packet would generally assist with our cause?

:) YES! The extreme hardship and letter of apology would be the 2 "main ingredients" in filing for this I-601 waiver. I'm sharing this based on my own experience. My letter of aplogy was about 6 pages, i did't leave anything out, i wrote everyhing, i mean every single thing in it from the very day i enter the US, why i was overstaying, what i did when i was overstaying, etc, but of course i also attach the proof along with the letter.

Hope this helps.
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2012-07-15 01:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 601 Approval
Congratulation on the approval!

My experience, i was notified by phone that my I-601 was approved, but they also notified me by email couple days later. They told me to bring in my passport to the Embassy so they can attach the visa in it. So i did and within 3 days my visa was ready to be picked up. It was the US Embassy in Indonesia, but i'm sure the procedure won't be much different in Honduras.

But yeah, it would be a lot better if you're able to get hold of someone at the embassy. They're the one who should've called you first though. Oh well, may be they will soon :)

summersurfFemaleIndonesia2012-07-16 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOverstaying a tourist visa

Hey guys. So I saw something about if you overstayed your visa you will not be eligible for a K1 visa. Here's the scenario: When I was 7 years old, my parents took me to the US on a tourist visa and I did not return to Mexico until the age of 22. Will this cause my k1 visa to get rejected? =[

Hi Kevin and Crystal,
I just read your post and i think your case pretty similar with mine. If i may ask how old are you now since you said you returned to Mexico when you were 22?
Okay so your K-1 (I-129F) already approved and your interview is coming up, if you still within the 10 years ban range (unless you now 32 years old or older), your visa would be denied and you will need to file for waiver.

I'm sorry that the answers you got kind of confusing, i'm gonna try to help you a little bit based on my experience since i have gotten through this, it was almost 5 years ago though when i filed for the K1 and the waiver but hopefully i could still remember it.

I also had 10 years ban because i overstayed my tourist visa for 1,5 years. I returned to Indonesia voluntarily, NOT being deported, there is a huge different between these two, because if you leave the US voluntarily then you will only need to file I-601 but if you were deported then you will need to file both I-601 and I-212. So I met my american boyfriend then, now husband, and we started the whole process. Our K1 also approved, just like yours, but at the interview the visa was denied, of course because of my overstaying status. At the interview after they denied my visa, they handed me a paper stating how to file for the waiver.

So i went home and get all the papers done for my waiver petition, i only needed to apply for the I-601 since i wasnt deported. You can find the form on and read the instruction carefully. 2 things that you MUST have to accompany your waiver petitions are your own statements and the extreme hardship from your fiance/e.

This statement you're going to write would be your apology to the US government for violating their laws by overstaying the visa. It's like a personal letter. Mine was 6 pages long and hand written because i wanted to make it very personal, i told them EVERYTHING about what i was doing in the US while i was overstaying the visa. From the very beginning i entered the US until i left the country, i didn't leave one single thing out, you need to be really honest in your statements. About how you get into the country, whether you work illegally or not, why you overstay your visa when you already know that would cause you problem, everything.

And the extreme hardship would be the one your fiance/e write. It also like a statement, apologizing and that you guys are meant to be together and can't leave without each other. But also telling them the reason why he/she needs to remain in the US as his/her homecountry and need to get you to the US with him/her.
My husband's (then fiance) extreme hardship was only one page, but he got to the point.

Oh and also the story you tell them in your statement and in your fiance/e extreme hardship MUST BE submitted with the supporting documents, like in my husband's extreme hardship says that he needs to be in the US since his dad has some health problems, so we submiitted all his health records from his doctors. This is just to give you ideas.

We also have the family members write letters for us, and that would help a lot, i only had my parents in law write for us.

We did not hire a lawyer at all, it seems hard but you can do it, we waited for another 7 months for the waiver to be approved, and NO you won't bee needing to do the K1 process all over again, once they approved your waiver they will issue you the visa.

It takes time but i think it depends on which embassy you file it with, hopefully your embassy works quicker.

Please feel free to write me a personal message if you want to ask more questions, i'll be more than happy to help you.
Say prayers along the way..:yes: hope this helps, good luck
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2012-02-20 23:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Ten year ban and information mistakes
hello, yeah maybe i was a little confused with that EXTREME HARDSHIP thing. What i know about that is my fiance (US citizen) will need to move permanently to my country if the waiver has been approved, but i think i was totally wrong. So He won't have to move at all if the waiver approved? So can i get more information about this extreme hardship so i can understand clearly, thank you!!!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2007-09-05 07:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Ten year ban and information mistakes
So i guess i have the same case about overstaying here, i was overstayed my visa for 2 years and i'm about to have the K-1 visa interview next month, i know i'll get denied but i also definitely don't want my fiance to apply for the waiver, i'd rather wait until 10 years with him go back and forth than he has to file for the extreme hardship and relocate permanently to my country. That would be unfair. he wouldn't mind with moving in to my country but i will never say yes because its not only about us but about his family too. Hey 10 years isn't too long, is it? i must be crazy say that isn't too long huh:), but someday when you already passed that 10 years, you would look back and smile at it and that would be the thing that will strengthen your love bond with your loved one. Thanks a lot tho for alllll the information, specially for Kitkats, you the best at the info, thanks a bunch!!!!
summersurfFemaleIndonesia2007-08-27 00:46:00