K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC is now processing I-129F's from...
I think the dates are helpful ... certainly better than nothing. I understand these dates are typically "worse case" and I'm the type to prefer being told something will arrive Wednesday when in fact it is more likely to arrive Monday.

How are they confusing at all? If they are processing Sep 06 cases today, that means there is Mar 07 minus Sep 06 months of lag. Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar ... 7 months of lag. So if you filed in Feb 07, expect the case to be processed Feb 07 plus 7 months = Aug 07.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-03-19 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalifornia Service Center Stalled?
Things are moving at CSC. Currently they are processing 9/13/06 cases. So that 7-8 month trajectory is still holding.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-03-19 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnnoying Adobe "+" Marks

Go to EDIT then PREFERENCES then FORMS (on left side in the Categories section) then UNTICK "SHOW TEXT FIELD OVERFLOW INDICATOR and that'll fix ya up. :)

AWESOME!!! THANK YOU!!! I am naming my first child after you. Billy Bong Ronin. :lol:
the.roninMaleMexico2007-02-22 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnnoying Adobe "+" Marks
Thanks a lot for the help you guys.

Also good to know, I'm not the only one suffering from 3rd Degree OCD. :lol:

Since I've got you, mind if I ask how you folks included the photos? I really would prefer a cleaner method than zip lock bagging them. OCDers of the world unite!! hahaha
the.roninMaleMexico2007-02-22 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnnoying Adobe "+" Marks
Thanks the responses ... for those that have resized the fields, do you remember where the option was to do so? I've got the full version of Adobe Acrobat and I couldn't find that option.

As for the OCD ... man, I must have gone to at least 5 places to find the perfect way to include the photos - some sort of 8.5x11 plastic sheet was what I was hunting for but all I could find were ones with the 3 holes down the sides making it far larger than 8.5x11. I've resolved to just throw them into a ziplock and tape that to a sheet of paper with the appropriate heading. I am going OCD with custom printed divider tabs along the bottom page of each new section hahaha. This is so bad.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-02-22 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnnoying Adobe "+" Marks
So it would be ok to put in "06" rather than "2006"?

WOW ... this whole process if really doing a number on my obsessive compulsive disorder!! :jest:
the.roninMaleMexico2007-02-22 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnnoying Adobe "+" Marks
When I try to fill in any of the forms in Adobe, in areas where there is not enough space, I get these annoying"+" marks ... little black boxes with a "+" in it indicating not all data is showing. Problem is, in many instances, sufficient data is showing except for a micro-millimeter or something. An example are the year fields on the G-325A.

Anyone know how to toggle off these plus marks or better yet, how to enlarge the fields?

I realize I can just print the forms out and type in the information but would really prefer to have it down on a computer. Thanks for any advice.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-02-22 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis is Goodbye.....
Keep your chin up ... for this too shall pass.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-03-19 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfederacy of the Dunces
Well I basically just submitted everything that was originally submitted and sent it in the official RFE envelope. I am a bit worried that maybe they require more evidence of having met - even although all that was noted in their letter was that they thought the passport was meant as evidence. No mention of the actual evidence submitted.

I am just worried that they, for whatever reason, decide to decline the application since I just submitted what has already been sent.

Do you think it is worth calling them in a few days to follow up?
the.roninMaleMexico2007-05-31 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfederacy of the Dunces
Ok guys and gals ... I'm about to head to the post office to send in my response to the RFE via certified & return receipt mail.

I plan on including exactly what I had sent with the original package:

- 5 original photos with time stamps (month, day, year) with our names, locations, and dates on back as well
- copies of airline boarding passes with our names and dates for our trip in Oct 2006 to Gauadalajara
- copies of bus boarding passes with our names and dates for our trip in Dec 2005 to Mazatlan

I also included a cover letter outlining the above and clarifying the purpose of the U.S. passport copy included in the original application was as proof of U.S. citizenship. Recall they had thought that was meant as proof of having met. For what it was worth, I also indicated that traveling to Mexico by land does not warrant an exit / entry stamp - that you don't even need a passport just a drivers license. I also mentioned that I live just 100 miles from the border and visit my fiance every weekend.

Please let me know if I'm missing anything here. Wish me luck!
the.roninMaleMexico2007-05-30 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfederacy of the Dunces

Seriously nice organization. You are my hero :)

5th degree OCD. :D

I'm still curious as to why I never got an email update and why the status description on the site has not changed.

I understand they are doing the "best" they can but for $170, I truly do find this all rather disconcerting. And to think they are increasing the fees more than two-fold. Quicker turnaround ... yeah ok, right after I buy that bridge in Brooklyn.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-05-29 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfederacy of the Dunces

I'll take a Heineken, if you please! :D


Just one?? :D
the.roninMaleMexico2007-05-28 23:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfederacy of the Dunces
Wow so it's NORMAL to get RFEs for Es already submitted??? And I thought I had read through enough of these forums ... I guess not!!

Do you think it is worth my contacting the 800 number and referring to the evidence already submitted; just go ahead and submitting the evidence (again); submit the evidence and then some; or all of the above?

I feel SO much better now. Damn I really wish I could buy you all beers!! :thumbs:
the.roninMaleMexico2007-05-28 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfederacy of the Dunces
Thanks for the responses you guys ... yes, this is just me venting. Mostly because I am beside myself that $170 evidently doesn't even buy enough competence to warrant reviewing the whole application package. The passport copies were in front of the tab marked "evidence" and I presume they got to that passport, saw that the stamps were outdated and assumed that was the evidence of having met. When in fact ... 1) the passport was meant for proof of citizenship and 2) the only stamps on there are for travels to Morocco, the U.K., and Holland. :bonk:

And yes, I do plan to be as cordial as can be when I speak to them ... as my boss always tells me, "... easier to catch bees with honey than vinegar" haha.

Thanks again you guys. It is helpful to just have good people that sympathize with you. I'd buy you all beers if I could. :thumbs:
the.roninMaleMexico2007-05-28 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfederacy of the Dunces
We received our first touch a few weeks ago ... no email updates although I have signed up for it and no changes to the status language on the USCIS site.

Over the weekend I received an RFE for evidence that we have met in person within the last two years - evidence which I have already submitted ...

The Petitioner submitted evidence copies of Passport pages that show admission stamps older than 2 years.

The copies of each pages of the petitioner U.S. passport were per directions on the I-129F as proof of citizenship. Additionally, entry into Mexico from the U.S. does not warrant a passport stamp nor does re-entry into the U.S.

Under a separate section - which, mind you, I'd like to think was clearly marked per my obsessive compulsive disorder ...

Posted Image

... included 5 photos with month, day, and year stamped on each, location, and both of our full names. Additionally, this section includes copies of airline boarding passes each with our names and copies bus boarding passes each with our names; copies. Each page with the header clearly indicating "Proof of Having Met in Past Two Years" including a description of what is contained on the page. In each circumstance, all dates are within 2 years from the date of application (as well as the current date today).

Yes, I am extremely pissed off. I made sure to put in an inordinate amount of time and effort to make sure the application was not only complete - but also extremely organized and presentable. I would never presume that all the attention to detail would warrant an automatic visa - hardly. But I would expect my $170 to cover some degree of competence in reviewing my application. Now we've got another three months delay to the process thank you to an imbecile at USCIS with the mental capacity of a spoon.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-05-28 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSwitching Jobs
Ah so I should wait until my fiance's interview? Am I getting the process mixed up here ...

Interestingly, our friends went through the same exact process (same circumstances - he is U.S., she is Mexico) and when she had her interview in Juarez, they never even so much as asked for any of the tax returns, pay stubs, W2s, etc. ... although I intend on bringing everything. Just interesting to note.

Thanks you guys.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-06-12 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSwitching Jobs
If I switch jobs and our I-129F continues to be processing, do I need to report that to the USCIS? How - just a form letter?

Additionally, how does that look when I provide evidence for the interview in terms of the letter from the employer? At best, I will have been at my new job for just a couple months. However I do keep every pay stub I have earned and am well well above the poverty limits indications for a sponsor.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-06-11 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphotos as 'evidence' of meeting (I129F)

I got a RFE and one thing they said was photo's with dates were needed claiming mine had none. After the final interview in Sigon I recover the photo's and confermed I had put date in large print on the back of every photo. So dating photo's on back may not help if the moron's the DHS hires to review your package are to stupid or lazy to turn over or read the back of the print.

My solution was to submit photo's on 8 by 11 photo paper from a color copier and then write the dates & place on the margins on the front, so if the iodiots can read you might have a chance.

I completely understand your frustration. One only wonders what the $175 fee was all about. How long does it take to turn a photo over??? Absolute morons. It's as if they do not realize it's people's futures they are dealing with here.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-06-20 00:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphotos as 'evidence' of meeting (I129F)
Agreed with most of the above but please note my friends were sent an RFE for, among a few other things, not having dates on their photos. Whether they expect it to be time stamped by the camera or simply written on the back, I don't know. I did both.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-06-19 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestypical US Laywer fees for filing K-1 Visa?
Whoa ... I'm in the wrong line of business.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-09-10 23:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAt the San Ysidro POE
Ok thanks again folks ... I must have come across some misinformation then which indicated that even if you marrie with 90 days, after 90 days she will be considered illegal, need to return to her home country, and will have to file K3.

So just to clarify, even if we married day 89, we can still file AOS, say, day 120 and be ok?? Is that accurate?
the.roninMaleMexico2007-09-28 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAt the San Ysidro POE
Thank you for such a quick response, raymaga ... ok another point of clarification please ...

We MUST file AOS before 90 days is over upon crossing, irregardless of marriage, right? Even if we married within 90 days, after 90 days, she is considered illegal and must return to her home country and apply for the K3 visa, right? Damn that's scary. Ok, so does this mean that the AOS application just needs to be post-marked before the 90 day deadline or received by them (i.e., I've gotten a "NOA" indicating receipt)?

Damn I'm nervous. We've focused all of our energy on the K1 thus far that we didn't really allocate much energy to thinking ahead. We figured we would have the 6 month duration of the K1 before she had to cross and use that time to work through post-K1 issues. Ack.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-09-28 10:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAt the San Ysidro POE
Ok happy K1ers, my fiance and I are preparing to cross the border tomorrow morning at the San Ysidro POE in California.

I understand that at the POE, we are to fill out the Form I-94 Arrival- Departure document. I've also heard that for San Ysidro specifically, it is $6.00 and they do not take change (friends went through exact same process). I understand it is critical to keep the I-94 until the interview as it validates date of entry.

I hear that the border agent will open the sealed envelope - do they keep it or give it back?

I've been told that they proceed to stamp the passport and insert the I-94 inside.

Big question - are they still issuing the 90-day Employment Authorization Document (EAD)? I heard that has become increasingly rare since 2001.

Anything else?

Thanks so much for the advice!

[edit] Oh yeah, I had verified (twice) with border agents that it is perfectly ok to cross either via car or on foot at any time of day for K1 visa processing (I presume any visa) ... that by car, you will just get sent to secondary and if on foot outside of the permit office business hours, you will just get sent outside to secondary. For anyone that's crossed via San Ysidro, any confirmation / advice greatly appreciated on this as well.

Edited by the.ronin, 28 September 2007 - 10:37 AM.

the.roninMaleMexico2007-09-28 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmergency Circumstances
Under the K1 visa, how does one facilitate a return to the foreign national's country under an emergency circumstance?

Specifically, her nephew has fallen very very ill. He did not wake up and was taken to the hospital. We moved to the U.S. just over 1 month ago and have yet to marry (scheduled for Dec 1) and as such have yet to file AOS nor advanced parole. I understand that under emergency circumstances, the foreign national can go back and return to the U.S.

Any clarification, advice and comments would be greatly appreciated.
the.roninMaleMexico2007-11-07 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Name change
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Aug 16 2009, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

But Monkey Award accepted and placed on front patio. cool.gif

Thank you so much everyone. So I will just put her old name on the I 129F and we will have the name change paper translated and ready for the interview at the embassy.
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-08-17 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Name change
Hi all my girl had her name changed (because it was to long) about 12 years ago when she was about 15yrs. old. I know she will need the docs for this and she says they are at her moms house about 10hr drive from where she lives. The embassy website says to bring name change docs to the Interview but on some things that I read it says that it should be sent in with the I 129F. Can we wait and take it in to the embassy or do I have to mail it with the I 129F? It would be better if we can wait she has a ID card and passport in the new name only her birth cert wil be in the old name. any advice?
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-08-16 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG 325a birthday info
Hi all I am filling out the G325a for my girl. She ask her parents for they birthdays and they dont know? The are from the counrty in Thailand and a lot of older people there dont have a birthday on there ID card they just put a year not a date can I do this on the G325a or will it be a problem I guess I could attach a letter explaining why there is no date just a year. Has anyone had this problem before? what should I do? thank in advance for any help.
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-08-22 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F, Birth Certificate front and back?????
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Aug 23 2009, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Westindy @ Aug 23 2009, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The back of my BC is blank also but that's what they asked for. So that's what I gave them. No problems here!!

I usually add the words (a one-sided document) when such is the case for a birth certificate. Technically, the back of the photocopy would be identical to the back of a one-sided birth certificate. devil.gif

my birth cert is only printed on one side but the state seal shows up on the back side if you look very carefuly I think that is why they ask for both sides to see if threre is a seal or not.
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-08-23 22:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDelay a K-1 petition?
QUOTE (endoftheroad @ Aug 29 2009, 12:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Problems have beset my benificiary. Mother and father are very sick, ex-husband died and their family is attempting to drag it out in court for his daughter who is supposed to get his house and a portion of his savings, plus other stuff. We are nearly in the consulate/P3 stage but it is going to be hard to know when we can be together in the USA with all these other issues happening right now.

Is there a way to postpone the P3 until this blows over? Maybe like a year? I know she has six months to come and get married here once we pass the consulate but that may not be enough time.

Any ideas?

I did hear that you can drag it out by taking your time turning in your p3 and p4 packets maybe if you took like 4 to 6 weeks with each and could get a long appt. time say a month out that would get you like 3 months then you have 6 months till she has to use the visa so now you will have 9months maybe. I deont know what else you can do naybe someone else on here knows sorry
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-08-29 03:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDCF and I-129F possible?
QUOTE (Stephen + Elisha @ Sep 8 2009, 06:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DaveHorton @ Sep 8 2009, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is DCF possible with an I-129F? Living in the Philippines at the moment and hoping to marry in the States, but it seems that DCF implies IR1/CR1 rather than K1... Anyone know the answer?

DCF is specifically forbidden in the section of law that governs the K-1 fiance visa classification—Immigration and Nationality Act 214(d), found at 8 USC 1184(d). It states that the visa is issued upon approval of "a petition filed in the United States," which USCIS and the State Department interpret as excluding the possibility of filing the I-129F abroad.

Could you file from there and mail it to the US? Maybe have a friend or family member sent it for you and use there address? I dont know if this would work or not but just a idea
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-08 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSpeeding transfer of case?
QUOTE (norrin @ Sep 9 2009, 08:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know if any of you know about this, maybe I just missed it OR its not true however, I was reading a book at the library about "fiance and Marriage visas" and in the K-1 section this immigration lawyer writes "To try to speed the transfer of your USCIS file to a U.S. consulate, some couples have had luck by faxing a copy of their approval notice directly to the consulate. The consulate may then open a file for you, the immigrating fiance, and send the appropriate follow-up paperwork. Not all consulates will do this but it's worth a try. Of course, the consulate will not give final approval to your fiance visa until they've received official confirmation from the NVC-but by that time you'll hopefully be close to your interview date." Has anyone tried this?


well you can speed it up if you go on the embassy wesite a lot of embassys have all the forms and docs there for you to print out a packet 3 and or packet 4 so you dont even need to fax them.
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-09 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you all use to send your applications in?
I did the only smart thing that there is to do. I got a job at the post office 6 months before I filed then I hand walked it thru put it on a truck and drove it to the CA service center myself. I was still worried so I sent it reges. mail with delivery conformation. I had it in a box the kind that you get copy paper in because it was over 5000 pages my cover letter was almost 80 pages. Then i used ratchet strapes and bungie cords to put it on a hand cart. I have been waiting for my NOA2 for almost 4 years now but I think today is the day!!! I hope that this helps. Just kidding I will file next week and I dont know what I will send it in yet.
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-10 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai wedding on a K1
Wow my first post to go 3 pages long, Thanks for making it happen Ning and Thank you everyone for all the help good.gif
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-10 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai wedding on a K1
wow looks like I started a fire. Thanks for all the help I agree and the only rason I ask the question was so many people ask about getting married in other counrtys but are told not to because it is a legal marrage but in Thailand a wedding is not legal usless reg. so I was thinking that it was different. I would never do anything to risk my Fiancee coming hear and bgeing together but I know a wedding is importain to her and her family so that is why I want it. I would never lie about it if ask point blank at the POE did you have a wedding and not reg it in Thailand I would tell them yes but Idont think they would ask this in a million yyears. I think some people only see in Black and white when most of us live in some shade of gray and this is a gray area I think the embassy is aware of it and really dont care well once again thanks for all the help and good luck to all of you!!!
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-09 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai wedding on a K1
Ok so I just went on the US embassy Bangkok website and was looking at packet 3 and 4 info and here is what it said

Do not marry your petitioner before you have received your visa and traveled to the United
States. The law requires K1 visa applicants to remain legally free to marry throughout the process. If
you get married, even to your fiancé (e), your petition will be cancelled and cannot be reinstated. If
you get married, your petitioner must file a new petition, and you must start your case from the

As I read it it says You must remain LEGALLY free to marry and we still will be as it is not a legal marrage I know everone can inturpet it differently. Also it says all documents must be in english OR Thai if not you must have them translated is this True? has anyone turned in a Thai birth cert or other doc to the Bangkok embassy with out a translation and it passed? I am not trying to take any chances so I will have all docs translated but maybe they dont need to be?
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-09 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai wedding on a K1
Yea I think I will be good to go with this plan. AaronLV thanks that is good advice they dont need to know about the party and as someone said the ebassy in Thailand I am sure understands that a lot of pople do this and just dont regester. I have a lot of Thai frieends that have been together for years and have grown children and they are not legaly marriend but to them as long as you do the Buddist thing you are marriend not what it says on a peace of paper. Thanks again for all the help everyone.
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-08 10:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai wedding on a K1
Thanks everyone for the help I read a lot on VJ not to get married before your fiencee comes to US but I think it is different in Thailand if it is not a legal marrage. My reason for this is for my Fiencee and her Family they are very old fashion and to them wee will be married then and there so it is ok for her to go to the US with me if not they would look down on this even if we came back after the fact and got married there. I already explained toy fiencee that we can not tell the embassy that we will have a Thai marrage if they ask to tell them that6 we will have a engagement party with her family and get married in the US so I think I got it covered Thank again
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-07 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai wedding on a K1
Hi all, I would like to give you a run down of what I am doing and get some advice on if this is possable or any problem areas that you may see in advance. I will be filing for a K1 visa for my Thai Fiencee this month( I am just waiting on some docs that she must sign and send back) she is now studing at University and will graduate in May of 2010. I am hoping that her visa will be ready around that time I am starting it now and can stall sending in the packet 3 if it is going too fast. then after she graduate and hopefuly she has her visa I will go to Thailand and we will have a Thai wedding for her family but it will not be regerstered so I dont think there will be any problems and it will be after she has her K1 in hand then we will both come back State side and have a legal wedding here. I know a lot of people say not to have a regelous wedding in the fiencees country but she is a women and wants her family to see her get married. She will already have the visa so it will be no problem for the embassy and as far as the US goes it is not a legal marrage so I dont see any problem there. does anyone agree with me or how else should I do this? Thanks for any advice

bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-07 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhats in the envelope
they make you do all this work then just give you a envelope and tell you dont open this. This is like giving a kid a present and telling them they cant open it I want to open it!!! I hope I can wait when I get mine!!!
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-23 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo more sending of the packet 3 to fiance
QUOTE (johnnybgood265 @ Sep 30 2009, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know why the embassy in the philippines does not send out the Forms and Checklist sent to foreign Beneficiary (Fiance/e). (packet 3) anymore ? I called the embassy last night to see if they have recieved our case and they did but i was waiting for them to send something to my fiance. So if you were waiting , dont because they changed this process. This should also be changed on the visa journeys flow chart. Thanks

form what I hear some Embassy send a packet 3 some do not. I guess that is how they save moneyby making you download it and return but the good thing is you can download it early and have everything completed before the embassy get it so this will speed it up.
bigcasino75MaleThailand2009-09-30 10:20:00