Middle East and North AfricaBidets
My husband's family is not Muslim and they have a bidet in their home so it is not necessarily a religious, but a cultural thing. I had a hand held one installed before he arrived and I love it.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-09-23 18:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan Culture?

Q: is it family pressure to send home more than basic living expenses?
A: No -- parents don't give pressure to their kids and they don't ask-- but it’s our responsibility to make sure they don’t need anything. and we will do the same thing wherever/ whenever
basic living expenses is more than enough --

Q: Would it be shameful not to, or some sort of loss of honor?
A: No. But it shameful when you know they need it and you can't send it

Q: Are there any wives who have successfully changed their husband's behavior in this respect?
A: I don't think so -- no matter how they tries. Trying to change your husband behavior is controlling -- since your husband remembers his parents here he is a good man, Simply sit down and show him the reality of your financial situation, talk to him about a plan that will fit your budget and have a fixed amount of money to send home . to avoid any surprises budgets wise

Q: Does this change with time, or when you have kids?
A: Does not change -- perhaps support with kids the amount to be sent will get decreased.

You know as a Moroccan, and I know all Moroccan are the same they will not let you down once they feel secured, putting your husband down will result a situation you will not like down the road. We know our responsibilities for the wives under god's will, and also we know our responsibility toward our parents and family –

Simply : No game No Pain

If you have more question send me a private email – and I hope I will be able to help you find peace.

My perception of your posts is that you are embarrassed of letting your family, or people close to you in Morocco, know that you can not afford, at this time, to send the amount you are sending. Do you not think if you got yourself financially stable in the U.S., meaning taking care of your family in the U.S. and then sending your family in Morocco what you can without going into debt, that soon you will be able to send them the amount you think is appropriate for a comfortable life?
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-09-29 17:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan Culture?

That would work in a 'normal' relationship. As you can see, this is far from normal!

He doesn't have a problem. I am to blame for him cheating, for never having any money, for him not being happy, for the U.S. not being a good experience for him, for being hungry and on and on and on.

These are all my problems. Why should he waste his time and energy on talking to someone when I'm the one with all of the problems?

Well if he is not willing to put some effort into reparing this relationship then I think you know the answer. It takes two to make a marriage, or any relationship, and the problems therein. Hell, maybe the therapist will say it is all your fault. lol
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-09-29 17:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan Culture?
Wow am I glad I am married to my man. We argue like any other couple but WOW. If you two really love each other and want this to work out you need to seek couseling otherwise move on.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-09-29 16:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
HAPPY FRIDAY MENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoody Darn Hoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-22 18:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Thursday MENA!!!!!!!!!

One more day to go, wooooooo hooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-21 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

Hey! Happy Wednesday! Hope all is well. Things are great over here! Did my workout last night with one of my sister in laws. We like to go together real late at night, bcz theres almost no one in the gym and we can freely move around on all the machines. This morning I made sweet potato casserole and rested most the day.
Jeanne, I neverrrrr get a flu shot... I've known about 3 people who got violently sick a couple of weeks after that shot that just seemed to make the flu 10 times worse.
I'm chillin with the sister in laws around here, probably going to take the one from Louisiana out to dinner then play skipbo with her, the other sister in law from here and my mom.
Adam is still sick but he went into work. Hopefully he wont be stuck there the full 12 hours, I feel bad for him.

Hope every one has a great evening!

Hey Tam, what is Skipbo?
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-20 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Hump day MENA!
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-20 16:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Tuesday everyone!

It is raining with thunder and lightning here in So Cal today but I like it. :D Cleans everything and gives us some much needed water.

Tamara, I am so excited for you woman! You will have to post some pics of the new house when you move in and get it all beautiful!

I hope everyone is having a good day. (L)
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-19 16:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Where is everyone today?

Happy Monday everyone!

Hope we all have a good week (L)
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-18 18:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Monday everyone!

Here is hoping for a most wonderful week. :D
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-11 17:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Friday MENA!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea, my husband likes that stereotype as well. He tells everyone, that asks that silly question, that is what they use to get around, camels! :rofl:
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-08 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

LOL Sandy!!! Your profile picture cracked me up! :lol:

:D :D :D :D
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-07 11:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

Yay to all the baby news! Congrats to you ladies! I'm having a killer week... Adam has been getting home around 330am from work and I have to be up at 430am for work, so I get woke up at 330am, then officially get up at 430am for work! Tiring!

For our good news, the contract on the house is officially agreed to well in our favor... The loan has started in process today. 4.5% fixed interest, 100% financing no down payment! Im really excited and cant wait to sign on closing day!!!

Wooo Hoooo!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Dance! :dance:
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-06 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

Good afternoon!

Happy to see you are back in the states Mandy! Knowin' you had the best time! Is he
going to have probs getting out of his contract in KSA? Wow, when will you go back?

Glad you like your job Olivia! You are really learning!

One step closer Sandy to the final ROC! Best of luck with the process! You should be
able to check your case status online soon!

Hey Amal, Sara, Andrea and Sharifah!

We sure had some wild west weather yesterday!! The wind, rain, thunder and lightning was
so loud but just AWESOME! What a show!! After the storm I saw over one of the mountains
a double rainbow.....beautiful, just beautiful. I ran for my camera...of course no batteries...of course
couldn't find the new grabbed Wael's cellphone and took a couple pics. He has the
phone so I can't download them yet. I will when I have the chance.

Here's hoping everyone is having a wonderful day!

Jeaanne, You all are getting the weather from us. First we had dry lighting and the past two days it has been raining which is weird since last week was 90 degrees plus.

Do you know how speedy, or not, this part of the process is, his card expires in December? How can we check online, will they send us a case number or something?
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-06 18:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Hump Day!

Sending out positive vibes to all.

They got our I-751 packet because they cashed the check. lol
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-06 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Tuesday everyone!

One day closer to Friday...... :D
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-05 16:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Monday!

After having a week of 90+ degree weather, today it is raining and 65. Go figure.

Hope everyone has a most joyous Monday and speedy week. Come on
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-04 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

Still morning here! Good morning and happy Friday to everyone!

Carrot cake is in the oven. Aroma is awesome!

Love the pumpkins Olivia! No way shape or form would you find me in that house Olivia. I DO NOT like Halloween. Had a
terrible experience with a haunting and it is not my cup of tea!!

Hi Sandy! How is everything going?

Morning Jenell and Monica!

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Hey woman!

Everything is good. I just mailed off our I-751 packet today so we will see what happens. :D

How you doing? As Joey would say. lol

Hey Mena Peeps! Happy Friday! I cant believe its October 1st! This year is flying by! Hope everyone is having a great day. Adam and I are off Friday-Sunday... then after that he will start working 12 hour days at work and one of his days off. Lots of over time coming soon! We just found out that our paper work for the house was signed off and sent to the title company, so tomorrow morning we will be having a home inspection! Im so excited about this house and keep thinking about when we get it all the different colors we will be picking to paint all the rooms. I like bright, so it will be a very colorful house!

Woooo Hooooo Tam~~~~~~~

I have everything crossed for you (L)
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-01 16:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

~~10 year greencard in hand~~ :dance:

Celebrating with apricot hookah tonight :thumbs:


I wish you a lifetime of happiness. :yes:
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-10-01 12:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Happy Tueday everyone!

Good luck with the house Tamara!!!!!!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!!
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-09-28 12:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0

Hi SandyNJack long time now see. Sending you best wishes on your ROC.


The irony is a news article was released just today saying that Idaho is number one in the nation for job creation now and a lot of new companies are looking to move to our state. This comes after a gallop poll in July saying that from Jan-June 2010 Idaho was in the bottom 10 for job creation. I wonder how we went all the way to #1 in two months?

Thanks Cleo and good luck with the new job!
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-09-23 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Daily Chat 1.0
Hey everyone I know and those that I don't. Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi!". Jack and I will be submitting the paperwork for removal of conditions soon, so we are back in the race. :lol:

Edited by SandyNJack, 22 September 2010 - 01:14 PM.

SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-09-22 13:13:00
Middle East and North Africabeneficiary's employment history: how important?
I do not think it is an issues at all, in my experiance and what I have seen others post. I think they are more concerned about the individual who will be financially responsible for him/her in the states.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-12-29 14:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily member s wife lost family in bombng in Egypt

Who is responsible for it? You mean terrorists? Not sure why anyone would not want to admit that. I don't think I like what you're implying about the posters in this forum.

Very tragic what happened. But kind of scary that if you don't say it outright it is assumed that you are not sympathetic to the victims!

Frankly, the #1 reason this thread has had a lack of response is likely who posted it. Hanging In There's threads often turn into train wrecks and many people no longer want to be a part of it (sorry, kat, but I think this is true).

Frankly I do not care if you do not like what I am implying. There are many things I see here that I do not like. I have every right to express my thoughts and feelings about any topic.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-01-13 23:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily member s wife lost family in bombng in Egypt
Oh they know about it and they know who is responsible for it, they just do not want to admit it or deal with the situation. They want to keep the blinders on and pretend to justify their choices.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-01-13 12:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily member s wife lost family in bombng in Egypt
This bombing was at my sister in law's church. It was just luck that she and her husband and 6 children where not hurt. It just amazes me how many people did not have a comment for this thread. Whenever it comes to the attacks on the Copts, in their own country, not many have anything to say. Even if you believe the ridiculous ideas of the radical islamist or not, many of you have nothing to say. That just sickens me.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-01-10 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen older then there fiance
My husband and I are 14 years difference and he has been here and we have been married 2 years 7 months. We did have a long AP but that was the norm for the time. But we were never rejected or had any problems. We are now going through the lifting of conditions portion of the program. Good luck to you!
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-12-20 14:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat makes your marriage successful?
Communication is the key to our marriage. We tell each other everything and discuss everything. I am lucky to have a man who does not ignore when I am upset and just hopes it goes away, this has been the case in my experiances with men. He always tells me, let's talk about it babe so we can fix it. Sometimes I am not ready to talk about it just yet so he gives me my space until I am ready to talk.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-01-31 19:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaMSN Chats
I never sent any chat logs or copies of chats with my husband.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-09 14:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA men say the darndest things....

When Hachemi started work at his current job, he would come home talking about the assistant manager. He would say 'Miss Piggy" did this or "Miss Piggy said that." It went on for a few weeks, and I said, do you not like the assistant manager? He said yes, I like her. I said why are you calling her Miss Piggy? He said "that's her name." I asked him if he had been calling her Miss Piggy to her face. He said yes. I finally realized her name was Peggy. He was just mispronouncing it.:rofl: "Miss Piggy" and I still laugh about that.

Meriem (F)

That is a good one Meriem! I love it.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-14 15:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA men say the darndest things....
Jack gets stuff like "crab" and "#######" confused. I keep having to explain to him the difference, but in the end they both sound the same when he says them. hehehehehe
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-12-29 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA men say the darndest things....
Jack always says instead of pants, "Pants'es" and instead of clothes, "Clothes'es". And he uses the term "As you like".
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2010-12-10 12:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving for Cairo in 3 days
I would postpone and give it a few months to calm down. Not that there would be any danger just for the overall enjoyment factor of spending time with your man.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-14 15:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly thread for Febuary

Freezing here in East Houston! Omgosh I love this weather! Went with my sister and her 5yr old daughter to the nail salon to get our manis/pedi before she and her hubby go to India. My 5yr old neice saw the pink butterfly chair and that was her seat to get her nails painted in! She loved it! She was the princess!
Got home and started cooking dinner for Adam since he's at work and burned a finger pretty bad. Didnt realize I didnt have the pot holder on the part of the dish that I grabbed with my 4th finger and got it burned pretty darn bad. Thankfully its not a finger I'm going to be using alot at work so I'll keep it bandaged up. Other than that, all is well. Adam is doing great at work, his family is still ok in Egypt, and everything is fine over here. Hope everyone has a great week!

Awww, I am so sorry that you hurt your finger but very glad that everything else is going good with you two. Especially that the fam is good in Egypt.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-10 11:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly thread for Febuary

I hear that on Thurs night and Friday morning its going to snow in Houston! I guess I will believe it when I see it! I have work Friday at 6am... Its going to be freezing! I love it !

Congrats to you Sandy and Jack on the ROC! I hope everyone is doing well! Adam has been glued to the news on the tv, all computers and cell phone. We have so many new channels on at once. His family is doing ok and the internet came on today. I got to talk to his sister today on FB and shes sad she cant get to Alex to see her and Adams mom and grandmother. Also, the Carrefour mall is torn up! That was a pretty nice mall- crazy they tore it up. She said she was able to buy bread but not any milk.

I am glad to hear that Adam's family is safe!

So far everyone is doing o.k., Mom and Dad had to lock down the apartment house for saftey and his sister and brother in law had to close down the clothing store they own, about 30 min outside of Alex. Jack has been using calling cards to communicate with his family but because the internet came back up yesterday he was also able to get in touch with some friends too. I am just so baffled at the govt getting these people to come in and cause all this unecessary violence.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-03 12:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly thread for Febuary

Good morning! It's chilly here in Tucson, but at least we have no snow or ice...just sun and blue skies!

Sandy, congratualtions to Jack for a successful ROC!! One more hurdle down!

We still haven't received an oath date for Wael. They said he should be notified in about 45 days....again we wait!!

Wael will graduate from the University of Arizona in May. This is his second degree...a BA in Acct from Alexandria University
and now a BS in Economics. We had an awesome surprise yesterday. He was accepted for the MBA accelerated program
at Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona! Got his notification yesterday and another surprise....they awarded
him a wonderful scholarship!! The program is an intense 1 yr beginning in June and ending in May 2012. He will pursue
his MBA in Finance. What a fantastic year this has been. A new citizen and a great MBA program!! He has worked so hard
to maintain his honors and now it is all coming together. I'm so very proud of my husband.

WOW girl, you tell your man to GO!!!!!!!!!! Wooo Hooo!!!!!!!!!
Jack has a law degree from Egypt and has just started classes at our local community college, he wants to be a nurse of all things. Not that there is anything wrong with nursing I just was not expecting that from a man with a law degree. I do not care, what ever makes him happy.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-02 13:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonthly thread for Febuary
For those that are intersted Jack's removing of conditions was approved, without an interview, we just received his card in the mail on Friday. Now we will gear up for naturalization.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-01 18:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt

Yes. But even without the reporting and just looking at the situation it's so obvious. Your average, everyday Egyptian doesn't own a horse or camel nor are they that skilled at riding. The ppl on the horses and camels are most likely police.

You are right Mithra! Somone at work was telling me about the camels and I was like CAMELS?!?!?! You do not really see alot of horses or camels in the cities, mostly out by the pyramids and such, tourist areas.
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-02 15:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Internet In Egypt

I don't think this is "a war among their own people" - this is the government sending in thugs to attack the peaceful, pro democracy demonstrators.

For one eyewitness account:


Good point Zahra! :yes:
SandyNJackNot TellingEgypt2011-02-02 13:10:00