IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 - how are assets computed? (merged)

When looking at my assets for the I-864, will they also take into account mine and my husband's economic viability? We will have about 5 times the poverty limit saved in cash by the time of the interview, plus we both have Master's degrees (my husband has two), we are 31 years old, in good health, and have about 7 to 10 years of working experience each. My husband speaks fluent German, English, and French on top of everything else. I think this makes us a safe bet to be able to find viable employment fairly quickly.


Will these facts make a consular officer more comfortable approving the immigration visa without either of us having U.S. jobs at the time, or do they only really care about the numbers?

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-08-01 09:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 - how are assets computed? (merged)

Your name is on it, so you should be fine.

My husband and I also had joint accounts only, and that was accepted.


Thanks! I suppose worst-case-scenario is that I transfer the bulk of our saving to my U.S. account that I had before we met. It might actually be a good idea to transfer the funds to the U.S. as more evidence of intention to repatriate.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-07-29 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 - how are assets computed? (merged)

In my case my husband and I have joint accounts, so our cash assets are mingled. We really couldn't easily determine what money was "mine" because we consider all of it to be "ours". What happens when the names of both the USC and the intending immigrant are on the account?


if the foreiner is using their own assets or combining them with their USC spouse, the ratio is still 3 to 1


I will needing to be made aware of a direct source for this statement referring to use of assets of intending immigrant.  It contradicts the posted source and it contradicts the application of the rules in regards to our own case.


The CO at the embassy told me that in order for me to use cash as a sponsor the assets had to be in an account with my name on it, otherwise they would apply the 5:1 rule to us.  Based on the application of the rules to our case you are correct if the assets are combined in an account with the USC as a listed account holder and you are incorrect if the assets are in the intending immigrant's account.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-07-29 00:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to compute income for I-864

The forms and process are designed so as to require the services of somebody who already knows what to do. Fortunately, those services are available free, here at VJ, to those who will take advantage of what's available out of the goodness of people's hearts.

I agree that those services are no longer available to this OP, from me. I can have more fun helping people who CAN be helped.

Advice is more easily taken when it is not wrapped in a cloak of condescension and derision. It's human nature to distrust advice that is given mockingly or aggressively, no matter how accurate it may be.

Is it helping people that you enjoy, or is it feeling superior to everyone else because YOU (believe that you) know everything? Visa applications are intimidating and nerve-wracking for people, and the consequences of getting it wrong can mean months more of separation from a loved one.

Try having some sympathy and understanding for people, even if they have stupid questions, or even if they ask the same question 10 times just to be 100% sure. It's easy to criticize "stupid" and "lazy" people once you've gone through this process and the stress and uncertainty of it is in your rear-view mirror.

Not everyone asking for help here is "lazy" or unwilling to read instructions. Maybe some of us have so much to lose if we get it wrong that we will do anything and everything to make sure the paperwork is perfect. Maybe some of us are simply not willing to blindly accept advice from someone who clearly enjoys lording his experience over us, rather than genuinely trying to help us.

Edited by LoveExile, 06 August 2013 - 04:57 PM.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-08-06 16:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to compute income for I-864

I'm sorry you feel that way.  I'm answering your questions because I actually know the answers.  Then you want me to justify my answers.  My answers can be found in the instructions.  Careful study of all form instructions will be CRITICAL to your ultimate success.  So, rather than asking to be spoon fed each answer to each question as it comes up, you are far wiser to study the instructions first, then ask the remaining questions.


You insistence on being spoon fed is becoming a real pain.  Time to grow up and do some homework of your own.


If my questions bother you, feel free to ignore them, but I won't be bullied into not asking questions because YOU don't think I should.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-08-03 07:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to compute income for I-864

Time for you to study the I-864 instructions.  I have.  You clearly haven't.


What's with the smartass answer?


If you're not going to be nice, don't bother replying.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-08-02 14:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to compute income for I-864

The petitioner can simply indicate they have zero income currently, since their income will not continue from the same source once they come to the USA.


Does the question ask specifically for "current U.S. income?" If it just says "current income," wouldn't it be a lie to indicate zero earnings if the petitioner has earnings at the time s/he is filling out the form? Perhaps the immigration officials would ignore the figures because they are not U.S. sourced income, but at least the question would be answered honestly.


The worst thing to do is lie on one of these forms, so we need to be careful.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-08-02 13:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 Visa: from I-130 to GC

Hello to all,

My Wife and I are planning to go to the USA in early 2014.


We will be filling from Paris, and I am concerned by the rapidity of the process when one files from outside the US.


Is there a way to SLOW DOWN a bit the process ? We plan to leave the US in Apil-May 2014, time for me to setup everything here properly.


thanks !

I'll update the form aforementionned when I'll have more visibility on our petition's timeline !


Even if you got your immigration visa approved as early as December, you'd still be fine since you have six months to use the visa.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-07-30 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProving Intent to Re-establish Domicile without a Residence

I would put down your parents' address for now, especially since your bank account uses that address. We did the same thing because I'm living in Canada right now (temporarily, but same concept), and we didn't have a house or apartment or anything lined up when we started the paper work. 


Would this be okay for me to do even though my parents live in Montana and my husband and I will live in Maryland? My main concern is saying something that USCIS will perceive to be a lie.


Well, where *do* you intend to live when you move? Ie in a hotel, or do you intend to use the 6 months he has to use the visa after it is issued to buy a house, or what?  Since you intend to buy, even though no contracts are signed, show proof of this- correspondance with realtors, maybe a visit over to view some houses.... once the I-130 is approved, you will have a better idea of timeline and could start making offers on houses too, as that process, like the visa, will take some time.


Once the Immigration Visa is approved, my husband and I will search for a house from Europe and fly in to buy it. Once that's done we'll arrange for shipment of our furniture, quit our jobs, cancel our contracts in Holland, etc. and then repatriate for good.


It will be such a happy day when we arrive in the U.S. and I know that we won't have to leave again!

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-11-05 10:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProving Intent to Re-establish Domicile without a Residence

Thanks for your reply, Blueberry Pancake, but this does not apply to me since I do not have a permanent U.S. address, a U.S. driver's license, children to enroll in school, parents taking care of my car, or most of those things listed. I've been in Holland for almost 5 years, so many simply do not apply to me. The only reason I left the U.S. at all was because DOMA would not allow me to live with my husband legally there, so I don't consider myself an "expat" but more an "exile".


I do have a bank account in the U.S., but the address for it is my parent's address and not my permanent U.S. address (which I don't have).


Could I consider my parents' address to be my "permanent U.S. address" for this purpose?

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-11-05 08:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProving Intent to Re-establish Domicile without a Residence

My husband an I are currently living in Holland together and we have submitted a stand-alone I-130 so we can do Consular Processing from abroad. We both have jobs in Holland, and in the interest of financial security, we don't want to give them up until his immigration visa is approved. I do not want to have to go back to the U.S. before him and set up a residence because there's no way to know how long the IV process will take. We don't want to go to the trouble and expense of buying a house just to abandon it for months and months. We likewise don't want to rent an apartment for the same reason.


Some have suggested that we use my parents' address for the I-864, but they live in Montana and we are moving to Maryland. If we have no intention of living with them, would it be illegal/immoral to use my parents' address for the I-864? We certainly could live with my parents if we had no choice, but that is not our intention.


Does anyone have any advice about proving intention to re-establish domicile without actually flying to the U.S. and renting/buying something? We have no kids, so we cannot register them in school. We have jobs in Europe, so we will not have jobs lined up in America. We do not have friends that would be willing to sign a lease that we would live with them (plus, we would not intend to live with them as we would buy a place when we arrive, so that would be dishonest anyway). I will register to vote and get a P.O. Box, but other than that I am out of ideas.


It seems like an awful lot of trouble just to have an address to put on a form. I wish I could just put "we will get an address when we can move together legally".





Edited by LoveExile, 05 November 2013 - 07:27 AM.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-11-05 07:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmployees of International Organizations - Form I-508 (Waiver of Rights, Privileges, Exemptions and Immunities)

I think you level is important, and whether or not you are considered internationally-recruited. Will you be P-5 or above? Those have the highest privileges.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2014-03-04 10:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting US?!? Petitioner & Beneficiary living abroad waiting on I-130 approval

I'm living in Holland with my husband (he's Austrian), and we filed our I-130 petition in July 2013. We both visited Washington, D.C. in November 2013 and he didn't have any problems crossing the "border" at Dulles. The USCIS agent even said "welcome home" with a friendly wink to my husband.


My husband has a long history of visiting the U.S. without ever over-staying over the 5 years we've been married, so I think that helped. As long as you follow the rules, you'll do just fine at the border.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2014-03-31 15:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling from Abroad- I864- unemployed or employed?

I'm not trying to be ungrateful or cynical, but did either of you file from abroad and know this from experience?


My colleague and I both live in Holland (he has a Dutch wife and I have an Austrian husband). He was about six months ahead of me in the IV process, so he was able to share with me what to do in our unique situation (filing from abroad).


He indicated that he was employed and put his annual income on the I-864, and then attached a continuation sheet explaining that it was foreign-earned income and that he was meeting the income requirement with savings. He didn't get any checklists, and he said the consulate in Amsterdam didn't have any complaints about the form. His thought was that it was better not to lie on the form, and it worked out for him. I'm in the exact same situation as him, so I also did this for my I-864.


It might also depend on the embassy/consulate. As long as you attach a continuation sheet to explain it, I suspect either approach will work.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2014-04-12 13:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage Certificate to NVC


I am almost certain that marriage certificate has to be from the country in which you got married.


The Pakistani Embassy is technically sovereign Pakistan soil, so it should be fine.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2014-04-12 16:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

I filed from and abroad and reside abroad so what I've found has been pretty unclear.  Also if someone can tell me what the "shortcuts" are to save a little time once it reaches NVC I would appreciate it.

The shortcuts are nice, but be sure you understand the whole process so you know the context. Every case is different, and you don't want to miss something easy because it wasn't mentioned specifically on a shortcut.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-08-01 23:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

1. Country USC resides in: The Netherlands
2. Is there a USCIS field office in this country / Is DCF still possible? No
3. When did you file the I-130: 18 July 2013
4. How long had you been living abroad: 4 years
5. Do you reside in the country legally? Yes
6. What is the reason for your residence: Family Unification (EU spouse); also work for International Organization
7. Did you list your foreign address on all forms in I-130 package? Yes
8. Did you send I-130 package from abroad? Yes
9. Did you include evidence of your residence abroad in the I-130 package? Yes, I included our rental agreements as proof of relationship
10. Did you mention the fact you reside abroad in the cover letter or write a letter describing your current situation and the evolution of your relationship with your spouse (mentioning your residence abroad)? The cover letter listed our address, and I specifically mention that we live together in Europe where it asks for a U.S. address where beneficiary will live.
11. Has your case been "auto-expedited"? How long between NOA1 and NOA2? I don't know. I hope soon!

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-07-28 07:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYes you can visit- IR1-CR1 version

My husband (Austrian) and I had an I-130 petition pending when we flew to D.C. from Holland last November. The CBP officer was perfectly pleasant and asked how long my husband was staying. He replied "Only a week now, but hopefully for a lot longer in a few months." The CBP officer just smiled and said "welcome home" to my husband with a wink. I could have kissed him. It was completely the opposite of the nightmare we were anticipating.


My husband has a long history of entering and exiting the U.S. legally, so that probably helped.

Edited by LoveExile, 12 April 2014 - 04:47 PM.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2014-04-12 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
Happy for every one who has been either transfer or approved,receive email but it is asking for RFE,well another hurdle I must climb another step behind been down that road before can't say I am feeling the spirit.Frustrated,frustrated,frustrated...,,,,...
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-29 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Yes PD: jul 22, 2013. Transferred on jan 8, 2014

Congrats, that was pretty quick..
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-21 22:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

Nice! Whats your PD?

PD is July 23
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-17 22:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
Just receive hard copy transfer to CSC.
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-17 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
Just receive another text and email totaling 5 from the 13th- now,Is that normal .
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-16 20:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
Receive text case transferred,PD July 23,just the beginning now..,
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-13 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-09 22:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
You are right and with this forum it makes it easier for us to vent our frustrations,these are some very agonizing waiting times.
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-09 04:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers

I guess because no one really knows, it's just guess work based on others experience, especially as USCIS seems to have zero methodology to their processing. From my. "guess work" it's taking between 6-8, however a few are 9, to get approved.

pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-09 04:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
Thank you,but following this thread gives me the idea of how fast things are moving along.
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-09 04:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2013 I-130 Filers
I'm a newbie to this thread,is it okay to join even thou my category is IR2 visa,also a July filer with PD 23.
pat&sanFemaleJamaica2014-01-08 23:08:00
USCIS Service CentersNEW Processing Time Vermont Service Center

IF So, all these people who files before 5 months should in VSC should be all set now. but the case is not alot of people are still waiting and there application last more than 8 months ...


I called my Lawyer he told me that 5 months is correct for processing the application. Vermont Processing means transferring to appropriate local office, then local office start adjucating the applications. with in 5 months VSC will transfer to local office. we have to follow local office processing time.


dear steve , I hope he is wrong. I want all of us to get approved ASAP.

kallooMaleIndia2013-09-17 20:49:00
USCIS Service CentersNEW Processing Time Vermont Service Center

5 months is to transfer the case to local office. you need to check processing time of the local processing center. it means with in 5 months your case will be transferred to local office.

kallooMaleIndia2013-09-17 20:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Nikahnam Marriage Certificate question

Hello friends


I have Nikah-nama in Urdu. I don't have marriage certificate from the court.


I got my Nikah-Nama translated in English and got it notarized by court. is it going to be enough? it is very hard for us to get marriage certificate, we just did Nikah in Islamic way but there was a big ceremony. I am going to send Copy of Nikahama in Urdu and English translation certified copy from the court.


Please tell me is it going to be accepted in USCIS and NVC. next week I am going to file I 130 for my wife, under F2A category.


any help will be appreciated.





kallooMaleIndia2013-06-28 20:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Complete the online DS-261

Hello Sir,


can petitioner complete the online DS-261 or Beneficiary has to complete. Can I do it for my wife (I am the petitioner) or she has to do it from INDIA.





kallooMaleIndia2013-12-01 21:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC questions

Hello Friends,


today i received NOA2( approval Notice) for I 130 for my wife (Permanent resident) . what is the next step? can you please tell me what should i do now? should i call NVC or they will contact me.


any help will be appreciated.



kallooMaleIndia2013-12-09 09:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV & AOS Packages shipped .. now what happens??



I have paid AOS fees on Feb 7, and mailed documents on Feb 11.  DS 260 and IV fees is still not available. how long dose it takes for DS 260 and IV fees to come available.





kallooMaleIndia2014-02-16 07:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC General Information

Hello friends


I have Nikah-nama in Urdu. I don't have marriage certificate from the court.


I got my Nikah-Nama translated in English and got it notarized by court. is it going to be enough? it is very hard for us to get marriage certificate, we just did Nikah in Islamic way but there was a big ceremony. I am going to send Copy of Nikahama in Urdu and English translation certified copy from the court.


Please tell me is it going to be accepted in USCIS and NVC. next week I am going to file I 130 for my wife, under F2A category.


any help will be appreciated.





kallooMaleIndia2013-06-29 17:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan we get good new soon? finger cross

my wife got harf copy notice that our case was transfer to Nebraska Service Center on 15th-Nov-13.


what are their processing time??they are slow or average?they also mention that we will have to receive mam till 60 days,does thay take total 60 days or we can get our NOA2 sooner..............


my wife got it on 9/19/2013. when I called they said wait minimum of 180 days after transfer then call.

kallooMaleIndia2013-11-24 14:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescan we get good new soon? finger cross




im april petitioner, yesturday i checked my case status online it showes....


The I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you.



what does it mean?its a good signal or not?How sooner we can get our NOA2?any idea.


after this minimum if 180 days wait.

kallooMaleIndia2013-11-24 07:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDecesion can not be made after citizenship interview

Hello friends,


My brother went Citizenship interview. it was very bad. officers kept asking about his first marriage(divorced). officer asked what as his ex father in law name, he honestly said he don't know. after that officer took civic test and said you passed test. but at end officer gave " decision can not me made" and said wait for 120 days for decision by mail. did not say anything and did not gave any N-14 form.


qs1: dose it means that officer denied?


qs2: dose it affect his greencard status?


he is very upset. please help any answer.




kallooMaleIndia2014-01-30 19:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands Police Certificate NVC Checklist

I'm also curious about this. I will encounter this problem at some point. I know they do not accept the "good conduct" certifications.

LoveExileMaleNetherlands2013-08-01 09:21:00