Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
The thing about AP is that I never knew anything about it until right before the interview when i started reading on visajourney. If I had known about it, perhaps we would have not tried to get pregnant when we did. I never wanted to be apart from him let alone travel while pregnant, all alone, give birth alone, recover from C-section, and take care of a newborn all alone with no income and only help from gov't in the form of foodstamps, wic, and medicaid. I wish they would tell you when you apply for immigration status that you will definitely have AP, even if it is just a few days. they should let us all know that it is a reality and we have to face it. It has been almost 6 months for my husband's AP and they have had his passport since the 12th of March. It only took Feisal 35 days to get his passport with visa back. So, let's see what happens. Zaheer calls AmEx office all the time to check and make sure if they have received it.. but they never say yes. =(
I pray for all of you to have a speedy AP especially HotGuy and Rana bhai.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-23 08:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Hey Patricia, you dont HAVE to tell them. I registered with the website because they say it is safer for Americans to register their trip with the department of state so they can update you as to whats going on in that country and the safety updates. They send you warden notices about any closures or safety concerns there in pakistan and give you advice how to avoid any problems. Its just for your safety. they only wanted to make sure I had gone home because at the time of our interview, I had already been in Pakistan for 10 months. After 12 months, you lose your domicile and have to prove it again or it goes against your case. But you own your own home and stuff, so you dont really have a problem. Good luck.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-21 00:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Congrats again malarie! Such great news for you!

Thanks to all of you with your positive vibes in my direction. Hehe. Yeah, I hope its god news too. Thanks so much Rana bhai.. I appreciate your well wishes. They never asked for zaheer's brothers' info. But I voluntarily gave them that info via email when i was upset about the way they spelled his name in an email reply to me (Ahmad, not Ahmed..), so then when they said that they were trying to call from the embassy, and had been trying for 2 weeks, it was weird since I had just called DOS earlier that week and they never mentioned it. But, we sent them the info they wanted, (proof I was back in USA), and then after that, they asked Zaheer to confirm his phone numbers and contact info. So, after they received our info via courier, they told us AP was over and we will hear someting in 8-10 days. After 7 days they told us it was BACK in AP. So, we think (Insha'Allah) it is in Final AP since they are working witht he Passport. So.. we are praying that it is because of the passport. This time, when I had called DOS, it seemed positive. So.. please keep praying for us. Insha'Allah, rana Bhai.. you will also hear some good news soon. Its just harder for you to get a time frame since they already have your passport. So.. good luck to you as well. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-20 13:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
wow Malarie! Congrats! That is such wonderful news. Mash'Allah! We hope to hear some positive news on our behalf soon too. Here's what happened with us...

Today I called DOS to ask if there was anything new since I had called last Tuesday or Wednesday. So, the lady was shocked at how long Zaheer was in AP.. (5 and a half months) and she was like "Wow.. he has been in AP a long time." and I said "Yeah" and she was looking at his file then said "They have his Passport, right?" and I said "Yes we sent it about a month and a week ago. And she kept looking and said "Yeah.. you know... you should...." then she kept pausing then she said "Why don't you call back by the end of the week..." and I didnt hear her well so i said "Im sorry, when should I call back, I didnt hear u" and she said "Call back by friday, we should hear something by then." And I was like "Ok, are there any notes on his file recently?" and she said "Only a congressional reply on March 31, but you know that, right?" and I said "Yes, I am sure that is when my senator's office replied to me." and she said "Yeah, it's still pending but why dont you call back by friday, hopefully we will know something by then." and I said ok and thanked her and then got off the phone. So, anyhow.. thats all that happened with us. I know it was finished with AP back on the 17th of March, and then put back on it around the 22nd.. so, let's see what happens. I am hoping the "Back on AP" is just because of his passport. Wish me luck. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-19 20:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Hey you guys i was wondering as soon as AP is done they will call my husabnd to send in the passport correct? Or is it like after AP is done its take a while for them to call you. Like say i email call the DOS today and they tell me in still in AP. is it possible for the next day the AP be over and them call us?

Yes it is possible for you to be told AP one day and the next day be requested for passport. In fact I called DOS 2 separate days and then on the 3rd they told me for the last 2 weeks Embassy was trying to call, but they never told us. There have been some cases where the applicant calls DOS just to be told Still In AP. and they have already received their passport via courier the same day. so good luck to u.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-16 21:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
It is so hard.. both me and the baby are sick right now. I wish my husband was here to take care of us. its so hard to get better since i dont get any sleep with a 1 month old.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-15 12:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Well. I called DOS today. i was on hold for about 20 min. Finally, a lady who didn't give me her name answered. She was nice. I told her i wanted to inquire about my husband's status. So i gave her the case number and she asked his name. I told her his name and she said "Ok, I see here that he had his interview on November 2, at the Embassy." and I said "Yes." and she said "Its still pending. Did they ask you for any additional documents?" and I said "Well, about a month ago they asked for domicile documents from me. Why? Are they asking for any additonal ones?" and she said "No. I was just asking to see why it was taking so long." and I said "Oh, well they wanted proof that I had left the country before my domicile was in jeopardy so I submitted that. And we sent the passport. Shortly after that, we called and they said AP was over and they were "working on it". Then, they sent us the email that they had received all the documents and then a week later it was 'back in AP.' So, I dunno if it is cuz of the passport..." she said "Sometimes that happens, but at least they have your passport, so that's a good thing. They only ask you to submit your passport once the visa is ready to be issued." so I said "They didn't ask us for it, we asked them if we should send it along with the domicile docs and they said yes. Then we called a day later to make sure they still wanted us to send passport and they again said yes." and she said 'Thats fine, as long as they let you send it, they are almost ready to issue visa. Sometimes they just want to check over everything again once they get it. But according to all the notes on your file by the embassy, everything looks really good. I'm sure you will hear something from them soon. Once they issue you the visa, they will send it to your husband via DHL." and I said "They gave hiim a token to pick it up at SpeedEx" and she said "Oh, ok good. that's good. But, it sounds like everything is just fine." and I said "Ok, I just wanted to see if visa was issued yet or not." she just said "Ok." She didn't say yes or no.. but I am sure she would have told me if the visa was issued. So I said thank you and hung up. I hope this is good news. It is so hard to see my baby who looks exactly like my husband, everyday, getting bigger (she is almost a month old) and he has never ever seen her, smelled her, hugged her.... anything. Its so hard. Well, please wish us luck. You are all in my prayers and I hope we are in yours as well. take care and Insha'Allah, someone will hear some good news this week.
Allah hafiz
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-13 14:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Thank you so much .

Thank you so much .

Good luck to you and I hope you hear good news soon, Insha'Allah. We also have been in AP for a little over 5 months. They have had our passport now for about 3 weeks. Take care and hope you will be in USA with your love, soon.

Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-13 12:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Thank you so much .

Thank you so much .

Good luck to you and I hope you hear good news soon, Insha'Allah. We also have been in AP for a little over 5 months. They have had our passport now for about 3 weeks. Take care and hope you will be in USA with your love, soon.

Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-13 12:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Congrats on the good news. I agree with Starlight as well. They should give us more info. I can't tell you how many emails I have sent to Islamabad Embassy. They never reply. They only replied once to tell me that they received the emailed documents I sent them from the RFE. When my husband asked them once why they never reply, they said that if they answer our phone calls, they just erase the emails because they have spoken to us or DOS has spoken to us. You are lucky if someone told you there is a note saying visa will be issued. Was that the Embassy or DOS? Good luck to you, and I hope your fiance gets some good news soon.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-10 15:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

I agree with you and I feel the same. My fiance was put in AP right after he submitted his passport. This is so frustrating. Now the consulate is not responding to my emails. :(

I'm sorry to hear that you are in the same boat, Starlight. How long ago did he submit it? I am debating the idea of going back to Pakistan with the baby. My husband hasn't seen her yet and she is 3 weeks old. So, by the time I would get her passport and visa and such... she would be about a month and a half to two months. I want to be able to take her to see her father if he is not able to come here quickly. anyhow. Just thought I'd ask you when your fiance submitted his passport, and how long it has been since. take care and good luck for a speedy AP for you.

ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-07 21:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Any ideas about this assumption? My husband and I both "think" the reason we are BACK in AP is because he sent in his Passport. I have read some posts on these forums about the Embassy doing additional Processing after receiving the Passport if they didn't originally have it. When my husband called them the day before our daughter was born, they told him his AP was over and review was over and that he should hear something within 8-10 days. After about 6-7 days he called back and they told him it was in AP. He said they were mistaken and explained it, so they said "Oh, well, they are still working on it." Now, he called a week and a half ago and they said it is BACK in AP. So he asked why and they said "It is normal, it happens, it just means the officer wasn't ready to issue the visa yet and it needs additional processing. We will call you when processing is finished." when I had called DOS, they had even confirmed to me that AP was finished a few weeks ago, and that it was just in "processing" not Administrative Processing. But now when I call, they say "All it says is that his case is in AP". But, some of those women at DOS dont know how to click the different windows and check. I ask about updates, and occasionally I get people who tell me there have been no updates since his interview in November. But, sometimes, they tell me that it was updated last week or so.

I agree that they should at least tell us what sort of processing is being done since it is all of our personal info they are working with. We should have enough rights over our own paperwork since we paid them a lot of money for what they are doing. Its obvious that we cant expect them to tell us whether it is approved or not, but at least give us some insight. This is peoples' futures. Not just the immigrants. The petitioners and their children too. Its not so easy to just pack up your life in your own country and move overseas if the visa doesn't get approved. I lived in Pakistan for over a year... its not the lifestyle for me.. but I do what I have to in order to be with my husband. But, now, its about time he gets here. His daughter is 3 weeks old, almost... and he has never held her, kissed her, fed her... anything. He is missing every second of her tiny life. And yet, there are people who walk into the Embassy, have their interview even if their spouse isn't present (like I was), and walk out with the knowledge that they get their visa with no AP in just about 3 days. Its just kinda hypocritical. Everyone, regardless of whatever their case is should have to go through all the same process whether or not the checks apply to them.. it would be more fair.

ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-05 20:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Yes, Insha'Allah, this will be a good month for everyone. Let's all pray for each other that we hear good news this month. take care all. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-01 21:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Hi Everyone. I have posted here before, but not for a long time. Basically, we had our interview on Nov 2, 2009. My husband and I have been waiting for AP to finish on his K3 visa. they told us at the interview we are approved and that the officer believes our intentions to going to USA are for the best. So, we call the Embassy and DOS often. The first week of March, we called the DOS and they told us the Embassy was trying to contact my husband since Feb 24th. But, my husband called the embassy after that date, and I had called DOS two days before and no one ever told us they were trying to contact us. They even verified the phone number. My husband always has his phone on and never ever got any phone calls from the embassy. They could have Emailed us too, but they didn't. They say they have been trying to call, but as I have seen, they tell this to a lot of people, but they never actually get the call. So, they wanted documents proving my domicile in the USA since I had been in Pakistan with my husband for 11 months. So I sent them the documents, and they said they received them and were working on it. A few days later, my husband called, and they told him his AP was finished, and Final Review was also finished and now they are just "Working on the case" that day, but the man couldn't tell him what was being done or whether it was approved or not. He said that within 8-10 days he should hear a result. So, about a week later, he called back, and they said "Still Processing" but he explained what the man had told him the previous week and they said "oh, yeah yeah, that's still whats happening". And that's all they would tell him. When we submitted the domicile documents, we asked if he could send his passport, and they said yes. We confirmed thsi twice. Then, he called yesterday to the embassy and they told him that yes the AP Was over, and the Final Review Was over.. but then they put him BACK into AP. Zaheer asked them why and explained the situation that he had been told, and the man said "No, its completely normal, this happens sir." then he called my husband a liar and told him that no one from their office would ever tell him it will take 8-10 days since they don't know what the outcome will be. So... now we don't know what to do. We are just so annoyed. I left Pakistan in December because I was 7 months pregnant and I needed to be back here before my domicile was up. So, I just had my baby last week, and I am missing my husband so much. I had to go through with the c-section by myself. Now I am recovering and caring for the baby by myself. At least I have a place to stay with my parents. But, its so hard without my husband and for him to have not been there to see his baby for the first time. It is hard. Please pray for us. Thank you for any comments that anyone might have regarding this. take care. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-03-27 20:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Tara, I thnk it was like 2 months ago, they wanted ranas brothers names but they did not contact him, i found out by calling dos, so i had rana send them an email with this info, sorry to hear you have to go thru this c-section by yourself,hang in there, you'll get thru it, did you try sending them an email regarding haveing the baby? I pray all goes well with you. Pat

Hi Patricia. You enjoying the cold weather? Hehe. It has been in the 40s here in Palm beach. Bet Donald Trump has his snow-hair on. Anyhow. Yeah, I am wondering if they want his brothers/sisters info. i sent them an email like a month ago pertaining to the way the spelled his name and told them his brothers names too. Not his sisters, though. I said that all his brothers names are spelled Ahmed and his father's name and his uncles' names. Basically his father's whole side of the family is all spelled Ahmed. Well, whatever it is they want... I am ready to oblige them. Yeah, strange... they said they been calling him on his cell but he has never gotten any call from Islamabad numbers. Yes, I have sent them many emails about the pregnancy. Since the interview, we have been emailing them about it, and even the congressman's office has been keeping them "reminded" about my due date. I was 20 weeks pregnant at the interview, so they were able to see it with their own eyes. We brought all medical reports and ultrasounds but of course they didn't ask to see any evidence. So. Insha'Allah it is for the passport. Oh, Allah is Most Great, whatever it is they want. At least they have contacted us. Thank you so much to you and Rana brother. Because you have helped us so much through these stressful times. I am sure I still have some waiting time left, of course.. but at least I have you two to share experiences with. Isn't it so odd how all of us who take so long: You/Rana, Sibtain, Me/Zaheer..... all from Florida?? very strange. Maybe Florida has angered the embassy somehow. hehehe... well, wish us luck. i continue to pray for you everyday. Please keep us in your prayers. I am not too worried about the C-section anymore.. but I wish zaheer could be here to say Azaan in her ear in person. Seems like he will have to do it over the phone instead. I wonder if Jupiter Hospital has Wi-Fi access? LoL. Gotta love Skype. Take care, Patricia, and all of the rest of ou in AP with me. Keep us in your prayers.. you are surely in ours. Allah Hafiz.. and God Bless.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-03-04 17:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
Hey everyone.. quick question. Anyone here been called by the Embassy and asked to submit any additional info besides Passport? We are waiting in AP for 4 months now. I called DOS today and they said they have been trying to call my hubby but he is not receiving the calls. Strange. they have his correct phone number, I don't know why they aren't being able to contact him. They said for 2 weeks they were trying to call him. So I asked them if they are just requesting info or what? And she said she doesn't know but probably requesting info. But maybe could be passport too? Insha'Allah. I am hoping it is the passport. I called them back to ask if it was still pending and they said as far as they see its still pending they have just been trying to call him. So... if anyone has been contacted by embassy and asked anything, what has it been and how long after that did you hear back form them? Please, any info helps. It has been so long since I left Pakistan and I am gonna have a c-section on March 18th! I wish Zaheer could be here for the baby but now it doesn't seem that way. Well, take care all and Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-03-04 10:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER

Hi guys :star:

I know you can request to expedite cases at USCIS and at NVC, but can also request to expedite AP´s cases at the embassy?


Unfortunately no. I got two letters from my both senator's offices as a reply from the embassy in Islamabad. They said "We have received your request for information about Mr. Ahmed's case and it is still under Necessary Administrative Processing which can neither be Expedited nor Waived." Then it says they will contact us when it is finished. So.. unfortunately, AP can't be sped up at all. Or else I wouldn't be stuck here in USA all alone about to give birth and still waiting for my hubby for the last 4 months.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-02-26 04:38:00
Asia: Southpakistan islamabad embassy
QUOTE (SSB @ Oct 26 2009, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (FaridS @ Oct 26 2009, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am wondering if anyone knows how flexible the islamabad embassy is regarding setting a date for interview? I want to be there with my fiance at the interview and depending on when they set the interview it may not happen when i am around. if anyone has any experience in this please let me know how it went. I don't want to re-schedule if it will cause problems.

email them and see what they say.... my husband's interview was oct 28 but they changed it to nov 19 because of security issues and they said they would be closed for a week....

Yeah, we were scheduled for Oct 26th. We actually went to the embassy and they said they were closed for security reasons. They issued us a Nov 23rd date, but said they were giving the other people who had their interviews that day the Dec 15th and 16th dates. So, i think you should just call them and ask them. Its best.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan10/26/2009 23:33
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPakistan Country Specific K3 vs K1
QUOTE (kabhatti @ Oct 19 2009, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks everyone, I'm going with the K1. All the best!

When I was at the Islamabad embassy for my own Passport renewal, I met a guy doing the K1. It had been 11 months since he started the process. This was back in Feb, but my hubby and I applied for his I-130 in the last week of March and the 2nd week of April applied for his K3. Now we have our interview Scheduled for the last week of Oct. So, it seems to me in this case it was faster, but I didnt ask about any RFEs or anything that this guy may have had.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-21 05:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvacciniation requirements for K3 visa interview - Chennai consulate
QUOTE (kumtu123 @ Oct 26 2009, 08:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also the medical report given by them was not sealed.

Is that Ok.

Brother, I dont know why it was not sealed, but as far as vaccinations go, they assume that you will get the vaccinations when you adjust status in USA. Thats what they told my husband. They asked if he'd had any vaccinations, and he said no. So the doctor told him to just get them when he goes for medical in usa. So, I think that is why. If it was not sealed, I am not sure what that means, it could have just been an accident. You can call the doctor back and ask them why. But, the xray was unsealed. Good luck.
~Tara Ahmed
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-28 01:05:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Interview in Islamabad, Pakistan
They didnt ask us too many questions and they didnt ask to see the evidence. Bring it anyhow though, cuz they may still want it. Al they did was ask how we met, when did I first come to pakistan, how long have I been here, etc. When he said I was pregnant, I think that was enough for him. Good luck with your interview.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-10 03:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures221 g :(
Actually, India has been giving people hard times about this. Another girl I spoke to had married an Indian man and they wanted proof that she had converted to Islam. I dont know why, but for some reason, they wanted a certificate or something stating that she was officially a Muslim. I dont know whatever happened with that, but I just remember that situation. I dunno why they are being like that. We are having enough issues with Pakistan. One of my friends was in Admin Processing for 5 months then they denied the visa because the embassy thought she was still married to her ex husband. Dunno how that happened. Odd. Well, anyhow. Good luck Star. Take care.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-10 03:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI fell in love and got married to someone related to me.
QUOTE (Capsule @ Jul 6 2008, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Before people jump to conclusions, make assumptions and make fun of me for what is going on, if you have the time, please read what I’m writing and maybe you will understand this issue.

In the summer of 2006 my mother, brother and I went on a trip to Armenia so I can meet my mother’s family. In Armenia I met a girl I fell deeply in love with. In denial that I was in love with her, I would always tell myself, “No, that’s wrong, don’t think that, etc.” Because I was staying at her family’s house, I grew deeper in love with this woman. At the time she was 19 and I was 18 (I am now 20 and she is 21).

I came back home to the U.S. in denial, yet couldn’t believe that I was in love with her. I had to see her one last time though, before I went on with my life (or at least try to). One year went by in agony, and in the summer of 2007 I went back “to see my family.” In all actuality, it was to see her and only her. No one else mattered to me. While I was there she kissed me in a way “she’s not supposed to.” Then began to apologize and cry, and I asked her what’s wrong.

She told me that she has fallen in love with me and she can’t help it. She thought by saying that I would never talk to her again, but I told her not to worry, because I had fallen deeply in love with her also.

At first we talked about how we will never forget each another, and we are deeply in love, but we can’t be together because of what family would say.

Three weeks went by and I did a lot of research on the internet and found out what I was experiencing is NOT abnormal, it is actually pretty common. It is common for relatives (in our case, first cousins) to meet for the first time or reunite after years of not seeing each another and fall in love. It’s a phenomenon called ‘genetic sexual attraction.’

Contrary to what we have learned in society (I also), the offspring of cousins has a very minimal risk in increasing chances for a birth defect, it is equal to a 40 year old female to have a child.

And like that, after three weeks I thought to myself, “Forget what other people think, I don’t care, I love her and it is no one's business!” We discussed it and decided the only way to be together is to get married (not to mention the fact that both of us were crazy for each another, even after a year).

With little research about Armenian law, and after a daunting task, we got married. After coming back to the United States I consulted with a lawyer and he said I’m probably going to end up having problems. After I researched Armenian family law, I found out that this:

i) Cousin marriages are not allowed
ii) Cousin marriages will be considered invalid if they will be brought up to the courts for a consideration
iii) Cousin marriages will only be considered valid if she is pregnant or a child is already born
iv) Any marriage CAN be considered valid if deemed by the court

Now you see my problem? I we must’ve slipped through the cracks, because I am a naturalized U.S. citizen, I was born in Armenia. We did not lie on anything, no forms asked if we are related and it was not asked to us verbally either.

After reading this I was devastated, I didn’t know what to do. Someone recommended me to go to Canada, she come to Canada and we get married here. I contacted an attorney in Canada, and explained my situation and she said that is just fine, she could help me out with it and it will be a no problem job.

So like that, as a 19 year old, busting my butt working 50 hours a week AND a full time college student I came to Canada as a student for one year. After six months of being here she was denied entry because a study permit has already been issued to me.

I’ve pretty much spent my life savings on this (about 10 thousand dollars) and now I’m at a dead halt. I’m beginning to become depressed as I know I have a long road ahead of me if I am forced to go to Armenia and flee with her from there. Her brother saw a picture of us that looked a little “risky” and told me that if anything is going on between us two I am a dead man.

I am in serious need of legal help and am desperate. I only have a couple thousand dollars left of student loans and my car which I will sell if I need more funds. I have worked all throughout high school, I never receive a dime from my parents (I come from a fairly poor family). It is difficult surviving the way it is, yet all the costs. I’m 20 years old and I raised some money by selling my motorcycles (I started racing motocross at 16 after I was able to earn money).

What do I need to do? How can I prove to the embassy that this is not a sham? She is the only thing helping me cling on to life right now, if I new she wasn’t in my future my fingers would slip and I would be gone.

I am willing to do anything. I have found some contacts in Armenia that will allow me to live in their home temporarily. If need be, I can move to Armenia and flee with her until things are sorted out, if need be, I can go to Armenia, officially nullify our marriage, flee to a country such as Egypt or Jordan where cousin marriages are legal and get married over there. I will do anything!

I am desperate, and there is no way I can turn to family for help sad.gif .

I have been living in Pakistan with my husband for over a year. Believe it or not, the majority of his family members are married to their first cousins. My sister in law is married to her first cousin (Mother's sister's son) and they have a normal little girl. In Pakistan, they seem to prefer family over outsiders since they know the family and can control how good of a situation they are marrying into. I am not sure what you can do about this situation. I would try to contact an immigration attorney in USA. There is a company in FL called Aladdin USA. You can check out their website or phone them. I wish you the best of luck with everything. Take care.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-12-14 03:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130...I-129F? Confused Newbie!
Yeah man, we applied for both but only pursued the K3 (so far). had the interview in Nov. And its been 10 weeks now of Administrative Processing. I think the CR1 is the better choice. we are probably gonna go ahead with it now, and just see if it passes the other one. On the AP Spreadsheets, you can see that the K3 visas are taking like over 100 days to process in Islamabad and the CR1s are taking anywhere from 3 to 75 days, generally, for Administrative Processing. So..... you take a guess which is better. haha. take it from me. I think it is not worth it.
Good Luck.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-09 17:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWriting to Senators and congressmen to check status
I contacted my senators office here in FL to find out about my husband's AP case on his K3. they are still waiting to hear back form Islamabad, but I will let you know if it helps anything. We filed in March for I-130 and April for K3. We have been in AP for 10 weeks now and in 10 more weeks we're going to have a baby. so we are waiting desperately for it to get approved. I hope that this helps. I will contact the Senator's office again on Monday, and Yes, they did appoint an agent to our case, the senator himself did not participate. She told me that there is nothing they can do to rush the embassy or anything, all they can do is get a clear answer as to what is taking so long. That's all I need. good luck to you.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-09 17:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do? K3 is gone!

I filed the I-130 to bring my wife to USA, and i was going to file for a K3 visa but now i see that if the I-130 and the K3 visa are approved then the I-130 is prevalent over the K3, and it will be closed. so only the I-130 will continue as an immigration process to bring my wife. My question is how do i expedite the process to bring my wife here? i read the other option is the CR1 but how do i apply for it? how long does it take? is that my best option?

Thanks for any replies!

If I were you, I would just go with the I-130 anyway. We filed the K3 along with the I-130, along with expediting the case due to medical emergency. Well, needless to say that we have been under Administrative Processing for 4 months. almost all the I-130 applications have passed us. the spreadsheets avg the AP from our embassy to be about 65 days. It has been over 100 days for our K3, and they avg at our embassy to be 135 days for K3 visa. So... I think that is the reason they did away with the K3 anyway. If I were you, I would just go ahead and submit only the I-130. ou will be making a much wiser decision. I wish we could go back and do things right. Now, I am about to give birth all alone here in the United states, facing a second surgery all alone......

ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-02-19 23:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshey some advise please
By the way.. ther is still a K3 visa, only thing that changed about it was IF the I-130 and I-129f get approved at the same time at NVC, they will automatically close the K3 and proceed with I-130. But.. even if you had the choice, I would pick the CR1. Because I am stuck in a 5 month AP on the K3 visa. When I check the Spreadhseets, it seems that the CR1s are getting approved in half the time that the K3s are. Most people are getting their visas back in less than 3 months and us and one other couple both had k3s and were in upwards of 5 months of AP. Theirs got denied for suspicion of the girl still being married to her ex. Which she obviously wasn't. It was the embassy's mistake. But, go with the CR1... better Idea. take care and good luck.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-13 18:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE for K3 what to expect?
Hubby has his POE at 6:37am at Washington DC airport. What can he expect about POE procedures? What line does he get in? Non immigrant or Immigrant? How long will it take? What all does he need to do? He is from Pakistan, does that make a difference? Please help me with this info. thank u.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-26 22:16:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurescase pending " administrative processing"

Hi Nusa,

It seems...sadly normal, that this is happening to you. My husband went through Damascus recently too, but besides obtaining a particular paper which only took a day's delay, he got his visa a few days after. There are two other members were who have also gone through the embassy and who may be able to help you if you need to understand more about the embassy, etc: Jennie-Ammar and santa_cruz. Jennie's hubby recently got approved after a long delay and Santa is gearing up to get it done soon. They are both very kind and sweet ladies...

As for us...hubby took paperwork and bunch of evidence that weighed over a kilo. I don't know if that influenced them, but they did leave him alone for 90 minutes while they looked everything maybe it did.

It seems that in your case, perhaps they are just doing basic security checks to clear the final hurdles...especially if his name is a common Middle Eastern one, this may be more true than not.

Don't worry and just will be done soon.

Mabrook for getting this far :)


you all are lucky. Islamabad never looks at the evidence you bring. and then they stick you in AP for like forever. We are halfway through our 3rd month of AP now. Its getting harder and harder to wait . I want my hubby here for my baby's birth.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-06 23:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGreen Blue Pink COLOR CODES
With our papers, I had the same situation. i been in Pakistan for so long, I had no income to report. Also because my daughter was an infant so I was unable to work for the 2 yrs prior to going to Pakistan. I still submitted the last tax return I had from my ex and my joint return the yr prior, but we didnt submit an I-134 just 2 I-864s. one from me and one from our co-sponsor. They didn't ask anything about it. I know they suggest teh I-134, but we used I-864 instead. I dont think it will be problem if it is k3. they will have to show I-864 in usa anyhow.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-11-06 02:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWow, Is this TRUE?
Yeah, go to the thread on Going Through AP in Islamabad. Some of those guys have been in Administrative Processing for 5-6 or more months. We were all set to go to our interview in Islamabad on Oct 26, but because of the terror threats, we arrived there and lo and behold, after driving for about 6 hours, it was closed. Wouldn't ya know it? No warning, no letter. Just "Sorry, embassy closed today." So we called them and had to reschedule and they have us a date 1 month later. So, we filed our I-130 in March, Filed the I-129f in April, got the letter that the NVC sent it to the Embassy in mid September, sent Packet 3 about a week later. Got the Letter for Interview date Sept 30th, Medical scheduled for Oct 13th. Then.. we just waited. As you can see what happened with the embassy. But, now I am sad, because we went through all this, did all the papers ourselves, didnt use an agent or attorney. I have been in Pakistan with my husband the whole time. We even called USCIS to Expedite the case back in July because of my pregnancy. And now we got an extra month of delay. So, we are hoping, Insha'Allah that because we have a K3 visa that perhaps our AP wont be so long. But who knows? I wouldn't fret that your process to the interview will be long or drawn out. Its the process following the interview that takes time. Thats all I can say. The AP is usually issued according to common names such as "Ali" "Omar" etc. Things that the FBI has on a list of names. Also, evidence provided is another reason. At least, thats what I have gathered from teh Phillipines thread. Most of them got their APs due to lack of Evidence. Keep up your prayers and all will be fine soon, Insha'Allah. Take care and good luck.
~Tara Ahmed
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-28 02:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Pakistan
QUOTE (bilalquraishi @ Oct 29 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just wondering, will a medical have to be done again now that we are out of the 2 week window.


I dont think so, because it was their mistake not yours. But call them monday morning and ask them. That would be the best suggestion. But I highly doubt the doctor will find anything new to test. They dont do a whole huge exam. Is your wife's visa I-130 or K3? Ours is k3.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-31 07:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy in Pakistan
QUOTE (bilalquraishi @ Oct 27 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Some news for everyone who will be interviewing at the US Embassy in Islamabad. Its closed from the 26th to the 30th of Oct. My wife was supposed to have her K3 visa interview on the 26th but was cancelled because of reasons best known to the Embassy. The Embassy has not posted this information on there website so please call the Embassy before going.


Salaam bro. Your wife must have been there when we were. Ours was also on the 26th. We arrived at the shuttle service at 3:30am and by 5am the security guard arrived and told us the embassies were closed. There were lots of people there by 6 am and by 8am, it was crazy. Tons of people from all over Pakistan, so, I am sorry your wife had to go through all of that too. We drove all the way from Sialkot which was like 5-6 hours. Did you call and reschedule your interview yet? The shuttle service guys were telling people to come back "tomorrow" and the embassy will do your interview then. He was like "embassy will DEFINITELY be open tomorrow". Yeah right. Anyhow, the Embassy told us that they were open and working, but the Shuttle Service was what had closed down, they werent allowing any civilians into that area of the city. So, now, Insha'Allah, things will work out. But they gave us a new interview date for Nov 23rd. And they did not give us a letter of rescheduling or anything. Just told us to write it on our original letter. Good luck, Bhai.
Allah Hafiz.
~Tara Ahmed
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2009-10-28 01:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes this mean they automatically extended?

I am sorry! Hopefully it is only document verification.
It is sad, but when I called them...I was hoping that they would say that it was in DC name checks because then I would know exactly what it was. I hate it that it is at the embassy level because, just like you, I have no clue what they are doing with our case.

I hope this ends soon for you and they give your SO the visa. (F)

when I called the embassy before about my husbands K3 status back around thanksgiving, they told me they had just received our papers BACK from Dept of State. So now it is at embassy. Do they send it to DOS first, then back to Embassy or what? then they told me that it should be clear by Eid, but that didnt happen. Then they told me that it was transferred from nonimmigrant unit to immigrant unit. They are all over the place. The last time I talked to Islamabad's embassy I asked what was up with the updates or transfers or whatever and the lady was like "I dunno why any of my colleagues would take the time to explain these processes to you, because al I have on my computer screen is a message saying you are pending administrative processing". yeah, very helpful. Since then, they never tell us anything.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-06 23:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionproblems calling DOS
i got through to them on thursday, but it took about 10 min each time on hold around 10am EST. I spoke to a very rude lady named BJ first, and then after she gave me the info she THOUGHT i wanted, she hung up on me after yelling into the phone "MA'AM I CANNOT HELP YOU WITH ANYTHING ELSE!" she kept saying the computers are down before the conversation even started. Then I called back, another 10 min and spoke to Anna. She was nice and helpful and gave me all info I need. Dont let it get you down. Even my senator's office who is working on my case is swamped because of Haiti. Even the Islamabad embassy in Pakistan where are case is has been affected by this. So, its everywhere.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-23 21:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview but AP islamabad embassy
Im confused Armani.. why exactly did you have 2 interviews? We only had one... but the first time we went on our scheduled day, the embassy was closed. we had to reschedule. But, why did you have 2?
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-02-21 20:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview but AP islamabad embassy
They didn't take any of our evidence, but they returned all our original Nikah Nama, my original Divorce paper and some other original forms. Then they said we were approved but still needed processing. The CO gave us a white sheet of paper with the list of all SpeedEx offices in Pakistan and circled the one in Sialkot and said to submit and pick up passport there when they call us. He said it would be average 2-3 months for AP but could be shorter or longer. He also never took our passport, just looked at it, and put a purple sticker on it that matches the one on the white Speedex list. Thats all that happened to us. They never wanted any of our evidence, we even gave them a table of Contents to our folder of evidence, he just looked at it and handed it back to us. He said though, that he knew our intentions for going to America were for the best. So we have been waiting for 3 months now in AP. But don't worry, some people's goes faster. It's all different, case by case.
Congrats Bankermai on your new life in USA!
Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-01-29 18:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiontoday i called to Islamabad embassy...

hey and salaam to all of VJS

today i called to Islamabad embassy to ask abt my visa status the operator he told me that ur still under AP then i ask him that how much time its will take he said it will take like one month more he said that ur AP will finish to march 9 2010 insha Allah.

so im confused that it is sure or not bz in march my wife to visit me again....

and plz plz pray for us........... bz we really depressed bz of distance between us.

You are lucky Bhai. At least they told you when to expect it. My husband asks all the time and they say there is no way to tell. One time, in November we called and they said "Insha'Allah, it will be complete after Eid". And, as you can see, Eid has come and gone.... and Zaheer is still in Pakistan. I wish you the best of luck Bhai and hope it works out for you. Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-02-22 14:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy email replay...!!!

they kept my passport in the time of interview... jan 28 2010.

Everytime we call them, they seem to tell us "Wait 7-10 days and you will hear something from us." but that never happens. they are very confusing and none of them seems to know whats going on from one day to another. We called last wednesday and the guy my husband spoke to told him that his AP was finished, his Final review was finished and that they are just doing "some work" on the case and that in 8-10 days we should get the result. So Zaheer called them today and the guy said its still processing. then he told him about speaking to the other guy last week and so this guy says "Oh, well, whatever he told you, its still the same, then."
We called them back before Eid and they said "Insha'Allah your case will be completed before Eid". Well, that obviously didnt' happen because here its going on 5 months that we have been waiting for his visa since interview. I had to come back to USA and have the baby all alone. So.. I dont know what to tell you. Just call them often and see if you eventually get someone who can tell you anything of help. Good luck.
Allah Hafiz.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-03-24 16:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMumbai Consulate and AP

Thanks. I am the USC. I tried a Congressional Inquiry right after the interview, but I think it was too early. I am considering involving one of my Senators. They said that we didn't have enough evidence of a bona fide relationship, even though we had pictures, letters, tickets and other materials from where we met, etc. We even sent them 4 letters after they gave my fiance the 221(g) letter in December....still nothing...

To still be in AP for that long is not too strange coming from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh. I have seen this trend becoming more and more prevalent. I mean, look at us, over 5 months of AP and we were missing no documents, and received no slip after the interview. Just told that the CO believed our case was legit and that he thought our intentions for migrating to USA were for the best. He said that people here in South Florida dont really speak Punjabi.. haha.. so my husband said "Its ok, I speak English and Urdu too." anyhow. dont fret the time period you have been waiting. Unfortunately, some people have been in AP for more than a year, but it is usually very rare. I think you will be just fine. remember, no news is good news. My senator's liason told me after 3 and a half months of AP that I should be glad it's taking so long because that means they are checking everything completely and thoroughly so there wont be any delays later. So... good luck with your case and I am sure eventually you will hear something. take care.
ZaheersShezadiMalePakistan2010-04-13 18:02:00