Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
I just received my NOA in the mail today. Please update.
soundedguyMale02012-04-28 17:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
My check was cashed today, does it mean that I will get my NOA1 anytime or what?
soundedguyMale02012-04-26 07:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
My documents were just delivered. Excited.
soundedguyMale02012-04-23 15:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Please add me to the list, just mailed my package today. The wait begins.
soundedguyMale02012-04-21 15:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Any comment or suggestion on what my evidences look like? I'm happy for you all and would like to feel part of this thread. Lol.
soundedguyMale02012-04-03 13:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 April 2012 filers
Hello my fellow april filers, I'm very confident we all will be having a smooth ROC and easy approval. Here are my evidences, what are your thoughts?

- Check of $590.00 payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- I-751 Joint Petition to Remove Conditions
- Copy of my Green Card (Front and Back)
- Evidences of Relationship:
o Lease from our landlord showing both names.
o Copies of our IRS transcripts for 2010 & 2011 showing joint filing.
o Copies of our Chase bank joing account statements showing that we are joint account holders.
o Copies of our Credit and debit card showing our names on same accounts.
o Copy of lease contract from lawyer showing both our names.
o Copies of our cell phone bills from AT&T showing same family plan account.
o Copies of home phone bills from AT&T (Green card holder).
o Electricity bills on wife's name (Petitioner) showing our joint address.
o Water bills on wife's name (Petitioner) showing address.
o Cable, internet bills on my name (Green card holder) showing address.
o Copy of my 401K beneficiary form from Fidelity showing that my wife (Petitioner) is the beneficiary.
o Copies of wife's (Petitioner) Health Insurance card showing my name (Green card Holder) and her daughter's name.
o Copies of documents from wife's (Petitioner) benefit showing me (Green card holder) and her daughter as beneficiary on life insurance.
o Copy of my driver's license and wife's (Petitioner) state ID showing same address. Wife (Petitioner) don't have a driver's license and a letter explaining that.
o Copy of our Sam's club membership cards showing joint account.
o Copies of few photos
o Copies of joint application for auto loan, personal loan being denied.
o Few mails, junk mails and letters addressed to both of us showing same address including mails from our college we currently attend together.
soundedguyMale02012-04-03 05:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 June 2012 Filers

Hi all,

I want to tell you my story to let you know that the way to get 10 years green card with somebody like me is a nightmare.

I am in June Filers. I and my husband filed jointly to remove my conditional green card on Jun 13. I got NOA1 on Jun 15. Biometrics date was July 12. I'm on the way to wait for my approval which I believed it will come very soon if...

I got arrested last Saturday for Telephone Harassment charged, under Domestic Violence. And you know who called the police? My husband did. Yes, it was him. They put me in jail for 10 hours and my cousin bailed me out later that night. I was very scared because I never went through this before. It was a nightmare that I couldn't imagine that it could happen to my life. Everything happened for a reason. However, it is a hurtful truth which I was from a victim in this marriage to become a suspect just for a heat moment.

He barely worked during over 3 years we got married. I worked 2 jobs to take care everything in our house. He always took money out of our account without telling me, or promising to pay them back which he never did. He did it so many times which I can't count. This time, he took all money out of the account while I told him million times that I need that money to pay bills that were due. He said he would pay me back on Monday and took it anyway.When I worked my grave shift, he packed his stuffs, left our house and went to his mother's apartment. When I came home, I checked the account and knew he withdrew money through ATM. I was so upset and mad, so I texted him and called him. He texted me back and we had argument. I swear to him in texts and I said I would come to his mother's to ask for money back, or HE'S DEAD IN MY HAND. Then, I kept calling him because he didn't answer the phone. I needed to know the reason why he took all money out. He called the police, reported me to threaten to kill him and kill myself. The female police came to his mother's apartment, saw the texts and phone calls list, then she said she would put me to jail for stalking or Telephone Harassment. Then, she drove to my house ( I never left my house as I said in the texts, I was sleeping), knocked on the door and arrested me when I was wearing my pijama.

My parents had to hire an attorney to fight for me ( The attorney fee is crazy). The law didn't let me contact him until the court date, however, through my family member, he said he didn't mean to put me in jail. He just wanted to warn me but the police said once he called them, he gave them the authorization to take care of the case from now. I don't know what will happen to my life because this charge is Class B and if I found guilty, it would ruin my career, my 10 years green card and my citizenship applications.

I just want to get the divorce with this heartless husband. He hurts me over and over. I forgave him so many times because I still loved him, but this time, I think I can't get over this. Everybody (my family, my friends) can't believe that he could do this to me. Even my attorney said "Woo" and said "chicken ######" (sorry but it's exact word for him) when he looked at the paper. My questions are:

1) Will USCIS find out about the arrest charge while they look at my file which is very soon now. Will the arrest make my application delay? My attorney is trying to fight "Not Guilty" in this case.

2) Should I get the divorce now or waiting until I get 10 years green card?

3) If I got approval for 10 years green card, how long should I wait until I file the divorce to not make USCIS feel doubtful about our marriage?

4) If I got charged guilty, the domestic violence charge could make me be deported out of US ( I heard that) depending on each circumstance. Should I hire immigration attorney to help me with this case too?

5) When I apply for my citizenship if I am lucky to stay here, will this conviction affect my application? How bad it is and what should I prepare for it?

Please help me. I'm in a big shock now and this is a worst New Year in my entire life .Happy New Year to all.

I'm so sorry for what you are going through and really do understand what it feels like. Phone calls threat and really a serious one especially when they can always get the phone logs and listen to it. If you do this on your own, you would definitely be convicted unless the judge happens to understand and maybe ask you guys to take classes on anger management. If your family hired a good lawyer who can negotiate with the DA before the court, you will have a good chance of the case being dismissed by the DA. At this point, you can't lie but the lawyer need to communicate with the DA frequently explaining the circumstances, how you work hard to pay bills and not even knowing the consequences of the phone threat and you didn't mean it. He also need to have your back, I would recommend reconciliation with him now atleast until after the case is dismissed. I don't see it affecting your ROC because it's filed already, it might delay your citizenship unless the lawyer do a very good job. You should offer taking anger management classes and also go for counseling with him. The lawyer should be able to make these case to the DA.
soundedguyMale02013-01-01 14:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrested while I-751 pending and citizenship application

Provided that no charges are brought this should be a non-issue.

You will obviously have to declare the arrest - if you were arrested - together with a certified statement from the court or other authority confirming that no charges were brought.

Charges were brought by the police and not my wife but lawyer assured it will be dropped and dismissed since there wasn't any evidence that I pulled her hair and my wife won't be testifying at the court. This have worried me so much though. With the case being dismissed and me not being convicted of domestic violence, any problem for me?
soundedguyMale02012-11-01 08:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrested while I-751 pending and citizenship application
I was accused in a domestic violence, my wife and I had some arguement and she called the police and told them I pulled her hair. She didn't press charges but the police did. I have seen an attorney which assured me the case will be dismissed. I am waiting for a I-751 approval hopefully by december/january and will be fling for N400 in april 2013. If the case is dismissed, how will this affect my I-751 approval and citizenship come april 2013. Ofcourse, I will admit to being arrested on my N400 aplication. I have had plenty of sleepless night because of this.
soundedguyMale02012-10-31 18:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest and preparing for N400 now
Thank you Kathryn41, PathaN and Califa for all your helpful replies. I have made extra copies of the document from the DA, the marriage counseling class and will include them on my application. I will also be including any paperwork showing the expungement of the arrest. We have done the letter from her saying it was a false arrest and will also be coming with my at the interview. I have done a lot of reason and seen this "Pre-trial diversion programs where the alien does not have to admit guilt and where the case is ultimately dismissed does not constitute a conviction for immigration purposes". My Pretrial case is a DA pretrial since no charges were filed. I will be very prepared to explain to the IO when the time comes. Still worried and can't really wait for the time to file. Does my case constitute inadmission into the country if I happen to travel out of the country?
soundedguyMale02012-12-26 18:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest and preparing for N400 now

I would say that the letter is very clear in its details. It includes the arrest date and a definite statement that there were no charges filed. It will support what you answer on the petition. I would send a copy in with the petition, and bring the original to the interview.

You can expect some questions during the interview, so be prepared to explain what happened and that everything started because your wife, upset by the argument, called the police to get their support in winning the argument, that she then falsely claimed you had pulled her hair because she was angry, and did not realize the consequences of that false statement. If you wish and she is agreeable, you can ask your wife to write a letter addressed to USCIS, stating that she told the police that you had pulled her hair when you had not because she was mad at you, and that she is sorry she did this. Have her sign the letter in front of a notary public. (Most UPS stores and banks have Notary Publics on staff - the fee is about $5 to $8 dollars for the stamp). You could bring that letter with you to the interview as it provides further information about why no charges were made. There would be no repercussions on her for writing this and it may help you at the interview. If your wife is willing to join you at the interview, she can wait in the waiting room and if the interviewing officer wishes to speak with her, she would be available to corroborate your explanation. It may be enough for the Interviewing officer just to know that she is present and available for information.

I can appreciate you are concerned, but I think you should be fine.

Good luck.

You could actually be a legal representative on immigration lol. I never thought about her writing a letter and notarize it but it sounds very good. She would be very happy to do that if I need her to. I will let her do that when the time comes. I thought about hiring an immigration attorney but wouldn't need to after reading your response. I really thank and appreciate your response.
soundedguyMale02012-12-25 21:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest and preparing for N400 now

Answer yes to the relevant questions on the form and then include the letter from the DA saying that there are no charges. It is irrelevant whether you get the record expunged before or after applying for citizenship since you still have to disclose any involvement with legal authorities/police/courts even if they are expunged. I wouldn't include a cover letter either since you were not charged. Just make sure that you do answer the questions asking if you were ever arrested, stopped, fined, charged, etc. - you can even underline the appropriate word in the list of options - and include the letter saying that there were no charges. You may be asked some questions about it by the interviewer but under the circumstances, it shouldn't cause you any problems. Good luck.

Thank you for responding and wouldn't include the cover letter. Meanwhile, kindly look at an edited version of the document given to me by the DA. I know I should be calmed and relaxed but still nervous a lot. Take a look pls.

Edited by soundedguy, 25 December 2012 - 07:38 PM.

soundedguyMale02012-12-25 19:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest and preparing for N400 now
There is no record from the court because the case didn't get to court. It was between us and the DA. The court don't have my name on their system they said because no charges were charged by the DA. The pretrial was what was asked for and no charges were filed and didn't make it to court. I have the document from the DA office saying no charges were filed. I'm in the process of expunging the arrest or should I wait till after my citizenship to expunge the arrest?
soundedguyMale02012-12-25 10:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest and preparing for N400 now
Appreciate it. The DA said they didn't file any charge so do I put on the application that I was charged or not? What are your guess on the outcome?
soundedguyMale02012-12-24 19:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest and preparing for N400 now
I have posted earlier about my arrest and thought I should paste what I would submit on the cover letter. I'm getting myself very prepared ahead since it's not the ordinary petition but one that involves an arrest.

Cover Letter For My Arrest.

On the 10th of October 2012, I was arrested after my wife called the police on me after an arguement over her gambling problem and leaving us in big debt. I have just lost my job few days ago working at AT&T and was in one of my classes at Keiths Community College when she was gambling and had overdrafted our joint checking account and had us in debt for $1829 on 10/03/2012. With alot bills over due for payment, I asked her how we would be paying the bill and she started yelling loudly and we had some arguements. I went back to the bedroom where I was working on my assignments and heard people knocking on the door. I went to the door and it was the police that my wife had called that I pulled her hair. I told the officer I didn't pull her hair but we had an argument due to over due bills and how to pay them back including the $1829 overdrafted at Chase bank. I have included statement of our account highlighting the overdraft areas. He insisted he had to make an arrest and it doesn't matter if I pulled her hair or not. To my wife surprise, I was being handcuffed and was taken to jail. She started crying knowing her real intention was for the police to talk to me on her behalf because I have had sleepless night for days worrying on how to pay the bills.
I was very sad and felt very humiliated but did alot of prayer. My wife came and bonded me after borrowing from a payday loan and I was scheduled for court on December 5th. She had apologized to me and promised to take gambling counseling which she did and we both took a 2hr marriage counseling/anger management class (attached in my application) before the court. I explained the incident to the DA and told her I don't have an anger problem and never would pull any woman's hair and she found me very trustworthy and asked us to pay a court fee of $350 and she would dismissed the case and would use our 2hr marriage counselling/anger management as a Pretrial Diversion Program. That was my first time hearing of the program and asked her if it meant I was not agreeing on the accusation also explaining to her that I will be applying for citizenship soon so I can join the USA Airforce which she replied no and gave me a document(also attached) saying no charges were filed against me. She assured me it's the best way of dismissing the case so we don't have to go before court and go back to our normal life activities. I nor my wife wasn't put on any probation or any services. Luckily, my arrest has done us good that my wife haven't gambled ever since then and we have been able to start saving money and have been living happily ever since then. The arrest costed us alot of money but have rescued my wife from gambling which I am very happy about. My wife, sister inlaws, current/ex coworkers, school instructors can also testify on my behalf as a man with no anger problem if needed. Please kindly accept this explanation and approve my application for citizenship.
Thank You.
soundedguyMale02012-12-24 18:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest Questions N400

My interview was approved on the spot, very quickly. That said, I had been a GC for 10 years, not by marriage, and the incident was over 6 years ago. So I probably looked like a very minor threat. How long ago was your arrest? That would probably be the most important factor.

Here in LA there is an immigration law clinic right in the same building as USCIS, and for 20 dollars they'll look at your case and give you very practical advice (they told me I'd be fine and I didn't even need to send certified copies of the records in the n400. I was scared because I lived across the country from that court and it was going to take weeks for me to get certified copies). I personally don't htink you need to get an attorney, and I think most people on this forum will tell you the same, but if you want peace of mind you can get it if you can afford it.

Again just send ALL the possible records relevant to your case in your N400 and bring certified copies with you.

Mine happened in october 2012. Even though I told the officer I didn't commit the crime, he was still desperate to arrest me. I have talked to few immigration attorney who told me to opt out on the diversion program if possible and go to court which I did and the DA failed to charge me because they basically didn't have a case. No picture, no injury, house was in order, wife wasn't pressing charge. I have the certified copies now but still anxious and nervous. Congrats on your approval. I will be glad when this is over.
soundedguyMale02013-01-31 18:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest Questions N400

As long as you send all the relevant documents with your N400 (photocopy is fine), and bring certified or original copies of those same documents with you to the interview, there is almost no way this would cause you problems.

I had an arrest for shoplifting that was dismissed via community service and the interviewer barely made mention of it ("so I see you had this back in 2005... okay, moving on"). Your issue is way less complicated than mine.

Thank you for responding. Was your interview approved? I don't know what to expect or know or even don't know if I should hire a immigration attorney. My arrest wasn't meant to me but I guess the office was desperate to arrest. Just because my wife falsely said I pulled her hair.
I wish I could hear from more people who have been arrested and share their experience with me.
soundedguyMale02013-01-31 15:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest Questions N400
I know I have posted questions on my arrest here and all response have been very helpful to me. Now, I am back again hoping to hear from people who have been arrested and have applied for N400 or know anybody who has.

Here are some info.

I was arrested on DV but no charges were filed, the DA rushed me into signing to pretrial diversion program with no charges being filed. After doing some reading and thoughts, I decided to for opt out on the program because it doesn't sound good especially program. I explained to my lawyer and let him know the definitions of conviction for immigration which is different from an average citizen's conviction. I was totally removed from the diversion program and all documents destroyed. The DA gave me a letter that no charges was filed with no participation in any program or anything. I went to the court and have it filed into my record, certified and also got a letter from the court that no charges was filed and certified also.

Now, the only thing on my record is an arrest. What do I need to know before my N400 interview? What are the chances that my approval would go through supervisory?

Thank you all for responding and advicing.
soundedguyMale02013-01-30 20:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents

You totally can if you want, but if you have the police statement from the arrest then that would be good as well. You should be able to get a copy.

You are doing the right thing by enclosing a copy of the police record, and DA's letter. If you can get the arrest record that would be even better.

Yes I will be enclosing also the police report along with my application and can only wish for the best. I know I can't be deported on that and would even be happy just having my green card.
soundedguyMale02013-02-19 18:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionArrest documents

When it's domestic violence it's always right to be wary. Just like if it was a drug arrest. USCIS does, and has, used the mere fact of an arrest against someone with the statement that the lack of charges just meant they didn't have enough evidence, not that the person didn't do anything. So it's better to assume the worst and prepare accordingly.

I totally understand that admission is equal to conviction. I didn't admit to doing anything but argument. Even the police statement says argument on my part. I won't be admitting to doing anything wrong but arguing with my wife due to her gambling problem. Might be a smart idea taking a lawyer with me during the interview.
soundedguyMale02013-02-19 09:58:00