United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks! I haven't been quite so bad yet that I've had to take anything, but it sure does suck. I at least managed to survive the car ride this morning before climbing out and throwing up in the parking lot. Couldn't even say good-bye to Alex. ;)

Also, welcome to the thread! :)

I've already looked into getting future-baby a British passport as it'd make travel back to the UK a bit easier.

All you HAVE to do is apply for a passport, since your daughter automatically has British citizenship by birth. You can find the forms and current fees here. For babies the passport photos requirements are relaxed - the baby can have his/her eyes closed, and doesn't have to have a neutral expression.

(At question 1A you would check 'no', and then 'no', and then fill in the details in section 2).

However, I'm probably also going to officially register the baby's birth with the UK government - it costs a little extra, but it'll mean he/she will have an official record and also won't have to keep their passport current. The form can be found here.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-21 09:42:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
:D She's almost giving a thumbs up there! She really does have so much hair! And her outfit is so cute. :)

Ugh - they have shrubs planted outside my work that always smell vaguely of over-boiled cabbage. Yesterday they were cut, and now they smell REALLY strongly. Headache/vomit time!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-18 10:19:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Glad to hear it! And hey, sounds as if it is working in your favour after all! :D
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-14 11:27:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Poor Emily! How's her wrist today?
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-13 13:30:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Aww, that is such a cute photo, Tracy. She really does look a very happy baby! :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-12 10:04:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks Jewel!

And that's another recommendation for Dr. Brown's. :) Slowly building up my list!

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Good in-laws are a godsend. And building a house sounds really exciting!

And yes - it's very normal! Alex and I have been married nearly three years now, and this is the first year where we managed to get a grip on our finances without one or the other of us getting frustrated/exploding. We're even hoping to be fully credit-card debt-free by the end of the year. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-07 11:51:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thank you!

And my 10 year greencard was just ordered! This is a good week. :dance:
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-06 22:36:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Aww - they really are!

Okay - I've been bored at work today, so I've read this entire thread! :lol: I'm a little sad I wasn't posting last year. Anyway, random thoughts:

I haven't really been all that bad, really. The nausea's horrible on some days but that's really the main extent of my symptoms. I think I had too rosy-cheeked a view of pregnancy, because apparently both my mother and Alex's mother are amazing baby-producing machines. Reading up and hearing from my co-workers of other people's experience makes me realise my mother/MIL were probably in the minority with their easy pregnancies and births!

I'm really hoping I can stay working as long as possible - however, never know what the future may bring! On my side I have my relative youth and the fact that my job is a very easy desk job - I'd probably only sit at home anyway, so hopefully sitting here at work won't be all that much different. I am being prompted to look up information on Paid Family Leave in California. I'm thinking that perhaps I can work part-time for a while and be compensated somewhat for my lost wages - that would help me hugely.

I have already made one concession, however - I did not sign up for classes this quarter. I've been working full time and going to school in the evenings the past six months. I do have a degree, but it is in a completely unrelated field, and if I want to progress in my career at all I'll need further qualifications. I'm not on a bad salary at the moment, but I also live in San Jose... so my salary is $30k below the average here! It was a real toss up between having a baby now (I'm 28) or waiting to finish school... but as school could take years I opted for the former. I've been very fortunate to meet and marry Alex so young, and I wanted to make the most of the opportunities that have been afforded me. :) At school my GPA is pretty important to me, and I just knew I wouldn't be able to give it my all this quarter.

My MIL is still really keen to be our child-minder after the birth, which is still a huge relief to me. She also said that she plans to maybe leave a webcam running on Skype so my mother can also virtually participate in caring for the baby! I think it's a really sweet idea. If anyone opposes my MIL's plans, it'll be my FIL. He is 60 this year - not that old, but old enough that he is constantly worried about his employment and finances. I really can't blame him. He was unemployed for a short while a couple of years ago and it was a really difficult time for my in-laws. At least during that time my MIL had her job, even if she is not very well compensated as a teacher.

One last note... one thing I am grateful to my mother for *now* (not at the time :lol:) is that she had twins at 41, when I was nearly 15. I've had plenty of experience changing diapers, rocking babies to sleep, etc. Alex has zero experience, and he was even too nervous to hold his cousin's baby at the last family gathering. He'll have to learn quickly!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-06 13:31:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
No, I will not be finding out the sex. I'm a little afraid of attaching a name to the baby and having something go wrong, or then it turns out to be the other sex instead - etc. Also, as it's my first, I really don't mind! I might consider finding out for a second or third child.

BTW I had three people tell me, independently, that it currently looks like a rabbit, and two that it looks like a guinea-pig! Alex says it looks like a football, but honestly I think 'bean' is probably the best description right now!

As for Alex's face... haha, he had the same expression as he has in any kind of situation where he feels shock, surprise, nervousness or happiness. He's really not a guy that shows much emotion facially. (He does, however, have a variety of body tics I've learned to read). So he looked, well, blank! But once we got home he immediately posted the scan pic on facebook, twitter, google+ - you name it - and was responding really enthusiastically to all who replied. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-06 10:16:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
I hope so too! Yes, I'm also usually okay (at least, not vomiting) if I have food in my stomach but like you say, Empress, it's sooo difficult to eat when you have no appetite and 90% of food tastes bad! I used to be such a foodie, too.

And I did have my appointment! It's real! :lol: I kept talking about it every five seconds (and annoying Alex, I'm sure) because it's very hard to really believe there's a baby in there until you see it. The appointment went really well. :) I have a family history of absolutely nothing, fortunately, which impressed the nurse taking my records, and I must say that one advantage of going through immigration was that I was able to tell her with utter confidence that I had no STDs, infectious diseases and that all my immunizations were up to date!

And I saw the baby! Just one, and I should be at 10 weeks 4 days but the baby measured 11 weeks. :) Doctor counted all four limbs and said it looked very healthy! I didn't hear the heartbeat but I did see it, which was very cool.

Then I went to the clinic next door and they took TEN large vials of my blood! Luckily in between I'd eaten a very large sandwich, so I didn't feel as faint as I might've done!

Eh, what can I say? I liked me some gadgets! I wouldn't necc say this was a do or die purchase like the monitor, but it was a pretty cool 'extra'.

Alex loves his gadgets too! Oh boy - there might be a major spring-cleaning coming before the baby arrives, because we have so much stuff. Trouble is, Alex has perfected the puppy-dog-eye look, so even when we have absolutely no more room and when I'm trying to watch our budget he somehow manages to persuade me to let him buy things. You can be sure he's been eyeing up blenders and I think he's more interested in making a list than I am!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-06 09:30:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

Two more things re: the monitor. You can also set alarms for the temperature, if it goes too high or too low. It's really just that awesome!

That does sound great! Would definitely provide peace of mind. :)

Bottles: I did some research myself, and because I was breastfeeding, I went with what I thought was a great bottle. Tommy Tippee. They say it causes less 'nipple confusion' because it's shaped more like an actual breast and nipple. Problem is, he had silent reflux really badly, so my mom did some research and switched us to Dr Brown's, which was a Godsend. I never used Tommy again, and there really wasn't the 'nipple confusion' I thought there would be.

We got the custom microwave steamer as well, but it's big and bulky, and little did I know, they make disposable bags for steam sanitizing bottles. They worked out better for us as well.

Good to know, especially since I'll also be both breast-feeding and using bottles.

And my very best gf on the planet....goes by Tmma here - bought us a Starlight Papasan Swing. GODSEND! He loved it and was in it every day for hours. Up until 8 mos or so. It was really such a welcome respite, and he loved being in it. He'd fall asleep in there every single day.

I know all of my brothers and sisters and I loved our swing... especially me (I was a terribly colicky/hard-to-settle baby). Even if they can only be used for a few months I think if we're planning on more it's not going to work out to be too terribly expensive.

Another thing I loved...we got this that is a stuffed animal which plays noises. I'd put on the heartbeat setting when we finally got him to bed, and I do believe it reminded him of the safety in utero, because he'd stay asleep, and every morning, he'd be cuddled right up to it.

Speaking of sounds...if either of you are rockers, lol....they have a series of CDs called 'Rockabye Baby' which are lullaby renditions of popular music. Smashing Pumpkins, Metallica, Bob Marley, name it. Nick LOVES those, and so do we, lol. It's cool the way they're done. Here's the site with some clips:

I'll post more when it comes to me, lol.

I'm not a stuffed animal fan normally - but that is one cute sheep! And the Rockabye Baby CDs are AWESOME! That's a definite purchase. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-04 15:40:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thank you for the recommendations!

Tracy - oh, I'd love to be in a house with my own facilities. Unfortunately, living in San Jose, I don't see that happening unless I win the lottery or receive a very big raise at work! Sigh! I do love California but the cost of living is a little ridiculous sometimes.

I actually read that Daily Mail article (haha - I can't help it, reading that site is a guilty pleasure of mine. I usually go for the reader comments) and wondered if you'd seen it as soon as I saw 'wipe warmer!'

A dresser that functions as a changing table sounds excellent - I can't believe I didn't think of such a solution! My coworker was telling me how necessary a changing table was (she really hurt her back changing her son's diapers) so I was planning on getting one... but yes, it'd be far more sensible to just get a right-sized dresser.

Thinking ahead for future ages - yes! This is why I thought I'd ask the question. I saw my mother receive bags and bags of second-hand newborn clothes when she had twins, and then she had almost nothing for as they grew bigger.

Alex and I are planning on having more - although I must confess, there are times when I wonder 'how on earth can people do this more than once?' (Usually while I'm bent double over the toilet). I have no problem with buying used goods. (If you're seriously offering, I will consider it!) :) I was a baby who had second-hand everything - and had no idea, of course! But I will definitely be buying a brand-new car seat; I know that's one item that can't be skimped on.

I'm hoping to breast-feed, although it's going to be tough being at work full-time.

Re. monitors - I hadn't given too much thought to them, but I am a VERY heavy sleeper so it might be a good idea for me. It's also why I'd never, ever dare co-sleep with the baby; once I'm asleep, that's it. The Angel Care Monitor sounds really good! Definitely something to consider. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-04 15:32:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks Tracy!

I think a diaper service would be necessary for us as we live in an apartment complex with shared laundry facilities - we're lucky enough to be able to wash our own clothes (the laundry rooms were full all Sunday/most of yesterday), let alone do any extra loads! It's also reasonably expensive; we spend about $25 a week doing our laundry. But it's great to have options. I'll no doubt have lots of questions later!

Here's a question for all of you ladies - what things did you find most/least useful? I have quite a bit of free time at work and it's fun to virtual window-shop! Going to start building up a list so I can try and save/spread costs. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-04 10:25:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

I hope those help. My vomit was like Pavlov's dog. I would vomit almost daily in the shower, so even once the nausea had truly passed (about 3 weeks into the 2nd trimester), turning the shower on could induce it. I found I had to sing songs to myself as the shower came on to get my mind off of it so I wouldn't hurl. :lol:

Oh no! I love my morning shower, I don't know what I'd do if it started to induce vomiting in me!

Strangely enough, I always feel worse at work! :whistle: I felt fine - well, not nauseous - all weekend, and now it's Monday morning the nausea's returned in full force again.

The hubs bought me a ginger tea. It worked as best as anything could. Sometimes, even smelling the tea bag was enough to stave off the nausea for a bit.

Ginger anything is pretty great! Ginger ale, crystallised ginger... I even find ginger chewing gum very handy for motion sickness (which I only tend to get playing certain video games, bizarrely).

I found out from my MIL that there's a very cool shop that operates a diaper service within a mile of where I live. $22 a week for 80 diapers, which they take away, wash and return to you. Looks as if Alex and I are going to start learning how to fold cloth diapers. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-03 13:59:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Hehe, I've certainly received a lot of tips - but it never hurts to have more! :)

Crackers do seem to work. Problem is, I forgot to take them home with me, so they weren't within easy reach this morning. And of course I hadn't been able to stomach much the night before so yes, empty stomach had done it!

Getting soooo sick of crackers. I'll be glad when I don't have to have them any more.

Ginger ale doesn't really ward off the nausea for me, but I AM finding it more digestible than water at the moment, especially when diluted with ice. It's my main source of fluids!

I haven't tried peppermint yet. I do love peppermint tea. I should also try sucking on any hard sweets.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-28 15:48:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
I didn't think the nausea could get much worse, but I was wrong! :crying: Been throwing up a lot, couldn't even make it five minutes this morning.

Crackers, crackers, crackers! Those, dry, and cookies. Not sweet things otherwise - gone off chocolate, and fruit is actually a trigger for me vomiting, unfortunately, but for some reason cookies help. I think because they've been very dry cookies.

Yeah, my diet is awful. But I'm figuring keeping any food down right now ought to help. Vegetables and tomatoes still seem okay, so I am having as much of those as possible.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-28 13:05:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Oh, no, you didn't sound horrible! I just didn't want to make it seem as if my MIL is selfish for wanting to be paid.

I won't be paying my own mother when she comes over to help after the birth, even though her time will be very valuable to me! But I see the arrangement with Alex's mother as a more permanent daycare solution. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-23 14:10:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

My mom watches Nick all the time. I'd be pissed if she expected to get paid for it.

Mainly I think it's a) it'd be for a regular time slot, every working day, and b) she'll be reducing her work hours in order to do this for us. :)

She and Alex's dad are very generous in many, many ways, though, and even if she hadn't asked to be paid I'd be forcing her to accept some money!

Btw, just got a text from Kinsley's mom (official spelling, w00t) wondering if we were gonna go to the playgroup today. I was @ work, so we couldn't, but maybe next week.

I just think it's cool that she got in touch with me. Yay, Nick has a gf, lol.


And it's really nice she actually followed through. :)

Emily went to her first story hour yesterday. Apparently she spent a lot of time sitting on the lap of her friend, Housten (17 months). He's an older man. She's got game. ;)


Aw... I remember being pretty popular back when I was tiny. I received three bouquets of flowers when I was five years old! I don't think I received another until Alex gave me one a couple of years ago.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-23 13:41:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

UGH - it's so hard, isn't it? I'm just mad at myself though. I had the chance to stay at a weight I was really happy with and I ate it away. I know it was stress related but that's really no excuse. But - water under the bridge at this point.

Ha, yes, it really is!

I knew I was eating a little too much - but I didn't realise I'd gained that much! I have to lose/gain a LOT to really change dress sizes (I'm fairly fortunate in that I gain it fairly evenly, not really in any one spot) so my clothes didn't give too much indication. I only wish I'd stepped on a scale earlier! I was so mad at myself when I finally did step on one! :crying: But like you say - what's done is done. I'll just try to be more careful in future.

Are you thinking of having Alex stay home with the baby to offset the cost of day care, or? My husband is daddy day care. He had trouble finding a decent job after emigrating and was about to start considering low paying jobs about the time I got pregnant. We couldn't see the logic in shipping Emily off to day care when his salary would likely just cover it (or not quite cover it).

That was our original plan, and we have the same thinking as you!

However, my MIL has offered to look after the baby. Not for free - she'd expect to be paid, which is only fair - but for cheaper than day care. So I'm thinking we may take her up on the offer. We wouldn't be losing/gaining any money, as I expect we'd be paying her whatever Alex earns, but it would be a way for Alex to keep his foot on the career ladder. I think this may work best. I know she would be an excellent carer (she's a preschool teacher), I trust her implicitly, and it would be a way for her to see her grandchild. She has two grandchildren by Alex's half-brother, but she very rarely gets to spend any time with them. She's really looking forward to this baby for that reason. ;)

She'd go part-time at her preschool, which she's been thinking of doing for a while anyway, and it would be for four hours a day - so not too long. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-22 11:31:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thank you Jewel!

Good luck with your in-laws. Hopefully the drive to Las Vegas does help!

Tracy, I gain weight when I am stressed, too. I did worse than you, though! I gained 30 lbs last year when work turned really stressful. Fortunately I managed to find a new job, but shifting the weight's been very tough.

Balancing the baby/work is what has me worried. I have to work - Alex has a job, but it's part-time and barely above minimum wage. We live almost solely off my income. I'd love to be able to take time off but I just don't think we could afford it.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-22 10:15:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
The Nick/Kensley story is adorable! Hopefully they can be good friends. :)

I can't see that a one year old would gain anything from trick-or-treating! Though I probably couldn't prevent Alex from wanting to dress up the kid. :innocent:
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-21 16:12:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thank you for the kind words! I'm feeling a little less guilty about all the cookies and ice-cream now. ;)

I did actually manage to make (and eat) a proper Sunday roast yesterday, but I've had bad indigestion ever since! Ugh!

I spoke to my mother this morning and I think any reluctance on her part actually stems from her not wishing to leave my 14 year old twin siblings for too long (they'd have my Dad and older siblings to help, of course, but not quite the same as having their mother at home!) but as the baby's due around the Easter hols she's thinking that she could take the twins with her for two weeks, send them back home alone, and then remain for an extra 10 days - two weeks after that. :)

Re. darning socks - it certainly isn't worth it! I actually used to darn my own socks growing up (large family, could never find a non-holey pair, was too young to have my own money to buy new socks), and you'd end up with these awkward stitched seams that just pulled the fabric in weird directions. Definitely just buy new pairs these days!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-19 14:02:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks! I hope it all works out, too. :)

I was made to feel guilty yesterday about my recent diet choices. :lol: So today I attempted to eat scrambled eggs and an apple... the eggs (my normal breakfast) I could not even stomach one mouthful of, and the apple took me two and a half hours to eat, very slowly - and then I instantly threw it back up! Ugh!

Since then I've had two cookies and feel better. :blush:

Vegetables/salad items seem to be okay... as long as they are plain! So I've asked Alex to stock up on tomatoes/cucumber/peas, etc.; I really don't want to be too unhealthy!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-15 14:12:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Oh yes - I have no doubt that the hormones are playing a BIG part!

I made soy-milk pancakes stuffed with salted chocolate and topped with ice-cream last night, and ate those while watching Tangled. That made me feel a little better. ;)

My mother is hopefully coming over! She said she would, but how long for I'm not sure. I think she's afraid she'd be imposing - but I would really appreciate her help (and her cooking!). I'd also like my sister to come and visit next year, but I would have to help pay for her ticket - not a problem, it's just that neither she nor I have much spare cash at the moment!

Fortunately I have the BEST parents-in-law; I'm very lucky, especially considering I see them every week. So I've no worries or interfering or annoying relatives. My mother's own mother is very tough to handle, and I know my dad used to find it hard whenever she'd come to stay.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-14 12:05:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Aah, love The Onion!

My mother, being Catholic, felt it was her duty to give birth with no pain relief; she had four of us without, then when she had twins, she was given an epidural. After that she said, 'if they ever offer you an epidural, TAKE IT! Easiest birth ever!'

I am already growing very tired of the nausea and fatigue - still many weeks to go! I'm also crazily missing my family recently. I've never really been homesick before!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-13 10:05:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
You're very welcome, Tracy. :)

Thank you! First doctor's appointment isn't until the 5th of October, gah, so far out! Hopefully everything progresses smoothly.

And hey - the clothes look clean and comfortable, which is all a child needs! And you have socks - our family is always misplacing socks, and growing up I was lucky if I could find a non-holey sock, let alone a matching pair! :lol: Our family's dog even went through a period when she was young of eating whole socks.

I dig the bib - orange and pink were actually my wedding colours!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-09 14:57:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thank you, Tracy!

And, hugs! You certainly sound very far from being any kind of failure. And there are far more important ways of being a good mother than knowing how to sew!

I was also late to walk and very late to speak (I didn't really start speaking until I was 4!) I even remember going to see a speech therapist, and having her wave toys in front of me in an effort to get me to talk about them. I had no problems - I was simply the kind of child who hated practising. I didn't want to walk or talk until I felt more confident of my abilities. Once I did start walking, I began to walk everywhere... and likewise, once I started talking, I was really hard to shut up!

My brother was very early with both... we are all different! :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-06 15:27:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Hello thread! :)

(I wanted to venture in before, as I love reading happy threads like these - but didn't really feel like I had a good excuse!)

I'm only about six weeks along and I haven't even seen the doctor yet - so cross fingers everything goes well. I haven't told many friends but I also can't keep the news to myself so online has seemed a good option! The tests were definitely positive - each one showed up that second, dark line straight away!

Oh and the last three years have flown by without any children - so I can only imagine how quickly time flies with children!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-09-06 10:58:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
He needs:

His passport.
Any medical information necessary; i.e. if he is on medication he needs to know the name, if he has vaccinations, he needs some kind of record.
A debit/credit card to pay the fees with.
A UK-passport sized photo.

If he cannot obtain his vaccinations record they'll just give him whatever is required there and then. However, they do charge for the vaccinations, so be aware that it could be pretty expensive!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-08-27 04:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Nope, no TB skin test! I'm not really sure what is happening there. Before travelling down to London I didn't read your posts in-depth so I didn't think to ask about it.

I actually had a BCG vaccine, which is a vaccine for TB, when I was 14 or 15. I wonder how that factors in to the AOS medical? A source online says:

BCG, or bacille Calmette-Guérin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. BCG is used in many countries with a high prevalence of TB to prevent childhood tuberculous meningitis and miliary disease. However, BCG is not generally recommended for use in the United States because of the low risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the variable effectiveness of the vaccine against adult pulmonary TB, and the vaccine’s potential interference with tuberculin skin test reactivity. The BCG vaccine should be considered only for very select persons who meet specific criteria and in consultation with a TB expert.

Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-08-18 12:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
My medical experience was almost identical to most of yours, strangely enough. wink.gif

I agree that it really is only a very short walk from Bond Street Station, although I was very briefly confused and intimidated by the building itself; it doesn't exactly look like a medical centre!

It was extremely quiet. Only one other couple were in the waiting room. I was nearly 40 minutes early as I couldn't remember whether my appointment was at 10 to 10 or 10 past 10! Turned out to be 10 past 10. I filled in the second questionnaire, signed the letter explaining about the HIV test and then waited for a half hour before the Asian lady doctor called me forward.

She was very polite and professional without being overly friendly. I did actually feel at ease with her which is unusual for me and doctors. I had to undress down to my knickers and then my height and weight were taken. I then had the eye test for which I kept on my glasses.

After that I was asked to lie down on the examining table. She listened briefly to my heart and lungs and then asked me to put my arms above my head while she conducted a breast exam. This was probably the thing she did most thoroughly! She also pressed down on my stomach and peeked down my knickers but did not need to examine anything else.

Finally she took blood from my arm. She commented on how bad my veins were, to which I answered, 'I know!' Doctors always have problems finding my veins. Fortunately, unlike the last nurse who had to take blood from me, she managed to fill a vial first time round.

There was another twenty minute wait before the radiographer came to fetch me from the second waiting room to have my x-ray taken. I was still not dressed at this point; the lady doctor had instructed me to keep a dressing gown she had given me on instead. The radiographer lent me hair clips with which to tie up my hair and then he took the x-ray as I stood with my chest to the machine. He, too, asked me to keep just the dressing gown on while we chatted and looked up my brother's house (?) on google earth on his computer while we waited for the x-ray to develop. Once he had seen that it had developed well I was finally able to get dressed, and then all that was left to do was to pay at reception.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-08-15 03:47:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Aw! What a sweet story. smile.gif Congratulations!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-07-11 03:51:00
United KingdomXmas shipping to the UK
QUOTE (devilette @ Jan 9 2008, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm pi$$ed cuz that happened on a bday gift I sent to my sis-in-law in the UK. Yet our Xmas package was not taxed. It seesm random. Some packages get it, some don't. By law - I thought it was $200 or less was OK.....but who knows.

Typical! Ah well, I'll just have to consider myself lucky that I've only been charged once. Just seems unfair - I can understand the restrictions placed on commercial goods and the like, but for personal gifts...
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-10 12:07:00
United KingdomXmas shipping to the UK
I hope this isn't too tangential a question, but seeing as people have been sending large parcels to their family and friends, what have been people's experiences with custom charges?

My fiancé has been sending me presents from the US for a couple of years now. They're usually between the value of $50-150 (he never lied on the customs form) and they'd always arrive safely on this end with no additional charges incurred.

Then last September he sent me a birthday present (value $200) through the same shipping company he usually does, with the usual form filled out (gift box checked). Not only did it take longer than usual to arrive, but I then received a notice saying I couldn't receive it until I'd paid £27.50 in VAT and handling. I queried this but it's apparently correct and certainly on the Royal Mail site it states that all gifts over the value of £35 are subject to those fees.

If that's the case why was I never charged on previous packages? Is it a new rule that they've slipped in somewhere, or was I just lucky the previous times? Is there any way to avoid future unexpected charges (what about when I ship presents back to my family after I move?)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-09 10:59:00
United KingdomWedding Reception Back in the UK
I agree with Jeraly, that's a really lovely dress good.gif

Reminds me I have to think of my own, though! My friend's offered to make a dress but I have no idea what colour or style I'd like, and I imagine she'll not be able to make anything too complicated (she's pretty creative, but she's not a seamstress).
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-16 08:49:00
United KingdomWedding Reception Back in the UK
I'm not even close to being married yet - but I've been considering the possibility of having a UK celebration for a 1st wedding anniversary. I think it will depend on how many of my friends and relatives can attend the actual wedding.

It's going to be my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary in summer 2008 so I'll have to be in the UK for that anyway!

I'd definitely arrange for it to be like a birthday party, though - it's bad enough having to plan one wedding, let alone any more! Alex and I are trying to fob everything off onto our mothers because we're completely disinterested - we'd have opted for a very simple civil ceremony, but our family and friends won't allow that.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-15 09:08:00
United KingdomPhotos of your hometown
Ah, there's nothing to match a British pub or an old church! I find them fascinating. I'm not religious but if I visit a village I just have to visit the church! The same goes for an impressive city cathedral.

Churches in villages as opposed to towns are especially interesting because they're so often the centre of the community, with many social events being held in them.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-16 11:31:00
United KingdomPhotos of your hometown
Ah, thank you!

My knowledge of the North-West is really hazy; it took me years to learn where Liverpool was, and I used to think Blackpool was on the East coast!

I swear my geography is otherwise pretty good, though. blush.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-16 07:05:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

No way, Mad-Ag is SO big! It's crazy how time has flown! Congratulations to your sister! :D

Gemmie, huge congratulations! Wow, Leo is a really handsome newborn. :)


If he's only content while sleeping on your chests - does he have reflux, or have you had him checked for reflux? It might be worth putting the crib mattress at an incline (obviously by placing something underneath the mattress, not on top - reduces SIDS risk) or using something like the Fisher Price Rock and Play in the meantime. There was a mother in my group whose daughter only slept on her chest - she switched to a non-dairy diet, and her baby's sleep patterns changed instantly. I'm so sorry - dealing with a newborn is tough enough, let alone one who screams all night! 

Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2013-05-31 10:38:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Congratulations Jewel! He is gorgeous!

And HI ALL! I'm sorry it's been so long! Surprising how busy one gets once a kid comes along. ;) Anya is nearly one!

Gem, I LOVE the name Leo. My mother would also approve. ;)

Fabulous bedhead:

Posted Image

and chilling in her new chair:

Posted Image
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2013-04-08 15:40:00