United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

My problem lately is I think I'm developing ulcers. :( :(

Oh no! :( Hopefully the medicine continues to improve things for you.

I hope everyone's doing OK! Rachel, how's the nausea?

Pretty much entirely gone! :D I'm making the most of this stage of the pregnancy while I can.

It does sound like travel adjustment for Mad-Ag to me; is she any more settled now?

I have a lot more to write but for's a boy!! Will be back later to run my mouth some more in a bit!

Congratulations! :dance: Can't wait to hear more!

Hi Ladies,

A little late to this gathering. I just read back through some of the early posts and wished I'd seen the thread sooner. I gave birth to a little girl in June 2010 and was going though many of the same things at the same time.

I'm the UKC - currently living in Virginia.

Weirdly ten of my friends back home all had babies in the same year as me and I've really missed having the chance to see them all and do the 'baby' stuff with them. I haven't really found a 'Mom's group' here that I feel comfortable with yet.

Hope it's okay if I pop in here from time to time.

We're going through a bad sleep pattern now after a month in the UK in Nov - and we're about to fly back for three weeks in March so I almost can't be bothered to get back on track, only for it to all be disrupted again.

Welcome to the thread!

I don't know anyone in San Jose planning to have a baby - my boss and coworker and Alex's relatives are all just a few years older and their children are just beginning school; not a huge gap, I suppose, but enough of one that I won't have anyone to socialise with my daughter. I do all of my baby-talk online! So I sympathise with you there. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-19 11:16:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

so...heartburn. ew. ew. ew. ew. ew. I hate it. coupled with the constant spitting and drooling all the time. I swear I am having the weirdest pregnancy ever. The cruelest thing happened last week. I had 5 hours of no spitting at all and thought it finally had left me, and then BOOM there it was again. It's almost like how before you puke your mouth just starts sprouting water...yeah, that...except once every 2 minutes. THE LAMENESS!!!!

Aww, you poor thing! That sounds awful. Hope it goes away soon!

The new job is going great, Empress - thanks for asking! To have a boss who actually thinks a 40 hour work week is plenty...what a

I love bosses like that! Glad to hear the new job is going well. :)

I need to start taking walks at lunch time - my back is really starting to ache from sitting at my desk all day!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-12 16:10:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

Rachel, the pic is adorable. How is your hand?

Thank you!

And the hand is no better :( I mean, it doesn't really hurt, but it's not fully functional, either! And what looks like swelling feels far too hard to me - and isn't subsiding.

I've been trying to rest it but it is SO hard not to use your main hand!

I'll give a Limita update soon, but I'm swamped trying to catch up on all the work I didn't do while away. Overall, she's doing well and is starting to say intelligible words, including (would you believe) "No," "Moooo!" "Apple" (I think she's actually saying something else, but it sounds like "apple"), and "Two." Nothing profane yet, fortunately. :star:

Haha, of course 'no' is first on the list! ;) How cute!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-09 18:13:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
That depends on who is looking after your baby - I know many day-cares require disposable diapers only. :)

Other than that I'm sure Tracy can help you, I believe she uses cloth diapers! I know many these days are just as easy to use as disposables - no more hulking great sheets and safety pins!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-09 14:23:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Ahaha, yes! I still have not created my registry yet.

Luckily I'm online a lot at work, and I'm a cautious buyer with the patience to sift through reviews, recommendations, etc.

I like - provides a list of most of the essentials, with the top three products in each price range as chosen by the mothers she's worked with/who have written in.

For baby carriers, this is a decent comparison chart: http://www.theportab...erfeatures.html

Other than that... amazon reviews, advice from the good ladies here, and personal recommendations are always great to have!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-09 11:25:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Yeah - I thought it'd be a simple case of a lead-lined apron, too, but apparently not! Speaking to my boss and co-worker they had similar experiences during pregnancy - apparently no x-rays is a standard thing.

I'm becoming very dexterous with my left hand, at least! I'll probably try and get an x-ray after the baby's born, just to check up and ensure I haven't any serious injury. Like you say - what a pain! :blush:
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-05 18:09:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Update on hand: Well, it could be a possible fracture, but since I'm pregnant they can't do an x-ray, d'oh. So all the doctor could really tell me is don't lift anything heavy, and try not to minimise use!

It doesn't really hurt any more, but I have a weird lump beneath my fourth finger knuckle that hasn't subsided at all, and I can't really grip things or hold out anything too heavy. Oh well!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-04 20:54:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thank you ladies! :) I am only 24 weeks so I'm not expecting to remain cute forever... trying to make the most of it while it lasts! This is the first week where I've actually started to show a proper round bump, I swear just a week ago I was looking more lumpy-fat.

Cross fingers I shan't be too bad! My mother didn't have swelling or stretch marks (at least until she had twins), so with any luck I've inherited her genes. What I do have to look out for is varicose veins - every woman in my family has them, and I already have quite a few broken or marked veins on my thighs. I've never been able to wear a short skirt without tights!

Aww, I bet yawning is cute! It is amazing to see how, well, human they look - and to think they're inside of you, yeesh!

I am so glad people like the name! Of course we'd probably choose it regardless, but it's always nice to know people aren't going to hate it.

I haven't seen anyone about my hand yet. :( Alex & I drove around all Sunday morning and couldn't find the place we were looking for! We had to give up in the end as we had other things to do. I believe there's a walk-in clinic near me that's open this week, though.

Dizzy - 17 weeks! Pretty much out of the first trimester! :D I hope you're beginning to feel better. Have you scheduled your anatomy ultrasound yet? And your husband may change his mind with regards to knowing the sex - if you do find out, be sure to let us know! :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-03 11:49:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
I hope I didn't kill the thread again! Happy New Year, all :)

24 week ultrasound was today! It's just a brief scan conducted by my OB to check on the baby's growth since the level 2 u/s.

I had the level 2 u/s at 18 weeks, 6 days, and at that her head measured bang on target, and her body/limbs measured 1-2 weeks behind.

Today, at 23 weeks, 5 days, her head measured a full week ahead, and her body/limbs measured at 24 weeks, 3 days. So she's growing very well indeed! And it is indeed a girl; he double-checked that for us, too.

Over the past five weeks I've gained 4 lbs, making my total weight gain 1 lb over pre-pregnancy weight. :)

It was so weird to see her moving around on screen! She was very active, moving her arms all about and kicking and we also saw her swallow, too. Yet I couldn't feel a thing! The past two-three weeks I've barely felt her, and when I have felt her it's been near my bladder, so it was so odd to see her legs up near my ribs, and to see how big she is!

Also - bump photo! This is one of the first times in my adult life where I've begun to like how I look, so I'm trying to make the most of this period (before I get really big and start to experience the swelling/discomfort I hear so much about!)

Posted Image

Edited by Alex & Rachel, 03 January 2012 - 02:18 AM.

Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2012-01-03 02:18:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
It's amazing what you can do when you have to! Due to it being Christmas/New Year we at least had a very good incentive to get on with things! I went from sleeping all the time to being on my feet 18 hours a day, but hey, now I can spend the next four months recovering ;)

The bad news is I'm off to the urgent care clinic tomorrow because I think I may have fractured my hand. I was trying to move shelves on Monday and heard a loud crack, and nearly fainted at the time... however since I could still move all my fingers I figured I might be being a baby and that it was probably nothing. Well... it is still not any better (in fact it aches worse) and my functionality is greatly reduced, very annoying when it's your main hand as it affects pretty much everything you do!

Alexander is my favourite name! Unfortunately I married an Alexander, and we don't want an Alex Jr. or Alex II so it's off the list. I'd still push for it for a middle name, though! Annaleah is still our top girl's name, and our parents have actually already started to refer to this baby by that name. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-12-31 15:21:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Alex and I had decided on names before even marrying... :blush:
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-12-29 16:33:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

Crickets in here I tell ya - crickets!! :)

New job is going well so far. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Pictures? :)

I had killed the thread! :(

We didn't have a Christmas! We moved, and were on our feet pretty much 18 hours a day for a week (Alex convinced me we could move by ourselves and didn't need professionals - never, ever, ever again!)

This was our place on Christmas Eve:

Posted Image

We did pretty well, though. This is the same room Monday afternoon:



Phew! I haven't managed to catch up any sleep yet, though.

Glad to hear the new job is going well!

Hi Ladies! Just dropping a note to let everyone know I'm currently baking an AmeriBrit. It looks more like a human than an alien at this point. I'm 16 weeks. I puked like crazy first trimester. Now i'm just spitting every 5 minutes. This is my first pregnancy...and so far my verdict is pregnancy sucks. :)

Feeling the baby move rocks, though!

Congratulations! :D

I'm with Tracy - I've never heard of the spitting before. You poor thing! Hope it goes away soon.

If you decide not to discover, be prepared for the remainder of your baking time to be filled with pressure, coercion and downright open blackmail on the part of everyone else in your family for you to find out, so that they can decide whether or not to buy anything PINK :rofl:

Life has certainly been easier for us since we caved and found out the gender! :lol:

And yes, of course people are happy no matter what the gender is, but they definitely get VERY excited about buying for baby girls!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-12-29 16:22:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Glad to hear Nick is doing well! Make the most of him while he's still at the utterly adorable stage. ;)

Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Tracy. :( My MIL has really terrible arthritis in her back (a big part of the reason she's so eager to give up her preschool job!) and it really does impact so much!

I had a similar situation when I left my last job. Oh boy, I was so grateful to be able to escape while I still had some happy memories of the place! (Mostly coworkers I really liked who were nearly all laid off just a couple of months later).

I am currently stressing out about what we're going to do for accommodation. My dad was willing to loan us money for a down-payment, but the mortgage adviser we spoke to recommended against buying for another couple of years. Our income is fine, but we don't have the regular job history and history of high monthly expenses that banks like to see. We'd be able to easily buy if we had a cosigner, but we really don't wish to place that burden upon anyone (my boss, who is good friends with Alex's parents, suggested we ask my in-laws, but Alex is understandably very reluctant to!).

Apartments are so expensive, though! Currently we only pay $600 a month rent, because we house-share. It's enabled us to easily save $600-1,000 a month (although that's mostly gone towards paying off our credit card debt from when Alex was unemployed and when we went to England). It's also meant that we've had money for the odd large expenses - buying furniture, replacing car tires, adopting cats.

To get a two bed is a minimum $1,250. We found an apartment for that much, actually, and that accepts pets, but it was a little on the small side and the kitchen was pretty awful. Considering how much time Alex and I spend at home, our environment is pretty important to us.

2 beds in most apartment complexes are $1,450 - $1,600. At that price we'd probably stay with our current complex, which we know has a great office (and is very quick with repairs!). A 2 bed is $1,550. Still, it'd be very spacious, and we'd continue to have the pool and gym access.

My only concern is $1,550 is half our income when I'm on maternity leave. And even when I'm back to earning my regular wages, we'd be paying Alex's mother to look after the baby so we'd only have maybe $100-200 a month more. Argh! I still think it might be worth it, though.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-12-08 12:13:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

I was thinking the same thing about the picture! Though I was also thinking of the prodding Rachel had to endure to get those pretty features on camera! LOL


I was actually a little concerned as I've been beginning to feel the baby move (I am reasonably certain now that it's baby and not gas!), but after the ultrasound I felt nothing for a full 24 hours. I guess she was pissed!

Felt quite a bit of activity this morning, though. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-12-01 12:57:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks Jewel and Empress! I've not stopped being sick yet, but the nausea is definitely getting better. :)

It's certainly a much better picture than when I was showing people my 11-week ultrasound, and people would look puzzled and ask, 'what's that, a rabbit?'!

Aw, I hope Mad-Ag is okay! Hopefully it was just a one-off incident!

I hope you manage to find more clients soon!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-12-01 03:02:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks Tracy! I am so relieved to hear people like the name. ;)

I told my mother and the twins (my dad wishes to be kept in the dark, so I'll have to remember to use gender-neutral pronouns around him!) the gender and name, and they love the name, too! I think they prefer just Anna, though - which is fine, as that'll most likely be her nickname - that or Anya, which they really love.

The twins (they're 13!) are very excited, and asked if they could tell all their friends at school.

Unfortunately Skype was acting up and I had to have a text conversation with them - couldn't phone them. :( So I didn't get my mother's full reaction - the twins were typing on her behalf!

Oh yes, ultrasound pic; it's a little large so I'll just link it:


Edited by Alex & Rachel, 30 November 2011 - 06:09 PM.

Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-30 18:07:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thank you! I've told more people online than I have in real life, because I'm so afraid of a close family member or friend hating it! The only other people to know are my sister and one friend. :)

And yes - it's a version of Annalie! I know it can be spelt so many different ways, and I'm normally very wary of names with multiple spellings, but I reckon that with that spelling she can explain that it's just 'Anna' and 'Leah' pushed together. I don't know of anyone else with that name, so it's good to hear of a positive example!

Yes - at most, I'll probably buy a couple of onesies before the birth. Especially with living in California, for most of the first six months of her life she's not going to need to wear very much!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-30 12:36:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

YAY for pink stuff!! I loved having my boy first, but the girl is so much more fun to dress. Even though I still put her in gender neutral onesies that I bought before I knew we were having a girl.

Oh my, that photo is adorable! :D She looks so studious!

And yes, haha, my MIL is delighted (she already has two grandsons, so she was rather hoping for a girl), as is the one sister I've told and my two best female friends, all because they've been longing to buy dresses. I probably won't have to buy her too many clothes, I'll be given so many!

I haven't told my parents yet (damn time difference; I'll be ringing them on my lunch break today), but I know they really don't have a preference - my family has a very even spread of girls and boys, and it's the first grandchild, anyway.

What's funny is that on the forums that Alex and I met on there are maybe 6-7 couples all expecting babies due between February and April of next year, and they are ALL girls! 2012 is going to be a very girly year!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-30 12:11:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Oh, awesome! I was wondering if you'd received the e-mail. And it's nice that your boss was so pleased for you!

New job! :dance:

Hehe, I think Alex was more pleased than I was. :) Not that I'm not pleased, but he seems extra-excited, somehow. This morning the first thing he said to me (well, after grumbling at the cats, who were demanding to be fed at 5.30 - good preparation for a baby!) was 'baby girl!' with a huge grin on his face.

We decided on names long ago! Her name is most likely to be Annaleah (barring any last-minute changes). Alex's choice; he is very particular about girls' names and I didn't have a strong preference, so the name's fine by me!

He thought I was insinuating that I didn't like the name when I kept telling people he had chosen the name, but I explained to him that I'm telling people the name was his choice because I think it's really sweet that a man should have such a strong opinion on his daughter's name.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-30 12:06:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
I'm actually feeling a little sore, the baby was (I quote) in a 'really weird' position, and I had to endure a LOT of prodding while the tech kept yelling, 'come on, baby, move! Come on!' ;)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-29 18:32:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
We did! :D It's a girl!

Haha, I was so overwhelmed (I really didn't mind either way, but being able to give the baby a gender makes it so much more real) that I burst into tears.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-29 18:26:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Oh, sucks about the other job, but congratulations on this one! :)

No, you're not being paranoid. Yes, you almost definitely have the job, but it is ALWAYS best to wait until you have everything in writing! I don't see why they can't email it to you.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-29 12:59:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
I did, thanks! Hope you did too. :)

I'm normally fine with large gatherings, but there was too much heat/noise for me at this Thanksgiving party! Good food, though, and my MIL agreed with me on the heat/noise front, so we left early.

Level 2 ultrasound today! :dance:
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-29 10:49:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Welcome back! And hurrah for being able to work at home!

And yes, I'm anxiously awaiting news, too!

I can relate, although I think my experience was a bit different in that I felt nauseated constantly, sometimes debilitatingly so, but only threw up maybe 10 times total. I'm not sure which is worse. I'm lucky that I wasn't pregnant around the holidays. Last year on Thanksgiving, Madeleine was a month old, so I was kind of a wreck. Somehow I managed to drink several glasses of wine, howevah. :)

Ouch! I think I'd rather be throwing up. Yes, it sucks (and I still get that awful, awful rash when I do), but at least I do feel better for a while afterwards. I had nausea all day yesterday today and this morning and that's definitely worse. :(

Sunday was weird, I was feeling fine - great, actually! - and then just as I was going to go to bed BAM! I threw up. Luckily I was right next to the bathroom. Alex did a sort of dive-bomb onto the bed out of my way, it was pretty funny.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-22 11:54:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Oh man! Seven people?! Congratulations on getting through it! I hope you finally hear something soon!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-17 11:07:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
The 29th! I'll be 19 weeks exactly. :) I can't wait!

Still sending good vibes your way, Tracy!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-16 12:53:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Sorry, for some reason I swore it was Tuesday! Well, good luck for tomorrow!

It's either first thing in the morning, or right before bed! So I'm sure an empty stomach doesn't help. And often a really violent sneeze or cough is what triggers it. Fruit still seems off the menu, too - the last thing I threw up was a fruit pie.

On the plus side, the nausea definitely IS better. It sucks because sometimes I vomit when I haven't even been feeling too sick!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-15 16:14:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Yes! Nearly halfway. :dance:

...and now I start to panic about how ill-prepared I am! Sometimes 9 months seems too short a time! :lol:

Alex and I may find out the gender after all. We're horribly impatient people! If it is a girl, Alex's mother is going to be very happy, but, truly, neither of us have the slightest preference.

Hurrah for being able to eat! I hope you have fun! It really is a great time of year.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-15 14:23:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Good luck today, Tracy!

Actual Turkey day I'll be spending with Alex and his parents, but on the Saturday after his aunt is having the usual family Thanksgiving - and as Alex's mother is one of nine children, it's always a very large gathering! I love his mother's family, though, so I'm looking forward to it. :)

Thanksgiving is definitely my favourite American holiday!

17 weeks today! Still throwing up. :(
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-15 11:43:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Great news, Tracy! I hope the final interview goes well!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-11 12:29:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

OMG, That is going to be so much fun when you buy your home. With that degree do you have a list for the interior features you want? What types of things would you remodel to add?

Oh my, I haven't even begun to think about things like that! I daren't permit myself to dream too much. ;)

We're not quite sure if we'll buy a place, even with my dad's assistance (I'm not sure what assistance he intends to provide, but I'm not sure he'd cover an entire down-payment). It might just be a little too much stress and money at the beginning of the year. Financially we'd probably be a little better off if we rent a one bedroom for a year or so and use our extra cash to pay medical bills and create small savings.

Still... the thought of having a permanent residence is so, so sweet.

Great news on the interview, Jewel! And sorry you haven't heard yet, Tracy - I hope you do soon. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-09 15:29:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Aw, she's adorable! :D

I like the exterior! Oh my, it's so exciting! (I say this as someone with a BA in Architecture and who receives enormous pleasure from making houses in The Sims :lol: ) I hope you'll be able to show us photos of the interior in time, too. :)

Tracy, my fingers are still crossed!

Jewel, I hope you receive that interview. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-08 17:26:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Oh wow, that sounds awesome! It must be amazing to live in a house where you had a say-so in how it was built!

I have to ring my dad this weekend. Rent prices here are just going up and up - it's crazy! Alex's dad wants us to buy a condo/townhouse, which would make financial sense (and the mortgage on a three bed, even with insurance and housing association fees added in, would be comparable to rent on a one bedroom), but we don't have any savings for a down-payment, let alone closing fees, etc. On the plus side, we have no debt and good credit. My dad's offering to help, but to what extent I'm not sure. He said we could discuss it over the phone.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-04 15:28:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

It seemed to go well, thanks! I hope it doesn't take forever to hear anything. I think I'd like it there. And I agree - this uncertainty is about the worst. Not just that but it makes me SO uninterested in my job which makes the days go by SO slowly. Ya know?

Oh, I know! I like my job but on a quiet day I'm just clock-watching for hours. And the days dragged on even more when I wasn't in a job I liked!

Crossing my fingers that you'll hear something soon!

Ah that's good to know. It could also explain why Emily has blue eyes while her daddy and I have hazel and brown (respectively). I know my maternal grandmother had blue eyes but he doesn't remember any in his family. That said, his family aren't exactly close. LOL.


My parents also have brown eyes. I have very dark brown eyes (actually as I understand it this is an indicator that I haven't inherited blue eye genes), my brother has brown, my sisters have blue eyes, another brother has blue eyes and my littlest brother has a beautiful grey-brown with almost golden flecks. One grandparent on each side had blue eyes.

I love genetics. Actually, having a large family is really interesting just to see how different we all are and what we've inherited from each side of the family!

Now, if you're both blue-eyed, and you have a brown-eyed child... then it's time to be concerned! Technically not possible, although it does depend on how you define 'blue' - it might still be possible if your eyes are more of a grey or a green.

My mother and I have epicanthic eye folds, which always makes me wonder if we have a very distant Asian ancestor!

I often wonder what features the baby will end up inheriting!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-04 11:07:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Good luck with the interview, Tracy! And although it is always daunting to start a new job, I've always personally found it much better than remaining in an uncertain job (mainly because I react so badly to stress). I hope you feel better soon!

As I understand it red hair genes have to be present on both sides of the family. :) It can also skip generations. My sister has red hair, and although only my maternal grandfather of the two previous generations has reddish hair, many of my cousins on my dad's side have red hair, too, so the gene is obviously present on both sides of the family!

Anyway - Madeleine's hair colour is GORGEOUS! Definitely more copper than ginger, I think! And her eye colour really complements her hair, too. I hope the freelancing works out well for you. :)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-02 09:37:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Yes! The doctor was not in the least bit concerned about my weight loss, and actually said almost word-for-word what my mother said to me a couple of weeks ago; that the baby at this stage is a parasite and very good at taking what it needs! ;)

That's currently my (fond) nickname for the baby; 'little parasite'.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-01 11:10:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Interesting to know that about the insurance!

And yes... if a c-section is necessary or recommended, I'm not going to resist. But I did think he could've given a little more of a balanced speech!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-01 10:43:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
15 week check-up yesterday. I've lost 4 lbs since my last check-up! I think pregnancy is the most successful diet yet. :P

Everything looks fine, though! Didn't have a scan but did hear the baby's heartbeat, and I am measuring at a good size. Also, all the blood tests and smear test came back negative for pretty much everything under the sun, which was great to hear. Blood pressure is fine and I am not anaemic.

My only concern is that my doctor is VERY pro elective c-sections. I'm not anti-c-sections, and I'd be willing to do whatever it takes to deliver the baby safely, but I'd still prefer to avoid having one, if possible. The speech he gave us was along the lines of 'I have been through hundreds of deliveries, and I have seen a lot of babies come out very traumatised from a vaginal delivery. Often they have injuries and sometimes even bleeding on the brain. With c-sections, there is no damage to the baby, and we lift the baby out very gently, supporting the head. I have never seen a baby traumatised from a c-section. But... whatever you choose, we do support you.'

He's a delightful doctor otherwise, though; very personable and friendly, and his nurses and reception staff are AMAZING, so I don't wish to switch, but man, talk about a guilt-tripping speech!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-11-01 09:52:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Haha, awesome! What costume is she wearing? :)

I'm hoping to travel with the baby next year in around October, all things being well.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-25 14:03:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks! I haven't been quite so bad yet that I've had to take anything, but it sure does suck. I at least managed to survive the car ride this morning before climbing out and throwing up in the parking lot. Couldn't even say good-bye to Alex. ;)

Also, welcome to the thread! :)

I've already looked into getting future-baby a British passport as it'd make travel back to the UK a bit easier.

All you HAVE to do is apply for a passport, since your daughter automatically has British citizenship by birth. You can find the forms and current fees here. For babies the passport photos requirements are relaxed - the baby can have his/her eyes closed, and doesn't have to have a neutral expression.

(At question 1A you would check 'no', and then 'no', and then fill in the details in section 2).

However, I'm probably also going to officially register the baby's birth with the UK government - it costs a little extra, but it'll mean he/she will have an official record and also won't have to keep their passport current. The form can be found here.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2011-10-21 09:42:00