United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I'm here, just very sleepy! I guess you could say I have pre-pre-wedding blues. I know it's still a long way off but I worry sometimes. Plus the way I was misunderstood in the Off-Topic forum was preying on my mind.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-28 09:02:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
That is a really lovely dress good.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-28 06:24:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Haha, the positive note being a good week in the UK, of course!

I'm thinking a summer dress/short dress in a shade of red (dark) for a wedding dress for me...
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-28 05:00:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Jan 27 2008, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, back from an excellent visit to the UK!! Pleased to report I only briefly needed the umbrella the first night I was there! dancin5hr.gif We were so lucky with the weather! Just grey and a bit chilly, though much better than what I came home to last night - a foot of snow on the ground! We all had a great time and we enjoyed some good sighseeing and yummy food!!!! The cottage we stayed in was lovely too! And not such a bad goodbye as I know Griff will be here Thursday night!!! Still no wedding dress!!!!

Awesome. Great to end the visa journey on such a positive note!

And...good morning all!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-28 04:48:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Not off-hand myself, but my friend teaches D&T at high school so I could certainly ask her for you.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-27 10:36:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Well, art is required at secondary school level here, but certainly it's a lot more fun and the students are a lot more relaxed than in other classes.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-27 10:31:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
All of you who are teachers have my utmost respect...I wouldn't want to teach one child, let alone a whole class-full, and the amount of paperwork sounds horrendous! I have one friend who's a teacher and she's never home before 6 pm at the earliest.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-26 20:32:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I have no idea what I'd like to do for a career. I did architecture on university but was burnt out on that by the time I graduated and did temping for a while before landing my current job (I'm an administrator/secretary/office help). I really like admin work but I'm not busy enough right now and administration has a bit of a stigma attached to it - the type of work I do is usually covered by the 16 year old school leavers who, quite frankly, don't really give a toss and just need some pocket money. It's rare that any of them have any real computer knowledge or a decent command of the English language. The local secretarial college used to send letters riddled with grammatical errors and it was so frustrating to see!

My current thoughts are to give architecture another chance - it's what I'm qualified to do (although I'd need a diploma and a couple of years in the industry to become an actual architect) - and find some work as an architectural technician when I move to California. Failing that I'd maybe try and find admin work with a larger company or look into becoming a PA. I can't afford to do further study - I'll need a decent job so that I can support Alex in his own study.

Anyway - it's great to hear that other people have a better idea of what they'd like to do! I've known some very enterprising people who've had great success and I hope that you all do, too.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-26 15:46:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Hurrah! That's fantastic news!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-25 10:35:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~

A lot of the problems I see in workplaces are with managers who've never had to experience being under anybody (working in a shop, this was commonplace - fresh graduates would often be selected for managerial positions) - although it works both ways; you can also get problematic underlings who have no idea how hard it can be to manage a company!

I have two bosses who are a little like 'good cop, bad cop'. One is really sweet and lovely and always apologises and reminds me of my grandfather. The other is brusque and rude and turns everything into your fault - instead of 'I've made a mistake on this letter, please can you correct it?' it's an impersonal 'this letter has a mistake on it! Correct it!'
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-25 09:12:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Well, I figure it'll do me some good to get some driving practise. Also, if possible I'd ideally like a UK driving licence for the times when I visit family and maybe hire a car for a week.

Plus, free lessons! Can't complain about that. And it'll cost me very little apparently to insure myself on my friend's car...even if I forgo the lessons and just ask my parents to give me money instead, I could probably still get a little driving practise in on that!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-25 05:57:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I'm going to see if I can learn to drive before I get my visa. I haven't booked any lessons yet, but my friend's offered to insure me on her car and my parents are giving me driving lessons as a Christmas/birthday present so I'll have to do so soon!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-25 04:27:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 24 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did it! Did it!

Got a clean sheet, no errors on the road!


Wow! Go you! kicking.gif

Also seconding love for Van Gogh kitty!

Edited by Alex & Rachel, 24 January 2008 - 03:45 PM.

Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-24 15:44:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Good luck! star_smile.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-24 12:38:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Good luck to him! good.gif I'd be terrified, too.

Good afternoon all, and I hope Mark's recovered from the food poisoning (if it is that) Hannah!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-24 12:08:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Hmm! I shall have to try lemon. But it probably wouldn't be of use right now as I'm eating the leftover pie wink.gif Why do some of the best foods for you have to smell so? (Fish, garlic, asparagus...)
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-23 13:40:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Hey, everyone's welcome, here! Don't feel like you have to go!

I hate January too. It's so much nicer to be able to wake up to some sunshine.

Good afternoon everybody. Last night I made a fish pie for some friends and despite washing my hands about twenty times I can't seem to get the smell off!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-23 08:41:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I know that I'm going to have to get used to doing all the housework and chores; things are split pretty evenly between my housemate and me right now, but even when Alex actually tries his standards don't quite match my own! I should be fine, though; I get a huge sense of satisfaction from cleaning, so in a strange way I really enjoy it.

As for my family...I'm the eldest of six and what with hairy pets and boisterous brothers and underwear-stealing sisters life growing up was a little hectic to say the least. Thankfully once I reached my teens I no longer had to share a bedroom so I managed to retain my sanity.

Thigh/stomach exercises? I don't really have any advice for exercises to do at home, sorry! I go to the gym and lift weights for those areas. Squats are probably a good bet. I'm trying to find a good article on t-nation that I lost the link to.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-22 10:07:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~

I wish I could encapsulate the magic of Christmas that I felt as a kid.

Family visits are great! As much as I adore my family I wouldn't want to actually live with any of them again, but I love it when they come to stay for a short while good.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-22 09:11:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Morning (afternoon) Charles!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-22 08:53:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
It's okay Jeraly - I'm in the same boat as you smile.gif No savings here, and we'll be living with Alex's parents for a (hopefully short) while!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-21 14:28:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Haha - I've seen a lot of John Lewis registries, too.

Sorry, I should have realised that it's been discussed on these forums before! I appreciate everyone's feedback, though. I think I'll probably end up making a registry or a list, but only giving it to people when they ask for it.

Weddings are tricky things! I have my parents, Alex's mother and my friends all giving me advice and instructions and I'm just trying to reach a compromise with everyone involved. wacko.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-21 09:42:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
What about wedding registries? My friends and I feel they're a little vulgar, but Alex's mother recommends we make one as his family will be 'expecting it'. I'm not convinced, but at the same time if guests could purchase a few essentials it'd be a huge help.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-21 08:16:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
A list is good!

Alex and I will be starting with nothing. Well, not quite nothing. We will have two computers, a HDTV, three gaming consoles, 4 handheld systems, and about 600 books, 300 DVDs and 300 games. You can see where our (his) priorities lie! wink.gif

So, just furniture, appliances and kitchenware that we'll be needing, then! Oh, and a place to live tongue.gif

Mm, I'm going to look forward to buying the kinds of things mentioned on your list, Hannah. I've always dreamed of having things like a linen cupboard and a decent set of cutlery. luv.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-21 07:47:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I will take any tips I can!

Lemon-fresh sounds fine to me. I'm pretty neat and orderly anyway and there are usually lemon-scented wipes sitting on my desk that I use to keep my office clean. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a spider in the office for a while...
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-21 04:26:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jan 20 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't say that!! That's what we'll be like! In some rat-infested trailer like a couple summers ago when I was out there! We even found a brown recluse under the desk! *shudders* If you aren't familiar with these lovely spiders I suggest you do an image search on google... I was fine until Jeremy told me what it was cause I'm not scared of spiders... deadly spiders are kinda different though and I freaked!!! Glad it was the last day we were there... unsure.gif

Alex and I are terrified of spiders!

I'm not sure what we'll do. I've always lived in a household where someone else was able to deal with the spiders. When I say I am terrified, I really mean it. I was once stranded in the bathroom wearing only a towel because there was a spider on the landing outside my bedroom and I didn't have access to the vacuum cleaner. I had to call a co-worker out to try and catch it and I was an hour late to work.

I hope we have friendly, spider-liking neighbours... unsure.gif

Also: Hello, Charles!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-20 17:10:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Actually assembling the computer from parts is really easy - especially these days, as most components slip into place in the case with minimal use of screws. If you can follow a simple manual there's nothing to it.

The part that trips me up (and that I have to have lots of help with) is working out which components will go together! Different motherboards have different CPU sockets, etc. There are so many different brands out there that I get easily confused. wacko.gif

My computer broke earlier last year - it took three weeks to work out which part was broken, order a new motherboard/CPU that would work with my old RAM, discover that the graphics card was also shot and then order a new one of those - and then when all of that was done with, it only took about half an hour to build it!

But hey - if someone else is offering to do all the work for you then you can't really refuse! good.gif And yes - we'll compare specs; I'll have to inform Alex that mine has to be at least as good as yours! whistling.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 17:46:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
They shouldn't be too expensive! We actually went for titanium because it's cheaper than gold, platinum or even silver! I think they're only expensive if you order them from a jeweller who doesn't work much with the metal...there are some very cheap titanium sellers online.

But yes - great metal for a ring, as you say. Durable, suitable for people with allergies and very light and comfortable to wear. And they allow for secure tension settings that you can't really achieve with softer metals.

Hurrah for building computers! I'm not taking mine with me because it's old and not worth the shipping costs, but I built it myself, and Alex said he'd build me one for my birthday, too. Ain't they sweet?

msu17 - now, if I was into the traditional proposal - THAT is how to do it in style!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 17:15:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Aw - I think the low key proposals are the best! I told Alex he didn't need to 'officially' propose to me (we sort of mutually agreed to get married months and months ago) but he wanted to. He was originally going to propose over dinner but he couldn't wait to do that and so he proposed in the morning from bed instead. biggrin.gif

He didn't get permission from my parents...he proposed in December but we each told our parents in summer.

I DO have a ring - but I felt a little guilty about accepting it, so I asked that it be my Christmas/birthday present. It's titanium with a tension set sapphire - my friends say it's very 'me'.

He just got a web cam! This is so weird, being able to actually see him while we chat. Weird in a good way, though! He just lip-synced himself to a picture of a kitten, this is so ...wrong.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 16:51:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Sorry, Jeraly...I'm not quite sure what you meant by your post. Thinking seems to be a little hard for me today. blush.gif

Julezabelle - I couldn't sleep for two days before the last time I flew. I'm sure you'll be fine! good.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 13:06:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Jan 18 2008, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
laughing.gif That would be hilarious!! My brother went through that with his (now ex) "fiance" (he was 19, she was 17 and basically screwed him for all he was worth - no pun intended laughing.gif)... It was gross cause it's my BROTHER and I have the room next to him... And it wasn't just squeaky bed... *shudders thinking of it*


Yeah, one thing I'm very grateful for - I've never heard any of my relatives going at it.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 12:35:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Mark and Hannah @ Jan 18 2008, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Jan 18 2008, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my friend bought me a Crunchie yesterday, and, well, I couldn't hurt her feelings, could I?!

Of course not! *laughing* I'm trying to be good because Mark will be here soon and I don't want him remembering me for the next six months as having thighs this chunky (am always at least half a stone lighter in the summer).

I'm the same way (half a stone lighter in summer) but fortunately Alex has seen me the past two Christmases, so I know that if he can put up with that, we'll be okay! Doesn't mean I don't get embarrassed, though!

QUOTE (Krikit @ Jan 18 2008, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ohmy.gif Knock on their door the next time and ask if everything's okay. innocent.gif


She 'only' gets to see him once every 1-3 weeks (I know, nothing compared to what we go through, right?!) so I didn't want to say anything...but perhaps if it does manage to wake me up again (I'm usually a pretty heavy sleeper) I'll ask very politely if there is anything she can do to lessen the noise. I know how difficult it is to try and curb your noise levels when you're on the floor above, though - last year we were in a different house and I was the one in the attic room, and she often had to request that I turn my computer's volume down/tread more softly when I wasn't even aware I was making all that much noise to begin with!

Edited by Alex & Rachel, 18 January 2008 - 12:33 PM.

Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 12:32:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I have a splitting headache wacko.gif

I'm blaming my housemate; she recently bought a new bed and it squeaks like crazy whenever she and her boyfriend have sex. 1 am and I was woken up; it felt like I was only an inch away from it.

EDIT: Region free DVD players are the best! Definitely worth purchasing.

Edited by Alex & Rachel, 18 January 2008 - 12:17 PM.

Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 12:16:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Yup - definitely excused, with all that work. Enjoy your evening!

Hannah - tell me about it. I'm trying to be chocolate free, too. I know it's my one vice and I'd really love to shift some weight this year! Unfortunately my friend bought me a Crunchie yesterday, and, well, I couldn't hurt her feelings, could I?!

Instead of the occasional chocolate bar I've been spreading some Nutella on a slice of wholemeal toast. I like to think it's a little bit healthier. Fewer calories, at least!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 10:37:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Aw! *hugs* I hope your employers appreciate what you're doing!

If you're sad, I must be twice as sad...I put off some work to post here blush.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 06:32:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
No, but an awful lot of my friends enjoy his books! He was pretty popular throughout high school and college.

Morning folks! Jeraly, I'm expecting you to post lots tongue.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-18 05:23:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Get to drinking your tea and eating your crumpets and we'll think about it tongue.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-17 17:09:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 17 2008, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Glad you figured that out early -- makes it easier in the long run. wink.gif


Safe journeys, everyone! And if anyone has a layover I hope you make your connecting flight! Don't get stranded like I did tongue.gif
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-17 16:17:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 17 2008, 04:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mustang-sally @ Jan 17 2008, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Very stressful, glad that is behind me now, finished all treatment on Christmas eve. I can only look forward now, forward to my new life in the USA.
Going through a thing like cancer gives you a whole new outlook on life. I say to everyone live your life, do what you want to do, life is too short to hesitate, just go for it. I'm just happy to be alive and be given the opportunity to have a lot of years ahead of me smile.gif
Never put off what you can do today!!!!

Great advice, Maggie. good.gif A nice antidote to all the whingeing I've been doing this morning!


It's a philosophy I try to live by - and if I didn't, I wouldn't be here! - but it's good to be reminded of it again, and it's fantastic that you have such a positive outlook!
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-17 11:55:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
It must have been incredibly stressful to go through the treatment and the visa process at the same time! I hope this year is better for you.

At least my £47 membership does include classes.
Alex & RachelFemaleEngland2008-01-17 11:36:00