Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRoC approved

I am waiting for our UK forum friends to stop by and tell me NOW she will leave me. :rofl: Damn, and she just a got a new car too! Wouldn't you know it?

:no: You said you would still have to go through RoC for your son? When you're done with that she'll leave you :lol: :lol: :lol:
Anyway, congrats to you both :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-03-30 04:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusExplosion in Minsk Metro Station
According to Russian media, so far about 40 people injured, 2 people dead :(
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-11 12:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

I see that all too often here in the US with immigrants from Latin America and Mexico; those kids end up knowing better Spanish than English, they are clustered and cloistered away from the "normal society" of English speaking kids and they end up, virtually all of them, end up with having less of a chance of a better life, than maybe their parents intended them to.

My fiance's brother-in-law is Guatemalan, who grew up in the USA. No problems with English :star: As I said: if you know how to do it right, it works. That's why I'm doing a thorough research on that matter. I'm a linguist, after all - I know what I'm going to do and I'm aware of all the difficulties.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-05 15:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

I'm going to be totally blunt with you ONA. You are coming off as being very selfish and planning on doing everything to "force" your children to learn Russian, regardless that they will be living in the US. Russian only elementary schools (good luck on finding one) and sending them back to Russia in the summers.....what about letting them live their lives as a kid and to be a kid and to have local friends so that they can grow into happy, well-adjusted young adults? Will your your parents love them any less if they don't speak perfect Russian to them? I don't think so.

Alla and I have discussed this in great depth concerning Leonid and we both feel as strongly as you do.....but we understand that he is living in the US and they speak English here and THAT will be his primary language. We would rather he have a greater command of that than any lesser command and know more Russian; we feel that by surrounding him in both languages (even though with preschool and all people he comes into everyday contact with) speak all English.

We do have Russian-class at home and he has and freely watches both English Dora and Russian Dora DVDs as well as hundreds of other Russian DVDs and childrens books Alla brought back with her.

We also realize that he himself will find his own comfort level with the languages; we don't try to force anything down his throat, 'lest we start to make it feel like he's being forced. reason why he is here (and one reason why my wife is here with me with him) is that he is being given the great opportunity to study and grow up in the US where we both feel he has more opportunities ahead of him to live a nice fulfilling life, and allow him the opportunity to make his own decisions about his future (and have some real abilities to fulfill those dreams.).

I don't think you understand the whole concept of bilingual people. I want my kids to have 2 NATIVE languages. And knowing Russian in that case would not hurt English at all. It will be just natural for them speaking 2 languages.
I am bilingual too, in a way, cause my native languages are very close and I still know Russian better than Ukrainian, but my dad and his family did a great job. Ukrainian DID NOT hurt my Russian anyhow. I actually think it improved my ability for language acquisition.
I also want my kids to know where I belong, to understand my country and to have a choice where to study, live and work. I know that some kids, raised in the USA move to Russia and I want my kids to make their choice on their own. Plus they will be able to interact with more people, to make friends both in Russian and the USA and the fact that they will be able to speak at least two languages is also a good thing.
Anyway, that's very very weird that a person, living in a multicultural society, where there are so many bilingual people. Look at Hispanic people born and raised in the USA, did their ability to speak Spanish hurt their English? I know the answer: NO.

Anyway, for you to get rid of the myths about bilingualism:

Also, I'm sure that my kids will be more likely to be thankful than consider me selfish. And by the way, I already know where to find Russian schools B-) It's not that hard, just clicking a couple of keys and google finds the answer.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-05 15:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

Little Leonid, now 3-3/4 yes has been here for over one year. Alla virtually always Speke to him in Russian and he virtually always speaks back in English but does understand what she is saying. She will teach him the numbers and English alphabet in Russian but it's all for English. I understand what she is saying but my spoken Russian is not good.
Many times he will ask for things in Russian. Little Misha ( who immigrated with his Mom on the same plane) visited lady Sunday; he's almost 5 and he is the same.
Children don't understand the difficulties of learning both languages at the same time.
The preschool teachers says that sometimes they all learn a Russian word from him.

I wouldn't sweat the teaching of both languages to children; it's easier fir them tban us.

Thanks for your opinion, but I am pursuing a degree in linguistics and I have done a massive research on raising a bilingual kid for my psycholinguistics class, plus I actually keep reading books on the subject etc. and it occurs that it is hard, but possible if you do everything right.
Anyway, I'm going to try. If I don't my kids would never be able to speak to their grandparents (my parents) and I don't want that to happen. So, what I'm going to do is to speak only in Russian to my kids, while my fiance will speak only in English to them. If we have a baby-sitter, she's going to be Russian-speaking (and preferably old and fat :lol: ), also I would like to send them to a Russian school (elementary at least) and I think sending them for the whole summer to Russia sometimes will be a good thing to do also. That's a way to maintain Russian in the family, it'll be a lot easier for them to learn English living in the USA and talking to all the relatives etc. Plus I have a lot of time to do some more research on what actually works by the time we have kids (we're not planning on having kids for another 5-7 years).
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-05 12:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?
Yeah, they have a whole lot of language schools in my city too (btw, they might also teach Russian to foreigners there), and they have some native speakers working for them, but I've always hoped that those native speakers are certified or at least have done some training.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-05 10:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

I always figured it was more or less fair for me to learn Arabic... also I was just really curious to figure out how he sounds in his native language. In addition, it would have been a nightmare to work there but not speak the language in a semi-functional way at the very least.

I think my fiance really lacks motivation. He's not the one, who's moving, so he definitely won't need Russian for his job... Maybe some time in the future when we have kids, there will be some motivation for him. I told him "our kids are going to speak both Russian and English" and he was like "so they'll be talking about me and I won't be able to understand? :blink: ". And all I said back was "that's your problem" :lol:

Thank you for the report. Your reasonings were exactly why I chose NOT to go there. It seemed pretty serious and I wanted to just dabble a little bit. MGU is serious. I wanted something for fun.

Another topic you could probably drop some insight on (and eekee too) is the possibility of making it over there as an English teacher/tutor. Would someone with basic Russian knowledge be able to go over there and find a decent enough job?

In my university they have various Russian language courses. First of all, a lot of students, who are going to study elsewhere in Russia do like a "preparation year", when they basically just study Russian and some aspects of Russian culture. I don't know if you absolutely have to study in one of Russian universities after that course, I think that it might not be necessary. But it's the elementary level, I think. Maybe can go up to the pre-intermediate, but not higher.
They also offer higher levels of the Russian language, but for that you either have to be enrolled in the university or be an exchange student - they have a bunch of students from Britain coming every semester, and from the USA (mostly enrolled in West Point Academy), so these programmes are also quite serious.

As for teaching - when I was in high school, we had a Scottish guy coming every now and then to our English classes and he was definitely paid for that. He was also giving lectures in some universities located in my city. I have no idea how much he was paid, but I know for sure that he could speak NO Russian at all.
Tutoring is one of those "off the table" jobs in Russia. It might be possible to get such a job if you find somebody, who just wants to practice their conversational English. Mostly people look for tutors pursuing some certain aim though... for example, they need a course of business English, or they want to improve some certain skills, or they just want to get a better grade at school/university - so basically, a lot of times people want somebody with an ESL teacher's degree, or at least a student working on this kind of degree. Payment is different, depends on how many hours you work, your work experience and whom you teach.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-05 04:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

They're actually on discount now at their website for I think $9.95.

I used a combination of Pimsleur, Teach Yourself Russian (real good for conversations but ####### in terms of grammar) and this Russian grammar book that's on sale in Amazon for like 7 bucks. Of course I took a few Russian courses at MGU and studied abroad in Moscow as well (is it obvious I wanted to become fluent?).

But with the books/CD's I reached an intermediate level. No way I was paying $400 for Rosetta Stone.

OP, glad you're having a great time and that your girl is lovely (as expected).

Wow, that's impressive. I wish my fiance could get to intermediate level at least :)

Kyiv is quite a bit more expensive than other cities in Ukraine. The wealth disparity is pretty widespread though. My wife was always telling me about her friends who spent like 500-700 bucks on cell phones while barely getting by...image is important! Some people really are filthy rich over there. I went into one bank to change some money and the woman next to me pulled about 50 stacks of $100 bills out of a little plastic bag like it was nothing...not nervous or anything. Others barely have enough to eat despite working hard.

I wish stuff was as "expensive" in Russia as it is in Kiev/Kyiv :) I find some things to be pretty cheap over there and I'm not even from Moscow.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-04 13:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

Amsterdam has amazing tulips in the airport. I love that aspect of it. They also have showers and everything else for a long layover.

:thumbs: I love that airport. And tulips :)
On the way back to Russia I got some tulip bulbs and planted them at my grandmother's. Can't wait till May to see the flowers.
(and it's all weird, cause i hate gardening... but, I guess, I just like tulips more than I hate gardening :lol: ).

Anyway, there's a couple of direct flights to Washington Dulles, but I might still prefer stopping in Amsterdam. This time if I have to spend 7 hours in the airport again I think I'll get my transit visa. I'm dieing to take some pictures of Amsterdam.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-03 03:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

First thing I want to say is Paris De Gualle suck! :bonk:

Agreed! :lol:

Now on with the report. Kiev is a very interesting city. I liked it a lot but it seems a bit expensive and people there either have LOTS of money or not much at all. I swear I seen more luxury cars than in LA. Kiev must have more Porsche Cayenne's per capita than anywhere else in the world. And ANY day in front of my flat I would see Bently's, Ashton Martins, Rolls Royce's...etc.

It's not even funny, I've been noticing lately that some people can live in a studio located in a bad neighbourhood, but drive a Cayenne or a BMW X6. Crazy, IMO. That's in my city in Russia though...

Anyway, seems that you liked it, which is good. Good luck to you both!
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-02 05:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

So I sometimes hear the threat (usually in jest) "Do that and I will bite you until you die" or (possibly worse) "I will bite your c*ck into two equal pieces" (lengthwise? Or crosswise? Only she knows the answer) :wow: Or sometimes just "I will bite you"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It's not always a threat. "Don't be scared, I don't bite" is also possible. Sometimes :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-03-19 17:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?


I don't know much about looking for a husband/wife on the net, but it really is beyond me how you can be dead sure that somebody you've been chatting to online can be THE ONE before seeing them in person. I mean.. really... how? It's easy to pretend somebody you're not when you talk over the internet.
Just to be clear: I'm not talking about the cases when you have already met, but you have to stay in touch over the net - that's typical for LDR, but when you have been chatting online, how can you know that the person is sincere and you will make a great couple?
ONAFemaleRussia2011-03-18 12:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?
I see what you mean, guys, but still...
Since Johnny is talking about his Plan B also, it seems a little bit too early. Knowing each other and talking on the internet before you meet each other in person is a bit different, don't you think?
Plus, really, the padlock tradition is mostly for weddings - people engrave their names and the wedding date on the lock. As I said before, some couples do it without having the wedding, but it's pretty rare.
And yes, I'm pracmatic, so is my fiance. That's why we waited for 2 years before getting engaged. It's not like I'm saying that everybody should do that... just explaining why it seems kind of weird for me.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-03-17 12:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?
I'm not sure about the padlock... Mostly people do the lock-thing when they're getting married... Sometimes couples, who have been dating for years also get a lock. It's romatic, but it does show a serious commitment, so it would definitely scare me away if a man wanted to do that after a week long relationship.
Maybe it's just me... but i would be careful with a thing like that.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-03-17 11:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...
OMG, and somebody said 20-year-old girls were annoying... :help:
??????? ???, ????? ?? ??????.
(sorry for my Russian)

ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-20 04:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

I had a few Quebecoise pick my....apples. Not bad at apple picking at all, but not as good as Ukrainian women. (note to ONA: SOME Quebecois are better than SOME Ukrainians at picking apples)

Oh, my God, that's so sweet of you! I would've never understood it on my own.
You know, the context is different here, Gary.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-19 07:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

What if the words most all or even the word most were to be used instead of the word all ?

If I said that most American people are overweight, that would be true.
If I said that a vast majority of Russian people consume alcohol that would be true.
I can't say that most Russian men or women have drinking problems as long as I can't provide proper stats.
Does that answer your question?
I know I'm boring, but I prefer being really careful with facts :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 18:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Seems to be a problem of the younger generation, this one of extremes. I can understand that ONA may not get the nuances of "accepted" vs. "acceptable" but I truly don't understand where this "all...." comes from. when one speaks in generalities and says "RUB women are better looking than American women", it is like saying Labradors are larger than Huskies. Yes, generally. Are ALL Labroadors bigger than ALL huskys? No. Generally speaking, if you have to toss the word "all" into your conversation to prove your point, you have already lost.

It doesn't really come from here, but one of the examples:

The zero article, or, the meaningful non-use of the article, expresses absolute generalization, abstraction of the referent denoted by the noun. It renders the idea of the highest degree of generalization and abstraction.

Also here:
here: http://grammar.about...articleterm.htm
Maybe the problem is in the fact that I've been studying British English, but using zero article in that case sounds too strong to me - yes, pretty much like saying ALL.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 16:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...
At the same time in Russia there are so many educated people, that having a degree doesn't even mean anything. You have to get 2 or 3 degrees or a PhD to deserve some respect and to get a good job.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 14:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

This doesn't mean that all Russian women are beautiful, all American women are ugly, all Russian men are philandering, wife-beating alcoholics, and all American men are angels. But some things are just more common in one place than in another.

I agree with that and that's actually all I wanted to hear.
I'm just tired of people making generalizations. It's the same thing as when you hear some ignorant RUB people (yes, we have ignorant people here too) say that "oh, we're so awesome and Americans are ugly, fat and stupid". That's when I would do my best to prove them wrong.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 09:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

I would like to believe that my mother raised me the right way to respect women. Sure I have seen what many men across the world do to women, but it is wrong everywhere if women are being mistreated. I would not want a man to hurt my sister that way. Laws are good as a deterent, but it only stops those who have sense. The idiots who would mistreat women don't care about laws or consequences. All I am saying is all women should be respected and all men should be held accountable for their actions. I would like to think that I made a difference in Tver, Russia in 2005 when I helped a woman who was being hit by her drunk husband, but soon as I left her, she waited for him to beat her again. This is a really sad thing, but it can happen everywhere in the world, especially here in the States. Anyway, I think men should be good examples to their sons, so that their sons grow up to respect their mothers, sisters and other women.

I agree that a lot depends on the upbringing. And I totally agree that the situation you described could have happened anywhere. I also don't understand why some RUB women stay with their husbands, even though they beat them up.
All I'm trying to say that people shouldn't think that they are better than somebody else just cause they were born in a different country. If a 5-th grader had said it, I would've understood, but it's wrong when a grown-up man says that. There are good and bad people anywhere, there are wonderful husbands and fathers anywhere, just like there are beautiful and intelligent women anywhere.

Edited by ONA, 18 April 2011 - 08:10 AM.

ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 08:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

If it is true, then it is not the "wrong idea". It is an idea you do not like...but it is not wrong.

It's WRONG to think that all RUB girls are like that.

ONA, you really need to stop now.


You do not have to like the facts, but it doesn't change them.

Men are men. And I believe the main reason why men in the States don't do some stuff is cause in that case they are going to be sued for sexual harassment. Here comes the point: sometimes men treat women the way women allow to treat them.
Still behaviour like "grabbing women's @sses" is in NO WAY acceptable. Even if a person says something unacceptable, for me he falls into the category that Russian people call "?????/bydlo" (probably close equialent in English will be "white trash" the difference is though, that bydlo can actually have money and can even hold a degree) and I avoid being around those people. And that might be why my personal impressions differ from somebody else's personal impressions.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 06:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Also, if the girl was hot enough, I am sure that "Ukrainian girlfriend" would have been conveniently placed in the back of their mind somewhere.

Depends on a guy, though, not on his nationality. If anybody says to me that American men are all "angels" and none of them would cheat on their wife or girlfriend, I will call that person a liar.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 04:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

So which is it? Are there no decent men available or do they in fact exist and they're all taken?

there are decent men, but if you don't get one when he's young it's going to become harder and harder.

Either way, there's a huge disparity in the number of men coming to the US to marry American women and the number of women coming to the US to marry American men. Why is that?

Did you not read what I said? Decent guys from Russia do not go on dating websites to find love.
And now try to count how many websites promise you a "beautiful RUB wife" (those websites freak me out though... looks like women are on sale there...)
American girls seem to like RUB guys though. When I was working in Annapolis in 2008 there were a lot of Ukrainian male lifeguards and American girls tried to hit on them all the time. I've never seen them going on dates though, and they were saying all the time that they had girlfriends back in Ukraine, so they weren't interested.
At the same time, I remember some RUB girls, who had their boyfriends back in their homecountries, but they didn't see any reason why they couldn't date American guys :wacko: I can't stand this kind of girls, cause that's exactly why people get the wrong idea about RUB girls.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-18 03:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Because American men are marrying RUB women. :lol:

The solutuion would seem to be to give Russian men VWP status and have each of them return to Russia with an American woman. :P

I don't like the whole concept... You shouldn't get married to an "American" or a "Russian" or whoever...
You get married to the best person for you. Mine happened to be American. I never even liked American guys before I met him. It just happened that the right person for me was born in the States.
But I don't understand marrying or not marrying somebody just cause they belong or don't belong to a certain nation and then bragging about it... And I don't understand assuming that it's harder or easier to find a good wife/husband somewhere. It's all the same. Just because your wives didn't meet any decent men in FSU doesn't mean that they don't exist.
All decent 35+ year old men in FSU are happily married though and have no intentions of leaving their wives and children. And they DON'T use dating websites.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-17 13:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

My wife had resigned herself to a few "buddies" since she couldn't find one good one to be a boyfriend/husband. The statistics in Gary's post above pretty much confirmed what she said. She stopped looking for "serious" men and just picked a few for fun. Of course, they were either older and married or younger and stupid. Either way, they weren't anything serious.

My buddies are to watch soccer together and talk. I never looked at them in any different way, I've known them since I was 15-16, so basically... we grew up together. By now they all are either married or have girlfriends. So you're talking about a completely different situation, I was never looking for any kind of "fun".

Ignorant? Not necessarily. There is some truth to saying, "it is a lot more difficult to find a good partner" and that's why we're a good match. Women in the FSU have a hard time finding a stable, dependable man. Men in the US have a hard time finding a beautiful, serious woman. That's not a stereotype, it's the truth.

I'm pretty sure a lot of decent American women and Russian men also have troubles finding a good match. I wonder why :whistle:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-17 11:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...


It is said (by Ukrainian women) if you make dates with 10 Russian/Ukrainian men on the internet, that when you go to meet them...

4 will just not show up
2 will be drunk
3 will be married
and 1 will be "blue" (gay)

Then you have to start all over.

Don't make dates on the internet. Not on dating websites at least.
I have some male friends (mostly because I'm really passionate about soccer). I know some of them are good friends, but terrible boyfriends, others though are wonderful boyfriends/husbands/fathers. I actually do know a lot about them, I'm their "buddy", so they feel comfortable discussing girls/girlfriends/wives when I'm around...And I know, who is faithful, who's not, I know a lot. I discuss guys with them too and the good thing is that they actually approve of my fiance, otherwise I would have stopped talking to them :)
And for those Ukrainian women once again: online-dating is a bad idea, really. You know, Russian equialent to the word "arsehole" is "?????", which is literally translated as "goat", so there is a saying "If all the men you meet are goats, stop looking for your match in the vegetable garden". They better stop trying to find a decent guy using Russian/Ukrainian online dating services. I don't know about American ones, but I don't trust them either.
Anyway the point is that saying that something is wrong with all Russian men is just ignorant. So is saying that something is wrong with all American women.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-17 07:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Does he carry a purse?

Why? If it's possible to meet a person who doesn't smoke pot in the States, it's possible to meet somebody, who doesn't drink much in Russia :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-16 16:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

The rest is spoken like a true young person...I believe you are young. But you are correct that if you want to die on the same day as your husband (in the FSU)you either need to have a catstrophic car crash...or marry one about 20 years younger. Your future husband wold be a toddler in toilet training right now. :lol:

:rofl: It's good to know that my actual hubby to be is not a toddler and is at work right now :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-15 08:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

I have tons of books of Russian fairy tales. (my wife is a linguist, the biggest cost of getting her her was her books and she didn't bring 1/3 of them, the rest are still on our shelves in Donetsk) Most involve one or the other spouse beating each other with something until one of them turns to gold! THEN they live happily ever after. We actually read them together (Russian practice for me and Alla likes fairy tales) and we laugh uproariously at these sometimes.

You read the wrong ones :)

seriously, ONA are you aware that the FSU has the largest life expectancy difference between men and women of any industrialed country (ies)? Nearly 20 years. Nice fairy tales, but given the statistics, not even close to true. The huge difference is largely attributed to alcoholism and lifestyle differences between men and women in the FSU.

That's not even funny - both my granfathers died about 10-12 years ago, both of my grandmothers are fine and are probably going to live long lives. Whom are you trying to teach about FSU, really?
But that involves a completely different logic btw - if you want to think about that, you should marry a guy at least 10-15 years younger, not older :P

And yes, my fiance and my ex-boyfriends are all young, but age doesn't make you any smarter a lot of times. One of my ex-boyfriends (with whom we remained good friends and who just recently got married and I'm really glad for him) likes to say that a man looks for a woman, who can be his best friend, the muse and the best lover for him. He's a pretty smart guy, with a PhD degree in physics, so I believe him... and ever since I started dating my fiance I've been trying to be all those 3 things for him and so far it has seemed to work great.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-15 06:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

When Alla is "old" I will be dead and she will be a rich widow. Get it? Another reason to marry a guy 12 years older than you. :P

Btw most of Russian fairy tales end with a sentence "And they lived happily ever after and died on the same day". That's why you want to marry a guy close to your age :)
To each his own though.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-15 04:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

ou are too young to have very much experience. We are attracted by appearance. I appreciate you trying to make us more complicated than we are but we aren't really. Men are visual. A for sale ad for a car is 800 times (I did not make that up) more likely to sell to a man if there is a photo attached. The very best beer in the world does NOT use ugly women in the ads. Once we get past that, yes I like an intelligent attractive woman that likes to cook and care for her family and please her husband. Fortunately such women are common in the FSU. Intelligence and good looks are not mutually exclusive.

Gary, I may be young but... the guys I ever dated and my fiance are definitely more complicated than that. They all could and can have all kinds of beautiful women. I am pretty too, but I know for sure that the looks was not the thing that attracted them the most in me.
I agree with AmyWrites that the appearance is probably the first thing guys notice, but there are beautiful women, with whom guys only go out once or twice and there are beautiful women whom they marry.
That was my point.

Nor do I think that we have it "easy" because a woman like my wife expects a lot from her husband. I am not the only one with hugh expectations and I have said 1000 times or more...FSU women are not stepford wives and they are NOT for beginners.

Really? :blink: I didn't even know :rofl:
You think that I don't know what FSU women are like? For real? :lol:

Edited by ONA, 15 April 2011 - 03:49 AM.

ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-15 03:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...
Women actually look for certain qualities in men (in addition to love). Some of those certain qualities might also help to get a good job, but it's not like the job itself is the most important thing.
Now about women. Appearance is not a key factor here. There are a lot of beautiful women, but from my experience, guys are attracted not only by appearance. If it all depended on the appearence only, my fiance probably would have been married long ago. But it's about support, sharing thoughts, experiences and interests ect. so basically also it's about certain qualities.
It's a little bit more complicated than just money or appearance, which is actually good. Otherwise life would've been boring.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-14 15:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

It is also a reason, I have been told bu several women, that they prefer to be "more attractive than their men" If a guy is a good man, a good husband and father, then they want to be the most b eautiful woman he could ever hope to have for a wife...he will be more likely to be faithful. I am not arguing the logic (if any) only stating what I have been told many times.

There is a saying "A man should be just a little bit more handsome than a monkey" :lol:
Although I don't think that women are going to look for somebody not very good-looking on purpose (well... insecure women might), it's more about "not judging a book by its cover".
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-14 04:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

What's this? Women hijacking the the RUB? Suddenly they're a zombie movie.

Good news! It's not a zombie movie, so you won't turn into a woman if you talk to us :lol:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-14 04:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

It pisses me off when girls try to ban their boyfriends/husbands from looking at other women. If he's going to cheat, he's going to cheat, and if you're a controlling pain in the @$$ all the time, it's all the more likely that he will stray/leave you. Just because someone else is Pretty too doesn't mean you're not.

I also think that women should be worried if their men pretends not to be interested at looking at other women. It can only mean 2 things:
1) he is lying
2) he is gay.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-13 17:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

Plus attractiveness can be appreciated in both genders. I'll happily admit that a woman or a man is hot... doesn't mean I'd go to bed with them, they're just physically appealing. I think that if your partner will cheat on you with another person only because that other person is attractive, there's bigger problems in your partner or your relationship that you should worry about.

+1 I'm totally with you on that.
I know that most Russian women have different opinion though.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-13 17:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...

No I don't. I say my wife is "beautiful" and other women are "attractive" (I know better than to go any higher on the scale than "attractive" :lol: )

I don't know about YOU :) I heard it many times though from guys, who tried hitting on me. They didn't look gay :lol:

Who is George? :unsure:

You know... English is not my native language, so you should know better :star:

Wow, just how many Canadian chicks impersonating men married to Eastern European men ARE there in here? :lol:

Have you been spying on me or something? :rofl:
I'm worse though, I'm "pretending" to be a Russian woman :lol:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-13 10:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow much money do I need...
I know at least one situation when guys use the word "gorgeous" :)
When they see a gorgeous girl :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-13 03:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThings you will not see (or hear) in the USA

I'm still thinking if I ever move over there I could start an "American" restaraunt and make a killing while killing them with heart-stoppers like loaded fries and big burgers.

That's a good idea actually. There's an "American" restaurant in my city (apart from McDonalds, Subway etc.) - called "Barak O'Mama" :lol: actually it's more American-Mexican, cause they not only have all kinds of burgers and fries there, but also nachos, burritos etc. And it's a very popular place.

My fiance looooves Russian cuisine though. Probably even more than I do.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-04-23 02:16:00