Russia, Ukraine and Belarususage of pronouns?

Hmm, I always thought of Kakaya is kind of like "which one" or something like that.

Actually "kakoy/kakaya" are typically used for asking about qualitative characteristics, i.e. "what is he/she/it like?"
Kakoy/kakaya might be used in the meaning of "which one" also, but it is not always correct. I would advise to use the word "kotoriy/kotoraya" (???????/???????) in that meaning, just to avoid confusion.

Speaking of the original post, I also don't understand why your wife is getting confused... And I am a native Russian speaker too, so it must be a personal characteristic.

Also, I was impressed by the fact that you'd learned Russian for your woman. I wish my husband would learn Russian :) He lacks motivation though...
ONAFemaleRussia2012-03-14 09:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSergey goes for Rice University!
Congratulations to Sergey!
ONAFemaleRussia2012-02-23 11:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine rape case sparks protests over investigation

Slim, you really like pulling his chain don't you. There is no comparison to US politics and those of most RUB countries. Freedom of speech, the press and right to assembly are not standard rights in many countries.

Freedom of speech in the US? Really? I come from Russia and I had more freedom there than I have here.
Americans think that they have more freedom, but they are not always right.
I talked to this Italian guy once and we started talking about the States, cause I've been to the US and he's been to the US once, so he was like: "In Italy I can do what I want... In the USA you get arrested for that" :rofl:
ONAFemaleRussia2012-03-22 20:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine rape case sparks protests over investigation

You see the difference there don't you. Being paid to vote a certain way (a choice) vs spending years in a 5 x 7 ft. prison cell while your family members lose their jobs and are constantly harassed.

Well... there is a choice... People get paid in RUB countries to vote too. There are people though, who don't take the money - and that's when they are locked up.
As for "former" criminals... I believe 90% of world politicians are criminals, most of them just never were convicted.
ONAFemaleRussia2012-03-20 23:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanging my name
It should not be a problem. Nobody will make you change your last name, so it will be "Ivanov". Some people might wonder though, why you and your husband have different last names.
I have a friend here, she and her husband are both Russian and got married in Russia. They recently went through her AOS interview and they were actually asked, why they have different last names (because Ivanov and Ivanova are considered to be different in the US), they just explained that in Russia Ivanova is a female version of Ivanov. No other issues, her green card was approved.
ONAFemaleRussia2012-03-29 08:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusdo I pay for medical in rubles?

In a medical clinic and the US embassy web site, prices for medical are in dollars. Does it mean that I can pay in rubles or I have to pay in dollars?


You don't have to pay in dollars, rubles are fine. I payed in rubles last summer.
ONAFemaleRussia2012-04-10 05:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHouse of the Rising Sun

Do you think if Georgia was not located where they are that America would be so willing to assist them??

I believe that Georgia expected help from the US.
I have a great article about the whole conflict, bookmarked on my other computer. I'll post the link to it here, when I have a chance (be prepared, it's VERY long, but it's a good reading).
ONAFemaleRussia2012-04-10 07:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHouse of the Rising Sun

They didn't. They defended themselves from an invasion and were lucky enough to get a semi-ceasefire before being completely overrun.

Why did they defend themselves by killing South Ossetians?
ONAFemaleRussia2012-04-09 08:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy Birthday to K-Bone, si man
Happy Birthday! :)
ONAFemaleRussia2012-04-09 07:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'
K & S, sorry to hear that, but you have to agree that it's the good thing that it happened now, not later. When something ends it means that there is a way for a new beginning.
So, good luck to you! It doesn't have to be a Ukrainian woman next time, I'm pretty sure there are good women everywhere.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-07-23 06:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'

Anyway, my wife is a very private person in regards to her relationship with me. She is also 20-something and I am 40-something. Suffice to say that our age difference is somewhere between 15 to 20 years. Due to her age, her behavior in Internet has been the biggest source of contention in our relationship. Since the beginning no photos together were allowed in Internet and she only changed her status to married a few months after our wedding and only because I asked her to do so. I know for a fact that she told anybody who asked that she did it because she wanted to be left alone by annoying men.

I'm a "20-something", but I posted a whole bunch of my fiance's pictures (and his family) and I have us together as my profile pic on my vkontakte page and him wearing his Russian hat as my profile pic on my FB page...

I do have male friends, but I've known them since high school and most of them are either married or date somebody. And they all know about my fiance and some of them have met him. Those, who haven't met him yet, ask me though "when are we gonna drink with him?" :rofl: i mean... what else can they say after listening to me, when every other sentence i say to them starts with "my fiance...", "oh, by the way, my fiance", "did you know that Andrew (my fiance)...?"

That's why I found what the OP said before about her communication online pretty surprising.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-07-06 13:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'
K & S, sorry to hear that... but it's better to find out now than later...
Keep looking for the right woman, and it will probably be better to look for somebody closer to your age. I mean, I know some guys marry girls 20-25 years younger than them, but not that many young RUB girls are really interested in having a relationship with a much older man.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-07-03 10:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'

I can see Evgeniya's side of this...she made some valid points. I mean if I was an American on a Russian visa forum and had read some of these post on here including mine I would probably be a bit offended.

On the one hand I agree with you. On the other hand, I'm a Russian on an American visa forum and I'm not offended. I'm honest with my fiance, I never had the intention of ripping him off, so I don't see any offense in any of the posts above - none of them is about me.
But I know that there are scammers in Russia, Ukraine and probably any FSU country and I completely understand the concerns that you, guys, have.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-06-24 03:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'

As a Russian woman, I think you are *required* to be judgmental. :P

Beware everybody! :devil: :lol:

I am pretty sure my girl "classifies" me as the lazy village idiot :rofl:

ONAFemaleRussia2011-06-23 17:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'

Why do you people even care if he provides for his fiancee or not? It is their business. And why are you so ready to pass judgement? You know nothing about their relationship and already make conclusions. Also a woman is not a dog, you can't practice a "treat" technique. You do what I want and you get a treat. What is it about Russian women that makes you think we can be classified as such?
In response to scams, I can assure you there are plenty of stories about Americans who get a girl to the U.S., use her (in a worst case abuse a person) and then kick her out of the country. THIS IS TWO WAY STREET MY FRIENDS.

Errr... Have you read Russian forums? Pretty much the same thing is going on there, but in the opposite direction: women "classify" guys. And there is nothing wrong with it, cause there are sad stories for both men and women.
Btw I am a Rusian woman, am i allowed to be judgemental? :star:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-06-23 16:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm no longer married to a Ukrainian!

What makes you think Kiev is more difficult? We are thinking about trying to bring MIL for a visit, the need to possibly get a Schengen visa in her passport first, etc.

I read Russian-speaking immigration forums, looks like there are a lot more denials in Kiev. Also, my relatives live in Kiev and I invited them for the wedding, but they didn't even try to apply for the visas, cause they knew many people, who got denied.
But you never really know until you try. Plus, if you do get your visa approved in Kiev, it's possible to get a multiple-entry visa for 5 years! In Moscow it's valid for either 1 or 2 years.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-07 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm no longer married to a Ukrainian!

Regarding MIL visits, I think that it must be getting easier to get tourist visas now. Either that or we were just lucky. We got a visa for my MIL to visit this summer for 2 weeks. She had never had a visa here or to Europe. They gave her a 1 year multiple entry visa, no problems.

Yes, Moscow Embassy looks pretty easy. My parents are flying to the States with me for the wedding!

Kiev Embassy seems to be more difficult though...
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-07 05:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm no longer married to a Ukrainian!
Congratulations! :thumbs:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-07-07 15:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusONA is in the States!

Congratulations and welcome back. Forgive the first reply. I'm stuck at the Airport in Frankfurt coming back also. :)

Thanks! Hope you had a safe flight.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-18 05:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusONA is in the States!

I'm sure your fiance has been dancing a lot since you arrived. :dance: :dance: :dance:

Not today on the fishing boat, when I won the golden hook for being the best fisherman (technically fisherwoman) :devil: :star:
But yeah, he's happy and with a big smile on his face :)

English-only in the RUB subforum, por favor man.

:rofl: da, man!

And again BIG THANK YOU to everybody for the nicest wishes and support! :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-13 19:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusONA is in the States!
Thank you all sooo much! :)

Bienvenidos, si man! (Remember that we can speak non-English in the regional subfora, si man. :) )

Gracias! (estudié Español en la universidad :) )

ONA is in the States!

I love the title of this topic. It has that hot movie wring to it. :devil:

ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-11 06:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusONA is in the States!
Thanks to everybody!
Yeah, I'm home, but I have no idea where my fiance hid all the stuff I left here last year. Hope he didn't sell it :lol: , have to wait for him to be back from work to find out.

OK...I was thinking you were in the states the entire time you were posting on this board. I feel dumb.

No, you're not dumb, but I loled.
I was finishing the university in Russia and waiting for the K1 visa before. Done with both now :dance:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-10 12:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusONA is in the States!
So, I arrived yesterday, Voronezh-Moscow-Vienna-Washington DC, it was a long trip!
I came with my parents, everything went fine, except that, for some reason, they decided to make me go through additional security check before boarding in Vienna (me only, my parents went through the standard procedure). The POE was easy and relatively fast - it took us approximately 40 min. to go through. Then about an hour and a half ride and welcome home!
I guess, now I'm going to spend a lot less time online, especially since the wedding is August 20th. Everything is pretty much prepared for it, just need to work on some minor details.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-10 07:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYulia Tymoshenko Jailed
It's boring. All of RUB politicians are criminals - they all break laws, they all can be arrested as soon as they do something that doesn't make the current government happy. So what? Nothing new, really.

Edited by ONA, 10 August 2011 - 07:20 AM.

ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-10 07:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMost Popular Baby Names in (pick your country, si man)

Nataliia, Natalia, Natalya...etc.

Those can actually be for different names. there is ??????? and there is ???????. Kind of the same, but different.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-18 05:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMost Popular Baby Names in (pick your country, si man)

As far as Ksenya and Oksana, I had never even suspected that they were the same name. I frequently met people with both names and didn't ever hear about people interchanging them. It seems that in Russia the names are separate.

People do. They also use Ksyusha/Ksyu/Ksyuha as a 'nickname'/'pet-name' or whatever for both Oxana and Ksenia.

Are there accepted variations for these 'short' names? My step-daughter Valeria goes by Lera, not Valya.

Lera is a short variant for Valeria (also for Kaleria), Valya is a short variant for Valentina.

I once knew a woman who was quite upset when we spelled her name Oxana. She corrected us, "It is O K S ana. I am not Ox like zis animal." And that was really funny because we always referred to her as "the Ox" whenever we'd talk about her or whom we'd hang out with that evening. "What do you want to do tonight, man?" "Oh, I don't know, let's call the Ox."

She was Soviet by birth, citizen of Ukraine, long-time resident of Kyrgyzstan yet always told us she was "really Russian." No wonder she was so sensitive about her name! To this day my buddy and I still joke about Ox Oksana.

From what I've experienced, Oksana is the proper Romanization of the name for Ukrainians and Oxana is acceptable (although it could be either, or both!) for Russians. Honestly I could care less because it's all the same in Cyrillic letters.

Yep, I never knew that my name can be spelled as Oxana, until I got my travel passport actually... It says Oksana on my driver's license, but they say that it is this way, cause they use English in the passport and French in the license.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-13 19:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMost Popular Baby Names in (pick your country, si man)

It comes from Elena, but it seems that now they are counted as different names and you can't use Lena as a short form of Alyona. That Elenas Models list doesn't seem all that accurate--I mean, Juli? Wha? Also, I always thought Yana was just a name on its own??

Yana can be a name on its own, but can also be a short variant of Yanina.
I know a Elena, who likes to be called Alyona, so it's a matter of personal taste actually... Although, I think the situation is similar with my name. People keep asking me whether Oxana and Ksenia are different names or the same one. I always say that they are different names, cause i hate to be referred to as a Ksenia :angry: the truth is that Oxana is a Ukrainian variant of the name Ksenia, and what people call you also depends on personal preference.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-11 08:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy do Russians Hate Ice?

Where has all the pie and gun talk been lately? :help:

:thumbs: :rofl:
C'mon, guys, really :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-07 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy do Russians Hate Ice?


I HATE when that happens! :lol:

Try telling her it happens when two languages have a similar word with different meanings. "Kak" is a good example.

That's why I like Spanish so much :lol:
Spanish classes were funny, especially at first, due to the fact that so many Spanish words actually sound like Russian curse or at least pretty mean words.
It gets even funnier when you compare Slavic languages, when words with the same roots from Russian and Czech/Polish have the exact opposite meanings.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-07 05:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy do Russians Hate Ice?
I live in Russia and I have an ice-cube tray... It's not like I use it a lot, but it's good to have it when you come from outside in the summer and it's really hot... or when my fiance comes over here :) I thought everybody had it, even if they almost never used it. My dad even puts a bottle of water into the freezer during the summer, then takes it out and drinks while there is a huge piece of ice floating it it. My dad is Ukrainian, maybe that's the reason why he does it :whistle: :lol:
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-05 17:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy do Russians Hate Ice?

Hot juice? Sounds disgusting. I have never come across anyone who does that, or anyone who freaks out when they go to a fast food place and get ice in their drinks

Me neither. Not even my parents or grandparents. Especially in the summer - people always have cold drinks, maybe no ice, but something really cold from the fridge.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-05 15:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing *back* to Ukraine

The worst are the private drivers, I always have Alla hire the driver if we use a car. Amerikans will pay 3-4 times higher prices for drivers and you had better have some small bills with you. Stupid Americans carry around 50, 100, 200 UAH notes. The drivers quote you 60 or 75 UAH for a have a 100. Oops, sorry, no change. :P Make sure you get plenty of 1, 2, 5, and 10 UAH notes.

Or you can have somebody Russian/Ukrainian with you - then it turns into "well, go to the nearest store and get the change!" Works for me!

Edited by ONA, 02 August 2011 - 03:30 PM.

ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-02 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia build's outpost we build Resorts

I like it!!!! That means soon I will be able to get my Tvilisi Georgian wine here in Houston. Ohhhh....that's not good, because that is my excuse why I go to Ukraine!!!!! :bonk: Heaven forbid it is because of the beautiful women!!! :whistle:

You can get Georgian wine in any Russian store in the USA :whistle:
Saakashvili is indeed the only retard in Georgia, there were and there still are many notable Georgian people (or at least those of Georgian ancestry) in Russia and nobody says that Georgians are retards (and if anybody does, that means they are retards themselves). Saakashvili better stop saying all that bs about Russia.
Congrats to Georgia on the new resorts and I wish they get a better president soon. He doesn't have to like Russia, just a smart politician with diplomatic skills will be great.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-26 10:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHas anyone experienced something similar at the Moscow Embassy?
So, I guess, your fiancee received a yellow slip which says that DS-156 is missing? Don't worry about that, lots of people have some papers missing and usually they are approved shortly after sending the papers to the embassy.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-09-01 13:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine Losing it's way??
To lose the way you need to find one. Ukraine hasn't found it yet.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-09-07 04:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Wife's Son Arrives!
visaveteran1, just came by to say congrats on your wife's son's arrival! Wish him luck and quick and easy adaptation! :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-09-07 04:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQutting your job in Russia

I do not.

Neither does my husband. He absolutely can't stand it. But tastes differ.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-09-07 10:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian Mother doesn't speak any English

ONA, do you remember what phrases you provided her with?

Well, for example, for their layover in Vienna, I made a card saying something like
Sorry, we don't speak English. We have a connecting flight to Moscow. Can you, please, show us the way we should go?
Thank you!"

So, it was just stuff like that, depending on the situation :)
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-30 10:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian Mother doesn't speak any English
My parents don't speak English. They came over here with me (they were coming for the wedding), but they went back home on their own and they had a layover in Vienna. I prepared some cards for them - and they said those were very useful. The cards were basically for them to be able to ask for directions. Also, here in the States they met an airpot worker, who could speak Russian, so they were fine. I'm pretty sure they have people, who speak Russian/Ukrainian at the customs.
ONAFemaleRussia2011-08-30 10:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSad Day for hockey fans
????? ?????... :(
ONAFemaleRussia2011-09-09 22:06:00