Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?

I hope you all read NigerLA post. I got two very important points out of it.
1) They are BOTH Professionals
2) They dated a while before becoming engaged; then waited another year to marry.

They didn't do the internet rush me into America thing.

It's always refreshing to hear of successful interminglings. Thanks for sharing. Over the years what I'm finding is that Aliens usually marry twice if not more. They marry the one that they scammed to get here; then they set out to either marry/ re-marry there
real pick.

Even some from other countries won't look in their own country for love for the fear of being scammed by their own. In any thought; we all just need to really get to know the person and their friends.

I hope to read more from people that Married years ago and are still together with their husband/wife.
I don't think any has posted, I could be wrong; I didn't read this entire thread.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-06 01:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?

Thanks for taking the time to post. As you can see on my signature that I've been around here for a while. My professional husband scammed me. Your situation probably had no bearing on the scammer mentality.

Although he's a professional and choice this route to enter America has nothing to do with you and your situation. Actually I feel if many more Africans would just Marry without the drama of already being married; or having a fiance, life would be better for the American sponsor as well as the Alien.

As you already know NigerLA., many are lookin out for themselves; especially if they are still in Nigeria. Everybody wants a better life for their family.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-05 02:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
It's so hard to study anyone that lives so so far away. It's equally hard to just show up in their Country at their front door step. (some countries your can) Each and every time you go to visit a place like Nigeria it usually requires being sponsored. They know when your coming, and they prepare for that, so you find yourself seeing and doing what they have prepared. It's hard to tell what type of mate a person will be without
spending quality time.

In regular relationships within a state, the persons try to be together on weekends, or daily depending on work schedules and how far apart they live from one another; still it sometimes takes a while to discover that your intended mate has some personal flaws that you just can't tolerate. I heard the word love and decided to go on and try bringing a professional Alien here to America, believeing that he had morals and was an honest man. I believed all his e-mails to me proclaiming his ever lasting love etc.etc.

I understand when people on here read about how I was scammed and think that will never happen to them. Before my ex.-husband came I thought the same thing, I didn't understand that the morals and values and being respectful of others rule that I was raise with were so so different from what he was raised with. I could imagine liveing in any third world country would open up an understanding of who that person really is.
But while they are gettin others to spend money in their behalf and pretty much give them a guaranteed free trip to America ( As long as they do their part and Marry them once they get here) your gonna see the cooperative side of that Alien after all who ever the American sponsor is saving them lots of money too. ( apply for K-3 or K-1 visa )

They already know that they don't have to stay married too long; just long enough to get their papers; or they can leave sooner if they get an support system working with them just months after entering and sending in the adjustment papers.

The two times that I traveled to a third world country eveyone on the streets there were really nice people. It took a minute, but you do adjust. But trust me; if my ex.-husband treated me bad while I was visiting him in his country I would of known not to continue the K-1 process in his behalf. He knew to be a good man to me; and he knew that once I sent in his adjustment of statis that he was gonna leave. He became a very different person, yelling and screaming and blaming me for all kinds of crazy things.

Still I believe he's somewhere laughing and telling his other collegues ( potential scammers ) how it all went down and some things they could do to make the American spouse ask them to just leave.

What so ever a man sows; that shall he also reap.

Edited by idocare, 02 February 2009 - 03:15 AM.

idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-02 03:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Well said Sylvia;

Many many that have been woed by another in a third world country will fall victim
of this greencard scam. I can't blame anyone for following their heart tho. I followed
my heart; and I was scammed. Funny thing is that my ex-husband shared with me about others being scammed; but never mentioned that he too was a scammer. I didn't hear it from his family; or any of his friends that I met. They just choice to played the dumb role when he started his exit tatics.

One of his friends in New York called me the day he moved out for good and told me that he told him to just forget about it; she now has your son. I had already knew that he intended to leave tho because I was really really good to him; so he had to try really really hard to bring discourse and arguments. He achieved his goal and walked away.

He managed to manipulate the American system to file a VAWA. His actions won't get him far tho. To this day he isn't a practicing doctor in this country; so imagine that; a doctor that is used to people kissing his behind now having to work for poverty pay, then getting his wages garnished.

Don't get me wrong; Nigerians have a really good support system here in America,
THEY WILL LOOK OUT FOR THEIR OWN ONCE THEY HIT AMERICAN SOIL. Just as another American would look out for a American that they meet in Nigeria.

My ex-husband is in no way coasting clear. He is a scammer and it will all bear down deeply on him. Let's just all hope that the father of Victor Obinna Ezike Jr. will not be coming to a hospital as a resident near you.

As far as know; my son is a first son; his father walked out on us when he was just 3-weeks old after naming him. How much lower can a man go?

The long of the short is that he wanted to come into this country so bad . That's where morals and values come into play. My ex-husband lacks in that area.

I can remember reading a book talking about when Britain ruled Nigeria they said that was the most wicked place they have ever seen.

Peeps need to study their fiances history; and not be so quick to respond to those words I Love You:( know can you come live with me; no I need to come to you) we'd have a better life there in America.

Think; people ; if they are coming from a third world country, and you feel that you wouldn't be able to meet someone like them currently in your own courtry; (because of age; physical looks or whatever) give them a good lookin at. Especially if you never dated anyone from another country; let me tell you many people from a third world county marry just to get a better live for them and their wives and family.

I am a victim of a greencard marriage. My youngest son's father used me as a tool to get him into America. People in foreign lands know American immigration law and how to manipulate it to their benifit. As I have said many times before; if this does happen to you please contact your local congressman and let them know of how it all played out.

American values are not shared by Nigerians trying to get a better life for them and their kids and wives. Don't become the next victim!!!!

Edited by idocare, 01 February 2009 - 02:56 AM.

idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-01 02:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Yes, American men do scam some women/men; but it's not the same as being
scamed by someone from another country. It's totally different, as is the onset of
learning of the scam. I believe I mentioned this before, If the persons whole intent
is to scam you; no matter how much you pray; how much you try to cater to them
or how much you bend over backwards it won't work.

My ex-husband had 2visa stamps in his passport both dates were 2002 with the last
one stamped in December 2002. I met him in Janurary 2003. Most Americans are
like me and don't know how to read a passport, then again we don't even think about
asking them to see there passport when we fly to their country. For me there wasen't
alot of information online in 2003 when I met him. I was learning as I went along.
I didn't know the passport showed their activity and attempts. And still today I have
not comfirmed that's what those stamps mean, but someone told me that's what it
means so I feel comfortable including that information.

Thru reading books and talkin to Nigerians I learned that once a man can take care
of a family they marry. Not necessarily for love but to reproduction of live. A first son
is suspose to very special. As far as I know I have the first son of a first son. But
that didn't stop his medical doctor father from walking out on him when he was just
3-weeks old. It didn't stop him from starting arguments, yelling and screaming and
abrusing me. It didn't stop him from leaving our dwelling and going and telling folks
that I was abrusing him and that I threw him out.

The short of a long story is, we run over to their Country and meet them; some even
marry on the first meeting; and don't really know them. The end result cost much
much more then then dealing with the American brotha man. We think that because
we bring them here that they will feel obligated to stay with us; well that simply isn't
the case. Many people become part of the necessary paperwork towards an approval
on a sponsored visa. If your alien is using you to get them into America; that's what
they going to do. Many married people do that just to get here. They don't respect
the immigration system or laws; and look for a way to beat the system. That's where
these lonely unknowingly innocent American people come in. Trust; for me, I was
thriving well on my own. Witnessed what it felt like to be used by an American man
and decided to go for a Alien. The depth of the experience of dealing with this Alien
has changed me for the rest of my life; being used by an American man has no
comparrison to being used by an Alien. This evil Alien man tried his best to ruin me as
a person, he attacked me at my job, where we lived, and even looked thru my
address book and called some of my friends asking them to help him by signing an
affidavit saying that I abrused him.

Most of you americans are saying why would he call YOUR friends, that's a question
I don't have an answer too. But I know he did, one of my friends comfirmed it right
after she received a call from him. One of my treasured jewelry peices came up missin
I'm tellin you all; it was nothing nice, this man was lookin out for himself and his
interest, not mine. He had one up on me tho, because he knew that I was merely part
of the paperwork for an approval on his visa; yes that's right; I got him out of Nigeria
but I thought WE were gonna have a happy long life together and he didn't hesitate to
tell me how we were gonna die old together every step of the way. I trusted him.
Just as alot of us that have been scammed do. I even told him of situations that I
heard about others being scammed. WE HAD A BOND. (so I thought )

I say with deep sincerity that many more will be scammed, because many times it's not
until you do the necessary paperwork and all that they start their ploy to end the
marriage. Some will even stay long enough to go thru most of their University training
before trying to get free of their sponsor so that they can marry their original wife, or
bring their choice. In many cases American were their choice to get them into the
country ( necessary , but considered part of the paperwork )

As I stated earlier, many will use Americans just to send them money; with no intentions
of coming here. They are the ones that usuallly tell you stories of being robbed, or car
being tolled or having a hospital bill.

The sad part is that if they get here into America; their own people that have been here
for years will help them manipulate you and American law. It's just like going to live in
another Country; you will be drawn to Americans if you should meet one, and you and
them would become friends. The American that has lived in that culture for some time
and knows the law will assist you the best they can.

Many Aliens use marriage as a tool to get here; and as sad as it is; we (lookin for love) Americans believe a lie; and file our paperwork or marry people that we want to be
with unknowing that they are scamming us.

I know one girl ( I won't say her name ) her and I was going thru the visa process\
around the same time; she now works for U.S.C.I.S. she told me that the feeling there
is that these Americans ask for their spouse to come; ( I reserve the rest of what she told me) this person was also scammed; she went to Nigeria and married a man that she met on the internet. He has since graduated with a Masters degree. She has told
me of how his family in Nigeria was involved in his deceit; or so she say she now believes that they were. She even went as far as to say that she would of never been\
able to get a man that fine in America as she was able to get in Nigeria. And that fine man used her. My ex-husband used me too. That's why I continue to tell my story
so that people will stop and think before thrusting themselves full speed.


Edited by idocare, 29 January 2009 - 11:09 PM.

idocareFemaleNigeria2009-01-29 23:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?

I totally agree with most of your post. I especially hope that viewers take to heart
when you mentioned to tell the person that your not willing to bring them into the U.S.
But you're willing to go and live there with them since they love you sooooo much.

The long and short of it all is that if a person intent is too get too America they won't waste their time with you, knowing that you won't bring them. The real test is
do the Americans love their fiance/husband so much that they'd be willing to move
and be with them. So far, that's the only way to avoid being totally scammed.

Trust me it's not a good feeling; and you won't know you have been scamed until
it's too late and you have filed all the paperwork necessary. I've been around for a
while and too everyone that gets scammed they didn't think their spouse was
capable of doing such a thing, including me.

Love isn't suspose to have boundaries, if you choose to tell your person of interest
that you won't help them get here but rather stay with him in his country and you never
hear from him again; you probably just saved yourself from financial and mental ruin.

In Nigeria I hear that your suspose to be financially stable before you marry; if
someone is always telling you of situations or occurrences that would prompt you to
send money; I'd be wary. I'd let them solve their own problem, many peeps milk money
out of others that way. Your love interest shouldn't need you to rescue them; sounds
a little cruel; but I say that for a reason. Just my little two cents.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-01-19 04:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
I agree, were gonna pray that in years to come you'll still be happily married and
with kids. (wink)
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-28 15:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Thanks for sharing Boo Boo ( smilin )
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-28 15:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMarried to a Nigerian and still together?
Hey Nurse,

I think they also have an area to run a poll on this site towards the bottom, you
might get better results if you put your thread there also.

Lonnnnnnnnng time no see you here in the Saharan welcome back !!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-28 14:56:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNo Second Medical Date exam before Embassy Interview
If your hearing that it would only delay her getting the visa but she can still go for the interview, it must be true. Back in 2004 when we went to the clinic we only had to go once, everything was done on the one day.

If everyone is telling you the same information, you just have to go with the flow; I can see that clinic becoming overloaded with the internet and many many people finding love.

My advice would be to focus on the paperwork for your up coming interview since you already have your other medical appointment, maybe she could bring her appt. to the interview with her so that they know she does have an appt. date.

Hope that helps.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-28 09:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPutting Together An Official Sub-Saharan Meetup
I'm in the Seattle Area. Summer months sound good to me.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-11 16:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPutting Together An Official Sub-Saharan Meetup
I don't know, but I'd liked the thought of people getting together and meeting face to face. I've been to one meet up so far and enjoyed it, soooooo I was hoping that some were still planing one for the Sub Saharan group.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-06 01:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPutting Together An Official Sub-Saharan Meetup
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanToo long!
Hey !!!! Long time it's been. I hope that you and the kids are doing well. Congrats on your citizenship !!!!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-03-29 04:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRegistry Wedding In Lagos, Nigeria
Welcome to the boards Natalie!!!

What tribe is your fiancee from? I'm African American also and I already went thru bringing a man from Nigeria to America. Please feel free to PM me with any question you might have. My ex-husband is from the Igbo tribe; I'll be happy to share any information I can.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-20 02:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCASE COMPLETED AT NVC !!!!
I can remember being happy at this stage in my journey !! Many congratss to you both !!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-25 02:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPetition on it's way to Nigeria
Everything must be done thru your fiance.
Sending things directly to the Embassey will get you nowhere. They do answer your e-mail to them tho.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-27 04:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPetition on it's way to Nigeria
No worries yo; your fiance has it all covered!! Most Nigerian know American Immigration law better then we Americans do. Then when they arrive they have the support of their community/relatives.

Good luck with all you pursue!!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-25 02:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMy fatherland, i am proud of my country......
I'd just like to also bring to your attention that the name of this room covers that
part of the world and this room is for sharing your experiences, I for one am a
victim of a marriage scam; and my ex-husband was a professional doctor in Nigeria.

I'm not willing to down play or lie about my experience with my ex-husband from Nigeria.
Appropiately I post here. I'm sure there are boards to talk about the U.S. But
here we are to tell our experience's concerning Saharan surrounding areas.

I'm just hoping that everyone that falls victim to a marriage scam be it any country
loudly alert the proper channels and fight for justice to be served.

Edited by idocare, 28 December 2008 - 08:03 PM.

idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-28 20:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdate
Nice to hear that you and your husband is still going strong. School is very important to Nigerians, glad to hear of him excelling!!!

I don't know of any banks; but I do know that you all can send money thru Western Union and it gets to Nigeria within an hour if I remember right.

idocareFemaleNigeria2009-05-01 05:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBad news/GREAT NEWS!
Good for you !!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-25 02:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa Approved
Thank the Lord; congrats !!! I lost my numbers in my cell. I'm so happy for you !!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-25 02:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanVisa not issued
You would think that even a verbal statement of approval is binding
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-05-20 05:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Welcome to all newbies !!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-25 02:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Here I go exrending a welcome to all newbies
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-02-07 02:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Welcome welcome everyone !!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-01-29 20:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
once again welcome too all the newbies !!!!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-25 13:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Yes I also extend my welcome to all newbies once again. There's plenty of us in
here that have personal information to assist with your journey should you need it.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-11-25 17:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Jaisah Welcome,

The only way to do it is just to jump right on in !!!!! good.gif good.gif
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-07 23:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Welcome to all Newbies !!! Please feel free to inquire about anything; more then likely
there will be someone here that will have an answer or can guide you towards an answer.
Hummm, I've been to Whibey Island a time or two, seems like a peaceful place.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-02 12:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Yeah I know, I leave my signature intact just for that reason. It takes 2-people to make a
marriage work. When one no longer wants to be married they can and will do/say things to
make the other want to abort the marriage. For me, my ex. is from Nigeria, I thought our
problems were merely cultural differences but the harder I tried to make it work the more
intense my ex. would cause division. It's something that the sponsor won't see until the Alien
is here in America and have filed adjustment paperwork, in many cases.

But this is my journey, although mines was filled with deceit and lies, it does not mean that
anybody else's will be that way.

All the best to you both Tunji, and Michelle, if you have any questions feel free to pm me.
Again, welcome onboard !!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-22 00:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Welcome Michelle and Tunji !!!!

Michelle u asked what's it like once your alien spouse arrives ? Well I'd like to first ask u what it was like once you went to Nigeria and how long did it take u too adjust; think of that then apply that too your husband.

I know Victor had little problems with adjusting, he had mastered the bus system the first few days to my. astonishment. The thing is Michelle is that alot of opportunist use americans and marriage as a way to gain american benefits. My ex-husband did that exact thing. So it's kinda hard to tell u what it'll be like for you once your husband arrives because it will depend on alot of factors.

Just as you adjusted to Nigeria, your fiance will adjust, and the love you enjoy now should not change.

Edited by idocare, 20 September 2008 - 06:51 PM.

idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-20 18:48:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhelp please it is a Nightmare
Go to your husband girl, don't let his denial stop you all from being together. Look at all the weeks you all have been apart; (for what reason ) Each day isn't promised to us. Maybe you and him can find a Country to live in where he can be approved and you can get your proper medical care.

I think Canada has good medical care. Just a thought.

I'm sure you married him ( for better or worse ) to cohabitate with him, if you all can't live in America or Africa maybe you all could live in a Country that's willing to accept you both; I'm thinking that would at least let you all live as husband and wife instead of living apart and missing each other soooooo much.

Just trying to help.

A refusal from the American Embassey shouldn't curtail you all from lliving together.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-05-23 01:41:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhelp please it is a Nightmare
Dang, I forgot the topic !! Guess i read too much tonite. What I do know is that many many third world countries crave to be here in America, and will say or do what ever necessary to fulfill their dream. Once fulfilling it they can become cocky and challenging in a attempt to make their sponsor feel as tho they truly want them out of their lives!!!

I'm a victim of marriage fraud. My Nigerian sweetheart, lover and father of my youngest son Victor Obinna Ezike used me for a greencard. He had no intention to stay with me. He also abandoned his son; and remains here in America so far.

All of his claims are unfounded; and that's what pisses me off the most. I fought hard for him to come into America only for him too turn against me and accuse me of awful things; things that I have no ideal ( thanks to the privacy act ) and he also have no proof beside his lying tongue. Invester be ware!!! My sons father has demostrated to me to be the epitomy of wickedness. Oh, did I mention that he was a medical doctor in his homeland Nigeria?

The internet makes it easier for these types to gain entrance into America, the unknowing American spouse will think that they have done themseives a favor by asking these men/women to leave their home ( after these men/women drive them crazy and make them think that it was their ( the sponsors ) decision to end the relationship.

I feel that when people get put into AP it's for a reason. Third world countries folks don't think like Americans and many times are more willing to hide ( or lie about ) information ( such as already being married etc.) to get what they wan

Americans won't be told the exact reason for the conclusion, thus I feel the disconnect in the system. Pending greencard seekin peoples information shouldn't be withheld from the sponsor. What do yah'll think ?
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-05-20 04:58:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanhelp please it is a Nightmare
I have been to the Lagos embassey; I will try to describe to you the way they operated in 2004.

Early morning a Nigerian man will come out and ask all the people interviewing to form a line by him across the street from the entry into the embassey; once everyone is lined up he asks you to follow him into a formed line. At the first gate, they check you and your belongings for weapons etc.( no cell phone allowed inside ) You must have an interview letter to proceed any farther or you'll be denied entrance.

Once cleared you go into one building and pay your money for the interview get your receit and proceed out of that building and walk maybe 300 feet into another building. That where you get to sit and wait your turn to be interviewed.

Sometime in the afternoon another line starts forming for people that want to pick up paperwork (Packet 3 &4 ) and such. You must bring your approval letter Noa2 before they will supply you with the packets and an interview date.

It's only in the second building that an officer can deny an applicant, no Americans work outside the gates of the embassey, nor does any interviewing officers.

If you don't have the proper paperwork you will not be attended too.

Sometimes being in a long distance relationship doesen't give you the opportunity to really know each other. You only hear that someone far away is very interested in you and keeps in constant contact with you telling you how much they miss you and lots of what you want to hear. I don't think the embassey is testing your love for your husband; I'm thinking that the embassey may know things about your husband that he may of forgotten to tell you.

I don't have any answers for your situation; but my thinking is this. The important thing is that you all be together living under the same roof, if not here then find a Country where he'd be able to go and you also will be able to get your needed medical care. Why blame the USCIS for you all being apart ? Remember you do have other options. Just as your asking your husband to leave his home land ( house, job, family ) maybe you can do the same so you and him can be together.

Tomorrow isn't promised to none of us. Why spend all this time apart ? Go to your husband, live there with him and maybe the two of you can decide where you go from there. But at least you will be with the man you married.

Just my thoughts.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-05-18 02:58:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanthe horrifying news just got bigger ... embassy
Your already married. Maybe you have no other choice but to move there in order to be with your husband. Truly, life is too short to live apart from someone that loves you and you love.
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-05-26 04:44:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanairline tickets
I have sent monies to Victor thru western union and all went well, however we just purchased his ticket while I was there after his interview, and it was cheaper, alot cheaper, he flew KLM also I believe.
idocareFemaleNigeria2006-01-31 16:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFoods while in Senegal
You can try looking on the Senegal website or call their Embassey here in
America. I'm not sure what you can bring. When I went I took bottles of
water, some cupcakes, chips, candy etc.

Just remember most all Cultures include rice in their diet, so if you have to
cook you shouldn't go wrong with making Beans and Rice.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-17 16:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOur big day is Monday :)
This part of the process is indeed exciting and joyful..........Good Luck
idocareFemaleNigeria2009-04-20 02:27:00