Africa: Sub-SaharanSilly Question, but Needing Some West African Etiquette
Maybe some flat puzzles for the kids, battery operated toothbrushes and
candy for the older adults. I bought his mother a big bottle of wine.
I just raped it in my clothes and it was fine. Hope this helps some.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-07 02:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanExperience With Nigerian Embassy
I guess you can report the officer for not identfying herself but then again I'd be happy that the
officer did indeed come and question your in laws and their neighbors. When there's nothing to hide there's nothing to worry about. The officer should of gotten that much outta her investigation, like you said she didn't find a wife or children.

Nigeria is known for marriage scams thus the officer did what she is being paid to do. The way she
went about it may not be the way we'd do things here but neither is our way of life like theirs.

Things will work out, I know how you feel tho; as I was a nervous wreck thru-out the process of getting my ex-husband here with me. I wrote my congressman and all that all in the name of love.
All my ex-husband had to do was sit back and wait, it was me making sure that he got his visa and he did. I know it's hard to do but try to relax, your already married so your petition should go thru
providing that all is in order.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-02 13:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanA year apart
I can identify with your feelings. I felt the same way when I was waiting for my
ex-husband to be approved. Once he arrived and we married he became similar

to what chidisha mentioned.

Such as life tho, we all the freedom to marry whom-ever, and who knows

your man might really miss you just as much are you miss him.

Hang in there.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-17 16:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLetter of Invitation
If this is a new rule, the Nigerian consulates here in America should know of it
so like others have said, give them a call they should know of this new rule if
it indeed exist.

I can't see how the person at the embassey could benefit from him buying you
insurance tho. Unless it was someone at the embassey wanting him to
purchase it directly from them.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-07 02:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRunning Out of Time!!
Each and every time we Americans wander into another Country that we don't

know we are putting ourselves totally in our sponsors hands. We don't know

the Country to which we find ourselves, but we willingly go in the name of love.

I suspect that you trust your finace, thus you should be okay. Like others have

said we all get those jitters. But do have your own exit plain unknown to those your

visiting. I look foward to hearing how much fun you had !!!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-07 23:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRunning Out of Time!!
First time I went to Nigeria I brought one credit card ( in case I had to leave
him and house/feed myself) it turned out fine. Him and I stayed at the Sheraton
for the first nite I just felt I needed to ease into his surroundings.

He traded my dollars right outside the airport for Naira ( they offer better
rates ) he always walked around with lots of money, I don't know, he never
told me of him being robbed. I just kept my dollars in my pocket until we'd
run out of money then we'd travel back to the airport and trade in another
$100.00 bill. It was just him and I, we rode the mopads, he drove, we
walked around nothing happened. Ofcourse from reading all the stories
you can't help but be a little un eased.

I believe that your fiance knows to protect you. Some people had others
around all the time but for me it was just him and I; and although we went
some places I didn't do alot of sight seeing which was fine with me. He
worked at 2-different hospitals and we ate out everyday and sometimes
in the evenings. Even in the dark coming out of a resturant nothing
happened to us. Although one incidence at the airport but I think he staged
that himself with the help of the securities guards.

The second time his tire blew out on this pitch dark street, although cars
passed by, none stopped to rob us or help us for that matter and all my suit
cases were in the back of his car in plain view and he had just picked me up
from the airport.

They gave you some really good ideas, especially about registering at the
embassey. But remember to bring your passport with you, ( I left mines in
his room but they took my drivers license ) You should be fine!!!!! But
always look out for you and do bring enough monies to survive on your own
if you should need too.

My emergency money was my credit card.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-07 03:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
My pc alignment is acting up.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-13 14:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
QUOTE (idocare @ Sep 13 2008, 02:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just as the Maasi tribe has had many changes over the years, I believe Africa as a whole has
changed and will continue to do so. I, like Toyin didn't get to see alot of the country but
did experience some of the same things. (Poverty, Corruption, Bribes )

Most of the people that I communicated with while there were very warm and friendly.
Being that my son is Nigerian I tend to read up on his culture alot, don't want to be caught
out there when my son gets older and can't tell him anything about his people.....hehehe

Sometimes when you know what a tribe has gone thru, or what they once believed, you
can relate to the people they have presently become.

Obama once said by going to his fathers land and meeting his family there he now under-
stands himself better. ( Not a verbatim qoute)

I'm thinking that this authur wrote this article ( could be a school thesis ) based on
her/his knowledge, experience, or personel research but I found it very informative

Although it may provide some insight to earlier years in Nigeria I enjoyed reading it
and hope that others can read it and possible appreciate it for what it is.

idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-13 14:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
Just as the Maasi tribe has had many changes over the years, I believe Africa as a whole has
changed and will continue to do so. I, like Toyin didn't get to see alot of the country but
did experience some of the same things. (Poverty, Corruption, Bribes )

Most of the people that I communicated with while there were very warm and friendly.
Being that my son is Nigerian I tend to read up on his culture alot, don't want to be caught
out there when my son gets older and can't tell him anything about his people.....hehehe

Sometimes when you know what a tribe has gone thru, or what they once believed, you
can relate to the people they have presently become.

Obama once said by going to his fathers land and meeting his family there he now under-
stands himself better. ( Not a verbatim qoute)

I'm thinking that this authur wrote this article ( could be a school thesis ) based on
her/his knowledge, experience, or personel research but I found it very informative

Although it may provide some insight to earlier years in Nigeria I enjoyed reading it
and hope that others can read it and possible appreciate it for what it is.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-13 14:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
QUOTE (idocare @ Aug 29 2008, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-05 11:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanArticle I ran across
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-08-29 02:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOn his way!!!!
It's truly a good feeling to see your man on American soil finally.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-20 18:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFlying through the ATL
No worries brother, your wife isn't ignorant; she will find her way.

Hey let me be the first to welcome her into America!!! I know your too busy catching
up on things to post.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-10-26 23:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUnpaid Work

Your just the person that I need to communicate with. I have a very young first born Nigerian
son. Sounds like your a American born Nigerian. Am I correct?
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-22 01:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOne Way or Round Trip? which is best from nigeria?
With some research you can find some inexpensive deals, I'd search both round
trip and one way ticket prices.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-11-01 11:10:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNervous, but excited!
That's the least of your worries. I always traveled like that. I'd purchase a ticket to
fly into JFK; then a separate ticket to use once in the states. My ex. came here the
same way from Lagos and he didn't have any problems.

Now cleaning out closets, making room for him was my biggest problem.....hey, don't
forget to give the top of the fridge a quick wipe over hehehe.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-11-01 10:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlantain chips?
I'll have to look for them at Trader Joe's. Thanks too.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-30 02:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJourney of Patience and Faith

Could there be a message somewhere in there?
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-11-01 11:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat are you THANKFUL for
Thanks to all that have taken time to share their thoughts. I'm surrounding myself
around family this Thanksgiving and were suspose to be having a Barbecued Turkey
amongst all the other traditional dishes, I'm really Thankful for this day and I hope
that everyone takes some time out to think about how blessed they are.

After all they say this is the one day that you can just over endulge in some really
good food....... Eat visit with friends and family; eat again visit some more watch
sports, eat again take a nap get up then eat some more.....LOL


idocareFemaleNigeria2008-11-25 16:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat are you THANKFUL for
I'm thankful for my present life, health and strength
I'm thankful for being blessed with wonderful kids
I'm thankful for having food to eat when I'm hungry
I'm thankful for having a profound fear of God and know to keep his words
I'm thankful for being blessed to visit the Sub Saharan land
I'm thankful for being blessed to marry one from my ancestral land
I'm thankful for handeling being scamed in the manner I'm handling it
I'm thankful for being able to endure my ex. calling my job lieing on me
I'm thankful to God for intervening and stopping the police for taking me to jail
when my ex. lied and said that I hit him in the stomach.
I'm thankful for being able to endure all the yelling and screaming that he did at me
I'm thankful for this man no longer has any desire to see his own first son
I'm thankful that when this man walked out on us evil went away with him
( our son was 3-weeks old he's a first son in Nigeria )
I'm thankful for a now peaceful home in which to raise my kids
I'm thankful for a mind to rebuild on my own
I'm thankful for the material things I currently have
I'm thankful for not just sitting still while my ex. goes about destroying my name
I'm thankful for having a desire to display his true character
I'm thankful for having a desire to openly share my experience concerning my
Sub Saharan ex.
I'm also thankful for the scripture that says something like this
I'm thankful for being a strong women
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-11-25 00:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpdates on Journey
At this stage in my journey I still remain a victim of defamation of character and
green card marriage scam. Because when a man/women files a VAWA against
you; USCIS no longer includes you in their adjustment here to the U.S. and the
case then becomes disclosed to the present sponsor. I have no ideal of
what blatent lies were told against me, however every scammer makes mistakes
so my fight is ongoing.

It's funny how someone that claimed to love me sooooooo much would turn on me
and then claim himself to be victim at the hands of me. I don't have any police
record and sponsored him with my own earnings. But at the end of the day,that
was all he needed to get to America. I could of been anyone; all he needed was
a sponsor at the end of the day.

My ex was a medical doctor in his home country of Nigeria ( so he told me ) and
now stands to become a doctor here in America. Just think about how he could
possibly manipulate the laws and misdiagonosis people here, in America, as he
already has tried to manipulate the immigration system here in America.

This is the same man that now provides little support for his son and hasen't seen
him in over 2-years; courtesy of me his Attorney and the VAWA Law that he effectively used; he remains here in the U.S. so far, but isn't a practicing physican here so far,
so he has to WORK for his money as far as I know.

He may of laughed with his family and friends about how he got over on this
American women but if our laws mean anything and justice preveals; his laugh
will turn into disgrace.

I know that most people that have been used by an Alien have long ago moved
on without thinking about reporting their scammer to the appropiate authorities
but I hope that they take the time to consider how their silence is affecting
America and the current immigration laws, but more importantly how other
unknowingly would be sponsors would benifit from them coming foward and telling
their story to the appropiate people and getting the some laws changed.
TRUST I know, I've lived it; some of us lonely Americans lone to hear the words
I LOVE YOU, and once we do we'll fight to the end to get that person here to be with
us; spending enourmous amounts of money; writing anyone that we find that we
think can expedite the process; I know because I have already have done all that
myself and in the end; once this man got here I was left with a son that he named
Victor Obinna Ezike Jr. after his name and my local American immigration office telling me
that they can't tell me anything about his case.

This is my journey so far; I have a man that I loved and had a son by; who turned
out to only want a greencard and didn't mind treating me like #### and lieing on me
even didn't mind inpregnating me, knowing that he was only after the greencard.
I chose to post because I know that my journey isn't over, this professional doctor
from Nigeria turned out to be a very evil man willing to sacrafice my good standing
in America ignoring our son and all for a green card and citizenship in America.
I now know that I was used as a tool for him to get past his Embassey in his
homeland; then again used as a means for him to file a VAWA.

Trust me; If I had only knew that was all he was after I wouldn't of sponsored him
but that's what a scam is. So for now, when he and everybody involved discuss
how he think he got over and laugh; I'm also laughing cause I know this his laugh
is only temporary!!!!!

Anyway that's how my journey is going so far.

he remains here so far.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-07 22:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLet's Talk .....
thought I'd give this topic a bump.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAll Quiet on the Western front
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAll Quiet on the Western front
uscis sends messages thru the snail mail and internet in most cases, HE probably
didn't miss the appointment.

Hey girl I hope your doing well!!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-11-01 10:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanChicago Area VJ Meet-Up
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIT'S NOT COMMON SENCE
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIT'S NOT COMMON SENCE
LOL......... I need to work out more then what I do. I can't direct that one to nobody but myself.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-06-21 14:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIT'S NOT COMMON SENCE
I believe that most of us here on VJ know of Americans or permanent residence sponsors , that were once active members of VJ that have fallen victims of a marriage scam. Tony and Tess mentioned that the fraud unit in NIgeria ( that interviewed her told her) commented thats the latest thing ( as far as they know ) since the 419 scam isn't working as much.

My heart truly goes out to each and every person that has been scammed, because I know what it feels like for them, I know the devastation on the family unit here in America amongst family and friends. I know how it affected my family, job, kids and health.

Thanks Lurkin for being for real !! I remember not too long ago you were bashing me for posting my story, now you see what I'm saying thru friends you have met here on VJ. Sometimes you have to walk against the wind for sake of being honest.

This Omoba poster has never met me nor knows the people I associate with, yet everytime I post my story she tries to generalize it and make it seem as tho I hate Nigerians and singleing out just one country. That's why I don't respond to her bashing post directed towards me. ( Nor the weak click that follows her ) Why should I, everyone that read the content of my post and have a memory can see thru her, it's only those that choose not to face the negative possibilty of this journey that are quick to bow down to her. Truth be told,( Omoba ) Not all people will be scammed. I have spent a little time in a 3rd world country, I truly believe that there are decent, honest hard working people within , but I will continue to post my story because I also know that some will fall victim to scams.

Thanks Lurkin for speaking up !!!!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-06-21 05:04:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHalt!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHalt!
I totally agree that you can't let one persons grief make your feel differently about your
spouse. People can only enlighten you. Then what they have to say may not apply to you.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-09-22 04:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHalt!
Think, think, think
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-08-12 04:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican male culture...
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhat Did Santa Bring You For Christmas??
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:39:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMuslims in West Africa
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:43:00
Africa: Sub-Saharan~My Journey To You~ (Naija Journey)

You remind me of how I was feelin when I was at that part of my journey.
My ex. and I talked about God blessing us alot, and about how much we missed
each other and how this process was too unbearable, I can relate to you.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-07 19:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
Guess I should of read the content more before giving it a

idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-10 17:34:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
I felt the show was very educational from beginning to the end. Solidad did a wonderful job. I was surprised at the percentage of single mothers, and was able to identify with educated single women, heck the whole show was imforming and worthy of watching again with my son ( 18 ) during family movie nite. ( We take turns choosing movies so he won't have a choice but to watch what I pick.......hehehe )

What was shocking to me was the percentage of Hiv/Aids. Whew, I just know tomorrow nite's show will be equally as good.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-07-24 02:07:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBlack in america
Is anyone taping this, I'm looking all over for an empty tape and I don't have one. Please PM me if you taped this show I'd really like a copy and will pay.
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-07-23 20:34:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanjust saying hi to you all!
Sorry, I don't know anything about the Embassey there, but wanted to say
welcome to this site!!!
idocareFemaleNigeria2008-12-08 00:10:00