K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
A question : If the RFE requires more evidence like photos or tickets or chat logs, can we send recent? Because after the NOA1 we made 3 more trips and have 200 more photos and a whole bunch of other stuff.
ArinlarsFemaleGermany2013-04-20 04:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
My fiancé and I hired an immigration lawyer. We don't think our petition will move along faster because of this, it is an option that works for us. My fiancé is out of the country every 6 months for a 2 month period, and in and out of the country for up to 2 weeks at a time otherwise- so we thought a lawyer would be helpful if he wasn't in the country when things were approved (If that makes sense).

I was just reviewing the copy of our I129f as a friend of mine is just about to go through the k1 process herself. I noticed that his letter of intent isn't dated. I am wondering if he should resubmit a dated letter of intent, or should we just wait for rfe?

cee-geeFemaleCanada2013-06-02 02:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Lady, if you have the k1 visa issued and go to"visit", it activates said visa.

At your point, where you had your interview and will be getting the visa shortly, DO NOT GO TO THE STATES UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO MOVE THERE.

Or wait. Are you saying is it strange that you went there under a tourist/visitor visa and now in a month you're moving there for good? Cause...nothing wrong with that.


Heh yeah, I visited as a tourist for almost 2,5 months (the end of June, July and August), came back to my country on 25th of August, got my fiancee visa and now i am moving there for good in 2,5 weeks :) sorry, I probably chose the wrong topic for that and it could be quite weird. It's because that's the only one topic I leave my posts at :)

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-09-08 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Hi Guys & Girls 


I am going to bringing Jeanie over to the UK in November, would this effect the K1 process or cause any issues with her entering the UK?


Oh and some good news our K1 has been approved by the department of homeland security and has been forwarded to the department of state. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!


It shouldn't effect your K-1 I think, as long as she can travel legally it is totally fine. She should bring your NOA2 with her, it will be helpful for sure. I traveled on my NOA2 to the States, and stayed there for 2 months - didn't have any issues, it was even better once I showed my NOA2 to the officer. And I am sure it didn't effect my K-1 process, I got my fiancee visa with no problem. 


And yay, congratulations!!! One step closer!

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-09-01 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!


It won't be a problem.  I was in the US for 8 weeks (3 April until 29 May), returned to the UK for my medical (30 May) and interview (18 June) and returned to the US 4 weeks (27 June) after I left.


Welcome to America!  Now you just need to get your SSN, get married and file for AOS.   More paperwork and waiting but at least you will be with your loved one.



Anna, I am SO grateful for all your posts, you've given me so much support and faith when I really needed it the most. Thank you so much, you're the best! 


I know, more paperwork, but you're right - i will be with my loved one, and he for sure will help me as well, when needed. Damn, I am so excited to start a new chapter in our story, to share our life together. That's what this life is about right, to share your happiness with somebody you love? :) 

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-08-31 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

The only problem I see is jet lag.  Good luck, welcome to America.


Thank you! :D

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-08-31 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Yeah, it's me again, the biggest scaremonger in the world :D bought my one way ticket and of course I started thinking... I came back from my vacation in the US a week ago, had my interview and got my fiancee visa - nobody ever said it was bad that I stayed there for 2 months, or anything. Right now, I am thinking, that I'll be back in the US for good in a month... on 25th of September. Do you guys think it's not a problem i want to come back so fast? Even though I will be using a different kind of visa? HELP :(

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-08-31 00:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know, that I came back to my country last Saturday after my vacation in the US, which lasted 2 months. I had my K-1 visa interview today and everything went perfect, the consul I talked to was such a nice lady, so helpful and friendly :D I will pick up my passport with a visa in about 4 days. Thank you everybody for your help and support, if it wasn't for you, I would have been really lost with some problems I had... Good luck people and remember - if you only can, don't be afraid to visit your fiance/fiancee while your K-1 is in process! 

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-08-28 04:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!


It shouldn't be an issue.  


I sent all my paperwork to the London Embassy whilst in the US and flew back to London on the same day as I had my medical (landed 9am and medical at 3:10pm - not recommended - my blood pressure was raised because of it).


thank you for all your posts, Anna! :)

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-08-01 01:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Hey everybody :) I've got a question, since I scheduled my interview date and it is going to be in a month....and I am already getting nervous, ehh... do you think that traveling to the US during your fiancee visa being in process can somehow affect the result of the interview? I mean affect in a bad way. I am still in America and literally when I get back to Poland, I am having an interview 2 days after my arrival.


Thanks for any response

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-07-28 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Yes, I have a tourist visa as well. But the thing is, I don't know how long I can actually stay... I don't have that white piece of paper in my passport, I thought they changed it, that is what was written on one of the USA tourist webpage. I only have a stamp in my passport with the date of my arrival.. but I told the officer how long I wanted to stay but she never asked for my return ticket. Anyway, I'll follow the rule, that you can stay 90 days as a tourist, and I think I should be just fine.


EDIT: here you can check your admission number retrieval. I forgot about it heh. It says I can stay untill December 2013, do 6 months.

Edited by LadyPiret, 27 June 2013 - 02:51 PM.

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-27 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Thank you very much!smile.png
In several days we will see what questions officers will ask from me:)
Hope everything will be fine!


Are you going you New York??

Good luck and let us know !!!

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-26 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Thanks for sharing your experience !smile.png
I've got a question: how do you think , do POE officers have some info about pending K1 visa in their computers or not?

 Hello, Friend16!


You're welcome! smile.png


Hmm...honestly.. I don't really think that they have any info about pending K-1 visa in their computers. But I may be wrong, I just think this way, because the very first officer that interviewed me in Seattle was kinda surprised, when I said I am visiting my fiance and never asked about anything, just sent me to another officer. I think they just deal with the visitors, and they don't really know anything about what you're doing, like if you're getting another visa or so.

But the other officer, that lady, I think she kinda deals with people like us, or she just knows, once you're sent with that red piece of paper to talk to her, she just knows you're in process of K-1 or some other immigrant visa.

Anyway, I do think it's totally okay (and you should do that!) to mention your K-1 visa. It makes you look so much better and they know you're a good and trustworthy person biggrin.png It's nothing illegal or wrong to visit your fiance, while your K-1 is in process. I wasn't sure about it too, but right now I am. I guess it would be worse, if you were engaged and if you actually mentioned it to the officer, but your K-1 wasn't pending at all. That would be really suspicious and you could be accused of willing to marry your fiance illegally.

Edited by LadyPiret, 26 June 2013 - 12:59 PM.

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-26 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

So, this is going to be a quite long story about my interviews. I had the very first one during my stop in Amsterdam, which actually made me a bit surprised and I didn?t expect it. I got interviewed when I found my gate, the officer asked me about my passport and my plane ticket and told me to stand next to the table behind her and wait, and that made me a little nervous. She asked a lot of questions, like even more than I got at the POE. So she asked for how long I was going to visit, who I was going to visit, who paid for my plane tickets and why? she also asked about my occupation on Poland and my fiance?s occupation, and if he knew that I was coming to visit him.. then some other questions about my luggage and that was it.


When I arrived in Seattle, I spent about 40 min in a lane, and when I finally got a chance to talk to the officer, he just asked the same question, who I was going to visit and for how long. When I mentioned ?my fiance? he just gave me that look, made a funny sound ?uuuuu fiance, huh?? and handed me a huge, red piece of paper and told me to go to another place for a second interview? So yeah, I got so nervous.


The second officer made me wait a little longer, so actually my 2 interviews lasted 50 minutes. At the very beginning she said ?you better tell me the truth so it would be faster for both of us?. So yeah, you can imagine how I felt, almost like a criminal lol. But I did, I was honest and very sure about my answers. She asked me about the purpose of my trip, how long I have been together with my fiance, what he does in the US, etc. Then she asked if I had any papers I could show her. I said yeah, a lot of papers, so she just smiled. But she only looked at my NOA1 and NOA2 and said she was so happy and that gave me a huge benefit that we were doing everything the right way, legally. I felt so much better after she said so. Then she just told me that I shouldn?t  visit on my tourist visa anymore, since there?s a chance I may not be guaranteed an entry next time, and I just should wait, because I would get married so soon and get my green card so it would be easier for me to travel and to stay in the US. I said that I knew that already, and that trip was the last one I decided to have on my tourist visa. She stamped my passport and wished me a good time in America.


I picked up my luggage and finally saw my babe after 5 months of being apart!!


Now it?s my 4th day in Seattle. All I can say to you guys, just be honest about every question and bring as many papers proving your ties to the country you come from, as you can, just in case. I had a huge briefcase with me, and got only 2 papers checked, but you never know.


And don?t be afraid to travel, after getting your NOA2! J  I am still waiting on my papers from the embassy, so I hope to make everything on time. Right now I am trying to get all the things needed from my fiance, and I have already started filling out some other papers that my embassy requires me to have with me.

Just hope I didn?t make you bored guys hah, good luck for everyone who is planning on visiting  their loves in the US and for those, who are still waiting on their NOA2!

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-25 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!


Please do share.


I am flying out tomorrow for 3 weeks with reasonable layovers but will be tight if I get interviewed (3 hr 15 mins layover in LAX POE), then connecting flight with 2 hour layover in Dallas, final destination Orlando, FL.


I'm bringing our NOA1, Return tickets and flight itinierary, 129F documents (g325, intent to marry, etc), my letter of acceptance to my Masters Degree (I am graduating this December, so this coming semester will be my last semester), Student ID, tuition fee printouts, bank account statement, Student membership certificate as a member of a professional organisation (New Zealand Speech Language Therapists' Association - I just wanted to prove that I am indeed a graduate student and couldnt' really find any hard evidence).


Will that be enough through customs? I am really hoping to not get interviewed to not miss any of my connecting flights.


What else could I possibly bring?



Hello !

I think that all the stuff you're bringing are great and for sure are the proof of the ties to your country. Especially the fact you're a student helps a lot. And yes, definitely bring your NOA1, the officer that is going to interview you will appreciate it, and will be so happy that you're doing everything legally. And that's also a proof, that you have to come back, to finish all the paper work and schedule a date of your fiance visa interview :)

Besides, maybe you're able to bring a letter from your employer, or maybe a letter from your landlord?


I've never had a stop in the US, because I never wanted to have more than 1 interview ;/ but you will be just fine, do not worry!


I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-25 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Hello everyone!


So.. I made it! :) It's my second day in the US. Wasn't as easy as I expected, but I was completely honest and sure about my answers, even though I had 3 interviews. The very first one during my stop in Amsterdam, then 2 in Seattle. I was so nervous and almost freaked out, but I made it somehow heh. I am going to share my experience soon, I will describe every interview I had. 


Good luck to everyone who's planning on visiting their loves!

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-24 09:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!





I travelled about a week or two after getting my NOA2. The only problem is that now I'm in the US I've recieved my Package 3 which includes things that have to be done back home, like the medical and finger printing. I'm currently trying to decide whether to cut my trip here short or just do everything I need for Package 3 as soon as I get home. I was planning on returning home August 3.


For me Package 3 arrived about 2-3 weeks after NOA2, which was faster than I expected.


I will be travelling a week after I've received my NOA2. And I know I will get a letter from my embassy while being in the US already. I was told that we have 4 months do to everything after our petition was approved, so I think we should be just fine.. because I am also planning on coming back home August 10 or so.


Did you have any problems at the port of entry? Did you inform them that your petition was approved?

I am leaving in a week and I am getting so nervous...


Thank you so much for your post!

Edited by LadyPiret, 15 June 2013 - 07:18 PM.

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-15 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

thank you so much, beautifulplaces for your story! :)


Edit: yeah, sorry for being quite stupid, but I am just wondering, if any of you travelled to the US after getting your NOA2??

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-15 04:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Hello, it's me again :) I've got another question, what if I get my NOA2 while being in the US for summer? I won't be back till August 24... if that happens, should I call my embassy or USCIS or??

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-11 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I'm soooo completely nervous.... I'll be visiting my fiance for almost the full 90 days on VWP the ladt time I visited him was October 2012 just before he got deployed he's in the navy! Now he's back and we just want to spend some time together if my noa2 comes through might come back a bit earlier! Has anyone been through the washington POE? Is it even worse when your going for such a long amount of time.... it's hard to b excited because im so scared of being turned away

 Hey! I am going to stay in the US for 64 days... So I really do know how you feel, that's the very first time I am that nervous :) But everything just HAS to be allright, there's no other way. All you have to do is just to convince them you will come back. Same with me, I just hope not to get so many questions....and it's really hard not to carry that many things, when I am going to stay there for that long. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us. :):):)

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-06 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Hello! My fiance is from Seattle. I visited him 3 times , the one time was before our NOA2 in February. Now, my experience was weird, my other VJ friend on the other hand said everything was ok for her in POE Seattle, no questions no anything. I will try and find my experience. Make sure you have your NOA1 with you, strong ties like letter from boss and landlond and be very friendly and truthfully.

That was my experience. Then again all weird things happen to me lol


Wow!!! I am truly amazed that you were able to visit your love 3 times! You're so lucky!! I am only going to visit once before getting my fiancee visa, since we're expecting to get our NOA2 in July/August.


Hehe, I just think they don't really have that many K-1 visitors in Seattle (rain, you know...:D:D) so maybe that's why they're not that suspicious. But that really depends, the last time I visited (still using my tourist visa) nobody asked me about anything, except for what was the last name of people I was going to visit. And I remember my first time visiting was really stressful, at the very end, after all that questions I was even expecting a question about my underwear color. 


Yeah, that suitcase control is a new thing I think, because nobody checked my suitcase the very first time I visited. 

I also think they only are going to ask so many questions if I tell them I am visiting my fiance and his family, but of course I am not going to lie, if they ask who I am going to visit, I will answer honestly. If they only ask about the purpose of visiting I will tell them summer vacation, which I think is not a bad answer, isn't it?


How long did you usually stay there, Arinlars? Because I've got tickets for the whole summer, till August 24th... but I am starting my last semester in September and also my new job, so I really do hope it's fine. Do you think visiting during our K-1 could affect the results of my fiancee visa...?


Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your help! My lovely neighbor :D (Poland-Germany :D)



LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-04 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

The amount of documentation you have is great.  That will really help.  Are you going to include a copy of your NOA1?  Your whole I-129F package is good but the NOA1 is proof that you sent it off!


You can see my experiences of POE at Chicago O'Hare earlier in this thread (I have travelled 5 times in 15 months).  As you've asked for specific expereince regarding Seattle, I've asked another member of this forum who I know has a POE of Seattle if she could possibly contribute to this thread to help you. 


First of all, congratulation on getting your approval of your visa!!!

Thank you so much for your answer! Yes, I have a copy of my NOA1 with me (my fiance did a copy for me and sent it to me) and I will take it with me. Wow, 5 times during K-1 process? That's awesome!! I am going to read about your experience right now! :) My fiance and I decided, that this is going to be the only one time of me visiting on my tourist visa, before my fiancee visa is approved. We're expecting to get our NOA2 in July/August, so it's not that bad anymore hehe :)


Thank you again for your help!!


It's just amazing that we all can share our experience here and support each other :)

LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-04 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Hello everyone! :) I am totally new on this forum, but I am so happy to read about your successful entries to the US, while your K-1 is in process!


We sent our K-1 application in February 2013, already got our first NOA. And we decided that I am going to visit my fiance for the summer, and actually I am leaving on 22 of June... I am kinda nervous. It will be a long flight, like always, and actually 2 flights (Poland-Amsterdam-Seattle). I already visited the US twice in my life, but not for so long, using my travel visa, and we haven't been engaged yet. The last time I visited was in December 18, 2012 and I came back on January 13, 2013, and I've never had any problems at the POE.


I seriously have everything that I could only think about, I mean proof of the ties to my country, like the itinerary (which also says the date of my return), the whole copy of 1-129F, bank statement and records, travel insurance, proof of being an employee at my previous company I worked for (it was a temporary job, so that's why I was able to get money to visit my fiance), statement from my new employer, that I will start work as soon as I get back from my vacation in the US, school statement (with the date of the beginning of my last semester), and even a proof of ownership of the apartment... This is the very first time I am so scared. I have no idea what to expect at the POE, what questions... Of course I don't want to stay there, until my visa is granted, I am aware of the consequences and that would be so stupid if I risked already all the things we put into this visa, our time, money, nerves... and I understand I could even end up being banned from entering the US for the rest of my life. So I really DO hope that the person I am going to talk to in Seattle understands that we're doing everything legally and I am not moving until getting an approved visa. I'll keep my fingers crossed, and wish me luck.. :( 


I wish I could hear from anyone, that was also visiting during his/her K-1 was being processed, and his/her POE was in Seattle


Ehhh, why is it always so scary and complicated, when all you want to do is just see the person you love...:(


Lots of love and patience to everyone!



LadyPiretFemalePoland2013-06-03 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Has anyones RFE taken longer then 20 days to arrive ? Its about to be a month and still no hardcopy. I'm becoming depressed. What should I do


You should give them a call.  

hope and prayMaleCambodia2013-08-02 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat sucks about this process

It is not your fault at all, really. Blame to those people who have committed fraud or scam marriage as an easier way go to the US. The more people do that, the more difficult it is. Ironically that when the US government is very strict about the rule there is a time when others slipped into the country and then why Ebola is in now and scared all Americans and others including me as an immigrant.



IMO, they're not really deciding if you're "in love", rather they're making a determination if you fulfill the requirements to obtain the appropriate visa ultimately allowing you to be with the one you love in a committed relationship.


Good luck on your journey. Persevere.

ToreteNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-11 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresback ground checks on beneficiaries

Possible? Yes. Probable? Unlikely.




The reach of various law-enforcement entities in today's world is astounding.


However, various government resources are already stretched thin so what would the cost benefit analysis show? There already exists a wide variety of databases law-enforcement can readily access huge amounts of information...domestic or international.


IMO only. I don't sense your worry, just your curiosity...that's healthy.



Edited by Torete, 11 October 2014 - 03:08 PM.

ToreteNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-11 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting is definitely the hardest part...

I am not going to chime in on the whole situation you're making here (and everyone else!), Because I agree and disagree but my up front British opinions I don't think would help. And There is no place for that here.


But I do have a question.


How do you see each other every day? It may just be my naive mind of not really understanding.

But how? How is that possible? 

Niagara Falls, Ontario to Buffalo, NY...separated by a bridge and some traffic congestion.

ToreteNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-16 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting is definitely the hardest part...

It's cool seeing some of the ideas here - I really like the journal. I feel like it will be great for you to look back on when you are together.  :D Until Vin moved from Montreal, we were doing a lot of Skype and facebook chats. I thought about starting a blog about the journey until we could live together, but he found a great opportunity to move closer and that was that. I do feel really lucky that he got a job offer.


To everyone who has decided that they want to have a "my life is worse" contest, you win! Sorry for posting, from now on I'll just stick to the FAQs.  :rolleyes:



Don't feel sorry for posting, just ferret through the responses and acknowledge the positive, helpful ones and ignore the others. I didn't gather you were looking for sympathy or acting privileged.


I agree that the journal is a good idea and it's fantastic you're in a position to see your SO often. 



ToreteNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-16 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestourist or Visit visa

I would also check out this link in case there are any country specific requirements.





Edited by Torete, Today, 10:19 AM.

ToreteNot TellingPhilippines2014-10-18 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

So was your signature and date on the Letter of Intent at all? The reason I inquire is because my fiance.. signed next to his printed name and dated the form at the top. Thanks.

It was signed but I think they also want you to put your name and the date you signed. That's what we've understood from the RFE letter. This time we're also making sure to sign in blue ink, it seems silly but apparently this also a big deal.

best of luck to you both.
Jack&AnaFemaleColombia2011-11-04 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
We got an RFE last week and got the hardcopy on Tuesday. We have to resend/rewrite our Intent to Marry letters. We're assuming that what they need is for us to change the way it's drafted. I think te best course of action is taking the item list described on the RFE and address them in the same order.

Honestly, I can't think of anything else to do on that subject besides signing them with blue ink and all that. They specifically requested our names and date under our signature. Is that really all there is to it?

Has anybody else had a similar case?

Jack&AnaFemaleColombia2011-11-03 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInvoice ID number for DS-260
I appreciate the wealth of information this website has provided throughout my visa journey. Thank you!

I need help. I have been trying for two weeks to obtain the Invoice ID number so that my fiance can fill out the DS-260. I made an MRV fee payment over the phone and I copied down the reciept number they gave me (when I tried to hear it again to confirm the number, the call got cut off), but the number I copied down doesn't work with the case number when we try to sign in to fill out the DS-260. Am I correct that the receipt number they give you when you make the payment is the Invoice ID number?

I called the embassay and they told me send an email to, which I did and they promptly replied asking me to provide information re: last digits of credit card, date payment was made, etc., which I did. After that, I never heard anything back. I waited a week and wrote again and this time they wrote back telling me that they in fact couldn't help me with this and that I need to contact the Department of State by which I believe they mean the NVC.

This wouldn't be so bad except I saw that our NOA2 has an expiration date of 09/19/2011.

I did write an email to the NVC inquiry address, but has anyone had any experience with this? I just need that number. My bank statement reflects that the payment was made. I am sick to my stomach because I am terrified we won't get this all resolved before our expiration date. I don't know what to do.
RorytaFemaleMexico2011-08-25 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow does Co-sponsoring work?

Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures; duplicate threads removed.

Ryan HMaleChina2014-05-24 09:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa holders need to pay fee? (split topic)

Posts split into separate thread as poster is asking about their own case and not replying to the OP of the other thread.

Ryan HMaleChina2014-05-31 10:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWithdrawing Petition

~~~Closed for review.~~~


***Thread back open; post stereotyping an ethnic group (a violation of the TOS) removed along with posts quoting or referencing.  Two posts minus sentences referencing removed content and directly addressing the OP returned below.  When posting in this thread, either constructively address the OP's question or do not post.  Thread bans and/or other Administrative Action (if warranted) follow for any more non-constructive posts.***



Sorry to see that's happened to you, I suppose the good thing is that you realised before the wedding.




Hello Megan & Andrey,


Yes, contact USCIS asap and do what you need to do. Follow your instinct. At the end of the day, it's only you can decide what's best for you.


Edited by Ryan H, 07 June 2014 - 08:37 AM.

Ryan HMaleChina2014-06-07 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfollowing-to-join benefits

we have the same situation my son surname is the biological father....if that so....what is the step by step procedure??? another thing my son is on following to join benefit and it will expired in October 2014, I read a lot things here and it says that we need to file a form 1-824 to notify uscis and pay $405 same thing what US embassy in Philippines said since they don't have my record because my k1 was process in Singapore where I used to live for 6 yrs. Im just wondering if we can make it before October to get my son here? is my son have to pay in Philippines too???


pls...I badly needed an answer here


Post moved from old thread to this thread.

Ryan HMaleChina2014-06-08 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed police clearance from Brunei (split topic)

Posts split from old thread.

Ryan HMaleChina2014-06-09 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSeeking Help from Russians (or Chinese) for Criminal Check

Moved from Progress Reports to Process & Procedures.

Ryan HMaleChina2014-06-06 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-260 required for K1 applicants? (split topic)

Posts split from unrelated thread; if you have a question about your own case please start your own thread instead of posting in threads started by other members.

Ryan HMaleChina2014-06-24 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho fills out the DS-160? (split topic)
Post split into separate thread as poster is asking about their own situation and not replying to the OP of the other thread.
Ryan HMaleChina2014-06-26 13:22:00