K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance Visa

To make a long story short she went home for a reason I dont want to really put out there and then found out she was 3 months pregnant with my kid

:devil: Devil's advocate response, trying look at it through the perspective of a VO:

While the VJ community will respect your privacy, expect that a VO will not. It may come up in the first interview before a denial is issued because of the overstay. I figure a second interview at the embassy is required after you apply for the hardship waiver and I also figure it will still be necessary to prove a bona fide relationship. Assuming a visa is ultimately granted (no guarantees) you will still have the AOS process.

I'll reiterate, the "reason" does not need to be known here. However, VO's and USCIS adjudicators decide for themselves what they need to know during an interview when they see something like this in front of them. So what I'm saying is be prepared to discuss it at the embassy, USCIS office during AOS, or in both instances.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-23 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe want to fire our attorney. Please advice!

We affraid if he can cause any problem in the process! Do you think he can influence the final decision? Have you heard of such experience?

I doubt it. You would have to notify the the embassy/consulate where the interview is taking place to have him removed as attorney of record.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-28 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust about ready to send K-1 Petition Packet

Your checklist in your first post looks good. If you are concerned about the differences in addresses, you can mention it in your cover letter as a way of covering all your bases.

As far as your passport goes, you only need to submit the pages with the stamps. You don't need to copy the data page or anything else there because you are submitting your birth certificate.

I'll restate what Gingerpants already told you, your fiance's birth certificate is not needed until the interview.

Good luck on your journey and best wishes to the both of you!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-28 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp - Next Step After Denied
Bummer news, sorry to hear that.

4. arrange for engement and wedding in same month and file for CR-1 (screw K1)?
5. which is better CR-1 or K-1? length of wating, procedure, restriction, cost, and guide line diiference?

I know there is an appeals process, but there are other members who are more knowledgeable about it so I will defer to them. I know the petition will snake its way back to USCIS, you will want the USCIS to affirm your current one. You can then withdraw because I suggest you just marry your fiancée in Vietnam and file for CR-1 (yes screw K1).

Wait times for K1 and CR-1 are about the same. CR-1 costs less, no adjustment of status (AOS) with CR-1 as a green card is issued on arrival. When the form you file for CR-1 (I-130) is approved by USCIS and sent the NVC; NVC will ask for certain documents. Here is the VJ Guide for the CR-1.

I'm physically and mentall exhausted from this whole process and willing to do everything/anything to bring my fiance to the state.... please help w/ your insight.

I know how you are feeling. I had not even submitted the I-129F and was feeling beat down because I was feeling behind in the game and overmatched, even though our case is very straightforward. To make a long story short, the K1 process wasn't working for us so a new course was charted.

Good luck to you as you go forward.

Edited by Ryan H, 30 September 2010 - 10:13 PM.

Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-30 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid CSC just die?

Ah thank you guys for the information. I wasn't expecting to hear anything yet myself just wanted to see if their were reasons for the situation, guess thats just the way things are overall at the moment. Thank you all for the updates!

Good luck on your journey! :D
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-01 22:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTraveling to another province for point of entry

Okay this may sound a little stupid, but im the type of person that worries about every detail. I just recieved my k-1 Visa today here in Ontario. My fiance lives in Washington state, so I was wondering if anyone thinks itd cause a problem if i flew to BC first where he would pick me up and drive me across the border.

Sorry if this is the wrong section I am new to the forums.

It will be no problem for you to fly to BC first and then drive into Washington State with your fiance.

I also live in Washington State, so welcome and best wishes to you both as you begin your lives together!

Edited by Ryan H, 04 October 2010 - 09:22 PM.

Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-04 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in non home country?

Can my fiance come to the US for 6 months and interview in Canada, even though Canada isn't her home country? She is from Mauritius and would normally interview in Kenya, but is it possible to switch where she has her interview, to Canada? Thank you,


If she is not a legal resident of Canada, then the answer to that question would be no. Any request to change to an embassy or consulate outside the jurisdiction of your fiancee's residence would probably be rejected out of hand. If she currently resides in Mauritius, she will interview in Nairobi.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-05 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance in China! Need answers pleasse
It will be fine to mention that you met in Canada. The meeting in-person requirement is that you have met in-person at least once in the last two years, it does not matter where that meeting took place.

Since it's your intent to live in the US, you will probably want to put a US address on the form I-129F; the fact that you have duel citizenship is not relevant. You may want to have USCIS send material to your parents in NC and have them forward it to you in Canada. I don't really know how it would affect your petition if you received correspondence directly from USCIS at your Canadian address while you are attending university (perhaps others do).

Good luck to you both!

Edited by Ryan H, 06 October 2010 - 12:11 AM.

Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-06 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance in China! Need answers pleasse
She can apply for a visitor's visa, no guarantee it will be issued. The Embassy in Beijing or Consulate she chooses to apply at (doesn't matter which one you apply to for B1/B2) may have knowledge that you have applied for a K1 visa with her as beneficiary. She would need to show substantial ties to China, probably more than what is normally expected. Examples of ties are: letter from employer, lease or property ownership, family obligations, etc.

Also as she is chinese her name is JiaWen Xu, but while in Canada she always went by Karmilla, her adopted english name. This is not legalized but it is on all the paper work on any of our documents. Should i say on my form that this is a name she goes by and explain why this is why i refer to her Karmilla?

I'm a little confused; did you put her Chinese name where on the paperwork where it asked for her name and then her adopted English name in the "other names" section? Usually you would put her Chinese name in the name fields and not worry about the adopted English name since it was not legalized in any way. However, you would want to explain that she uses the English name in the event it appears on any correspondence that you would submit as evidence along with your petition.

Since she had not been to the US on the date of the I-129F, then it's a truthful answer. If she were to come between submission of the form and the interview, then she could explain the trip to the VO during the interview and show that it occurred after the I-129F was submitted.

Edited by Ryan H, 05 October 2010 - 11:10 PM.

Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-05 23:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLegal wedding and then a church wedding

That was my original plan, but then I decided that "pretending" we were sleeping together was deceitful and could potentially

You are making the right call by being truthful. The truth is always easier to remember. Furthermore, it is implied that you two would be sharing a bed if a USCIS official asked the question what side of the bed do you sleep on, what side of the bed does he sleep on.

When you go for the AOS interview, they may ask you about sharing a bed, sleeping together, etc. When you answer honestly, you both will want to have the letter from your pastor like you mentioned because you will get the 'why' follow up question if the initial question is asked. However, the pastor's letter may not guarantee that a USCIS adjudicator will consider your marriage bonafide.

I respect you both for wanting to follow your Christian beliefs. However, just be prepared for complications by wanting to do it this way. With that being said, I hope you have no issues or complications.

Edited by Ryan H, 04 October 2010 - 09:13 PM.

Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-04 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTouched ..... Where?

Hi, there! Newish to this site

Welcome and good luck on your journey!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-07 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOkay maybe I was a fool
On serious note, if the OP had come on here and said he was considering doing that before he actually did it, I think the general consensus of the replies would have been to NOT DO IT. :bonk:

Why red flag yourself and your petition when you probably had no red flags to begin with. :o :bonk: :blink: :no:

As LucyNY said, that $75 you spent on the flowers should have gone to your SO instead. :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-06 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotarized Fiance letter of Intent
Notarization is not required. Before we switched course, we were not going to have ours intent letters notarized.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-11 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust received my K1 what?
You must enter the US BY
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-09 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 instead of K-1?

I'm just curious about quicker options, since the CSC doesn't appear to be doing anything.

We have applied for a K-1 and are 3 months in without an update. We desperately want to be together and this wait is killing us. He is ready to move here whenever he gets a visa and I have all of the paperwork ready. I am visiting him in the UK in January, if we decided to cancel the K-1, get married in England, then I started the CR-1 visa process instead would that save time? Could he live here while that was in progress or would we just end up waiting a million months for approval on that as well? Is there any way to speed this up or are we all just stuck waiting indefinitely?

I'm just thinking of other ways. Any help would be appreciated.

Waiting sucks, there is no sugarcoating it. :( :clock:

OP: As other posters have said, you are already 3 months in; withdrawing your K1 and filing a CR-1 would send you right back to the start and the 3 months you have already spent waiting will have been for nothing. He could not live here while the CR-1 was in process. He could visit, but would have to return when his authorized stay expired. Furthermore, CBP would likely have access to information that an immigration benefit has been filed on his behalf and there is no guarantee he would be allowed entry.

I can't speak for gap1, but we went with the K1 because according to the timelines when we filed, K1s were MUCH faster. Also, we weren't married yet and we didn't want to get married on a visit and then have to return to our separate countries and live apart from each other. It is better to be apart as an engaged couple and look forward to him coming over so we can get married and be together. That isn't a very practical way to look at things, but I would rather keep some normalcy to all of this. Getting married first just to be able to pick the cheapest/fastest/easiest visa seemed to us like emphasizing the visa process more than the marriage. ANd if it had made a huge difference in the time or cost, we may well have gone a different way. But for us, it didn't make much difference one way or the other as far as either was concerned, so we chose to wait to get married until we could be together.

You make a very salient point. However, when dealing with embassies and consulates that have seen high incidences of fraud and therefore are more skeptical of a relationship, the visa process does become a focus in both of your lives. Your objective is being together as quickly as possible. If I had found VJ and CFL this past January instead of July, there is a chance that we may still be pursuing a K1. However, reality being what it is, and reading enough posts about the experiences of others, the K1 process for us proved to be more difficult than anticipated (and I anticipated it would be difficult). Even though our case is straightforward, the K1 process was not best for us and since I had not yet started the K1 process, it was not too late to switch to a process that works better for us. I am fully aware that a CR-1 petition is processed by the NVC (hence the time there is more involved) instead of just being assigned a case number and sent to the appropriate Embassy or Consulate like a K1 petition.

OP: Best wishes to you both in your lives together once this process is through. :)
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-12 12:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravelling during the Visa Process

I am not exagerating when I say she was extremely rude to me and asking many questions in an aggressive manner (very different to the standard questioning manner I have received in the past). Now she did let me through eventually after much huffing and puffing and hammering into her keyboard (who knows what she was putting into the computer), but she told me I could not return to the States during the K-1 process for longer than 10 days and if I did, in her words, "Your K-1 is finished". Now first off, to my understanding, they can either let me in under the VWP for up to 90 days, or they can turn me away and send me home. I really don't think they can stipulate that the next visit can only be 10 days or less (bearing in mind over the last 12 month period I have only spent 61 days in the States in total, including that 10 day trip). Secondly, I am pretty sure that this has no effect on the K-1 process no matter what decision is made at the border, unless I have overstayed at some point, which I haven't.

You're right; they can either let you in on the VWP or send you back. As long as you don't overstay, your K1 will not be affected.

I'm assuming it wasn't worth your while to report that CBP officer's behavior. Who knows what if anything would have been done. CBP makes a big deal on their website about treating people with respect, if one officer receives enough complaints, they might be subject to discipline.

OP: As many have previously stated, just be prepared for any scenario and that your SO has plenty of ties to the home country. IMO, the fact that you have filed a petition shows that you want to do things the right way and the legal way and that can only work in your favor.

Best wishes!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-12 12:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me on My Journey....

Another Bump......

Can my fiance fax or scan the G-325A and the letter of intent to me?????? or he has to mail it?

Thanks everyone

Must mail it, no exceptions because those forms require an original signature. Signature on a fax is not considered original.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-20 02:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp me on My Journey....
I would suggest replacing "To Whom It May Concern" with "Dear Sir or Madam." While the former is not incorrect and would not cause you any difficulty whatsoever. It's just my own opinion that the latter has a more personal feel to it.

Again, very trivial, but sometimes it's the little things that can make all the difference.

According to the sample guides here on VJ, where you have put your address on your cover letter is fine.

Best wishes on your journey and congratulations on your citizenship!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-19 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmet within the last two years

we will then go travelling once again and wont be back in the US to begin the process until the beginning of 2012, when it will be beyond two years since we met. How strict is this rule?

The requirement (you're right, it is strict) is meeting once within two years of the date the petition was filed. Since you will be traveling together in 2011 and filing in 2012, you will be well within that requirement.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-13 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for some K-1 Visa Advice
This is the customer service line for USCIS: 1-800-375-5283.

I suggest you call them and explain to them that your fiancee is subjected to the 2 year residency requirement, then ask them this question, "does the required wiaver need to be granted before I can file the I-129F on her behalf?"

You can then proceed accordingly based on what they tell you.

Good luck and best wishes.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-15 23:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan process start when fiance is in US?

Does he have to be out of the country for me to start the paperwork? Or can I start now? Thank you !!! Katie

You can start now.

as long as he leaves in accordance with his visa limits, you're fine.

Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-14 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing passport stamps as proof?

If I do this, do I have to make a copy of EVERY single page in my passport? Or can I just copy the page with the stamps showing our visits?

Just the pages with the stamps.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-24 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi Everyone! New to this whole procedure and a bit nervous

that is really useful information, I really appreciate it! Thank you !

You're welcome! Good luck and best wishes!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-26 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi Everyone! New to this whole procedure and a bit nervous

WOW, that is expensive. After that is all done, I'm curious as to how difficult it would be for us to go visit his family on holiday in England?

Once the AOS process is complete, your husband would be issued his green card. You would be able to go visit his family.

When you apply for AOS, you will also want to apply for Advanced Parole (AP)[form I-765], that would allow your husband to travel outsdie the USA borders while the AOS process is in-progress.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-26 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi Everyone! New to this whole procedure and a bit nervous

1. Is the price $1805, the cost of the entire process including the petition and other costs with the visa when your fiancee does their part?

That figure also calculates the fee for Adjustment of Status (AOS). The current AOS fee is $1010. You will do the AOS process after your fiance arrives in the US and you are married.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-09-26 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp on sending the I-29F package (K1)

Hi everyone!
I hope y'all are ok today!

I have a question that you will probably think is stupid....but anyway, here it goes.... :blush:

My fiancé and I are about the I-29F package. The adress we found on USCIS to send it, is the USCIS Dallas Lockbox.

When are we going to know which one of the following service center will proceed our request?
California Service Center
Nebkrasca Service Center
Texas Service Center
Vermont Service Center

Thank you!!!

Only the service centers in CA and VT adjudicate I-129F's.

I did some searching and found shows which service centers have jurisdiction in certain states. Just scroll down to "filing the application."
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-22 05:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo you suggest getting an attorney or use an agency?

I am planning on doing everything my self (using all the forums, example forms, and other online outlets) but a friend suggested that I get a lawyer because the reviewers are looking for mistakes and such and a lawyer would be able to make sure there aren't any. I personally think that I would be able to take care of this my self but now I am a little scared. What do you think?

Go ahead and take care of it yourself. As long as your case is straightforward, you will be fine.

Good luck and best wishes on your journey!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-25 23:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to close my petition
I'm sorry this has happened to you. I'll never get how people can just suddenly do something like that without even considering the heartache it will inevitably leave behind. Classless if you ask me.

Anyway, take care of yourself and I hope better days are ahead for you.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-01 00:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the country you come from matter when you're waiting for approval?

Anyway, question is, why is it that so many other people got some kind of news and even approval and our case hasn't even been touched, not a single time.

It's not uncommon to never see a "touch" between NOA1 and NOA2. I've seen some people post that the only update they received was the one they wanted the most, approval.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything you can do between submission of petition and approval of petition except wait and I think I can speak for many (if not all) people here when I say, "waiting sucks."

Best wishes.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-01 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

so, please. which center in USA should i send info????thanks so much:-)...todd and, K1 visa:-)

All I-129F's are sent to the lockbox facility in Texas. They will be routed to a service center from there.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-03 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 is valid for how long??

My fiancees K1 was finally approved on October 11, 2010. As much as we cant wait to be together, Her grandfather is terminally ill and not expected to survive the next 60-90 days. Rather than return for a funeral, we decided it would be best if she wait there and come to the USA after the funeral. How long is the visa valid and when must she arrive in the US? Thanks for the help and advice...

It's valid for 6 months from date of issue. Using the date you gave above, she must arrive by April 11, 2011. Sorry to hear of your fiancee's situation.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-04 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures**PLEASE HELP!!!**
K3 is officially on the books, but nonexistent in practice. USCIS ties the I-130 and I-129F together and sends both to the NVC at the same time. NVC then closes the I-129F leaving only the I-130 for CR-1 active.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-06 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 DENIED!! What next!?

Aleksa & Nico, on 28 August 2010 - 10:36 PM, said:

Make sure you do not mention this at the second interview, if there is one. If this comes up, be sure to mention it's an "engagement ceremony"! Also call yourselves other endearing names, even fiance(e) in front of the officer, not husband/wife. This is a trap that many fall into and there have been cases of denial based on this only.

Subscribing to what everyone already said, your case was not denied...Keep calm and provide all the extra proofs they might need. Best of luck!

I totally agree with what Aleksa and Nico mentioned. If you or your fiancee mention/address each other as husband and wife, it will defintely stir up alot of problems. Me and my husband (he was my fiancee then) went through chaos at the Lagos embassy because we were addressing each other as husband and wife, and the CO believed that we were secretly married. We eventually got the visa but man its too much of a hassal to deal with. Please contact your states senator/congressman if you need additional assistance. All the Best.

I agree with these posters. Plus you did clarify that it was a ceremony only and that you did not file paperwork. For it to be legal, I believe that the filing of paperwork is necessary. I'll restate for emphasis what has already been said, saying you had a wedding, calling yourselves spouses, etc. will create problems for you.

With that being said, I have read that a large difference in age has resulted in a visa not being issued. I am hopeful for you both that once you submit the additional paperwork that Consulate has asked for, they will issue the visa.

Good luck and best wishes to you both.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-08-29 22:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdenied k-1 visa

and then refile. I think it's easier, less time-consuming and less nerve-wreking than appealing or trying to fight this decision with the help of an attorney.

Here's the thing about "refiling." If you are talking about getting married and filing for a CR-1 in addition to the other things you suggested, then that may be the best route for the OP. If you were talking about refiling a new K1 petition, that is only a waste of time and money as the USCIS could simply re-affirm the original petition and send it back Consulate.

In case of marriage, a re-affirmed K1 would petition would need to be withdrawn by the filer because of marriage, hence the beneficiary no longer qualifies for a K1 visa.

If the USCIS intends to revoke the petition, then it is absolutely vital that it be responded to. Failure to respond to such a notice results in the USCIS placing a mark of misrepresentation on the beneficiary, such a mark is accompanied by a 10-year entry ban.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-28 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdenied k-1 visa
Additional info (since I can't edit my post now):

The article I linked to talks about situations that are similar to that yours.

Also, if you decide to marry before the USCIS re-affirms your current petition, then you will need to withdraw it once it is re-affirmed on the basis that you are now married. If USCIS sends notice that they intend to revoke your petition, I'll restate for emphasis that you must respond to it.

Edited by Ryan H, 28 October 2010 - 02:59 PM.

Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-28 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdenied k-1 visa

Well we are going to continue with the next step which is to wait for the application to get back to USCIS. And maybe contact an attorney.

IF you contact an attorney, you will want one to speak with one who has extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with these kinds of denials. I've seen people on these boards speak very highly of Marc Ellis.

refile the K1 or get married and do a CR-1.

Before refiling a K1 or getting married and filing a CR-1, you will want to make sure the current petition runs its course once it gets back to USCIS. If the USCIS re-affirms your petition, it will go back to the consulate which negates the need to refile for a K1. If USCIS intends to revoke and send you a notice, you will definitely want to respond to it. You may want to read this article authored by the afore mentioned Marc Ellis.

NO......just re-visiting and keeping proofs are/may not be enough. Morroco is a tough nut to crack. Educate yourself on the regional forum and find out what evidences others used when successful. Change how you communicate to generate the desired evidence; you two have to jump through extra hoops because next time there will be increased scrutiny. It isn't pleasant but if you two really want to be together, you both can do it. Now, just do it.

This is very good advice and probably the best thing for you to do right now.

Good luck to you.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-10-28 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat else, k1:-)

we continue to get our k1 petition as tight as possible.we now have a very clear, consise letter [thanks to my mother being on board:-)]from the minister at her church who i spoke to about marrying us:-) she has written a letter for us that states she will marry us withing 90 days of liu's arrival in the usa! how great is that??? it has to help "prove" an existence of a "real" relationship? any thoughts?thanks again....todd

What that proves is that you have made wedding plans.

Proving the relationship is showing how it developed and how you interact with each other. Not letters from people that do not know your fiancee. This is not meant as an attack on you or your minister.

Look at it from the CO's perspective (soneone that reviews petitions for a living and has to be able to defend their decision) and make the strongest case possible.

I agree 100%. While showing that you have made wedding plans is a positive, the real proof of the relationship comes from what Anh map stated above.

Best wishes to you both!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-16 11:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I wait to re-file?
What country is your significant other from? What embassy or consulate did the interview take place at? :time:
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-16 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 NOT touched??

I see on here, where some timelines showed that they have been "touched". I'm not sure exactly what that means as I havent heard the first thing about my application.

This quote from Kathryn41 best explains what "touched" means:

When you sign up for online status update of your case with the USCIS website you can check to see if the date listed as the 'last action" date changes. If the date changes but the message doesn't, that is considered a 'touch' and it means that someone has accessed your file on that date. Touches may or may not be significant as your file can be touched if it is being moved from one location to another as well as when someone is actually working on it. As well, not getting touches is also not significant as many times USCIS staff will be working on a file and it is not registered on the online status update system. VJers have been known to obtain their visas, the green cards, even their citizenship oaths and their on line status hasn't changed from the initial submission date and message of 'we have received your file'. So, while it is nice to get a touch as it re-affirms USCIS is still doing something :P it doesn't really mean anything if you don't get a touch as well.

For now, the best thing for you to do is to wait. However, I will say and I think it's safe to say I can speak for most people here in this one and only instance when I say waiting sucks. There is no sugarcoating that.

Good luck and best wishes to you!
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-13 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 NOT touched??
Some cases never receive a "touch" between NOA1 and NOA2, so the fact that your case has not been "touched" is nothing out of the ordinary.
Ryan HMaleChina2010-11-13 21:42:00