IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTouched ?

Not necessarily - touches could be the file moving to another desk or going back into the file room. There has never been any official confirmation of what a touch really is.

Touched Again.. three times in one week.
Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-13 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTouched ?

My understanding is that anytime anything is done to your petition, it is 'touched'. They could be working on it, or moving it from one room to another. No real way to tell.

Understand, but it does not necessarily mean it is close to being adjudicated, correct?

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-12 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTouched ?
I believe I understand the term "touched" when it comes to our case. But what makes me wonder about the true meaning of this is the fact that this week our case was "Touched" twice. Once on the 9th and Now again today. So what can this truly mean? Soon an Approval? Soon an RFE? or Soon ---- What ? I fully understand calling the our friends at the Service Center is like watching grass grow, but if anyone has any thoughts on this I would appreciate it. Maybe some clarity can be given into the muddy waters knows as the USCIS.. Oh by the way... Requesting and expedite is a waste of time, unless it is a "benefit for the USCIS" ..

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-12 10:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRed Flag

i am confused -

who is who ?

fiance, wife, ex-wife #1, ex-wife #2, etc etc . and which person has 2 or more labels?

For me - the use of the word 'remarried' is troublesome, throwing more confusion.

If I understand, though - it's what -

A K-1, ending in divorce,
with an I-130 afterwards - 2 different women.
big time gap inbetween.


you'll be fine - just show all - at each point -
--I-130 submittal day

IMO, you have NO IMBRA issues, which is really the thing that MIGHT have killed this. Because of visa types and time gap, you are FINE.

Good Luck !

To clarify and thanks:

K1 - Ended in Divorce June 2008, Initally filed in May 2002 about 8 years ago todate.
I-130 - My Wife Now..... Different Woman. Filed with USCIS 3 February 2010.

I also feel there are not IMBRA issues involved here. I read alot about this and should not be any problems there. Yes large time gap...

thanks for giving me back my "warm and fuzzy feeling" When we get through this, Maybe i'll get rid of my gray hairs. Oh, my wife is now 2 months pregnant and i hope we can get to the interview before she can't fly anymore. I guess no matter what or how long she is, she can go to the interview and if that late in the pregnancy, stay to delivery our baby then head out, pardon the play on words, to me here in the States. I am under the assumption that her visa is good for 6 months from time of issuance, correct?

Thanks Again
Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-15 12:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRed Flag
In 2002, my ex-wife came over on a K1 Visa. Now fast forward nearly 8 years.. My ex and i were married for 6 years, now i have remarried my chinese wife. Is having a K1 over 8 years ago a concern, or a Red Flag ? My wife knows all about the ex-wife, but is very worried now that she will not get her CR1 visa, on top of that she is 8 weeks pregnant. I hope there are comforting words to be read..

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-14 22:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 NOA2
Our case has been "Touched" now four times since the 9th of March, then the 12th, then the 13th and now today the 15th. And nothing yet.. I read so many times that this could be good or bad, but who really knows. I hope it is good news.

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-15 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow and when to expedite?


I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 1 month ago; I am not doing well, will have to quit my job.

Anyway, stress is a big factor in triggering MS-relapses and having a long-distance-relationship is a huge stress factor.
My husband and I now are thinking about trying to expedite our case.

How would we have to apply for it (what form etc)?
When would we have to apply for it (just whenever, once the visa s at the NVC...)?
How often to applications f. expedition get approved?
Does a denies expedition hurt the visa in any way?

I hope someone can help me out with the answers to my questions.

I tried an expedite for my wife because of her high risk pregnancy issues, but they denied it. Here is what they said today in a letter: “The California Service center acknowledges receipt of your request for expedited handling of your I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. As Visa Number are currently not available based on the receipt date of this petition and the country of chargeability, we are unable to process your case at this time”

I have no idea who or for what reason they expedite cases for. But in my opnion sure seems that they do not do it for anyone, oh I seen a post once for an active duty military member, no others. You call the 800 number, and tell them you want to put in a service request for an expedite. they take your information. A few days later you will get an email with instructions to fax information to them. That's it. took two weeks to get the deny letter. Try you Senators too, see if they can submit it on your behalf.

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-15 19:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS230

Send off the package with the form and civil documents as soon as it shows as PAID. Don't forget to add the barcoded cover sheet ON top of everything else.

Can you explain how to do the "barcode" process?

thank You
Djwalker60MaleChina2010-03-26 13:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Line is busy

Is anyone else having trouble getting through to NVC? The phone line has been busy for two days now.

You just have to call and call. Sometimes it takes me about 15 - 20 times on speed dial.... It is always like this..

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-11 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview? June?

just got my wife's date: June 28 :)

June 15, 2010. I did electronic filing for Guangzhou
Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-13 22:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresACH Before Interview in GUZ?

This really depends if you want to go or not, some people say it's useless to go, but in my opinion, it's important and you should go, and ask some questions and this also gives you a chance to see the room your girl will be in during the interview (which is pretty interesting). If you are in Guangzhou anyway you should go...

I agree and I am going to go. I have heard getting a NEW Updated Evolution of Relatonship letter notarized there will be a good idea. But there is mixed thoughts on weather the new updated EOR should be hand writtend or typed? your thoughts? I was thinking handwritten, short EOR might carry more weight because if I hand write it, it proves that I worte it and not someone else typing up a letter and having me sign it. Just need to figure out about two other good questions to ask. Seeing that the wife is now 4 months pregnant and by interview time will be 5, I was thinking of bringinig this up... Such as, "because of her preganancy, can I help carry the documents to the interview room?" or something along those lines.. Any Thoughts?

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-20 08:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresACH Before Interview in GUZ?
For those out there who are going or have gone through the US Consulate in Guangzhou for your wife or Fiancee. Would you recommend going to American Citizen Hour prior to the Interview ?

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-19 23:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

Good luck!

Thank You... I am sure all will be good, but I am nervous about the interview.. My wife is more relaxed about it than I am. I'll be pacing back and forth drinking a $5.00 cup of coffee while waiting on the 4th floor for my wife. Leaving tomorrow night for Gunagzhou... Red eye, but ok because I can sleep all the way there..

I've also been looking for flights for the wife, but due to the fact that she cannot transit Taipei or Vancouver, the flights are limited because she has to lay over in Japan. And, trying to find a flight from Gunagzhou or Hong Kong to Beijing at this time of the year without being "hijacked" by the airline prices is very, very difficult..

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-06-10 09:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

oh - be careful on the bonfire - some of that stuff is needed for the ROC application, 2 years down the road.

Since our Approval at NVC and the receipt of our interview date, there has not been much to do. I have only been collecting more emails, chat logs, pay stubs and putting together even more photos for the up coming interview. I would encourage all to have as much documentation as possible. I've read some post where people only have 6 photos for a years marriage / relationship. Enough? We'll probably not, but just thinking out loud. Off to Guangzhou and I'll report in once all is done.

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-06-10 08:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

re: emails - if the stack is over 1.5 inches 'deep' - pare it back - needs to fit through the glass window slot.

Understand, Will try and pick some from the begining -- middle and towards the end and then have the rest just incase he / she needs to see more paper.. :blink: Just want to have as much paper as possible. After she arrives, we can have a nice bonfire. :yes:

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-17 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

"An Immigrant visa interview has been scheduled for the applicant at the US Embassy/Consulate in GUANGZHOU ELECTRONIC on June 15, 2010 at 07:30 am" What the heck is "GUANGZHOU ELECTRONIC" ?? Odd that they use that term.

you realize these 'letters' are electronically generated, right?

there are TWO 'Consulates' for Guangzhou , from a data standpoint -
GUZ - Guangzhou and
GZO - Guangzhou Electronic

but it's from a 'data standpoint', ya? More Specifically, a 'database lookup' standpoint. IMO, a lookup was performed on letter generation, and 'that' Consulate name is xref'd from GZO as 'GUANGZHOU ELECTRONIC' . No Sweat, just my tax dollars (and yours) at work for plebe-ian database management. Just be happy you got something, don't sweat 'GUANGZHOU ELECTRONIC' at all.

Understand,, just picked up my ticket to Guangzhou.. 1,600.00 You can find cheaper about 1,500.00 on orbitz, but then is says no seats available. So I had to go to a travel agent in the local China Town... Still Hurts a lot.. Just going to read more about the interview reviews and go over all documents with the wife. Oh, you think we should have ALL Emails with her, just in case? almost like a show of how much evidence we really have to show we have a bona fide marriage.. Oh, I am sure the wife's pregnant belly will help too... .

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-17 13:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

--don't forget the original (and translated) adoption paperwork that you submitted with the DS-230.

Suggest a photo book, as well, showing the mother and child, together over 'time'. (adoption to current).

Yes, I will be sure that the wife has all original Documents with her. Yes, I did send in the P3 Supplement form with the DS-230 Document email. Sent a lot of things too. Yes, odd that the interview letter said that. It also said this:

"An Immigrant visa interview has been scheduled for the applicant at the US Embassy/Consulate in GUANGZHOU ELECTRONIC on June 15, 2010 at 07:30 am" What the heck is "GUANGZHOU ELECTRONIC" ?? Odd that they use that term.

I am getting my ticket today, prices in a word "Robbery". Should be no reason the same ticket I paid 740 for two months ago should now be 1640.00 Nuts !!!

We'll I am now reviewing notes from this website and CFL on possible questions that will be asked at the interview. We'll at least the "standard" set of questions that can be asked. Started to ask the wife all of these and will continue everyday until it is second nature.

Any other words of Wisdom at this point?

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-17 10:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC
We'll here we are 28 days from the interview and I am trying to get "prepared" for this interview. From what everything I have read on this site and others I am trying to determine exactly what we will need at the interview. From what I know (read) this is what I need:
  • All Documents sent to the National Visa Center via email
  • Passport
  • 4 passport photos
  • Medical exam results
  • Lots of nice photos, we have about 120. Have over 1,000 but I think that is too much.
  • IV Document Cover Sheet
  • IV Fee PAID Receipts, so that they know we paid and also so we do not need to pay the addtional $45.00 fee I have read about.
  • No OF-169
  • oh, year P3 Supplement Form since this is for Guangzhou and not the NVC, even though I sent it to the NVC

Brain just went blank :blink: Oh, in the interview letter it says that the DS-230 PART II is "not Needed for this petition" Does not make sense,, Does it?

Shows this:

DS-230-II F F = This form is not necessary for this application. Does this make Sense? No matter what we are going to have it. As I think this letter is wrong because it comes from NVC and not the US Consulate Guangzhou.

We'll I've had another brain fart.. so if anyone is in the know.. Have I missed something? Lots of Coffee? :wacko: Bring the laptop to sit their and try to be useful with my time while waiting? but I think my nerves will be too bad to concentrate on anything.. Oh well sorry for babbling on, but this is also a nervous time.

Thanks for Reading
Seattle Washington
Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-16 23:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

Dan - she'll have some medical exemptions and waivers at the medical exam because of the pregnancy. Don't sweat those. Worst Case scenario - there will be some 'medical waiver annotation' in the visa stamp, and that will be normal.

re: airfare - have you checked in with the local asian travel agents in yer city? or checked that website for travel agent listings?

I was serious, regarding getting the local chinese newspaper, the viet newspaper, and the korean newspaper. Massive discounts, but ya gotta call. If that's not working for ya, check out the stuff over at the CFV website. Most of the air ticket contacts at CFV are 'air ticket consolidators', so the discount is deeper for anything you'll find on orbitz.

Tomorrow, I am going to go to the local China Town here in Seattle and talk with the travel agent I used last time. Also, found a website called They are giving a decent price but not on the days I need. Only one so far is an odd flight, Seattle to Vancouver --> Hong Kong.. $1500.00 Like double the price from April.. What a joke... Like what has changed in 45 days..

Only other thing I found is Eva Air.. I'll be looking a lot today, Will get my ticket on Monday.

Wife Called the hospital of choice for her medical. She told me no appointment necessary, just show up at 0830 with Passport, all forms, passport style photos and our inteview letter. (got offical ones yesterday)

Now to get through the interview. I really wish we could go into the interview also. I am sure it really wouldn't be a big issue. Espcially us being US Citizens and travling 6000 miles to be there you think our government would be a bit more accomadating and in case of problems, we could address them right then.. But Noooooo..

Almost there..
Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-14 08:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

and there ya go ;) See See? Totally Different Queue for 'setting the appointment date'. That was FAST ! 1 to 2 days? Yum !

keep eye out for the the appointment letter - she'll need it - it's coming 'in' via email.

Yes you were correct. Got the letters in the email this afternoon. I'll talk with the wife and time for her to get the medical. I am wondering about the TB test.. Do they give this for CR1 ? Also being Pregnant, I really do not think it would be a good idea to do this either.. I guess these people will know what to do..

Yes. The Electronic processing was very good, if your documents are in line.. will be quick. Only way to go.. But Airfare... I think I am the one getting HiJacked here !!! From 1600 - 2100.. Ouch !!! Big Ouch.. then I will need to buy two more tickets here.. another 3K.. !!

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-13 20:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC
Called National Visa Center today at 0637 PST, Interview Date Set: 15 June 2010 @ 0730.. :dance: Let the nerves get worse now.. Worst Part... Air Fare !! :blink: Ouch.. I am going to be with her for the interview...

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-13 09:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

Yup - Serco 'works' MOST NVC 'front-facing' things.

Call in to NVC? Yer talking to a Serco Contractor.

They seem better than the contractor for USCIS... :bonk: There is a wonderful group of individuals.

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-12 13:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

that's the official 'case complete' thingie. Yay ! Recheck that email, should be 'inside of it', a date - so compare that date to when you received the email - I'm guessing is some offset in dates. Not a big deal, just some errata .

Just a note, but as you pointed out earlier.... Yet another contractor. "SERCO INC"

NVC Document Review Team
National Visa Center
Serco Inc.
Support Contractor

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-12 11:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC
Just received this email:

Dear Sir/Madam:
All documentation necessary to complete the National Visa Center's processing of your case has been received. As soon as an interview date has been scheduled, the applicant, petitioner and attorney (if applicable) will be notified.
The applicant should NOT make any travel arrangements, sell property, or give up employment until the US Embassy or Consulate General has issued a visa.
The US Embassy or Consulate General may require additional documentation at the time of the interview.
NVC Document Review Team
National Visa Center
Serco Inc.
Support Contractor

NOW we are Offically "Case Completed" :D Next email will be interview date. If anyone is filing a CR1 / I-130.. Do Electronic Processing...

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-12 10:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

I predict you'll get 'appointment date set' either Saturday or Monday.

While drinking my latte this morning, I started my daily dialing routine.. As of now still waiting on interview date. "they" said by Firday because they are scheduling Interviews for June now..

Sound right? Now time to get nervous about the interview,,, So what that said. Do you have any words of wisdom about the interview? Do's and Do Not's?

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-12 09:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

ah?? you gots a 'case complete' on both casefiles? Ya?

Yes,,Finally but only after talking with the supervisor.. It actually cleared up the case. The guy Brad said, now waiting for a interview date. Then he started up in the dialog.. "Your case can be assigned a interview date in May, we wil... blah ... blah......." had to stop him...

So, how long before date..??? By Friday ???

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-11 16:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

Thanks as always.. BTW,, You think it would be helpful for me to write up my experience from I-130 submission to this point? Would like to help others also..

I'll call again this afternoon to see what the next person has to say about our case.


Called my "friends" at NVC yet again.. Heck they know me by name. At anyrate, as of this afternoon cases are done and now waiting for interview date. :thumbs:

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-11 16:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

So what I am understand is that regardless of what time of month it is, within 4 - 5 days of our case completion we will get an interview date, correct? - Correct - solely because of Guangzhou-bound NVC-EP. Different queue, never mixed in with that '2nd week of the month' crowd. Ever.

Thanks as always.. BTW,, You think it would be helpful for me to write up my experience from I-130 submission to this point? Would like to help others also..

I'll call again this afternoon to see what the next person has to say about our case.

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-11 14:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

no, I am speaking specifically of Guangzhou-bound casefiles, using NVC Electronic Processing, to 'get an appointment date'.

Is different queue, different priority, is incomparable to any other country, any other casefile.

Within 4 to 5 days of 'case complete' - appointment date is set.
Now, According to the NVC Supervisor I spoke with, June interviews are set this week and if everything is done this week we will get a interview for June is officially the 2nd week of the Month - and NVC sets appointments for MOST of the Consular Posts, during the 2nd week of the month. Since 'this is happening now', IMO, that's what's on the Supervisor's mind, and has no bearing, whatsoever, on your two casefiles - as NVC-EP for Guangzhou absolutely has different queue than 'the rest' who are being handled during 2nd week of the month.

If not they will get us an interview as soon as possible because US Citizen cases "DO" (as you mentioned) get priority when it comes to interview dates. I did not mention this. What I did mention, however, is that Guangzhou-bound NVC-EP casefiles have different priority, different queue. This queue is unlike any other queue at NVC, has nothing to do with 'US Citizen cases' but has everything to do with 'Guanghzou-bound NVC-EP casefile'. Words are important here - so be sure to wade through exactly what yer hearing from the Supervisor.

As a beneficiary of a US Citizen Visa Numbers are always "immediately" avaliable to the beneficiary - this is a feature of filing an I-130 for a spouse, with priority date assigned as 'immediate' when the I-130 casefile is received at USCIS.

Unlike those of permanent residence, which in case there are only limited amount of visa numbers available. Why? Who knows, yet another political decision of the US Government. Why? It's in the regs, that's why. Nothing Political about it. Permanent Residents who file for family members have lower priority dates, per the regs. Lower Priority Date? You Must Wait until yer priority date becomes 'available'.
So with all of that said, it appears that the normal operator was unable to properly read the notes on the screen. I mentioned this, early on. A Normal Operator has 2 issues - a) not very well trained and b) can't see all, minimal level of access on that computer screen.
Additionally I was told that "Everything" you email to the National visa center gets forwarded to Guangzhou, or any other electronic processing Consulate. She told me that for me to send in all that i did was good because GUZ will see it and she says our case has no issues. So a note for others out there.. DO Front Load !! Even when Electronic Processing... Send more proof, it will be seen at the consulate level. - I dunno - this is some grey area - I am fan of front-loading on initial I-130 submittal, but, IMO, 'bonafide marriage evidence' gets tossed at NVC, when the casefile is converted to EP case. I'm easily swayed, though, if indeed that's NOT the case.
When I spoke with the supervisor, she told me the stepdaughter name check was completed yesterday and the wife's name check completed today - Ah - still with the namechecks. Alrighty then - it ain't over till it's over.

So what I am understand is that regardless of what time of month it is, within 4 - 5 days of our case completion we will get an interview date, correct? So, once all of the name checks are done, (I hope today) we will finally be offically Completed.

As far as the "other" documents that I sent in and she said are forwarded, she told me that they only can see the documents necessary for their part of the processing. But ALL documents received are forwarded to Guangzhou electronically. No Mail here......

Last tidbit, I was told that NVC acutally has two shifts working on cases, unlike USCIS has only one shift. Yet another reason they could be faster.. But I am just babling on.

What an experience. Once I get done I was thinking of writing an entire thread about my entire experience from day I sent in the I-130 to Interview.. Maybe, just maybe it can help others doing this.

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-11 12:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS - NVC

If it was really 'case complete' today , then expect 'appointment date set' by this Friday.

errata - suggest you get any supervisor, from this point on, and be adamant about:
1. casefiles married / bound to each other
2. pregnant wife bits
3. appointment date for same day, for the two casefiles.

IMO, that 'line' yer waiting in, is a small one - as GUZ-bound EP cases get special queue for 'appointment date set'.

We'll I called again and this time I spoke with a supervisor, as suggested and it did shed a lot of light on what is happening. It appears that some of the operators where not "reading" the screen and the case notes properly. When I spoke with the supervisor, she told me the stepdaughter name check was completed yesterday and the wife's name check completed today. NOW, the case is set to be sent through the final checks to ensure that everything is done and that there are no missing documents. Once this is completed, NVC will assign a interview date. Now, According to the NVC Supervisor I spoke with, June interviews are set this week and if everything is done this week we will get a interview for June. If not they will get us an interview as soon as possible because US Citizen cases "DO" (as you mentioned) get priority when it comes to interview dates. As a beneficiary of a US Citizen Visa Numbers are always "immediately" avaliable to the beneficiary. Unlike those of permanent residence, which in case there are only limited amount of visa numbers available. Why? Who knows, yet another political decision of the US Government.

So with all of that said, it appears that the normal operator was unable to properly read the notes on the screen. The supervisor told me that there are no issues with the name checks, so as I said previously, cases will be done today, tomorrow at latest.. As you prediciated (close to it) case done 100% this week.

Sure takes a lot to get the right answer. All of this because people are too dam lazy to look at each case note carefully before opening mouth and inserting foot.

Additionally I was told that "Everything" you email to the National visa center gets forwarded to Guangzhou, or any other electronic processing Consulate. She told me that for me to send in all that i did was good because GUZ will see it and she says our case has no issues. So a note for others out there.. DO Front Load !! Even when Electronic Processing... Send more proof, it will be seen at the consulate level.

Thanks for reading..

Djwalker60MaleChina2010-05-11 12:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved

i would recommend u go 2 the nvc forum and start studying the thread pinned at the top called "timesavers for nvc plus knowing ur case number". it all sounds complicated, i did several "dry runs" printing out forms and getting myself familiar with the procedure, i think that thread helped me more than anything else in the nvc process, plus some great help from some other vj'ers who had done it already. good luck!

Thanks for your tips. I've done "dry runs" before so I can get familiar with the process. I told my wife she could probably get her interview appointment by the end of march.
Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2006-12-28 21:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Approved
Today I received via E-mail, the notice of approval for my I-130 petition. It took them three months for the California Service Center to approve. The only minor setback was a RFE on 12-13-06 which I sent back the next day. I never filed for I-129F, so I'm saving myself the $170.00.
Now, what's next, what should I expect?


1-28-06 - Wedding

09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-25-06 - I-130 1st NOA
12-12-06 - RFE
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Approval notice

Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2006-12-28 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to e-mail DS-2030 (Choice of Agent)
My case was received/assigned a number on January 5th.
I understand the next step is to wait for the NVC to generate the AOS I-864 bill and DS-2030 (Choice of Agent).

I've read that you can reply the DS-2030 by e-mail.
How, when, and to what e-mail do I send it?

Or, can I have my wife fill and sign DS-2030 and then send it via fax or mail to NVC?

Advice anyone?



1-28-06 - Wedding
[color=#0000FF]I- 130
09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-07-06 - Touched
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Approval
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received
01-05-06 - Assigned case number

Edited by Justo/Sheyla, 07 January 2007 - 06:02 AM.

Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-01-07 05:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo you call NVC to know if choice of agent has been generated?
Once the NVC receives your case, how do you find out if they have generated the Choice of agent and the AOS-I864 bill?
Tips, suggestions, advice anyone?




09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-07-06 - Touched
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Approval
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received

01-05-06 - Assigned case number

Edited by Justo/Sheyla, 11 January 2007 - 02:29 PM.

Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-01-11 14:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTranslations of documents
I know the consulate requires documents (birth certif., marriage certif, etc.) to be translated (and certified). Do these translations have to be done in the country where the beneficiary lives or can I do it here in the States and send them to my wife?
Is just easier for me to do them and send them with a family member or take them myself.

I guess the consulate would not mind, as long as they are certified translations.


Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-01-11 14:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo I have to include my 2006 income tax return on I-864 application?
I need advice on my current situation before sending I-864.
I quit from my job back in august. I spent 5 1/2 years at this place. After that I worked for two months in another company, but the job was temporary although they offered me to stay part time. I declined and went on to search for a new employment. Hasn't been easy, I have had some temporary posts, but officialy I still unemployed.
Now, if I include my income tax return for 2006 in the I-864 application I would definitely not make the poverty line requirement. So, I think I should omit my 2006 income tax return, which I haven't filed because (1) I have not received my W-9 (2) I want to file jointly and need to request a ITIN for my wife.
Since my 2003, 2004, 2005 tax return will put me over the poverty line and will reflect that I have been at a same job for all this time, I'm hoping they don't ask for my 2005 return.

Another question is regarding my assets/saving-checking accounts. According to the I-864 form, this information is optional, and should only be included if it will help your case, do I still have to do it?.

What to do?



1-28-06 - Wedding
I- 130
09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-07-06 - Touched
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Approval
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received

01-05-07 - Assigned case number
01-15-07 - DS-2032(Choice of Agent Generated)/AOS 1-864 bill generated
01-17-07 - E-mailed Choice of Agent

Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-01-18 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on cover letter for I-864 application
On the instructions for I-864, they ask to include a cover letter. What should I write or say in this letter?



1-28-06 - Wedding

I- 130
09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-07-06 - Touched
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Approval
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received

01-05-07 - Assigned case number
01-15-07 - DS-2032(Choice of Agent Generated)/AOS I-864 bill generated
01-17-07 - E-mailed Choice of Agent
01-20-07 - Mailed AOS I-864 payment

Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-01-21 21:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan I use James Shortcut for DS-230?
I received the IV bill yesterday, in the instructions it says that after they receive and process the payment they will send the DS-230 form to be completed and sent back. They ask not to use any form dowloaded from the internet. I have the DS-230 filled, signed by my wife and ready to send using the James Shorcut. What do I do?


01-28-06 - Wedding
I- 130
09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-07-06 - Touched
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Approval
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received

01-05-07 - Assigned case number
01-15-07 - DS-2032(Choice of Agent Generated)/AOS I-864 bill generated
01-17-07 - E-mailed Choice of Agent
01-20-07 - Mailed AOS I-864 payment
01-29-07 - AOS application and IV bill generated
02-05-07 - AOS (I-864EZ) application sent
02-05-07 - IV bill received
Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-02-06 00:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUpdate on my case
Just wanted to update you on my case. The Saint Louis Center received the IV bill payment today. My AOS has also been received by NVC. Now I must wait for DS-230 to be generated and will send it right away (James Shortcut).Hopefully there won´t be any issues with I-864EZ since my employment situation at this moment is not very stable. Other than that, I believe I´m on track and moving fast. I´ve told my wife, she most probably will hear from Managua Consulate at the end of march.
Thanks to all for your best wishes and let me congratulate those couples whom have been granted a visa.


01-28-06 - Wedding
I- 130
09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Petition approved!!!
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received

01-05-07 - Assigned case number
01-15-07 - DS-2032(Choice of Agent Generated)/AOS I-864 bill generated
01-17-07 - E-mailed Choice of Agent
01-20-07 - Mailed AOS I-864 payment
01-29-07 - AOS application and IV bill generated
02-05-07 - AOS (I-864EZ) application sent
02-05-07 - IV bill received
02-07-07 - IV bill sent (Overnight)
02-07-07 - AOS (I-864EZ) received at NVC
02-08-07 - IV bill received at Saint Louis, MO (12:32pm)

Edited by Justo/Sheyla, 08 February 2007 - 07:51 PM.

Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-02-08 19:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI´ve Rested my case
Just to keep you guys updated on my case. DS-230 was entered into the NVC system last monday (2/26). I guess I should be hearing from them in two or three weeks. Hopefully I won´t get a RFE, as my I-864 application was a little weak. I need your prayers people, and wish all of your cases are solved soon as well. In the meantime, I´ve been organizing an expanding file folder with all the documents my wife will need to submit at the interview. I might want to share a picture of it when I finish it, so it may help others.



01-28-06 - Wedding
I- 130
09-13-06 - Mailed I-130
09-18-06 - CSC received
09-25-06 - NOA1 mailed
09-28-06 - NOA1 received
12-11-06 - RFE mailed
12-13-06 - RFE received
12-14-06 - Mailed RFE (Birth Certificate)
12-21-06 - RFE received
12-27-06 - Petition approved!!!
12-28-06 - NOA2 mailed / E-mail notified
01-04-06 - NOA2 received

01-05-07 - Assigned case number
01-15-07 - DS-2032(Choice of Agent Generated)/AOS I-864 bill generated
01-17-07 - E-mailed Choice of Agent
01-20-07 - Mailed AOS I-864 payment
01-29-07 - AOS application and IV Bill generated
02-05-07 - AOS (I-864EZ) application sent
02-05-07 - IV Bill received
02-07-07 - IV Bill sent (Overnight)
02-07-07 - AOS (I-864EZ) received at NVC
02-08-07 - IV Bill received at the Saint Louis Center (12:32pm)
02-12-07 - IV Bill entered into NVC system
02-19-07 - DS-230 package generated
02-20-07 - DS-230 sent
02-23-07 - DS-230 received at NVC (8:17am)
02-26-07 - DS-230 package entered into NVC system

Justo/SheylaMaleNicaragua2007-03-02 22:06:00