Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Will do Beetee,

as soon as I hear something!! I'm trying everything to get some news from them but they're keeping tight-lipped about the whole thing. I've e-mailed the london consular address (no answer of course!) and just got off the phone from them, but of course they can't tell me anything except..... you'll just have to wait!

now where have I heard that from before?? :D

anyway guys, you all have a good weekend! Sorry to hear you're sounding a little low Beetee, but soon it'll be your turn, and don't forget how quickly the foreign embassy ones get done!

speak to you all on Monday!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-26 07:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey Beetee,

yeah that was an answer by e-mail. As far as I'm aware you can't phone their office, not unless you have a secret hotline to them! :P

so I guess I'll just have to wait for my letter??!!! :(
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-25 09:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi Guys,

true to form the guys in the London USCIS office replied very promptly...............however their reply was :

"You will be notified in due time. USCIS - London Suboffice."

arrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhh :wacko: :wacko:

what are these guys trying to do to me????

I have a feeling that I will receive a letter from them soon, I think they have moved over to that way of doing it now, especially considering Rob had one and he was the last approval on here. I think we can safely say that London cases seem to be getting looked at around the 12 week mark...

I must admit though that I nearly fell off my chair this morning after reading Bailey's update on here and then looking at the pdf file and seeing "COMPLETED" next to our case number!!!

Tiff you'll be next I'm damn sure of it!!!! :thumbs:
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-25 08:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
have just done that Beetee (gulp, sweating like a maniac here!!!)

yeah we're just below the Copenhagen one

god I hope I find out really soon as this wait is gonna kill me!!!!!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-25 06:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

OUR CASE HAS GONE TO COMPLETED!! 24TH OF MAY (we're below the Copehagen one)

oh sh#t oh sh#t!!! now I'm having a panic attack!! where the hell is the phone call or the e-mail????

:( :( :( :(

what the hell do I do now??? e-mail the office???

or sit by the phone, god I wish I could phone my baby, but it's 4 am in CA, USA!!!

pleeeeease let this be good news.......................please :wacko:

sorry that's completed on the 23rd of May..............

god where are those pills................... :wacko:
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-25 06:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey Tiff,

Yeah could sure do with some blue sky here, may is normally one of the best months of the year and it totally sucks at the moment (I'm trying out these new American phrases :D )

anyway I spoke to Courtney last night and I don't know how or why but I must have convinced myself it was 12 weeks today for me and she told me it was only 11!!!! :crying:

Then I looked on the calender and it was!!! :crying:

how sad am I??? Talk about wanting the time to go quickly! I know it's only a weeks difference but that really hurt :P

oh well 11 weeks and counting, back to :clock:

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-23 02:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi Guys,

Good morning!! and here's to the start of ANOTHER week in the I-601 obsessive, stressed out and p#ssed off at the progress of London forum!!!! :P

Seriously though guys I have a good feeling about this week, or will it be next week??!!! :D

Beetee you are right about that fingerprint thing, Nigel commented on that some time ago and it may well explain the lack of order in which the cases are looked at. I know everyone's saying "only one London case looked at since Feb 01", but remember it's really "one looked at since the 12 week timeline since feb 01.... I mean they were always gonna add the timeline on since the Feb 01 weren't they?

Just my way of trying to make people feel a little better. B)

Vicky I hope you can somehow find a way of trying to make the time pass until your great approval day, because you sound so impatient and you've only just really submitted. Take it from me and Tiff that you need to take some sedatives and relax :P you've got a little while yet!!

Ok guys I think the 12 week mark should be our new guideline! I saw many cases that I had overlooked on VJ and I2US sites now that were adjudicated in London around then.... so I'm positive that that's a good date to go by.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, can you American guys send some of your good weather over here?, the weather in the UK at the moment totally "sucks ###" as you would say!!!

take care everyone

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-22 03:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
yeah Tiff,

That's a pretty poor stat for the London USCIS office eh?

So Vicky if they have only just started on cases from other countries say in the least 3 months or so, that would surely explain them changing the 8-12 to the 12-15 weeks timelines for these waivers????

which also means that we can throw out all the theories about previous waiver submitters and how long it may take..........

well guys it really does look like we have a few more weeks to wait yet

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-19 07:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey guys,

me again!

So I was proven wrong..... :( mmmmmmmmmm..... this is really weird!

I really don't think the lack of progress in London has anything to do with the fact that they are taking cases from all the other countries!! I mean weren't they doing that before anyway???

This is really gonna p#ss off all the USC's waking up over there today, including my beloved.

It's really difficult in knowing how to approach the whole thing. I agree with Vicky in some ways. This tracking service IS a "double edged sword" thing..... I mean the ease at which you can keep track in one simple click.............. however the sheer frustration at seeing NOTHING really happen over the last two weeks............ and people like myself and Tiff are now approaching the 11 week barrier. All previous waiver submitters on this forum including Nigel, Wendibob, Jpkeswim etc. had heard something by then.

We just have to stay positive and try not to let it get us. SOMETHING is happening down there I truly believe!!

although what it is and at what pace it's going is another thing

chin up everyone! :star:
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-19 06:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi Bailey,

I'm no expert with keeping up-to-date with the updates!!! :P but I think two more London cases have gone under review today??? and has one London case also been completed aswell???

It's difficult to remember what was on the pdf doc from before today but I'm sure other posters that follow this in more detail (ie. my beloved!!) will be able to say exactly what has happened today!!

Well updates of any sort are indeed a good thing, although I guess it was a little premature to think that a lot more London cases would go under review!

Sorry to hear you're not on Bailey, be patient..... it will happen :thumbs:

Hope everyone's havin a good day!!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-19 04:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi everyone,

I don't know about you but I think everyone in the London USCIS office has gone on early holidays or something!!

What the hell is happening down there?!! No updates since the 3rd of May?!! :(

this waiting is killing me!!!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-12 02:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi Guys,

just wanted to wish Bailey's partner good luck for today, at least it's an early appointment!

also congrats to Beetee, we kinda figured out that one could be yours!! well you're on the list aswell now!! and now the real waiting begins!!

hopefully "eventful" Friday on the tracking list system will turnover some more cases!!

have a great day everyone!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-05 03:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hi Guys,

Hope you are all having a good weekend! It's a long one for us here in the UK because of the bank holiday! :dance:

Beetee, that number is definately a UK number and 207 is a London area code, so I would be a liitle concerned... maybe someone from the Embassy has tried to call you after all, it's not that uncommon if they need to inform you of something. As I have previously mentioned I think they're a liitle slow in processing waivers that have to come from other Embassies, I wonder if your waiver has just sat with ALL the other post waiting to be opened at the Embassy. If so that might explain the additional delay.... don't forget it takes London an average of 2-3 weeks just to OPEN their mail!!! :(

As far as the random order of the "under reviews" cases, it is interesting that they put that additional note on the pdf document. Me and Court think the random order could be down to when the fingerprint check comes back from the FBI in the states.... that might explain it. They may just start to process the cases as soon as these checks come back in to the office? :unsure:

Well May's gonna be a hell of a month for me. For obvious reasons I have the waiver and all the nerves to go with that... but also I have my final examination for my PhD, which has been 7 long hard years of work accumulating in a 2-3 hour interview where I'm sure I'll be grilled on every area of my thesis. So that's gonna be on the 15th of May (not long now :hehe: ).... still it helps me take my mind of the waiver stuff which is equally as stressful.... I'm gonna be a nervous wreck by the end of all this :wacko: I've gotta :lol: or else I'll :crying:

Ok guys see you next week, and fingers crossed for next Friday when me and Tiff may be "UNDER REVEIW" :D !!!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-30 07:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey Betee,

well I know mine and Tiff's cases aren't yet, but by god you will know when they are!!! :P

We are both "mid table" at the moment, but at least they have started to reveiw March cases now! and as Tiff's waiver was received a day before mine (6th and 7th of March), we should hopefully go through the process together.

Hey Tiff eight weeks next mon/tues eh? wow that's a lot of blood, sweat and tears shed on our (and our fiancees ) behalf!!

hope you are all well guys and like a previous post said, Friday seems to be the best time to look at the progress of the list

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-28 06:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hey Tiff,

yeah me and Court worked it out and I think it's been around 7 weeks and 3 days from when that London case was received at the embassy until it was under reveiw... pretty good eh? it seems like they've just jumped on to the next case in line, it's not like they have thought "well we can't look at that case yet because it was submitted 3 weeks after the last Stockholm one"... so yeah onwards and upwards.....

won't be long and we'll both soon be "under review" :(

the very thought of it makes me feel la little :blink:
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-21 06:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
The first London "under reveiw" is on guys!!! :dance:

Not sure when that was recieved but wasn't it sometime at the end of February? either way that list is sure looking shorter as each day goes by eh Tiff?

:thumbs: to everyone!
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-20 11:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
Hold on to you hats everybody!! :D all you I-601 timeline watchers probably already know this!

but at last we're seeing some results starting to go through on the list. It's interesting to note that they put "under review" on a case just before they make a decision! As if we're not going through enough nerves already :P I'll be tearing my hair out and will probably age 10 years when they put that on our case :lol:

My lovely fiancee checks this list just as much as the rest of you, and she told me about this news. It's pretty cool actually because we calculated that that London case that is under review is at the 10-11 week period, which works well with that theory of 11 weeks eh Tiff??

Can't really do the same with the Stockholm case as it's been sent from another embassy.

So maybe in the next few weeks we'll start to see the "completed"'s move up the list and as me and Tiff are about midway at the moment then hopefully that won't take too long!

I swear this has to rate as one of the most nerve-racking things in anyone's life

I hope you're all well guys, at least we're seeing progress :thumbs:

Hold on to you hats everybody!! :D all you I-601 timeline watchers probably already know this!

but at last we're seeing some results starting to go through on the list. It's interesting to note that they put "under review" on a case just before they make a decision! As if we're not going through enough nerves already :P I'll be tearing my hair out and will probably age 10 years when they put that on our case :lol:

My lovely fiancee checks this list just as much as the rest of you, and she told me about this news. It's pretty cool actually because we calculated that that London case that is under review is at the 10-11 week period, which works well with that theory of 11 weeks eh Tiff??

Can't really do the same with the Stockholm case as it's been sent from another embassy.

So maybe in the next few weeks we'll start to see the "completed"'s move up the list and as me and Tiff are about midway at the moment then hopefully that won't take too long!

I swear this has to rate as one of the most nerve-racking things in anyone's life

I hope you're all well guys, at least we're seeing progress :thumbs:

Just realised that they're both Stockholm cases! Oh well let's hold on until that London case gets processed, although that may take a few weeks as it was received on the 27th of Feb!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-15 06:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
hey beetee,

do you see your case number on the list?

I can't remember if the London USCIS office has actually confirmed that they have received it yet? If no confirmation then you'll have to just wait, sorry :(

still once your case is on the list it shouldn't be too long.

Hopefully should start seeing some actions on the bottom cases in the next few weeks eh Tiff? if our 11 week deadline is correct :P

hope everyone's well, and Tiff try to stop :clock: or it'll make you go :bonk:

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-12 06:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)On-line tracking system of I-601's submitted in London
I know Wendibob posted this link in a previous thread but I think it deserves a thread of it's own considering its importance to people submitting in London

It's available here: http://www.usembassy...s/ivwaiver.html

It's updated on a weekly basis (I think!)

Link to PDF that lists current pending and approved I-601's:


Edited by Captain Ewok, 18 August 2006 - 12:50 AM.

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-09 07:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey guys I just wanted to post one final message as I thought this may help the recent people who have had waivers approved and especially when their partners have had CIMT's....

When you go through the whole AOS process you will come across a question that asks "have you ever been convicted of a crime etc... etc..", and then it says if you answer "yes" include documentation etc...

well I remember asking Liam (aka Liam4lisa) about this as he had gone through the whole process a few months before me, and he said just tick yes but don't include anything, and told me it would go to interview and you would have a chance to show the memorandums etc at that point. So that's what I did....

I couldn't beleive it when my case got transferred to the California Service Centre, some cases get transferred here to speed up their processing times, and most get approved without an interview!!!

I still kept thinking they had made a mistake, but last week my AOS was approved and I received my greencard with no mistakes last Monday!!!!

so I just wanted to let you all know that there is a possibility that you mayget lucky and get transferred, the whole AOS process for me took only 3 months, and for that I am very grateful!!

So that's me done with immigration for two years!! I wish everyone on here all the best with their own journeys, feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions when you go through your AOS journeys, I'll only be too happy to help!!


Edited by sharky, 26 October 2006 - 11:13 AM.

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-26 11:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

:D Well ok fine. You all want on as soon as mine gets approved. Beetee was on here a few months ago campaigning for new members to add and we couldn't find anyone. :lol: :lol: Just teasing you guys. I know you would rather not be in here but at least there will be some company. I'm not sure if Angela is still here but hopefully she will check in again. There was a gentleman on here the other day pming me from N. Ireland but he hasn't ask to be put on this list so I'll wait and see if he would like to be added.
Welcome aboard dwar49. Your waiver and munchkins are very very close. You both should hear something about the same time. I bet there will be a big party in here then. :dance: Hope you get through the first part of this quick jpkeswim. Get this waiver filed so you can cruise through this for an approval this time. :thumbs:
Ok ladies and gents. If i'm missing in action once in a while just paste and copy this onto a new thread and keep it going. I'm not leaving but might take a break for a little bit. Ooooh I think around November 17th. We booked the ticket tonight and that gives us 4 weeks for the visa to get there so I think we are fine. Whoo hooo! lol
You guys hang in there. It's no fun to be in here but once in a while we can make each other smile, a big pat on the back or big hugs. :yes:

(F) Vicky

NAME.........CASE......WAIVER......REASON.......SUBMITTED...............LATEST INFO..............
MistyB.........I-130......I-601..........CIMT...........Sep 12, 05................APPROVED Jan 30, 06
Nigel............I-130.....I-601...........O/stay.........Oct 12, 05................APPROVED Dec 30, 05
Liam/lisa......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Nov 8, 05.................APPROVED Dec 20, 05
mary&tom....K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Dec 1, 05.................DENIED March 3, 06
jpkeswim......K1.........I-601..........O/Stay.........Dec 2, 05.................DENIED March 16, 06
Wendibob.....K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........Jan 5, 06..................APPROVED March 22, 06
Paul C..........K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........Feb 2, 06..................APPROVED May 23, 06
Cmltgd.........K1.........I-601...........CIMT ..........March 6, 06..............DENIED July 19, 06
Beetee.........IR-1.......I-601...........O/Stay........March 23, 06............APPROVED Aug 21,06
Geedge........K3.........I-601...........CIMT...........April 11, 06..............APPROVED July 24, 06
Baileyj96......K1.........I-601...........CIMT...........May 6, 06.................APPROVED Oct 13,06
Angela........CR-1.......I-601...........CIMT.......... NYF..........................pending
Munchkins... IR-5.......I-601...........CMIT...........Oct 18,2006..............pending.
dwar49.........K1.........I-601...........O/Stay.........Oct 20,2006..............pending

Just also wanted to say my big goodbye to this thread!!

Vicky, munchkins, Beetee, Tiff, Nigel and all the others, you have been very supportive for me and my wife when we went through the waiver hell at the beginning of the year,and I thankyou for every word of support. But for me now the journey is over, thank god, and hopefully I should get my greencard next week. Me and C will move to the coast the week after and then we'll be really planning on moving forward with our married life.

I'm so glad I leave you with the recent approvals and to the others that are just beginning the journey: don't lose hope and faith, it is a long and stressful wait, but you should get through it...

to all the I-601 ers here, you have been great friends, and I wish you all the best in your lives.... take care everyone (F)

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-10-20 23:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey don't forget me ladies,

I check in regularly as well!!

Beetee you're almost there!! but as far as what to do now, well you just have to wait for the letter (I think), I remember that's what happened to me (but I know your case is different), whatever happens you're so close now!

Vicky you're not alone, we ALL keep checking in

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-30 11:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Nigel,

Great to hear from you!

Now as I remember you are already married aren't you? Have you applied for the whole AOS thing yet?? I had a few problems with getting my SSN at first (I think I was speaking to the wrong lady at the office, she didn't seem to have a clue!), but thankfully I spoke to another charming lady a few weeks later, and she cleared the whole thing up and now I have my SSN.

Yesterday I just submitted my AOS package (it was so good to get that out of the way!), and so now comes the long wait, although I have been hearing about some people that have been going via the CSC that have been approved without an interview in under 3 months!!! that's real fast....

You may actually get some better advice if you post any questions in the AOS forum??? Not that people wouldn't try and help you here, but there maybe someone in a similar situation in that forum?

Just a quick message to Vicky, Beetee, Mary and of course Tiff (have you decided and what to do next?)........ I'm still thinking about you guys, here's a link to some of my wedding day pics:

you all take care

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-27 08:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Misty!

ditto Beetee's comments, great to hear from you! Have you heard from Nigel since his move to the US?

always great to hear from some of the old I-601'ers :D

I'm getting married 1 week from today!!!

wooohoooooooooo :dance: :dance: :dance:
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-09 08:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
I just wanted to wish all of you happy 4th for tomorrow!

I know these are difficult times for some of the people who are waiting for their waiver applications in London, and I guess that's why there hasn't been any posts from anyone... I mean what can you say that hasn't been said already....?

anyway enjoy tomorrow and I hope you all hear something very soon

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-03 15:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Mary and Tom,

Myself and Courtney would also like to extend our congratulations to you both, that is fantastic news :dance: , and like everyone else has said you two deserve it so much! :yes:

I can't believe how one sided these two systems are: the US and the UK fiance visa system, it (like so many other things in this red tape jungle) just doesn't make sense.

anyhow I'm very happy for both of you.

How is everyone else doing, Tiff, Beetee and Vicky? London is seriously slow at the moment!!

GET A MOVE ON LONDON!!!! :protest:

all's well here, 2 weeks this Sunday!!! wow it's getting close!!! :P

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-28 13:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Vicky,

I'm not sure what exactly I'll be doing at the moment, but whatever happens, it'll be a special night..... as it will be our two year anniversary!!

yeah we met in Santa Cruz, CA on that night in 2004 so it will be a lovely night to celebrate! (L)

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-25 22:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey Vicky,

glad to see you've "breathed" some life back in to this thread!! :P I thought we had seen the last of it!

Well things here for me and Court are going well. I had a hectic shift at the restaurant last night, and one particularly bad table, the guy hated me right from the start, and after giving him the bill of $128 he tipped me ZERO! what a nice man eh? Oh well I guess everyone can't be nice eh? :(

anyhow this week I'm going down to the Social Security place to apply for my card! Hopefully I'll have everything I need and I can get that soon, then I should be able to open a bank account etc.

It seems weird saying all these things when everyone else is "waiting" on their approvals, I hope no one thinks that I'm being smug or anything, I just want all of you to get over to the AOS forum and we can all talk about these things.

Anyway ladies, I'll be watching that pdf doc aswell and hoping that Tiff gets the news we all have been waiting for this week :yes:

have a great day everyone

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-25 17:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey guys! you can't get rid of me that easily!! :D

greetings from beautiful California!! B)

It is sooo great to be here. It is just completely surreal at the moment! Courtney looks more beautiful than ever and It is just such a great thing to know that we won't be apart again!!

the journey over was painless and hassle free (albeit a little long). Getting the temp EAD stamp at POE in JFK was a BREEZE! and even though I only had 2 and a half hours between flights, I had plenty of time.

another bit of advice for people who are gonna go through all of that, when you go through the initial POE, you then get escorted to a room where there are 4-5 officers dealing with immigrant visas. The thing is, if you can, try and get someone from the airline to look after your bags, because they will be coming off the reclaim shute pretty quick, and you won't be there to keep an eye on them!

normally some guy takes them off and just puts them to one side, but ANYONE could then just walk off with them. I nearly lost a third bag when I eventually got out of that room, and by the time I got to the reclaim shute ANOTHER flights bags where coming down on it. Thank god I saw it behind some lady!! phewww!!!

seriously though it's something to keep in mind everyone! they should let you get your bags and leave them outside this room.

anyway guys, just to let you know I'm still here, and will keep checking and praying for more approvals from London soon.

have a great day everyone

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 09:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Good morning to you guys,

It's good to hear everyone seems in an up-beat mood!!! :thumbs:

well Vicky I think I'm gonna do what you have advised and not book anything until it's in my hand.

Originally I was gonna try and just fly straight to San Francisco from the UK, but now after speaking with Courtney I'm gonna try and go via JFK (NYC) to try and get the temp EAD (work permit) that you can only get at this airport.

I wonder, however, if you would go through the POE and all the immigration stuff, if you were just flying VIA JFK and not actually finishing your journey there??!!!!

hmmmmmmmmm that's a question, anyone have any ideas? :whistle:

oh well hope everyone is having a good day, I won't be taking that much stuff over with me Beetee (I don't accumulate much #######!!! :D ) and so the journey over should be pretty painless, all mine and Courtneys stuff is in storage in the states at the moment!

speak soon guys

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-04 06:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hi Tiff,

glad to hear you feel better. I'm sure that you'll be under review or even completed by next week! :yes:

At the moment I'm trying to decide on when to fly out. Of course I want to be there with Courtney now! but I'm not sure when the passport and sealed envelope will come back from the embassy?? I was gonna book a flight on the 15th of June, that should be ok, but I'm still nervous as to whether this will give me enough time. The courier service picked it up last wednesday, and Rob got his stuff back after about 10 days, so I'm still not sure whether I should just go ahead and book???

what would you guys do???

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-03 08:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

Vicky, I'm so glad you're finally on the list!!! Isn't it a strange sort of relief to see your case number just sitting on some list?! Yahooo for you guys! :dance:

I can't even say the same for myself. Today I've had a bit of a meltdown when saw the list. Handling it well? I don't know about that, but what else is to be done? I've been wracking my brain trying to think of what could be taking so long? Torture, perhaps? I'm trying to stay positive. At least we're both not down on the same day. That would really suck. I guess it really tests the strength of your relationship, huh? All plans of life on hold until such time as some man/woman who doesn't even know me gets to decide how the rest of my life will play out. That's what I hate the most. I realize Cas has made a mistake, but I just don't see we should have to pay for it for the rest of our lives. You know, I find myself thinking, if they could only meet him and see how good he is, there would be no question! Instead we're reduced to a few pages - well, more than a few- that someone reads about us. Sorry. Feeling a little blue. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to keep my chins up. :(



Me and Court send our sincere best wishes to you and Cas at the moment. (F)

It can't be easy for you at the moment with this waiting game, we all know how much it's drives you crazy with the anticipation and the letdowns everyone experiences, especially when there seems that the progress on the pdf doc is so slow once again.

But like Vicky said please try and stay positive about everything! We all need to remember that London's pass rate for waivers is >%90, and although it seems like not much is happening over there, I'm sure it is.

You did put the wedding date back Tiff didn't you? so hopefully it shouldn't be too worrying about that!

I understand what you and Vicky have said about this whole process. Someone somewhere is adjudicating your case and they know nothing about how good the people our and how much they love each other... .but Tiff your case sounded so strong and Cas's crime (if you would call it that, as it sounded like a complete minor thing) was so long ago, 10 years even before mine! all these things are GOOD points for you to remember.

Our waiver was not as detailed as yours either, so I'm sure your waiver is 100% rock solid. Even Vicky, if I remember, had researched her waiver really well and had lots of time to prepare a good one, so please try not to find holes in them, I'm sure they are very good applications.

Of course is doesn't stop you worrying, and it doesn't stop the bad days eh? You guys just need to be strong and when you see Cas next, it will be so sweet... and you will never have to be apart again (L) ..... which I am sure everyone agress..... is the hardest thing to bare through these diificult times.

You'll get there Tiff, and we are all here for you! The same goes for everyone else, this is why I beleive that these forums are invaluable. You can get so much support and strength from others that helps you through the darkest of days.

OK, enough of me rambling! Courtney and I send our sincere love and best wishes to everyone here, and especially Tiff.......

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-02 04:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

Thanks you everyone for your answers. It does seem like a much longer process than I anticipated from London. And, the UK hardship, well I better start thinking up some hardship of my own... What would be a typical boiler-plate scenario for a UKC experiencing hardship besides medical issues?

I'm just curious...


There are PLENTY of posts to help you as to preparing hardship letters for both the UKC and USC (The USC one is more important as far as the hardship thing is concerned)....... see the threads at the top of this forum as to trying to prove hardship etc. and what constitutes hardship etc.... also would definately suggest you go to and the I-601 forum as people have actually posted their harship letters on that forum, so that will give you a good idea. If I'm right even Nigel and Rob posted theirs on this forum, so have a look at them.

Of course every case it different, and you really need to decide how best to approach it from you and your fiancee's point of view.

I remember when we first started reading the examples of waivers and were thinking "my god, what would happen if you were two healthy people who had no kids? your're really screwed then!", but you really need to think about how best to make arguments to work for yourself!

hope this helps. I'll try and post our hardship letter on this and the forums at the weekend. Every little example helps eh?

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 09:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
that's good news Vicky! B)

so you're on the list at last eh?

I guess you're quite relieved to see your case up there now!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 08:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!

I don't think it will be a problem with your application. Anyway normally what happens is that they will get in touch with you if they need any extra information. Tiff's spot on with her advice though, and we should both know as we both got delayed because they wanted two hardship letters and two completed G-325a forms! and, like she said, the USC must state that they know why the waiver is being filed in their letter! i.e., they are aware of the reasons (whether it be CIMT etc) for it being filed.

Have seen the updates, my heart goes out to you Tiff, why are they taking so long with yours??? :( Your below us right? They should be getting round to filling in the gaps and getting complete's done with those few remaining earlo London cases.

Have a good day everyone

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 06:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Morning everyone!

another day in the madhouse eh?

just needed to see if anyone spotted my deliberate mistakes from yesterday??

Both were pointed out to me by Courtney, the London case that was approved (LND2004 752 002 ) only took 8 weeks and 2 days, I don't know were I got 12 weeks from!!

and of course the avatar character is Ren and not Stimpy!

oh well I'm off to check the LACK of progress on that pdf doc!!

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-25 02:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
a few drinks later this evening and at the weekend I'm going away with some friends to have a stag do, I guess you guys have bridal showers over there???

the REAL celebrations will be when I get to CA and am with my beautiful fiancee once again!!

I just only hope that's soon

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 09:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
what was the question Vicky?? if you don't mind me asking?

and don't worry it didn't sound snotty..........

ok here's how bored I am at work............ I calculated how long the four cases have taken from the original received dates (that they used to post when they first did the I-601 tracking doc) to todays date and here are the results:

received date
LND2004 752 002 - 1/3/2006 - London – Completed 28/4/06 (12 weeks and 2 days)
LND2005 514 017 - 27/2/2006 - London – Under review (12 weeks and 2 days)
STK2003 364 003 - 13/2/2006 - Stockholm - Completed 21/4/06 (9 weeks and 4 days)
STK2005 215 003 - 7/2/2006 - Stockholm – Completed 6/4/06 (8 weeks and 2 days)

Of course I'm not telling you anything you haven't worked out already, but it's interesting to note that the London cases are around the 12 week mark. That 514 017 cases should definately be complete VERY soon.

oh well back to my pills.......... :wacko:
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 09:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
Hey guys,

thanks for the best wishes!!!

well Vicky it's not a bad idea but I don't really think they would give me any info. I haven't heard of anyone who got information or updates from that office while they were waiting for the waiver to be processed, remember that e-mail template that they send out saying not to e-mail them while you're waiting for your waiver?.

Tiff, I can understand your frustration but I don't think anything can be acheived by e-mailing them, although I wish you the best of luck.

Unfortunately, the facts are that me and Tiff are still only at 11 weeks (plus a few days) and I guess we won't start to really hear something until the end of the month.

Although it would be really nice to see SOME progression of some sorts on the other London cases before us......

ok I need my pillls........ :hehe:

have a good day everyone

sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 08:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Uk Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!
I'm so bored here, I've decided to continuously update my avatar pic over the next few weeks with a photo of the mental state of Stimpy (from Ren and Stimpy, if anyone of you guys remember that cartoon series)........

and as you can see he's looking a little stressed!!!
sharkyMaleUnited Kingdom2006-05-24 06:41:00