Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Apr 17 2008, 10:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Apr 17 2008, 09:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Apr 17 2008, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (maviwaro @ Apr 17 2008, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Buenos días gente fenonemal...

A los de Seattle... estoy enfrentando un posible viaje por esa ciudad a hacer visita didacta en la UW... algún momento este verano. Ya daré avisos.

Compadre!!!! Usted nomas avise y aqui nos organizamos una comidilla --- yo sugiero el Cedar's en el Distrito Universitario. Es delicioso!!!! Ademas me ofrezco para ser su guia de turistas en UW. A que departamento vas? Cuenta, cuenta, cuenta.

Aaaaaaa bueno... es cosa entre Neuro y Endocrinología en el campus médico... un posible entrenamiento colaborativo entre el laboratorio de un colega de mi "jefe" y el mío... ya sabes, temas de tésis biggrin.gif.

Dios quiera serán unos días gratos donde pueda aprovechar para conocerles al "corillo" VJotero por esos lares!

Ah orale, entonces vienes a UW Medicine - chido. El Centro de Ciencias de Salud esta juntito al campus - medio pinche el edificio je je je. En verdad avisanos cuando caes por estos lares, en una de esas te ahorramos el hotel amigo, aqui entre la banda C-@-TL.

Si, seria buenisimo tener reunioncita. te esperamos.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-17 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Apr 16 2008, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gracias Abby chula!!!

Acabo de iniciar un thread llamado PUNTO DE AHORRO, donde podemos compartir nuestras ideas para ahorrar plata!

que bonito que tu mama ha recuperado. Espero que tengamos dias soleados durante su visita.

ya me voy para meterme en tu nuevo thread.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-16 16:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (Lady_K @ Apr 14 2008, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola a todos...

ya tarde por que este tema esta muy avanzadito pero, bueno se puede?

Tendran un lugarcito para mi en este grupo?

Para Guera y Tavo, yo creo que vale mas que sobre y no que falte, cuando fui a mi entrevista lleve tantos papeles que le pobre agente se me asusto y no quiso ver nada. Buena suerte en la entrevista.

shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-15 01:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (GueraYTavo @ Apr 14 2008, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heee gente bonita,

Buenos dias y como les fue d fin? 1 pregunta, tenemos mi Sra. y yo la entrevista con el tio Sam este jueves asi que si me pudieran dar su insight sobre su experiencia estaria d pelos.

Te piden entregar algunas formas corregidas en la entrevista? por ejemplo, mi sra (ella es la gringa) adopto mi apellido despues de mandar los papeles y tambien le dieron 1 aumento de sueldo despues de mandar los papiros, debo cambiar y llevar conmigo la correccion de la I-485 y la biografica??

Bueno gracias y espero sus respuestas.


suerte! Nuestro entrevista fue hace 4 anos... pero fue facil, mas o menos. Llevamos un paquete con todos los formas para ensenarlos, pero solo nos pidio unos cuantos. Lo ensenamos las fotos de la boda. Nos pregunto unas preguntas, ni recuerdo que fueron pero fue muy facil. En este tiempo mi marido no hablaba mucho ingles pero tampoco tuvo problemas. Nuestro problema fue el name check, la entrevista nos fue bien. Solo buscan casos donde es obvio que el matrimonio es falso.
Cambie mi apellido tambien, pero no le ensene nada de eso. Creo que lo que les importa es el apellido del inmigrante.
Ni modo, mejor tener demasiado documentos y pruebas.

shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-14 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
Como les fue el finde para todos?

Len, espero que no hubo problemas con el Pow Wow--con la lluvia el domingo.

Festejamos el cumpleanos de mi marido. Fue un dia bello y soleado--que raro para Seattle.
Hubo como dos fiestas. Llegaron los americanos a las 7 para una cena de tacos y quesadillas... y llegaron los mexicanos, chilenos y brazilenos a las 11 para el "dance party". kicking.gif Fue muy divertida pero muy larga la noche.
Que bueno que mi marido solo cumple anos una vez al ano. tongue.gif
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-14 12:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (monyfer @ Apr 10 2008, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola a TODOS!!!
Solo queria pasar a nueva aqui!!! Acabo de empezar todos los papeles para el K-1 visa para que mi hermosisimo novio mexicano pueda venir aqui conmigo!! Deseanme suerteeee :*)

Bienvenida! Soy nueva aqui tambien. De veras, son gente muy amable aqui.
Seguimos aqui para ofrecerte apoyo en todo el camino. Puede estar muy duro a veces... pero vale la pena. star_smile.gif

shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-11 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (CamyCar @ Apr 11 2008, 07:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hola mi gente querida de Fuera de Lugar, empecé a leer el foro donde me había quedado, y francamente que ustedes son una gente muy divina, jajajajajajajaaj, les cuento que estoy feliz en mi nueva vida, la verdad viaje mucho de chiquitina con mis padres, pero ya grande hecha una mujer no, y estoy medio atontada con tantas cosas lindas en este país, la entrevista en Colombia en la embajada, fue muy corta, la cónsul me pidió presentarle a mi hijo y que llamara a mi prometido y luego de hablar con el dos palabras le dijo riendo que éramos aprobados y eso fue todo, nos quedamos con las evidencias y un medio libro de 280 y tantas paginas de una parte de nuestros encuentros diarios en Internet, jajajajajajajaj, luego a preparar las maletas y salimos para USA el 5 de Abril, el viaje muy pesado por que es muy largo, entramos por Atlanta y casi mudos con mi hijo de ver un aeropuerto tan grande, la gente de inmigración fue muy querida y nos dieron una linda bienvenida, llegamos a Phoenix a las 2 de la mañana y finalmente a casa, caímos en las camas como piedras, del cansancio que traíamos, y solo al despertar pude darme cuenta que no era un sueño, que estaba con mi amor en casa y en los Estados Unidos de Norte América, nunca pensé en el sueño americano como la mayoría de los latinos, pero si es maravilloso llegar aquí.
Todo es nuevo y muy lindo, aun creo estar soñando, el arreglo de la casa es muy fuerte y lo único que extraño es que en Colombia era una reconocida figura y aquí nadie me conoce y nadie me saluda, jajajajajajajjaja, mis nuevos hijos son un encanto y se han llevado muy bien con el mío, el idioma siempre es una pequeña dificultad, pero esto hace que todos pongamos especial atención en cada uno, se presenta cada situación de esas que dan mucha risa, en fin, en síntesis estoy muy feliz de haber logrado el sueño de poder estar con mi amorcito.
Gracias por todas las buenas vibras que nos enviaron, Len tengo tu café, por fa envíame tu dirección para mandarlo, y lo mismo tu Mónica, aquí esta tu chocolatera y el molinillo, jajajajajajaj, me alegra mucho que tengamos nuevas personas en fuera de lugar, donde podemos contar experiencias y lo que queramos, un abrazo para todos y nuevamente gracias, aquí continuamos, feliz fin de semana, Carina

Felicidades! Que bonito. Que bueno que les fue todo bien. siempre me agrada escuchar historias de oficiales amables. Me da pena escuchar lo feo... Es tan dificil imigrar, no le tienen que poner mas obstaculos en el camino.

te mando suerte con el AOS!
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-11 11:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Apr 10 2008, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
¡Buenas días chachos!

Por ahí leí que alguien tuvo una pesadilla. Eso es solo que tiene miedo a que le salgan mal las cosas, pero tranquis que todo va a salir bien.

Pero les tengo un agüero que tenemos en la familia. Cada vez que se sueñen con caca... es símbolo de plata. O sea que alégrense cuando la vean y entre más grande y apestosa... mejor. ¡EN SERIO!!!!

Ahí les dejo esa inquietud. rofl.gif


Buenos dias.
nada de pesadillas anoche. Si sueno con eso... les cuento. wacko.gif

espero que tengan dias bonitos!
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-10 11:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Apr 9 2008, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shadtov @ Apr 9 2008, 12:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Len-has ido al restaurante Oaxaqueno en Ballard? Fuimos hace unas semanas y fue sabroso.

No me digas que hay uno?? Autentico?? pasame el nombre!!!
En Lake City hay uno llamado cre o"Jalisco", pero nunca hemos ido!!!

Se llama "la carta de oaxaca." Conoces market st? Esta por alli. Creo que esta en la calle "Ballard ave. NW". Esta chiquitito y siempre tienes que esperar una hora los fines de semana pero SI vale la pena. No es tan economico... un plato chico cuesta $7-$9, pero tienen moles, tamales oaxaquenos, mollotes (asi se escriben? nunca los habia probado en Mexico), y mas.
Nos encanta.

Ademas hay una taqueria "La pasadita" por la salida del northgate (al oeste). Son los mejores que hemos probado aqui.
Una vez fuimos a Beacon Hill para huaraches y tortas... pero ya tenemos tiempo sin ir.

Que te dicen de "Jalisco"?

QUOTE (Shamrock @ Apr 9 2008, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mucho gusto Heather y por supuesto que bienvenida a este foro, yo también soy de las nuevas adiciones al mismo y creéme que esta gente te hace reír si es que estás teniendo un mal día.
Suerte con tu proceso y ojalá ya se destrabe lo del namecheck pronto!


shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-09 21:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (GueraYTavo @ Apr 9 2008, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tranquila tranquila no va a pasar nada. Acuerdate que el que se desespera pierde, veras q pronto les llegara 1 respuesta. Que raro que te han tenido tanto tiempo en espera, por lo general los que la llevan d perder son los esposos(as) de origen arabe porque su nombre se parece a alguno que haya tenido o tenga problemas aqui en los EU. ESPEREMOS QUE NO NOS PASE IGUAL!! unsure.gif

Dicen que nos han tardado en llegar la tarjeta por el nombre de mi marido. No es tan comun en su estado de Colima, pero parece que hay millones aqui.

Pero, ya basta con las pesadillas. Voy a pensar en lo bueno y nos llegara la tarjeta cuando llegue. yes.gif

gracias por tus palabras.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-09 20:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
Anoche, tuve una pesadilla. sad.gif Sone que fuimos para un infopass en Seattle. Mientras mi marido estaba en el bano, se quejo a su mismo de USCIS. En mi pesadilla, alguien lo escucho y se lo reporto a los autoridades. Y una semana despues, recibimos un aviso de deportacion. Ayyyyy!
Hablamos con un abogado publico que nos dijo que si fue cierto que lo iban a deportar por sus palabras, pero si fueramos a Alemania, tendriamos mas suerte con un juez alli.
Que tenia que ver Alemania con USCIS?
Ayy. Que me pasa? Nuestro caso esta en las manos de un agente de Seattle… Debo de estar feliz, relajada, pero hasta que veo la tarjeta no lo voy a creer.

Que feo, eh? lo desesperada que me tiene USCIS... good.gif

Len-has ido al restaurante Oaxaqueno en Ballard? Fuimos hace unas semanas y fue sabroso.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-09 14:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
QUOTE (GueraYTavo @ Apr 9 2008, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Por cierto, ya vi tu timeline. No wonder you need moral support. Mucha suerte y esperemos que te ayude esa nueva resolucion que dice que si has estado esperando mas de 6 meses por la "tarjeta verde" te la van a dar aun asi que todavia no se termine la investigacion relacionada con el nombre de tu marido.

No se me achicopale y animo casi pasana! (dijiste que tu abuelo era mexicano no?)

buenas tardes! otro dia bonito.

Tavo--Si, mi abuelo fue medio Mexicano Americano, por su mama. Su familia vivia por generaciones en Yuma. Pero, hablaba nada de espanol. Su mama hablaba los dos pero no se lo quiso ensenar. Y alli murio el idioma para nosotros. pues... hasta ahora, no?

Len--gracias por las ideas. Estamos pagando la tarjeta poco a poco. Voy a sentir tan libre despues de pagarla. Espero este momento. Mi marido esta trabajando de nuevo y trato de usar todo el dinero "extra" para pagar la tarjeta.
Me va a ayudar este tema.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-09 14:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFuera de Lugar!!!!
Hola a todos!
Tengo la tarde leyendo sus posts y come me ayudan... smile.gif Aunque me marido es el mexicano, soy la que le gusta leer todo que puedo acerca de este proceso. El dice que no me ayuda leer tanto... porque me agita... pero, pues, asi soy.

Me caen bien todos ustedes por sus palabras amables y platicas autenticas--de todo de veras.

A veces me meto en otros posts, pero despues me siento fea... por tantos pleitos que salen entre la gente. Buscaba un post con gente amable--no imagine que lo encontraria en el idioma de marido (pero, porque no? Marcos ha dicho muchas veces que extrana a su gente que te invitan a su casa por una copa con solo un dia de amistad).

Obvio que mi primer idioma es ingles y no espanol... pero si me acepten, aqui estoy.

Espero que todos hayan tenido buen dia.
I look forward to getting to know you all.

---Y gracias para todos los tips. Necesito inspiracion para seguir con los ahorros. Ahorita, compartimos una casa con otra pareja y eso nos ayuda algo. Nosotros quedamos en el primer piso, y ellos en el segundo. No lo recomiendo para todos, pero nos vale la pena para poder ahorrar un poquito cada mes. pues, lo veremos... sigo comprando cafe en la tardes... good.gif

shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-08 20:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmarried or fiancee visa in this situation
QUOTE (Paris Heart @ Apr 24 2008, 09:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Apr 24 2008, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paula&Minya @ Apr 24 2008, 11:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Apr 24 2008, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paula&Minya @ Apr 24 2008, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ Apr 24 2008, 11:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did he enter legally the second time?

It seems the OP's husband entererred without inspection, therefore making him ineligible to file AOS here in the US.

QUOTE (USAMEX @ Apr 23 2008, 11:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
would it be faster/easier to marry my fiancee here (usa) and file his visa papers here (he entered from mexico illegally) or get married here and then send him back home to MEX and file from here.... or is it better to just send him home and get the fiancee vias... vert confused...

Some background: we met and got pregnant but he returned home after being here for a very short time... he came back after the baby was born b/c i was alone and homeless.. our baby is a year old now and he hasnt gone back to MEX yet

You can marry here but he cannot apply for his green card from within the US. He will have to return, while you file the I-130 (Petition for Spouse) and then interview at the consulate in his home country for either for a visa to be able to legally return. Having entered without inspection makes him ineligible to file from here in the US.
Not sure about any ramifications to his illegal stay here in the US....maybe somene else can chime in on that.

Good luck,

His illegal presence will cause the initial visa application to be denied requiring the submission of a waiver request.

You know, this is something I've wondered about. If for example, the person who enters US without inspection....goes back to mexico(also without inspection), where is the 'illegal presence' recorded?


It is on the honor system..... smile.gif

Its only recorded if umm U.S. Customs/Border Patrol catch them. If we dont know their here illegally, nothing is recorded.
Best of luck on your journey.
Paris Heart

I think the baby would be "proof" that someone was in the US.
My friend is putting together all of the waiver info from the US, with her husband here. It's taking her a while to pay the back taxes (he worked here) and get together the money for the application process. I'm not completely familiar with the process, since we did 129F and AOS here, but I know he was fingerprinted at the border only once.

If you search old posts there is lots of good advice to other posters about this topic.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-24 12:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase with adjudicating officer
QUOTE (gogo @ Apr 28 2008, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well, I did file back in April 2007 blush.gif I should have got a decision of any at least by now.. I'm going to consultation today to hire an immigration lawyer (or a team) to help make a decision for my case.. yeah, so I'm really jealous of the Adjustment of Status people.. they can still see their spouse everyday.. I even told USCIS if it happens that way I don't care if they take 5 years to do Adjustment, as long as we can be together..

I don't know if it's just China that has security check delays. My husband is from Mexico and we're on year 5 of the name check. But you're right, it wasn't as bad for us since we only had to wait 8 months for the fiance visa; the longer wait has been with AOS. We spend approx. $700/year to renew the EAD and AP, but at least he's here.

I hope things clear up for you both soon. It's hard being apart, especially with an ocean to separate you.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-28 13:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase with adjudicating officer
QUOTE (gogo @ Apr 28 2008, 10:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my case is also with an officer.. back in November.. haha.. The thing is it is on their desk.. it is just they aren't doing anything about it.. They have a quota to meet so they are doing the easier ones first..

It's been on their desk since November? That's depressing... sad.gif
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-28 12:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBorder crossing
QUOTE (ltlvt @ May 17 2008, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancee has been denied a visitor visa because she is divorced. Can she cross the border and get married in a texas town without a visa. She has a mexican passport. If so is it better to get married first and then file for a K-3 visa or just file the K-1 visa and wait.. Thanks for the help.. Terry

She wouldn't be able to cross without a visa. K-1 and K-3 both take time, but I don't know if one is quicker. You could search previous posts where people posed the same question: K-1 vs. K-3.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-05-17 20:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married Soon...Got a question
I used an attorney for the initial part of the K-1 and that was a waste of time and money. I found a paralegal in San Diego that cost me $300 for the AOS. They were great. They've helped with all the renewals for free, and there have been a lot since we're stuck in name check.

However, I might never have used them if I'd known about this site when we started this process.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-05-27 19:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview
QUOTE (jmmr @ May 31 2008, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
THANKS EVERYONE!! This site is awesome! The reason I asked is because I am actually getting helped by an older woman who helps a lot of people with their visas. She's kind of an "advisor" and I think she may have told us that we both had to go to an interview. Maybe I misunderstood her...? Well..that is a relief for me! Thanks everyone for being so helpful. This is a huge change in our lives and I just want to calm down and be more patient with the process. I guess I'm over stressed with everything that is going on. far so good! JUST WAITING PATIENTLY!! whistling.gif Again, thank you!

Back in 2003, my husband and I both went to the Juarez interview for our K-1. We were interviewed together. Things have changed since then. Your friend is probably familiar with the way they used to do it.

Also, search "Juarez Consulate" in the older posts and there's a whole group of people going through the K-1 process with Mexico. I wish I'd known about the site back when we had our interview. They're very helpful and there are a lot of older posts in that thread with lots of info.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-03 11:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical exam for child - Juarez
QUOTE (dodger58 @ Jun 5 2008, 09:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

The child under 14 must be in Juarez for 4 days. They need to do a TB test and it takes that long to show the results with the skin test. You could take the medical exams on a Friday and receive the results on a Monday according to the clinic worker my Fiancee spoke to last week. then interview on Tuesday.


Do children in Mexico no longer get the TB vaccine? My husband tested positive in the US b/c of his tb vaccine as a child and now can only use x-rays.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-06 12:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
Congratulations Joey!

What a relief for you guys.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-08 17:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (thegreatgate @ Jun 4 2008, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She has to stay at a medical clinic in Juarez. She is isolated for the first 2 weeks. Everyday she will have to take medicine. It is free and she is allowed to leave and come back after the first 2 weeks.

That sounds more reasonable. From what I understand, treatment involves taking a daily medication. It's a strong medication but a common one since tb is pretty common.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-04 17:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionJuarez Consulate
QUOTE (thegreatgate @ Jun 4 2008, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well everybody, I have very terrible and tragic news. Some peoples lives, at certain points in time, are just a lot better than others. Unfortunately, my life and Diana's are at low points. She has active tuberculosis and will be going on Tuesday to start a 6 month treatment in Juarez. She doesn't even know the bad news yet, all she knows is she is going to Juarez. Her aunt is going to tell her sometime within the next week. I can visit when I can afford to, but other than that, I won't get to be with her until December of 2008. You definitely will not be seeing me on this site a whole lot in the next 6 months.

I'm so sorry. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.

Why does she need to return to Juarez to begin her treatment? That seems harsh. 6 months is a very long time, but you guys can do this. Maybe she can use this time to study her English so that the transition will be easier for her. My husband wishes he'd studied more before he came.

And about us not seeing you around for the next 6 months, this is actually a really great place for support. If you'd like to practice your Spanish, there's a great group of people in "Fuera del lugar" in the Latin America/Mexico part of the Regional forum. We chat about lots of things and people are in various parts of the immigration process. Honestly, it helps to have support from other people who know what it's like to have a loved one far away and to be at the will of the US Bureaucracy. I'd say give it a try for some support.

again, I'm so sorry.

Also, I'd also post your question as it's own thread in the k-1 forum so other people can answer. I'm sure people from other countries have had to go through this before.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-04 16:22:00
CanadaGetting Senator intervention
QUOTE (gemilina @ Apr 29 2008, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got great news today. The consulate called me but I missed the call so I contacted my husband to see if he heard anything. Nope. Luckily, 10 minutes later the senator's assistant called him and told him that we are approved! The assistant said the consulate was calling to find out about picking up or shipping the visas/passports. I sent a Canada Post envelope in with everything so that would be the use of shipment. Anywho, I still can't believe it, we are APPROVED!!!

Finally! Congratulations! They had better get you that green card immediately!

It's great to hear good news.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-30 11:26:00
CanadaGetting Senator intervention
QUOTE (gemilina @ Apr 27 2008, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wish I had contacted our senator earlier. This is a huge wait and totally inexcusable. I laugh about our timeline but then I'd cry. We applied in the middle of 2004. Yes, I said 2004! We received notice of USCIS approving my I-130 at the end of December 2004. Then I was informed that it would take over 900 days for my file to be fully approved from start to finish. Over 900 days! Upon hearing that we stopped freaking out about sending every document in the second it arrived at the house requesting such and such to be filled out and more money sent in. We probably slacked for a total of one year as we then planned to stay in Canada and see where the US immigration thing led us. We didn't get out hopes up.

Well, my hubby moved to the US in November 2006 due to a job change as his plant was closing in Canada, so we followed him since we couldn't afford to maintain two households. I'm a stay-at-home mom and we have a 4 and 3 yr old together as well as my 11 year old son from a previous marriage. I don't know about you, but being away from my husband for 1 1/2 to 2 years and the kids not seeing their dad is NOT an option. Especially when we have done nothing wrong other than think we had the right to move to the US where my husband and our two children are citizens. Stupid me lol. And here I still sit. I had my interview at the Montreal Consulate in late February and had to resubmit documents and still no word. Tomorrow my hubby is calling his senator. I so wish we did this years ago. It might have saved alot of head and heartaches.

And for those who wonder....I am natural born Canadian, don't have a criminal record (actually I did volunteer work for 16 yrs with victim services to help victims of crime), I've never been deported or refused access to the US, and my family background is from a standard european country that is not on anyone's restrictive list. My husband is a former marine from the Gulf War, he's an engineer with a good job, he owns our house in the US and we've been married for 5 1/2 yrs, together for 7 yrs. Oh, and I used to work at non-profit organizations to help the community in which I lived. So ya, I can see why my application is taking so long. blink.gif I must be a detriment to society LOL

Pretty sad when the first and only rule I ever break is a big one like being in the US to preserve my family due to incompetence. I don't get it.

Is it a name check thing? Why would it take that long? We've been AOS pending since 2004 due to the name check, but we started with the fiance visa (that was approved in 8 months). With the I130 do you have to do the name check prior to approval? THat's just crazy!
That's so terrible.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-29 11:09:00
CanadaGetting Senator intervention
QUOTE (estadia @ Apr 22 2008, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i guess i just live in the wrong state for any help at all .......they are now processing oct.......i filed in aug receipted in sept and no help from any congressman or senator ........... mad.gif

That's terrible. I assumed that Oregon reps would be more helpful since they have fewer immigrants than other states. In California every inquiry took 4-6 months while Washington has been faster. (Of course, they've never been able to do anything b/c of the name check, but at least they confirmed the case wasn't lost).

What kind of info have they given you? Have you received any letters back from them? I usually get a letter 6-12 weeks out stating that they got the inquiry and then a response 6 weeks to 3 months after that.
Have they responded in any way?
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-22 13:22:00
CanadaWhat the HELL?!
QUOTE (Galateia @ May 20 2008, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Crossed the border Sunday at the Detroit Tunnel.

Was reassured MULTIPLE TIMES by the incompetent dipshit who processed my visa (his first ever K visa processing! yay!) and by the senior guys there that the entry stamp (with expiration date) on my I-94 WAS the work authorization. Over and over when I asked over and over they said yes, you can work on this, it's the right stamp.

Now I'm struggling through my EI application and reading the EI thread it says the stamp is supposed to say 'authorized to work until ____' and while I have two stamps, one on the visa and one on the stapled I-94, they are identical stamps that state what day I entered and when the visa and I-94 expire.

So Customs swore up and down that this would allow me to work for the duration of my visa (aka 90 days) but I do not see anything that says 'authorized to WORK' and I am once again having a spaz.

Sunday was a day of hell thanks to the complications of going through Windsor instead of just flying straight from Toronto, and if I went through all this (which stressed me out enough to be having some fun reccurring medical problems that have me in extreme pain, and they won't go away until I'm not stressed anymore) for nothing my head is going to pop off.

Sorry to be so negative, but I did not appreciate being grilled for 1.5 hrs by a goddamn stupid ### who knew less about the visa process than I did ("You can cross the border as many times as you want before the 90 days expires, but if you try after the 90 days is up, you will self-deport." UH SAY WHAT?! ONE TIME VISA CROSSING, YOU #######!) and having him insult my fiance's reasons for messaging me online and state that TWO YEARS was not long enough to get married, and grill me on why I broke up with my last boyfriend-- I did NOT appreciate being treated that way. It was totally unncessary and unforgivably rude.

Someone please help me out with the stamp question? helpsmilie.gif

When my husband and I crossed the border in 2004, the officer wouldn't even take our k-1 packet. I told him that he needed to and he was incredibly mean and told us to just cross over. Obviously that was wrong so we went back to the border 3 days later and then went through the proper process. They treated our case as though we had just crossed that day for the first time. It sounds like it wouldn't be very convenient for you to go back to the POE. That worked for us, but I lived only 1.5 hrs from the border. Otherwise, I'm not sure what can be done.

Another time when we crossed with my mother-in-law, an official told us that my mother-in-law's one entry visitor's visa was a multiple entry visa (It was sooo not and luckily we knew that). The airport officers seem to know a lot more that than the border officers.

I'm sorry they were so horrible to you.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-05-20 12:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiongot my new greencard today !
Congrats! Time to celebrate!
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-10 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhen we leave Juarez !
QUOTE (ChuckNTeresa @ May 11 2008, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all good people !!! Soon I will have to Leave Juarez and we found it to be cheaper to fly from El Paso to Kansas City. Instead of Flying from Ciudad Juarez to kansas City... The difference is about $300 dollars or so !!! So here is my question !!! What is the Best way to get to the El Paso Airport with no car from Juarez !!! Anyone done this before any reconmendations !!! Also I was hoping to find out the distance between the border in Juarez to the El Paso Airport !!! We have about two weeks before we need to do something !!! We are Praying the consulate accepts our appeals and allow us to go together, if that happens we will rent a car and drive together !!! Please Pray for us that, that will happen !!! We still have some good people on our side fighting with us !!! But you know that whoever is faithful with little will given Much !!! So can any one help !!! Thanks Chuck and Teresa

I hope you can go together. But if you can't, you can walk over the border and then take a taxi to the airport. I don't remember how far it is, but I did that 5 yrs ago and it was pretty simple. I think it's pretty close. You could mapquest the distance to be sure.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-05-11 22:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA WOMEN: What kind of jobs are your husbands doing/looking into?
QUOTE (Rocketta @ Apr 22 2008, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hubby is a barber. Hopefully I can convince him to go back to school after he works on getting a GED. However, it is his life and one of the things he wants badly is to live his life as he sees fit so I'll support whatever he wants to do..... well for a while. wink.gif

a barber can make a good living. And if he can open his own shop, he can rent out spaces to other barbers and have quite a bit of autonomy. I'm not sure if a barber makes as much as a hair stylists who works with women, but I think it would be a pretty steady job, here.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-23 18:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust wanted to share my news with you all!
Wow! You're a model of perseverence in the face of bureaucracy.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-05-27 19:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSeventeen months
Congratulations! These are the trials that only make a marriage stronger.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-02 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceiving Notice in Mexico
QUOTE (StevenCarmen @ Jun 13 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm about to file an I-130 /129F /325a.

I've been searching and going over the advice for dealing with a problematic mailing address (no delivery) for my spouse in Mexico and it seems clear that either:

1) It's reasonable to use a postal box for your mailing address in certain places so your mail will get delivered. But always use her physical address for residence.

2) It's a bad idea to use a PO Box because they don't accept them. The Consulate's delivery service will find you anyway.

That is, both opinions are strongly held, it seems. Can anybody who filed while at a rural Mexican residence shed any light on this? I can imagine that this answer varies from country to country and even depends on the area of the country as to whether it gets delivered.

And will USCIS have a problem with this address considering it's long and has no street or number? My wife's address (as on ID) is "Arroyo Numero Tres, Santa Maria Tonameca, Oaxaca, Mexico.


My husband's mail delivery was just pushed through the fence. (Quite a few envelopes were chewed up by his dogs if he wasn't home soon enough.) Everything seemed to get to him though, but he is from a good size city.
I'm wondering, if your wife is from a small enough town, could she ask the postal carrier what he suggests and then ask him to keep an eye out for her package? Of course, that would mean that she would need to know the carrier to trust him...

I hope someone else pipes in. You could post this in the ciudad juarez thread under consulates. Most of the folks are applying for fiance visas but they had to use the mail system, too.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-13 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe Process... in Ciudad Juarez
QUOTE (eloko @ Jun 11 2008, 05:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im already receivie the green card and social security... its no even 1 month later... like 2 weeks later after the port of entry

wow! they really is expediting!

shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-12 12:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe Process... in Ciudad Juarez
Congratulations Eloko!

That's wonderful that you get to be free and legal in the US. That's great news!
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-04 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBlown away
QUOTE (acobnamia1224 @ Apr 10 2008, 09:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
what does DUI have to do with the K1 visa???

I believe it's relevant in this case b/c the petitioner couldn't accompany the fiance to the interview in Canada. I'm under the impression that Canada won't let you in if you have a DUI or drug charges. He can still petition, but he can't be at the interview.

That's correct, right?
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-10 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 vanishing act
QUOTE (ky-vag @ Apr 11 2008, 07:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok, i was being patient, i mailed my K-1 packet in to USCIS (cali) March 5, they received it, I received my NOA1 with receipt WACxxxxxxxxxx
I waited and waited, ok, no problem, i know it takes a while. Then today, I check USCIS site (which i registered on and checked with my login data many times before) to see if any change or maybe a
touch, this is what I get.....

Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:
Your login was invalid. Please check your User Type, User ID and/or Password.
Please note that your online access will be locked out if you have multiple invalid sign on attempts.

#######!!!!!!!!!, ok ok , I then try again 3 more times....same messege (i am sure of my login name/password)
ok then I try to check status with my receipt number, and I get this....

Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:
Case Status Retrieval Failed

#######!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS GONE???? THATS IT< I"M DONE??????? #######!!!!!!!!






I think the system is just down today.
I had the same problem.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-11 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of being unmarried
I've never heard of that. They didn't ask us for that when we had our interview.
I'm sorry they're putting you through all of this. I saw your other post about the waiver. It seems like that would be more of a concern for them. Maybe that made them more skeptical?

again, that's terrible. I'm sorry.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-04-22 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Line 14
QUOTE (tigergumby @ Jun 3 2008, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Possibly because the barracks are on a federal installation, and belong to the government. There are a lot of people who work for the government who used to be in the military, and I wouldn't want to get the one guy who would happen to know that people living in barracks aren't allowed to have anyone living with them. I just don't want to give them any reason to raise an eyebrow about something. I'd rather not have the packet sent back and then have to resubmit it for any reason. I miss my man, and would rather be with him sooner than later.

I'd definitely look for some other military folks on this site. I think it's a pretty good group of people who look out for each other and give each other tips.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-03 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F Line 14
QUOTE (tigergumby @ Jun 3 2008, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The only problem I'm seeing with using my mom's address, is that I currently live in Kansas, and she's in Oregon. I don't know how long they take to get to my interview, but that's a bit of a distance. At the same time though, I live in barracks, and by regulation, I can't have anyone living with me, so I don't know if they'd accept that as an address. I might just have to suck it up and pay for the plane ticket if I have to go to an interview in Oregon, otherwise I'm going to be submitting change of address forms left and right.

hmmm... Yeah, I'd only use your mom's address if she was local to you. I know there are other military people on this site. I think they might have a thread they've started. I'd search for that. I think they'd be able to help more with your situation. To them it won't be so unique I imagine.

The K-1 interview will be in Juarez and it won't be right away. For this part of the process you just need an address where you can receive mail since that's how they'll communicate with you. Once your husband has the visa, I imagine you'll be out of the military and will know where you'll live, right? When you file for the AOS you'll want to make sure that it's a local address for biometrics and the interview.
shadtovFemaleMexico2008-06-03 12:03:00