Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV

Diana, something just occured to me, what do the immigration folks at the airport in Colombia want to see besides the passport?


Jon & Clau

The visa in the passport....
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-03-07 10:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV


andrea y arturo filed for a K1 visa which is a completely different process than the CR1/IR1. K1 visas are only given a case number (BGT #) and then forwarded to the US embassy right away, the NVC does not process anything for them so all K1 cases only stay with the for a few days.


Thanks Diana!
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-23 14:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV

Not a problem. I have a question for you though. I received my I-130 approval notification (NOA2) this morning and I know for my case (CR1 Spousal Visa) everything that was currently in USCIS's possession will now be forwarded to NVC for further processing. I was looking at your timeline and I noticed you have a date for (NVC Received and NVC Left) ... how do you know when NVC got it from USCIS and when it left to the Embassy in Bogota?


The date of receipt by NVC and the date it lewaves NVC can be obtained by calling NVC. If you go to the Colombia Portal and then rthen go to the Embassy Information Section the phone number for NVC can be found there. You can start calling them after you receive your NOA2. Usually after 6 days after NOA2 is a good time to start calling. When ytou call you need to have ypour case receipt number, bene=ficiaries and petiotioners: name, address, DOB, email adresses. They may tell you that they have not received the case or they may tell you that they have received it. If they do not have the case they will tell you to call after 15 days from the NOA2. Just politely agfree to do so and keep calling every day until you know that the case has been received by NVC. You will know it has been receievd because after you givethem the receipt number then they will ask for the other confirming info. If after you give them the receipt info they don't ask for anything else you know it has nbot been received and they will tell you so. Usuallyu cases are forwarded to the embassy after 3 days at NVC but some may take longer...
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-22 18:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV

Hey guys! Here is my input since I'm living story and know the process PRE and POST DAS. If you are aware and follow Colombian News, per Presidential Order, the DAS disappeared as of Jan 1, 2012 and many of its functions were distributed to other Government Entities. As far as the Police Certificate or also known as Pasado Judicial, it can no longer be retrieved from the DAS website but rather the National Police website as stated in previous post.

Just to add one more thing, and here is my little secret, before when you use the DAS website, it would ask you a lot of personal information in order to verify that the person trying to obtain the certificate is in fact the applicant. I managed to ask my then fiancee (now wife) all the information over Skype (back in September), while logged into the DAS website and I was able to print the Pasado Judicial right at my printer in Florida (She is in Colombia). However, the new National Police website seems to be more lax in security. Why do I say this?

For my surprise about 3 weeks ago, I tried retrieving the same Pasado Judicial from the Police site and BAM! it only asked me for the Cedula de Ciudadania (ID Number), and shabam! that's it! It automatically generated the Certificate in a PDF format, no more questions asked.

Wow! That's quite a change in security. Thanks for sharing the secret. I may just print a more current certificate sinc the one I have we obtained several months ago...just in case.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-22 00:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV

Thanks Andrea y Arturo.

So in summary (and for now) we can assume that the certificate is still available but it has to be obtained from the Colombia National Police and not from the DAS.

I would also like to see what other members who just received their NOA2s can add to this. Thanks!! :thumbs:


I must correct your summary in case somebody misinterprets. Your summary is ok for ONLINE certificates. The pasado judicial is still available in person from DAS offices.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-22 00:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV

And how long ago did they get their Police Certificates? It seems that the change was fairly recent. I asked the same question in the Colombia K1 thread and someone suggested going to the Colombia National Police website to get it, which is confusing because the Instructions Package from the US Embassy doesn't mention it at all.


Ok here's the police certificate quote from the latest (DEC 11) K1/K3 instructions:

POLICE CERTIFICATES: ????????????????????????????????Certificado Judicial???????????????or all applicants who will be 18 years of age when they travel to the U.S. It may be obtained at any DAS office or online at Police certificates are also required from applicants who have lived in another country for more than 6 months since turning 18 years of age (except for the United States, Mexico, and Venezuela). Please visit http://travel.state....ocity/index.htm for information about obtaining police certificates for other countries. Police certificates are valid for 12 months.

When you go to the DAS website linked in the above paragraph it states that due to a decree signed Oct 2011 the DAS (Administrative Security Department) is in a state of suppression and that most of its functions have now been transferred to other government entities. Obviously it took some time for the decree to be implemented and not before the US Embassy issued its latest K1/K3 packet. There fore my advice is to go to the National Police website ( I provided that link in a previous message in this thread and obtain the Certificado Judicial. You will need the assistance of the beneficiary to fill the online request out but if you have all the right info you will be able to print it out o n the spot. Otherwise accoding to the DAS website you can still go to a DAS office and obtain it in person. That from personal experience is a pain in the a$$ so I highly recommend getting it online. The printout of the certificate is valid for 12 months.

Andrea y Arturo
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-21 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaColombia Club Part IV
Andrea and I were able to get her certificado judicial online but she also got one in person. Same document. The website mentioned above is apparently been shut down ..whether temporarily or permanently is unknown I did find this other link that works: http://antecedentes....03/WebJudicial/

Arturo y Andrea
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-20 23:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2
Parece que algunas decisiones son caprichos del que revisa los papeles...
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-07-21 15:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Feliz hoy recibi mi green card y pence que iba hacer demorado ... todo el proceso duro 4 meses...


Gracias por la respuesta, la verdad no se, se envio el formulario en blanco ese espacio y al parecer no les gusto, porque devolvieron todo el paquete, incluyendo money orders y la famosa hoja verde indicando que los formularios estaban mal diligenciados y que los enviara nuevamente. Se llenaron todos, asi como lo indican las formas, pero no entiendo que sucedio... :bonk:

Extraño esp...tiene que ser algo mas... revisaste que mandaste todas las formas necesarias?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-07-10 13:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Diana otra vez yo por aca, se que es una bobada pero te agradezco enormemente tu respuesta:
* si un aplicante no tiene segundo nombre, que se coloca en ese espacio?

Dejas el espacio en blanco....

andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-07-09 17:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Para Andrea y Arturo: Sí, claro que se puede! Entra a la página de USCIs y sigue el mismo procedimiento que hiciste cuando la visa K-1.


Si,en la pagina de USCIS con el numero del caso.. se hace de la misma forma que en el caso de la visa

Muchas Gracias!
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-06-24 01:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2
Ayer mandamos los papeles de ajuste de estatus de la K1... esperando que todo este bien... alguien sabe si se puede revisar el progreso del proceso en linea como el de la K1?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-06-21 15:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Gracias... mil gracias! bendiciones y un abrazooooo!!!! :thumbs:

Traete también unas cuantas fotos tipo pasaporte por lo menos unas 4. La verdad aunque no exceso si son mas costosas que en Colombia.

Y una botellita de tu ron favorito y de guarito que aqui tambien eso es mas costoso y puedes pasar dos litros con tu equipaje ;)
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-04-06 22:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Hola a Tod@s mi visa ha sido aprobada hace poco y pronto estare molestando por aqui jejeje
quisiera saber que papeles de aqui de Colombia tengo que llevar para mi status?
Un saludo

Mira necesitas tu registro de nacimiento. La emabajada te pidio uno para tu visa y a lo mejor se quedaron con esa copia. Trae una que diga Vlido para Matrimonio por si te vas a casar por la iglesia o por si te lo pide el estado al cual vayas. Pero de todos modos necesiataras uno para el Ajuste. Tambien tu pasaporrte con la visa K! y el I-94 que te daran cuando entres. Eso es lo unico que realmente necesitas para el ajuste de records de Colombia. Pero cualquier documento que tengas de por alla traelo por si las moscas.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-04-05 23:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2
Buenas Noches....Tengo unas preguntas acerca de la G325a

1) Se necesita una forma para el beneficiario y una para el peticionario o solamente una para el beneficiario?

2) Ya que estamos casados se puede utilizar el nombre de casada?

3) Donde dice esta forma se manda en conexión con una aplicación. para ___ naturalización (se que no es este) ___estatus como residente permanente u _____otro (especifique) ?

Les agradezco su ayuda de antemano,

andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-04-03 23:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Yo mande mis papeles el 11 de enero el 23 de enero me llego las notificaciones con los números de caso el 26 de enero me llego la citación para los biométricos que la tuve el 15 de febrero al mes exacto de los biométricos me llego el permiso de trabajo y me aprobaron el permiso de viaje . Para el ajuste pagamos $1070 y metimos el permiso de viaje el ajuste y el de trabajo por ese valor en dos money order uno por 1000 y otro por 70 tuvimos los papeles bien diligenciados y no tuvimos problemas que nos devolvieran ya que por cualquier cosa lo hacen.
Cualquier cosa me consultas

Gracias por tu respuesta. Eso me da animos de que podramos viajar durante mis vacaciones que empiezan en Junio.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-04-01 12:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Hola Tengo una consulta que hacerles a las personas que solicitaron el permiso de viaje en el ajuste de estatus que tiempo tardo que le llegara la notificación por correo regular desde que fue aprobada?Mi caso es así: mi solicitud fue aprobada el 12 de marzo y decía en la pagina que me llegaría la notificación a mi domicilio y que siguiera las instituciones cosa que esta el problema que a hoy día nada que llega me parece raro porque a mi me aprobaron el permiso de trabajo el 16 de marzo y el 19 ya tenia mi tarjeta en casa. La cosa es que si yo no recibo aun esa notificación no me siguen adelantando el proceso y no me crean el documento?Llame y me dijeron que les diera plazo de 30 días a que llegue cosa que como les cuento si me parece extraño porque los demás documentos me han llegado rapidito.Porfis cuentenme

Una pregunta cuando metiste tu peticion para ajuste de status? Cuando metiste la peticion tambien mestiste el permiso de viaje y el pemiso de trabajo? Tengo curiosidad de cuanto tiempo tarda el proceso ya que esta semana mando mis papeles para el AOS.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-03-31 14:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS AJUSTE STATUS K1 P. 2

Gracias Diana por la información, quiero saber si los datos que hay al principio del foro no han cambiado aun, también si pudieras aclararme eso de los exámenes, no todas las personas aplican para eso?? yo tengo el récord de vacunas DS 3025, hay que volver a pedir cita con un medico??? Mi récord dice que esta incompleto, que debo hacer? o solo envio la copia del DS 3025
Te agradezco me contestes

Mira, segun las instrucciones y lo que me confirmo Diana no necesitas un nuevo examen medico si el otro fue hace menos de un año. Simplemente mandas el formulario DS3025 con los demas documentos y si quieres mandas las instrucciones para que se den cuenta que estas exempta de un nuevo examan. Por que dice que tu record esta incompleto?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-03-28 21:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCOLOMBIANOS VIVIENDO EN LOS EE.UU. (Parte 2)

Hola a todos,

Queria compartirles una gran noticia que recibi hoy. Hace una semana presente el NPTE, que es el examen para obtener la licencia como fisioterapia en US. Pues les cuento que hoy recibi los resultados y PASE!!!!! :dance: :dance:

Estamos felices con la noticia. Yo renuncie a mis trabajos desde enero para dedicarme 100% a estudiar para este examen, y gracias a Dios el esfuerzo dio frutos. Ahora si a trabajar se dijo :thumbs: , y en mi profesion que es lo mas importante.


andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-04-05 22:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)And I thought NVC was the easy part......

I thought the NVC process was rather quick? It seems like it takes many days to receive mail from the uscis. Come on NVC.........

How long has it been for you?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-13 14:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Wait Times

Andrea y Arturo... I would bet you're gonna be seeing some action REAL SOON,... NOA2, etc.

Indeed! Hoping to hear that the case has been received and forwarded by NVC soon.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-31 13:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Wait Times

It took us 7 1/2 weeks to go from USCIS to the NVC. No reason was given for our delay. A wait that long is fairly rare though!
Up to 2 weeks is what the majority of people wait.

I see from your timeline that you did the medical before the file has even been received at NVC wondering if that affects anything down the road... If I can I want to get the medical out of the way as I am traveling to see my fiancee in a couple weeks.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-29 13:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Wait Times
I have heard that tis process could take as little as a couple days.... but in some cases months... what is the trend?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-28 17:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Calling NVC too much?

The US Embassy just got my fiancee's DS-230 part 1. When should I start calling to find out the interview date? Also, do I need to call the NVC or DOS?

I see that you filed for a K1 visa. Since your embassy requires the DS 230 (please double check on this as the US consulate in Colombia no longer does), you should be calling DOS... check to see if you can file online by checking in your regional forum.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-03-04 10:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Calling NVC too much?

This might be a dumb question but I wanted to throw it out there to see what you guys think. Do you think it gets registered in the NVC system every time you call to inquire about the same thing? That is, will this be a negative thing to do? Maybe they'll put your case aside and take longer to assign a case number to it? (Some crazy thoughts here).

They got my case this past Monday and first they were saying 7 to 10 business days, then they went to 10 to 15, and now 10 to 20 to be entered in the system.

Any thoughts?

CALL - I called everyday . At first I would get the answer after I gave them the receipt number: That case is not in our system. Until the day that I called and they said could you verify the beneficiaries names, address, phone, email etc thats when I knew they had the case
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-03-03 08:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Translating Birth Certificate

We're getting the docs together for submitting for AOS.

So I have a question, When translating the birth certificate do they need to have the notary stamps translated?

Th first translation we got did but we need to translate it again due to issue with her original Birth Certificate.


For a True and Accurate translation ALL items in a legal document must be translated. You simply write <SEAL upper right hand corner (or whatever) and translate what it says there.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-03-17 21:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC send package to embassy couldnt track on DHL


Find specific information for the consulate in Bogota at the above link

However the above lin k is NOT up to date so DO NOT follow those procedures... go to this link for the packet

http://bogota.usemba...rant_visas.html (English) (English)

Instead of worrying about your package et busy with filling out the 156 and 156 k forms required in the packet and collecting all the info that is listed in there. Have your $350 fee ready so that you can pay it online and pick your interview date once the embassy gives you the go ahead.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-06 23:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes my lawyer know what she is doing?
1) That depends on your lawyer.

2) Get lots of pictures together with your wife and her friends and relatves.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-03 14:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Embassy Interview

This has recently changed for Colombia.. the IR-1/CR-1 is the same: The NVC selects the date for you.. If you are a K-1 you now get to select the date (online).. You can do it by going here: http://bogota.usemba...rant_visas.html and then selecting "Schedule Interviews"

Thanks! I just hope that the process of K1's speeds up a little bit so that I can schedule the interview during my vacation time.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-13 14:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Embassy Interview
One the embassy receives the information from NVC and packet 3, how do hey assign interview dates? Is it possible to request a date? Has anyone requested (and been successful) in a requesting a particular date or range of dates?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-12 13:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS230
What migracion report are you guys talking about? Is this the DAS thing?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-26 14:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Approved! Now the wait?

Finally my husband received approval for the immigration visa. But the consul told him that this type of visa would take 3 weeks for delivery, and that he will receive an email when the visa is ready for pick up. Is this correct? How long is the usual dilevery? and is his visa different than others? Also he didnt receive any paper saying visa was approved but the consulate did indeed keep his passport, is this normal?
We already signed up for the DHL delivery, so we are just waiting for their email!

Case info
i 130

Please post your timeline as this helps other members... and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-28 21:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers

Please add us to the list.  Filed 8/8/14.  Biometrics 9/11/14 VSC...

andrea y arturoMaleColombia2014-10-11 22:33:00
PhilippinesI129f question

Hi everybody! I hope somebody reads this question. I am annuled. I am filling up the i 129f. Under "civil status" there is no option for " annuled". Which one should i mark? Divorce? Single? Please help me! Thanks! God bless us all!

You would mark the form "single" An annulment is the legal equivalent of the marriage never having taking place.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2011-09-15 01:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill processing June 16, 2011 from California Service Center?!
Thats crazy...long wait. But then why if you click on the immigration timeline we see a date of July 31 as the current processing date? Hang in there and hopefully CSC will start cranking those NOA2 s out soon. Call your congressman and see if that helps.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-12 22:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNoa 2 approved in only 120 days! Vermont ruless!
Whats wrong with CSC???? do they have more cases?
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-01-21 00:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCheapest Ways to Communicate
Great info!!
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-04 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCheapest Ways to Communicate
Having my fiancee in Colombia and having suffered from $100 in calls per week from my cell to her cell I quickly learned that something had to be done to communicate more efficiently. I have used:

1) Discounted international calling from Tmobile - not very cost effective
2) Skype - great when both of us are connected online but not when we are on the go
3) Skype long distance - cheap but quality of calls sometimes leaves something to be desired
4) Majic Jack- Great for calling back home when overseas. But some quality issues with calls made from us to overseas
5) great service, great rates plus speed calling!
6) 012 global - great service, great rates but no speed calling.
7) yahoo video chat - great when online and when skype acts up

If anoyne would like to add to this list I am always looking for new ideas on how to communicate

andrea y arturoMaleColombia2011-11-21 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNAO2

Congratulations... I have a question? Did the USCIS site update before you got the letter?
Sorry if it is dumb question. Just curious...

Normally, you will receive a text and/or email and the site will update before you get the letter.
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-05 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNAO2

Someone please wish me news soon.

You WILL soon have news. :thumbs:
andrea y arturoMaleColombia2012-02-04 22:39:00