IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRecent Travel Experiences While Applying for CR-1
I have entered the US five times in the last 12 months under the Visa Waiver Programme and I've never even been asked about a pending visa application.

I've entered in Miami, NYC, Los Angeles and Houston all without so much as a raised eyebrow.

Each time however I have carried documentation supporting my application as well as evidence that I plan to return home, i.e. bank accounts, mortgage statements etc.

Don't hide anything but I wouldn't mention in unless they ask.

Good luck!
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-01-19 12:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Interview Scheduled
I received a letter today stating that my interview has been scheduled for Feb 28th 2007.

I've waited a L O N G time for this letter so I'm very happy today!
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-01-19 18:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Embassy Interview & Medical
I am travelling down from Scotland for my interview on the 28th of Feb and I was planning to have my medical the day before so that I only have to make one trip south.

I understand that the Embassy will not be able to issue the visa until the results of the medical have been forwarded.

I was just wondering if anyone has done it this way or is it worth making an earlier trip to London for the medical so that they have the results prior to my interview.

Any advice would be welcome.

approveusNot TellingScotland2007-01-24 10:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Interview - Fees
My paperwork was filed in the US and I paid $360 when I submitted my DS-230. Do I have to pay an additional $360 at the Embassy when I have my interview next month or am I all paid up???

Thanks guys!

P.S. It's now £170 for a medical! Ouch!
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-01-29 12:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally - London Interview Scheduled!!!
Great news! I have my interview on the same day!
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-01-27 16:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Medical
Hello all.

I had my medical in London yesterday so I thought I would write a brief note on my experience.

My appointment was scheduled for 12.50pm. I arrived on time and handed over the questionnaire that they send you and the photograph that they require you to bring. I waited in the waiting room for 5 minutes and then the doctor called me in.

The doctor briefly went over the forms with me and made me sign my photograph. She weighed me and measured my height. After that she tested my eyesight and told me to strip down to my underwear. She checked me over and told me get dressed. She then took some blood for my HIV test. Ouch.

This part took less than 10mins in total and then I immediately saw the nurse about my vaccinations which were up to date and then went in for an x-ray. After that the nurse took me through to reception where I paid my £170 fee.

The whole process took about 30mins and I didn't have to wait to see anyone. It was an absolute breeze and the staff were all friendly and helpful.

I just hope the interview at the Embassy is as straightforward.
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-07 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUK Police Certificate
I had a bit of a panic last week when I realised that I hadn't sent away for a Police Cert.

I manged to get a direct dial number for the department at Scotland Yard that issues them. They said that they don't usually take calls from the public but I told them I needed my certificate by the end of the month.

They were REALLY helpful and put my application to the top of the pile and it arrived through my letter box this morning TEN days after I applied!

The number is 0207 230 2966. Turn on the charm and you shouldn't have to wait 40 days.
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-10 08:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam London
Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much. Whatever you haven't had they can give you in London on the day. It will cost more but it's better than having the visa delayed.
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-20 08:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 or CR-1 - Which am I???
Thanks a lot. I'll make sure to mention it at the interview.
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-20 11:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 or CR-1 - Which am I???
My last letter from the NVC says that CR-1 but it was mailed out prior to our two year anniversary. Will we still get the CR-1 or will they change it to a IR-1?

Also, does an IR-1 need to be renewed?
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-20 11:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR-1 or CR-1 - Which am I???
When I first filed my I-130 my wife and I had only been married for a few months. We haven't rushed things and now that my interview is coming up we have been married for over two years.

IF they issue me with a visa will it have the two year conditional requirement attached to it?

Many thanks.
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-20 10:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa in Hand
How did the interview go? Anything worth sharing?
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-25 14:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Embassy Interview - APPROVED!!!
I finally had my interview in London yesterday and thankfully my visa was approved. I was so happy I almost had a little cry on the way out of the Embassy!

My appointment was at 10.30am and I arrived at 10am to find a long queue of people waiting. I stood outside until 11am before they let me inside. On entering the Embassy building I was given a ticket and told to listen for my number.

After about 30 minutes I was called to a window. The lady behind the glass looked me up and down and said that I looked too young and too carefree to be married! She was really lovely and wouldn't shut up about her kids. She took all my original documents and then took my fingerprints too. All my paperwork was in order so she gave me back my x-ray and told me to take a seat and wait for my number to be called again.

I was only waiting for 5 minutes before I was called back to another window. The man behind the glass asked me to confirm my name and he scanned my fingerprints again. I was asked to raise my right hand and swear that I would tell the truth.

He then asked the following questions:

How did you meet your wife?
Where is she now?
What does she do?
Where will you live?
When were you last in the US?
Who is your co-sponsor?

He asked all of these in a really casual manner as he was flicking through all the papers. He was very light hearted and non-threatening.

He then said all my paperwork was in order and that I should receive the visa along with my passport in 3-5 days.

After that I paid for the courier service and left the Embassy by 1pm.

Thank you to everyone who has answered my questions and to everyone that posts on this site. It has been a great resource for me and a fantastic support system for what is undoubtedly a stressful and often frustrating process.
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-03-01 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR/1 visa issued after our 2 year anniversery?
On the USCIS website it states that the IR-1/CR-1 is issued based on the time you enter the US and not the time of interview.

I think however that your spouse should have made clear her desire for the IR-1 at the time of interview or at the point of entry. Now that she has been issued with the CR-1 it may be tough to change.

It looks like you have been given the wrong visa so as the above post stated, your local USCIS office is probably the best place to start.
approveusNot TellingScotland2007-02-24 08:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date expedite
Kinda talkin' to myself here lol...but maybe it'll help someone in the future.

It turns out the Embassy just went right ahead and booked us an interview date without waiting for any medical results. As I mentioned above, I brought forward my medical to 14 Sep (wednesday just passed - all went well). Well the Embassy sent me a letter on the same day that I received today (no link between that happening and the medical) with an interview date of 27 Sep - so the expedite really did work and saved us somewhere between 3-6 weeks going by the dates other (non-expedited) people are getting.
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-16 19:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date expedite
Update- because of of the expedite, we have not had an interview date scheduled yet (we'd have had it by now if we didn't get expedite). Embassy has our file but will do nothing until I've had the medical (we called them to ask), which was originally booked for 28 Sep but I've now changed it to 14 Sep. Once Embassy gets medical results they will give us an interview date.

I hope the interview date, bearing in mind our expedited status, is very soon after the medical. Presumably we are looked at seperately from those waiting to get a interview date scheduled in the regular way. The downside is- we have uncertainty for longer.
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-10 09:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date expedite
No contact from the Embassy yet. We will give it until Thursday and then call them.

Here's a starter page for London http://london.usemba...v/imnvcoct.html The last thing on the page "What happens next" is where you are. It says NVC will schedule the interview. I don't pretend to know the CR1 process details like I do London K1, but know you need the medical exam. So if that hasn't been done, get that appointment asap to speed up things. If London (not the NVC) is scheduling the interview they will wait until they have your medical results.

The embassy will take calls from the USC. It costs a flat $16.00 for 7 minutes for them to answer your call. They don't always give great information either. From the UK it's 1.23/min. They can give you the email code whereby you can get a better answer to the specifics you need to know like who will schedule the interview (NVC or embassy) since you were informed an expedited interview was approved.

My medical appointment is already schedule for 28 September, this was arranged long before got an expedite on the basis that we knew it'd be at least October before an interview. I hope we don't have to wait until the medical is done before scheduling the interview - in some ways that's worse because it'll be at very short notice (and isn't likely to be much quicker than it would have been if we'd not had the expedite). Hopefully we can speak to the Embassy soon, tell them the interview date, and then book the interview for soon after (like 10 October or something).
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-06 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date expedite
Thank you Vera! And good point about electronic sending. I'm not sure how London works, but I'll give them a couple days to receive it/get it logged in/etc and then contact them.

...Does anyone know- will the embassy speak with/provide information to the Petitioner, or do they only want to deal with the Beneficiary?
Would be good to know before one of us calls up and pays the extortionist fees for the embassy's customer service line!
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-02 08:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview date expedite
Yesterday I emailed NVC a request for an expedited interview date; tonight when I called NVC they advised that they had heard back from the London Embassy that the request had been approved. When I started this process I never imagined I'd be making any such request, but a genuine medical emergency has arisen and if we can save even a couple of weeks by this, it can make a big difference.

All the NVC could tell me was that there is nothing more they will do with our case, that it's up to the Embassy now. Does anyone know the process for a situation like this? I know the case is being sent to London- will the Embassy contact the Beneficiary directly? How is the interview scheduled? Does anyone know if these expedites, once granted, really do make a difference in time... or not? I imagine if I tried to call the Embassy to find out how the process works, they'd not be able to tell me anything as they don't have the case yet. Will probably try calling anyway!

If anyone has any experience with something like this, please let me know :)
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-01 17:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved-complicated case.
We applied for the second daughter, or rather misapplied for her in the same way we did the youngest.... She was all set to go to De Anza college in any case, heart set on it. So when we discovered the mistake it was relatively easy to organise an F1 visa for her. It runs for 3 years of study. I imagine we could welll file for her soon too.(lady in the embassy said to so it straight away. She was 16 when we married.) She is already wanting to work etc. She is a child from my first marriage, and her Dad lives in London. She has a brother and sister still in the UK, and lots of auntie's, uncles, Granny, Nana, etc etc. She wants to study in the UK, architecture. Doing an associate degree in Graphic design at De Anza.

We will sit and have a think when I arrive. It might affect UK university funding or something. No pressure now. It is also allowing her to try things out for a while. After Christmas she might have a better idea.

Certainly the climate is so much better for her there. Being able to swim so much, plus public transport is so much better. We also have a nice medical policy and have tried the NHS..... Support services are not great there. As she gets older her foot will degenerate and walking will become more painful. Things as I mentioned help a lot.

Her Dad is an old school friend of my husband, and he is heading out to visit us in California in March. Daughter having Christmas with her Dad, and coming back with her brother and sister for New Year and they are staying for a holiday. (I have known my wonderful husband since I was 13/14, I am now 45. He was born in the UK, went to the US for work after uni.)

Things are complicated, but we are working it all out and family have been wonderfully supportive.

I know things are not all done with paperwork, but it feels great right now.
Very peaceful inside.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-08 07:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproved-complicated case.
We married last July 31st. On VWP. We had planned to marry, but not then. It was a great day though, and I would not change it one bit. Filed beginning of November.

Filing was a complicated time for us... We filed for a CR1/CR2 initially last year, or so we thought. Turns out we should have filed a separate I-130 for my 11 year old daughter. Did not realise this until after I-130 was approved. So we have a compassionate filing for my daughter, DCF, alongside my CR1. Mr Cooke was very kind in our case.

At this point we were in bits. Realising that my papers might be approved, and I would be unable to use them within six months. Last time we went over for a visit I had to go through secondary security and that was NOT funny. Hugely unsettling for a little girl that had already been through a lot. She is 11. Her Dad died in a car crash when she was 7. Her sister, (who by now was in the US on an F1 visa studying and living with my husband) was left with a broken neck, multiple frames on her, and a wheelchair. 4 other kids as well. So the youngest had a hard time. Just not enough of me to go round. We got counselling, and my daughter needed psychiatric support, which could have caused problems as self harming was discussed although she never took it that far. My new husband has taken things slowly and carefully with her, and they are very close now. They are both keen on her being adopted by him, and I can only agree. A stupid error with paperwork was running the risk of destroying everything, and causing immense distress to my youngest daughter. Losing her "Dad" all over again.

I think it took several miracles that my daughter's papers were considered at the same interview as me. I had to hand in her I-864 things and submit documents, as well as going over my things. Daughter was only told she could be at the interview at 3pm on Friday. I had sooooo much paperwork with me.

So ! We had train tickets, and accomodation booked for both of us. My husband was coming over for the interview, so I knew she could be with him if she was not to be interviewed. (It counted as a separate case, so the below 14 rule did not apply. (Medical for her was added to mine cos I asked, a lot of begging along the way.) Anyways, appointment was for 9am. We arrived about 8.20. Queues not too long, but it does look daunting going in. I thought I had taken everything out of my bag, but I had a USB key by mistake, and it went in the bin. Went in, sat down in a cross between airport lounge, doctors office/argos. Screens not working, and I could not concentrate to read. Our number was called and we went to the window. The nice lady could not find our files, someone was usig them. (I still had little idea of daughter's case status at this point.) We waited, then had to go sit down. Waited half an hour then was called to the desk. Our papers were just in a heap. Mess. Nothing clipped. The lady was nice though, and as she was putting the papers together she asked various questions in a "chatty" way. How did we meet ? Did he have children ? How my daughter had coped with her father's death was mentioned. It was relaxed enough. Took about 30 minutes I think. I was happy when she said I had to pay for daughter's I-864. Meant we had a chance of getting this done today. Paid it. Gladly ! Gave receipt from cashier to lady, and put the other bit in a safe place. I had a speeding offence, and had given them Disclosure Scotland certificates which were passed, but she asked for court records. Thankfully I had got those after the Disclosure Scotland certificated were approved. Wanted everything nailed down. I also needed a second death certificate for my daughter. Copies of these documents as well. Handed it all over. Was so glad I had indexed things. Hands were shakey. Got a pink slip to fill in and left the window.

Then we sat down and waited for over an hour. Nearer two prob. Feeling rather sick. They had snack things for sale and my daughter was perfectly happy watching the comings and goings. She had a word search thing as well.

Second interview. The happy looking guy said this bit would be quick. (Was this good or bad news ?) He asked how my husband had met his first wife ? (not seen that question coming, but I knew.) He asked where he worked, and how we had met. He then said it all was looking fine. He was astonished at the I-864 forms. First time he had ever encountered someone submitting two of those correct the first time. My daughter's filing going through straight with no further requests was a first for her type of case. He asked my daughter what her step father's job was, and if she liked where she was to live. We were sworn in at some point in the chat, he explained to my daughter what the oath meant, that she must tell the truth, and then we signed the papers. I signed for my daughter. Then we were told to go pay for the courier ! I expected fireworks or something, but I think I was in shock it was finally done.

This process was one of the hardest things I have ever done, realising how hard it would be to go back to see my husband and daughter if anything went wrong really spurred me on the have EVERYTHING in order. Back ups for back ups.

I have been reading the forum, and learnt masses. Wish I had started reading before we had filed, or at least appreciated more how tricky this thing was.

Anyways, we are delighted. Very happy, and very grateful to the consulate.


jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-08 06:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Medical
Following on from the above comment, do check what is up there. I had mine and my daughters interviews recently though. I have a chronic medical condition, and she has had psychiatric counselling in the past. (11yrs old, then age 7). It is very much worthwhile collecting information together from your doctor etc. Anything you have prior to the interview. Hospital reports saying you are a good patient, etc. It all really helps. We got through the medical fine. Without the extra effort I am sure we would have both needed further info though. I brought a fair bit. Negitive test results etc. It was all looked at, and a fair bit photocopied for the embassy.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-13 16:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat form do i fill out to bring my 9 year old daughter??
We forgot to do a seperate I 130 for my daughter, petitioner's stepdaughter. This can knock you back months. We put in a request to expedite, a DCF filing based on our stupidity, and that my daughter would be left without a mother once my petition was approved. |(Plus some medical stuff) We used a lawyer to do this. It worked.

You will know how many months you are behind. This is a big big deal and you need to get your finger out and solve it. The London embassy were really stars in helping us solve this.

jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-20 14:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIR1/CR1 Interview Questions
I was asked if my husband had married his first wife as part of his immigration. (He left the UK after his PhD. Various visas. Did not get married till 8 years later, and met her 3 years before they got married. Citizen year 2000.) Met at church and married on September 11th. (bad sign.)

Anyways there was a fare bit of conversation about this. I wasn't expecting this, but I knew all about this thankfully.

Never seen that one posted anywhere else. That was London CR1.
jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-23 07:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling I-130 for my 6 year old step son. He is in pakistan with her mother.
We made a similar error, and my daughter was processed as an expedited DCF. Her total process time from filing to medical was 2 months.
You can pull it together if you work hard and get it right.
jellyfishFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-11-09 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa-US citizen financial problems
hey everyone, i am new to the site and i have posted a couple of other questions about stuff that i am concerned about and everyone has been very nice and really helpful.
i have looked through the site but couldn`t find anything as specific as the problem i am worried about, i have one big question about when my fiance and i will file for our K1 visa. the thing is she is a full time student in the US and we are worried that when we fiel for the K1 visa her lack of money will cause us a big problem. she works part time but only manages to make very little. i have quite a bit of money saved up but i know that on the forms it asks for her finances in order for her to sponsor me. her parents however are happy to sponsor me and they are very stable financially, so will the fact that i would have a very stable co-sponsor help me event hough my girlfriend has next to no finances her self? or will we be looked upon as not financially stable? i know that everything changes for the AOS but at the moment i am only wondering about the initial K1 visa part of the financial issues on for I-134.
any help at all or anyone who has gone through a similar situation would be much appreciated.
thanks a lot guys
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-06 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmilwaukee service centre
hey thanks everyone for your input, out of curiousity, those who have used nebraska, how are they generally in quickness? i know the vermont is supposed to be the quickest by far, but how does nebraska fare? anyone who`s used it?
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-06 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmilwaukee service centre
anyone used the milwaukee service centre for their K-1 visa applications? any idea on how fast it is or how it compares to others? any ideas on the quickest centre to use if from wisconsin?
let me know
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1- is age a factor?
thank you all so much, it was great to hear so much positivity from everyone and i really respect that no one sent in any messages telling me i AM too young. truth is we have been the best of friends and together for damn near 4 years and we have survived everything so far, i think that hopefully they would look at the fact that although we are young, we have stayed together for so long and thats not really all that normal for people our age, so i`m just hoping everything goes well!
thanks again everyone, this website is a god send.
take care
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-12 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1- is age a factor?
hey everyone, i have a question regarding the age of the US citizen filing a K1 petition.
does anyone know, or have any opinions, on whether or not the visa is less likely to be approved if the USC is under the age of 20. if the petitioner is say 18 or 19 and is a full time college student but has a parent that is willing to co-sponsor a 21 year old UK citizen for a Fiance visa, is the fact that the couple are so young going to be held against them?
any thoughts at all would be greatly appreciated, i look forward to hearing from you all.
thank you
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-11 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting girlfriend, problems with customs
hey everyone, you have all been a great help and i am very much appreciated for it all. i do hae one other question though, if you come over on the VWP and you are refused entry, what are the ultiate ramifications of that, i mean other than you just simply not being able to use the VWP anymore? can you still apply for a tourist visa and get in or are you basically banned from entering america for a long time? and also is it a definate that being refused entry on the VWP will not count against you filing for a K1 visa?
thanks again everyone, you have been a terrific help.
take care now

and a response to poster WIDGE
when i make my next planned trip, i would have been int he US for a total of 95 days in the past 12 months, do you think that will help my cause or you think it will still be too much?
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-06 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting girlfriend, problems with customs
yeah sorry, when i said i was held at the immigration desk i meant that i was held at the customs desk, you know the little booth that they use to fingerprint you? but i was only kept there for like 10 to 15 minutes maximum and was asked a few questions, that was about it? any thoughts?
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting girlfriend, problems with customs
what exactly does it mean if you have been flagged? the time i got hassle i was held for about 10 minutes or so and asked a few questions about why i`m travelling and what job i have. everyone on here is making it sound like i really shouldn`t try to go back to the US, if thats the case then i am totally lost, i mean my girlfriend can`t make it accross to the uk as easily as i can to the US. any more advice? i mean most people on here ar epeople who are either in the k1 process or people who have done it, how often did you all visit your boyfriends or girlfriends when you were going through this? i am so confused right now.
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 16:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisiting girlfriend, problems with customs
hey everyone, thanks for yoru input, yes the meeting in canada would be an option and my girlfriend is coming to see me in the UK, that would be the reason why i wouldn`t be going over for another 6 months. its just very hard because she has a very busy schedule. i don`t own a house in the UK either so i can`t take a mortgage or antyhing like that, any ideas on what i could take?
another thing, when you say int he system, what does this mean exactly? do you mean that because i was grilled a little more than usual that they mark me and next time something comes up telling the new officer that i should be watched closely? sorry if i seem a little dumb, just all very new to me.
but thanks for your replies, hopefully if i`m not in for 6 months then it woudln`t be a problem the next time i came.
ok thanks

on another note, anyone in here ever been turned away when trying to enter using the VWP? if so what implications does that have on your K1 petition?
creasy19MaleUnited Kingdom2006-04-05 15:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I get an RFE? (split topic)

I'm freaking out. When I sent my I-130 in to the USCIS, my husband and I had not been married an entire month. We married overseas while I was on a business trip. He went back to Northern Ireland and I came home to the US. We sent all the "required" documentation with the I-130 and none of the documentation they said we "should" send. My husband insisted that we should only send in the supporting documentation if our required documentation wasn't good enough, and if we sent in any supporting documentation it would just be confusing, like saying something was wrong with our required documentation. Well, we send NO supporting documentation. I'm having a panic attack.

We now have an apartment lease in both our names, a joint bank account, he's mentioned on my car insurance as a non-driver (since he does not drive), and he's on my life insurance as a beneficiary. We have chat logs for several months and boarding passes showing we went to Northern Ireland for a weekend to meet his family right after we married. We have some photographs for Christmas and New Year that we took ourselves, a couple of wedding pics taken by the registrar (seriously with my phone), and he came to visit me on the VWP.

Is that enough evidence in case they send us an RFE? Please help, I'm really in a bad way and shaking. Thanks. :crying:

That sounds like a good bit of evidence to me, I think they would accept it no problem! My husband and I have been married and living together 2 years and don't have any joint accounts or leases or bills for various reasons. I'm hoping the 2 year` UK marriage visa granted to me will make up for it though...
weliveyoungFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-22 15:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad
I tried emailing them about whether or not I can DCF , they just copy pasted me a webpage....
I'm here on a "leave to remain spouse visa" good for two years (it expires in 4 months), I was about to send my I-130 away this weekend for DCF with London. Now I'm not so sure. Do you think I would be eligible for DCF or should I just go straight for filing in the US?
weliveyoungFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-12 16:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

I know, I phoned the London embassy twice to see if I got a different answer to whether I could file DCF, but got the same answer both times. Both people I spoke to sounded like they were just reading from a book though. Hardly worth the £1.23/min phone call! But my husband and I decided just to send the I-130 to Chicago lockbox and hope we got into this 'auto expedite' queue. Hopefully it has worked for us, and perhaps it means that the fast queue is applicable to people from countries where DCF still exists. I'll let everyone know if and when the NOA2 hard copy arrives!

weliveyoungFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-12 16:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe Stupid RFE Thread

So reading through this thread is making me super paranoid. It seems like documents go missing a lot. Is it a good idea to send two photocopies of documents where you can? Or will that just create more problems?

I'm filing in London and they specifically said one of their letters not to send duplicates, not sure how it is in other places though. I make sure to keep a full copy of each packet I send them just in case.
weliveyoungFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-22 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Automated message
I paid for the IV bill on line.Can i use it's barcode to send the AOS.As it does not specify IV or AOS on the barcode?

Yes, if both are showing paid then you can just print out two copies of the barcode sheet, one for each form. That's what we did and we got case completed within a week of sending both forms in. Even though we only paid the IV online (my hubby didn't read the instructions I gave him!) they still accepted the online barcode for both as they both showed as payment complete. In total we took less than 6 weeks to get through the NVC and on to the Consulate.

Hope this helps

RobLynCFemaleScotland2008-08-18 06:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis is a pilot guide, need your feedback...
Great guide, looks like you spent a lot of time on it. I've added a few comments and additions in green for you to have a look at.

Great job good.gif

Attached Files

RobLynCFemaleScotland2008-07-03 06:16:00