United KingdomNew Apartment
Have a safe trip and a great life together.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-03 15:04:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

ya'll are awesome! Thanks!

We have decided if it doesn't come in time for the interview we will save all emails from parcel force and from the USPS, with all the tracking details. Just incase we have to prove our point at the interview!

We both have also decided that we wll jump the next hurdle whenever that comes. That they may not even ask for the original packet of we will just remain positive.

Thanks to everyone who has said a few prayers and has had thoughts sent our way! I will keep you up dated!

BUT: This time next week I will be getting in the car to drive to the airport and Chris will have had his interview! Lots of good stuff coming our way!

The only original stuff they asked me for yesterday was the affadavit of support stuff , the police check stuff and me adoption certificate.
Good luck next week.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-01 10:31:00
United KingdomI need some good thoughts please

I'm still praying to St. Anthony on your behalf! :P

*grin* thank you!
lapsed catholic that you are! Very kind! :hehe:

I hope you remembered to write SAG (St Anthony Guide) on the back of the package. My mother assured me this never fails. :)
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-01 10:28:00
United KingdomUK Citizen working in the US


Just wanted to hear experiences of Job hunting in the US. I have a standard UK education with no college or university degree but have plenty of employment and life experience !

What do employers say when you haven't got either a High School diploma or GED ???????????????

Any comments would be most welcolme

When you say a standard UK education do you mean you have GCE's or O Levels?
5 of either is roughly equivalent to an American High School Diploma so you might be able to say on applications that you have the equivalent.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-05 12:56:00
United KingdomVaccine's needed for MN USA
MMR & TDP as I have a history of varicella infection that came close to killing me.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-08 08:39:00
United KingdomVaccine's needed for MN USA

Ive just had all the jabs for K1, and when i rang the medical i got told all i needed was TDP and MMR. The MMR is done in 2 lots with a month apart.

I only got one MMR jab. The nurse at Knightsbridge Doctors said that was all I need.
Starting to worry now.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-08 06:24:00
United KingdomMaterials To Bring To The Interview
Most of that stuff won't be needed at all, but looks like anything they ask for she will have to hand. Better safe than sorrywas my motto when I went.
Security will X-ray the stuff, but they seemed more interested in electronics when I was there last week.
Good luck to both of you.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-08 06:19:00
United KingdomPanic Stations..
I was panic stricken about my medical as well, kept imagining all sorts of diseases that would keep me away from my fiance. Of course the medical proved I had nothing to worry about. I'm sure it will be the same for you.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-08 12:59:00
United KingdomProof of ongoing relationship for interview
I wasn't asked for any proof of an ongoing relationship at the embassy.

I took pictures of us taken during the 5 trips where we had been together, phone bills from both of us, skype records, a few emails, statements from out joint bank account. Most of what I had was to show that we communicate on a daily basis.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-12 19:01:00
United KingdomAJames79!!! Good luck!!

WE GOT IT! Chris just called! Expect the visa in 2-3 days!! Awesome! I can finally believe that our wedding will be in JUNE! Thanks again guys and good luck for everyone for the future! Time to pack and fly out!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Edited by mmb, 08 February 2007 - 06:14 AM.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-08 06:14:00
United KingdomTranslation Services
Let us know if this works as it could be useful for others.


Edited by mmb, 22 February 2007 - 09:28 AM.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-22 09:28:00
United KingdomTranslation Services
How about local secondary schools, the language department may have a German teacher, at least they could clain to be well qualified to translate.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-21 13:58:00
United KingdomHow Did You Move Your Stuff?
Since you say he is shipping books it might be worth looking for a company that charges by volume rather than weight.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-17 13:12:00
United KingdomSoothing nerves?
Keep him busy every time he stresses by having him organise more evidence than could ever be needed, have him index it, organise it, photocopy it etc.
That worked reasonably well for me, I just kept doing things that might be needed and was too tired to stress so much.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-28 06:01:00
United Kingdomtrying to email Embassy
Did you put the case number in the subject line?

Hi guys,

needing some advice. We've received an interview/medical date for my setpson. We need to postpone it for about a month. I've read through all the messages I could find on this topic and came accross this email address I sent an email tonight requesting a new date and recieved this response almost immediately:


Your e-mail was deleted without being read.

This e-mail address is solely for individuals who have been authorized
to contact the Consular Information Unit about a specific matter. This
address is not for general inquiries from the public, attorneys or
agents of record. Please understand our workload does not allow us to
read unauthorized inquiries, but the Embassy has set up several
mechanisms to provide general and personalized guidance.

Highly detailed visa information is available from the Embassy's
at Due to our heavy workload, we cannot
respond to email inquiries when the subject matter is addressed on the

We also cannot respond to requests for expedited processing, or
nonimmigrant visa "case status" inquiries which are still within the
estimated time frame given on the website, or by the interviewing
Consular Officer, whichever is longer.

If you still have questions after reading all of the content on the
website, please call the Embassy's Operator Assisted Information
for personalized service. Contact information for the operator service
can be found on this page:

Is our only option calling the Embassy and spending an arm and a leg on our phone bill? Though what's a few more bucks after all the buckets of money we've already spent on this process! Sheesh! <_<
Has anyone else been able to get an email through to the London Embassy recently? I'm wondering if this is just something they send to everyone and then actually respond to the ones deemed appropriate. From what I've read this is a valid request that should be answerable through email...or maybe that isn't the case anymore.
Thanks in advance for your help, guys. I appreciate it.


mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-28 03:21:00
United KingdomWedding Plans
You bet :D
I saw her toppers on here waaay back and made up my mind then that nothing else would do.
I know other people do similar toppers but Pauline's the best.
With that I have something so special to remember my wedding day and a lifelong reminder of all the help available here on VJ.

Edited by mmb, 26 February 2007 - 03:01 PM.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-26 15:00:00
United KingdomWedding Plans
It's not a first wedding for either of us but my first wedding was 10 adults and 2 two year olds so even though we have to do it quickly we wanted something special. Richard found us a venue where we can have a JP friend of the family come and marry us then we can have dinner with our friends.
I wanted some things to be special about my wedding so started with a fellow VJ'er here who makes fantastic cake toppers. She made us the one I'm using as an avatar and I love it. Gives me something special to keep as a reminder of the day as well.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-02-26 14:16:00
United KingdomPreparing for US move...
I prefer to err on the safe side so I researched everything while I waited for my visa appointment and booked everything the day my visa arrived.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-03 10:12:00
United KingdomWhat's the ratio? Do we have more women or men coming from the UK?
I had wrongly assumed more women than men, just based on posters I know here.
Well I made an ### out of me at least.

Edited to add, I didn't know I couldn't mention beasts of burden here, that's the first time a post of mine was even censored.
Also I would love to know what the percentages are for other countries.

Edited by mmb, 08 March 2007 - 06:27 AM.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-08 06:25:00
United KingdomAnother interview approval!
Congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-08 06:15:00
United KingdomIn theory......

One complication of the hypothetical scenario you describe is the number of times you have visited your fiancee in the past. An immigration lawyer I met here suggested to us that if we married on the spur of the moment it would be difficult to prove I didn't have immigration intent as I had four visits to my fiance over the two previous years.
He siad it would probable be reasonably simple to adjust status if we had married on the first or second visit, but after that it would get more and more difficult.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-16 07:34:00
United KingdomMy interview this morning
Congratulations, great to see another one make it so easily.
So much stress beforehand for a simple process in London.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-16 07:29:00
United KingdomBank Account Question

I opened 2 accounts with citzens bank here before I had my SSN.... when I wanted money transfered from my UK account I just write myself a UK check and pay it into my US account... it clears in 3 days and has a very small charge... Citizens Bank is part of the Bank of Scotland Group...


Citizens Bank is not part of the Bank of Scotland group but part of The Royal Bank of Scotland group, two very different banks.
While I have had nothing but good service from the Royal Bank, Bank of Scotland are a pain to deal with.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-17 12:38:00
United KingdomBank Account Question
I have a US bank account and no SS number. I have had the account for over 2 years now and only moved to the US 2 days ago.
My account is with Citizens bank and my UK bank, which actually owns Citizens Bank is happy to transfer funds at a good rate any time I fax them with the signal numbers I arranged with them before I left.

I did use HSBC but found their New York office was actually adding another charge to all money tranfers meaning I got charged 3 times for every transfer and they had the cheek to call it an intermediary charge when was tranferring from HSBC in the UK.

Edited by mmb, 08 March 2007 - 11:18 AM.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-08 11:16:00
United KingdomReally Dumb questions you've been asked about the UK

**'s sake, I'm an American...I wouldn't start a thread to specifically bag on Americans. It was meant in lighthearted fun, nothing more nothing less. No pizzing contests of 'which country is better/has less ignorant people' and frankly, anyone who knows me here should know I'm VERY proud of my country and wouldn't start an anti-American people thread.

In FACT....both those questions I opened this thread with were both asked by NON AMERICANS. And like flutter says...even if they were asked by Americans...they're funny questions. Why can't we just have a fcuking laugh?

I am so ####### i n g sick of every thread turning into b u l l s h i t. I realize I am very cranky tonight and I am quite overworked, but this is just annoying the ####### outta me. This thread wasn't meant to offend anyone or have anyone get their panties in a wad. And once again, IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BAG ON AMERICANS. I happen to be one of them. That would be stupid, wouldn't it?

Personally Lisa I think it's a great idea for a thread, I've not had many dumb questions asked of me but I am reading what others post.
Those people who have a problem just lack your great sense of humour.
Maybe if they feel the need to balance the books they can go open their own thread about the dumb questions foreign fianc(e)es/ spouses ask about America. I have asked enough of those myself. I would probably enjoy a thread like that just as much and have some of my own ignorance to contribute. :D
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-22 09:17:00
United KingdomRequest for More Information
I also got a request for more infrmation, sent it back abd had my police check week later, I assume they had a hit on the name and were checking to make sure they had the right person.
He should get the court records for his cautions as he does have to declare them on the form and will be asked for records. I wasn't able to produce records due to court records from the time I was charged having been destroyed but took official letters explaining this. I was asked about thiis brifly during my interview.

Edited by mmb, 28 March 2007 - 07:34 AM.

mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-28 07:32:00
United KingdomUltimate scrifice

Pompey, reminded me of my hmmmm youth, coming out of Jo's at 2am rat arsed lol :devil: :devil: :whistle: after doing the table top dancing lmao. Sadly all that behind me and Jo's is now closed I believe, ah well the good ole days.

Once in there was enough. Too many drunken ratings and three of my colleagues on a desperate search for officers.
I was home, sober, and tucked up in bed by 10:30.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-26 09:28:00
United KingdomUltimate scrifice

Fish & Chips

Decent chips is what I miss, I can get decent battered fish at least, but its the chips that are the killer.

Indian Food

Quite simply, I've learned to make this myself! Its not that hard once you get into it. I did have a fantastic curry in Philadelphia the other night. If anyone is in the area, I highly recommend "Karma" in Old Town Philadelphia (Walnut St IIRC), its a bit expensive - but worth it.

Decent Chinese

Meh. Go to any chinatown in America and you can get this. Chinese food in the UK is way overpriced compared to here as well, and I'm not convinced its any better. Depends where you live really.

Full english breakfast (eggs,bacon,fried bread,mushrooms,beans,sausages ect)

I can almost exactly duplicate this apart from the sausages (my local shop sells Heinz Beans). Although I found some sausages now that actually do the job quite well. They're called "Bob Evans Original Links", are proper sausage size, and nice and herby.

Big fat chocolate easter eggs


Real Bread and anchor butter

Wegman's Farmhouse Bread and Kerrygold butter (both within arms reach of each other at my local Wegmans.

So I guess my vote, if I had to pick one, would be Fish and Chips. There simply isn't an experience like it outside of the UK, IMHO.

I'm in the Philly area and never seen a Wegmans, I'm going to find one ASAP, I need some real bread and butter.
I've only been here two weeks and am getting nostalgic for food shopping in Pompey. I never thought that would happen to me as I spent so much time there missing what I could get at home in Scotland.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-25 09:37:00
United KingdomBoots cosmetics
That's great to know, I'll check out my local Target, I always liked Boots stuff as I'm often allergic to make up and they do a good hypo-allergic range. Thanks for telling everyone.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-30 07:50:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
My most common thing is to tell Richard"Ah'll no be a meenit"
He's even starting to say that too but he often just has a glazed look if I get too Scots for him.
mmbFemaleScotland2007-03-13 07:36:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
My hubby William is from Glasgow, and I've been staying with him there for the past 18 months. We are just waiting for our interview date in London now....waiting....still waiting.....hehe
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-09 02:03:00
United KingdomVisa's APPROVED
Congratulations! Very excited for you! Glad to hear they let you in as well. Maybe they only stop USCs from going in if it's especially crowded that day.

As for the fee you paid, which fee was that (not the mailing fee but the first one.)
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-10 02:11:00
United KingdomInterview today.....APPROVED!!!!!!
Many congrats!
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-10 02:12:00
United KingdomVisa on the Brain

Well, we've had another setback and it's so disappointing. NVC is not happy with the way I filled some of the forms in and says I've forgotten to include some evidence items. I spent so much time pouring over those forms I just can't believe it. On the I-864 I wasn't sure if they would want me to put my current income (here in the UK which will end by 31/08) or the income I will be making in the states (I have employer notes stating my new job and how much I'll be making). So, I included two I-864's and put one form with each income. I wrote a letter and explained why I had done this, but NVC sent one of them back and says I must fix it.

I'm thinking this would set us back at least a couple weeks. Such a disappointment and I tried so hard to get everything right.

Thanks for letting me vent guys!

When dealing with bureaucracy you should avoid the tendency to read more into a question then it asks. Being helpful and providing answers to questions not asked causes confusion and delay.

Hope everything sorts itself out quickly.

That's exactly what I'm starting to learn. I don't think the notes were even read. I should have stuck to basics, but I just wanted everything to be perfectly laid out. Hopefully they'll be happy with what I'm sending back this time.
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-12 12:48:00
United KingdomVisa on the Brain
Well, we've had another setback and it's so disappointing. NVC is not happy with the way I filled some of the forms in and says I've forgotten to include some evidence items. I spent so much time pouring over those forms I just can't believe it. On the I-864 I wasn't sure if they would want me to put my current income (here in the UK which will end by 31/08) or the income I will be making in the states (I have employer notes stating my new job and how much I'll be making). So, I included two I-864's and put one form with each income. I wrote a letter and explained why I had done this, but NVC sent one of them back and says I must fix it.

I'm thinking this would set us back at least a couple weeks. Such a disappointment and I tried so hard to get everything right.

Thanks for letting me vent guys!
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-12 02:11:00
United KingdomVisa on the Brain
Phew! We're not alone in this nightmare! hehe

Thanks for all the suggestions! I will make sure to advise them of our hopeful travel dates and also maybe send a wee note advising that I'm supposed to be starting my new job soon as well. Just called the NVC last night and auto message says they are missing info in our packet and have sent out a checklist to us for correction. I'm hoping this is just the DS-230 which was sent on the 04/08 and that they just haven't processed it yet. They said the checklist was sent on the 03/08 but it's not been received yet.....ahhhhh


I'm gonna have to sit down with hubby and explain to him the whole process we are doing as well before the interview. See I had kinda taken control of the visa stuff and hadn't really explained it all to him. I can just imagine the guy at the interview asking him what kinda visa we are applying for and Will saying, "i don't know."! hehe

Yep, the visa, the move, the marriage - all I can think about at the moment. I just handed in my notice at work too and now i can't concentrate on work at all. I just keep thinking 'one month to go, woo hoo'.

I get periods of excitment and periods of nervous tension now too, and periods of the two mixed together - something I like to call nervousment (feel free to start using this word - getting a new word into the dictionary is one of my goals in life!)

perhaps the embassy should provide a free counselling service to help get us through the stress!

I love the new word! hehe Cheers and I probably will use it, but will give you copyright credit for inventing it! hehe
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-10 02:23:00
United KingdomVisa on the Brain

I wonder if anyone can relate to how I feel...I think about the Visa constantly! When I wake up in the morning, the first thought in my head is about visa stuff....(do I have anything I need to do today? Should I be getting ready for the interview? What if I'm forgetting something?) It's like the only thing I can focus on and it's really starting to wear me down. Anyone else go through this?

I do get encouragement from looking at all of your timelines and seeing that the visas do get approved and people to get through the whole process. I just wish I could take my mind off of it and enjoy the present instead of being so nervous constantly about the future.

Okay, well that's my little venting session done for the day! hehe Cheers guys!

You only start thinking about it when you wake up??? :lol: :lol: :lol: The whole visa thing has invaded every waking and sleeping thought. I worry about things I didn't think were possible to worry about and then worry that I have forgotten something to worry about.

You are not alone, and visas do get approved. Like MINE!!!! :D :D :D

Good Luck!

Many thanks for the encouragement! Much appreciated! I've only just sent back my DS-230 last Saturday and my prayer is to have the interview and move by end of September. Do you think I'm being unrealistic timewise? I know any number of things can come up and I'm trying to stay a step ahead of the game (ha! I don't even understand the game!).

Anyways, thanks again for the encouragement, and I'm just praying we are as successful as yourself in getting our visa approved. YAY! hehe
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-09 02:46:00
United KingdomVisa on the Brain
I wonder if anyone can relate to how I feel...I think about the Visa constantly! When I wake up in the morning, the first thought in my head is about visa stuff....(do I have anything I need to do today? Should I be getting ready for the interview? What if I'm forgetting something?) It's like the only thing I can focus on and it's really starting to wear me down. Anyone else go through this?

I do get encouragement from looking at all of your timelines and seeing that the visas do get approved and people to get through the whole process. I just wish I could take my mind off of it and enjoy the present instead of being so nervous constantly about the future.

Okay, well that's my little venting session done for the day! hehe Cheers guys!
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-09 02:18:00
United Kingdom6.15 This Morning
YAY! We're celebrating with you! Congrats!
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-10 02:25:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow, essjay and Neal&Cari!
Well congrats!!!! YAY!!!
willchelsNot TellingScotland2007-08-12 12:58:00