United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (pandora @ Mar 10 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (weedebz @ Mar 10 2008, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Mar 10 2008, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all -- been offline for a while. Just got back to CT late Saturday night after 5 days in the Bahamas. I am mucho, mucho brown now and missing the 87 degree weather. cool.gif Looks like I have a lot to catch up on here in the UK forum!

ok to say I'm jealous is a massive understatement.

Really dull and wet in west scotland but nothing too horrendous. As long as GLA, DUB, ORD and OMA airports are operations as normal on wednesday I'll be happy, well as happy as possible given my fear of flying!!!! Anyways...back to packing.

have fun packing and hope it goes well for you biggrin.gif

congrats to you on getting your application away and good luck. really back to packing!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-10 12:19:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Mar 10 2008, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all -- been offline for a while. Just got back to CT late Saturday night after 5 days in the Bahamas. I am mucho, mucho brown now and missing the 87 degree weather. cool.gif Looks like I have a lot to catch up on here in the UK forum!

ok to say I'm jealous is a massive understatement.

Really dull and wet in west scotland but nothing too horrendous. As long as GLA, DUB, ORD and OMA airports are operations as normal on wednesday I'll be happy, well as happy as possible given my fear of flying!!!! Anyways...back to packing.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-10 11:48:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
ok this storm better arrive soon. Hope it's not waiting for wednesday!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-10 04:00:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
night out was great. Had a couple of floods of tears but it was a great night.

Well I fly out very early Wed morning and I have a lot to do so probably wont be around very much over the next few days. I've been warned not to let the up coming forcast storms worry me too much as they are supposed to have blown over by tuesday. Monday is supposed to be the worst.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-09 04:31:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
well I'm 5'10 and currently sitting at 9st 6lbs. I am actually eating quite alot just not putting weight on.

It's my leaving party today in Glasgow so any people on here than can get to Glasgow it's all happening in the Solid Rock near Central Station from 3pm onwards.

Had good time in Newcastle the last 2 days with my aunt and she used to be a nurse before she left the NHS to follow her dreams as a garden designer. She's had me stuffing my face with sugar and poteins, not feeling a dizzy in general now but still having bouts. Probably going to feel ALOT more dizzy later today. LOL!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-08 03:50:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Mar 5 2008, 08:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Best tagline ever - you either love it or you hate it!

I love marmite - but spread VERY thinly! I also love twiglets, which are marmitey.

Ribena was always such a treat when I was little...

I love marmite too. Nick hates it.

Ginger... congrats on the interview date
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-05 16:05:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
well so far my day of chilling out is a day of stress. I weighed myself this morning and I've lost weight, usually this is cause for celebration but I have problems with low blood pressure and sometimes if I get stressed I lose weight so my blood pressure drops so I start passing out everytime I stand up. My usual average blood pressure sits around 90/60. I've learnt to cope with it over the years, I can usual feel when it's dropping and I'm at risk of passing out and when it does happen (which can be anywhere) I just pick myself up, have a bottle of lucozade (going to have to hunt out the US alternative) and get on with things. My work were really good as they kept a bottle in the fridge for me just incase. However airlines wont let you fly if you start passing out. Unfortuanatly the more I stress the more it drops and currently the more it drops the more I stress. Also if I lose too much more my wedding dress will need altered again. Since we started this process back in late june I have gone from a 12/14 to a 8/10. I'm now stressed that I'll be so stressed in the airport I'll zoink out and they wont let me fly! grrrrrr I just want this to be over.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-05 06:52:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
well I had my last day at work today. Was right to have the waterproof mascara on. Got some lovely gifts from work, a big bottle of Elizabeth Arden Provocative perfume and a Radley leather purse complete with $110 "to get me started" inside it. They also gave me a packet of milk chocolate hobnobs!!! (how well they know me!!!)

I fly out a week tomorrow and I am an emotional wreck (yes again). It's only going to get worse. Here is my upcoming week.

Wednesday: Day trying to chill out but probably stressing
Thursday: Drive down to Newcastle to visit my family and have dinner with my aunt
Friday: Drive back to Scotland with aunt, family meal at my parents
Saturday: My big leaving party starting 2pm until midnight in glasgow
Sunday: Recovery and evening out with parents, aunt, bro and bro's fiancee
Monday: Take aunt to Glasgow to get train to newcastle, pack, unpack, pack, unpack, pack. Stress stress stress
Tuesday: Eyebrow wax, nails, hair, unpack, pack, unpack, pack, stress, stress, stress, STRESS
Wednesday: Be at glasgow airport for 5.55am and heading into arms of my Nick
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-04 11:27:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
well a load of my stuff is sold and now I've started trying to pack my bags. It isn't going good. I'm have the same problem in that people are giving me wee presents. I'm telling folk don't get me anything but they just say it's small and light but don't seem to factor in if 10 people buy something small and light then I need to leave half my wardrobe behind. I know all my wedding dress and accesories fits in my cabin trolley. I have 1 case filled with paperwork, undies and jammies and another that is already nearly half full. I'm going to have my handbag too that will be stuffed to bursting point. This packing business is much more stressful than I though it would be.

10 days to go!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-02 09:57:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
i'm off to a friends tonight but I'm driving so no drinkies for me tonight. Not too bothered though as got early start tomorrow. Taking a load of my stuff to a carboot sale.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-01 12:17:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Feb 29 2008, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Clever girly!! biggrin.gif I thought you were over in Nebraska for three months a while back?

that was a slip of the hand...yep 3 months it was. Sorry..too much Cava!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-29 17:06:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
taking my camera into work on my last day. Well I am a photographer by trade, I took the job in the law firm to help out at the start of my own business and ended up staying there part-time because i loved the people there so much. I've never spent more than 3 weeks outside Scotland. I'm both excited and terrified at the same time. if anyone fancys checking out some of my work go to
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-29 14:30:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Feb 29 2008, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Debz -- that's so sweet! It is amazing how traumatic leaving work actually is, even when we all gripe about having to go there!

I think to me finishing work on tuesday is the real sign to me that it is actually happening.

me and some of my colleagues have declared tuesday waterproof mascara day! the biggest trauma is going to be the presentation I know they have planned, only reason I know is I saw an email about it in my colleagues inbox! it's going to be embarrasing!!! I don't like a fuss being made, I go scarlet and I know I'm going to cry, I have so many good friends at work.

Edited by weedebz, 29 February 2008 - 01:39 PM.

weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-29 13:35:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Feb 28 2008, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Debz -- how you feeling today about the upcoming move?

today I'm feeling a wee bit better about it. Things starting to fall into place. Although I don't actually finish work until Tuesday one of the big clients of the law firm I work for found out I was leaving and sent me a huge bunch of flowers today. When I say huge, I mean huge, these things were like 2ft across. It's all red, white and blue flowers with a big scottish thistle in the middle and the card said "hope your move goes well and you enjoy your new life in America, just never forget your roots and the people here that care about you!" How nice was that? I was in tears when they came in and that started the other receptionist off too! I'm going to be terrible on tuesday when I finish up.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-29 12:24:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
yep...congrats to Bruce.

I have finally sorted out my finances and just sent the bulk of my money to Nick using interchange. Got good rate and it should arrive in his account on Wednesday, exactly one week before I get there! I'm leaving my UK account open for a few months whilst I get settled there so also just arranged for my mammy to be co-signer

Edited by weedebz, 28 February 2008 - 12:33 PM.

weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-28 12:31:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
my whole life seems to be in 4 piles just now.

leave for collection on another visit
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-27 09:43:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~ wishes to the Bride of the Day, Gillian. (English Muffin)
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-26 12:02:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
just thought I'd pop by and see what i've been missing. Really bogged down with sorting stuff out, packing and various friends and family mambers dragging me here, there and everywhere to do things "one last time". You'd think the way some of them go on that I'll never be coming back!

Anyways, wee bit of good news, Nick has managed to land himself a job, it's not ideal but it's work and it's money so that's some of our financial worries lifted a tad.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-26 09:52:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
mmmmmm maltesers!!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-21 11:02:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
i still want some pics julez!!!

I'm sat tucking into one of the 4 packets of hobnobs I bought today. I figure if I can eat enough of them before I go I'll be sick of them so I wont miss them. No chance of a tunnocks teacake over there either... hmmmm need to re-think my strategy, I'll be enormous by the time I go if I do this for everything!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-20 11:26:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (SMB x2 @ Feb 19 2008, 03:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Chocolate hobnobs are all kinds of win!

I prefer normal hobnobs but aye, the chocolate ones are fantastic too.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-19 10:45:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Feb 19 2008, 03:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (weedebz @ Feb 19 2008, 10:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know this is probably a silly question to which the answer is probably going to make me sad...... What's the Hobnob situation over there? I need my hobnobs!!!

What's a Hobnob?

crying.gif see that answers my question.

They are amazing sweet, buttery, oaty, crunchy biscuits (sorry...cookies!). Yummy dunked in a nice cup of tea!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-19 10:23:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I know this is probably a silly question to which the answer is probably going to make me sad...... What's the Hobnob situation over there? I need my hobnobs!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-19 10:15:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
asked is in the OT forum but will try here too. Anyone know where I can get decent medical insurance short term? Don't fancy being left bankrupt by tripping over one of the 4 cats or 3 dogs.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-18 12:22:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
happy anniversary Gwen!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-18 09:25:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
haha love the joke.

Anyways...horray for the upcoming weekend. Another busy one for me sorting out more of my stuff. 26 days to go and still counting.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-15 11:55:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
i'm leaving the gorgeous hills, mountains, glens, lochs and rugged coastlines of Scotland all gently covered with heather and dotted with sheep...
... I'm going to the utter flatness, cornfields, cows and no coastline of Nebraska. Freezing winters, roasting summers and tornados in between.

the things we do for love!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-13 09:59:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
the hint with midges is eat stuff with yeast in it (real beer, marmite, doughy bread) around 24 hours sweat it out through skin pores and midges hate it. Although you can't smell it they can and they will leave you alone. I also spray all my clothes with citronella.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-12 12:02:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Nick met midges last year when he was over. They didn't seem to bother him, mosquitos leave him alone too. They all come to feast on me!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-12 10:50:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
i hate the midges but they seem to love me. As do most other biting bugs!!! mad.gif
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-12 10:28:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
greetings all. There is a strange ball of fire in the sky here in west coast scotland...someone told me it's called the sun, I seem to remember seeing it a long time ago! Tad chilly but gorgeous...very un-westscottish!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-12 09:23:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
i've been thinking about Aly too. Hope it all goes well for her. Looking forward to seeing the pics.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-11 13:41:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
my mission is to fit my life into my 2 suitcases and my cabin trolleycase. Other than that I have 2 boxes of things I can't part with. Other stuff that I can live without but don't want to get rid of is going to live with my parents. The rest is getting carbooted or ebayed in 2 weeks!

on another note - something else way travel insurance sorted for flights and baggage. £16 from post office.

Edited by weedebz, 11 February 2008 - 11:44 AM.

weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-11 11:42:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
you are so much more organised than me. Blitzed the wardrobe over the weekend and donated loads of clothes to charity store and to my bro's other half.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-11 11:09:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
28 days and counting!!!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-11 09:35:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
will just be a valentine phone call for me and Nick, won't be long until I'm there though.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-08 13:17:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
laughing.gif laughing.gif that is the funniest thing I've read in ages...OMG I was almost off the chair laughing laughing.gif laughing.gif
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-06 14:26:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Alex & Rachel @ Feb 6 2008, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good to know! I've always been curious but my anxiety about shopping affects me ever placing orders for anything else, too. I even often cut my own hair so as to avoid having to book haircuts. But...maybe one day!

I'm 27 and my mammy still cuts mine. I'm scared of hairdressers after one made a mess of my hair when I was 10 or can be cruel and it was hard to hide a missing chunk of hair where the hairdresser had "slipped" with the scissors.

I'm a terrible penny pincher (comes from my mammy, she's an accountant) and I find it hard to treat myself as if I can't justify the price of something to myself I wont buy it.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-06 09:26:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
still not started mine. Don't want to as in my funny wee way I feel it will jinx my visa.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-02 12:31:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I'm NOT looking forward to Tuesday. Well I am in someways obviously as good or will be over.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-02-02 11:30:00