United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
I'll be waiting to hear the news!!!! I've just booked my transport for interview...caledonian sleeper, the train with beds!! love it!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-01-07 10:55:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jan 7 2008, 02:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (teachmehistory @ Jan 7 2008, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WE GOT OUR INTERVIEW DATE!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god I can hardly breathe! January 17th, 9AM kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

add us to the list please!!!!!!!!!

Wow -- congrats! This is shaping up to be a fantastic day here at UK VJ! good.gif

Edited to add: And you too, Debz -- just saw your post!!!

thank I can start stressing about the financial stuff for real!!!!! So to all of you who thought I was bad before....HA you aint seen nothing yet!!!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-01-07 09:47:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!

Congrats teach!!!! Got mine too.... 5th Feb @ 10am
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-01-07 09:37:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Gwen666 @ Jan 3 2008, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Jodinjames @ Jan 2 2008, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Well it's been almost 30 days since the London Embassy has had our package 3.....we have been elligible to be scheduled for an interview since 12/17.....Im getting so anxious, does this seem like a long time to have heard nothing? I am seeing people who sent their info in much earlier with dates already. What is the general consensus as to how long this might take?



According to the Department of State, London is taking four to eight weeks to schedule interviews and doing them in no particular order.

No kidding!!!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-01-03 11:01:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
congrats to you both on being our first confirmed approval of 2008. What a way to start the year.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-01-02 08:39:00
United KingdomThe 2008 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
hope to be adding mine soon...please please please
weedebzFemaleScotland2007-12-28 10:05:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
ooooo it's heating up.....2F now. 50% chance of snow tomorrow. Jeeeeeez I'm cold. Decided I needed warm comfort food tonight so made a HUGE dish of macaroni. Will feed me and Nick for a couple of days.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-12-15 21:06:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
wish I hadn't complaind at the 4F yesterday...-10F this morning when I was out walking the pooches as work.!!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-12-15 17:14:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I'm sooooooooo cold. I've got the electric blanket warming my bed up already. I hope it's warmer tomorrow. I have to walk all the dogs in the clinic at 7.30am tomorrow. Got my goose down coat sorted and about 4 layers.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-12-14 21:10:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
oh well diddums to both of you. It's been 4F here today...yes that's right freaking 4F (that's -16C in real numbers)
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-12-14 20:25:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
ok ok...tooooooo freaking cold!!!!!!! burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-12-14 13:24:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I got a job interview on Monday for a kennel and animal care assistant at a vet hospital. Put in application 2 hrs ago and they just called and said come in monday 8am for a working interview, wear old clothes. They do on the job interview as they can't tell how you interact with animals just by talking to you.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-10-28 16:03:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
double post....SORWY!!!! blush.gif

Edited by weedebz, 28 October 2008 - 01:54 PM.

weedebzFemaleScotland2008-10-28 13:54:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I've only had EAD in hand 1 day and already realising this is going to be tough. 2 applications away today. fingers, toes and eyes crossed blink.gif . Non of the jobs are ideal but it's money and any money is better than nothing.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-10-28 13:53:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Hi all. Not been around here for ages so thought I'd drop back in. It's hard when I have to use the in laws PC for internet as I feel I need to rush things. and 2 of my sisters in law do yoga in my living room at least once a week. We do Baptiste power yoga, it's a really good work out.

I really need some help. Need a name for my new kitten. He's totally jet black with bright green eyes and very sleek. He's hopefully going to be a friend for my 2yr old norwegian forest cat called Oscar. We kinda aquired the new kitten as he belonged to a family who now have 3 week old twins and the kitten keeps crawling onto the babies when they are sleeping and giving their mother heart attacks.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-09-27 11:22:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
still on a mission for a good dunking biscuit here in US. (see my post in movinghere - strange things) Anyone here found a good tea dunker?
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-08-29 16:13:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (ginger1981 @ Aug 28 2008, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (weedebz @ Aug 28 2008, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just read the closed thread...OMG I really need to get internet at home so I can keep up with such going's on. I read it with my mother in law and we were both doing all we could at times to hold each other on our chairs.

Elm...your comments were nothing short of fabulous genius. and! you should be in politics with that diplomacy

Gee thanks blush.gif

Good to see you again on this board...are you ready for the Big Red wave Saturday hahaha?

QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Aug 28 2008, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks, debz! It was kinda fun.

Just going back through that thread -- at the end, was she calling ginger "grandma"? Huh? Ginger, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're not on the Geritol just yet, right?

I'm 26. I think it's time for me to learn how to make Jello molds.

yep...father in law works for charter....get it for free on TV at the in laws and being forced to watch!!!!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-08-28 16:16:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I just read the closed thread...OMG I really need to get internet at home so I can keep up with such going's on. I read it with my mother in law and we were both doing all we could at times to hold each other on our chairs.

Elm...your comments were nothing short of fabulous genius. and! you should be in politics with that diplomacy

Edited by weedebz, 28 August 2008 - 03:51 PM.

weedebzFemaleScotland2008-08-28 15:51:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
ok...TOTALLY off topic....
anyone know how to train a grumpy rescue cat into not seeing people including me and Nick as dinner!!!!

Anyways. I'm stuck all the way out here in NE. Any more UK'ers wanting to try get a get together out here. As much as I'd love to come see you Aly way over's just too far. I will make it out there one day though.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-08-07 14:55:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
as promised

more wedding pics
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-06-16 11:44:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Glasgow cabbies are the worst. I think they purposly take longest way possible.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-06-12 14:29:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
well here are some wedding pics. and go to wedding three in portfolio
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-06-10 18:06:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
well the wedding was yesterday and it went so well. The weather was AMAZING. Everything went so well. Only issue was that Nick's hands had swollen in the heat and I couldn't get his ring over his knuckle but other than that couldn't have asked for a more special day. I'll get some pics soon.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-06-01 11:21:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Aly the apartment looks really nice. We are going to be staying where we are with the family friend (and swimming pool) until begining of next year then look for our own place. We have just over $10K in an interest gathering savings account for a deposit. The houses around here are so reasonably priced.

Well the numbers have gone down by 14 for the wedding, family members in Cali can't make it and an aunt was rushed into hospital a few days ago so her and her hubby and 3 kids won't be coming. Not complaining as I don't know them and thats around $200 saved on total cost of reception. My bridesmaids don't have shoes yet as up until 4 weeks ago I was only going to have a maid of honor but the other sisters got all sulky so now I have had to buy 3 more bridesmaid dresses. At this point I'm really wishing we'd just gone for the simple gourthouse plan and saved all this headache. I just keep telling myself it will be worth it. So 6 days to go and my to do list stands at....

get guestbook
get bridesmaids shoes
make my reception table decorations (got all the stuff just needs put together)
finalise numbers for reception by wednesday
make guest list for ceremony to give to museum (getting married at stuhr museum)
pay for and pick up the mens suits on wed.

just think after all of this.....AOS begins. crying.gif
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-05-25 11:04:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I'm popping in to say hello. Can't believe this time next week I'll be getting ready to go to the rehearsal. My so called small wedding has increased from 40 to 70 people due to cousins being offended and 16 year old stroppy sisters wanting to bring the boyfriends they have known for 3 weeks and the cost has gone up by almost $1000. Got the reception sorted today and finally decided on the menu so absolutly no one else can be added. I really need some zinfandel right now. Stress levels are at an all time high. This is all too crazy. Plus this weather better sort itself out for a week on saturday. Had constant thunder since yesterday and half of grand island IS an island as the other half looks somewhat oceanic. GRRRRR.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-05-23 15:34:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
HELLO. Popping on to say hello. It's so hard keeping up to date with everything when I only online 2-3 days a week for 30mins if that.

Nick's eldest sister graduates high school this weekend so been lots of planning and stuff for that. It's only 3 and half weeks to wedding but not paniking too much as think most stuff is in order. Scary thing is that if we had gone with original plan wedding would have been Saturday just past.

Still no sign of us getting internet in the appartment and I miss it so bad. Anyways better dash, lunch time. Take care all.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-05-08 12:22:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
nice house..shame about the mentioned crimes against interior design.

Just thought I'd check in whilst I can. I'm soooo bored. Hate just sitting around. Better dash...lunch run!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-04-22 13:30:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
managed to find honey that's made in the same zipcode I live in so got it 2 days ago. Allergy symptoms already getting better.

I'm going to compile a natural remedy database so if anyone has any ailments they want me to include let me know. Remember I am not a Dr. I just come from a family who for many many generations has not had total trust in "western' modern medicine espeially when it comes to handing out drugs that has a list of side effects longer than what it treats (even more so when fairly often one of those side effects is death!) I personally haven't taken a painkiller for over 15 years. Not bad for someone who suffers from migranes and bad period cramp.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-04-15 20:10:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
if you eat honey made in the local area it contains elements of the local pollen so helps build a natural resistance to the allergens. Works kind of the same way as a virus vaccine. You get a wee bit of it that helps you fight it off.

It really works and doesn't make you drowsy like most allergy meds
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-04-13 13:46:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Hello all. Making a wee visit whilst I can.

Most of the stuff for the wedding sorted now so I'm having more time to sit and think about stuff I miss so having a few homesick moments but Nick's mammy is being such a big support to me. She is amazing.

Nick played improv guitar at a local bar last night. He is an amazing guitarist but has really bad nerves and no belief in himself. It's the first time he has played for a decent sized audience of total strangers. He did so well and had people going up to him and complimenting him and buying him drinks (he doesn't even drink, lol). I'm so proud of him. He was originally only supposed to play 30mins but they kept him going and kept telling him to turn up for over an hour. It has done so much for his confidence. I've bought him a cookie cake that says "you are a star" for when he gets off work. more thing....I have discovered hayfever season starts earlier here and it appears that I'm allergic to Nebraska! So if any Nebraskans know where I can get some Honey made in Nebraska I'd appriciate a wee message. Before I sneeze myself inside out.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-04-12 11:30:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Aly..made special effort to get on today to say good luck for tomorrow...even though you definatly don't need it.

Wedding plans progressing and I now have SSN. Hopefully will have internet soon so I'll be back more often.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-04-08 11:49:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
sorry folks but this is a cut and paste. Just want to catch up with everyone and not much time. On a mission to get Nick something to wear so he's not getting married in his birthday suit.

It's realy annoying not having internet so only get a few mins when I pop over to Nick's rent. I thought I'd just check in and say Hi to everyone. Would say I'm setlleing in but not really had chance. Been sorting out wedding stuff, ordered cake yesterday. Going to send out invites next week and get other stuff finalised. Only been here 2 weeks today but it really feels like longer. Going with Nick's mammy tomorrow whilst Nick at work to apply for SSN.

Take care all and I'll check in again when I get a chance.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-26 13:13:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
my cat used to eat strawberries.

I've just spent the last 2hrs re attaching 4 keys to my laptop. Went to the loo and when I came back discovered that the puppy also likes laptop to eat
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-14 12:18:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
just had half my toast stolen by one of the dogs!! They are great fun but they can be so annoying.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-14 10:33:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I'm shameless in asking too. You need to ask at check in. Worst they can do is say no.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-13 12:50:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
I'M HERE!!!!!!!

Journey wasn't altogether horrendous, just a tad horrendous. Left late from Glasgow but it felt that as soon as we reached cruising altitude we were landing. Took 2 attempts to land because of the wind and we got thrown around something mental. Because of the lateness and busyness of Dublin I only just made boarding allocation for the chicago flight. I sprinted to the desk and asked the wee woman, since I had to sprint any chance of an upgrade with a big half panting cheesy grin, she paused a while and did something on her computer and said, no problem. The plane didn't have seperate business/first class so it was a combination of the 2. I got on the plane, got personally shown to my seat, as my coat was taken of me to be hung on a special rail I got "champagne or orange juice for take off?" took the orange juice, tummy too yicky for bubbles. That flight left late too but landed almost on time. Watched a couple of movies on my personal entertainment system with noise reduction headphones. Clearing immigration and customs at chicago was suprisingly quick I was through it all withing 35mins of getting off the plane. The Immigration officer said "welcome to america" when he gave me my passport back, friendliest immigartion guy I've ever had. Last flight was a bit bumpy but fairly quick. Just so glad it's over. Off to sort my stuff out now.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-13 09:58:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
Thanks. I only have 1hr 45mins in Dublin but 3hrs between flights in Chicago.
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-11 11:53:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
well I'm packed. Trying to find things to do to divert myself from un-packing to check everything and packing again. Only thing not packed is wedding dress but it's laid out to be packed just before I leave. I've tried weighing everything and i think I'm going to be fine.....I hope I'm going to be fine!

Do I have this right, even though I'm flying through Dublin, because I'm flying AA I still do immigration in Chicago?
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-11 09:35:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (Jeraly @ Mar 11 2008, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rkl57 @ Mar 11 2008, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Those who swerve across several lanes are one of my biggest pet peeves (and very common in CA) people, you need to plan ahead!

OMG - those are the people that make me freak about learning to drive in the US... combined with passing on both sides mad.gif

I feel left out now - we'll be about 90 minutes east of LA sad.gif

What are drivers like in NE? The whole otherside of the road thing doesn't bother me too much...I've driven in Norway, Sweden, France and Germany. Even managed to navigate a few roundabouts going that was strange!!!!

By tomorrow night (all going to plan) I'll be in Nebraska. Damnit I'm addicted to VJ....must get back to packing, starting to when the battle and things might just fit although may need someone to come sit on my cases whilst I zip
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-11 05:04:00
United Kingdom~Off Topic Thread~
QUOTE (pandora @ Mar 10 2008, 04:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (weedebz @ Mar 10 2008, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Mar 10 2008, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all -- been offline for a while. Just got back to CT late Saturday night after 5 days in the Bahamas. I am mucho, mucho brown now and missing the 87 degree weather. cool.gif Looks like I have a lot to catch up on here in the UK forum!

ok to say I'm jealous is a massive understatement.

Really dull and wet in west scotland but nothing too horrendous. As long as GLA, DUB, ORD and OMA airports are operations as normal on wednesday I'll be happy, well as happy as possible given my fear of flying!!!! Anyways...back to packing.

have fun packing and hope it goes well for you biggrin.gif

congrats to you on getting your application away and good luck. really back to packing!!
weedebzFemaleScotland2008-03-10 12:19:00