United KingdomLet's do a thread on how we pass the time while waiting

Without google talk and skype, this process would have been a million times harder and alot more expensive. Plus weve been busy preparing for the wedding. I was fitted for my kilt two weeks ago and have been making alterations etc.

I'd love to marry in a kilt and her in a kilted skirt, but she insisted I wear my Army uniform. We will marry on the anniversary of my 31st year in the Army!

Another kilt fan here :)

<----- see profile pic B-)
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-12 17:03:00
United KingdomMedical

i believe the medical can be arranged to suit you... when you get your case number you can just call them and arrange a time and date that works for you :)

That's right :)
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-15 12:23:00
United KingdomRecommended B&B/hotels near embassy/knightsbridge?

I've booked Lincoln House £39 plus free evening meal.

I'm stopping over for the medical as well as the interview. I'm not paying a ridiculous train fare in rush hour and praying my train is on time to get there.

How was your stay at Lincoln House?

Looking to book somewhere for 26 Sep and might give them a go
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-09-16 15:40:00
United KingdomRecommended B&B/hotels near embassy/knightsbridge?
Glad this came up. I was about to post the same question.

I haven't searched around yet myself, but someone else suggested the Travelodge London Southwark http://www.travelodg...nfo?hotelId=342
Fairly central and close to a tube station
HighlandScottMaleScotland2011-08-18 07:32:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
We got our NOA1 on 16 January, so we still have a bit of a wait, I'm just trying to do as much as possible while I wat otherwise I might go crazy! Thank you for all your advice though. I have another quick question, if I get an RFE, does that set us back even further, or is it just a few weeks? Thanks!! x
karenandtrevFemaleScotland2009-03-13 06:17:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi everyone, I've just joined visa journey after following it over the last few months! I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what I can be doing while waiting for my NOA2? Is it worth getting the police check done now, or closer to the interview? And also, is there just the one centre in the UK that I can get the medical done at? It seems ridiculous that I have to go to London for the medical and the interview! Thanks, its very comforting knowing that there are other people out there in the same situation as Trev and I smile.gif
karenandtrevFemaleScotland2009-03-12 09:55:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Good morning everyone!

I'm finally back from London - footsore, but with a smile on my face.

We flew into Luton early Monday morning - no problems with the journey. We picked up the Easybus at the airport and an hour and 15 minutes later we were dropping off our bags at the Lincoln House Hotel. We had the rest of the day to ourselves and had a great time seeing the sights! I would recommend the open topped tourist bus - you can hop on and off as you like and it was reasonably priced at £24 each. After dinner, we did a "trial walk" to the Embassy, just to make sure we knew where we were going! It was pretty straightforward with the map provided by Nich (thank you!)and we got there in 20 minutes ...

Tuesday morning, I arrived at the Embassy at 8.45am (for a 10am appointment). There wasn't much of a queue at all, and they let me straight in. I went through the little security point and walked around the building to the reception. The receptionist couldn't find me on the system at first and just as I was about to blow a gasket, she said "Oh, THERE you are" and printed out my ticket ...

I walked up the stairs, with ticket number 5020 grasped firmly in my hand and began my (almost) two hour wait. ClockWatch2.gif I was called at 11am to station number 1. The guy I spoke to was friendly and polite. He took everything slowly and double checked that I had given him all the docs that he needed. He then took fingerprints. He even took a photo copy of my passport picture page so that I had if for my medical along with my drivers' licence. As Marm said earlier, the card machine was down, but I was lucky enough to be paying in cash (£87) so that wasn't an issue.

I sat myself back down at 11.20 and tried to read my book. It was a waste of time taking my book with me lol - I couldn't concentrate on it!! I ended up watching the screen with all the numbers popping up ... I finally heard my number being called to station number 16 at 12.45pm. The consular officer was very friendly and apologised for being a little hoarse as he had a sore throat. Again, I got my finger prints taken and signed and dated one of the forms and then he asked me some questions ....

Where are you going in the USA?
Where does your fiance work, what does he do in the University and how long has he been there?
Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
What's the longest stay you've had in the USA?
How many times did you stay for 90 days?
Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
What are the plans for the wedding?

I don't know why he asked me the "have you been in trouble with the police" question twice - I haven't had even a parking ticket! I wasn't asked for any additional documentation - not even proof of relationship.

Anyway, he obviously couldn't tell me I was approved because I still had my medical to get. He just gave me the blue A4 sheet and said - "ALL we are waiting for now is the medical results - NOTHING else ok? Go and pay the courier so we can send your passport back to you". I took that as being an approval ... kicking.gif

Apart from the waiting around ... the experience was fine. No problems ... a doddle .... kicking.gif

Now for the medical .... again, we had done a walk through on the Tuesday night and knew where we were going. That took a lot of the stress away as we knew there was no chance of getting lost and being late for the appointment!

I arrived at the offices at 10am for my 10.30 appointment. I had a letter from my GP about my asthma and also a print out of my vaccinations.

After I had filled out a form in the waiting room, I saw a nurse first of all for my vaccinations. She said I was up to date except for my MMR. I asked about the TDap and she said that because I'd had the tetanus and diptheria jab in 2006 for going to Mexico, I couldn't get the one for pertussis as I would overdose on the tetanus ... YIKES! I asked if that was ALL the jabs I would need and she said yes, and that I would get the form I needed for the AOS before I left.

I then went for my X-Ray (I had to strip to the waist and was given a belted gown to wear). The radiologist was so jokey and funny - he put me at ease straight away! I was done there within five minutes and laughed all the way through it .... his patter was brilliant!

I was then asked to wait in a wee room with a couple of other gowned people. I only waited about five minutes and was called in by a nice Irish doctor called Owen. He was professional, but friendly ... He asked about my asthma and said the letter I brought with me covered everything and that it wasn't an issue. He kept up a steady conversation as he did all the medical checks - I didn't feel uncomfortable at any time. He took blood from me and also took my blood pressure. My blood pressure WAS a little high, and he asked if I had any previous problems with it. I said no .. that I'd had a check up at my clinic a couple of weeks ago and that it was fine then. He seemed to be satisfied when I said it was probably a little elevated due to the circumstances, but also said to keep an eye on it in the future ... He didn't even check my bits .. which was the part I was dreading and had prepared myself for LOL!! rofl.gif

In all ... I have no complaints about the medical process .. even the receptionist was nice to me!! When I was paying the bill (£180 plus £35 for MMR jab) and picking up the form I needed for my jabs, the nurse said that the results would probably be ready either Friday or Monday and would be couriered to the Embassy then. She said they would only call me if there was a problem and that I COULD CALL them on Tuesday if I was anxious about the results and wanted to put my mind at ease!

This was my first visit to London ... and I had a good time. I'm glad Mum was able to come with me, as apart from keeping me reasonable calm, she turned out to be an ACE map reader - which I had no idea about! We only got lost once ... and we still enjoyed the walk!

I have no idea when my visa will get to me .. but for now, I'm content knowing that the interview and medical is over and done with ...

Good luck to everyone ... I've lost track of who has interviews and who is waiting for visas. Give me a day and I'll be back on track lol ....

Thanks for all your support everyone ... you've been brilliant!!

Moira x

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-14 06:50:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi All ...

Just a quickie ..

APPROVED PENDING MEDICAL!!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I'll be home tomorrow night and will give you all a blow by blow account ...

Moira x

PS WOO HOOO ... glad to hear that MARM - I flashed my book cover about but no one said Hi ... I was getting worried!!
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-12 08:31:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (MARM @ May 9 2009, 10:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ May 9 2009, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yaaaayyyyyy!! That's brilliant! Mine hasn't arrived as yet Laura, but as you say - doesn't really matter now!! Thanks for the good luck too - and of course, good luck straight back to you!!

I am really looking forward to Tuesday - now that I know what's happening and I have everything organised! This is the first time in weeks that I've felt any sense of calm ... All I can say is ... bring it on - I'm ready for ya!! rofl.gif

I'm not sure when I'll get back online ... but, as I said in one of the other forums - hopefully it will be Tuesday, to let you all know that I've been approved pending medical results! yes.gif

Catch up with you all soon .... thank you to everyone for their sensible support!

Moira xx

PS ... MARM .. what's happening? Have you had a reply to your email yet?

Very excited for you Moira!!! good.gif Nope we have not heard anything back yet from the embassy and neither has DOS changed our interview date. I am sure by Monday we will know for sure whether its Tuesday that he will go for the interview or something else the embassy suggests to us.

Hi Marm ...

Are you close enough to the Embassy that you can go at that short notice? I don't see why they couldn't "waive" the need for a passport on this occasion .... considering the circumstances and the fact that he has other ID! I'm sure it will all be sorted out soon, but hey, nothing like making you wait until the last minute, eh?

Ask your SO to say hello in the Embassy waiting room if he gets the chance - I'll be reading a James Michener book called "Caribbean" - it's about 6 inches thick so he won't be able to miss it!! I thought I'd best get a big book, just incase it took a while ...

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you both MARM - all the best for Tuesday ((((HUGS))))

Moira x

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-09 10:45:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ May 9 2009, 10:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ May 9 2009, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure when I'll get back online ... but, as I said in one of the other forums - hopefully it will be Tuesday, to let you all know that I've been approved pending medical results! yes.gif

You can get online at Lincoln House. When you go in the front door, straight ahead on the far wall is a computer tucked under the stairs with free internet. You don't see it well, so walk back there and give some updates while you're in London. That part of the hotel (inside front door) is not much more than a wide entry hall looking thing with no people in sight. We stood there gawking for a minute wondering what the deal was. Reception is downstairs in the basement for check in.

Thanks Nich ... I thought for a minute that I was going to have to post using my mobile phone - I don't think my old eyes would have found that easy laughing.gif

Thanks for the heads' up on the location of the reception! I will post as soon as we get back to the hotel after the interview ... if my hands will stop shaking for long enough to let me type!!

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-09 10:31:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ May 9 2009, 08:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ May 8 2009, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
YAAAAAYYYY!!! I'm so glad for you ... another one for our May list .... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Have a great weekend everyone ...

Moira x

Moira, Sven finally got packet 4 today! Hopefully you got yours on time as well, although it doesn't really matter! Good luck with your interview smile.gif

Yaaaayyyyyy!! That's brilliant! Mine hasn't arrived as yet Laura, but as you say - doesn't really matter now!! Thanks for the good luck too - and of course, good luck straight back to you!!

I am really looking forward to Tuesday - now that I know what's happening and I have everything organised! This is the first time in weeks that I've felt any sense of calm ... All I can say is ... bring it on - I'm ready for ya!! rofl.gif

I'm not sure when I'll get back online ... but, as I said in one of the other forums - hopefully it will be Tuesday, to let you all know that I've been approved pending medical results! yes.gif

Catch up with you all soon .... thank you to everyone for their sensible support!

Moira xx

PS ... MARM .. what's happening? Have you had a reply to your email yet?
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-09 08:20:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Bob and Patricia @ May 8 2009, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MARM @ May 8 2009, 07:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
January 2009 Graduates of the US Embassy, London
Jason&Sarah, Hannah+Vito, Mrssmith, ShannonNick, adrianandlinsay, Marmite Lovers!

February 2009 Graduates of the US Embassy, London
Rob&Dawn, Zoe and Hal, Terri and Seb, Talyss, TeeKol,

March 2009 Graduates of the US Embassy, London
Stinky Monkey, skparker, Laurence+Lauren, pothergavel, paumanda, texpat cymru, obbynox, jhonscotland, Caminic, Furious Biscuit, ahlpo, jojo_gee

April 2009 Graduates of the US Embassy, London
DairyFarmer, skeez&titanic, SwanTiger, miss g, LondonLad, niniel71, mr and mrs, Stinkerpotsam, Marty J, prima and jay, Helen&Dougie, KAT&Allie, KnightAndMagpie, paul., Kirsten UK

May 2009 Interviews
1st May 2009.....Graziumphry..................K-1
1st May 2009.....gary e83........................K-1
1st May 2009.....emma77........................K-1
5th May 2009.....Monkey Juice.................K-1
5th May 2009.....Gemmie........................K-1
12th May 2009....MARM...........................K-1
12th May 2009....mrs_sdp.......................K-1
15th May 2009....H&V..............................K-1
19th May 2009....laura819........................K-1
22nd May 2009...PB&JAM.........................K-1

Still waiting for approval
stevi1123..........16th October 2008 - Approved pending additional documentation
Marie620..........12th January 2009 - Denied
Dave and Jess..10th March 2009 ?
The Dip Sticks..25th March 2009 ?
Alixhilary..........27th April 2009- Approved pending additional documentation
Colinjess..........27th April 2009- Approved pending medical results

Updates/New entries/changes highlighted in blue - will go to normal color in the next update.
Please let us know if you have an Interview Date to add to the list, updated information or corrections.

^^^Just bumped the interview list to view upcoming interviews.
For right now, it looks like my fiance will interview on May 12. DOS says May 12 is still his interview date, we are waiting on an email from the embassy confirming this and explaining what to do because he does not have his passport yet.

Poke Pat and I into the list for 29th May 2009 at 09:00 YES! kicking.gif kicking.gif

YAAAAAYYYY!!! I'm so glad for you ... another one for our May list .... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Have a great weekend everyone ...

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-08 13:53:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ May 8 2009, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ May 8 2009, 03:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MonkeyJuice @ May 8 2009, 02:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Visa in hand!! Hallelujuah! biggrin.gif I just can't believe it. It feels like this has been the longest process ever & I'm so glad this part is over. At least we can go through AOS together! star_smile.gif

Laura..It does seem like your packet 4 is taking a while. I got mine within 2 days from DOS saying it was sent.

But I wouldn't worry about it, phone extortion line, get email code, tell them DOS said packet 4's been sent, you haven't received it. I'm sure the Embassy will tell you what they told Moira & that you can print their email reply as an entry permit for the Embassy. Don't panic. star_smile.gif

Hi Laura ... I agree with MJ!! No point in panicking as I did - it was all sorted out in the end ....

Congrats MJ ... at last eh? Bet it feels amazing .... biggrin.gif

Good luck!!

Moira x

Moira, did you end up getting Packet 4 in the mail, or will you just use the email they sent you? Sven is going to call on Monday if we haven't received the letter by then..

Hi Laura ...

Nope .. never did get it. I thank God every day that I phoned the DOS .. otherwise I wouldn't have known about my interview ...

I've printed out the email they sent me ... I'll be using that ... unless the letter comes before I leave Scotland on Monday!

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-08 11:03:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (MonkeyJuice @ May 8 2009, 02:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Visa in hand!! Hallelujuah! biggrin.gif I just can't believe it. It feels like this has been the longest process ever & I'm so glad this part is over. At least we can go through AOS together! star_smile.gif

Laura..It does seem like your packet 4 is taking a while. I got mine within 2 days from DOS saying it was sent.

But I wouldn't worry about it, phone extortion line, get email code, tell them DOS said packet 4's been sent, you haven't received it. I'm sure the Embassy will tell you what they told Moira & that you can print their email reply as an entry permit for the Embassy. Don't panic. star_smile.gif

Hi Laura ... I agree with MJ!! No point in panicking as I did - it was all sorted out in the end ....

Congrats MJ ... at last eh? Bet it feels amazing .... biggrin.gif

Good luck!!

Moira x

Edited by mrs_sdp, 08 May 2009 - 02:35 AM.

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-08 02:32:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Bob and Patricia @ May 7 2009, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Damian P @ May 7 2009, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bob and Patricia @ May 7 2009, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My April visit to Pat almost ended before it started. To make a long story short, I waited for 2 1/2 hours at passport control. They almost didn't let me in because they thought my American Express Gold card and £150 in currency was close to vagrancy.


They called Pat twice and then embassy to confirm our stories.

Why did they call her twice? Did the first person that called her not understand English? wacko.gif

I got a few personal message on this so I'll tell the whole group instead of one at a time in PM.

I said it was a long story, you've been warned

At passport control. The nice lady asked why I was here, and I told her i was on holiday... visiting a friend. She asked me who and how long I had known said friend. I said it was my fiancee and I had known Pat 3 years. I don't know if this is a red flag but this turned into a cross-examination.. are you here to get married. where does she live, whats her birthday, where does she work here, will we be living in the states or the UK, has she lined up a job there yet.. do you have a job, do you own a home... and on and on.. I muddled thru the answers as best I could.. I got little sleep on the plane and my body clock was telling me it was 2:30am. She asked where I was staying and how much money I had.. I told her I was staying at Pat's house and had my American Express charge card, my bank debit card and about £150 in currency. She then wanted to know if Pat was there to pick me up and I replied no, Pat was at work. So I got asked how I was going to find my way to her house. I told her i was taking the train into Manchester and meeting Pat at her office... this seemed to satisfy her. She wrote down so many notes on the entry card I filled out on the plane that she had to go to a separate sheet of paper. I was motioned to a holding area and she came back every 10 min or so to ask more questions and then disappear again. At one point I even broke out my 2008 1040 tax return to show that I make damn good money, and I'm not thinking about skipping the US.

Eventually she called Pat who of course confirmed the fiancee story and said I was staying with her. Immigration told her they were concerned that I had so little money on me and was Pat going to be responsible for my living expenses while I was here. I guess people that carry gold class credit cards are destitute. Satisfied with Pat's answers, they told her they'd release me. 20 minutes later I'm asked more questions about our relationship, where we're at in the visa process, etc. The Immigration lady left again for some ungodly time and comes back saying the embassy in London has no record of Patricia and suggests that my entry into the UK might be fraudulent. Now I'm sweating bullets and all I can envision is waiting until the afternoon return flight and thinking I'll be put on it.. in handcuffs.. (yeah i know it was a bit dramatic but I was really worried). I tell her call Pat again to get her LND number. (All my paperwork is in checked baggage and they haven't/won't let me get to it.) They place another call to Pat, get the case number and call the embassy. Another 20 or 30 minutes later I'm finally given my passport and allowed to go. All told, I'm held there for nearly 2 1/2 hours.. sheesh. Then I get downstairs to baggage and my bag is sitting in the middle of the floor completely unattended. All I could think of is a thousand airport PA voices saying Do not leave your bags unattended, Unattended luggage will be disposed of by the fill in the blank police department.


Oh my ... that sounds awful! What a horrible experience that must have been for you Bob. I guess I always think of the UKC having problems getting into the USA .. I hadn't really considered that the USC could have a hard time trying to visit here!

One more day to work ... then off work for the week .... woot!

Have a good one ....

Moira x

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-07 17:44:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Gemmie @ May 7 2009, 05:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As far as I'm aware, Dublin is a POE but maybe that's different with other airlines? Anyway, you won't have to worry about the trip over and worrying if you'll get in - I've never heard of someone on a K1 being turned away! I'm so happy that I won't have to experience that "will they let me in?" feeling again... it's awful.

The realisation that you're "really leaving" is difficult for loved ones. I tried to talk to my family about how upset my friends are, hoping for some comfort as I said it made me feel guilty, and I just got more from them. We're doing as much as we can though to make this easier for everyone (getting them passports, headsets, setting up a phone plan..).

Make sure your mum has I.D with her.

Magpie, I might check that shipping company out! Thanks. smile.gif

Thanks for that elmcitymaven. It's nice to know that Mum will be able to sit and wait while I have my medical. I'll make sure she has ID with her!

H&V ... Dublin does have limited opening for being a POE - but my flight will be included in the opening times. I chose it purely because of the ticket prices - I'm having to watch the pennies!

Gemmie ... I don't care where the POE is .. as you say, that horrible feeling of "will they - won't they" won't be an issue this time as I'm going over permanently ....

Almost there ... kicking.gif

Moira x

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-07 08:21:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (MARM @ May 6 2009, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gemmie @ May 6 2009, 09:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tickets booked, then. dancin5hr.gif

5.5 weeks to go. I feel so torn between happiness and sadness, and as I was telling people the other day, I never thought I would feel that way; I thought it would just be happiness. I never imagined I would really feel so guilty / upset over the prospect of moving, but that visa really hits home and makes it real. Hearing the CO say "good luck in the U.S" gave me such a feeling of "oh God, this happening"..

Good luck on the upcoming interviews! How are you feeling MARM and mrs. sdp?

Well, as for us, still don't know if we are going to be interviewing on May 12 or whether it will be later. Don't want to begin my sob story here no0pb.gif , if you aren't familiar with what's going on with our situation and are curious, you can check my thread here: http://www.visajourn...howtopic=190103

Summary: We are still waiting on the passport....we may possibly reschedule or do whatever the US Embassy advises us as we have again sent them an email today asking for their advice.

All best wishes go to mrs_sdp(Moira)... good.gif good.gif good.gif

Hi Gemmie

I know exactly what you mean about happiness and sadness. My interview is almost here and I'm trying to spend as much time with my family as I can before leaving. I am scared and excited at the thought of a whole new life with the man I love, but so sad about leaving my family behind in Scotland. They have all said they will visit though - and Steve and I will visit Scotland as much as we can .. We will also make sure that everyone is hooked up to Yahoo and has a headset before I leave!!

I'm feeling ok about the interview now. I received a reply today about the email I sent to the Embassy LAST Wednesday - telling them about a few days in May when I wouldn't be available for an interview. They advised me in the reply that my interview date had been scheduled for Tuesday 12th and advised me to book my medical as soon as possible!

I had sent another email today (before I received the reply about the other one) advising that I had been told about the interview date by the DOS on Friday 1st May, but that I hadn't received an appointment letter to confirm this. I said that I was concerned about not getting access to the Embassy without having the letter. I got a nice email back a couple of hours later saying that a letter had been sent out to me on the 29th of April, but that I could print their reply off to take with me and that my name was on the "access" list.

What gets me, is that the important email - the first one I sent, took a whole week for the reply to get to me and the one I sent off today only took a couple of hours. I am so glad that I took everyone's advice to email the Embassy with some excuse to find out what was going on. If I hadn't done that, and subsequently called the DOS to find out if my file had been updated, then I would never have known about the interview! It will be interesting to see when my interview letter eventually arrives!

I'm all organised for the interview. I have a couple more photocopies to do and I need to get some more pictures done tomorrow. Other than that, I'm good to go ... kicking.gif I'm looking forward to spending the three days in London with my Mum .. we'll be typical tourists in between my appointments, but it also gives us the chance to spend some quality time together on our own ...

I've been looking at flight prices too .. and have found the cheapest from Edinburgh is Aer Lingus. The flight goes via Dublin (which means I'd go through POE there) to Chicago. I would finally be able to enjoy the long flight without worrying about whether they're going to let me into the country or not! Oh, and the cost isn't bad either - ranges from £250 - £400 over a two week period. I don't have anything to ship over as most of my things are already there. I'll be taking two cases and my flight bag ....

Marm ... I hope the passport arrives in time for interview. I feel silly now, to have been worrying about the little things after reading your posts. I have everything crossed for you Marm. Thanks for your good wishes - good luck for Tuesday ...

I had one final question that I wanted ask advice on - but after typing so much - I can't remember what it was lol ...

Let me get back to you ...

Moira x

EDIT/ How typical is that? I had no sooner posted and I remembered what the question was!! I know that Mum can't come into the Embassy with me, but is she able to come to the medical and sit in the waiting room? She has a good book all picked out already!

Edited by mrs_sdp, 06 May 2009 - 08:32 PM.

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-06 20:28:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ May 5 2009, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Show a photo id to the medical people if you don't have a passport and tell them why if they ask where your passport is. They aren't the gestapo, just some docs and nurses so don't let them scare you.

You get a chest x-ray at the medical. They check it out for TB and send off your bloodwork. When they get the lab results back, they finish ticking their boxes and send the report and x-ray to the Embassy because normally you would be showing up at there after the medical. They don't want your x-ray anymore, they aren't going to keep it on file, and instead of throwing it in the bin, they send it for you to pick up at the Embassy. In your case, the Embassy will probably put it in the courier package that contains your "do not open" brown envelope and your passport. You don't need the x-ray for anything else in the process. They just give it back to you since nobody else wants it. You'll know the x-ray because it's in a huge brown envelope...much larger than the brown envelope containing your files to present at POE.

Edit: In my haste to go eat dinner, I forgot to say congratulations to today's approvals. Glad you both got the nice guy.

Thanks Nich .. I had a feeling there wouldn't be a problem with the photo id - but you know me - I just need to double check things ...

If I don't get my letter about the interview tomorrow, I'm going to phone the Embassy and find out what's happening. If it's been lost in the post, there's still time for them to send me out another one ... Like you say - they are just people, and nothing to be scared of ... laughing.gif

Enjoy dinner!

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-05 19:23:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi All ...

Woot!! Congrats to Gemmie and MJ ... amazing result!! It's so nice to hear about all the approvals and see those lovely, shiny, flashing graphics!! I want one of those ... real bad ... tongue.gif

I've been busy over the weekend. I got the hotel booked - Mum and I are staying at the Lincoln House for a couple of nights .. the one Nich reviewed ... Flights are booked and I have also booked the bus into the city ..

I have some questions ... OMG, when do I ever NOT have a question lol?? I think I'm ok with everything, I just need some hand holding ... I hope that's ok ... smile.gif

OK, so my medical is the day AFTER my interview - I phoned the Embassy to make sure that this was OK. Initially, the guy I spoke to said NO!! I just about died on the spot lol. He went away and checked it out and eventually said that the "rule book" stated that it was in my own best interest to have the medical done BEFORE the interview because the visa progress stops until they receive the results of the medical. I knew that anyway, and it's only two days later than it would have been if I'd managed to get booked in for the Monday, so I can wait that long. I explained that the notice was so short that the clinic couldn't fit me in the day before! I made him repeat everything for clarification, and I almost asked him if our conversation was being recorded - just in case ... laughing.gif

I still haven't received my appointment letter yet. I know it was a bank holiday weekend, so I'm trying not to panic. Will the DOS know if a letter has been sent out? I don't want to phone the Embassy in a panic if it's winging it's way to me ... no0pb.gif I read somewhere that they won't let you into the Embassy without it ...

Last query folks ... sorry! Because my medical is the day after the interview, what happens to "envelope" I should have taken to interview with me after my medical? Will it be delivered to the "powers that be" along with my results? Also, I'm hoping that the Embassy will keep my passport .. so is it sufficient to use my picture driving licence for ID for my medical? I'll take along a photo copy of the picture page of my passport as well .. so they can see that IT'S ME!!

OMG ... I am so excited .... breathe (one, two) breathe (one, two) breathe ....

Moira x

Edited by mrs_sdp, 05 May 2009 - 06:34 PM.

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-05 18:31:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (H&V @ May 4 2009, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck guys for tomorrow!

All the best to Gemmie and Monkey Juice for tomorrow!

OK ... Mine has no ticks ... and underneath it says N/A (K1 visa process for permanent residence) We don't have co-sponsors.

Is what we have ok? Or should I tick something??? HELP!!!

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-04 14:47:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (MonkeyJuice @ May 1 2009, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ May 1 2009, 10:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi All ...

I just phoned the DOS and my interview is on 12th May at 10am ... I am over the moon - I thought they had forgotten all about me ...

Can someone please post the telephone number that I need to call to book my medical? I don't have the paperwork with me at work and I don't finish until 10pm!! I want to get it booked asap in view of the holiday weekend.

Thanks in advance ... have a BRILLIANT FRIDAY!! WOOT!! kicking.gif

Moira x

Yay, fantastic news!! See the email did the trick!! good.gif good.gif

Thanks everyone! MonkeyJuice, I only called the DOS to make sure that the information from the email had been transferred to my file ... and she said an interview had been scheduled!! So it did work!!

Thank you so much for the telephone number Bob - you are a life saver - I don't think I could have survived until Tuesday to get my medical sorted out ... biggrin.gif

I couldn't get my medical on the Monday before my interview because it was such short notice, so the receptionist scheduled it for the Wednesday after. I didn't realise you could have your medical AFTER your visa interview, but she assured me that I could and that it was fine ...

So timetable is ... fly down to Luton early Monday morning .. spend the day sightseeing with my Mum. Interview on Tuesday 12th at 10am and medical on Wednesday 13th at 10.30am

I am sorted ... I am happy ...

Have a great weekend everyone ... I know I will be!! kicking.gif

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-01 11:47:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi All ...

I just phoned the DOS and my interview is on 12th May at 10am ... I am over the moon - I thought they had forgotten all about me ...

Can someone please post the telephone number that I need to call to book my medical? I don't have the paperwork with me at work and I don't finish until 10pm!! I want to get it booked asap in view of the holiday weekend.

Thanks in advance ... have a BRILLIANT FRIDAY!! WOOT!! kicking.gif

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-01 09:59:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bob and Patricia @ Apr 30 2009, 11:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Apr 30 2009, 10:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Embassy time charts
The days on here are just based on VJ member timeline data and aren't reports from the embassy. But a VJ sampling is often a good indicator. So it's averages and not what's the quickest I can get a response and an interview. Some delay interviews like we did, and MARM has, so it skews the averages longer. Then others put an immediate wedding date and London puts them in ahead of those who didn't give a date, even though they sent in forms earlier. Like Laura said, it's kind of all over the place but maybe the overall averages work out to be fairly accurate for the fairly average case. None of you are "average"'s those other blokes we don't know. hahahaha

Well said. And for all my belly-aching we're ahead of where we thought we'd be at this point in time. It's just when you see that light at the end of the tunnel..... Well that and Pat accepted an offer on her house.. come onnnnn May interview date!

Bob and Pat

I thought I'd still be waiting for NOA2 at this time. We have definitely been lucky!

Hi there Nich ... you always explain things so clearly .. thank you!

Well done to Pat on getting her house sold! Another thing to cross off the list .... biggrin.gif

I feel as if all I've been doing for the last year and a half is wait. It's NOT just the whole visa process though ... Steve and I had to wait an extra year for my divorce to come through as my ex dug his heels in and wouldn't sign the papers voluntarily!

Oh well, good things come to those who wait lol .... and I am waiting ... patiently .... biggrin.gif

Have a good weekend everyone ..

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-05-01 04:48:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 10:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 30 2009, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 30 2009, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 30 2009, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Add me to the list of interview dates!!! May 19 at 8:30 am! So excited smile.gif Hopefully May is going to be a great month for all of us again!

Great news about the interview Laura ... congratulations! good.gif

Magpie ... glad you're on your way at last ... kicking.gif

Good luck to emma77 and garye83 for interviews tomorrow!

Have a great weekend everyone ....

Moira x

Guess the DOS lady that told me May interviews were already schedule was wrong! Hopefully this makes you feel a bit better that there is still hope! Have you done any investigating as to where your file is?

Hey Laura ... yes, it does make me feel a little bit better. My docs are with the Embassy - no doubt about that. DOS has had them on their system since the 26th of March. I just posted re an email I sent to the Embassy on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll hear something soon.

I'm not looking for anything concrete from them ... I'm just needing a little bit of reassurance that our case is being looked at actively ... smile.gif

Hope the time flies for you .. congrats again!

Moira x

I'm sure you've already said this, so I am sorry for asking again but could you confirm with DOS at all if the embassy has everything needed to schedule the interview? Did they say you are eligible for the interview, like they did to Bob? If they didn't, I don't think this is a problem, because they never said that to me at all...but it would be interesting to know. Hopefully in their response to you they tell you what the issue is. I'm assuming you send in all the forms, and the checklist? Did you make sure to check all of the appropriate documents on the checklist?

Hi again Laura ...

Every time I called the DOS they said that the Embassy was still processing my application and that it hadn't been "qualified" for interview yet. I was assuming that comment meant that I wasn't eligible yet?

I checked and double checked everything ... then triple and quadruple checked it!! Everything they asked for was in the package that I sent back to them ... I even got my Mum to go over everything with me to make sure I hadn't filled in anything incorrectly or missed anything out ...

I also put a cover note in saying that I would be travelling from Scotland and that I would schedule my medical for the day before my interview so that I could get everything done in the one visit ...

Oh well, as my old granny used to say - "what's for you .. won't go by you" - I just need to be more patient ... smile.gif

Moira x

Hopefully you will get a reply to your email soon and figure out what is going on! It does seem odd. Is it possible to go into AP before the interview? I don't think I have heard of this. But anyway, if that's what it was I am sure DOS would know.

Yes, I'm sure they would Laura. I think DOS would have said something if there was a problem. Basically they said it was just a matter of waiting ....

I'm not the most patient person on the planet though ... and this whole process would try the patience of a saint! But what it all boils down to .... is whether the end result is worth it ... and Steve most certainly is!!

OMG ... it's after 3am ... I'm off to bed ... ohmy.gif

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-30 21:14:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 30 2009, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 30 2009, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Add me to the list of interview dates!!! May 19 at 8:30 am! So excited smile.gif Hopefully May is going to be a great month for all of us again!

Great news about the interview Laura ... congratulations! good.gif

Magpie ... glad you're on your way at last ... kicking.gif

Good luck to emma77 and garye83 for interviews tomorrow!

Have a great weekend everyone ....

Moira x

Guess the DOS lady that told me May interviews were already schedule was wrong! Hopefully this makes you feel a bit better that there is still hope! Have you done any investigating as to where your file is?

Hey Laura ... yes, it does make me feel a little bit better. My docs are with the Embassy - no doubt about that. DOS has had them on their system since the 26th of March. I just posted re an email I sent to the Embassy on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll hear something soon.

I'm not looking for anything concrete from them ... I'm just needing a little bit of reassurance that our case is being looked at actively ... smile.gif

Hope the time flies for you .. congrats again!

Moira x

I'm sure you've already said this, so I am sorry for asking again but could you confirm with DOS at all if the embassy has everything needed to schedule the interview? Did they say you are eligible for the interview, like they did to Bob? If they didn't, I don't think this is a problem, because they never said that to me at all...but it would be interesting to know. Hopefully in their response to you they tell you what the issue is. I'm assuming you send in all the forms, and the checklist? Did you make sure to check all of the appropriate documents on the checklist?

Hi again Laura ...

Every time I called the DOS they said that the Embassy was still processing my application and that it hadn't been "qualified" for interview yet. I was assuming that comment meant that I wasn't eligible yet?

I checked and double checked everything ... then triple and quadruple checked it!! Everything they asked for was in the package that I sent back to them ... I even got my Mum to go over everything with me to make sure I hadn't filled in anything incorrectly or missed anything out ...

I also put a cover note in saying that I would be travelling from Scotland and that I would schedule my medical for the day before my interview so that I could get everything done in the one visit ...

Oh well, as my old granny used to say - "what's for you .. won't go by you" - I just need to be more patient ... smile.gif

Moira x

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-30 20:58:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 30 2009, 07:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Add me to the list of interview dates!!! May 19 at 8:30 am! So excited smile.gif Hopefully May is going to be a great month for all of us again!

Great news about the interview Laura ... congratulations! good.gif

Magpie ... glad you're on your way at last ... kicking.gif

Good luck to emma77 and garye83 for interviews tomorrow!

Have a great weekend everyone ....

Moira x

Guess the DOS lady that told me May interviews were already schedule was wrong! Hopefully this makes you feel a bit better that there is still hope! Have you done any investigating as to where your file is?

Hey Laura ... yes, it does make me feel a little bit better. My docs are with the Embassy - no doubt about that. DOS has had them on their system since the 26th of March. I just posted re an email I sent to the Embassy on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll hear something soon.

I'm not looking for anything concrete from them ... I'm just needing a little bit of reassurance that our case is being looked at actively ... smile.gif

Hope the time flies for you .. congrats again!

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-30 19:10:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Bob and Patricia @ Apr 30 2009, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Add me to the list of interview dates!!! May 19 at 8:30 am! So excited smile.gif Hopefully May is going to be a great month for all of us again!

Congrats on the date! We're pulling for a May interview ourselves. Returned packet 3 on April 11th so it seems possible they can fit us into May. I called the DOS today and still same thing.. she's been approved for a date but none has been assigned yet... sigh.


We'll race you!! laughing.gif

I sent an email off to the Embassy on Tuesday morning - I wanted to let them know that I had a few days in May when I wouldn't be available for interview. I haven't had a reply back from them as yet. There's still plenty of time though, they said 3 to 4 days turn around for emails. I DID get a confirmation email that said I shouldn't ask for a status update ..

Ummm too late ... I just couldn't help myself ... laughing.gif I put a small paragraph in about our "planned dates", so hopefully they will take those onboard when scheduling our interview!

I am trying VERY hard to master the art of waiting patiently .... so I'd best get back to it ... I need all the practice I can get!

Moira x

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-30 19:06:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (MonkeyJuice @ Apr 30 2009, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck for tomorrow Graziumphry! Our first May approval please!! good.gif good.gif

I second that! OMG ... is it May already?? rofl.gif
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-30 18:51:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 30 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Add me to the list of interview dates!!! May 19 at 8:30 am! So excited smile.gif Hopefully May is going to be a great month for all of us again!

Great news about the interview Laura ... congratulations! good.gif

Magpie ... glad you're on your way at last ... kicking.gif

Good luck to emma77 and garye83 for interviews tomorrow!

Have a great weekend everyone ....

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-30 18:47:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (KAT&Allie @ Apr 29 2009, 07:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've got to dash to work but I just wanted to let anybody who might be interested know that my visa's been approved @ 9:40 this morning!!! dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif . It was by far the easiest part of this whole visa journey. Got all my originals back including the letter of employment.

I'll write the review a bit later.

Now the countdown to the wedding can start - 13 days to go... kicking.gif

That's brilliant news!! Congratulations!! Woot another one for our approved list .... good.gif

Moira x

Edited by mrs_sdp, 29 April 2009 - 06:31 AM.

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-29 06:30:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Gemmie @ Apr 29 2009, 04:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck, Kat&Allie!! smile.gif And Juni&Mike!

I second that! Hope everything goes well for both of you!

Congrats to Alixhilary and Paul .... good.gif
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-29 04:11:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 28 2009, 07:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MARM @ Apr 28 2009, 07:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 28 2009, 05:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ...

I just called the London Embassy and asked for the status of my case. The person I spoke to (Maggie) said that my case was within the specified guidelines for processing - which, at the moment, is eight weeks.

I asked for the email code and was asked why I needed to email them. I repeated basically what you said Monkey Juice and was told that there was no point emailing them as I had already included the information about intended travel and marriage dates within my documents.

She said she understood my concern, but that I was to wait the eight weeks and if I didn't hear anything by then .... then I should call again. I guess I just need to wait until the 21st of May ... unless they send me an interview date out before then.

Have a great day ....

Moira x

Hello Moira,
You should not have explained all of this to the lady who answered the phone when you called the extortion line...she is just an operator and cannot give you further information. You should have simply asked for the email code of the week and if she asked why you could have said to expedite my interview date or to change my interview date, etc. When my fiance called the extortion line for the embassy, just as he began to explain the situation of why we need to re-extend our interview date, the male operator on the line told him not to explain anything to him because he is just an operator and he proceeded to give my fiance the email code of the week. I suggest to call the embassy again and ask for the email code this time....not even a 2 minute phone call and then you can email the embassy and they will take care of it. I must say, the London embassy is very very cooperative and pretty much on top of things as compared to the rest. We are very pleased to be dealing with them for this immigration process. Good luck! good.gif

I called again and told them I had a week in May when I wouldn't be available for interview. I wasn't lying - there will be four days in May when I won't be. They gave me the code. I'll put an email together tonight when I get home from work at 10.30pm.

Thanks Marm ... much appreciated ....

Just a thought ... is there any particular format that I need to follow when emailing the Embassy?

Thanks ...
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-28 06:51:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (MARM @ Apr 28 2009, 07:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 28 2009, 05:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ...

I just called the London Embassy and asked for the status of my case. The person I spoke to (Maggie) said that my case was within the specified guidelines for processing - which, at the moment, is eight weeks.

I asked for the email code and was asked why I needed to email them. I repeated basically what you said Monkey Juice and was told that there was no point emailing them as I had already included the information about intended travel and marriage dates within my documents.

She said she understood my concern, but that I was to wait the eight weeks and if I didn't hear anything by then .... then I should call again. I guess I just need to wait until the 21st of May ... unless they send me an interview date out before then.

Have a great day ....

Moira x

Hello Moira,
You should not have explained all of this to the lady who answered the phone when you called the extortion line...she is just an operator and cannot give you further information. You should have simply asked for the email code of the week and if she asked why you could have said to expedite my interview date or to change my interview date, etc. When my fiance called the extortion line for the embassy, just as he began to explain the situation of why we need to re-extend our interview date, the male operator on the line told him not to explain anything to him because he is just an operator and he proceeded to give my fiance the email code of the week. I suggest to call the embassy again and ask for the email code this time....not even a 2 minute phone call and then you can email the embassy and they will take care of it. I must say, the London embassy is very very cooperative and pretty much on top of things as compared to the rest. We are very pleased to be dealing with them for this immigration process. Good luck! good.gif

I called again and told them I had a week in May when I wouldn't be available for interview. I wasn't lying - there will be four days in May when I won't be. They gave me the code. I'll put an email together tonight when I get home from work at 10.30pm.

Thanks Marm ... much appreciated ....
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-28 06:30:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi ...

I just called the London Embassy and asked for the status of my case. The person I spoke to (Maggie) said that my case was within the specified guidelines for processing - which, at the moment, is eight weeks.

I asked for the email code and was asked why I needed to email them. I repeated basically what you said Monkey Juice and was told that there was no point emailing them as I had already included the information about intended travel and marriage dates within my documents.

She said she understood my concern, but that I was to wait the eight weeks and if I didn't hear anything by then .... then I should call again. I guess I just need to wait until the 21st of May ... unless they send me an interview date out before then.

Have a great day ....

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-28 05:21:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (MonkeyJuice @ Apr 28 2009, 03:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 27 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mr and mrs @ Apr 27 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 28 2009, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess that's any hope of a May interview out of the window then - I didn't realise that all next month's interviews had been allocated already. sad.gif

why would you say that? based on what evidence? you can do the 'woe is me' thing when you get a interview date that is TRULY disappointing. like freaking july. sit tight. call the DOS to your heart's content. heck, call the embassy on the extortion line if it will make you feel better. but giving up hope? i dont see what purpose that serves.

Oh well ... no chance of our mid-June wedding now .... sad.gif

i dont mean to be harsh. if you really think there is an problem with your interview date being issued, then get busy investigating. things do get lost. shite happens. you gotta keep moving through this and not get hung up on the bumps in the road.

I'm not doing a "woe is me thing" Mr and Mrs. I'm merely repeating what was posted earlier. In one of the posts it said that DOS have said that May's interview's have already been allocated. I called DOS this morning and I DON'T have an interview date ... so I'm assuming, based on the evidence from DOS that I have not been allocated a May interview. Does that make sense?

Basically, if I don't get a May interview then any chance of getting married as planned during the middle of June DOES go out of the window. I wasn't feeling sorry for myself at all, I was being realistic - which made me sad.

And I have every intention of investigating. I'm not going to sit on my butt and do nothing. As for giving up hope? There will never be any chance of that. I know I will get an interview eventually, just that I had hoped for an earlier one and had stupidly made plans based on an earlier one ... plans that unfortunately have to be changed now ...

I really am very happy for everyone who already has their interview date ... and I apologise for showing MY disappointment at not being so lucky ....

Moira x

I know I would be frustrated too! So you know, if I were you Moira, I would email the embassy saying that you had planned on a June wedding & intended to travel out in May to organise things. You didn't put this on the checklist as you didn't have a specific date and you didn't realise it could take so long to obatin an interview date. Tell them that now you're both becoming anxious as you haven't received packet 4 & would really appreciate it if they would take the June date into consideration when scheduling your interview.
By doing this your aren't 'pushing in' as you've waited longer than most for a date. You are just telling them waht most people put on their checklist.
Good Luck good.gif

Thanks MonkeyJuice ... I will call today and ask for case status instead of calling the DOS. I will also ask for the email code and send a request off to them ...
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-28 05:00:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
Hi All ...

I wanted to clarify some things relevant to my previous posting. When I call the DOS. I speak to someone who says my documents have been received and are being worked on. When I ask if I am eligible for an interview, I'm told that the documents haven't been "qualified" yet and that no interview date has been set.

I had originally asked for a travel date in May as we had planned to get married mid June. I'm being advised to email the Embassy. Have people actually emailed the Embassy asking for their interview to be moved forward when they have been told that they are not eligible for one yet?

I can understand the comments about keeping the board moral up, but all I seemed to see last week were other people getting interviews ... couples who had sent their documents to London weeks AFTER me. As I said, I am truly happy for all the people getting interviews, but I was starting to get worried that something was wrong with MY documents because interviews were being granted quickly for others ... Again, probably because of different circumstances .... everyone is different ...

I apologise if my post was out of place, but I thought that this was the place to share experiences, feelings and concerns ...

Good luck in your journey everyone ... I wish you all well ...

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-28 04:54:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (laura819 @ Apr 27 2009, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 27 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Apr 27 2009, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm lost on all you guys...Kat and Allie moved up and MARM got their date essentially. That works!

Laura~~~ DOS can't do anything but tell you for a free call what has been received, scheduled, mailed, or printed (as in the visa). They just see the things London puts into the computer and they are nice people to talk to. Very helpful people. I doubt they have any info particular to the specific forms and if they were satisfactory...but maybe if London noted that they weren't it would show up.

Hi All ....

I guess that's any hope of a May interview out of the window then - I didn't realise that all next month's interviews had been allocated already. sad.gif

Is it too early to be worried? I keep seeing you lovely people getting interview dates before me ... and am beginning to wonder if there is a problem with the docs I sent in. I suppose everyone's circumstances are different and that all applications take different amounts of time ...

Oh well ... no chance of our mid-June wedding now .... sad.gif

Have a great week everyone ...

Moira x

Did you even confirm if they have received packet 3? If you haven't called DOS or the Embassy you should do that. They can tell you if the Embassy received Packet 3, and who knows, your Packet 4 letter could be on the way....Or, if they haven't received Packet 3 and its lost...that's something that would be important to know!

Yes. I checked weeks ago - the Embassy received packet 3 on 26th of March. Every time I call DOS they say that London are still processing the documents but no interview has been scheduled.

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-27 20:12:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (mr and mrs @ Apr 27 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_sdp @ Apr 28 2009, 01:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guess that's any hope of a May interview out of the window then - I didn't realise that all next month's interviews had been allocated already. sad.gif

why would you say that? based on what evidence? you can do the 'woe is me' thing when you get a interview date that is TRULY disappointing. like freaking july. sit tight. call the DOS to your heart's content. heck, call the embassy on the extortion line if it will make you feel better. but giving up hope? i dont see what purpose that serves.

Oh well ... no chance of our mid-June wedding now .... sad.gif

i dont mean to be harsh. if you really think there is an problem with your interview date being issued, then get busy investigating. things do get lost. shite happens. you gotta keep moving through this and not get hung up on the bumps in the road.

I'm not doing a "woe is me thing" Mr and Mrs. I'm merely repeating what was posted earlier. In one of the posts it said that DOS have said that May's interview's have already been allocated. I called DOS this morning and I DON'T have an interview date ... so I'm assuming, based on the evidence from DOS that I have not been allocated a May interview. Does that make sense?

Basically, if I don't get a May interview then any chance of getting married as planned during the middle of June DOES go out of the window. I wasn't feeling sorry for myself at all, I was being realistic - which made me sad.

And I have every intention of investigating. I'm not going to sit on my butt and do nothing. As for giving up hope? There will never be any chance of that. I know I will get an interview eventually, just that I had hoped for an earlier one and had stupidly made plans based on an earlier one ... plans that unfortunately have to be changed now ...

I really am very happy for everyone who already has their interview date ... and I apologise for showing MY disappointment at not being so lucky ....

Moira x
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-27 20:08:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (colinjess @ Apr 27 2009, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
GUESSS who got APPROVED smile.gif

approved at 9 15am this morning pending my medical results !!

Good luck to you all with future interview dates! do not get so stressed by it all ita as easy as 123 !


Many congratulations!! "Woot" another one to add to our ever expanding list!!
mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-27 19:12:00
United KingdomThe 2009 United Kingdom Interview Thread!
QUOTE (Nich-Nick @ Apr 27 2009, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm lost on all you guys...Kat and Allie moved up and MARM got their date essentially. That works!

Laura~~~ DOS can't do anything but tell you for a free call what has been received, scheduled, mailed, or printed (as in the visa). They just see the things London puts into the computer and they are nice people to talk to. Very helpful people. I doubt they have any info particular to the specific forms and if they were satisfactory...but maybe if London noted that they weren't it would show up.

Hi All ....

I guess that's any hope of a May interview out of the window then - I didn't realise that all next month's interviews had been allocated already. sad.gif

Is it too early to be worried? I keep seeing you lovely people getting interview dates before me ... and am beginning to wonder if there is a problem with the docs I sent in. I suppose everyone's circumstances are different and that all applications take different amounts of time ...

Oh well ... no chance of our mid-June wedding now .... sad.gif

Have a great week everyone ...

Moira x

mrs_sdpFemaleScotland2009-04-27 19:07:00